
Calendar of Death

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Massachusetts electric chair

Hey Fellas, how about this headline for tomorrow's paper… "French Fries!"James French to the press witnessing his execution

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Sunday Monday Tuesday Wenesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 2 3 4 5 6Hank Williams Sr 1953 James Longstreet 1904 Conrad Hilton 1979 T. S. Elliot 1965 Calvin Coolidge 1933 Teddy Roosevelt 1919Mario Cuomo 2015 Alan "Skipper" Hale 1990 Tip O'Neal 1994 Hirihito 1989

Sonny Bono 1998 Dizzy Gillespie 1993Lou Rawls 2006

7 8 9 10 11 12 13Nikola Tesla 1943 Galileo 1642 Marco Polo 1324 Buffalo Bill Cody 1917 Francis Scott Key 1843 Agatha Christie 1976 Wyatt Earp 1929

Napoleon III 1873 Sinclair Lewis 1952 James Joyce 1941Coco Chanel 1971 Hubert Humphrey 1978David Bowie 2016

14 15 16 17 18 19 20Humphrey Bogart 1957 Caligula 41 Bob Jones 1968 Rutherford B. Hayes 1893 Paul Tsongas 1997 Hedy Lamarr 2000 Audrey Hepburn 1993Shelly Winters 2006 Bobby Fischer 2008 Glenn Frey 2016 Wilson Pickett 2006Ricardo Montalban 2009

21 22 23 24 25 26 27Louis XVI 1793 Queen Victoria 1901 Salvador Dali 1989 Winston Churchill 1965 Al Capone 1947 Lucky Luciano 1962 Sir Francis Drake 1596Lenin 1924 Lyndon Johnson 1973 Bob Keeshan 2004 L. Ron Hubbard 1986 Ava Gardner 1990 Edward G. Robinson 1973 Giuseppe Verdi 1901George Orwell 1950 Rose Kennedy 1995 Johnny Carson 2005 Ted Bundy 1989 Phillip Johnson 2005 Nelson Rockefeller 1979 Mahalia Jackson 1972Cecil B. DeMille 1959 Howard Hunt 2007 Thurgood Marshall 1993 Mary Tyler Moore 2017 Paul "Bear" Bryant 1983 Jack Parr 2004Georges Painvin 1980 Ernie Banks 2015 Chris Penn 2006 Al McGuire 2001 John Updike 2009

Joe Franklin 2015 Abe Vigoda 2016 J.D. Salinger 201028 29 30 31Charlemagne 814 H. L. Mencken 1956 Mahatma Gandhi 1948 Willie Dixon 1992Challenger Crew 1986 Robert Frost 1963 Orville Wright 1948 Molly Ivins 2007

Jimmy Durante 1980Barbaro 2007

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The Execution of Lady Jane Grey by Paul Delaroche

Verse, Fame, and Beauty are intense indeed, but Death intenser...John Keats

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Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 2 3Buster Keaton 1966 John L Sullivan 1918 Woodrow Wilson 1924

Bertrand Russell 1970 Buddy Holly 1959Sid Vicious 1979 Al "Grandpa" Lewis 2006Gene Kelly 1996Max Schmeling 2005Bob Elliott 2016

4 5 6 7 8 9 10Karen Carpenter 1983 Gustav Klimt 1918 Joseph Priestly 1804 Doug Henning 2000 Scotts Queen Mary 1587 Yuri Andropov 1984 J. William Fullbright 1995Liberace 1987 Danny Thomas 1991 Arthur Ashe 1993 Dean Smith 2015 Jim Varney 2000

James Whitmore 2009 Arthur Miller 2005

11 12 13 14 15 16 17Rene Descartes 1650 Emmanuel Kant 1804 Wagner 1883 Captain Cook 1779 Vasco Balboa 1519 Abbas Musawi 1992 Geronimo 1909Sylvia Plath 1963 Tom Landry 2000 Maude Flanders 2000 Ethan Allen 1789Jerry Tarkanian 2015 Charles Schultz 2000 Waylon Jennings 2002 Nat King Cole 1965

Antonin Scalia 2016

18 19 20 21 22 23 24Enguerrand de Coucy 1397 Deng Xiaoping 1997 Frederick Douglas 1895 Spinoza 1677 Andy Warhol 1987 John Quincy Adams 1848 Malcolm Forbes 1990Tamerlane 1405 Walter Winchell 1972 Malcolm X 1965 Henny Youngman 1998Martin Luther 1546 Hunter S Thompson 2005 Don Knotts 2006Michelangelo 1564 Harold Ramis 2014Robert Oppenheimer 1967Dale Earnhardt 200125 26 27 28 Leap YearTennessee Williams 1983 Henry Cabot Lodge 1985 Lillian Gish 1993 Mr. Ed 1979 Pat Garrett 1908

Judge Wapner 2017 Mister Rogers 2003 Paul Harvey 2009William F Buckley 2008Leonard Nimoy 2015

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Tombs of Palmyra, Syria

That is not dead which can eternal lieYet with strange eons even Death may die.

H. P. Lovecraft

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Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 2 3Jackie Coogan 1984 Parker Hitt 1971 Danny Kaye 1987Joe Besser 1988 Marge Schott 2004Andrew Breitbart 2012

4 5 6 7 8 9 10Jean Champollion 1832 Stalin 1953 Jim Bowie 1836 Aristotle 322BC Howard Taft 1930 George Burns 1996 Harriet Tubman 1913Minnie Pearl 1996 Patsy Cline 1963 Davy Crocket 1836 Thomas Aquinas 1274 Zelda Fitzgerald 1948

John Belushi 1982 Pearl S. Buck 1973 Stanely Kubrick 1999Kirby Puckett 2006

11 12 13 14 15 16 17Johnny Appleseed 1847 Cesare Borgia 1507 Benjamin Harrison 1901 Karl Marx 1883 Aristotle Onassis 1975 Thomas E. Dewey 1971 Marcus Aurelius 180Alexander Flemming 1955 Sun Yat-sen 1925 Susan B Anthony 1906 George Eastman 1932 Dr Benjamin Spock 1998 Christian Doppler 1853Philo T Farnsworth 1971 Friedrich Fromm 1945 Clarence Darrow 1938Slobodan Milosevic 2006 Woody Hayes 1987 John Holmes 1988

Morton Downey Jr 2001

18 19 20 21 22 23 24William Durant 1947 Randy Rhoads 1982 King Henry IV 1413 Rev. W. V. Awdry 1997 Goethe 1832 Barney Clark 1983 Queen Elizabeth I 1603Eric Fromm 1980 Sir Isaac Newton 1727 Karla Wallenda 1978 Joe Garagiola 2016 Longfellow 1882Chuck Berry 2017 Jules Verne 1905

Queen Mary 1953Garry Shandling 2016

25 26 27 28 29 30 31Garnet Wolseley 1913 Beethoven 1827 Pope Gregory XI 1378 Dwight Eisenhower 1969 Jack Astor 1848 James Cagney 1986 J. P. Morgan 1913Saudi King Faisal 1975 Walt Whitman 1892 Uri Gagarin 1968 Jesse Owens 1980 Alistair Cooke 2004 Knute Rockne 1931

Noel Coward 1973 M. C. Escher 1972 Caspar Weinberger 2006 Johnnie Cochran 2005 Terry Schiavo 2005Daniel P Moynihan 2003 Milton Berle 2002

Dudley Moore 2002

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Abraham Lincoln's funeral carriage

Because I could not stop for Death, he kindly stopped for me.The carriage held but just ourselves and immortality.

Emily Dickinson

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Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 2 3 4 5 6 7Marvin Gaye 1984 Samuel Morse 1872 Jesse James 1882 Martin Luther King 1968 Charlie Chan 1933 Igor Stravinski 1971 P. T. Barnum 1891

Pope John Paul II 2005 Gloria Swanson 1983 Douglas McCarthur 1964 Don Rickles 2017 Henry Ford 1947Chaing Kai-shek 1975Howard Hughes 1976Kurt Cobain 1994Allen Ginsberg 1997Charlton Heston 2008

8 9 10 11 12 13 14Pablo Picasso 1973 Francis Bacon 1626 Sam Kinison 1992 James A. Bailey 1906 Franklin Roosevelt 1945 Richard Hurndall 1984 George Handel 1759

Frank Lloyd Wright 1959 Dixie Carter 2010 Josephine Baker 1975Joe Louis 1981Abbie Hoffman 1989Sugar Ray Robinson 1989

15 16 17 18 19 20 21Abraham Lincoln 1865 Arthur Chevrolet 1946 Benjamin Franklin 1790 Albert Einstein 1955 Charles Darwin 1882 Benny Hill 1992 Mark Twain 1910Jean-Paul Sartre 1980 David Koresh 1993 Manfred Richthofen 1918Greta Garbo 1990 Prince 2016Joey Ramone 2001

22 23 24 25 26 27 28Ansel Adams 1984 Shakespeare 1616 Bud Abbott 1974 Leon Battista Alberti 1472 John Wilkes Booth 1865 Ralph Waldo Emerson1882 Benito Mussolini 1945Richard Nixon 1994 Boris Yeltsin 2007 Estee Lauder 2004 Ginger Rogers 1995 Count Basie 1984 Edward R. Murrow 1965 Jim Valvano 1993Linda Lovelace 2002 Bea Arthur 2009 Lucille Ball 1989

Jack Valenti 2007

29 30Alfred Hitchcock 1980 Hitler 1945

Muddy Waters 1983

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The Death of Socrates by Jacques-Louis David

Death may be the greatest of all human blessings.Socrates

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1 2 3 4 5Joseph Goebbles 1945 Leonardo da Vinci 1519 Christine Jorgenson 1989 Moe Howard 1975 Napoleon 1821

Joseph McCarthy 1957 Dom DeLuise 2009J. Edgar Hoover 1972Louis Rukeyser 2006Jack Kemp 2009

6 7 8 9 10 11 12Henry David Thoreau Socrates 399BC John Stuart Mill 1873 Alan King 2004 Paul Revere 1818 John Rockefeller Jr 1960 Perry Como 20011862 Paul Gauguin 1903 Chuck Daly 2009 Stonewall Jackson 1863 Bob Marley 1981

Joan Crawford 1977 Floyd Patterson 2006

13 14 15 16 17 18 19Gary Cooper 1961 Rita Hayworth 1987 Emily Dickinson 1886 Andy Kaufman 1984 John Jay 1829 Nathaniel Hawthorne Lawrence of Arabia 1935

Lyle Alzado 1992 Jerry Falwell 2007 Sammy Davis Jr. 1990 Lawrence Welk 1992 1864 Jacqueline Onassis 1994Frank Sinatra 1998 Jim Henson 1990 Ernie Davis 1963BB King 2015

20 21 22 23 24 25 26Columbus 1506 Henry VI 1471 Constantine 337 John D. Rockefeller 1937 Copernicus 1543 SonnyBoy Williamson 1965 Charles Horace Mayo 1939Gilda Radner 1989 Sir John Gielgud 2000 Martha Washington 1802 Heinrich Himmler 1945 Duke Ellington 1974 Charles Nelson Reilly

Victor Hugo 1885 Lloyd Bentsen 2006 2007Langston Hughes 1967 Roger Moore 2017

27 28 29 30 31John Calvin 1564 Noah Webster 1843 Mary Pickford 1979 Joan of Arc 1431 Jesse Owens 1980Jawaharlal Nehru 1964 Phil Hartman 1998 Barry Goldwater 1998 Voltaire 1778 Jack Dempsey 1983Maurice Richard 2000 Gary Coleman 2010 Harvey Korman 2008 Timothy Leary 1996

Maya Angelou 2014 Dennis Hopper 2010Manuel Noriega 2017

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1892 crime scene, Lizzie Borden's father

The world is the mirror of myself dying.Henry Miller

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Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 2James Buchanan 1868 Lou Gehrig 1941Lizzie Borden 1927 Bo Diddley 2008Helen Keller 1968George Mikan 2005

3 4 5 6 7 8 9Thomas Hutchinson 1780 Dorothy Gish 1968 Stephan Crane 1900 Patrick Henry 1799 Henry Miller 1980 The Black Prince 1376 Charles Dickens 1870Franz Kafka 1924 David Carradine 2009 D. D. Ramone 2002 Carl Jung 1961 Thomas Paine 1809 Adam West 2017Mohammad Ali 2016 John Wooden 2010 Ronald Reagan 2004 Robert Kennedy 1968 Andrew Jackson 1845

John Paul Getty 1976 Satchel Paige 1982Ann Bancroft 2005

10 11 12 13 14 15 16Jack Johnson 1946 John Wayne 1979 Bill Blass 2002 Alexander the Great Benedict Arnold 1801 James Polk 1849 Wemher von Braun 1977Spencer Tracy 1967 Timothy McVeigh 2001 323BCJohn Gotti 2002 Tim Russert 2008Ray Charles 2004 Jimmy Dean 2010Gordie Howe 2016 Chuck Noll 2014

17 18 19 20 21 22 23Roberto Calvi "God's Nancy Marchard 2000 Ethel Rosenberg 1953 Bugsy Siegel 1947 King Edward III 1377 Judy Garland 1969 Jonas Salk 1995Banker" 1982 Julius Rosenberg 1953 Macchiavelli 1527 Fred Astaire 1987 Aaron Spelling 2006

John Lee Hooker 2001 Ann Landers 2002 Ed McMahon 2009Carroll O'Connor 2001 George Carlin 2008

24 25 26 27 28 29 30Grover Cleveland 1908 George Armstrong Custer Strom Thurmond 2003 Jack Lemmon 2001 James Madison 1836 Fatty Arbuckle 1933 Ernst Rohm 1934Jackie Gleason 1987 1876 Rod Serling 1975 Jayne Mansfield 1967 Spanky McFarland 1993

Jacques Cousteau 1997 Billy Mays 2009 Katherine Hepburn 2003Farrah Fawcett 2009 Robert Byrd 2010Michael Jackson 2009

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Westfield cemetery in Hampden Co. MA

Long Live Death!War cry of the one armed, one eyed Spanish General Jose Millan Astray

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Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 2 3 4 5 6 7Harriet Beecher Stowe1896 Rousseau 1778 Jim Morrison 1971 John Adams 1826 William Faulkner 1962 Sir Thomas More 1535 Veronica Lake 1973Buckminster Fuller 1983 Emilia Earhart 1937 Jim Bachus 1989 Thomas Jefferson 1826 Ted Williams 2001 John Marshall 1835 Syd Barrett 2006Walter Matthau 2000 Ernest Hemmingway 1961 James Monroe 1831 James Stockdale 2005 Louis Armstrong 1971Marlon Brando 2004 Jimmy Stewart 1997 Marie Curie 1934 Roy Rogers 1998Luther Vandross 2005 Elie Wiesel 2016 Buddy Ebsen 2003Karl Malden 2009 Robert McNamara 20098 9 10 11 12 13 14Kim Il Sung 1994 Earl Warren 1974 Mel Blanc 1989 Alexander Hamilton 1804 Jack Cade 1450 Davey Allison 1993 Billy the Kid Bonney 1881

George Gershwin 1937 Alfred Dreyfus 1935 Red Buttons 2006 Adlai Stevenson 1965Lady Bird Johnson 2007

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 John Pershing 1948 John Hus 1415 Adam Smith 1790 John Paul Jones 1792 Petrarch 1374 Pancho Villa 1923 Alan Shepard 1998

Mary Todd Lincoln 1882 Ty Cobb 1961 Gen Westmoreland 2005 James Garner 2014 Bruce Lee 1973John Coltraine 1967 James Doohan 2005Dizzy Dean 1974Mickey Spillane 2006Walter Cronkite 2009

22 23 24 25 26 27 28John Dillinger 1934 Ulysses S Grant 1885 Peter Sellers 1980 Pope Innocent VIII 1492 Sam Houston 1863 Bob Hope 2003 Thomas Cromwell 1540

Glenn Curtiss 1930 Ben Hogan 1997 William Jennings Bryan Antonio Vivaldi 1741Eddie Rickenbacker 1973 1925 Sebastian Bach 1750

29 30 31Vincent Van Gogh 1890 William Penn 1718 Andrew Johnson 1875Gertrude Stein 1946 Otto von Bismarck 1898Mama Cass Elliot 1974 Jimmy Hoffa 1975

Bill Walsh 2007

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Valleyfield Manatoba 1944

And I looked, and behold a pale horseand his name that sat on him was Death

Revelation 6:8

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Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 2 3 4James Madison 1836 Wild Bill Hickok 1876 Lenny Bruce 1966 King Henry I 1060Garry Powers 1977 Enrico Caruso 1921

Alexander Graham Bell1922Warren G. Harding 1923

5 6 7 8 9 10 11Frederich Engels 1895 Rick James 2004 Oliver Hardy 1957 Fay Wray 2004 Jerry Garcia 1995 Saint Lawrence 258 Andrew Carnegie 1919Marilyn Monroe 1962 John Hughes 2009 Herbert Yardley 1958 Gregory Hines 2003 Isaac Hayes 2008 Jackson Pollock 1956Sir Alec Guinness 2000 Peter Jennings 2004 Bernie Mac 2008 Michael Douglas 2006

Frank Gifford 2015 Robin Williams 2014

12 13 14 15 16 17 18Ian Flemming 1964 Florence Nightingale 1910 William Randolph Hearst Will Rogers 1935 Babe Ruth 1948 Rudolph Hess 1987 Genghis Kahn 1227Henry Fonda 1982 H. G. Wells 1946 1951 Bela Lugosi 1956 B. F. Skinner 1990Lauren Bacall 2014 Mickey Mantle 1995 Bertolt Brecht 1956 Elvis Presley 1977 Michael Deaver 2007

Julia Childs 2004 John McLaughlin 2016 Robert Novak 2009Brooke Astor 2007 Don Pardo 2014Phil Rizzuto 2007 Glen Campbell 2017Les Paul 2009 Dick MacPherson 2017

19 20 21 22 23 24 25Blaise Pascal 1662 Pope Pius VII 1823 Elizebeth Bathory 1614 Huey Newton 1989 Rudolph Valentino 1926 Ewald von Kleist 1759 David Hume 1776Groucho Marx 1977 Pope Pius X 1914 Leon Trotsky 1940 Rudolf Clausius 1888 Friedrich Nietzsche 1900Don Hewitt 2009 Joe Rosenthal 2006 Norris Bradbury 1997 Truman Capote 1984

Jerry Lewis 2017 Ted Kennedy 2009

26 27 28 29 30 31Lon Chaney 1930 W. E. B. DuBois 1963 Saint Augustine 430 Bringham Young 1877 Cleopatra 30 BC Henry V 1422Charles Lindberg 1974 Gracie Allen 1964 Ingrid Bergman 1982 Louis XI 1483 Big Tim Sullivan 1913

Louis Mountbatten 1979 Gene Wilder 2016 Gilbert Beckett 1846 Rocky Marciano 1969Stevie Ray Vaughan 1990 Wes Craven 2015 Princess Diana 1997Darryl Dawkins 2015

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An Najaf Cemetery, Iraq

While I thought I was learning how to live, I have been learning how to die.Leonardo da Vinci

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Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1Louis XIV 1715Albert Speer 1981

2 3 4 5 6 7 8Henri Rousseau 1910 Castruccio Castracani 1328 Albert Schweitzer 1965 Mother Teresa 1997 Eugenius 394 Kieth Moon 1978 Zero Mostel 1977J. R. R. Tolkien 1973 Oliver Cromwell 1658 Steve Irwin 2006 Boris Hagelin 1983

E. E. Cummings 1962 Joan Rivers 2014 Warren Zevron 2003Vince Lombardi 1971

9 10 11 12 13 14 15Mao Tse-Tung 1976 Huey Long 1935 Moham. Ali Jinnah 1948 Anthony Perkins 1992 Tupac Shakur 1996 William McKinley 1901 Jumbo the Elephant 1885Edward Telier 2003 Richard Kiel 2014 Nikita Kruschev 1971 Johnny Cash 2003 George Wallace 1998 Grace Kelly 1982 Johnny Ramone 2004

Johnny Unitas 2002 Ann Richards 2006 Patrick Swayze 2009John Ritter 2003 Moses Malone 2015

16 17 18 19 20 21 22Gabriel Fahrenheit 1736 Spiro Agnew 1996 Jimi Hendrix 1970 James Garfield 1881 Jacob Grimm 1863 Virgil 19 BC Irving Berlin 1989Louis XVIII 1824 Red Skelton 1997 Orville Redenbacher 1995 Fiorello LaGuardia 1947 Holy Roman Emperor Marcel Marceau 2007

Jackie Collins 2015 Charles V 1558 Yogi Berra 2015

23 24 25 26 27 28 29Sigmund Freud 1939 Dr. Seuss 1991 Hugo Black 1971 Daniel Boone 1820 Englebert Humperdinck Pompey 48 BC Casey Stengel 1975

Arnold Palmer 2016 Levi Strauss 1902 1921 Herman Melville 1891 Henry Ford II 1987Byron Nelson 2006 Jimmy Doolittle 1993 Louis Pasteur 1895Paul Newman 2008 William Safire 2009 Harpo Marx 1964

Hugh Hefner 2017 Abdel Nasser 1970Miles Davis 1991Shimon Peres 2016

30James Dean 1955Tony Curtis 2010Monty Hall 2017

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The Triumph of Death by Pieter Brueghel

His enemies called for peace but he brought them Death.Saki

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Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 2 3 4 5 6Gene Autry 1998 Sam Adams 1803 John Heisman 1936 Max Planck 1947 Charles the Bald 877 Will Kellogg 1951S. I. Newhouse 2017 Rock Hudson 1985 Janis Joplin 1970 Tacumseh 1813 Bette Davis 1989

Tom Petty 2017 Rodney Dangerfield 2004Steve Jobs 2011

7 8 9 10 11 12 13Oliver Wendell Holmes John Hancock 1793 Che Guevara 1967 Yul Brynner 1985 Chico Marx 1961 Rober E. Lee 1870 Ed Sullivan 19741849 Franklin Pierce 1869 Orsen Welles 1985 Redd Foxx 1991 Gen Joe Stilwell 1946 Steven Ambrose 2002Edgar Allen Poe 1849 Y. A. Tittle 2017 Christopher Reeve 2004 John Denver 1997

Wilt Chamberlin 1999

14 15 16 17 18 19 20Errol Flynn 1959 Herman Goering 1946 Marie Antoinette 1793 Chopin 1849 John Wallis 1703 Jonathan Swift 1745 Eugene Debs 1926Bing Crosby 1977 Cole Porter 1964 James Michener 1997 Henri Pu Yi 1967 Thomas Edison 1931 Tom Bosley 2010 Herbert Hoover 1964Leonard Bernstein 1990 Pierre Salinger 2004 Joey Bishop 2007 Jane Wyatt 2006Lou Albano 2009 Oscar de la Renta 2014

21 22 23 24 25 26 27Jack Keruac 1969 Cezanne 1906 Al Jolson 1950 Daniel Webster 1852 Geoffery Chaucer 1400 Alfred the Great 899 Rod Roddy 2003Ben Bradlee 2014 Pretty Boy Floyd 1934 Jackie Robinson 1972 Tycho Brahe 1604 Elizabeth Cady Stanton

Gene Roddenberry 1991 Albert Anastasia 1957 1902Rosa Parks 2005 Vincent Price 1993Fats Domino 2017 Wellington Mara 2005

28 29 30 31John Locke 1704 Walter Raleigh 1618 Steve Allen 2000 Harry Houdini 1926Red Auerbach 2006 Joseph Pulitzer 1911 Robert Goulet 2007 George Halas 1983

Indira Ghandi 1984Federico Fellini 1993Studs Terkel 2008

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Gesia Jewish Cemetery Warsaw, Poland

Like a dome of many-colored glass, life stains the white radiance of eternityuntil Death tramples it to fragments.

Percey Byssle Shelley

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1 2 3Ezra Pound 1972 George Bernard Shaw 1950 Henri Matisse 1954

4 5 6 7 8 9 10Cy Young 1955 Guy Lombardo 1977 Catherine the Great 1796 Eleanor Roosevelte 1962 John Milton 1674 Dylan Thomas 1953 Leonid Brezhnev 1982Sparky Anderson 2010 Al Capp 1979 Bill Sunday 1935 Steve McQueen 1980 Charles de Gaulle 1970 Ken Kessey 2001

Slappy White 1995 Art Carney 2003 Jack Palance 2006Ed Bradley 2006 Norman Mailer 2007

11 12 13 14 15 16 17Kierkegaard 1855 William Friedman 1969 Henry the Navigator Hegel 1831 Johannes Keppler 1630 Clark Gable 1960 Joe Kennedy 1969Yasser Arafat 2004 H. R. Haldeman 1993 1460 Booker T Washington 1915 Stokely Carmichael 1998 Bo Schembechler 2006

Ken Ober 2009

18 19 20 21 22 23 24Chester A. Arthur 1886 Pope Anastasius II 498 Leo Tolstoy 1910 Bill Bixby 1993 Black Beard 1718 Shemp Howard 1955 Lee Harvey Oswald 1963Niels Bohr 1962 Charles Manson 2017 Jack London 1916 Florence Henderson 2016Cab Calloway 1998 John F. Kennedy 1963

Mae West 1980Mary Kay 2001

25 26 27 28 29 30Upton Sinclair 1968 Pope Siricius 399 Horace 8 BC Malcolm Bradbury 2000 Natalie Wood 1981 Oscar Wilde 1900U Thant 1974 Queen Isabella 1504 Baby Face Nelson 1934 Leslie Nielsen 2010 Cary Grant 1986 Tiny Tim 1996Fidel Castro 2016 George Harrison 2001 Evel Knievel 2007

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Santa Maria Magdalena de Pazzis, San Juan, Puerto Rico

I wanted a perfect ending. Now I've learned, the hard way,that some poems don't rhyme and some stories don't have a clear beginning, middle, and end.

Gilda Radner

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1Sergei Kirov 1934Aleister Crowley 1947David Ben-Gurion 1973

2 3 4 5 6 7 8Hernan Cortes 1547 Renoir 1919 Thomas Hobbes 1679 Mozart 1791 Jefferson Davis 1889 Captain William Bligh Golda Meir 1978Marquis de Sade 1814 Madeline Kahn 1999 Frank Zappa 1993 Monet 1926 Roy Orbison 1988 1817 John Lennon 1980

Ferdinand de Lesseps John Glenn 20161894

9 10 11 12 13 14 15Archie Moore 1998 Alfred Nobel 1896 Kamehameha V 1872 Desi Arnaz 1986 Samuel Johnson 1784 John Oldcastle 1417 Johannes Trithemius 1516Sen. Paul Simon 2003 Eddie Chapman 1997 Ike Turner 2007 Grandma Moses 1961 George Washington 1799 Sitting Bull 1890

Keiko the Whale 2003 Walt Disney 1966

16 17 18 19 20 21 22Wilhelm Grimm 1859 Simon Bolivar 1830 Bobby Jones 1971 Desmond Llewelyn John Steinbeck 1968 F. Scott Fitzgerald 1940 Samuel Beckett 1989Somerset Maugham 1965 Lord Kelvin 1907 Chris Farley 1997 "Agent Q" 1999 Richard Daley 1976 George S. Patton 1945 Joe Strummer 2002Colonel Sanders 1980 Carl Sagan 1996 Joe Cocker 2014Paul Castellano 1985

23 24 25 26 27 28 29Charles Atlas 1973 Vasca da Gama 1524 Samuel Champlain 1635 Harry S. Truman 1972 Jack Benny 1974 Dennis Wilson 1983 Rasputin 1916Jack Webb 1982 Peter Lawford 1984 W. C. Fields 1946 Gerald Ford 2006 Meadowlark Lemon 2015 Clayton Moore 1999 Don Marquis 1937

Charlie Chaplin 1977 Carrie Fisher 2016 Zsa Zsa Gabor 2016 Earl Hindman "Wilson"Billy Martin 1989 Debbie Reynolds 2016 2003Dean Martin 1995James Brown 2006

30 31 George Michael 2016Sonny Liston 1970 Commodus 192Saddam Hussein 2006 Roberto Clemente 1972

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