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January 22, 2020

Call for Tenders – Production of the Atlas of the Stateless for the Association Rosa Luxemburg

The Association Rosa Luxemburg (the “Client”) intends to award the services specified in the enclosed Service Description in a Call for Tenders. Please note the following dates: End of the tender submission period: 15.02.2020 12:00 o’clock Central European Time End of the award and binding period: 20.02.2020 Deadline for production and delivery of the Atlas in German, English, and French: 11.06.2020 Terms and conditions: The contractual conditions of the Client shall apply exclusively. The terms and conditions of the tenderer are excluded. Side offers are excluded! To participate in the tender, please submit your tender digitally before the end of the tender submission period. Documents can be submitted in English or German language. With kind regards Eva Wuchold, Program Director Social Rights Annexes:

1. Awarding Rules 2. Service Description 3. Conditions of Participation 4. Price Sheet 5. Standard Tender Form 6. Self-declaration Form 7. Self-declaration on rate loyalty, minimum wage and social security

contributions 8. Qualified References Form 9. Style Sheet

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The following evidence/documents must be submitted with the tender:

- Price Sheet (Annex 4) - Standard Tender Form (Annex 5) - Self-declaration Form (Annex 6) - Self-declaration on rate loyalty, minimum wage, and social security contributions (Annex


- Qualified References Form (Annex 8) - Work samples

Please refer to the Service Description (Annex 2) for further information on the points mentioned above. Submission (digital) and questions to Association Rosa Luxemburg 7bis, avenue de la Paix 1211 Genève Suisse Eva Wuchold ([email protected]) Please always use the subject line: Call for Tenders – Atlas of the Stateless. For reasons of transparency and equal treatment, all possible tenderers will be provided with the answers to questions.

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Annex 1: Awarding Rules 1. General information The Service Agreement forms part of the Service Description. The Annexes shall form an integral part of the Service Agreement. In the event of any conflict between the Annexes and the Service Agreement, the Service Agreement shall have precedence. 2. Place of performance Seat of the Association Rosa Luxemburg (7bis, avenue de la Paix, 1211 Genève, Suisse) as well as the future location. 3. The tender is to be addressed to: Association Rosa Luxemburg 7bis, avenue de la Paix 1211 Gèneve Suisse Eva Wuchold ([email protected]) 4. Questions related to this call… … should be sent by email to [email protected] using the subject line: Call for Tenders – Atlas of the Stateless. For reasons of transparency and equal treatment, all possible tenderers will be provided with the answers to the questions. 5. Terms and conditions: The Client awards the Service Agreement as one lot. The terms and conditions of the Client shall apply exclusively. The terms and conditions of the tenderer are excluded. Side offers are excluded! 6. Data protection clause: The requested personal data, which is necessary for the consideration of the bid, will be processed and stored during the procurement procedure. The data will not be forwarded to third parties. All data will be deleted after the completion of the tender procedure. The Federal Law on Data Protection (DSG) of Switzerland applies. 7. Confidentiality of the tender documents: The documents provided by Association Rosa Luxemburg may only be used in the context of this tender. A use for other purposes and the disclosure to third parties is explicitly prohibited.

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8. Evaluation criteria: The Service Agreement will be awarded to the most economically advantageous tender. See the Service Description (Annex 2) for additional information. 9. Conclusion of Service Agreement: With the Award Notice, the tenderer and the Client conclude a legally binding Service Agreement.

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Annex 2: Service Description 1. Production and distribution of an Atlas of the Stateless

1.1. About Association Rosa Luxemburg The Geneva office Association Rosa Luxemburg was founded in 2019 and will be further established throughout 2020. It will serve as the liaison office to the UN institutions in Geneva, but as well work thematically towards the issues of social rights and international labour work. The Association Rosa Luxemburg is related to the Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung e.V. in Berlin, Germany. Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung is one of the six major political foundations in the Federal Republic of Germany, tasked primarily with conducting political education both at home and abroad. The Stiftung’s work adheres to the legacy of its namesake, German socialist leader Rosa Luxemburg, and seeks to represent democratic socialism with an unwavering internationalist focus. The Stiftung is committed to a radical perspective emphasizing public awareness, enlightenment and social critique. It stands in the tradition of the workers' and women's movements, as well as anti-fascism and anti-racism. Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung e.V. is a registered non-profit organization in Germany. The Stiftung is closely linked to Die Linke, the German Left Party. The aim of the work of Association Rosa Luxemburg is to promote a critical analysis of society and foster networks of emancipatory political, social and cultural initiatives around Germany. Internationally, it will participate in cooperative development projects and advocate for a dialogue between the Global North and South conducted on equal footing. Like other political foundations, Association Rosa Luxemburg seeks to develop and expand the concept of political education by emphasizing a critical analysis of society as our central task, further underlined by our namesake. Based on the firm belief that social change requires a reflective confrontation with today's capitalist society as a whole, the Association Rosa Luxemburg strives to develop alternative concepts and approaches for a comprehensive process of social transformation enabling the creation of a more united and just society. Education and training in democratic socialist politics, analysis, information and policy advice are therefore the Association Rosa Luxemburg’s basic tasks.

1.2. Aim of the publication The aim of the Atlas of the Stateless is to contribute to raising awareness for the issue of statelessness and its negative implications for the stateless and to display the facets of the issue along specific examples of statelessness in various regions. The Atlas will address a broad readership that is interested in the topic but does not necessarily have knowledge of background information. The Atlas texts are a special category of nonfiction texts. The language in which it is written is journalistic rather than scientific. The Atlas will be composed of approximately 25 articles reflecting the different challenges that stateless people are facing in their daily lives with regard to discrimination, security as well as participation, or administration. There is one double page for every topic. The Atlas is a specialised technical publication that tries to balance maps, graphics, as well as texts. Some of the issues we want to raise are illustrated in articles, others in graphics and tables. The overall aim is to convey information quickly and clearly. We aim at presenting as many different problematics connected with statelessness as possible mainly through specific country examples. We know that the examples are not comprehensive and that the selection of countries does by far not cover all cases of statelessness. Our goal is not to give a complete overview but much rather to show that statelessness is a global phenomenon and that it negatively affects all areas of life.

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The publication should appear in four variants: (1) English language edition (approximately 25 articles, overall 64 inner pages), 15,000 copies,

thicker paper matte coated recycled of 135 g/m2 (2) German-language edition as translation from (1), 5,000 copies (3) German-language edition as LMD-supplement, taz-supplement, and nd-supplement, 96,700

copies, 19 articles, overall 48 inner pages, paper matte coated recycled of 90 g/m2 (4) French language edition as translation from (1), 3,000 copies

All issues are to be produced under license (CC BY 4.0) and climate neutral. The service includes the following:

1. Production of the Atlas - Editing and Design

- project management,

- acceptance of the texts approved by the Association Rosa Luxemburg, - copywriting, - graphic research and development,

- development of the small texts, - complete support of meta pages, - editing of technical texts by the text editor, - documentation and graphic check,

- final correction (2x), - design cover with title and insides,

- typesetting, - production of graphics, - complete language changes into English, German, and French including translations and

proof reading,

- correction returns, - final artwork,

- creation of print data - creation of the web files including e-book,

- template for print approval, - transfer with full rights of use

2. Print and freight:

- print of the four editions, - freight of editions (1),(2), and (4) to Association Rosa Luxemburg as well as to 3

international offices of Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung

- freight to and enclosing of edition (3) in the German papers LMD, taz , and nd –neues deutschland in June 2020

2. Deadline The publication must be available in English, German, and French by 11.06.2020. The Service Agreement period starts on the day of the Award Notice (20.02.2020).

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3. Selection criteria The following evidence/documents must be submitted with the tender:

- Price Sheet (Annex 4) - Standard Tender Form (Annex 5) - Self-declaration Form (Annex 6) - Self-declaration on rate loyalty, minimum wage, and social security contributions (Annex


- Qualified References Form (Annex 8) - Work samples

4. Further requirements The tenderer should have extensive expertise in the journalistic review of complex issues, particularly in the field of migration and statelessness. She/he should already have developed/produced topic atlases on current political, economic, and environmental topics. Comprehensive knowledge of the graphical processing of complex data is essential. The tenderer should have very good, proven contacts to various distribution channels including the German papers LMD, taz, and nd – neues deutschland, and provide for the considerable spreading, use and acceptance of the Atlas. 5. Evaluation criteria The Service Agreement will be awarded to the most economically advantageous tender. The evaluation criteria are weighted as follows: Service 30% Deadline (11.06.2020) 30% Price 40% The service criterion is weighted at 30%. The service will be evaluated based on proven experience in the development/production of topic atlases on current political, economic, and environmental topics (15%), work samples (10%), as well as the references (5%) included in the tender documents. 6. Time schedule End of the tender submission period: 15.02.2020 12:00 o’clock Central European Time End of the award and binding period: 20.02.2020 Deadline for production and delivery of the Atlas in German, English, and French: 11.06.2020 7. Service Agreement

a. Services The Contractor will provide his services (the “Services”) to the Client pursuant to the present Service Description and the Call for Tenders.

b. Annexes and Precedence The Annexes shall form an integral part of the Service Agreement.

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In the event of any conflict between the Annexes and the Service Agreement, the Service Agreement shall have precedence.

c. Status The Contractor acknowledges that he is engaged as an independent Contractor. Nothing in this Service Agreement shall render the Contractor an employee, agent or partner of the Client and the Contractor will hold himself out as such. Unless specifically authorized by the Client, the Contractor shall have no authority to enter into contracts or to incur any other legally binding commitment on behalf of the Client. The Contractor shall not hold himself out or permit himself to be held out as having authority to do or say anything on behalf of or in the name of the Client. The Contractor may not, in any circumstances, accept any employment or engagement with any person, firm, entity, or organization, which competes in any way against the activities or interests of the Client and/or the Services. The Contractor has the right to hire qualified assistants as subcontractor. However, the Contractor remains personally liable vis-à-vis the Client regarding the fulfilment of this agreement in accordance with all its provisions.

d. Obligations The Contractor shall carry out his duties in an expert and diligent manner and to the best of his ability; he shall promptly and faithfully comply with all lawful and reasonable requests, which may be made by the Client. The Contractor shall, when required, give such written and oral advice or information regarding the Services if required by the Client. In case of an event preventing him from performing the Services, the Contractor shall promptly notify the Client of such event.

e. Remuneration and expenses The payment will be made in two instalments: The first payment (50%) will be made after delivery of the release copy. The second payment (50%) will be made after the Atlas is distributed as a supplement to the German papers LMD, taz, and nd – neues deutschland, as well as delivered to the Client. The Contractor shall be solely responsible for payment of all taxes (including applicable VAT) and social security obligations to which he/she may be subject in connection with the Services. If the Contractor is unable to carry out the Services due to illness or accident or is unavailable for any other reason, he will not be entitled to receive any remuneration in respect of the period of inability or unavailability.

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f. Contractor’s warranties and undertakings The Contractor warrants to the Client that he will duly pay the tax (including VAT, if applicable), private insurances (e.g. medical insurances) public and social insurance contributions which are due from him whether in Switzerland or elsewhere in relation to the payments to be made to him by the Client pursuant to the Service Agreement. Any defects identified in the delivered Service or result must be indicated to the Contractor by the Client in written form, and the Client must grant the Contractor a reasonable period for supplementary performance. If the Contractor does not remove all defects within the period granted, the Client is entitled to reject the Contractor’s supplementary performance and hire a third party to complete the removal of defects at the expense of the Contractor, provided the Contractor does not refuse supplementary performance on justifiable grounds. Beyond that, the regulations on statutory warranty provisions pertaining to service / result contract apply. The Contractor warrants that his performance of the Services under the terms of the Service Agreement will not infringe on the rights of any third party or cause him to be in breach of any obligation towards a third party or be otherwise offensive or unlawful.

g. Confidentiality The Contractor will not disclose or use, at any time during or subsequent to this Service Agreement, any confidential information of the Client or any other non-public information relating to the business, financial, technical or other affairs of the Client except as required by the Client in connection with the Contractor’s performance of these Services or as required by law. In particular, but without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, the Contractor shall keep confidential all Intellectual Property and know-how disclosed to him by the Client, which becomes known to him during the period of this Service Agreement or which he develops or helps to develop in providing the Services to the Client. The Contractor shall:

- Ensure that no publication of work connected with the Services provided by him occurs without the express prior written consent of the Client, which shall be entitled to withhold such consent in its absolute discretion;

- Not disclose to third parties without express prior written consent of the Client the results of work performed as part of the provision of the Services;

- Disclose know-how and other confidential information on the Client, which is provided by the Client to the Contractor for the purpose of carrying out the Services, only to the extent necessary for the proper performances of the Services.

The Contractor agrees to notify the Client immediately if he/she becomes aware of any disclosure in breach of the obligations of this present clause. At the request of the Client, the Contractor will take all steps necessary to remedy to such disclosure and to prevent further disclosure.

h. Duties of the Client The Client is obliged to deliver printable versions of all articles (in line with the style sheet, see Annex 9) to the Contractor by the 29.02.2020. The Client is obliged to revise the release copy immediately and to give the approval for printing.

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i. Acceptance of deliverables The Contractor is obliged to notify the Client about the completion of the Service or result and deliver the work product to the latter. The Client must check the correctness of the work product immediately. The deliverable Service or result is considered accepted if the Client does not notify the Contractor of any identified defects in written form within 14 days after delivery of the Service.

j. Rights to work results The work results of the Services are published under free license, Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0. The Copyrights to the work results from the Services remain with the Contractor. If copyrighted material is used for the atlas cover or resources pages, its mandatory exemption from CC-BY 4.0 will be properly indicated. The Contractor grants the Client in accordance with the free license, Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0 the simple, non-exclusive, spatially, and temporally unlimited right to use all contractual work results for its political education work, in particular to reproduce, modify, distribute the work results, and make them publicly available on the Internet. The Client is entitled to transfer these rights in whole or partially to third parties. The Contractor guarantees that no Services provided to the Client under this Service Agreement, are fraught with Copyrights, Intellectual Property rights, or other rights of third parties. The Contractor fully exempts the Client of any claims of third parties resulting from a breach of the above-mentioned obligation.

k. Anti-corruption The Contractor shall neither offer a third person, nor seek, accept or get promised directly or indirectly for himself or for another party any gift or benefit which would or could be construed as a corrupt practice, in any relevant jurisdiction.

l. Liability The Client is entitled to compensation for the damage resulting from the Contractor’s breach of any of his obligations under this contract, unless the Contractor proves that the breach was due to an impediment beyond his control.

m. Personal nature of the Service Agreement This Service Agreement is personal to the Client and the Contractor, and neither of them may sell, assign, or transfer any duties, rights or interests created under this Service Agreement without the prior written consent of the other, except that the Client may assign its duties, rights and interests created under this Service Agreement to a purchaser of the assets of the Client, to its successor, or to Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung in Berlin.

n. Commencement and termination With the Award Notice, the Contractor and the Client conclude a legally binding Service Agreement.

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The Service Agreement may be terminated without cause by either party upon written notice at any time and in accordance with article 404 al. 1 Swiss Code of Obligations. It will automatically terminate without any requirement for notice in the event that the Contractor shall die or becomes unavailable to provide the Services by reason of permanent incapacity. It will automatically terminate if the Services provided are completed, pursuant to the present Service Agreement and the Call for Tenders. Upon termination and at the Client’s request, the Contractor shall return immediately to the Client all confidential information and copies thereof.

o. Survival of terms The provisions c, e, f, g, h of this Service Agreement shall remain in force in accordance with their terms notwithstanding termination of this Service Agreement.

p. Miscellaneous Amendments to this Service Agreement shall only be valid if made in writing. Should one or several provisions of this Service Agreement prove to be null or invalid, they shall not affect the validity of the other provisions of this Service Agreement that shall continue to bind the parties. These null or invalid provisions shall be replaced by such valid provisions that best meet the parties’ intention when agreeing on the null or invalid provisions. This Service Agreement and its Annexes constitute the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter herein.

q. Applicable law and Jurisdiction This Service Agreement is subject to and governed by Swiss law and must be interpreted in accordance with Swiss law. Any dispute arising out of or in connection with this Service Agreement shall be submitted to the jurisdiction of the court of the Canton of Geneva, Switzerland, the appeal before the Swiss Supreme Court being reserved.

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Annex 3: Conditions of Participation 1. General

1.1. No costs will be reimbursed for processing the tender. 1.2. Terms and conditions of the tenderer are excluded. In case the tenderer declares his own

terms and conditions as part of the contract, this constitutes an inadmissible amendment or addition to the contract and leads to the exclusion of the tender.

1.3. The information distributed in connection with this Call for Tenders may only be used for the preparation of the tender. Any use for other purposes is prohibited.

2. Performance of the tenderers The following evidence/documents must be submitted with the tender:

2.1. Price Sheet (Annex 4) 2.2. Standard Tender Form (Annex 5) 2.3. Self-declaration Form (Annex 6) 2.4. Self-declaration on rate loyalty, minimum wage, and social security contributions (Annex 7) 2.5. Qualified References Form (Annex 8) 2.6. Work samples

3. Exclusion of tenderers

3.1. The Service Agreement will be concluded with knowledgeable, efficient and reliable tenderers only who are professionally carrying out the tendered services.

4. Conditions for submitting a tender

4.1. The tender documents must be in English or German language. All required additional documents, statements, and samples must be submitted within the tender submission period. Correspondence with the tendering authority must also be conducted in English or German language.

4.2. The Standard Tender Form attached to the tender documents is to be used exclusively for the preparation of the tender. The tender has to be submitted document proof, legible, and unequivocal.

4.3. The tenderer is obliged to provide all explanations required in the tender documents and to provide all other required information. Incomplete or incorrect tenders are excluded from the evaluation.

4.4. Changes to the tenderer’s entries must be unequivocal; otherwise, the tender is excluded. An incorrect entry should be crossed out and the correct entry should be added above or beside it. The tenderer’s signature or initials should mark changes.

4.5. The tender and any other required documents and explanations should be signed by stating the date of conclusion at the given place. The name of the signatory must be recognizable, e.g. full name in block capitals below the signature. Tenders that are not properly signed at the specified place are excluded from the evaluation.

4.6. The signed tender form must be submitted with the tender as the included contract conditions are legally binding.

5. Content of the tender

5.1. Completed and signed Price Sheet (Annex 4). 5.2. Completed and signed Standard Tender Form (Annex 5). 5.3. Signed Self-declaration Form (Annex 6).

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5.4. Signed Self-declaration on rate loyalty, minimum wage, and social security contributions (Annex 7).

5.5. Completed and signed Qualified References Form (Annex 8). 5.6. Work samples.

6. Corrections, changes, or withdrawal of the tender

6.1. The tender may be amended, corrected, or withdrawn in writing until the expiry of the tender submission period.

6.2. Corrections, or changes, or the withdrawal of tenders is to be made in writing. 6.3. The award period begins with the expiry of the tender submission period. Until the end of

the award period, the tenderer is bound to her / his tender. During this period, the tender can no longer be changed, or withdrawn.

7. Prices

7.1. The prices valid for the tender are indicated in the Price Sheet (Annex 4). 7.2. Prices are to be stated without VAT (net). 7.3. Prices are to be offered in CHF.

8. Award criteria The award criteria are set out in the Service Description (Annex 2, point 4).

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Annex 4: Price Sheet Dear Madam or Sir, We will offer you the execution of the Services described in the tender documents at the prices below. The terms and conditions and instructions in the invitation to submit the tender (cover letter) are taken into account. The tender contains all required information, explanations and proofs. We accept the exclusion of the tender from the awarding authority’s evaluation in case of incompleteness. We acknowledge that in case a price is missing in the Price Sheet (see below), this price will be counted as zero by the awarding authority. The following price and hourly rates refer to the production of the Atlas in English (A), German (B), and French (C): Production Atlas in English (A):

Pos. Services Expected workload in hours

Amount in CHF (net amount)

1 Project development, team communication, organisation

2 Development and production of meta pages (imprint, introduction, table of contents, maps, sources, resources) and topic pages text editing

3 Graphics development / documentation

4 Organisation and implementation of corrections of authors, managing editor, graphics check, proofreading

5 Final proofreading

6 Design concept (motif development and creation), production of graphics, setting and layout

7 Approval of corrections, editing, texts, graphics, layout


Production Atlas in German full and supplement editions (B):

Pos. Services Expected workload in hours

Amount in CHF (net amount)

1 Language changes / editing


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Production Atlas in French (C):

Pos. Services Expected workload in hours

Amount in CHF (net amount)

1 Language changes / editing


Print and distribution (all):

Pos. Services Amount in CHF (net amount)

1 Print of editions and supplement to LMD, taz, and nd

2 Freight


All prices are fixed prices. The inclusive price contains all expenses of the Contractor. Until the expiration of the award and binding period on 20.02.2020, this tender binds us.

Company name /-address (company stamp if available)

________________________________ Date

The incorrectness of the above information leads to the exclusion of the award procedure. An awarded contract can be terminated in the event of incorrectness without notice for cause of breach of ancillary contractual obligations.

________________________________ Signatures (possibly. digital)

________________________________ (Name of the signatory in block capitals)

If the signature is missing, the tender is considered not submitted and will not be taken into account in the evaluation! Incomplete tenders will be excluded from the award procedure!

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Annex 5: Standard Tender Form

Caution: The boxes in bold are to be duly completed by the tenderer (in the case of joint tenderers from the lead company, if applicable) and to be submitted in a sealed envelope together with the necessary tender documents.

Name of the tenderer (company name) represented by:

Please fill out all fields!

To Association Rosa Luxemburg 7bis, avenue de la Paix 1211 Genève Suisse


Phone No.:

Fax No.:

Contact person:

Place and date of issue;

Postal address of the tenderer:

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Dear Madam or Sir, We offer you the execution of the services described in the tender documents at the prices indicated in the Price Sheet (Annex 3). The application conditions and instructions in the invitation to submit the tender (cover letter) are taken into account. The tender contains all required information, explanations, and proofs. We accept the terms and conditions according to the tender documents without restriction. In the case of incompleteness, the awarding authority excludes the tender categorically from the evaluation. The price information in the Price Sheet (Annex 4) are fixed prices for the period mentioned in the Service Description. Price changes are only possible on the basis of legal requirements. Until the expiration of the award period on 20.02.2020, we are bound by this tender. In addition, we confirm the following components of the tender documents, which become part of the contract in the case of the award:

1. Awarding Rules (Annex 1) 2. Service Description (Annex 2) 3. Conditions of Participation (Annex 3) 4. Price Sheet (Annex 4) 5. Standard Tender Form (Annex 5) 6. Self-declaration Form (Annex 6) 7. Self-declaration on rate loyalty, minimum wage, and social security contributions (Annex 7) 8. Qualified References Form (Annex 8)

We are aware that proofs of self-declaration that (on special request of the awarding authority) are not considered as provided even if they are mentioned in the tender or in accompanying statements. By signing the tender, we confirm the content of all explanations and evidence, even if submitted in separate attachments. Further requests by the tenderer:

In case of non-consideration of the tender, please inform us about the rejection of the tender.

With the additionally requested tenderer declaration (see explanation in box below) signed by all tenderers it is confirmed that the lead company is authorized to represent all tenderers before the awarding authority. All tenderers are jointly and severally liable for the contractual execution of the services by their signature.

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Company name / address ________________________________ Date

Signature(s) ________________________________ ________________________________ Name of the signatory in block capitals

The incorrectness of forgoing or attached explanations, information, or documents leads to the exclusion from the award procedure. An already awarded contract may be terminated without notice for important cause in cases of violation of contractual secondary obligations. The adjacent signature covers all explanations, information, and evidence of this tender, even if attached in a separate Annex. An additional separate signature is required in the tenderer declaration only for joint tenderers!

If the signature is missing, the offer is deemed not to have been submitted, and is not considered in the evaluation. Incomplete offers can be excluded from the award procedures!

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Annex 6: Self-declaration Form

1. The tenderer declares that

- no person who’s behaviour is attributable to her or his company has been issued with a final sentence for or that his company has been fined with financial penalties according to administrative offence acts;

- her or his company's obligations to pay taxes, duties, or contributions to the social security have been met, and that in this regard no judicial or administrative decision exists, or that her or his company has fulfilled its commitments by paying taxes, fees and social security contributions including interest or penalties.

2. The tenderer declares that her or his company - did not violate environmental, social, or employment obligations in the execution of

public contracts;

- is not insolvent, and that no insolvency proceedings or comparable proceedings have been initiated against her or his company and its assets, that the opening of such proceedings has not been rejected due to a lack of assets, and that the company did not enter into liquidation nor has it ceased its activity;

- has not been guilty of serious misconduct in professional matters which question the integrity of the company.

3. The tenderer declares that there are no reasons for her or his company to be excluded due to undeclared work and illegal employment. The tenderer undertakes to ask subcontractors to comply with the above statements 1 to 3. _________________________________________________________ Date, stamp (if available) and legally binding signature

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Annex 7: Self-declaration on rate loyalty, minimum wage, and social security contributions The tenderer agrees

- to comply with the respective statutory minimum wage. - to commit her or his subcontractors or distributors commissioned by him to comply with

the respective statutory minimum wages. If the tenderer or one of his subcontractors violate the above-mentioned obligations culpably, the awarding authority and the tenderer agree on a contractual penalty of 1 per cent of the contract amount for every culpable violation, in several cases of up to 5 per cent of the contract amount. The tenderer is also liable for the payment of a contractual penalty in case the obligations were violated by a subcontractor appointed by her or him or a subcontractor employed by the subcontractor. The culpable non-fulfilment of the above mentioned obligations by the tenderer or its subcontractors entitle the awarding authority to a termination without notice. I declare / we declare

- with my / our signature(s) to comply with the specific rate loyalty, minimum wage, social security contributions as listed above;

- to pay my / our employees the same remuneration for the same or equivalent work in the execution of the services.

I am / We are aware that a violation of this statement may result in my / our exclusion from further contract awards. _____________________________________ ____________________________________ Place, date Signature, company stamp (if available)

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Annex 8: Qualified References Form Reference 1

Contracting authority with address

Contractual object

Contact person

Phone number

Contract period

Reference 2

Contracting authority with address

Contractual object

Contact person

Phone number

Contract period

Reference 3

Contracting authority with address

Contractual object

Contact person

Phone number

Contract period

______________________________________________________ Date, stamp (if available) and legally binding signature
