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In my 10th and final year as Beer Festival Organiser,and on behalf of the Pigs Ear Beer and Cider Festi-val Committee, welcome old friends and new to theRound Chapel. The festival is brought to you againby the East London and City (ELAC) Branch of theCAMpaign for Real Ale (CAMRA).

My colleagues Keen Massey and Peter Gordoncontinue to provide a wide range of new and un-usual cask beers for all you beer lovers. In additionAdam Miller has yet again provided an excellentrange of both bottled and draught foreign beer, andof course Mick Lewis (Merlin to his friends) onceagain provides a wide and varied range of Cidersand Perry.

The magnificent Round Chapel has been home tothe festival for 6 years now. Our thanks go again tothe Trustees and all the Round Chapel team whohelp us so much. A special thanks to the lovely LisaPressland, Laurie Elks & Patrick Hamill.

DON’T BE AFRAID – VISIT THE DARK SIDEAfter the success of the Dark Side bar last year, it isback with us again. This ensures that all our cus-tomers benefit from knowing which bar is providingthe type of beer they like best. It does mean thereare two bars each in alphabetical order, but we believe that for the majority the split has real bene-fits, as our customer survey revealed last year.As a Pigs Ear special this year we have Vegan & Un-

fined beers for your delight! These are naturallyhazy, some drinkers say unfined beers have moreflavour, try them yourself and see if you agree. Letus know what you think.

Following the success of our foreign cask beer lastyear, we have another batch ordered all the way fromItaly, where real ale is most definitely ‘molto allamoda’ [very hip]! We hope you enjoy.

WITH GRATEFUL THANKS On behalf of the Pigs Ear Committee our gratefulthanks go to our sponsors One Mile End Brewery,Hackney Brewery and Brentwood Brewery. In addition we thank East London Brewing, Hackney Brewery (again) and Redemption Breweryfor helping in the success of our festival throughthe storage and safekeeping of beers from a numberof our other suppliers.

Our warm thanks go to Mayor Jules Pipe for hiscontinued support in our community event, and toSpeaker Councillor Sade Etti; both have madetime in their busy schedules to open the festival.Further thanks go to Counsellor Vincent Stopswho manages somehow to help us organise the Festival on top of his extensive official duties.

To our main suppliers – Boggart Hole, andAvalon Wholesale, who continue to provide a superb service, and to all the breweries that havesupplied direct and are too numerous to individuallyname, thank you for all your efforts and for the Festival specials you have taken the time to produce.

Finally, I would like to add my personal thanks tomy colleagues who have yet again supported me inensuring this festival happened. These are the people that deserve the most credit, and for all theirdedication and hard work, I am extremely gratefulto:- Steve Hall, Steve Richardson, John Pardoe,Lynn Bennison, Andy Kinch, Keen Massey, PeterGordon, Fletch, Mick Lewis, Colin Herbert, F


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This year we are introducing a Beer Card token system. When you enter you will need to obtain aFestival Glass and a Beer Card as most of our barswill not be taking cash. Each Beer Card is valued at£10.

You buy your initial card at the glasses counterwhich gets you a glass and £7 on your token [the deposit on the glass is £3].

To pay for drinks, hand over your Beer Card andthe bar staff volunteer who served you will cross offthe appropriate amount.

You must have a Beer Card to obtain drinks fromthe Main Beer Bar, Dark Side Beer Bar, or Cider Bar.

Additional cards can be purchased at Glasses, Foreign or Bottled Beer bars, Games or Productswhere you can pay with a card.

Anything you don’t spend can be donated to theSpeaker’s Charities, or be refunded at any point withcash. You can only get a refund on your glass at theglasses counter.

The Foreign Beer Bar and Bottled Beer bar will beaccepting Cash payment, or you can use your BeerCards if you prefer.


When you come to your final drink if you do nothave enough tokens left on your Beer Card, a maxi-mum of £1 in additional change will be accepted onall token bars.

Please treat your Beer Card as cash – we cannot replace lost cards any more than lost fivers!

Don’t leave your glass or BeerCards unattended on the bar.

Beer Tokens

Makers & Sellers of Fine CheeseTrade Enquiries Welcome

Wibbly Wobbly Lane, Hitchin Herts SG5 2ESTel: 01462 433873

email: [email protected]

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Adam Miller, Andrew Wilson, Alan Perryman,Dave Gilchrist, Bill Bremner, Pete Giles, HughSmith, Matt Barrowcliffe, Alison Buckland,Frankie Colclough and James Watson. If I haveforgotten anyone please accept my sincere apolo-gies, your contribution is no less appreciated.

Beer and Ciderof the FestivalPlease ensure you take part invoting for the Beer and Cider ofthe Festival. The voting form iswith the programme and is

something the brewers take veryseriously, as it comes from their customers – YOU.

VolunteersEveryone who works at this event is an unpaidvolunteer. Do ask for their advice about the beersyou are about to try, but during busy periods pleasebe patient as they are not professional bar people.Help them to help you by being honest on who isnext to be served - Thank You.

We need new volunteers to help in future yearswith the planning and setting up of the festival. Youhave to be a CAMRA member and by joining ourhappy band, whilst working at the festival you re-ceive free beer [within reason], subsidised food,and during the year a staff party/outing [to thebrewery that wins beer of the festival]. You can alsojoin in the other various branch outings and pubcrawls. REMEMBER – Without new volunteersthere may not be a festival to attend in future.

Please DO NOT DRINK AND DRIVE. Thereis a good public transport system in Hackney, andyou can enjoy a few drinks and arrive home safely.


Have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Yearto you and all your families. We hope you enjoy ourfestival and look forward to seeing you all again in2016.

Derek Jones Festival Organiser

East London BrewingOn Tuesday 1st December at 6.00pm, the festivalwill be very proud to host the presentation to EastLondon Brewing for their Orchid Vanilla Mildwinning the silver award in the 2015 London &South East round of Champion Beer of Britain.

CAMRA Book SigningDes de Moor, author of The CAMRA Guide to London's Best Beer, Pubs and Bars will be signing the latest edition of his book from 7.00pm on Wednes-day 2nd December. Des is also compiler of the UKlistings for The Pocket Beer Book/Guide and amember of British Guild of Beer Writers, and anAssociate member of the North American Guild ofBeer Writers.

Real Ale, Cider and Perry of the FestivalYou’ll be trying lots of wonderful ales, ciders andperries at this year’s Pig’s Ear, who do you think deserve the titles of Real Ale, Cider or Perry of theFestival. Last year’s winners were:

Real Ale of the Festival: Bob Pale Ale from BexleyBrewery in Erith in Kent

Cider of the Festival: London Glider from Wood-ford Green, London for the second year running.

Perry of the Festival: Oliver from Oliver’s Ciderand Perry, Ocle Pychard, Herefordshire.

Voting slips and ballot boxes are available at allbars. Who will you vote for?

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The Pigs Ear Beer Festival is once again supporting theSpeakers charities through collections at the festival.Please donate even some small change, or your left-over beer tokens, as it all adds up to help others.

Hackney FoodbankHackney foodbank is a voluntary organisation

where all sorts of people in the borough of Hackneywork together to help their neighbours. Over900,000 people received emergency food across thecountry from Trussell Trust foodbanks during 2013–14. Hackney is the second most deprived boroughin England. The Hackney foodbank provides a minimum of 3 days emergency food and support tolocal people in crisis.

The Foodbank relies on donations from the com-munity to feed people in need. Food can be donatedat their Collection Points across Hackney, or at theirCity Hub at St. Andrews-by-the-Wardrobe. Callahead to ensure someone is able to receive it. See for more details.

HestiaHestia is a charity, working together with adults andchildren to change their lives at the times when theymost need support. They use their 45 years of expe-rience to support almost 9,000 adults and childrenacross London each year. Their aim is to try to helpanyone who needs support, whatever their circum-stances. Across their broad range of services, theyhelp people find a permanent home, manage theirfinances, take care of their health, and access work,

training or education, as well as providing emotionaland practical support to help people succeed in theirdaily lives.

All Hestia services are built around the needs oftheir users, ensuring that the individuals and familiesthat they work with have control over the supportthey receive. Hestia believes in empowering adultsand children to have a voice in the choices that benefit them, their families and their local commu-nities; to enable them to change their lives for thebetter, fulfill their aspirations and live the most inde-pendent, healthy and enriching lives possible.

See for more details.

Immediate Theatre:Immediate Theatre work with young people andcommunities in Hackney and East London to ensure access for all to arts activities that breakdown barriers and engage people in debate.

They work in partnership to develop work that is: Inclusive working at the grass roots and celebratingdiversity Interactive involving communities throughout thecreative process Imaginative inding new ways to engage with vitalissues

They believe in the transformative power of the-atre and the arts in all our lives and the importanceof giving people a voice. Creating a real relationshipwith the communities in which they work is at the

Speaker’s CharitiesThe Speaker of Hackney chooses charities each year to support by fundraising andby attendance at events. This year the Speaker, Councillor Sade Etti, has chosen:Hackney Food Bank,  Hestia & Immediate Theatre.

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heart of what they do. Their work is particularly developed with and for marginalised young people.

Immediate Theatre aims to:• provide inspirational participatory theatre programmes enabling young people at high risk toreach their potential

• offer a theatre programme for young audienceswhich explores social issues and enables them to engage in the process of change

• improve employability for young people and create pathways to employment in the arts

• support the involvement of young people in decisionmaking and help to develop future community leaders

• give people a stage on which to perform, and alsogive them the confidence to stand on that stage andhave their voice heard

See for more details.

Please give generously!

East London and City CAMRA can be found onboth Twitter and Facebook. We try to promote ourlocal pubs, spread a little ale or pub related newsand sometimes have a little out of the pub banterwith regulars! For more information and to keep upto date with news, take a look at:

camra.elac @pigsearcamra

Speaker’s Charities

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Chesham Arms The Long Road to Victory!

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The 2015 Pigs Ear Beer & Cider Festival has extraspecial significance and added cause for celebrationfor those of us in the East London & City Branchand for the neighbourhoods surrounding the RoundChapel. This is because this is the first Christmas inthree long years that The Chesham Arms has beenopen! Regular visitors will recall some campaignposters at the 2012 festival and several of us walkingaround the hall with clipboards, badgering festival-goers to sign our petition. That initial petition wasnear the start of a long and bitter campaign to savethe pub and we are delighted to announce – wewon!

The Chesham Arms is situated at 15 MehetabelRoad, tucked away off the bustling Homerton HighStreet, in the heart of the Clapton Square Conserva-tion Area, just 5 minutes walk from this venue. It’san old pub dating from 1865 when the surrounding

streets were laid out, and fairly unusually, has neverbeen owned by a brewery, or a Pubco. The pub hadbeen let out to tenants, under the freehold owner-ship of the same family for generations, until it waspurchased in October 2012 by a property developerwith plans to convert it to flats. A campaign group,Save The Chesham, was formed from the neigh-bourhood with support from CAMRA and theHackney Society. The campaign fought a bitterstruggle for 929 days before finally declaring victoryin April 2015 when the property developer gave uphis fight to convert the building into flats and in-stead decided to let the pub out to a local publicanAndy Bird. Andy has installed a welcoming andfriendly team to serve up the very finest in local ales,craft beers and fine wines in a no-nonsense, authen-tic feel pub. Manager Joe, a well-respected beer afi-cionado and experienced sommelier of SohoTheatre, Exmouth Arms, George Orwell and Jolly

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Butchers fame (not an exhaustive list) will be knownto many of you and he and his staff will be delightedto guide you through their impressive beer line-upshould you fancy a short excursion from the festival.

How We Did ItWith 29 pubs closing their doors every week in Lon-don, we thought it might be useful to share the storyof the campaign which we hope will inspire others toact similarly if you find your local threatened with clo-sure. We were fumbling amateurs to begin with butover the course of the campaign we rapidly becameexperts. We have appeared in over 100 newspaperarticles, TV and radio broadcasts, and online blogentries. We even made the Times editorial. We havebeen mentioned twice on the floor of the House ofCommons, set English legal precedent in the FirstTier Tribunal, won an ACV, a review, an appeal, fol-lowed by a planning enforcement appeal at a public

inquiry, and secured an Article 4 Direction! Not surewhat any of that means? Fear not, neither were we.

It is well known that pubs, in common with manylow margin businesses, occupy land and buildingswhich are worth considerably more to their ownerswhen in alternative use, e.g. retail or residential. Thesame can be said for open spaces, parks, places ofworship, libraries, and most municipal buildings.The argument “the pub is not viable” is a) rarelytrue and b) highly subjective. What is viable? Is StPaul’s Cathedral viable? In pure financial terms absolutely not. Does it add to the character and richness of life in London? Most certainly. Pubs liesomewhere between. Sure when well-managed byoperators who understand their market, they areprofitable and sustainable. But even the busiest pubwould be worth much more as housing. Do we wanta society where all land uses are automatically F

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CHESHAM ARMS - CONTINUEDput to the most profitable economic use as deter-mined by an unrestrained free market? If so, London,and most English cities, would rapidly become soul-less residential dormitories. Thankfully this is notthe case as we have an established planning systemwhich exists, amongst other functions, to safeguardcommunities against the negative impacts of freemarket development. After a shaky start, the plan-ning system worked for us. It was the robust applica-tion of planning policy, working closely with anemerging localism agenda that saved The CheshamArms from development. Whilst the pub, under theskilful management of Andy, Joe and the team is a viable, well-patronised business, the immediate re-turns from six flats represent many years, perhapseven decades of trading. Short-term greed has noth-ing to do with long-term viability. Only a strongplanning system can safeguard social amenity againstrapacious development.

Planning is a balance. England is experiencing ahousing shortage and national planning policy has apresumption in favour of positive sustainable devel-opment. Developers are allowed to build things, andcreate housing, unless there is a strong reason to refuse. When the development involves the loss ofvalued community social facilities, there is a strongreason. Yet back in 2012, Hackney Council, in com-mon with many London Boroughs had hitherto exhibited an indifferent attitude to pubs. Althoughthe national planning policy framework was in force,Hackney’s own pub protection policy (DM5) wasmerely a draft clause in its draft local plan. Had theowner submitted a planning application immediatelyon purchase, it would have been difficult for theCouncil to refuse consent. The longer he left it, thestronger we (and they) became. The Council’s attitude changed somewhat over the case of TheWenlock Arms in Hoxton, where lifelong CAMRAmember and chair of the planning sub-committee,Vincent Stops, hatched an ingenious plan to save thepub by rapidly extending the Regents Canal conser-vation area using emergency measures. Councillorscame to realise just how close the treasured WenlockArms had come to being demolished, all for the sakeof a couple of luxury flats. The Council also realisedhow vulnerable pubs were in the borough to unwel-come development. Policy DM5 was proposed inorder to give Councillors and the community a fighting

chance of resisting the loss of valued communitypubs throughout Hackney. It worked.

The closure in October 2012 took us by surprise sowe wasted little time in compiling a nomination forAsset of Community Value (ACV) status. There arenow around 1000 pubs in England with this protectionand we were in the first ten. The ACV registrationconfused the developer, who spent the next 12months fighting it with the Council and eventuallythrough the courts. He lost. This delay benefited usby allowing us to galvanise widespread public andpolitical support for our campaign and enabling theCouncil to get its planning ducks in a row in readi-ness for the eventual planning application, which actually never came. The developer’s next move wasto turn the pub into offices (allowed but ratherpointless) and flats (not allowed). When tenantsbegan living there, Hackney Council was quick totake enforcement action. This was immediatelyappealed by the developer which led to another tedious and drawn out argument, this time in frontof a Planning Inspector in a three-day public inquiry.Thankfully, he lost. With precious few options avail-able other than sit on an empty building indefinitely,he made discreet enquires about letting it out as apub! Hooray. We had suggested that 929 days earlier.The restoration and relaunch happened very quickly,over the space of just 8 weeks. The ‘new’ pub has already received much acclaim and some very posi-tive reviews. It’s a simple pubby pub with great beerand conversation. What is not to like?

Apparently 4 out of 5 pub closures go totally unchallenged. More and more Councils are puttingpolicies in place but there can be no substitute for apassionate, grass-roots community campaign. ACVregistration provides meaningful planning protectionand the provisions are currently being reviewed,hopefully with the outcome of making them strongerstill. Listing your local is easy. Those on Twitter,be sure to follow @ProtectPubs

Enjoy the festival and please visit The CheshamArms if time allows.

James WatsonRegional Pub Protection Advisor, Campaign for Real Ale

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Pubs to visit in our area

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In last year’s Pig’s Ear programme we featured someof the very best pubs in the area immediately sur-rounding the Round Chapel.   This year we venturejust a little further with another selection of excellentpubs, at each point of the compass, which we wouldencourage you to visit whilst here in Hackney.

Close to Hackney Downs sta-tion to the west of the Chapelis the Pembury Tavern, at 90Amhurst Road, E8.  This pubwas built in around 1866 andfor many years was tied to Tru-man’s Brewery.  It has had itsups and downs in moderntimes, passing for a while toBanks & Taylor’s Brewery, thenlanguishing closed for nearly sixyears before re-opening in 2006 with good food anda range of Milton Brewery beers plus guests.

Further east, we recommend two pubs in Homer-ton High Street.  The Jackdaw & Star at number224 was present as the Spread Eagle by 1752 and his-torically was a Watney’s house.  By 1991 it had beenrenamed the Jackdaw & Stump and was a free house,albeit generally with no real ale.  The latest changecame earlier this year when the pub became part of

the Electric Star groupand was renamed theJackdaw & Star.  Localbrewery beers feature,there is a lovely rearlounge, a tiny garden anda cheerful kitchen.  See ifyou can spot the surviv-ing Spread Eagle sign.

Across the road atnumber 155 stands the

Adam & Eve, present here since at least 1735 and re-built as you see it today in 1915.  The well-preserved exterior tiles and terracotta datefrom this time.  This is a large pub with arange of drinking spaces.  Formerly an IndCoope house, today you should expect tofind both beer and food sourced fromCornwall.

Pembury Tavern, Amhurst Rd

Above: The Adam and Eve. Left: Jackdaw& Star. Below: The Gun.

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Further south you might want to visit the Gun at235 Well Street, E9.  This little pub was here by 1869and was owned for many years by Whitbread’s Brew-ery, serving as a market pub.  Devoid of real alewithin living memory, the pub’s fortunes took amajor upturn in 2014 with a back-to-basics refur-bishment and the installation of three handpumpsfor a varied selection of beers.

Finally for this year we point you north towards theAnchor & Hope, at High Hill Ferry, E5.  A bit moreof an effort to reach this one from the festival site,but worth it to see one of Hackney’s best-lovedgems.  It is a cosy, two-bar, canal-side Fullers housewhich has resisted the Fullers corporate style and retains the charm of an earlier age.  It will forever beassociated with legendary landlord Les Heath whoarrived here in 1953 and took not one day off fromserving at the bar, including on the day he went toBuckingham Palace to receive his MBE for servicesto the pub trade, until his untimely death in Septem-ber 2003.

The five pubs we recommended last year were: theCrooked Billet; the Clapton Hart; the WindsorCastle; the Cock Tavern; & the Plough. Nowjoined by the re-opened Chesham Arms!

Stephen Harris

Anchor and Hope, High Hill Ferry

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Beer style & substanceWith well over 5,600 different real ales available inthe UK, from more than 1,400 breweries, real ale isa very diverse product. There is a beer out there tosuit everyone’s palate. Here is a quick guide to somedifferent beer styles.

BITTERBitters developed towards the end of the 19th cen-tury as beers that could be served in pubs after onlya few days storage in the cellar. Bitters grew out ofpale ale but were usually deep bronze to copper incolour due to the use of slightly darker crystal malts.These are highly hopped ales, ranging from 3% ABVto around 5% or more ABV (ABV means alcohol byvolume). Best Bitters and Premium Bitters tend tohave higher alcohol content.

MILDAn ale of low gravity and hop rate, hence rounderand distinctly less bitter on the palate and in aromathan more highly hopped bitters. Mild is usually(but not always) darker in colour than bitter,through use of a higher roast malt or caramel. Thereare considerable variations in mild styles.

PORTER & STOUTPorter is a dark, slightly sweeter but ‘hoppy’ ale,made with roasted barley. It was the successor of ‘en-tire’ and the predecessor of stout. Originated inLondon around 1730, by the end of the 18th cen-tury it was the most popular beer in England. Thefashion for the pale ales of Burton-upon-Trentended the popularity of Porter in the mid 19th cen-tury. In recent years a number of brewers have re-vived Porter.Stout is one of the classic types of ale, a successor infashion to ‘Porter’. Usually a very dark, heavy, well-hopped bitter ale, with a dry palate, thick creamyhead, and good grainy taste contributed by a pro-portion of dark roasted barley in the mash.

GOLDEN ALESPale amber, gold, yellow or straw-coloured; goldenales are hoppy beers with a refreshing taste. Theymay have some malt or fruit flavour but any diacetyl(a butterscotch flavour) should be minimal.

PALE ALE or IPAIndia Pale Ale (IPA) changed the face of brewingearly in the 19th century. First brewed in Londonand Burton-upon-Trent for a national market and ex-port, IPAs were strong in alcohol and high in hops,with a significant sulphur nose. They kept well.Beers with less alcohol and hops were developed forthe domestic market and were known as Pale Ale.

OLD ALEOld Ales reflect the beers available before brewingrestrictions were introduced in the First World War.Contrary to expectation, they do not have to be es-pecially strong; they can be 4% ABV or more. OldAle can be full of complex flavours, rich fruity malts,tart fruit and spicy hop notes. Darker versions willhave a more profound malt character with powerfulhints of roasted grain, dark fruit, polished leather,and fresh tobacco. The hallmark of the style remainsa lengthy period of maturation during which com-plex flavours develop.

BARLEY WINEBarley Wine is a strong beer, often between 7% and10% - and requires considerable time to mature andbecome drinkable. A few family brewers have keptthe traditional brew, often as a Christmas Ale, andmany small brewers now produce their interpreta-tion of the style. Expect massive sweet malt, ripefruit, pear drop, orange and lemon flavours; withdarker fruits, chocolate and coffee if darker malts areused. Hop rates are generous and produce bitter-ness and peppery, grassy and floral notes. F

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SPECIALITY BEERSEmbrace all types of beer that contain a non-corebrewing ingredient intended to impart a distinctiveand discernible flavour or character. Examples couldbe ginger, honey, various fruits, etc. Also: wheatbeers, and traditional lager.A recent trend is to use smoked malt, a distinctivetaste, not enjoyed by everyone.

BOTTLE CONDITIONED BEERThis is real ale in a bottle and the bottled equivalentof the draught real ales you enjoy in the pub. Thebeer is NOT pasteurised and contains yeast andenough fermentable sugars to allow for a slow sec-ondary fermentation in the bottle. To distinguishthis from pasteurised bottled ales, many bottle con-ditioned beers include the logo ‘CAMRA says this isReal Ale’ on the bottle label.

VEGAN / UNFINED BEERFor centuries cask beers have had isinglass finings(made from the swim bladders of fish) added to helpclear the beer. Unfined beers do not have this addi-tion, and as a result can be naturally hazy. Not all un-fined beers are vegan beers however, some maycontain other non-vegan additions: lactose, or honeyfor example. In this programme Vegan beers aremarked and Unfined beers are marked

This is CAMRA’s environmentally friendly initiativefor serving beer brewed within 30 miles of the outletOur LocAle breweries are marked LOCALE BREWERYin this programme.

All of our Hackney & East London breweries aremarked EAST LONDON BREWER

To see our Beer, Cider, Foreign and BottledBeer lists on your smartphone, please go to:

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Beer styles - continued

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The Beer List

DraughtBeerHello again and welcome to our Festival. BetweenKeen Massey and myself, we have tried to keep theinterest in new beers and breweries going strong.We know you like to try something different eachyear, so we look across the length and breadth ofBritain to showcase the smaller micro-breweries aswell as our wonderful breweries in East London.

To help you decide, we have a colour code schemeand the breweries descriptions of their beers. Togive you the widest choice, we only have 1 cask ofeach, though some are in larger casks so will lastlonger into the festival.

Not all beers can be on together due to limitedspace, so please refer to the labels on the casks forwhat is available at any time. Our cellar team andBar Managers will ensure that as soon as a beer is inits best condition, it will be on sale, and of course re-place beers that have sold out with new beers asquickly as possible.

A suggestion for anyone new to the festival, thestrength (ABV%) of the beers vary considerably; ifyou are in for a session, I suggest you start with thelower strength beers first. Starting with thestrongest beers will no doubt have quite an effect onyour ability to walk, or even think!

Enjoy yourselves and the beers on offer, have a safejourney home, and please return another day toenjoy yourselves all over again, Cheers.

Peter GordonDraught Beer Manager

40 FT Dalston. Greater LondonEAST LONDON BREWER

Deep 5.2% 1 x 9A deep dark stout with hints of chocolate, coffee, raisins,spices and orange leading to a dry bitter finish.

Deep Liquorish 5.2% 1 x 9The same stout as Deep but matured on liquorish wood.

Larger 4.8% 1 x 30L Key KegCrisp refreshing Kolsch style beer, with aroma of lemons.

ACTON(prev GUNDOG) North Seaton, Northumberland

Dark Lord Stout 5.7% 1 x 9A dark rich stout

Golden Cocker 4.1% 1 x 9A fruity / citrus hop aroma and flavour with a strongbitter finish

Seahouses Pale 4.2% 1 x 9A pale hoppy ale

AJ’S Walsall, W Midlands

Ruby Red 4.4% 1 x 9A sweet, full bodied, smooth ruby ale.

SPA 4.2% 1 x 9Smooth Pale Ale with a peachy aroma and tropicalfruity flavour.

ANDREWS Cummertrees, ScotlandCummertrees Pale Ale 4.0% 1 x 9

A golden amber ale with citrus fruit sweetness.

Supus Lupus 3.6% 1 x 9A clear deep golden ale with a frothy white head, lovely floral / citrus hop aroma and malt and mild citrus flavours.


Scotch Ale 6.5% 1 x 9A rich, complex, malty ale, brewed with honey. Unfinedbut not Vegan.

Smoked Brown 6.0% 1 x 9A lightly smoked brown ale, fruity malty and smooth.This complex beer was inspired by an era when maltswere kilned over fire. Unfined.

APPLEBY Appleby-In-Westmorland, CumbriaSenior Moment 3.9% 1 x 9

A classic British Bitter Ale using Fuggle Hops to providethe characteristic bitter taste of the classic English Ale,and Kent Goldings to give a slight hoppy aroma.

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ASCOT Camberley, SurreyAnastasia’s Export Stout 6.5% 1 x 18

This beautiful black stout is full of roasted coffee anddark chocolate flavours.

On The Rails 3.8% 1 x 18A dark mild with a distinctive hop character. Lots ofchocolate flavours, it`s a beer to savour.

Single Hop Target IPA 4.6% 1 x 9Light copper coloured IPA with intense aromas of sage,citrus and a spicy undertone in flavour. With a sharpand assertive bitterness.

ASHLEYHAY Ashleyhay, DerbyshirePale 4.2% 1 x 9

A pale session ale made with hops grown at ashleyhay.

Plum Porter 4.8% 1 x 9A full bodied porter with plums added to give a fruityflavour.

BEER NOUVEAU Prestwich, Gtr Manchester

Body Snatcher 4.2% 1 x 9A Manchester style bitter with a slightly sweet maltyaroma, giving way to delicate floral hop notes and alight body with a fresh bitterness.

Satanic Mills 6.0% 1 x 9Light, bitter hops on the nose give way to a rich roastedchocolate malt body that starts dry and finishes with along, slightly sweet aftertaste.

B&T Shefford, Bedfordshire

Black Dragon Mild 4.3%1 x 9Black in colour with a toffee and roast malt flavour andsmokey finish.


Bexley Session Pale 3.9% 1 x 9Light amber pale ale, easy drinking with a mix of NZ& UK hops.

Black Prince Porter 4.6% 1 x 9A rich mahogany porter combining brown, chocolate, blackand crystal malts producing a rich ale with a roasted,vanilla aroma and a sweet chocolate, coffee flavour.

Crook Log Winter Ale 5.2% 1 x 9A deep ruby ale made with UK Goldings hops produc-ing a spicy, rich warming flavour.

Howbury 5 Single Hop Cascade Pale 4.6% 1 x 9An American style pale ale with plenty of US Cascadehops giving a floral and citrus aroma.

BIG SMOKE Surbiton, Greater LondonLOCALE BREWERY

Electric Eye Pale Ale 5.0% 1 x 9A crisp, dry, biscuity pale ale with tropical fruit aroma.


Black Christmas 5.0% 1 x 9A black IPA that's heavily hopped with Chinook and Cas-cade hops to give aroma of an IPA and richness of a porter.

Mild Bill 3.9% 1 x 9Easy drinking dark mild with chocolate and coffeeflavours using a blend of 4 malts and British hops.

BINGLEY Wilsden, W Yorks1848 4.8% 1 x 9

A creamy Stout made using roasted malts giving a hintof chocolate and liquorice.

Blantyre 5.0% 1 x 9A robust red ale containing only English hops; Challenger giving a full bodied rounded bitterness andBramling Cross providing notes that are spicy withblackcurrant and citrus.

BLACK TOR Exeter, DevonDevonshire Pale Ale 4.5% 1 x 9

A light golden beer with a hoppy aromatic punch andhints of citrus brewed with English and American hops.

Tor Ale 4.8% 1 x 9A deep golden brown premium ale with a hoppy aromaand a sweet malty finish brewed with all English hops.


Crystal Ruby 4.2% 1 x 9American Red Ale.

Elderflower Blonde 4.5% 1 x 9A straw coloured blonde Ale with creamy soft and maltflavours, delicately hopped with Czech and GermanHops, finished with a subtle hint of Elderflower.

32nd Pig’s Ear Beer & Cider Festival 19

The Beer ListColour key for beer styles : Bitter Strong /Barley Wines / Old Ale IPA Mild

Stout/ Porter Speciality / Lager / Wheat Golden / Pale Unknown Vegan Unfined?


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20 32nd Pig’s Ear Beer & Cider Festival

The Beer List - continued

Hammerstone IPA 4.5% 1 x 9An American style Indian Pale Ale, light in colour, com-bining a refreshing malty crispness with a piney, grape-fruit aroma created by blending New World hops fromAmerica and New Zealand.

Rockin Robin 4.6% 1 x 9A full bodied traditional dark Porter with added gingerhopped with Bramling Cross and Fuggles hops creatinga spicy bitterness to compliment it’s chocolate and nutflavours. Vegan friendly.

BOROUGH (NEATH) Neath, Wales Welsh Gold 3.8% 1 x 9

A session stout with a chocolate aroma.

BOX SOCIAL Newcastle, Tyne & WearCentennial Mild 3.8% 1 x 9

A 17th century mild recipe dragged kicking and scream-ing into the 21st Century with the use of Centennialhops, to revitalise this great old beer style.

BRADFORD Bradford, W YorksLost In New York 5.3% 1 x 9

A malty American-style pale ale.


Hawaiian Pacific Pale 4.7% 1 x 18Pale ale packed full of Pacific hops and pineappleflavours.

Marvellous Maple Mild 3.7% 1 x 18Delicate dark brown mild with a hint of maple syrup.

Rawhyde 3.7% 1 x 18Pale ale brewed with green hops from RHS Hyde Hallin Rettenden near Chelmsford.


Best Bitter 4.5% 1 x 9Brewed with a mixture of malts to give hints of carameland chocolate, and Challenger and Bobek hops to pro-vide a rounded bitterness with a spicy and floral notes.Unfined.

Honey Ale 5.8% 1 x 9A simple base of malts allows the Challenger and Pil-grim hops to shine, producing a slightly spicy and fruityflavoured beer benefiting from the addition of localhoney. Floral notes and some sweetness, resulting in asmooth easy drinking beer. Unfined but not Vegan.


Spandau B 4.5% 1 x 9The gravity of this beer is restrained to deliver an easydrinking sessionable IPA, but still delivers a firm bitter-ness and prominent hop character from the copiousamounts of American hops.


Piccadilly Pal Ale 3.8% 1 x 9A new hoppy session pale ale brewed from Cascade,Centennial & Citra hops.

Pumpkin Porter 7.0% 1 x 9Full bodied porter with real pumpkins added.

CHADWICK Kendal, Cumbria

Castle Pale 4.2% 1 x 9A pale, straw coloured beer with a citrusy taste andaroma from American hops and a pleasant dry finish.

Miller Bridge 4.0% 1 x 9Deep brown, malty & caramel.

CLARKSHAWS Loughborough Junction, Greater LondonLOCALE BREWERY

Nice Balls 4.0% 1 x 9Session bitter rounded a rounded sweetness with hintsof berries and chocolate. Unfined.

Oatmeal Bum Rush 4.9% 1 x 9A strong porter brewed with oats to give a sillky mouthfulwith flavours of toasted bread, coffee and chocolate. Unfined.

CLOUDWATER Manchester, Gtr ManchesterImperial Stout 10.0% 1 x 9

A limited edition, non barrel aged preview of a dark,rich and robust stout. Vegan.

COLCHESTER Wakes Colne, EssexSanta’s Claws 4.8% 1 x 18

Old style ale, Sweet and creamy.

CRAFTY DEVIL Cardiff, Wales AAA 5.6% 1 x 9

Don’t be fooled, just cos your seeing amber doesn’t meanyou should stop. Go on, the dry hopped Triple AAA iswaiting to ignite your taste buds!


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22 32nd Pig’s Ear Beer & Cider Festival

Mickey Rayer All Dayer 4.2% 1 x 9Pale ale low in alcohol by hopped to hell and back by thedemented demons at the Crafty Devil Brewing Co.

CRATE Hackney Wick, Greater London EAST LONDON BREWER

Golden 3.8% 1 x 9A bright & zesty golden ale, smooth & easy drinking.

Porter 4.5% 1 x 9A deep complex dark brew full of chocolate & toastedmalt flavours.

DARK STAR Partridge Green, West SussexOriginal 5.0% 1 x 9

A dark strong and bitter beer that defies classification. Ithas a complex malt flavour with burnt hints.

Rockhead 6.0% 1 x 9A US style brown ale which showcases a heady array ofspecialist malts to give both depth of colour and flavour.


CANADA 4.9% 1 x 9A hoppy red beer that contains 6 different hop varieties.

Red Christmas 4.8% 1 x 9Malty red ale with hints of cinnamon and nutmeg.

The Few 3.5% 1 x 9A traditional pale ale brewed to a 1947 recipe. Maltywith a good bitter finish, dry hopped with Goldings.

Woodbine Racer 4.2% 1 x 9A golden coloured beer which is malty sweet with a tropi-cal citrus fruit aroma.


A Mild With No Name 5.5% 1 x 9A collaborative beer brewed at the Dominion brewery. Aneasy drinking strong dark mild.

DOWNTON Downton, WiltshireCoconut Milk Stout 5.0% 1 x 9

Wonderfully enticing wheat stout with a pronounced bit-terness and complex aroma coupled with an excellentwheaty mouth feel and exotic flavours from the coconutmilk. Unfined.

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Dark Delight 5.5% 1 x 9A complex dark ale combining subtle coffee and choco-late flavours with a rich, hoppy aroma.

Mint Chocolypse Stout 4.9% 1 x 9Rich bitter flavours of dark British malt and interna-tional hops embellished by sweet chocolate and anchoredby a unique mint flavour running throughout. Unfined.


Orchid Vanilla Mild 3.6% 1 x 18A dark mild, lightly spiced with vanilla pods fromMadagascan orchids.

Pale Ale 4.0% 1 x 18A crisp, lighter ale with a subtle bitterness and a fruityperfumed aroma.

Pearly Queen 4.5% 1 x 18A classic London porter, toffee notes, with a smoothmalty nuttiness, a lovely mouthfeel and full body and adelicate finish.

Three Kings 3.8% 1 x 18Full bodied and hopped with Jester for grapefruit andtropical fruit notes.


White Elephant 4.0% 1 x 18A paler version of a classic style of beer. This goldenmild has a gentle underpinning of hop bitterness with asubtle touch of coriander added.

ELGOODS Wisbech, CambridgeshireCoolship Dark 6.0% 1 x 9

Treacly, very sour with liquorice tones. Very stout like.The only cask ever.

Coolship Fruit 5.0% 1 x 9Unique English style sour beer, blended with raspberryand a hint of blackberry, the fruit sweetness is off set by thesmooth sourness of the Coolship ale. The only cask ever.

FELSTAR Felsted, EssexDerek’s Last Stand 6.0% 2 x 9

A deep brown colour beer with distinctive rum notes.Smooth and rich festival special for Derek Jones 10thand final year as Festival Organiser.

No Details Yet ?.? 1 x 9

No beer description available at time of print.

No Details Yet ?.? 1 x 9

No beer description available at time of print.


Five Points Pale 4.4% 1 x 9An aromatic pale ale brewed with Citra & Amarillo hops.

Railway Porter 4.8% 1 x 9A robust take on London Porter brewed with East KentGoldings.

GWAUN VALLEY Pontfaen, Fishguard, Wales Cascade 4.3% 1 x 9

A light, fruity beer with a refreshingly citrus flavour,brewed with Cascade hops.

Farmhouse Ale 4.0% 1 x 9A malty ale with a smooth, balanced character, madewith only English hops.

Golden Bitter Ale 4.0%1 x 9A smooth ale with a strong hoppy flavour.

Light Ale 4.0% 1 x 9A golden ale, refreshing and easy drinking, with delight-ful citrus undertones and a clean finish.

HACKNEY Haggerston, Greater LondonEAST LONDON BREWER

Ginger Bread Oatmeal Stout 4.6% 1 x 18A full bodied oatmeal stout with a warming ginger fin-ish. Brewed with candied ginger, handfuls of vanillapods and mounds of cinnamon.

Kentucky Common 4.5%1 x 18This dark amber ale is a once popular style based on aKentucky recipe from 1850. It gets it`s flavour from rye,maize and Columbus hops.



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Colour key for beer styles : Bitter Strong /Barley Wines / Old Ale IPA Mild

Stout/ Porter Speciality / Lager / Wheat Golden / Pale Unknown Vegan Unfined?

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24 32nd Pig’s Ear Beer & Cider Festival

The Beer List - continued

New Zealand Pale Ale 4.5% 1 x 18A balanced, light fruity pale ale brewed using a blend ofclassic NZ hops.

Porter 4.4% 1 x 9Porter.

Smoked Red Rye 4.6% 1 x 18Beech smoked malt, spicy rye and Simcoe hops blendedto form an autumnal brew.

HARVEYS Lewes, East SussexOld Ale 4.3% 1 x 9

Victorian style dark winter brew produced from higherproportions of crystal malt. The result is a soft, full beerwith a nutty palate.

HETTY BROWN Swanage, Dorset

Brown Ale 3.8% 1 x 9Awaiting beer description.

Ordinary Light 3.8% 1 x 9A light bitter with English hops.

HOGARTHS Bolton, Lancashire

Beer St 3.8% 1 x 9A very sessionable pale ale for the people!

Enraged Musician 4.2%1 x 9Golden Ale, brewed with a mix of Classic British hops,modern big hitters from the Yakima Valley, and good ol'Golden Syrup.

The Bruiser 4.0% 1 x 9Old-school Best Bitter redesigned for the modern palate.

HOOK NORTON Hook Norton, OxfordshireTwelve Days 5.5% 1 x 9

A strong dark beer, finely balanced with a strong maltand nutty flavour.

HOPBACK Downton, WiltshirePlacketts Mild 4.3% 1 x 9

A dark malty mild with a smooth roast flavour and lin-gering (English) hoppy finish.

HOPHURST Hindley, LancashireCosmati 4.2% 1 x 9

A hoppy citrus golden ale. The use of Mosaic Americanhops give the unique flavours of blueberry, citrus andtropical fruit and will leave you wanting more.

Flaxen 3.7% 1 x 9An English pale golden ale. The use of East Kent Gold-ing hops give a fresh, earthy hoppy aroma with hints ofhoney and a long refreshing finish.

HOP STUFF Woolwich, Greater London LOCALE BREWERY

Jasmine Pale Ale 4.0% 1 x 9A pale ale brewed with US hops with heady flavours ofJasmine Green Tea.

Oatmeal Stout 4.8% 1 x 9Finca San Pablo Colombian single origin coffee meetsBritish malt & hops to create this brew. Burnt caramelsweetness and bright citrus notes created by a blend oflate coffee & hop additions over an oaty roast base.

Smoked Brown 6.4% 1 x 9Weird powerful brew with aromas of pine, smoke,peated whiskey blended with earthy & subtle spiceyhops, combine to create a truly special winter warmer.

HORNES Bow Brickhill, BucksTriple Goat IPA 5.0% 1 x 9

A clean, crisp IPA with citrus characteristics resultingfrom a blend of malted barley and American hops.


Pale Ale No 1 3.8% 1 x 9Easy drinking pale ale brewed with Citra, Simcoe andMosaic hops.

Ruby Red 5.2% 1 x 9A well crafted red ale with a citrus aroma.

Running Beer 4.0% 1 x 9A powerful golden coloured session ale that packs a punch.

Smoked Porter 5.6% 1 x 9A full bodied smoked porter that's dark and delicious.

IMPERIAL Mexborough, S YorksHop Bomb 4.2% 1 x 9

Blonde ale generously dry hopped to give a distinct hopflavour and aroma.

KERNEL Bermondsey, Greater London LOCALE BREWERY

Table Beer Cascade & Citra 3.1% 1 x 30L Key KegPale golden colour. Aroma is fresh green, vibrant, F

Colour key for beer styles : Bitter Strong /Barley Wines / Old Ale IPA Mild

Stout/ Porter Speciality / Lager / Wheat Golden / Pale Unknown Vegan Unfined?

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26 32nd Pig’s Ear Beer & Cider Festival

alive with grassy hops, joined with citrus and zest. Biground initial mouthfeel, leading to juiciness, citrus, anda crisp tang of bitter mineral water.

Dry Stout Citra 4.7% 1 x 30L Key KegA stout in the London style, brown malt, lots of roast,but hopped and dry hopped with Citra.

KEW Richmond, Greater London LOCALE BREWERY

Pagoda Pale No.3 4.2% 1 x 9The third in a series of pale ales celebrating differentEnglish hops, Pagoda No.3 was made with loads ofJester hops. Jester gives lots of new world hop flavours -lychee, grapefruit and blackcurrant.

KISSINGATE Lower Beeding, West SussexBlack Cherry Mild 4.2% 1 x 9

Subtle rounded flavours from black and amber malts,with hints of black cherries and a lasting but mild bit-terness from the hops.

Bunnybean APA 5.0% 1 x 9A Pig`s Ear one off special with sweet pine, peach andmalt biscuit notes, leading to a bittersweet finish.

Bye, Bye Del Boy Jones 3.8% 1 x 9Traditional dark mild full of chocolate and roast flavours.

Four & Twenty 7.2% 1 x 9A special one off stout exclusively brewed for this festi-val. Its smooth, creamy and chocolaty with overtones ofsmoked oak and bourbon.

Murder of Crows 10.0% 1 x 9A small batch limited edition complex barley wine thathas hints of chocolate, biscuit and well aged brandytaste, with a soft and balancing mild bitter finish.


10 Grain Stout 4.5% 1 x 9Ten different malts give a rich and complex body, withfruit flavours from the hops and yeast.

LEFT BANK Walthamstow, Greater LondonEAST LONDON BREWER

Gratzo 5.1% 1 x 9A light amber reinterpretation of the Grodzisk/Gratzersmoked wheat beer last seen in western Poland. Noble hopscut through the smoked beechwood wheat malt profile.

Kompot Plumbago 3.7% 1 x 9A dark mild overcome by the irresistible charm of a sack ofsmoked Galician plums, reminiscent of a festive kompot.

Mleczko 5.1% 1 x 9An absolutely fantastic rich dark full bodied milk stoutthey don't come better than this.

Rhino 7.1% 1 x 9A peppery rye saison with a citrusy burst of Sorachi Acehops drifting out into a long tangy rye finish.

LONDON FIELDS (brewed atTOM WOODS) Barnetby, Nth Lincolnshire

Hackney Hopster 4.2% 1 x 9A Pacific pale ale, dressed in NZ & US hops. Flavours ofgrapefruit, lemon zest and gooseberry with a dry finish.

Love Not War 4.2% 1 x 9A brooding red ale. A true union of malt and hops witha silky texture and soft caramel flavours cuddling up toa rich pear and summer fruit character.


Lucky Penny 4.0% 1 x 9A quaffable pale ale brewed from Admiral and FirstGold hops.

LONG MAN Litlington, East SussexInn Keeper 4.8% 1 x 9

A fruity winter ale with a deep red hue and deliciouswarming flavours from a blend of six malts that com-bine with festive fruit aromas.

Old Man 4.3% 1 x 9Dark beer with soft malt notes of coffee and chocolatecombined with a pleasant light hoppiness creating arich, full tasting old ale.

MADRIGAL Combe Martin, DevonMonkeys Fist 3.7% 1 x 9

A dark smooth ale with a hint of spicy orange.

Severed Hand 3.2% 1 x 9A velvety porter furnished with raw cacao nibs.


Green Hop Pale Ale 4.1% 1 x 9A grassy beer with a great malt background and a crispbitter finish, accentuating all that`s great about anEnglish pale ale. F

The Beer List - continued

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28 32nd Pig’s Ear Beer & Cider Festival

MONCADA Kensal Town, Greater LondonLOCALE BREWERY

Notting Hill Tangerine Blonde 4.2% 1 x 9A continental style beer with added tangerines thatmakes the flavour explode on your tongue.

Notting Hill Tropical Fruit Amber 4.7% 1 x 9A full bodied creamy amber ale with added fruits forthis one off special.

MONDO Nine Elms, Greater LondonLOCALE BREWERY

Coco Loco 6.0% 1 x 30L Key KegFirst we brewed a full bodied smoked porter, then wedrop in tons of toasted coconut. The result a beer whichtastes like drinking a macaroon cookie!

James’ Brown Ale 5.0% 1 x 9A pale brown ale with a creamy texture, four differentmalts and four different hop additions. A malty brewwith the right amount of hop presence to keep it frombeing too sweet.

Peckham Rye IPA 6.6% 1 X 9Lots of rye produces a beer which is sweet but also has notesof pepper and spices, combining American hop aromas.

Rider Pale Ale 4.6% 1 x 9Pale Rider is a generously hopped pale ale that is highlyaromatic and finishes crisp and dry with flavours of cit-rusy American hops.

MOODY GOOSE Braintree, EssexJurEssex Ale 5.7% 2 x 18

A dark old ale, gently hopped with rich fruit flavoursand a bitter sweet finish.

MOONSHINE Fulbourn, Cambridgeshire9th Moon - 18 Carrot Gold 5.6% 1 x 9

The 9th in a series of 13 Moons. A golden beer brewedusing fresh carrots, flavoured with cinnamon sticks, vanillapods and grated nutmeg, matured in bourbon casks.

10th Moon - Imperial Pale Ale 7.5% 1 x 9A beer with a rich malty sweetness that gives way to ahuge hoppy finish from the five varieties of hop used.

Harvest Moon Mild 3.9% 1 x 18A highly rated dark mild, slightly sweet with plenty ofcharacter, smooth fruit notes combining with coffee andchocolate flavours.

Hot Numbers Coffee Stout 5.0% 1 x 9Rich coffee flavoured milk stout made with Brazilian &Rwandan coffee beans.

NEW RIVER Hoddesdon, HertfordshireLOCALE BREWERY

London Tap 3.8% 1 x 9A hoppy pale ale with hints of toffee and light citrus anddry refreshing taste.

OAKHAM Woodston, Peterborough, CambridgeshireCar Thief 3.6% 1 x 18

A rich black beer with tonnes of roast malt flavourswith punchy fruit and citrus hop kick.

Green Devil IPA 6.0% 1 x 18An amazing hop harvest aroma with tropical fruitbursting through. Smooth and fruity with a great citrusbitterness. Finishes with a crisp refreshing aftertaste.

Raucous Reindeer 4.0% 1 x 18A quaffable tawny coloured beer with refreshing citrusand floral notes with a hint of spice in the background.

ODYSSEY Bromyard, HerefordshireCookie Monster 5.5% 1 x 9

Chocolate raisin, cinnamon, oatmeal cookie stout.Brewed with pure cacao, organic raisins, cinnamon anda touch of vanilla and using oat malts. It’s an oatmealcookie in a beer, what’s not to love?

Little India Pale Ale 4.5% 1 x 9A heavily hopped pale ale with a firm malt base balancesout huge hop and dry hop additions. Pineapple, grape-fruit, orange, mango and tropical fruit in abundance.

Merciless Californian IPA 7.2% 1 x 9Hopped non-stop throughout the 90 minute boil andthen double dry hopped. Surprisingly mellow bitternessand a big malt base balance out all of those wonderfulcitric tropical flavours from the hop additions. Unfinedand naturally, beautifully hazy.

Peer Pressure Porter 7.8% 1 x 99 malts combine in a huge, but dangerously drinkable,porter. Chocolate, liquorice, caramel and toffee are allpresent with enough bitterness to balance the beer out.

OLD DAIRY Tenterden, KentSnow Top 6.0% 1 x 9

The perfect winter warmer producing a deeply satisfyingale with delicious fruitcake and marmalade flavours,topped off with spicey notes from English Challenger,East Kent Goldings and Bramling Cross hops.

The Beer List - continued

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The Beer List - continued

ONE MILE END Whitechapel, Greater LondonEAST LONDON BREWER

Ancho Cocoa Stout 6.4% 1 x 9A big flavoursome stout with smoky Ancho chillies andraw organic cocoa nips.

Bourbon Coffee Porter 6.6% 1 x 9A blend of bourbon barrel aged Russian Imperial Stoutconditioned in cask with roasted coffee beans.

Docker’s Delight 4.2% 1 x 9Classic bitter with Crystal malt and English hops.

Great Tom 3.4% 1 x 9A sessionable winter mild with coffee and cocoa nibs anddry hopped with Mosaic for a blueberry hit!

Light & Bitter 4.3% 1 x 18A straight blend of Salvation Pale Ale and Docker’s Delight.

Maple Vanilla Mild 3.4% 1 x 9Great Tom primed with maple syrup and infused withvanilla.

Salvation Pale Ale 4.4% 1 x 9Highly rated clean crisp pale ale packed full of US hops.

Snakes Alive DIPA 8.0% 1 x 9Not for wimps a big hoppy DIPA, Double dry hoppedwith Citra and Mosaic.

Temperance 3.5% 1 x 9A wonderful full bodied low abv session pale ale hoppedwith Willamette and First Gold.

Tinker’s Cuss 5.2% 1 x 9A rye IPA with five US hops and Cambodian Kampotpepper corns.

ONE MILE END/REDEMPTIONWhitechapel & Tottenham, Greater LondonLOCALE BREWERY

Hospital Fellowship Porter 5.1%1 x 18Wow a blended beer of two highly rated Porters One MileEnd’s Hospital Porter & Redemption`s Fellowship Porter.

ORBIT Walworth, Greater LondonLOCALE BREWERY

IVO Pale Ale 5.3% 1 x 9A mix of European and American hops give character toa classic pale ale. Light bodied, highly drinkable. Elegantand aromatic. Unfined.


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30 32nd Pig’s Ear Beer & Cider Festival

The Beer List - continued

SEVEN AM Breakfast Stout 7.0% 1 x 9One firkin only in existence! A special edition of ourDouble Brown Stout with added lactose and coffee. Un-fined but not Vegan.

SEVEN Double Brown Stout 7.0%1 x 9A Victorian stout. Complex chocolate and coffee notesgive way to a dry finish. Very drinkable for its strength.Unfined.

PALMERS Bridport, DorsetTally Ho! 5.5% 1 x 9

Strong, complex and full of deep distinctive flavours. Arich fruit cake flavour from roasted malt. First brewedin the 1940s, this prize-winning dark strong old ale hasa loyal following among real ale connoisseurs.

PILOT Mumbles, WalesBlack Storm 4.5% 1 x 9

Popular stout which is full of flavour but easy drinking.

Revolver Sex Hop 2 4.0% 1 x 9This is a very pale ale overhopped with 6 different hopsfrom the UK, USA and New Zealand. The beer is dryhopped with Cascade.


Double Wheat Stout 12.0% 1 x 4.5A rich dark powerful brew with chocolate and vanillaflavours. Unfined.

Stock Ale 2013 Vintage 10.0% 1 x 4.5Luscious malt flavours with whiskey and sherry notes.


Bosko (Simcoe Version) 6.5% 1 x 9Pressure Drop`s house IPA, with a touch of crystal maltsweetness, and dry hopped in cask with Simcoe wholehops. Unfined.

India Rubber Ball 7.2% 1 x 9A one off sneak preview cask of our special beer forChristmas 2015, this Citra IPA has been primed withClementine juice. Unfined.

RAMSBOTTOM CRAFT Ramsbottom,Gtr Manchester

Chocolate Porter 4.2% 1 x 9Sweet porter. Naturally cloudy with cocoa particles.

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The Beer List - continued

Ruby Oatmeal ESM 5.7% 1 x 9Strong ruby mild with oats.


Fellowship Kentucky Bourbon Porter 5.1% 1 x 9Award winning Fellowship Porter aged on oak chips in-fused with Kentucky bourbon.

Little Chief 4.4% 1 x 18Pig`s Ear house beer exclusive to this festival. Big hoppyale packed full of US & NZ hops, with hints of honeyand tropical citrus and floral notes.

Pale Ale 3.8% 1 x 18An exceptional pale ale, golden in colour with citrusand some floral hop aromas. Toffee sweetness and citrusfruit flavours are balanced by floral and earthy hops,with a long dry satisfying bitter finish.

Urban Xmas Dust 4.6% 1 x 18A full bodied brown bitter spiced up for Christmas.

SCHOOLHOUSE Darlington, Co Durham100 Lines 3.8% 1 x 9

A pale session bitter.

Terminus 6.0% 1 x 9A strong dark copper bitter with additional hops, for afull bodied bitter finish, contains Challenger & EastKent Golding Hops.


Backstage IPA 5.6% 1 x 9A combination of American hops and European maltsform this powerful IPA.

Session 4.0% 1 x 9A beer that encompasses the finest British malts withsome New Zealand hops.

Signature Pale 4.1% 1 x 9Signature Brew`s flagship beer made from US hops ontop of a light malt base, with a refreshing finish.

Wild Winter 5.8% 1 x 9A brand new spiced dark beer that will keep you warmon a cold winters night.

SILVER STREET Bury, LancashireOne 4.0% 1 x 9

Single hop pale ale using **** hops.

SOUTHWARK Bermondsey, Greater LondonLOCALE BREWERY

Double London Pale 7.5% 1 x 9Brewed with a mass of pale ale malt gives a deep yellowcolour, and with an over generous helping of Citra hopsto give a wonderful full flavour.

Maltby Street Mild 3.7% 1 x 9A beautifully balanced chestnut coloured beer, rich andmalty with slight burnt notes, full bodied with delicatebitterness balancing the biscuit flavour from crystalmalted barley. Smooth on the finish.

Peter’s Russian Imperial Stout 8.9% 1 x 9Brewed with traditional English hops and malts. Blackin appearance. Bursting with powerful chocolate andburnt malt flavours with hints of mysterious dark fruits,like a rich dessert served up with soothing espresso coffee.

STOCKPORT Stockport, Gtr ManchesterBitter Lemon 4.2% 1 x 9

Straw in colour with a slight lemon and hoppy smell.Citrus accent with a lasting taste and a bitter finish.

Crown Best Bitter 4.2% 1 x 9Pale copper in colour with a vibrant, fruity hop smell.Flavour is dry with toffee apples and a bitter finish.

Stock Porter 4.8% 1 x 9Rich and flavoursome dark ale with hints of coffee andchocolate. Dark malt and coffee in the mouth, complexfinish with liquorice maltiness.

Stout 5.0% 1 x 9A rich dark stout.

Strawberry Stout 5.0% 1 x 9Berry infused rich dark stout.

ST PETERS South Elmham, SuffolkBest Bitter 3.7% 1 x 9

A traditional best bitter that is full bodied with distinc-tive fruity caramel notes.

TALLY HO Hatherleigh, DevonUkulale 4.2% 1 x 9

Gold coloured malty bitter. F

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The Beer List - continued

TAP EAST Stratford, Greater LondonEAST LONDON BREWER

American Brown Ale 4.9% 1 x 9A big hoppy American style brown ale with enoughhops too take away any sweetness.

Cherry Porter 5.0% 1 x 9Wow a full bodied porter packed full of sour cherries.

East End Mild 3.5% 1 x 9A classic dark mild that has both roasted and fruit flavours.

TAPSTONE Chard, SomersetBarn Storm 4.0% 1 x 9

A West Country classic brewed with the Tapstone twist.Late hopped with floral and earthy English hops, it’sfull of herb-garden flavour. Then it’s followed by astrong and wholesome malty backbone.

TENBY Tenby, Wales

Barefoot Blonde 4.6% 1 x 9A pale straw coloured APA, Hoppy grapefruit with acrisp clean lime finish – brewed with 25% BohemianPilsner Malt and infused with Thai lime leaves.

Black Flag Rum Porter 5.5% 1 x 9Opaque black porter, notes of coffee, vanilla and liquor-ish ‚ giving way to espresso chocolate and rum alcohol.Velvet mouth-feel Spiced rum additions.

Pembrokeshire Promise 4.5% 1 x 9A bright copper Extra Special Bitter, biscuits figs andcaramel give way to a substantial toffee bitter.

West Coast Rocks 3.8% 1 x 9An irish red session beer which is deep ruby in colourwith a malty bitterness to finish with spiced blackberryand dark roast malts.

THREE SODS Bethnal Green, Greater LondonEAST LONDON BREWER

Belgian Bugger 5.0% 1 x 9Inspired by our European friends, this unfined beer hasa hint of wheat and a massive floral hit from an infu-sion of German hops.

Mud Puddler Black IPA 4.3% 1 x 9A big hoppy black unfined fresh IPA.

Red Rocket Rye 4.6% 1 x 9Deep flavours with a hint of smoke and a light spicinessfrom the rye.

Session IPA 4.4% 1 x 9Light hoppy low abv IPA. Packed full of fruity noteswith a Chinook kick.


Gunboat Smith 5.2% 1 x 9A black IPA that has a big punch of US hops. The darkroasted malts bring chocolate and coffee as expected in aporter, but the hops give an underlying piney resinous hit.

Runner 4.0% 1 x 9A modern interpretation of a classic style. A deep anddark best bitter.

Zephyr 4.4% 1 x 9A brash, bold Pacific Ale brewed with Australian hops.Rich tropical fruit flavours and aromas.


Jungle Bells 4.2% 1 x 9Collaboration brew seasonal winter warmer, showcasesthe new and not commercially available HerefordshireHop Minstrel with fresh orange, citrus and berryflavours and aromas.


Volden Pale Ale 4.6% 1 x 9Hops dominate in this straw coloured pale ale. A biscuitmaltiness is overlaid with high bitterness from 4 hop va-rieties added at different stages of the brew, resulting ina floral, herby aroma.

WAVENEY Earsham, NorfolkEast Coast Mild 3.8% 1 x 9

Traditional mild with distinctive malt aroma, a sweetplummy malt beginning quickly fades as a dry roastedbitterness starts.


Black Perle 3.8% 1 x 9This Milk Stout is full of flavour and aged on a chest ofZamorana coffee beans. Unfined but not Vegan.


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34 32nd Pig’s Ear Beer & Cider Festival

The Beer List - continued

Decadance Stout 5.5% 1 x 9Rich with chocolate and coffee roast flavours with just atouch of creaminess. Unfined but not Vegan.

Double Perle 8.6% 1 x 9A double milk stout that's full of flavour. Just go andbuy it, and see for yourself. Unfined but not Vegan.

Little Things That Kill 3.9% 1 x 9A highly rated violenty hoppy beer for such a low ABV.Unfined but not Vegan.

Mariana Trench 5.6% 1 x 9Pacific Northwest and Southwest hops meets to makeup a riot of mango and passion fruit. Unfined.

Something Something Dark Side 9.2% 1 x 9A big mashup between a Double IPA and a stout thatworks a treat. Unfined.


Weird Brodmance 10.0% 1 x 9Wow this is phenomenal an imperial maple stout that'sbig , bold and delicious. Unfined but not Vegan.

WIBBLERS Mayland, EssexWobbly Mouse 12.0% 1 x 9

A Belgian Style beer made with NZ Wakuta hops andadded cherry juice to make a unique and interesting drink.

WILD CARD Walthamstow, Greater LondonEAST LONDON BREWER

Ace of Spades 4.7% 1 x 9A classic London Porter with flavours of rich chocolate,smooth caramel and a roasted coffee edge. Full - bodiedand deliciously dark.

King of Hearts 4.5% 1 x 9A light and refreshing blonde beer. Brewed with lagermalts and dry hopped with Citra hops to create a beerthat is fragrant, clean and refreshing.

Welcome to The Three Tuns, a traditional pub in the City of London EC3.

Cask Ale HouseOur house ale is “Tuns Moore Beer” 4.1%, brewed by Caledonian Brewerywith five malts and full-flower hops.

Five hand pulls serving around ten different cask ales every week, includinglocal beers from a number of London’s independent micro-breweries. Weare keen supporters of the CAMRA “LocAle” scheme, which supportslocal breweries and is helping to bring the brewing industry back to theheart of London. Discount for CAMRA card members.

Historic PubThere has been a pub on this site since the 1700s. The old Roman London Wall runs through the beer cellar and has been preserved behinda large perspex panel. It’s rumoured that Jack the Ripper may have hidden in the pub’s cellar on several occasions by using the cellar chute atthe rear of the building in Vine Street. We have a small downstairs barwith a smoking terrace to the rear, an upstairs dining room and a ‘secret’ roof terrace in the summer months.

FoodLunch is served Mon to Fri 12 noon – 3pm. We also cater for private parties & functions.Please email for details.

Opening hoursOpen Monday to Friday from 11.30am. Closed weekends.

36 Jewry Street, London EC3N 2ET | 020 7265 5191 | @ThreeTunsEC3 TheTHREETUNSEC3

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32nd Pig’s Ear Beer & Cider Festival 35

The Beer List - continued


Magna Carta Barley Wine 7.2% 1 x 9Dark complex beer that is brewed with medieval ingre-dients including Liquorice and hand picked wild herbs,including Yarrow. Dried fruits with Liquorice notes anddeep herbal spice matured in cask.

Scumbag Maggot 8.5% 1 x 9A beautiful deep dark imperial stout with flavours ofChristmas puddings, treacle, molasses with a hint of juniper berries and aged in oak whiskey casks! Deeeep!

Uprising Treason West Coast IPA 6.0% 1 x 9Usually only available in keg this special edition hasbeen put into cask and repitched and primed. Hugepunch bowl fruit flavours evident on aroma and flavour,leaving a soft sweetness balanced with bitterness.

WISHBONE Keighley, W YorksAbyss Stout 4.3% 1 x 9

A Rich Dark Stout where the malt does the talking.

Bandit APA 3.8% 1 x 9Flavoursome and smooth, this is our American Pale Alemade light but malty with Cascade & Chinook hops.

Blonde 3.6% 1 x 9An easy drinking blonde beer made with Lager, Vienna& Carapils malts and hopped with German Mittlefruh& Polish Junga.

Gumption Bitter 4.5% 1 x 9Our Best Bitter with all British hops, Admiral, Challenger, First Gold & Bramling Cross.


Corker 4.0% 1 x 9Session pale ale hopped with Amarillo. Brewed in memoryof Brian Corker a charity fundraiser for St Clare`s Hospice.

Porter 4.7% 1 x 9Traditional style porter with roasted and chocolate un-dertones.

Um Drunko 5.4% 1 x 9Citrus fruity pale ale brewed with American hops.

WRIGGLE VALLEY Sherbourne, DorsetNight Owl 4.6% 1 x 9

A rich velvety porter with massive flavours of molasses,liquorice and with a fruity nose.

Ryme Rambler 4.0% 1 x 9Delicious full flavored Tawny coloured English sessionbeer with a bitter finish, made with English Hops.

Colour key for beer styles : Bitter Strong /Barley Wines / Old Ale IPA Mild

Stout/ Porter Speciality / Lager / Wheat Golden / Pale Unknown Vegan Unfined?


BEER • STEAM TRAINS• MUSIC • GOOD CHEERREAL ALE FESTIVAL 2016 Fri 29th JULY to Sun 31st JULY 365 200 Twitter: @eorailway

Facebook: Epping Ongar Railway


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36 32nd Pig’s Ear Beer & Cider Festival

59 - 61 High Street, Plaistow E13

A 16th century coaching inn withtwo bars and a warm welcome.

One of the oldest landmarks in Plaistow.

CAMRA Good Beer Guideentry since 2004

Fresh homemade food served Monday - Friday 12 to 2:30pm

& 5pm to 7:30pm(except public holidays)

Open 11am to 11pm Mondayto Saturday, 12 to 10:30pm


‘Proud to supply The Pig’s Ear Beer Festival’

Avalon Wholesale & Brewing

Beer fest supplies from Walesand the West

Tel : 01458 210050Mob : 07809 056855

Email : [email protected]

Page 37: CAMRA Pigs Ear Beer Festival Guide 2015

AmericaBarley ForgeThe Orange Curtain 6.2% 355ml

Crisp and dry IPA

Barrelhouse Brewing Co.Stout 6.5% 650ml

Stout with chocolate malt

IPA 7% 650ml

IPA with cirus and pine taste

Black MarketBlack Currant Sour 3.8% 355ml

Can. Sour wild ale with a slightfruit taste

Aftermath Pale Ale 5.8% 355ml

Can. American Pale Ale with agreat hop aroma but little bitterness

Evil Twin Xmas in a NYC Hotel Room10.5% 355ml

Imperial Stout. Roasted malt andchocolate.

Iron FistVelvet Glove 9% 375ml

Imperial Stout. Roasted malts, cof-fee and chocolate.

Left Coast BreweryVoo Doo American Stout8.5% 355ml

Imperial Stout with coffee and intense chocolate taste

Mad River

Steelhead Extra Stout 6.5% 355ml

Stout with chocolate flavour

Steelhead Extra Porter 6.5% 355ml


Marin Brewing Co.Marin Mt. Tam pale ale5.5% 355ml

Can. Golden American Pale Alewith a citrus flavour

Oceanside Ale WorksDaliesque American wildbeer 6.2% 750ml

A barrel aged lambic style sourblond beer

Dude DIPA 9.4% 650ml

Highly hopped double IPA

Belgium3 FonteinenOude Gueuze 6% 375ml

Blend of 1, 2, and 3 year-old lam-bic, unfiltered and unpasteurized

Abbaye des RocsNoel 9% 330ml

Belgian Strong Ale. Slightly sweet darkbrown with hints of fruit and spices

Triple Imperial 10% 330ml

Dark triple. Complex flavour ofcaramel and dark fruits

BoonGueuze Mariage Parfait 8%375ml

Strong sour lambic gueuze

Kriek Mariage Parfait 8% 375mlStrong cherry lambic

CantilonGeuze 5% 375mlGueuze blended with old and new lambic

Kriek 5% 375mlVery tart lambic with cherries

De La SenneXmas 6.5% 330mlDeep brown Belgian Ale. Spicydark fruits.

DupontSaison Dupont 6.5% 330mlClassic light amber saison dry beer

Girardin Framboise 5% 375mlRefreshing lambic with raspberries

Gueze Fond 5% 375mlLambic gueuze

Kriek 5% 375mlLambic with cherries

Mort Subite Oude Gueuze 7% 375mlTraditional unfiltered, unsweetenedgueuze

Rochefort10 11.3% 330mlDark trappist classic beer

RodenburgBronckhorster Hoptimist9.5% 330mlImperial IPA with bold citrus hop taste

Bronckhorster Midnight-porter 11% 330ml

Coffee, roasted malts and chocolate.

32nd Pig’s Ear Beer & Cider Festival 37

FOREIGN BOTTLED BEERSThe foreign beer bar will feature bottle beers from some of the smaller breweries of Europe, Americaand Japan. Please bring a pint glass to our bar as we need the extra room to serve the beer properly.

Adam Miller Foreign Beer Bar Manager.


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38 32nd Pig’s Ear Beer & Cider Festival

Foreign Bottled Beers - continued

Bronckhorster Saison Nouvelle 7.5% 330mlLively dark gold saison slightlysweet and spicy.

SNABPale Ale 6.3% 330ml(De Proef) American Pale Ale

St Bernardus Christmas Beer 10% 330mlDark complex Christmas ale with afruity nose

Struise Cuvée Delphine 11% 330mlImperial Stout. Coffee and choco-late matured in bourbon casks

Pannepot 10% 330mlDark brown Belgian Strong Ale

Tsjeeses 10% 330mlReddish brown malty, dark fruitsand spices

TilquinOude Gueuze À L’Ancienne6.4% 375mlClassic sour Lambic gueuze

Vliegende Paard Préaris Quadrupel 10% 330ml(De Proef) Belgian Quadrupel tast-ing of dried fruits, chocolate androasted bitterness

Westvleteren8 8% 330mlDark trappist beer

12 10.2% 330mlRare intense dark trappist classic

Witte KlavervierKlavervier Averkamp XtraAged 10% 330mlDark amber Barley Wine

Czech Herold Cerný LežákBohemian Black Lager5.2% 500mlBlack lager tasting of burnt malts

DenmarkAmagerSundby Stout 6.2% 500mlBlack stout with roasted malts anda hint of cocoa and coffee

Rocket BrewingClub Tropicana 5% 330mlAmerican Pale Ale with a taste oftropical fruits

Club Zaccharine 8% 330mlSweet and fruity Barley Wine

GermanyAndechsAndechser Hell 4.8% 500mlClear gold Blond lager

Andechser Spezial Hell5.9% 500mlStrong Blond lager

Andechser Weissbier 5.5%500mlRefreshing light wheat beer

Andechser Dunkel Weissbier 5.5% 500mlDark wheat beer made with Bavar-ian wheat and dark barley malts

AugustinerEdelstoff 5.6% 500mlRefreshing sparkling blond beerfrom Munich.

Bayerischer BahnhofOriginal Leipziger Gose4.6% 330mlGose. Slightly sour wheat beer.

FrankenheimAlt 4.8% 500mlDark brown malted beer from Düsseldorf

Früh Kölsch 4.8% 500mlRefreshing blond beer from Cologne.

Jever Pils 4.9% 500mlRefreshing crisp dry pils

Maisels & FriendsJeffs Bavarian Ale 7.1% 750ml

Bavarian style light wheat bock

PaulanerOriginal Muncher Hell 4.9% 500ml

Clear golden premium lager

Wheat 4.9% 500ml

Wheat beer

RitterSt Georgen Ritter 1645 Ur-Märzen 5.5% 500ml

Amber 'March' beer

St Georgen Schwarzer Ritter 5.1% 500ml

Hazy dark wheat beer

St Georgen Weißüer Franke 5.1% 500ml

Light wheat beer

RittmayerHallendorfer Rauchbier 5% 500ml

Brown lightly smoked beer

Hallerndorfer Hefeweissbier 5% 500mlAmber wheat beer

Schlenkerla Rauchbier Märzen 5.2% 500ml

Highly smoked dark beer fromBamberg

SchlösserAlt 4.8% 500ml

Reddish brown beer with bitter finish

WeltenburgerKloster Asam Bock 6.9% 500ml

Dark strong double bock

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Foreign Bottled Beers - continued

ItalyBirrificio Rurale Castigamat 7.5% 330ml

Black IPA. Pours dark brown withmalt, chocolate and some hops.

Oasi 5% 330mlChestnut Honey Beer

Seta Special 5% 330mlWheat beer with a lemon taste

Terzo Miglio 5.8% 330mlAmerican Pale Ale. Hazy dark goldwith a light bitter finish

OpperbaccoBirra del Borgo 6 Son IPA 7.1% 330mlSaison IPA hybrid

Deep Underground 7.1% 330ml

Dark brown Porter

RetortoKrakatoa 6.5% 330mlHazy amber IPA

Daughter of Autumn 7.5% 330ml

Dark amber Scotch Ale with maltand caramel flavour

JapanCoedoShikkoku 5.2% 330mlDark Lager with a light roast flavour

NetherlandsBrowerij de Kees! Farmhouse IPA 6% 330mlIPA Fruity with a touch of bitterness.

Pale ale Citra 4.6% 330ml

Cloudy golden American Pale Ale

Butcher’s TearsLa Condition Humaine IIIWilliamette 6% 330ml(Gulden Spoor) Dry hopped IPA

The Last Possession 5% 330mlAmber Ale

De Molen Bommen & Granater15.2% 330mlBombs and Grenades Barley Wine

Fresh Hop 7.2% 330ml

Light amber IPA

Kaapse Jaapie 10.1% 330mlHazy amber American strong ale

Karel 4.9% 330ml(De Molen) American Pale Ale

NaeckteLeprechaun 8% 330mlImperial Stout

Van MollDoerak 6.5% 330mlGolden amber IPA

Ons Blackie 9% 330mlImperial Stout

Toewijding 6.5% 330mlBelgian style ale

New ZealandMOACherry Sour 7.2% 750mlSour red ale barrel aged with cherries

Sour Blanc 6.4% 375ml

Sour wild ale aged in oak barrels

NorwayHaand BryggerietHaandbakk 8% 500mlSour red ale aged in oak barrels

Sorachi Sess 4.5% 500mlA pale refreshing saison

Nøgne ø / Naparbier(Spain)Session IPA 4.7% 500mlCollaboration. Hazy orange withcitrus and light bitterness

SloveniaPivovarna PeliconYes Boss! 4.8% 500mlAmerican Pale Ale.

SwedenHantverksbyrggerietKosacken 7.5% 330mlImperial Stout

Not all the foreign draught beerswill be on at any one time. Lookout for some more surprises!

ItalyAurelioIus Primae Noctis 5.2%Single hop Cascade American Pale Ale

Lop Hop 5.7%Single hop Sorachi Ace AmericanPale Ale

EtniaUK 3.9%Session pale ale with English hops.

USA 4.4%Session pale ale with American hops.

NZ 5.0%Session pale ale with New Zealand hops.




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40 32nd Pig’s Ear Beer & Cider Festival

Oink!  Oink!  Take home a bottled beer from Pig’sEar - have a CHRISTMAS treat.

Welcome to the Bottled Beer Bar. This year we’reproud to offer an attractive range of British beers. We have a selection of Barley Wines, ChristmasAles, Imperial Stouts, and even foreign style beersamongst others. Most of our beers contain barleygluten, some contain wheat, and many include otherallergens. Please note that this list is liable to changeand all beers may not be available at every session.

As our christmas gift to you – all bottles can bebought at festival prices to take away. Buy six andthere’s a discount.

Keen MasseyASCOT Camberley, SurreySanta’s Reserve  5.2% 500ml

BAD SEED Malton, North YorkshireIPA  7.0% 330ml

BEAVERTOWN Tottenham Hale, Greater LondonHeavy Water  9.0% 330ml

BLACKBAR Harston, CambridgeshireElusive Digit 2014 9.5% 330ml

Long Hair 6.2% 330ml

BREW BY NUMBERS Bermondsey, Greater LondonImperial Stout  8.6% 330ml

BUXTON Buxton, Derbyshire / OMNIPOLLO SwedenYellow Belly  11.0% 330ml

COASTAL Redruth, CornwallWest Coast IPA  7.5%  500ml

Erosion  8.0%  500ml

DARK STAR Partridge Green, West SussexImperial Stout 2012 Vintage  10.5%  330ml

Imperial Stout 2013 Vintage  10.5%  330ml

Imperial Stout 2014 Vintage  10.5%  330ml

DOMINION Moreton, EssexRed Christmas  4.8%   500ml

Take Away Bottled Beer Bar

Foreign DRAUGHT Beers - continued

USA India Pale Ale 6.5%IPA with American hops.

Hilltop2 Wothop 5.0%Pale ale brewed with Chinook & Centennial hops

M-C 77Giga ?.?%Dry hopped Gose

San Lorenzo 5.2%Hopped wit bier.

TrollPanada Perla 4.5%Belgian wit bier brewed with rice & jasmine.

Dorina 5.2%Dry hopped golden ale.

Shangrila 8.5%Belgian strong ale with Himalayan spices.

NetherlandsDe Molen25 Grams 9.5% Key Keg

Double IPA with 25 grams of hop per litre.

Hel & Verdoemenis Bruichladdich B A 11% Key Keg

Barrel aged Imperial Stout.

USARogueRogue Farms 7 Hop IPA 7.7% Key Keg

Highly rated beer with 7 Oregon hops.

Limited supplies of Intrepid Fox “Wine to Go”will be available at the Foreign Beer Bar : Sauvignon Blanc, Shiraz, & Rose.


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32nd Pig’s Ear Beer & Cider Festival 41

Take Away Bottled Beer Bar

Yukon Gold  9.7%   750ml

DOWNTON Downton, WiltshireRoman Imperial Stout  9.0% 500ml

EAST LONDON Leyton, Greater LondonWalthamstow Beer 3.8%  500ml

FIVE POINTS Hackney, Greater LondonLondon Smoke  7.8%  330ml

Old Greg’s Barley Wine  8.5% 330ml

FOURPURE Bermondsey, Greater LondonOutpost Tripel   8.4% 750ml

FULLERS Chiswick, Greater LondonPast Masters 1914 Strong X  7.3% 500ml

Past Masters 1966 Strong Ale  7.3% 500ml

Vintage Ale 2011  8.5% 500ml

FOXFIELD, Foxfield, CumbriaTriple Time  10.6% 330ml

FOURPOUR, Bermondsey, Greater LondonOutpost - Vanilla Oak Porter 7.1% 750ml

HUSK Silvertown, Greater LondonPale Ale  5.1% 330ml

Saison  6.1% 330ml

KERNEL Bermondsey, Greater LondonBiere de Saison B A 5.3% 330ml

Imperial Brown Stout B A Tormore Port Dundas 10.5% 330ml

London Sour B A 4.1% 330ml

London Sour Raspberry 2.9% 330ml

LEFT BANK Walthamstow, Greater LondonSmoked Saison  8.0% 330ml

Sorachi Saison  6.4% 330ml

HARDKNOTT Millom, CumbriaFiggy Pudding  7.0% 330ml

HUMPTY DUMPTY Reedham, Norfolk15  9.0% 330ml

HOPBACK Downton, WiltshirePickled Santa  6.0% 500ml

MAD HATTER Liverpool, MerseysideHare of Darkness  7.4% 330ml

Unhinged Amber  7.4% 330ml

Down The Rabbit Hole  8.1%  330ml

Afternoon Tea  9.0%  330ml

OLD CHIMNEYS Market Weston, SuffolkGood King Henry  9.6%  330ml

OLD DAIRY Tenterden, KentSnow Top  6.0%    500ml

PARTIZAN Bermondsey, Greater London100 Stout Porter  11.2%    330ml

Huff 200  14.0%    330ml

PITFIELD Moreton, EssexStock Ale Vintage 2013  10.0%  375ml

POPPYLAND Cromer, NorfolkSaison Alexanders  8.5% 375ml

REDCHURCH Bethnal GreenSauvage Blanc  9.0% 750ml

ST AUSTELL, St Austell, CornwallTamar Creek  7.3% 750ml

SHARPS Rock. CornwallSpiced Red  9.0% 330ml

SIREN Finchampsted, Berkshire/ EVIL TWIN USAEven More Jeses VIII  11.4% 330ml

SIREN Finchampsted, Berkshire/ MAGIC ROCK Huddersfield, West YorkshireMRS Brown  9.5%  330ml

SAMUEL SMITH Tadcaster, North YorkshireYorkshire Stingo  8.0% 550ml

SOUTHWARK Bermondsey, Greater LondonPeters Imperial Stout  8.9% 330ml

WEIRD BEARD Hanwell, Greater London/ BRODIES Leyton, Greater LondonBlack Christmas  4.5% 500ml

Weird Brodmance 10.2% 660ml

We are also planning to have additional Christmasbeers available.

Details were not available at the time of printing - youcan see the full Bottled Beers List at the Festival.

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44 32nd Pig’s Ear Beer & Cider Festival

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Page 45: CAMRA Pigs Ear Beer Festival Guide 2015

Welcome to the Cider and Perry Bar.Here you will find a range of real ciders and perriesrepresenting the different styles and flavours cur-rently available.  This is probably the biggest rangeto be found in East London this year.

Real cider is made using apples.  They are crushedand then the juice is pressed out.  It is then commonto use the natural wild yeast that is on the skins andin the flesh to allow the cider to ferment.  When thecider has finished fermenting, it will be dry as nosugar is left in the juice.  To produce a medium orsweet cider, a sweetener is then added.  And that iswhat real cider is - as simple as that.

The fizzy keg ciders found in most pubs is a com-pletely different type of drink.  Very often appleconcentrate is used, which then has to be dilutedwith water.  It is often then fermented way above itsnatural strength by adding something like cornsyrup at the fermenting stage.  When fermentationis finished, it is then pasteurised, filtered, sweetened,watered down and gas is added.  Even colour may beadded.  In my opinion, it is so different from realcider that it should probably have a different name.

In the West Country, specific cider apples areused, they are grown just for making cider.  In other

parts of the county, e.g. East Anglia, cider has always been made, but traditionally these areas did notgrow cider apples, so a mixture of eating and cook-ing apples are usually used.  Perry, made from pearsmainly in the West Country and Wales, is madefrom specific perry pears grown just for this pur-pose, although some producers in other areas arenow making it using eating pears.  It is made exactlythe same way as cider.  Please remember that perryis the accurate word for this drink, NOT "pearcider".

If you have not tried real cider or perry before,please give it a go, you will be pleasantly surprised.And you are, of course, welcome to come over andsay hello, and buy me a drink.

CheersMick Lewis

Cider Bar Manager

32nd Pig’s Ear Beer & Cider Festival 45

CIDERS:BARTESTREE (Bartestree, Herefordshire)Produced by a former editor of CAMRA's Good CiderGuide.  It is hoped to have a single variety cider madefrom an apple called Katy.

BLACKMOOR VALE (Temple Coombe, Somerset)Small producer.

COPSE HOUSE (Sandley, Dorset)Producer who I know nothing about.

FELSTAR (Felsted, Essex)Cider produced by Felstar Brewery.

GREEN VALLEY (Clyst St George, Devon)Started in 1989 by ex Whiteway employees.

HANDMADE (Slaughterford, Wiltshire)Small producer making natural cider.

HAYGROVE (Putley, Herefordshire)Took over Once Upon A Tree cider, it is hoped to have acider called Crooked Branch.

HONEYPOT FARM (South Petherton, Somerset)Small, local producer.

HURST VIEW (Wheaton Aston, Staffordshire)Producing for about four years in an area not usuallyknown for cider.  This cider is normally only availablein pubs in its pasteurised form.  We will have a cidercalled Jibber Jabber.


Cider & perry

Page 46: CAMRA Pigs Ear Beer Festival Guide 2015

Cider and Perry List - continued

JOHNSON (Isle of Sheppey, Kent)Producing since 1995, using cider apples in an areawhose cider is usually made from eaters and cookers.

KENT CIDER COMPANY (Canterbury, Kent)Producing for about eight years, it is hoped to have acider called Henderson's Toffee Apple.

KING BRAIN (nr Sparkford, Somerset)Producer on a farm where cider has been made for atleast five generations.

LONDON GLIDER (Moreton, Essex)Producers using local spare fruit from neighbours, theyhave recently moved production to larger premises inEssex, but the cider here was made in London.

MOON Sticklynch, Somerset)Small producer, making cider for a couple of years.

PICKLED PIG (Streatham, Cambridgeshire)Started 11 years ago, they have won a CAMRA awardevery year since.

RAGLAN (Llanarth, Monmouthshire)Established in 2006, it is hoped to have a whisky caskcider available.

TORKARD (nr Nottingham, Notinghamshire)Nottingham's only real cider maker, who started in2003.  It is hoped to have a cider called Cross BorderConflict.

VACHERY FARM (Cranleigh, Surrey)Commercial production started in 2014, using locallygrown cider apples.

VENTON (Clyst st Lawrence, Devon)Local cider made by pressing the apples through layersof straw.

WILLIAMS BROTHERS (Bedwas, Caer-philly)Small, local producer.

WILLIAMS & HUGHES (Cradley, Hereford-shire)Formerly the maker at Carey Organics.  It is hoped tohave a single variety cider.

PERRIES:DAY'S COTTAGE (Brookthorpe, Glocestershire)Family have lived on the farm for over 200 years.  It ishoped to have a single variety made from Blakeney Redperry pears.

DOUBLE VISION (Boughton Monchelsea, Kent)Making cider and perry for about 20 years.  The perryis made using non-perry pears.

GWYNT Y DDRAIG (Llantwit Fadre, Glamorgan)Started in 2001, their cider and perry is normally onlyavailable in a pasteurised form.  It is hoped to have a"pyder", made from both apples and pears.

HURST VIEW (Wheaton Aston, Staffordshire)Producing since 2011, the perry is normally only avail-able in a pasteurised form.

LONDON GLIDER (Moreton, Essex)Perry made from neighbours' local fruit.

OLIVER (Ocle Pychard, Herefordshire)Producer who has won many CAMRA awards.

ROSS-ON-WYE (Ross-on-Wye, Herefordshire)Contract fruit grower who has also made cider andperry for over 30 years.

TROGGI (Earlswood, Gwent)Producer who started in 1986.

46 32nd Pig’s Ear Beer & Cider Festival

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