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Inside Scripting Guide 12.9

CA Desktop Migration Manager

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Contents 5


Chapter 1: Scripting Reference 9

System Scripts .............................................................................................................................................................. 9

Appearance ........................................................................................................................................................... 9

Arrange Icons ...................................................................................................................................................... 11

Background ......................................................................................................................................................... 11

Command Prompt ............................................................................................................................................... 12

Dial Up ................................................................................................................................................................. 12

Ease of Access Center ......................................................................................................................................... 15

Folder Options ..................................................................................................................................................... 16

General ................................................................................................................................................................ 17

Icons .................................................................................................................................................................... 18

IMESettings ......................................................................................................................................................... 19

Java ...................................................................................................................................................................... 20

Keyboard ............................................................................................................................................................. 21

Mouse ................................................................................................................................................................. 21

MUI ..................................................................................................................................................................... 22

Networking .......................................................................................................................................................... 22

ODBC ................................................................................................................................................................... 23

Offline Files ......................................................................................................................................................... 23

Printers ................................................................................................................................................................ 24

QuickLaunchToolbar ........................................................................................................................................... 25

Regional............................................................................................................................................................... 26

Remote Desktop Connection .............................................................................................................................. 27

ScreenSaver ......................................................................................................................................................... 27

SendTo ................................................................................................................................................................ 28

SharePoints ......................................................................................................................................................... 28

SideBar ................................................................................................................................................................ 29

Sounds ................................................................................................................................................................. 30

Taskbar ................................................................................................................................................................ 30

Time Zone............................................................................................................................................................ 31

UserAccounts ...................................................................................................................................................... 31

Web Settings ....................................................................................................................................................... 32

Wireless ............................................................................................................................................................... 33

Application Scripts ...................................................................................................................................................... 34

Act! ...................................................................................................................................................................... 34

Acrobat ................................................................................................................................................................ 35

Adobe Acrobat Reader ........................................................................................................................................ 36

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6 Inside Scripting Guide

Adobe Illustrator ................................................................................................................................................. 39

Adobe InDesign ................................................................................................................................................... 40

Adobe PageMaker ............................................................................................................................................... 41

Adobe PageMill ................................................................................................................................................... 42

Adobe PhotoShop ............................................................................................................................................... 42

Adobe Type Manager .......................................................................................................................................... 43

America Online .................................................................................................................................................... 44

AOL Instant Messenger ....................................................................................................................................... 45

Backup Exec Desktop Pro .................................................................................................................................... 46

BlackBerry ........................................................................................................................................................... 47

BrightStor ARCserve Backup for Laptops and Desktops ..................................................................................... 48

Conversion Plus ................................................................................................................................................... 49

CorelCENTRAL ..................................................................................................................................................... 50

Corel Paradox ...................................................................................................................................................... 52

Corel Presentations ............................................................................................................................................. 53

Corel Quattro Pro ................................................................................................................................................ 54

Corel WordPerfect .............................................................................................................................................. 55

eTrust Antivirus ................................................................................................................................................... 57

eTrust PestPatrol ................................................................................................................................................. 59

eTrust Threat Management (eITM) .................................................................................................................... 61

Eudora Pro........................................................................................................................................................... 62

Exceed ................................................................................................................................................................. 63

Executive Software Diskeeper Workstation ........................................................................................................ 63

Flash Player ......................................................................................................................................................... 64

File Maker Pro ..................................................................................................................................................... 64

FTBAB .................................................................................................................................................................. 65

Gold Mine ............................................................................................................................................................ 65

Google Chrome ................................................................................................................................................... 67

HomeSite ............................................................................................................................................................. 68

ICQ ....................................................................................................................................................................... 69

InoculateIT Anti-Virus Protection ........................................................................................................................ 69

Internet Explorer ................................................................................................................................................. 70

Lotus 1-2-3 .......................................................................................................................................................... 72

Lotus Approach ................................................................................................................................................... 73

Lotus Freelance Graphics .................................................................................................................................... 74

Lotus Notes ......................................................................................................................................................... 74

Lotus Organizer ................................................................................................................................................... 76

Lotus WordPro .................................................................................................................................................... 77

Macromedia Director .......................................................................................................................................... 77

Macromedia Dreamweaver ................................................................................................................................ 78

Macromedia Fireworks ....................................................................................................................................... 78

Macromedia FreeHand ....................................................................................................................................... 79

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Contents 7

McAfee Security Center ...................................................................................................................................... 80

Microsoft Word ................................................................................................................................................... 81

Mozilla Firefox ..................................................................................................................................................... 83

MS Access ............................................................................................................................................................ 84

MS Excel .............................................................................................................................................................. 86

MS Exchange ....................................................................................................................................................... 87

MS FrontPage ...................................................................................................................................................... 88

MSOffice .............................................................................................................................................................. 89

MS Office Shortcut Bar ........................................................................................................................................ 91

MS OneNote ........................................................................................................................................................ 92

MS Outlook ......................................................................................................................................................... 92

MS Outlook Express ............................................................................................................................................ 95

MS NetMeeting ................................................................................................................................................... 97

MSN Messenger .................................................................................................................................................. 98

MS PowerPoint.................................................................................................................................................... 98

MS Project ......................................................................................................................................................... 100

MS Visio ............................................................................................................................................................. 101

MS Visual Studio ............................................................................................................................................... 103

Netscape ........................................................................................................................................................... 105

Netware Client .................................................................................................................................................. 106

Norton AntiVirus ............................................................................................................................................... 107

Norton Ghost .................................................................................................................................................... 107

Norton Internet Security ................................................................................................................................... 108

Norton Utilities NT ............................................................................................................................................ 109

Paint Shop Pro ................................................................................................................................................... 110

Palm Desktop .................................................................................................................................................... 111

pcAnywhere ...................................................................................................................................................... 112

QuarkXpress ...................................................................................................................................................... 112

QuickView Plus .................................................................................................................................................. 113

QuickBooks Pro ................................................................................................................................................. 113

Quicken ............................................................................................................................................................. 114

RealOne Player .................................................................................................................................................. 115

Siebel Sales, Personal Edition ............................................................................................................................ 116

System Mechanic .............................................................................................................................................. 116

Timbuktu ........................................................................................................................................................... 117

Winamp ............................................................................................................................................................. 118

Windows Media Player ..................................................................................................................................... 119

Windows Messenger ......................................................................................................................................... 121

WinFax Pro ........................................................................................................................................................ 122

Winzip ............................................................................................................................................................... 123

WS_FTP Professional ......................................................................................................................................... 124

Yahoo! Messenger ............................................................................................................................................ 125

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8 Inside Scripting Guide

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Chapter 1: Scripting Reference 9

Chapter 1: Scripting Reference

CA Desktop Migration Manager uses scripts to migrate system settings and application settings.

This section is reference of all the scripts that are provided with CA DMM. This includes two types of scripts: System Scripts and Application Scripts. For each script, we identify some or all of the following details:

■ Name of the script

■ Release date

■ Settings description

■ Important Notes

■ Migration Paths

■ Limitations

System Scripts

The scripts in this chapter apply to the operating system. You can go through this chapter to get information about the system scripts.


System Script

Appearance manages the Microsoft Desktop appearance.

Release Date


Settings Description

■ The Appearance option migrates the appearance of the Desktop icons such as shape, size, image, and font size.

■ The Desktop Icons option migrates the list of icons that are displayed on the Desktop such as My Computer, My Documents, My Network Places, Internet Explorer, and Recycle Bin.

■ The Fonts option migrates the appearance-related fonts.

■ The Scheme option migrates the button appearance and color scheme.

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System Scripts

10 Inside Scripting Guide

■ The Theme option migrates the Desktop themes.


■ Migration of Icon Size can also migrate some of the related Visual Effects settings.

■ Migration of Icon Dragging can also migrate some of the related Visual Effects settings.

■ The trash icons refreshes the first time that you add or remove anything from the trash.

■ The migration of Themes between different operating systems is supported only from Windows Vista onwards to Windows Vista or higher versions.

■ After migration, Personalization window pops up from Windows 7 onwards. User can simply close the window and start using the system.


■ The Use Large Icon setting is interlinked to the Icon Size in the Appearance tab.

■ The migration of the scheme names across different operating systems cannot be supported. But, the attributes are migrated.

■ The migration of the custom scheme names to Windows XP cannot be supported. But, the attributes are migrated.

The migration of Themes between different operating systems is supported only if the themes are available in default location. If the themes are saved at a custom location, migrate the themes as part of data to the destination computer.

■ The check boxes for Desktop Icons (such as My Computer, My Network Places) cannot be migrated when the settings at the source are default.

■ You cannot migrate View and Sortby from XP to Windows 8 or higher on the desktop.

■ If Aero theme is not enabled you cannot migrate the colors under the path Control Panel, Appearance and Personalization, Personalization.

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System Scripts

Chapter 1: Scripting Reference 11

Arrange Icons

System Script

Arrange Icons manages the arrangement of Desktop icons.

Release Date


Settings Description

This script migrates the settings available under the Arrange Icons By option. This option can be set by right-clicking the Desktop and then selecting Arrange Icons By (View and Sort by in Vista).


Restart the source system before start the migration.


■ The sorting of desktop icons cannot be migrated to Windows Vista when migrating from Windows XP to Windows Vista.

■ You cannot migrate the Auto arrange icons, Align icons to grid, Show desktop icons, Large icons, Medium icons, Small icons by right-clicking the Desktop and selecting View, for the new user in multiple users scenario from Windows Vista or higher versions of Windows 8.

■ You cannot migrate the Name, Size, Item type, Date that is modified by right-clicking the Desktop, and selecting Sort by, for the new user in multiple users scenario from Windows Vista, or higher versions of Windows 8.


System Script

Background manages the settings of the Display Properties for the background that displays on the Desktop.

Release Date


Settings Description

■ The Pattern option migrates the pattern settings.

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System Scripts

12 Inside Scripting Guide

■ The Wallpaper option migrates the Wallpaper that is displayed on Desktop.

■ The Wallpaper Position option migrates the Wallpaper positions such as Center, Tile, and Stretch.


The background images in the JPEG format and web contents cannot be migrated if Active Desktop is not installed.

Command Prompt

System Script

Command Prompt (executable name cmd.exe) is the Microsoft-supplied command-line interpreter on OS/2, Windows CE and on Windows NT-based operating systems (including Windows 2000, XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, Server 2003, Server 2008, Server 2008 R2 and Server 2012). It is the analog of COMMAND.COM in MS-DOS and Windows 9x systems (where it is named MS-DOS Prompt), or of the Unix shells that are used on Unix-like systems.

Release Date


Settings Description

This script migrates the properties of the Command Prompt window. The Command Prompt window allows you to type DOS level commands rather than using the GUI. Settings for the Command Prompt can be set by right-clicking on the window and selecting Properties. The settings that are migrated are: Command History, Cursor Size, Display Options, Edit Options, Font, Layout, and Colors.

When you select system settings for migration, command-prompt settings are available for selection.

Dial Up

System Script

Dial up manages the Microsoft Windows Dial-Up Networking settings.

Release Date


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System Scripts

Chapter 1: Scripting Reference 13

Settings Description

■ The TCP/IP Settings migrates the TCP/IP network settings that are associated with the Dial-up connections.

■ The Remote Administration Service Settings migrates the settings for a Dial-up connection where your computer receives phone calls, and, allows the caller onto your network.

■ The Phonebooks option migrates the dial-up phone numbers settings. The phone numbers can be selected for the current user or all users.

■ The Current User option under the Phonebooks option migrates the user-specific dial-up phone numbers.

■ The Common option migrates the global dial-up phone numbers settings.

■ The Calling Cards option migrates the saved calling card information.

■ The Locations option migrates the Saved country and zip codes.


■ If you migrate a phonebook with the existing name on the destination, you cannot change that phonebook's settings until you rename one of the phonebooks.

■ The Dial-up Remote Networking Server closes before migration. If you are connected to the destination computer through Dial-up Networking, create a DNA file to complete the migration.

■ The custom script files do not migrate, reselect login scripts.

■ If the phonebook setting contains the modems from the source system, select the appropriate modem for the destination system.

■ You cannot migrate the Dial-up username, password, and domain settings. reset them manually.

■ When the migration is complete, you cannot undo any of the migrated connections.

■ If the source system has an old set of country codes, do not reselect your country code.

■ The passwords for remote networking server may not have migrated completely. Reenter the passwords for any invalid passwords.

■ You cannot migrate the Internet Connection Firewall settings.

■ You cannot migrate the Internet Connection Sharing settings.

■ You cannot migrate the Calling Card PINs cross-platform.

■ Before migration of settings, install the Dial-up Networking and Remote Administration Server.

■ The user settings are not migrated, select the Dial-up User Settings and Permissions.

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System Scripts

14 Inside Scripting Guide

■ You cannot migrate the general password settings in Windows 2000 Advanced Server. Reselect the general password settings.

■ After the rebooting, you may receive a message regarding new hardware. Windows search unsuccessfully for any new hardware. After a reboot, remove the unknown devices from the device manager.

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System Scripts

Chapter 1: Scripting Reference 15

Ease of Access Center

System Script

The Ease of Access Center is a central location where you can modify the accessibility settings and programs available in Windows.

Settings Description

■ Use the computer without a display.

■ Make the computer easier to see.

■ Use the computer without the mouse or keyboard

■ Make the mouse easier to use.

■ Make the keyboard easier to use.

■ Use text or visual alternatives to sounds.

■ Make it easier to focus on tasks.


■ In multiple users scenario, if a user exists on source and the user does not exist on the destination while migration, the migrated settings can be effective for that user only after restarting and logging-off the computer.

■ After migration, Mouse settings will be effective only after clicking OK under the path Control Panel, Ease of Access, Ease of Access Center, Make the mouse easier to use on the destination computer.

■ After migration, the following settings take effect only after restarting and logging-off the respective user:

■ Remove background images (where available) settings under the path Control Panel, Ease of Access, Ease of Access Center, Make the computer easier to see, Make things on the screen easier to see, will take effect only if you log out after first login. That means after the migration, log out and login to your computer.

■ Turn off all unnecessary animations (when possible) settings under the path:

■ Control Panel, Ease of Access, Ease of Access Center, Use the computer without a display, Adjust time limits and flashing visuals.

■ Control Panel, Ease of Access, Ease of Access Center, Make the computer easier to see, Make things on the screen easier to see.

■ Control Panel, Ease of Access, Ease of Access Center, Make it easier to focus on tasks, Adjust time limits and flashing visuals.

■ Activate a window by hovering over it with the mouse settings under the path Control Panel, Ease of Access, Ease of Access Center, Make the mouse easier to use, Make it easier to manage windows.


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System Scripts

16 Inside Scripting Guide

■ You cannot migrate, Run Speech Recognition at startup settings from Windows 7 to Windows 8 or higher, under the path Control Panel, Ease of Access, Ease of Access Center, Use the computer without display, Set up Text to Speech, Speech Recognition, User settings.

Folder Options

System Script

Folder Options manage a computing entity (such as a directory, a catalog, or a folder) in a file system that contains a group of files, other folders, or both.

Release Date


Settings Description

The Folder Options script migrates all the settings that are found in the Control Panel\Folder Options. From Windows Vista onwards, you can also migrate Favorites and Libraries in Windows Explorer.


This script does not support the migration of the file types.


■ You cannot migrate the Offline Files options from previous versions to Windows Vista.

■ You cannot migrate the temporary Offline Files disk space option from Windows 2000 to Windows Vista.

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System Scripts

Chapter 1: Scripting Reference 17


System Script

General script (formerly, Vista OS Settings) manages Windows Vista specific settings such as People Near Me, Ease of Access, Sideshow.

Release Date


Settings Description

■ Ease of Access settings that are related to Magnifier, Narrator, On-screen Keyboard, Sideshow, Speech recognition.

■ An Auto Play setting that is related to the plug and play devices.

■ The Windows Firewall settings.

■ Indexing and the Search settings that are related to indexing of the folders and search options.

■ The People Near Me settings which include login and security settings.

■ Windows Defender and, Back up and Restore Settings is supported from Windows 7 and higher.


■ The iSCSI service must be running on the destination to apply the settings.

■ The advanced settings of the Windows Firewall are not migrated.

■ Windows 8 and higher does not support People Near Me feature and is not available for migration.

■ The Windows Defender Settings migrate only if the current user has permission on both the source and destination computers before starting the migration. To provide permissions to the current user go to Registry, right-click HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows Defender and follow the instructions.


■ Applications that are allowed and features setting under the path Control Panel, System, and Security, Windows Firewall, Allowed apps does not migrate in the following scenarios:

■ Windows 8, 32 bit to Windows 8, 64 bit.

■ Windows 8.1 32 bit to Windows 8.1 64 bit.

■ Back-up or restore your files settings under the path Control Panel, System, and Security, Backup your computer does not migrate in the following scenarios:

■ From Windows 7 to Windows 8.

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System Scripts

18 Inside Scripting Guide

■ From Windows 8 to Windows 8.1.

■ From Windows 8.1 to Windows 8.1.


System Script


Release Date


Settings Description

■ The script migrates the Effects tab settings and the icon information about the Appearance tab of the Desktop Properties control panel. Desktop Icons migrates the system icons such as My Documents and Recycle Bin that appear on the Desktop.

■ Other migrated settings: the size of icons and icon spacing.

■ Image migrates icons that are used for My Computer, Network Neighborhood, My Documents and the Recycle Bin. Icons verify if Desktop Cleanup Wizard must be run.

The settings granularities are as follows:

■ Icons

■ Desktop Cleanup Wizard (Windows XP only)

■ Desktop Icons (Windows XP only)


■ To migrate the auto arrange setting, the system must be restarted before migration.


■ The trash icons refresh the first time that you add or remove something from the trash.

■ To migrate the auto arrange setting, the system must be restarted before migration.

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System Scripts

Chapter 1: Scripting Reference 19


System Script

The IMESettings script migrates the configuration for the Input Method Editor (IME). The IME is a program that allows computer users to enter complex characters and symbols, such as Japanese characters, using a standard keyboard.

Release Date


Settings Description

■ Japanese Input System

■ Korean Input System

■ Shared Settings

■ Simplified Chinese Input System

■ Traditional Chinese Input System (Array, Big5 Code, ChangJie, DaYi, New ChangJie, New Phonetic, Phonetic, Quick, and Unicode).

When you migrate, you are able to select from any of the following check boxes under Microsoft IME:

■ Japanese input System Settings

■ Korean Input System Settings

■ Shared Settings

■ Simplified Chinese Input System Settings

■ Traditional Chinese Input System Settings (Array, Big5 Code, ChangJie, DaYi, New Changjie, New Phonetic, Phonetic, Quick, Unicode).


■ Simplified Chinese IME for locales MS PinYin. NeiMa, QuanPin, ShuangPin, and ZhengMa cannot be migrated.

■ The migration of the CAPS and KANA toolbar buttons cannot be supported.

■ The custom template color cannot be migrated from Windows 2000 to Windows XP.

■ The settings from Chang Jie version 5.02 cannot be migrated to Windows 2000 or Windows XP.

■ Dictionaries cannot be upgraded.

■ Toolbar Minimization setting cannot be migrated.

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System Scripts

20 Inside Scripting Guide


System Script

The Java script migrates the configuration for the Java Control Panel. The Java Control Panel includes the following tabs:

■ General

■ Security

■ Java

■ Update

■ Advanced

Release Date


Settings Description

■ Java Control Panel allows the following settings:

■ View and delete temporary files that are used by the Java Plug-in

■ View and configure Java Web Start to run Java applications over the network

■ Control certificates, making it safe to run applets and applications over the network.

■ View an active deployment rule set, and to manage the exception site list.

■ Set runtime parameters for applets that run with Java Plug-in and applications that run with Java Web Start.

■ Provides mechanism for updating your version of the Java platform so that you always have the latest Java Runtime Environment (JRE).

■ Sets the options for debugging and applet handling.


■ Update tab is available only in Java 7 and higher.

■ The Java settings migration is supported only from Java 6 and higher.

■ The Java settings migration is supported only on Windows 7 and higher.


■ When you migrate from Java 6 and higher, the Enable next-generation Java Plug-in setting under the path, Control Panel, All Control Panel Items, Java, Advanced tab, Java Plug-in does not migrate.

■ When you migrate from Java 6 to Java 7 the Place Java icon in system tray setting under the path, Control Panel, All Control Panel Items, Java, Advanced tab, Miscellaneous does not migrate.

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System Scripts

Chapter 1: Scripting Reference 21

■ When you migrate from Java 7, the Check for updates automatically sets under the path, Control Panel, All Control Panel Items, Java, Update tab does not migrate.


System Script


Release Date


Settings Description

■ Configuration settings such as Keyboard Repeat Delay, Repeat Rate, and Cursor Blink Rate found in the Keyboard properties.

■ Keyboard layouts, languages, and settings such as Advanced Key Settings.


To migrate an individual locale, it must be available on the destination system.


■ You can migrate the LanguageBar settings that are given in the Keyboard properties by selecting the Regional Settings option.


System Script


Release Date


Settings Description

■ Settings such as Mouse Repeat Button Configuration, Double-Click Speed, Click Lock, Mouse Motion, Pointer Trails, and Wheel Scrolling are present in the Mouse properties.

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22 Inside Scripting Guide

■ Mouse Schemes and changes in the Customize option for Mouse Schemes.


The Single or Double-Click option buttons in the Files and Folders menu present in the Mouse options in Windows 2000 can be migrated by selecting the Folder Options option.


System Script

MUI represents the Microsoft Windows Multilingual User Interface settings.

Release Date


Settings Description

The MUI script migrates Multilingual User Interface settings.


Install the MUI languages on both the source and the destination to migrate the MUI settings.


System Script

The Networking script manages Microsoft Networking settings.

Release Date


Settings Description

■ The Identification option migrates the computer name and domain or workgroup information.

■ The Access Control option determines whether the system shares are secured by passwords on a single share or by having a list of users who can log in.

■ The Protocol Settings migrate the settings that are associated with the configuration of TCP/IPv4.

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System Scripts

Chapter 1: Scripting Reference 23

■ The Authentication option migrates the settings in the Authentication tab.


Shut down the source system after the migration to avoid IP conflicts.


System Script


Settings Description

■ The ODBC settings that are defined in the Control Panel's Administrative Tools section.

■ Tools for NT like systems. The ODBC script supports all the general settings and all database settings.

When selecting system settings for migration, Data Sources (ODBC) settings are available for selection.


■ Settings for the databases are migrated only if the database driver (dll) exists on the destination.

■ If specific drivers must be installed to migrate a database setting, you are informed with a message in the destination event log.

■ When setting up a new database using MS VFoxPro driver on a Windows XP system, you receive a warning indicating to use the specified driver, upgrade the driver to the latest version available on the MS website.

Offline Files

System Script

Offline Files

Release Date


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Settings Description

■ Settings for the Offline Files can be selected from Control Panel, All Control Panel Items, Sync Center, Manage offline files. You can migrate settings present under the tabs General, Disk Usage, Encryption, and Network.

■ When selecting system settings for migration, Offline Files Settings are available for selection.


■ The previous Offline Files settings are part of folder option settings. From Windows Vista onwards these settings are moved to Control Panel, All Control Panel Items, Sync Center, Manage offline files. So from Windows Vista onwards a new node appears in system settings to migrate Offline files settings.


■ You cannot migrate the Disk Usage settings under the path Start, All Programs, Accessories, Sync Center, Manage Offline files, from the windows vista to higher versions.


System Script

The Printers script manages Microsoft Windows installed printers and their settings.

Release Date


Settings Description

■ The Local Printers option displays and migrates all the local printers available on the computer.

■ The Network Printers option displays and migrates all the network printers for the selected user.

When selecting system settings for migration, Printers is available for selection under the Desktop Settings branch of the System Settings tree.


■ After printer settings are migrated, default printer set on the source may not reflect as default printer on the destination. In such case, set the default printer on the destination manually.

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System Scripts

Chapter 1: Scripting Reference 25


■ If your printer ports are mapped network paths, remap the network paths on the destination system.

■ After migration, the scheduling settings can change, and will need to be reset.

■ For the LPR printers to operate correctly on the destination system, you may need to install appropriate network DLC protocol.

■ Printers whose drivers do not come bundled with Windows, require their drivers that are installed on the destination before the migration.

■ To migrate printers, the user must have at least power user access.


System Script

The Quick Launch Shortcut contains shortcuts to applications. A single click on the application's icon in this area launches the application.

Release Date


Settings Description

The QuickLaunchShortcut script migrates the Quick Launch Shortcut icons and enables or disables the Quick Launch Shortcut.


■ The source system must be restarted before you migrate.

■ If the shortcut target does not exist or is different from the source computer shortcut target, the Quick Launch shortcuts breaks.

■ The Quick Launch Shortcut is removed from the default toolbars list in Windows 7. However, for backward compatibility, Windows 7 still contains the Quick Launch folder. For more information, see the link

To add the Quick Launch Shortcut to the taskbar, right-click the taskbar and select Toolbars, New Toolbar from the context menu. Then, enter %AppData%\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch in the Folder field. These steps restore the Quick Launch shortcut.

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26 Inside Scripting Guide


System Script

The Regional settings are used to change the way computer displays numbers, currencies, date, and time.

Release Date


Settings Description

The Regional script migrates Numbers, Currency, Time, Date, Location, and Input Locale present in Regional and Language Options.


To migrate an individual locale, it must be available on the destination system.


■ The Supplemental language support and the Code page conversion tables settings are not migrated.

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Chapter 1: Scripting Reference 27

Remote Desktop Connection

System Script

Remote Desktop connects two computers over a network or the Internet. Once connected, you can see the remote computer desktop, and have access to all its programs and files.

Release Date


Settings Description

Remote Desktop Connection script migrates all the options that are available in the remote desktop Connection window. These options include Log-on settings, Connection settings, Display configuration, Colors, Remote audio, Keyboard, Local devices and resources, Start a program, Performance, Server Authentication and Connect from anywhere.


When you migrate from any older OS to Windows 8 or higher, the performance settings defaults to Detect Connection Quality Automatically, under the path Start, All Programs, Accessories, Remote Desktop Connection, Experience.


System Script

The Windows Desktop screen saver is an animated picture or pattern that displays automatically when the computer is kept idle for a predetermined period.

Release Date


Settings Description

■ The Current Screen Saver option migrates the currently selected screen saver.

■ The Energy Options migrates all power settings to maximize the computer performance by adjusting the display brightness and power settings.

■ The Password option migrates the screen saver password.

■ The Wait Times option migrates the predetermined period to set the screen saver.

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■ Migration of the APM settings is not supported.

■ Migration of the UPS settings is not supported.

■ Migration of the Custom Energy settings between different versions of Windows is not supported.

■ When you are migrating from a 64-bit operating system to another 64-bit operating system using Real-time migration, manually copy the custom screen saver files to the destination computer.


■ The Current Screen Saver file on the source computer cannot be overwritten on the destination computer.

■ The Screen Saver\Change Power settings cannot be migrated.


System Script

SendTo is a Desktop setting.

Release Date


Settings Description

The SendTo script migrates the contents of the SendTo folder.


System Script

SharePoints migrates share points for the folders, not including the folder or its contents, which have to be moved using the file selection tree.

Release Date


Settings Description

The SharePoints script migrates the share points created for folders.

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■ The shared folders must be manually moved from the source system to the destination system.

■ If share points are being migrated to a computer in a different domain, the permissions may have to be reset.


■ Migration of permissions from Windows 2000 systems cannot be supported. Reset the permissions.


System Script

SideBar manages Windows Vista specific desktop settings for SideBar.

Release Date


Settings Description

This script migrates the SideBar settings such as position, gadgets, and appearance. This script is applicable only for Windows Vista Desktop.

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System Script

Sounds manages the sounds settings.

Release Date


Settings Description

The Sounds script migrates the settings that are related to the sounds. The Sounds settings are set in the Sounds option in Control Panel.


■ Only the schemes are migrated to the destination.

■ In Windows Vista, if the name of the sound file is not seen, change the option in Folder Option to show the extension of known file types (check the option Hide Extensions for known file types) after migration.

■ When you migrate sounds, some errors appear in the event log saying that access is denied. These errors do not alter the migration.


System Script

Taskbar is a Desktop setting.

Release Date


Settings Description

The Taskbar script migrates the Taskbar, Start menu, Pin this program to taskbar, and Notification area found in the Taskbar properties.


■ Restart the source computer to store any changes that are made to the Taskbar settings before starting the migration.

■ The application sections of the start menu migrate. However, the migration of the settings to show your browser and email applications in the Start menu cannot be supported.

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■ The Address, Links, and Quick Launch tool bar configurations in the Taskbar are not migrated.

■ The pinned items migrate only for applications whose executable name remains same on both source and destination computer.

■ If the user has pinned a standalone application exe in the taskbar, then the corresponding pinned item, does not migrate.


■ Customizing Hide Inactive Icons in the Notification area cannot be migrated.

■ The pinned items do not migrate in case the application does not install on the destination before migration.

■ The pinning of items in the taskbar cannot be undone using Undo feature of DMM.

Time Zone

System Script

Time Zone represents the operating system time zone settings.

Release Date


Settings Description

The Time Zone script migrates all the system time zone settings with their Additional clock settings available in Vista.


The system time and date migration does not come in the scope of this script.


System Script


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Settings Description

This script supports the appearance settings for Windows XP users at the login screen if the computer is not attached to a domain. The settings include: the graphic associated with the user at login allowing fast switching of users and the type of login window, either Windows classic or Windows XP type. The graphic file that is displayed for the user is migrated.


■ User account pictures cannot be migrated for non-domain users when destination is Windows 7 computer.

Web Settings

System Script

WebSettings for Active Desktop enable users to use their Desktop as a web page. Thus, enabling the users to get content from the Internet and display it on their Desktop.

Release Date


Settings Description

The WebSettings script migrates the Active Desktop settings.


■ The migration of the security information cannot be supported.

■ The background images in the JPEG format and web contents migrate only if Active Desktop is installed.


■ Unable to migrate passwords for any web pages in Desktop Items, reset them manually.

■ The Web schedule settings cannot be migrated if the user name and domain are different.

■ Undo for Active Desktop migration is not supported.

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System Script

A wireless network is a telecommunication or computer network that uses radio for the carrier or physical layer.

Release Date


Settings Description

Wireless script migrates all the Wireless Adapter settings and the AccessPoint settings.


■ Use the Authentication option under Networking to migrate the Authentication of the AccessPoint.

■ The migration is successful only when the cards are of same type on both source and destination.

■ The migration of driver settings is unsuccessful when the source has default and the destination has non-default.

■ The settings of This Connection uses Following Items, do not migrate using the wireless option.

■ Firewall Settings are not migrated.

■ Only Windows wireless agent is supported.

■ Stop the Wireless Zero Configuration Service before performing the undo for the Wireless settings in Windows XP.

■ Stop the WLAN AutoConfig Service before performing the undo for the Wireless settings in Windows Vista.


■ The wireless network properties cannot be undone for Windows Vista.

■ In Wireless Network Connection Properties, under the Sharing tab the following settings are not migrated:

■ Allow other network users to connect through this computer internet connection.

■ Settings, Services when selected Allow other network users to connect through this computer internet connection.

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34 Inside Scripting Guide

■ The wireless settings under the WINS tab from the path Control Panel, Network and Internet, Network and Sharing Center, Manage Wireless Networks, Adapter Properties, Wireless Network Connection Properties, Networking, Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4), Properties, General, Advanced, Advanced TCP/IP Settings, cannot be migrated.

Application Scripts

The scripts in this chapter apply to applications.


Application Script


Release Date


Settings Description

■ User information

■ Passwords

■ File Types

■ Layout Settings

■ Database Name

■ Email Settings

■ Macro Names

Migration Paths

■ From 4 to 4

■ From 4 to 2000

■ From 2000 to 2000


■ Migrating 4.0 toolbars is not supported.

■ Migrating 4.0 menu modifications is not supported.

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Application Script

Adobe Acrobat

Release Date


Settings Description

Migration of all settings is supported. When selecting items for migration, you are able to select all supported Adobe Acrobat settings.

Migration Paths

■ From 3.01 to 3.01

■ From 4.0 to 4.0


■ Web Capture and Weblink settings cannot be migrated.

■ Distiller and PDF Writer can be migrated by selecting Printers migration.

■ Uninstall can no longer be functional when you migrate the application to a new directory.

■ Adobe font folders and the watched folder list cannot be migrated to a newer version of Adobe Acrobat.

■ When migrating Adobe Acrobat settings from version 3.01 to 4.0, approximately 10percent of settings support migration.

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Adobe Acrobat Reader

Application Script

Adobe Acrobat Reader is a PDF document reader.

Release Date


Settings Description

This script includes all the settings of Adobe Acrobat Reader.

Migration Paths

■ From 4.0 to 4.0

■ From 4.0 to 5.0

■ From 4.0 to 6.0

■ From 4.0 to 7.0

■ From 4.0 to 8.0

■ From 5.0 to 5.0

■ From 5.0 to 6.0

■ From 5.0 to 7.0

■ From 5.0 to 8.0

■ From 6.0 to 6.0

■ From 6.0 to 7.0

■ From 6.0 to 8.0

■ From 7.0 to 7.0

■ From 7.0 to 8.0

■ From 8.0 to 8.0

■ From 8.0 to 9.0

■ From 9.0 to 9.0

■ From 9.0 to 10.0

■ From 10.0 to 10.0


■ To migrate files added to My Digital Editions or My BookShelfs, either select the files in File Tree or create a filter for *.pdf files.

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■ To migrate the preferred multimedia Player settings in the Multimedia options, the required player must be installed on the destination.

■ The Digital ID file settings and Digital IDs created through the Digital ID file mechanism are migrated if the versions on the source and the destination are same and specific to user profiles. However, the Digital Id files are not migrated. They must be migrated using the filters for the *.pfx files.

Application Limitations

■ The setting under the Edit, Preferences, Forms, Automatically calculate the field values path does not retain unchecked value from 5.0 to 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, from 6.0 to 6.0, 7.0, from 7.0 to 7.0, and from all previous version to 8.0.

■ Setting under the Edit, Preferences, Security, Advanced Preferences, Windows Integration, Validating Signatures path does not retain unchecked value from 7.0 to 7.0.

■ Setting under the Edit, Preferences, Trust Manager path cannot change permissions for selected Multimedia player from 6.0 to 6.0, 7.0 and from 7.0 to 7.0.

■ Setting under the View, Task Buttons, "Digital Editions" and "Show all Task Buttons" path, either both are checked or unchecked from 7.0 to 7.0.

■ The setting under the Edit, Preferences, International, Application Language path has by default English that is selected, and it does not retain the changed values from 7.0 to 7.0.

■ Setting under the Edit, Preferences, Display, Application Language path has by default English that is selected, and it does not retain the changed values from 5.0 to 5.0, 6.0, 7.0.

■ The Hide Tool Bar setting is not functioning, but upgrade migration functions well from 5.0 to 6.0, 7.0 and from 6.0 to 7.0.

■ Setting under the View, Task Buttons, "ebooks" and "Show all Task Buttons" path, either both are checked or unchecked from 6.0 to 6.0, 7.0.

■ Setting under the Edit, Preferences, Trust Manager path cannot change permissions for trusted documents from 6.0 to 6.0, 7.0 and from 7.0 to 7.0.

■ Setting under the Edit, Preferences, Start up Application Language path has by default English that is selected, and it does not retain the changed values from 6.0 to 6.0, 7.0.

■ Setting under the Edit, Preferences, Digital Signatures, Advanced Preferences, Windows Integration, Validating Signatures path does not retain unchecked value from 6.0 to 6.0, 7.0.

■ Setting under the Edit, Preferences, Full Screen, Ignore all transitions path does not retain checked value from 6.0 to 6.0, 7.0.

■ Setting under the Edit, Preferences, Forms, Highlight Color cannot be migrated from 5.0 to 8.0.

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■ Setting under Edit, Preferences, Page Display, Page Layout mapping can differ while migrating from 6.0 to 8.0 and from 7.0 to 8.0.

■ Setting under the Edit, Preferences, Reviewing, Show Review Tracker Alerts path cannot be migrated from 8.0 to 8.0.

Script Limitations:

■ Display PDF Browser from 4.0 to 4.0, from all versions to 5.0, from all versions to 6.0, from all versions to 7.0, and from all versions to 8.0.

■ Certified Plug-ins from 4.0 to 4.0, from all versions to 5.0, from all versions to 6.0, from all versions to 7.0, and from 5.0 to 8.0.

■ Settings under the path File, Adobe Online, Preferences are not migrated from 4.0 to 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0.

■ Highlight Form fields from 5.0 to 7.0.

■ Digital ID File settings are not migrated from 6.0 to 7.0.

■ My BookShelf to My Digital Editions from 6.0 to 7.0.

■ Undo cannot be performed for Digital signatures appearances for a particular case when the appearances list at the source is empty, but exists on the destination. This cannot be migrated from 6.0 to 6.0, 7.0 and from 7.0 to 7.0.

■ Application window size and position cannot migrate from all previous versions to 8.0.

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Chapter 1: Scripting Reference 39

Adobe Illustrator

Application Script

Adobe Illustrator

Release Date


Settings Description

■ General Settings

■ Type and Auto Tracing

■ Keyboard Increments (7.0)

■ Unit & Undo

■ Guides & Grid

■ Hyphenation options

■ Plug- ins & Scratch Disk

■ Files & Clipboard

■ Workgroup (10.0)

■ Online Settings

■ Smart Guides

■ Type

■ View and Window

Adobe Illustrator does not migrate between versions.

Migration Paths

■ From 7.0 to 7.0

■ From 7.0 to 9.0

■ From 7.0 to 10.0

■ From 9.0 to 9.0

■ From 9.0 to 10.0

■ From 10.0 to 10.0

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■ If the application directory on the destination computer differs from that of the source, migration of the Plug-in settings is not done.

■ The Adobe Online preferences cannot be migrated.

■ In 7.01, the Document Setup settings are not migrated.

Adobe InDesign

Application Script

Adobe InDesign is a desktop publishing (DTP) software.

Release Date


Settings Description

This script includes all the settings of Adobe InDesign.

Migration Path

■ From 1.0 to 1.0

■ From 1.0 to 1.5

■ From 1.0 to 2.0

■ From 1.5 to 1.5

■ From 1.5 to 2.0

■ From 2.0 to 2.0


■ Depending on the system configuration, the toolbar positioning can return to the default location.

■ Migration of the dictionary language between different Windows versions is not supported.


■ The Adobe Online preferences cannot be migrated.

■ Migration between different versions is not supported.

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Chapter 1: Scripting Reference 41

Adobe PageMaker

Application Script

Adobe PageMaker

Release Date


Settings Description

■ Application

■ Cross-Platform Converter

■ Publisher Converter

■ QuarkXpress Converter

■ Version 3 Converter

Migration Paths

■ From 6.5 to 6.5

■ From 6.5 to 6.5.2

■ From 6.5.2 to 6.5.2


■ If the resolutions differ between the source and destination monitors, the toolbar locations cannot remain the same.

■ In some instances, uninstall features cannot migrate.

■ Migration of Pagemaker's target printer is not supported. Follow the directions of Pagemaker to load your target printer.

■ Font selection is not migrated.

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Adobe PageMill

Application Script

Adobe PageMill

Release Date


Settings Description

■ Recent File List

■ All Preferences

■ View and Pasteboard settings

Migration Paths

■ From 3 to 3


The Switch to Apps settings can be lost if the corresponding applications are not installed on destination computer.

Adobe PhotoShop

Application Script

Adobe PhotoShop

Release Date


Settings Description

■ Import

■ Automate

■ Create Droplet

■ Contact Sheet

■ Multi-Page PDF to PSD

■ Picture Package

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■ Web Photo Gallery

■ Color Settings

■ Preferences

■ Purge and Windows settings

Migration Paths

■ From 4 to 4

■ From 5 to 5

■ From 5.5 to 5.5

■ From 6 to 6


■ The migration of some Adobe Online settings is not supported.

■ If the resolution of the destination monitor differs from the source monitor, the toolbar location cannot remain the same.

5.0 settings that do not migrate from Windows 2000 to Windows 2000 or Windows XP:

■ Interpolation & Option, Painting Cursors, Columnsize/Width, Guides Color & Style and Memory & Image Cache.

4.01 settings that do not migrate from Windows 2000 or Windows XP:

■ General, Display & Cursors, Transparency & Gamut, Units & Rules, Plug-Ins settings, and CMYK setup settings.

■ When migrating the application, reset the path to the Plug-in directory. Go to Edit, Preferences, Plug-Ins, and check the box Additional Plug-ins.

Adobe Type Manager

Application Script

Adobe Type Manager

Release Date


Settings Description

The Adobe Type Manager script migrates all of the settings of the program except the ones that are listed in limitations.

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Migration Paths

■ From 4 to 4


■ Custom font sets, Deactivated Font settings are not migrated.

America Online

Application Script

America Online (AOL) is a communication service that provides users with access to both the Internet and special AOL content such as news and entertainment.

Release Date


Settings Description

■ The Settings option includes all the settings of America Online.

■ The File Cabinet option migrates the cabinet files of America Online.

■ The My Calendar option migrates the Calender.

Migration Path

■ From 7.0 to 7.0


■ Custom download paths cannot migrate.

■ Passwords do not migrate. AOL asks you to re enter them the first time it is launched.

■ Ensure that the AOL application settings is checked. If the file cabinet is locked, the cabinet locks permanently unless you include AOL settings.

■ If filing cabinet is password that is protected, re enter your password and restart AOL to access it for the first time.

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Chapter 1: Scripting Reference 45

AOL Instant Messenger

Application Script

AOL Instant Messenger is an instant messaging client.

Release Date


Settings Description

The AOL Instant Messenger script migrates all the general settings.

Migration Paths

■ From 5.0 to 5.0

■ From 5.0 to 5.1

■ From 5.0 to 5.2

■ From 5.0 to 5.5

■ From 5.0 to 5.9

■ From 5.1 to 5.1

■ From 5.1 to 5.2

■ From 5.1 to 5.5

■ From 5.1 to 5.9

■ From 5.2 to 5.2

■ From 5.2 to 5.5

■ From 5.2 to 5.9

■ From 5.5 to 5.5

■ From 5.5 to 5.9

■ From 5.9 to 5.9


■ The settings that are stored at the server are not migrated through the scripts. The server stores the latest changes that are done to the settings and are available whenever the client connects to the server.

■ Sign out and exit AOL Instant Messenger before migration at the source and the destination.

■ Restart your computer after migration.

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■ My AIM, Edit Options, Edit Preferences, Live video, Video/Audio Tuning settings are related to the system sounds. These settings must be migrated using the system sound scripts.

■ My AIM, Save Buddy List Contact list can be saved. This list can be migrated using the filter option for the *.blt files.

■ The list is migrated for Add-Ins Manager, but Add-Ins must be installed on the destination.


■ Under the path My AIM, Edit Options, Edit Preferences, Stock Ticker, Edit Stocks, Symbols, Edit Alerts for AOL, the two check boxes cannot be migrated from 5.2 to 5.5.

■ My AIM, Edit Options, Edit Preferences, Security scripts do not deal with certificates.

Backup Exec Desktop Pro

Application Script

Backup Exec Desktop Pro

Release Date


Settings Description

The Backup Exec Desktop script migrates all the settings.

Migration Paths

■ From 4.5 to 4.5

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Application Script

BlackBerry Desktop

Release Date


Settings Description

Migrates all the settings.

Migration Paths

■ From 1.6 to 1.6

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BrightStor ARCserve Backup for Laptops and Desktops

Application Script

BrightStor ARCserve Backup for Laptops and Desktops is an application for taking backup of the data.

Release Date


Settings Description

Migrates all the settings of BrightStor ARCserve Backup for Laptops and Desktops.

Migration Paths

■ From 4.0 to 4.0

■ From 4.0 to 11.0

■ From 4.0 to 11.1

■ From 11.0 to 11.0

■ From 11.0 to 11.1

■ From 11.1 to 11.1


■ Ensure that the client is not running when the migration is being performed.

■ Ensure that the type of installation on the source and the destination is of the same type. This means that it must be either custom on both or typical on both.

■ The user must migrate the files and folder that is related to the backup sets in the source on to the destination, if not present, using the filters option.

■ The user data does not move to the same location on the destination in which it is in the source. Once the migration is done, the user data can be moved to the new location using Configuration, Local Configuration, Move User Data.

■ If the drives that are selected on the source do not exist on the destination for the exclusion option, then these drives do not appear on the destination.


■ The settings that are related to the server connection cannot be migrated, fill in the details manually.

■ The Typical settings of 4.0 do not migrate to the Custom settings of 11.0 and 11.1 and not to the Typical settings, because now the settings are related to the Custom settings of 11.0 and 11.1.

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■ The path in Restore Location do not map to the new path on the destination.

Conversion Plus

Application Script

Conversion Plus converts Mac OS and other files into a format that you can use.

Release Date


Settings Description

This script includes all the settings of Conversion Plus.

Migration Path

■ From 6.0 to 6.0


■ Ensure that Outlook is installed on the destination computer before using Conversion Plus for Outlook.

■ Conversion Plus must be run at least once before you perform the migration.


■ Any folders set to be used on the source computer that does not exist on the destination computer does not migrate.

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Application Script


Release Date


Settings Description

■ Address Book

■ Alarms

■ Calendar

■ Card File

■ Day Planner

■ Mail

■ Memos

Migration Paths

■ From 8.0 to 8.0

■ From 8.0 to 9.0

■ From 8.0 to 10.0

■ From 9.0 to 9.0

■ From 9.0 to 10.0

■ From 10.0 to 10.0


■ Your mail file migrates if you select the CMS document extension either on the Select Applications and Settings page or by creating a filter.

■ If you have started the CorelCENTRAL Calendar at the time of migration, restart the source computer before migration.

■ Migrate Netscape Mail to move CorelCENTRAL 8.0 Mail settings.

■ Update the path to your mailbox file before starting CorelCENTRAL Mail.

For Updation:

1. Launch CorelCENTRAL Profile Manager.

2. Select your account and select Properties.

3. Switch to the Storage tab.

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4. Select Change and then browse to the new location of your mailbox.

■ CorelCENTRAL 8.0 Address Book, Calendar, and Card Files do not migrate to a newer version.

■ Import the CorelCENTRAL 9.0 Calendar manually into version 10.0 by clicking File, Import, Version 9 Calendar.

■ CorelCENTRAL Alarms does not migrate from version 9.0 to 10.0.

■ Relink any Corel Card File linked paths.

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Corel Paradox

Application Script

Corel Paradox

Release Date


Settings Description

■ View settings

■ Toolbars

■ Ruler Settings

■ Autoselect

■ Grid/Guide Settings

■ Quick Connect Options

Migration Paths

■ From 8.0 to 8.0

■ From 8.0 to 9.0

■ From 8.0 to 10.0

■ From 9.0 to 9.0

■ From 9.0 to 10.0

■ From 10.0 to 10.0


■ Clipbook, Connector and Desktop Application Director must be closed on the source and the destination systems before migrating.

■ If the destination directory is different from the source, the Clipbook Application Specific Shortcut Keys and QuickFinder do not reset to the new directory.

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Corel Presentations

Application Script

Corel Presentations

Release Date


Settings Description

■ View settings

■ Toolbars

■ Ruler Settings

■ Autoselect

■ Grid/Guide Settings

■ Quick Connect Options

Migration Paths

■ From 8 to 8

■ From 8 to 9

■ From 8 to 10

■ From 9 to 9

■ From 9 to 10

■ From 10 to 10


Startup Options, location of data folders and toolbars do not migrate correctly.

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Corel Quattro Pro

Application Script

Corel Quattro Pro

Release Date


Settings Description

All settings including:

■ Toolbar Options

■ Display Settings

■ International Options

■ Macro Settings

■ File Settings

■ General Set

Migration Paths

■ From 8.0 to 8.0

■ From 8.0 to 9.0

■ From 8.0 to 10.0

■ From 9.0 to 9.0

■ From 9.0 to 10.0

■ From 10.0 to 10.0


■ Toolbars and the Keyboard Shortcuts customization is not migrated between versions.

■ Migration of toolbar buttons that point to external programs is not supported.

■ Migration of non-US currency selection from version 8.0 or 9.0 is not supported.

■ The default file extension does migrate with Corel 10. Corel 10’s options pane does not support alternative extensions other than the four settings in its drop-down list (XLS, QPW, WB3, WK4). If you subsequently save the options screen, then the setting will be changed to one of these.

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Chapter 1: Scripting Reference 55

Corel WordPerfect

Application Script

Corel WordPerfect is a simple text editor application.

Release Date


Settings Description

The Corel WordPerfect script migrates all the settings, Word Lists, WP templates, XML templates, Macros, and Labels of Corel WordPerfect.

Migration Paths

■ From 12.0 to 12.0

■ From 12.0 to 13.0

■ From 12.0 to 14.0

■ From 13.0 to 13.0

■ From 13.0 to 14.0

■ From 14.0 to 14.0


■ The application must be opened at least once before all the mandatory keys are generated.

■ The Toolbar Settings are migrated only if the source and the destination application versions are the same.

■ The entries in the address book on the destination computer are removed after migration. Only the entries that are made in the source system are available after migration.

■ On the destination computer, the files that are related to the Tool, Legal Tools, Pleading Expert option are removed after migration. Only the entries that are made in the source system are available after migration.


■ File Settings for the WP templates, XML, Graphics, and Macro file locations are not migrated. The files from 12.0 are copied to these locations so that the user can access the modified files and is applicable while you migrate from 12.0 to 13.0 and 12.0 to 14.0.

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■ The custom WP templates and settings that are related to Project and Category relations are not migrated. Only the Default WP templates are migrated and is applicable while migrating from 12.0 to 13.0 and 13.0 to 14.0.

■ The user and main word lists from 12.0 are simply appended to the existing word lists. The user can access both the word lists— that are created in 13.0 and which are migrated from 12.0 and is applicable while migrating from 12.0 to 13.0 and 12.0 to 14.0.

■ File Settings for the WP templates, XML, Graphics, and Macro file locations are not migrated. The files from 13.0 are copied to these locations so that the user can access the modified files and is applicable while migrating from 12.0 to 14.0 and 13.0 to 14.0.

■ The user and main word lists from 12.0 are simply appended to the existing word lists. The user can access both the word lists— that are created in 14.0 and which are migrated from 13.0 and is applicable while you migrate from 13.0 to 14.0.

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eTrust Antivirus

Application Script

eTrust Antivirus is an Anti-virus software.

Release Date


Settings Description

■ The Alert Manager option migrates the alert manager settings that are available in the Alert Manager window and is applicable for the 7.1 and 8.1 versions.

■ The Alert Options option migrates the alert settings that are available under the path Scanner, Alert Option and is applicable for the 7.1 version.

■ The Contact Information option migrates the contact settings that are available under the path Scanner, Contact Options and is applicable for the 7.1 version.

■ The Local Scanner option migrates the local scanner settings that are available under the path Scanner, Local Scanner and is applicable for the 7.1 version.

■ The Miscellaneous option migrates the miscellaneous settings that include Display Logo, Policy Job Delay Settings, and My Folders and is applicable for the 7.1 version.

■ The Realtime Monitor option migrates the real-time monitor settings that are available under the path Scanner, Realtime Monitor Options, Realtime Monitor, Animated Icon and is applicable for the 7.1 version.

■ The Scheduled Jobs option migrates the scheduled jobs settings that are available under the path Scanner, Scheduled Jobs and is applicable for the 7.1 version.

■ The Signature Update option migrates the signature update settings that are available under the path Scanner, Signature Update and is applicable for the 7.1 version.

■ The Realtime Monitor option migrates the real-time monitor settings that are available under the path Settings, Realtime Monitor Options and is applicable for the 8.1 version.

■ The Contact Information option migrates the contact settings that are available under the path Settings, Contact Options and is applicable for the 8.1 version.

■ The Email Options option migrates the email settings that are available under the path Settings, Email Options and is applicable for the 8.1 version.

■ The Scheduled Jobs option migrates the scheduled jobs settings that are available under the path Scan, Scheduled Jobs and is applicable for the 8.1 version.

Migration Paths

■ From 7.1 to 7.1

■ From 7.1 to 8.1

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■ From 8.1 to 8.1


■ Restart the destination computer after completing the migration and is applicable for both 7.1 and 8.1.

■ In a multi-user environment, undo is performed only when all the users are selected except for the Local Scanner option and is applicable for 7.1.

■ In a multi-user environment, undo is performed only when all the users are selected and is applicable for 8.1.

■ In Alert Manager, the Microsoft Exchange settings do not migrate if they are not configured on the source and is applicable for both 7.1 and 8.1.

■ The Virus Signatures do not migrate and must be downloaded manually and is applicable for both 7.1 and 8.1.

■ The path mapping of Realtime Monitor option for the real-time migration is possible in Unicenter Desktop DNA r11 SP2 and is applicable for both 7.1 and 8.1.

■ Only the Job scheduled at startup can be migrated from eTrust Anti-virus 7.1 to eTrust Anti-virus 8.1.


■ Only the list is migrated for the Exclusions and Exemptions, the file or folder is not migrated physically. If any file or folder (which the Exclusions and Exemptions refer to) exists on the destination computer, eTrust Anti-virus excludes the same file or folder and is applicable for 7.1 and 8.1.

■ For multi-user migration, the user-specific paths in Realtime Options, Signature Update Options, and Schedule Jobs cannot be mapped for all the users and is applicable for 7.1.

■ For multi-user migration, the user-specific paths in Real-time options cannot be mapped for all the users and is applicable for 8.1.

■ The paths in Alert Manager cannot be mapped and is applicable for 7.1 and 8.1.

■ Schedule Jobs cannot be migrated when eTrust Anti-virus is installed on the default location on the source and on the custom location on the destination and is applicable for 7.1.

■ Schedule scans cannot be migrated from eTrust Anti-virus 7.1 to eTrust Anti-virus 8.1.

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eTrust PestPatrol

Application Script

eTrust PestPatrol detects and removes spyware.

Release Date


Settings Description

■ The General option migrates all the settings such as ActiveProtection and Scans that are part of the general settings and is applicable for version 5.0.

■ The Proxy option migrates the proxy settings that come under the path ActiveProtection, Updates Options, Configure Proxy and is applicable for version 5.0.

■ The Scheduled Tasks option migrates the scheduled tasks that come under the option Scan, Schedule a Scan and is applicable for version 5.0.

■ The Realtime option migrates the real-time settings available under the path Settings, Realtime Settings and is applicable for version 8.1.

■ The Exclusion option migrates the settings available under the path Settings, Exclusionand is applicable for version 8.1.

Migration Paths

■ From 5.0 to 5.0

■ From 5.0 to 8.1

■ From 8.1 to 8.1


■ Reboot the computer after the migration is completed.

■ Update the signatures after the migration. You can use the Update window that appears after migration and restart on the destination for this purpose.

■ If the network settings are changed on the new computer, the proxy settings must be configured manually and is applicable only for 5.0.

■ Only the Exclusion list under the Advanced Settings, Manage, Exclusions path (for 8.1, the path is Settings, Exclusions) is migrated. The files and folders referred to by the exclusion list are not migrated physically. However, if any file or folder referred to by the exclusion list exists on the destination, PestPatrol excludes it.

■ The Quarantined pests do not migrate to the destination for security reasons, as they are the pests that are detected on the source.

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■ The scheduled tasks function only when the user for whom the scheduled scan is created logs in. Also the functioning is based on the settings of the scheduled scan and is applicable only for 5.0.

■ All the settings of PestPatrol are user independent and in the case of multi-user migration, undo happens only when all the users are selected.


■ You cannot migrate the updated signatures from 5.0 to 5.0.

■ You cannot undo the Scheduled Tasks from 5.0 to 5.0.

■ The proxy settings can be migrated only when they are configured on the source; otherwise, the settings remain unchanged on the destination from 5.0 to 5.0.

■ You cannot perform the undo action for the Start Active Protection Now option in all the cases from 5.0 to 5.0.

■ You cannot map the user-specific paths for all the users in the case of multi-user migration from 5.0 to 5.0.

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eTrust Threat Management (eITM)

Application Script

eTrust Threat Management (eITM) is an integrated threat management software.

Release Date


Settings Description

■ The Alert Notifications option migrates the alert notification settings that are common for both PestPatrol and Anti-virus. These settings are available under the path Settings, Alert Notifications.

■ The Phone Home option migrates the phone home settings that are common for both PestPatrol and Anti-virus. These settings are available under the path Settings, Phone Home.

■ The Log Options option migrates the log settings that are common for both PestPatrol and Anti-virus. These settings are available under the path Settings, Log Options.

■ The Schedule option migrates the schedule settings that are common for both PestPatrol and Anti-virus. These settings are available under the path Update, Schedule.

■ The Select Components option migrates the select component settings that are common for both PestPatrol and Anti-virus. These settings are available under the path Update, Select Components.

■ The Download option migrates the download settings that are common for both PestPatrol and Anti-virus. These settings are available under the path Update, Download Settings.

■ The Licensing option migrates the licensing settings that are common for both PestPatrol and Anti-virus. These settings are available under the path Advanced, Licensing.

Migration Paths

■ From 8.1 to 8.1


■ Restart the destination computer after migration.

■ In the multi-user environment, undo is performed only when all the users are selected.


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■ The Update, Download Settings, Proxy settings and Advanced, Licensing, Proxy settings are migrated only when they are configured on the source; otherwise, the settings remains unchanged on the destination.

Eudora Pro

Application Script

Eudora Pro

Release Date


Settings Description

■ Application appearance

■ Filters

■ User Settings

■ Attachments

■ User Folders

■ Address book

■ Email accounts

Migration Paths

■ From 3.x to 3.x

■ From 3.x to 4.1

■ From 4.1 to 4.1

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Application Script


Release Date


Migration Paths

■ From 6 to 6


■ Migration of the HOSTS file is not supported.

■ The Printer settings do not migrate.

■ Move your.src and .cfg files manually.

■ Migration of the debug logs for WyseTerm is not supported.

■ New user toolbar add-ins must have their icons that are changed using the Customize Toolbar option.

Executive Software Diskeeper Workstation

Application Script

Executive Software Diskeeper Workstation

Release Date


Settings Description

All settings are migrated.

Migration Paths

■ From 5 to 5

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Flash Player

Application Script

Flash Player

Release Date


Migration Paths

■ From to

Settings Description

The Flash Player script migrates all the Flash Player settings available under the path Control Panel, All Control Panel Items, Flash Player. The Flash Player settings window includes the following tabs:

■ Storage

■ Camera and Mic

■ Playback

■ Advanced

File Maker Pro

Application Script

File Maker Pro

Release Date


Settings Description

The File Maker Pro script migrates all the settings.

Migration Paths:

The migration paths are as follows:

■ From 4.1 to 4.1

■ From 4.1 to 5

■ From 5 to 5

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Application Script


Release Date


Settings Description

Converts the IE Favorites to Netscape Bookmarks and Bookmarks to Favorites.

Migration Paths

■ From 4.0 to 4.0

■ From 4.0 to 5.0

■ From 4.0 to 6.0

■ From 5.0 to 5.0

■ From 5.0 to 6.0

■ From 6.0 to 6.0


■ Multiple user profiles are not migrated.

■ Internet Explorer 6 and Netscape 6+ bookmarks are not supported.

Gold Mine

Application Script

Gold Mine

Release Date


Migration Paths

■ From 5 to 5

■ From 5 to 5.5

■ From 5.5 to 5.5

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■ The alarms cannot be turned off on destination computer.

■ If the resolution of the destination monitor differs from the source monitor, the toolbar location does not remain the same.

■ Databases cannot be properly mapped for initial startup. When you select a database to open, verify the path. If the path is incorrect, right-click the database and change the path under properties.

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Chapter 1: Scripting Reference 67

Google Chrome

Application Script

Google Chrome is a freeware web browser that is developed by Google that uses the WebKit layout engine.

Release Date


Settings Description

The Google Chrome script includes all supported Google Chrome settings.

Migration Path

■ From 7.0 to 7.0

■ From 7.0 to 8.0

■ From 8.0 to 8.0

■ From 8.0 to 9.0

■ From 9.0 to 9.0

■ From 9.0 to 10.0

■ From 10.0 to 10.0

■ From 10.0 to 11.0

■ From 11.0 to 11.0

■ From 11.0 to 12.0

■ From 12.0 to 12.0

■ From 12.0 to 13.0

■ From 13.0 to 13.0

■ From 13.0 to 14.0

■ From 14.0 to 14.0

■ From 14.0 to 15.0

■ From 15.0 to 15.0

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Application Script

HomeSite is a professional HTML editor.

Release Date


Settings Description

■ The HomeSite option includes all the settings of HomeSite.

■ The TopStyle option Includes all the settings of TopStyle, a CSS/XHTML/HTML editor for Microsoft Windows.

Migration Path

■ From 4.5 to 4.5


■ Any custom buttons on the toolbars that point to an external application has to be reset.

■ The Make TopStyle Dreamweaver's CSS Editor setting migrate with the Dreamweaver.

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Application Script

ICQ is an instant messaging computer program.

Release Date


Settings Description

This script migrates all the settings of ICQ.

Migration Path

■ From 2000b to 2000b

■ From 2000b to 2003b

■ From 2000b to 4.0

■ From 2003b to 2003b

■ From 2003b to 4.0

■ From 4.0 to 4.0

InoculateIT Anti-Virus Protection

Application Script

InoculateIT Anti-Virus Protection

Release Date


Settings Description

All settings are migrated.

Migration Paths

■ From 4.53 to 4.53


Autodownload Manager, Domain Manager, Scheduled Scans, Real-time Monitor, and the Service Manager settings cannot be migrated cross-platform.

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Internet Explorer

Application Script

Internet Explorer is a web browser.

Release Date


Settings Description

■ The Addressbook option migrates the address book settings which is a list of contact information that is also known as address profiles.

■ The Certificates option migrates the certificates that are found under the path Tools, Internet Options, Content Tab.

■ The Connection option migrates the connection settings that specify how the browser connects to the Internet, such as proxy settings.

■ The Cookies option migrates the cookies which are small files that are left from the websites to remember settings and information for revisiting the site.

■ The Favorites option migrates the favorites settings which are quick links to the websites; also known as bookmarks.

■ The General option migrates the general settings that are found under Internet Options. These settings include the items - Home Page, Security, Privacy, Personal Information, and Advance Options

■ The Manage Add-Ons option migrates the add-on setting which allows users to enable or disable a particular Add-on in the list.

■ The Pop-Up Blocker option migrates the pop-up settings which allow users to specify how Internet Explorer must handle Pop-Ups.

Migration Paths

■ From 7 to 7

■ From 7 to 8

■ From 7 to 9

■ From 7 to 10

■ From 7 to 11

■ From 8 to 8

■ From 8 to 9

■ From 8 to 10

■ From 8 to 11

■ From 9 to 9

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■ From 9 to 10

■ From 9 to 11

■ From 10 to 10

■ From 10 to 11

■ From 11 to 11


■ To migrate the rating files, create a filter for '*.rat' files.

■ The temporary internet files do not migrate. The location of the files can be changed using the IE setting from Tools, Internet Options, Settings, Move Folder.


■ When you migrate from 7 to 10, 7 to 11, 8 to 10, 8 to 11, 9 to 10, 9 to 11, 10 to 10, or 10 to 11, HTML editor under the path Tools, Internet Options, Programs, HTML editing, does not migrate.

■ When you migrate from 7 to 8, 7 to 9, 7 to 10, 7 to 11, 8 to 9, 8 to 10 or 8 to 11, the following settings do not migrate:

■ Tools, Internet Options, Connections, LAN Settings, Automatically Detect Settings.

■ Tools, Internet Options, Advanced, Browsing, Disable script debugging (Other).

■ Tools, Internet Options, General, Browsing History Settings, Temporary Internet Files, Disk Space to Use.

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Lotus 1-2-3

Application Script

Lotus 1-2-3

Release Date


Settings Description

■ General Settings

■ New Workbook Defaults

■ File Locations

■ Recalculation

■ Classic Keys

■ User Setup

When selecting items for migration, you are able to select to migrate all supported Lotus 1-2-3 settings, and selecting to migrate the application.

Migration Paths

■ From 97 to 97


When migrating the application, the Lotus 1-2-3 Work folder on the source system must be created manually on the destination computer for the shortcuts in the SmartSuite drawer to work correctly.

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Lotus Approach

Application Script

Lotus Approach

Release Date:


Settings Description

■ Internet Settings

■ User Set-up

■ Preferences

■ SmartIcons

■ Display Settings

■ Order Settings

■ Password

Migration Paths

■ From 97 to 97


When migrating the application, if the Lotus Approach Work folder on the source system is empty, and not created manually on the destination computer, the shortcuts in the SmartSuite drawer does not work.

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Lotus Freelance Graphics

Application Script

Lotus Freelance Graphics

Release Date


Settings Description

■ Internet Settings

■ Preferences

■ Drawing Tools Settings

■ SmartIcons

■ Set-up for 35mm Slides

■ Check Spelling

Migration Paths

■ From 97 to 97


When migrating the application, if the Lotus Freelance Work folder and Freelance Backup folder on the source computer are empty, and not created manually on the destination system, the shortcuts in the SmartSuite drawer does not work. The folder can be located in FLWWORKDIR and FLWBACKUPDIR in the Destination Symbols And Values section of the cinstall.ini file.

Lotus Notes

Application Script

Lotus Notes

Release Date


Settings Description

■ Basic User Preferences

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■ International User Preferences

■ User Security settings

■ Toolbar Preferences

■ Status Bar Preferences

■ Basic Options

■ Advanced Options

■ User Dictionary

When selecting items for migration, you are able to select to migrate all supported Lotus Notes settings.

Migration Paths

■ From 4.0 to 4.0

■ From 4.0 to 5.0

■ From 4.0 to 6.0

■ From 4.0 to 6.5

■ From 4.0 to 8.1

■ From 5.0 to 5.0

■ From 5.0 to 6.0

■ From 5.0 to 6.5

■ From 5.0 to 8.1

■ From 6.0 to 6.0

■ From 6.0 to 6.5

■ From 6.0 to 8.1

■ From 6.5 to 6.5

■ From 6.5 to 8.1

■ From 8.1 to 8.1


■ Do not migrate the default home page and letterhead.

■ Do not migrate the Mark documents read option under User Preferences, Basics, Additional options.

■ Open the mailbox once before certain links on the Welcome Page can be selected.

■ When migrating from Lotus Notes 4.6.2 to 5.0, some items cannot be migrated.

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Lotus Organizer

Application Script

Lotus Organizer

Release Date


Settings Description

■ Organizer Preferences

■ Environment Settings

■ Folder Settings

■ SmartIcon Setup

■ Layout Settings

■ Security

Migration Paths

■ From 97 to 97


When migrating the application if the Lotus Organizer Work or Backup folder is empty, it does not migrate, create the file manually on the destination system. This folder is located in ORGWORKDIR or ORGBACKUPDIR in the Destination Symbols And Values section of the cinstall.ini file.

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Lotus WordPro

Application Script

Lotus WordPro

Release Date


Settings Description

■ General

■ Locations

■ Default Files

■ Personal Info Preferences

■ SmartIcon setup

■ CycleKey

■ SmartF

Migration Paths

■ From 97 to 97

Macromedia Director

Application Script

Macromedia Director

Release Date


Migration Paths

■ From 6 to 6

■ From 6 to 6.5

■ From 6.5 to 6.5

■ From 7 to 7


Preferred Browser cannot migrate if the browser is located in different directory.

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Macromedia Dreamweaver

Application Script

Macromedia Dreamweaver

Release Date


Migration Paths

■ From 3 to 3


■ If the resolution of the destination monitor differs from the source monitor, the toolbar location cannot remain the same.

■ Some editors that are associated with extensions in the External Editor cannot work properly and do not be reset on the destination system.

Macromedia Fireworks

Application Script

Macromedia Fireworks

Release Date


Migration Paths

The migration paths are as follows:

■ From 2 to 2

■ From 3 to 3

■ From 3 to 4

■ From 4 to 4


■ If the resolutions differ between the source and destination monitors, the toolbar locations cannot remain the same.

■ The Command List is not migrated.

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Macromedia FreeHand

Application Script

Macromedia FreeHand

Release Date


Migration Paths

■ From 8 to 8


If the resolutions differ between the source and destination monitors, the toolbar locations cannot remain the same.

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McAfee Security Center

Application Script

McAfee Security Center is an anti-virus application that is integrated with firewall and anti-spyware capabilities.

Release Date


Settings Description

■ The SecurityCenter Configuration option migrates the settings that include the overall security protection status and information alerts.

■ The Computer and Files Configuration option migrates the general settings for protecting computer and files.

■ The E-mail and IM Configuration option migrates the general settings for protecting e-mail and instant messaging.

Migration Paths

■ From 7.0 to 7.0

■ From 7.0 to 7.2

■ From 7.2 to 7.2


■ The migration of Personal Firewall settings cannot be supported.

■ Do not migrate the settings under the path Computer and Files Configuration, Spyware protection is enabled.

■ Do not support the migration of the Parental Control settings from 7.2 to 7.2.

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Microsoft Word

Application Script

Microsoft Word is a word processor application that lets you create and edit text documents.

Release Date


Settings Description

■ The General option migrates the general settings such as File Locations, Toolbar options, Spelling and Grammar, Custom Dictionaries, and Formatting options.

■ The Certificate option migrates all the system certificates.

Migration Paths

The migration paths are as follows:

■ From 2007 to 2007

■ From 2007 to 2010

■ From 2007 to 2013

■ From 2010 to 2010

■ From 2010 to 2013

■ From 2013 to 2013


■ When Custom Dictionaries, if the destination has more number of dictionaries than the source, then the additional dictionaries at the destination will be retained after migration.

■ Files contained in the path Tools, Options, File Locations, Startup Path are migrated as part of the Add-ins settings, as Startup Path mostly contains add-ins.

■ Under the path Tools, Options, File Locations except Picture Path; no files from any other default file locations are migrated.


■ The settings under the path Tools, Options, Advanced, General are not migrated

■ Add-ins migration is not supported.

■ The migration of Mailing address setting under the path Tools, Options, Advanced, General, is not supported.

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■ When you are migrating from 2007 to 2013 or from 2010 to 2013, Color scheme settings under the path File, Options, General, are not migrated.

■ When you are migrating from 2007 to 2013 or from 2010 to 2013, the printing options under the path File, Options, Display, are not migrated.

■ When you migrate from 2007 to 2013 or from 2010 to 2013, Mark grammar errors as you type under the path File, Options, Proofing, When correcting spelling and grammar in Word, is not migrated.

■ When you migrate from 2007 to 2013 or 2010 to 2013, Use smart cut and paste settings under the path File, Options, Advanced, Cut copy and paste, do not migrate.

■ When you migrate from 2007 to 2013 or 2010 to 2013, the print settings under the path File, Options, Advanced, do not migrate.

■ The AutoCorrect Options under the path File, Options, Proofing, AutoCorrect options, is not migrated.

■ When you migrate from 2007 to 2013 or 2010 to 2013, Writing Style Settings under the path File, Options, Proofing, When correcting spelling and grammar in Word, do not migrate.

■ When you migrate from 2007 to 2013 or 2010 to 2013, Diacritic color setting under the path File, Options, Advanced, Show document content do not migrate.

■ When you migrate from 2007 to 2013 or 2010 to 2013, Use draft font in Draft and Outline views under the path File, Options, Advanced, Show document content, do not migrate.

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Mozilla Firefox

Application Script

Mozilla Firefox is a free and open source web browser that is developed for Microsoft Windows, OS X, and Linux, which is coordinated by Mozilla Corporation, and Mozilla Foundation.

Release Date


Settings Description

The Mozilla Firefox script includes all supported Mozilla Firefox settings.

Migration Path

■ From 1.5 to 1.5

■ From 1.5 to to 2.0

■ From 2.0 to 2.0

■ From 2.0 to 3.0

■ From 3.0 to 3.0

■ From 3.0 to 3.5

■ From 3.5 to 3.5

■ From 3.5 to 3.6

■ From 3.6 to 3.6

■ From 3.6 to 4.0

■ From 4.0 to 4.0

■ From 4.0 to 5.0

■ From 5.0 to 5.0

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MS Access

Application Script

Microsoft Access is a relational database management system that combines the relational Microsoft Jet Database Engine with a graphical user interface.

Release Date


Settings Description

The Microsoft Access script migrates all supported Microsoft Access settings.

Migration Path

■ From 2007 to 2007

■ From 2007 to 2010

■ From 2007 to 2013

■ From 2010 to 2010

■ From 2010 to 2013

■ From 2013 to 2013


■ For Custom Dictionaries, if the destination has more number of dictionaries than the source, the additional dictionaries at the destination will be retained after migration.

■ Custom Dictionaries at the destination are overwritten after the migration.


■ Add-ins migration is not supported.

■ For Custom Dictionaries, if the destination has more number of dictionaries than the source, the additional dictionaries at the destination will be retained after migration.

■ When you are migrating from 2007 to 2013, recent document setting is not migrated. As a result you cannot find any list of recently opened documents under the path File, Recent, Recent Documents.

■ Report for Microsoft Access 2010 to 2010 migration. Options that do not migrate:

■ Access Options, Current database

■ Access Options, Client settings, No of recent documents

■ Access Options, Client settings This database in general tab

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■ Access Options, Privacy Options, Trust center, Privacy all options do not migrate.

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MS Excel

Application Script

Microsoft Excel is an application for creating spreadsheets.

Release Date


Settings Description

■ The General option migrates all the basic settings of MSExcel.

■ The Certificates option migrates the system certificates.

Migration Paths

■ From 2007 to 2007

■ From 2007 to 2010

■ From 2007 to 2013

■ From 2010 to 2010

■ From 2010 to 2013

■ From 2013 to 2013


■ For Custom Dictionaries, if the destination has more number of dictionaries than the source, the additional dictionaries at the destination will be retained after migration.

■ Only those certificates and their settings are migrated through the script that can be manually exported and imported.


■ Add-ins migration is not supported.

■ Undoing the Toolbar customization from default settings to custom settings migration cannot be supported from 2007 to 2007.

■ The setting under the path File, Excel options, Advanced, General, Service options, Customer feedback options, No, I do not want to participate (if selected on the source) may not be migrated from 2007 to 2007 if Excel is not run even once on the destination.

■ The setting under the path File, Excel options, Trust center, Trust center settings, Privacy options, Sign up for the customer experience improvement program (if unchecked) cannot be migrated from 2007 to 2007.

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MS Exchange

Application Script

Microsoft Exchange is a Microsoft Exchange mail client.

Release Date


Settings Description

■ All Microsoft Exchange application settings.

■ Microsoft Exchange application.

■ All Windows Messaging settings.


■ Windows Messaging is not supported on Windows 2000, Windows XP, or Windows Vista.

■ Microsoft Exchange is not supported on Windows 2000, Windows XP, or Windows Vista.

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MS FrontPage

Application Script

Microsoft FrontPage is an HTML editor and web site management application.

Release Date


Settings Description

■ View Options

■ Page Size Settings

■ Accessibility Options

■ General Options

■ Page Options

■ Auto-thumbnails, Font

■ Authoring options

■ IntelliSense settings

■ Ruler options

Migration Paths

■ From 1997 to 1997

■ From 1997 to 2000

■ From 1997 to XP

■ From 2000 to 2000

■ From 2000 to XP

■ From XP to XP

■ From XP to 2003

■ From 2003 to 2003


■ Tools, Page Options, General, Use DIV tags when positioning.

■ Tools, Page Options, Auto Thumbnail(t).

■ Tools, Options, Report Views(t).

■ Can give errors when testing on foreign operating systems.

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Application Script

MSOffice represents the Microsoft Office components that are shared by other Microsoft applications.

Release Date


Script Description

The MSOffice script migrates the Microsoft Office tools settings.

Migration Paths

■ From 1995 to 1995

■ From 1995 to 1997

■ From 1995 to 2000

■ From 1995 to XP

■ From 1995 to 2003

■ From 1997 to 1997

■ From 1997 to 2000

■ From 1997 to XP

■ From 1997 to 2003

■ From 2000 to 2000

■ From 2000 to XP

■ From 2000 to 2003

■ From XP to XP

■ From XP to 2003

■ From 2003 to 2003


■ Use (ODBC) Database script to migrate the database settings for MSVisio.

■ Use Net Meeting script to migrate the Net Meeting settings for MSVisio.

■ The recent document settings option works only if files are available at the same location as before migration. Otherwise, when you click the recent document, it displays a standard system error.

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■ Manually inserted clips cannot be migrated automatically from previous versions to 2003, but their thumbnails can. You can move these as files and then use ClipArt Gallery to import them again.

■ The Genius Office Assistant is no longer present in Office XP. Your assistant reverts to the Paperclip while migrating from 2000 to XP.

■ Migration uses the English file format (MSO1033.acl) as the default for migrating the AutoCorrect file from 1997 to 2000.

■ The migration adds all of the default items back into your AutoCorrect List from 1997 to 2000, XP, 2003.

■ Unable to migrate the choice of Office Assistants from Office 1997 to a higher version. Reselect the Assistant from previous versions to XP and from previous versions to 2003.

■ Manually add the clip art that you have migrated to Windows XP's Clip Art Organizer from previous versions to 1997, 2000, XP, 2003. Follow these steps for each folder that is listed in step 6:

1. Open the Clip Organizer. Select Insert, Picture, Clip Art.

A Clip Organizer link appears at the bottom of the Task Pane.

2. Click the link.

The Clip Organizer opens.

3. Under the File menu, select New Collection.

4. Name the collection and click OK.

5. Right-click the collection and select Collection Properties.

6. Click the Add button. Select the folder below and then click the Add button.

7. Click OK and then leave the Clip Organizer.

■ If your Program Files directory has changed drive letters, Clip Art function properly only if you follow the steps that are mentioned below. This is applicable while migrating from previous versions to 1997 and 2000.

1. Double-click a file that has been added to the Clip Art Gallery.

2. An Alert appears. Click OK.

3. The Update dialog appears. Click Update All.

4. Check Network Drives in the new dialog that appears after clicking Update All, and then click OK.

5. Click Update Location in the new dialog.

6. In the open dialog, navigate to \Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\ArtGallery\Downloaded Clips. Select the single file that is there.

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MS Office Shortcut Bar

Application Script

Microsoft Office Shortcut Bar

Release Date


Settings Description

The Microsoft Office Shortcut Bar script migrates all the settings for the Microsoft Office Shortcut Bar (except as noted in the Limitations section) between the same and higher versions.

Migration Paths

■ From 1997 to 1997

■ From 1997 to 2000

■ From 1997 to XP

■ From 2000 to 2000

■ From 2000 to XP

■ From XP to XP


■ The Microsoft in the 2003 version of Office removes the Microsoft Office Shortcut Bar. Migrations to this version are not supported.

■ The Microsoft Office Shortcut Bar must be closed before you migrate.

■ The toolbar buttons can become obsolete if there are not corresponding files\paths on the destination computer.

■ The contents of system defined toolbars such as Desktop and Favorites must be migrated separately by choosing to move the specific folder.

■ Unable to detect the application on the destination, toolbars migrates but your settings must be reset or re-migrated.

■ The toolbar colors can change when migrating to a display with different color settings.

■ If you migrate the Microsoft Office applications with the Shortcut Bar, perform the Microsoft Office Shortcut Bar migration again.

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■ If the toolbars on the source are not named the same as the destination toolbars, the old toolbars (which will appear as buttons on the new toolbar) will have to be closed manually after migration.

MS OneNote

Application Script

Microsoft OneNote is a computer program for free-form information gathering and multi-user collaboration. Microsoft OneNote gathers user notes (handwritten or typed), drawings, screen clippings, and audio commentaries, and shares them with other OneNote users over the Internet.

Release Date


Script Description

The Microsoft OneNote script migrates all supported Microsoft OneNote settings.

Migration Paths

■ From 2010 to 2010

■ From 2010 to 2013

■ From 2013 to 2013


■ For Custom Dictionaries, if the destination has more number of dictionaries than the source, the additional dictionaries at the destination will be retained after migration.


■ Add-ins migration is not supported.

MS Outlook

Application Script

Microsoft Outlook helps you manage your mails and appointments.

Release Date


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Script Description

■ The General option migrates all the basic settings of Microsoft Outlook.

■ The MailFiles option migrates the user profiles and their corresponding .pst files.

■ The Certificates option migrates the system certificates.

■ The Addins option migrates the settings that are associated with the corresponding add-ins. An add-in is a program that can be attached to Microsoft Outlook to give it more functionality. Add-ins are specific to a particular application.

Migration Paths

The migration paths are as follows:

From 2007 to 2007

From 2007 to 2010

From 2007 to 2013

From 2010 to 2010

From 2010 to 2013

From 2013 to 2013

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■ For Custom Dictionaries, if the destination has more number of dictionaries than the source, the additional dictionaries at the destination will be retained after migration.

■ Install add-ins in the destination, before migrating add-ins settings.

■ The Time Zone settings under the path Tools, Options, Calendar Options are related to the system time zone settings and can be migrated using the Time Zone option in the System settings.

■ The Zone settings under the path Tools, Options, Security can be migrated using the IE option, as they are related to the IE settings.

■ Migration of Mail files must not be done if Outlook is configured using the separate configurations.

■ The settings under the path Tools, Options, Instant Messaging, Options are related to the Windows Messenger settings and can be migrated using the Windows Messenger option in the Application settings.

■ If the Home Page is a file, then it has to be manually migrated using Filters.


Problem: If Outlook is configured using the cached mode and there is an error indicating that you must connect to the Exchange server at least once, follow these steps:

1. Outlook prompts with a dialog to enter the details that are related to the Exchange server and username.

2. Even though the details already exist, re-enter the details.

3. Now open Outlook again and it opens without any errors.


■ When you are migrating from 2007 to 2013 or 2010 to 2013, the following settings cannot be migrated:

■ Automatically process meeting requests and responses to meeting requests and polls under the path File, Options, Mail, Tracking.

■ Update tracking information, and then delete responses that do not contain comments under the path File, Options, Mail, Tracking.

■ When in schedule view, show free appointments under the path File, Options, Calendar, Display options.

■ Allow UTF-8 support for the mail to protocol under the path File, Options, Advanced, International options.

■ Programmatic Access Security under the path File, Options, Trust Center, Trust Center Settings.

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■ Insert/paste the pictures as under the path File, Options, Mail, Compose the messages, Editor Options, Advanced.

■ The maximum space on hard disk settings cannot be migrated for French and German languages, under the path File, Options, Advanced, Developers, Custom Forms, Temporary storage for forms.

■ Location of Archive.pst for each of the folders such as Inbox, Contacts must be mapped manually.

■ You cannot migrate AutoCorrect options under the path File, Options, Mail, Editor Options, and Proofing.

■ You cannot migrate Indexing Options under the path File, Options, Search.

■ You cannot migrate Schedule an automatic send/receive settings under the path File, Options, Advanced.

■ Navigation Pane Options should not be migrated due to technical limitation under the path File, Options, Advanced, Outlook panes, Navigation Pane.

■ You cannot migrate To-Do Bar settings under the path View, Layout.

■ You cannot migrate Start Outlook in this folder setting under the path File, Options, Advanced, Outlook start and exit.

■ You cannot migrate add-ins settings, if the corresponding add-ins are not installed on the destination before migration.

■ The settings under the path File, Options, Calendar, Weather, Weather Settings are not migrated.

MS Outlook Express

Application Script

Microsoft Outlook Express is an email client that comes with Internet Explorer.

Release Date


Settings Description

■ All Microsoft Outlook Express settings

■ Address Book settings

■ News and Mail Accounts settings

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Migration Paths

■ From 4.0 to 4.0

■ From 4.0 to 5.0

■ From 4.0 to 5.5

■ From 4.0 to 6.0

■ From 5.0 to 5.0

■ From 5.0 to 5.5

■ From 5.0 to 6.0

■ From 5.5 to 5.5

■ From 5.5 to 6.0

■ From 6.0 to 6.0


■ The accounts already configured on the destination are not overwritten. All the accounts from the Start Up identity on the source are migrated to Windows Mail.

■ The settings of the default identity on the source are migrated to Windows Mail.

■ While you migrate to Windows Mail, the settings and accounts only for the default identity are considered.

■ To move your Address Book, you must log in as a current user before upgrading from 4.0.

■ Contacts from Address Book in Outlook Express are not upgraded to Windows Contacts in Windows Mail. You can use the following command line to import the same:

" 'Windows Mail install path\Wab' /Import 'path to wab file' ".

■ Import and export the messages manually to migrate them from Outlook Express to Windows Mail.


■ You cannot migrate the Inbox rule for moving or copying messages to specific folders from 4.0 to 5.0, 5.5, 6.0.

■ Migration of visible columns for Outlook Express is not supported from 4.0 to 5.0, 5.5, 6.0.

■ You cannot migrate passwords for identities from 5.0 to 5.0, 5.5, 6.0; from 5.5 to 5.5, 6.0; and from 6.0 to 6.0. The passwords on your identities have been disabled.

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■ The current view option in View cannot be migrated from 5.0 to 5.0, 5.5, 6.0; from 5.5 to 5.5, 6.0; and from 6.0 to 6.0.

■ Migration from the default settings in Outlook Express to the non-default settings in Windows Mail cannot be performed from previous versions to Windows Mail.

MS NetMeeting

Application Script

Microsoft NetMeeting

Release Date


Migration Paths

■ From 3.01 to 3.01

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MSN Messenger

Application Script

MSN Messenger is an instant messaging client.

Release Date


Settings Description

The MSNMessenger script migrates all settings of MSN Messenger.

Migration Path

■ From 7.0 to 7.0

■ From 7.0 to 7.5

■ From 7.0 to 8.0

■ From 7.0 to 8.1

■ From 7.5 to 7.5

■ From 7.5 to 8.1

■ From 8.1 to 8.1

■ From 8.1 to 8.5

■ From 8.5 to 14.0

■ From 14.0 to 14.0

■ From 14.0 to 15.4

■ From 15.4 to 15.4


■ Close all instances of MSN Messenger before migrating.


■ Do not migrate settings of the login screen.

■ Do not migrate Customized Display Picture, Emoticons, Backgrounds.

MS PowerPoint

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Application Script

Microsoft PowerPoint is an application for creating presentations.

Release Date


Settings Description

■ The General option migrates the general settings such as Toolbar options, AutoCorrect options, and Custom Dictionaries.

■ The Certificates option migrates all the system certificates.

Migration Paths

■ From 2007 to 2007

■ From 2007 to 2010

■ From 2007 to 2013

■ From 2010 to 2010

■ From 2010 to 2013

■ From 2013 to 2013


■ For Custom Dictionaries, if the destination has more number of dictionaries than the source, the additional dictionaries at the destination will be retained after migration.

■ When you are migrating from earlier versions to 2013, add-ins cannot be migrated.

■ The following add-ins are supported. The settings of these add-ins are migrated with the General settings:


■ The setting under the File, PowerPoint options, Advanced, General, Service options, Customer feedback options, No, I do not want to participate path if selected on source may not be migrated from 2007 to 2007.

■ Setting under the File, PowerPoint options, Trust center, Trust center settings, Privacy options, Sign up for the customer experience improvement program path, if unchecked, cannot be migrated from 2007 to 2007.

■ Migration of add-ins is not supported from office 2007 to office 2013, 2010 to office 2013 and office 2013 to office 2013.

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MS Project

Application Script

Microsoft Project is a project management application that allows users to estimate resource requirements, analyze task dependencies, track project progress, and so on.

Release Date


Settings Description

The Microsoft Project script migrates all supported Microsoft Project settings.

Migration Paths

■ From 1998 to 1998

■ From 1998 to 2003

■ From 1998 to 2007

■ From 2000 to 2000

■ From 2000 to 2003

■ From 2000 to 2007

■ From 2003 to 2003

■ From 2003 to 2007

■ From 2007 to 2007

■ From 2007 to 2010

■ From 2010 to 2010


■ Custom Dictionaries at the destination are overwritten after the migration.


■ Report for Microsoft Project 2010 to Microsoft Project 2010 migration Options that do not migrate:

■ Project Options, General, Initials

■ Report for Microsoft Project 2007 to Microsoft Project 2010 migration Options that do not migrate:

■ Quick Access toolbar does not migrate.

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MS Visio

Application Script

Microsoft Visio is a software for Microsoft Windows that allows users to use vector graphics for creating the diagrams.

Release Date


Settings Description

■ The General option migrates the general settings which include options for categories of various shapes, color schemes, drawing window options, display options, task options, and so on.

■ The Addins option migrates the add-ins. An add-in is a program that can be attached to MSVisio to give it extra functionality. Add-ins are specific to a particular application. The following add-ins are supported:

■ Before migration, install Netzoom (supported in MSVisio 10.0, 11.0, and 12.0) on the destination.

■ Before migration, install 3D Visioner (supported in MSVisio 10.0 and 11.0) on the destination.

■ Microsoft Visio Crime Scenes Add-in (supported in MSVisio 6.0).

■ Clip-Art (supported in MSVisio 10.0)

Migration Paths

■ From 2007 to 2007

■ From 2007 to 2010

■ From 2010 to 2010

■ From 2010 to 2013

■ From 2013 to 2013


■ If destination is before 2013, after migration, custom dictionaries are overwritten at the destination.

■ The file paths and data are migrated for Stencils and Templates for the paths that are mentioned in Filepaths.

■ The file paths for Drawing, Start-Up, Filters, Add-ons, Help is migrated, but the data does not migrate. The data must be migrated by using the filter option.


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■ Report for Microsoft Visio 2010 to Microsoft Visio 2010 migration Options that do not migrate:

■ Visio options, Advanced, Maximum number of undo

■ Visio options, Advanced, Angle

■ Visio options, Advanced, Show customer submitted content

■ Visio options, Advanced, Default units, Text

■ Visio options, Advanced, Default units, Duration

■ Report for Microsoft Visio 2007 to Microsoft Visio 2010 migration Options that do not migrate:

■ Quick Access toolbar does not migrate

■ Settings that do not migrate in Visio:

■ Options, Advanced, Default units, Text

■ Options, Advanced, Default units, Duration

■ Options, Advanced Editing Options Zoom on roll with Intelli Mouse

■ Options, Advanced, Editing Options, Center selection on zoom.

■ Options, Advanced, General, Run in developer mode.

■ Options, Customize Ribbon, Customize The ribbon, Developer

■ The recent document setting is not migrating from 2007 to 2013, and from 2010 to 2013.

■ Migration of Microsoft Visio 32-bit to Microsoft Visio 64-bit is not supported on a 64-bit operating system.

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MS Visual Studio

Application Script

Microsoft Visual Studio provides an integrated environment to manage all the Visual Basic, C++, .NET, Windows, and C# applications.

Release Date


Settings Description

The Microsoft Visual Studio script migrates all the settings of Visual Studio such as IDE appearance, Debugging, External Tools settings, Editors.

Migration Paths

■ From 6.0 to 6.0

■ From 6.0 to 2003

■ From 6.0 to 2005

■ From 6.0 to 2008

■ From 2003 to 2003

■ From 2003 to 2005

■ From 2003 to 2008

■ From 2005 to 2005

■ From 2005 to 2008

■ From 2008 to 2008

■ From 2008 to 2010

■ From 2010 to 2010


■ The following add-ins are supported in Visual Studio 6.0:

■ ActiveXDocumentWizard6.Wizard

■ AddInToolbar6.Connect

■ APIDeclarationLoader.AddInDesigner

■ AppWizard6.Wizard

■ ClassBuilder6.Wizard

■ ControlWiz6.Wizard

■ DataFormWizard6.Wizard

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■ MSVBDataObjGen.Wizard

■ PDAddIn.AddIn

■ PropertyPageWizard6.Wizard

■ ResEdit6.Connect

■ TempMgr.AddInDesigner1

■ VBSDIAddIn.Connect

■ VcmMgr.Connect

■ WizMan6.Connect

■ The version of .NET framework must be compatible with the installed version of Visual Studio, for example, Visual Studio 7 does not get installed with .NET 2.0.


■ All the IDEs in the source computer must be run at least once for the default settings to be created and is applicable while migrating from 8.0 to 8.0.

■ Profile is not migrated because it resets the default settings of the IDE after migration and is applicable while migrating from 8.0 to 8.0.

■ The external tools must be installed on the destination computer before migration and is applicable while migrating from 8.0 to 8.0.

■ The add-ins must be available on the destination computer before migration and is applicable while migrating from 6.0 to 6.0.

■ Fonts and colors cannot be migrated and is applicable while migrating from 7.1 to 8.0.

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Application Script

Netscape is a cross-platform browser.

Release Date


Settings Description

The Netscape script migrates the following settings for Netscape Browser (8.0 and 8.1) and Netscape Navigator (9.0):

■ Configuration option migrates all the configuration settings.

■ The cookies option migrates all the Cookies. Cookies keep a list of recently opened web sites.

■ The bookmarks option migrates all the user bookmarks.

■ The search plugins option migrates add-ons for Netscape's built-in search feature.

■ The datacards option migrates all the information regarding stored data cards.

■ History option migrates all the visited sites and searched items if enabled.

Migration Paths

The migration paths are as follows:

■ From 8.0 to 8.0

■ From 8.0 to 8.1

■ From 8.0 to 9.1

■ From 8.1 to 8.1

■ From 8.1 to 9.1

■ From 9.1 to 9.1


■ Close all instances of Netscape before migration.

■ All the profiles on the destination are retained after migration. If both the source and the destination have default profiles, only the source default profile is retained.

■ Run Netscape once before starting migration.


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■ To view all the profiles, select the Show Login Screen when you start the Netscape option under the path Profiles, Global Settings and is applicable while migrating from 8.0 to 8.1.

■ An error message appears with the message "Chrome Registration Failed". This message appears only for the first time the profile is used. Netscape itself does the required registration, click ok to complete the migration successfully and is applicable while migrating from all previous versions to 9.0.

■ The Profile picture is not migrated in all scenarios and applicable while migrating from 8.1 to 8.1.

■ To view the bookmarks, click Manage Bookmarks and applicable while migrating from all previous versions to 9.0.

■ Migration of downloads such as Extensions, Themes, and Plug-ins are not supported. Themes can get migrated in some scenarios, but can install custom themes manually after migration and is applicable while migrating from all previous versions to 9.0.

■ Application Issue: On the creation of a new profile, the files of the default profile gets created, but do not get deleted from the Profile menu. Delete the Default profile manually if more than one profile exists before migration and is applicable while migrating from all previous versions to 9.0.

Netware Client

Application Script

Netware Client

Release Date


Migration Paths

■ From 4 to 4

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Norton AntiVirus

Application Script

Norton AntiVirus

Release Date


Settings Description

■ General Settings

■ Live Update

■ RescueDisk

■ Scheduled Tasks

Migration Paths

■ From 5 to 5

Norton Ghost

Application Script

Norton Ghost

Release Date


Settings Description

The Norton ghost script migrates all the settings.

Migration Paths

■ From 2000 to 2000

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Norton Internet Security

Application Script

Norton Internet Security (NIS) is a computer utility suite with a focus on providing comprehensive internet protection.

Release Date


Settings Description

The Norton Internet Security script migrates the general settings such as file scanning, e-mails scanning settings.

Migration Path

■ From 2001 to 2001

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Norton Utilities NT

Application Script

The Norton Utilities releases were collections of software utilities like Disk Doctor, Speed Disk, System Doctor, UnErase Wizard. Norton Utilities provide automated repair, recovery, and protection for Windows NT servers and workstations.

Release Date


Settings Description

■ The Norton Disk Doctor option migrates the settings of Norton Disk Doctor, which checks the file directories for errors and attempts to repair them.

■ The Speed Disk option migrates the settings of Norton Speed Disk, which defragments and optimizes NT files.

■ The System Information option migrates the settings of Norton System Information, which gives users a comprehensive information about their system such as CPU and BIOS information. System Information gives users a status report on the disk space usage, memory usage, network information, multimedia components, and printer and display details.

■ The Norton System Doctor option migrates the settings of Norton System Doctor, which continuously monitors the workstation or server, anticipating potential problems and fixing them automatically before they cause a system crash or data loss.

■ The UnErase Wizard option migrates the settings of UnErase Wizard, which can be used to recover the lost files.

Migration Path

■ From 1.0 to 1.0


■ Before you migrate, ensure that Norton Utilities is not running.

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Paint Shop Pro

Application Script

Paint Shop Pro

Release Date


Migration Paths

■ From 5 to 5

■ From 5 to 6

■ From 6 to 6


The Digital Camera configuration is not upgraded from version 5 to version 6.

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Palm Desktop

Application Script

Palm Desktop application synchronizes Palm smart phone with the offline information.

Release Date


Settings Description

■ General settings that apply to all the Palm users.

■ The users settings that are based on the Palm user data and settings.

Migration Paths

■ From 3.1 to 3.1

■ From 3.1 to 4.0.1

■ From 3.1 to 4.1.4

■ From 4.0.1 to 4.0.1

■ From 4.0.1 to 4.1.4

■ From 4.1.4 to 4.1.4


■ Migrate all the Palm settings to avoid confusion.

■ The Custom Columns labels are saved regarding the User settings, but the View Columns labels are saved as the General settings. This leads to undefined Custom Columns labels on view; if migrating only the General settings.


■ In the Users migration, the View Sort By option for Contacts, Tasks, and Memos applications do not migrate from earlier versions to 4.1.4.

■ In the General migration, the order of application tabs is altered from earlier versions to 4.1.4.

■ In the Users migration, the Primary Contact option for Address do not migrate from 4.0.1 to 4.1.4.

■ In the Users migration, the Install settings for HotSync do not migrate from 4.0.1 to 4.1.4.

■ In the Users migration, the Tasks View options are not migrated from 4.0.1 to 4.1.4.

■ In the General migration, the View Show Columns options for Address are partially migrated from 4.0.1 to 4.1.4.

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■ ToDo View Show Options do not migrate. In version 4.0.1 and version 4.1.4, Tasks (ToDo) View Show Columns is migrated as the General settings. In version 3.1, it is migrated as the Users settings.


Application Script


Release Date


Settings Description

■ Toolbars

■ Host Settings

■ Remote Settings

■ Caller IDs

Migration Paths

■ From 8 to 8

■ From 8 to 9

■ From 9 to 9


Application Script


Release Date


Migration Paths

■ From 3.31 to 3.31

■ From 3.31 to 4.0

■ From 4.0 to 4.0

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QuickView Plus

Application Script

QuickView Plus

Release Date


Settings Description

■ View Settings

■ Toolbar

■ General Options

■ Display Options

■ Print Options

■ Clipboard Settings

■ Configuration

Migration Paths

■ From 5 to 5

QuickBooks Pro

Application Script

QuickBooks Pro

Release Date


Migration Paths

■ From 99 to 99

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Application Script

Quicken manages Quicken data files and settings.

Release Date


Settings Description

The Quicken scripts migrate the Quicken settings.

Migration Paths

The migration paths are as follows:

■ From 1999 to 1999

■ From 1999 to 2000

■ From 1999 to 2001

■ From 1999 to 2002

■ From 1999 to 2003

■ From 1999 to 2004

■ From 1999 to 2005

■ From 2000 to 2000

■ From 2000 to 2001

■ From 2000 to 2002

■ From 2000 to 2003

■ From 2000 to 2004

■ From 2000 to 2005

■ From 2001 to 2001

■ From 2001 to 2002

■ From 2001 to 2003

■ From 2001 to 2004

■ From 2001 to 2005

■ From 2002 to 2002

■ From 2002 to 2003

■ From 2002 to 2004

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■ From 2002 to 2005

■ From 2003 to 2003

■ From 2003 to 2004

■ From 2003 to 2005

■ From 2004 to 2004

■ From 2004 to 2005

■ From 2005 to 2005


Quicken has four different versions - Basic, Deluxe, Premier, and Premier Home and Business. Ensure that you do not migrate across these versions.


■ Settings from the path Edit, Preferences, Reminders do not get migrated for 2005.

■ Not all settings are migrated. The settings files are in different formats and do not convert automatically from earlier versions to 2005.

RealOne Player

Application Script

RealOne Player is a cross-platform media player that plays a number of multimedia formats including MP3, MPEG-4, QuickTime, Windows Media, and multiple versions of proprietary RealAudio, and RealVideo formats.

Release Date


Settings Description

This script migrates all the settings of RealOne Player.

Migration Path

■ From 6.0 to 6.0


■ Playlists do not migrate.

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Siebel Sales, Personal Edition

Application Script

Siebel Sales, Personal Edition

Release Date


Migration Paths

■ From 6.01 to 6.01

System Mechanic

Application Script

System Mechanic

Release Date


Migration Paths

■ From 3.5 to 3.5

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Application Script


Release Date


Settings Description

■ Security Settings

■ Guest Settings

■ Registered User Settings

■ General Settings

■ Observe/Control Settings

Migration Paths

■ From 1.5 to 1.5

■ From 1.5 to 2.0

■ From 2.0 to 2.0

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Application Script

Winamp can be used to play the music files and manage them in a playlist. Also, MP3, Winamp supports a wide variety of contemporary and specialized music file formats, including MIDI, MOD, MPEG-1 audio layers 1 and 2, AAC, M4A, FLAC, WAV, and Windows Media Audio.

Release Date


Settings Description

■ The Settings option migrates all the settings of Winamp.

■ The Skins option migrates the skin for the Winamp.

■ The Local Playlists option migrates the local playlists. and is applicable only for 3.0.

Migration Path

■ From 2.8 to 2.8

■ From 3.0 to 3.0


■ If a newer version of the skin is available on the destination, they do not overwrite.

■ Some Winamp3 skins use scripts and store preferences specially. These settings may not migrate properly.

■ If the default playlist editor is not used to control its local playlists, the playlist do not migrate and is applicable only for 3.0.

■ Your playlists may not be valid until you move your media files to the same location on the migration target. Migrate these files using the file and folder selection and is applicable only for 3.0.


■ Upgrade from Winamp 2.8 to 3.0 is not supported.

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Windows Media Player

Application Script

Windows Media Player is an application that is used for playing audio and video on computers running Microsoft Windows.

Release Date


Settings Description

■ The settings option migrates the Video settings, Menu Bar settings, Plug-ins properties, Player settings, Now Playing options, and so on.

■ File Associations option migrates all the file types that are associated with the Windows Media Player like .wma, .wmv.

■ Media Library (List Only) option migrates the library database file. This file stores the information that is tracked in the media library.

Migration Paths

■ From 8.0 to 8.0

■ From 8.0 to 9.0

■ From 8.0 to 11.0

■ From 8.0 to 12.0

■ From 9.0 to 9.0

■ From 9.0 to 11.0

■ From 9.0 to 12.0

■ From 12.0 to 12.0


■ Some file formats are not disassociated from Windows Media Player.

■ Links from My Stations are not transferred.

■ The Media Library links work only if the media files are in the same location as on the source computer.

■ The Display on top when in skin mode check box under the Tools, Options, Player, Player settings path retains its functionality in all upgrades to 11.0 and 12.0; even though, the Keep the Player on top of other windows check box (Tools, Options, Player, Player settings) in 11.0 and 12.0 do not get checked.

■ The playlist and the related files can be migrated using the Files and Folders option.

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■ Zone Settings under the Tools, Options, Security path can be migrated using the IE option as they are related to the IE settings.

■ The Work Offline option under the File menu can be migrated using the Outlook or IE option as it is related to the Outlook or IE settings.


■ You cannot migrate the Skin mode option from 8.0 to 11.0 and 12.0.

■ You cannot migrate the Copy music at this quality option in Copy Music from 8.0 to 11.0 and 12.0.

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Windows Messenger

Application Script

Windows Messenger allows a real-time communication with other applications.

Release Date


Settings Description

■ The Windows messenger script migrates the General settings found under Tools, Options.

■ The Windows messenger script migrates the settings that are installed with Plus.

Migration Paths

■ From 4.6.0082 to 4.6.0082

■ From 4.6.0082 to 4.6.0084

■ From 4.6.0082 to 5.0.0482

■ From 4.6.0082 to 5.1.064

■ From 4.6.0084 to 4.6.0084

■ From 4.6.0084 to 5.0.0482

■ From 4.6.0084 to 5.1.064

■ From 5.0.0482 to 5.0.0482

■ From 5.0.0482 to 5.1.064

■ From 5.1.064 to 5.1.064


■ Sign out and exit Windows Messenger before migration.

■ The sounds option is related to the system sounds and can be selected in the system settings if necessary to migrate.

■ To migrate the contact list files, create a filter for *.ctt files.

■ The settings that are stored at the server are not migrated through the scripts. The server stores the latest changes that are done to the settings and are available whenever client connects to the server.

■ The following plug-ins are supported:

■ All Your Base

■ Emotitext

■ Matrix Sounds

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■ Monty Python Sounds

■ Now playing music by DJMystic

■ QT sender

■ Random Quote

■ XFade

■ Slapper


■ You cannot migrate the SIP user settings.

■ The user name, password, and other logon information cannot be migrated.

■ The plug-ins that meet the prerequisites are available on the destination. If there are any errors that are related to the plug-ins, the user is asked to install the plug-in again.

■ The Windows messenger cannot migrate the checking and unchecking of the AddIn, if installed, for the version 4.6.

WinFax Pro

Application Script

Winfax Pro

Release Date


Settings Description

■ Toolbars

■ Backup and Restore the settings

■ Phonebooks

■ Backup scheduling

■ Call Logging

■ Call status

■ Notes

Migration Paths

■ From 9 to 9

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Application Script

Winzip allows users to create, modify the .ZIP files, or extract content from the .ZIP files.

Release Date


Settings Description

■ The Configuration option migrates all the configuration settings of Winzip.

■ The File Associations option migrates all the file association settings of Winzip.

Migration Path

■ From 6.0 to 6.0

■ From 6.0 to 7.0

■ From 6.0 to 8.0

■ From 7.0 to 7.0

■ From 7.0 to 8.0

■ From 8.0 to 8.0

■ From 8.0 to 10.0

■ From 8.0 to 11.1

■ From 9.0 to 9.0

■ From 9.0 to 10.0

■ From 9.0 to 11.1

■ From 10.0 to 10.0

■ From 10.0 to 11.1

■ From 11.1 to 11.1

■ From 11.1 to 12.0

■ From 12.0 to 12.0

■ From 12.0 to 12.1

■ From 12.1 to 12.1

■ From 12.1 to 14.0

■ From 14.0 to 14.0

■ From 14.0 to 14.5

■ From 14.5 to 14.5

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■ From 14.5 to 15.0

■ From 15.0 to 15.0

■ From 15.0 to 15.5

■ From 15.5 to 15.5


■ Close all instances of Winzip before migrating.

■ To migrate favorite .zip files added to the Favorite folders, either select the files in File Tree or create a filter for the *.zip files.


■ Options that do not migrate in WinZip:

■ Options, Configuration, System, General, Include Winzip to the start menu

■ Options, Configuration, System, General, Include Winzip to the desktop

WS_FTP Professional

Application Script

WS_FTP is a file transfer protocol client software for the Windows operating systems. WS_FTP stands for WinSock File Transfer Protocol.

Release Date


Settings Description

This script migrates all the settings for WS_FTP Professional.

Migration Path

■ From 6.01 to 6.01

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Yahoo! Messenger

Application Script

Yahoo! Messenger is an instant messaging client.

Release Date


Settings Description

This script migrates all the settings of Yahoo Messenger.

Migration Paths

■ From to

■ From to 7.0

■ From to 7.5

■ From to 8.1

■ From 7.0 to 7.0

■ From 7.0 to 7.5

■ From 7.0 to 8.1

■ From 7.5 to 7.5

■ From 7.5 to 8.1

■ From 8.1 to 8.1


■ The settings that are stored on the server are not migrated through the scripts. The server stores the latest completed changes to the settings and is available whenever client connects to the server.

■ Sign out and exit the Yahoo Messenger before migration on the source and the destination.

■ You are recommended to restart the computer after migration.

■ Scripts do not support the migration of hardware settings that are related to webcam. If necessary, this must be done under the path Start, Settings, Control Panel or under the path Yahoo Messenger, Preferences, Webcam, Camera Settings.

■ The scheme of the Yahoo Messenger skin depends on the scheme of the operating system. Thus, to get the same look-and-feel as in the source, migrate the schemes settings under the path System Settings, Desktop Settings, Appearance.

■ The settings under the path Help, Audio Setup Wizard are related to the system sounds. Use the System Settings, Sounds to migrate these settings.

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■ You cannot migrate the Content tabs, from all previous versions to 8.1, as they are now plug-ins whose settings are stored in an XML file.

■ You cannot migrate the File Transfer settings, from all previous versions to 8.1, as the feature is not available in the destination version.

■ You cannot migrate the List Text settings for the individual profile, from all previous versions to 8.1, as the feature is not available in the version.
