
C Series Inaugural Flight July 15, 2016 Zurich - Paris - Zurich

Sally and I arrive early at Zurich’s Airport Gate B34 where the Inaugural Ceremony will take place for the C Series first commercial flight

Food and drinks are prepared as part of the Inaugural festivities

Champagne is chilled

The C Series aircraft arrives at the gate

As expected, friends who have flown previous inaugurals also arrive to join today’s flight

Aviation enthusiasts request today’s inaugural passengers autograph memorabilia from this event

SWISS invited

Dominique Rinderknecht, Miss Switzerland to participate in the C Series Inaugural Flight

The media photographs us in front of the beautiful C Series backdrop SWISS created for these ceremonies

The pilots are asked to pose for the media. At far right is Captain Peter Koch,

SWISS C Series Fleet Chief

Swiss Chief Commercial Officer, Markus Binkert invites me in front of

the assembled crowd and media for a presentation. He announces my

inaugural flight world record listing the B747, A380, B787 and A350.

I am asked to share my inaugural flight experiences with the audience & media and explain why joining the C Series inaugural flight is so meaningful

I am then presented with this Bombardier C Series Inaugural Flight Certificate and model of the aircraft

This beautifully framed certificate is a special commemoration of today’s first commercial flight

I am incredibly fortunate as SWISS created this beautiful one of a kind certificate and I am the only person on today’s flight to be presented an official document signed by Thomas Kluhr, SWISS CEO

I will cherish this latest inaugural

flight certificate which will

be added to my


The traditional ribbon cutting ceremony

Prior to general boarding of the aircraft, we are escorted out to the tarmac

where the media posed us for pictures with the aircraft

We board the aircraft

The C Series is a beautifully designed interior. Passengers universally felt the space was large and bright with great attention to detail and felt great to fly.

The cabin crew was excited to greet us onboard and provided excellent service even though many passengers and media were in the aisles during the flight

Business colleague and dear friend Peter Bernhardsgrütter was instrumental in coordinating the activities today with

He was able to join the round trip flight between Zurich and Paris

I am extremely proud that Zodiac Aerospace built the cabin interior of this amazing new aircraft

It is always magical to fly these inaugural flights.

Upon arrival in Paris, another table is set up with food and drinks for those passengers that will fly the return leg back to Zurich

Everyone enjoyed a piece of cake commemorating today’s

inaugural flight

More interviews and presentations took place with

French media and SWISS management

Social media popped up within minutes of

these events

Dominique, Miss Switzerland was thrilled to hand out delicious Swiss chocolates

SWISS Press Release published after the flight

I am thrilled to have had the opportunity to join the excitement on this amazing new aircraft and honored to be able to extend my inaugural flight record
