
Popular Camera Shots/Angles In Current

Pop/Country Music Videos

Establishing Shot

Establishing shots are used more so in country music videos. Generally, they

are used to establish the rural settings. There is however an example of a current pop music video using a

variety of establishing shots. The artist of this song is known as a country singer venturing out into the pop music industry. Despite typical conventions of pop music, the

establishing shot within this pop music video allows the audience to establish

the country settings.

Close Up

Close ups within both country and pop music videos are used to illustrate

facial expressions and emotions. There are a few occasions where close ups

will be used to illustrate certain elements of the settings or the

costumes that the characters are wearing. These close ups usually have

an encoded meaning with certain importance to this meaning.

Long Shot

Long shots are generally used within pop and country music videos in order

to portray a certain position of character. They are also used with similar purpose to the establishing

shots - to establish the settings. There is generally a focus within the shot

however the position of these focus’ varies depending on the situation.

High Angle

High angled shots are used within these examples to illustrate

dominance. The dominance does not necessarily come from the character

but can also come from the size of the setting or a certain prop. For example

a large stately home encodes a meaning of elegance, sophistication

and class - higher dominance.

Low Angle

Low angles illustrate an opposite meaning to high angles. Instead of showing dominance, they portray

weaknesses within characters, settings and props. The weakness of a character is often supported by other

technical codes such as facial expressions. Settings of lower values

will often be portrayed with a low angle as though they are being looked

down upon.

Straight Angle

Straight angles are used to maintain equilibrium. Rather than portraying a character as either dominant or weak,

it allows other factors and technical codes such as lighting and sound to

illustrate their position.

Mid Shot

Mid shots are mainly used during the performance aspect of the music videos. There are used to put an

essential focus upon the artist and will often encounter the use of soft focus

so that the focus is enhanced upon the artist that is singing.

Tracking Shots

In terms of movement, there is little movement within the examples. The most popular time for shots such as tracking shots is when there is no

focusing object on the screen however there are multiple points of interest for

the audience, for example a crowd.