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  • 8/14/2019 C# Projects.docx


    Projects List

    Projects List1. Multithreaded Chat Client Server

    a. Add / Remove / Block friends,b. Check Status of friendsc. Maintain Chat Historyd. Voice Chat (optional) (this part can give you some extra credit)

    2. Multithreaded FTP Client Servera. Server

    i. Maintains Categorized Record of Filesii. Can Save File Uploaded by Clients

    b. Clienti. Can view all categories of file

    ii. Can download any fileiii. Can upload any file

    3. Library Management Systema. Search according to the book name,b. Search according to ISBN name,c. Search according to the category of the book,d. Add / Delete books from the library,e. Modify book details,f. Which users have borrowed any particular book?g. What is the popularity measure of a particular book?

    4. Desktop Sharing (e.g. Team Viewer)a. Share Desktop Screen with others ( see details at

    5. Centralized File Sharing (e.g. Dropbox)
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    a. Copy Files on Multiple PCs in a single Network (See details at

    b. Use centralized approach, means, if one user Add / Delete any file from sharedfolder on his / her PC, then this change must be visible at all other PCs too.

    6. Daily Budget Managera. Keeps record of income and daily expenses.b. Show reports based on

    i. Per Dayii. Per Weekiii. Per Monthiv. Per Year

    7. Hospital Management Systema. Google it for details

    8. University Management Systema. Employees Management

    i. Add / Remove Studentii. Enroll student in courses

    b. Students Managementi. Add / Remove Teachers

    ii. Assign courses to teacherc. Courses Management

    i. Manage courses for each semesterii. View result of a particular student for any semesteriii. View full completeand in-completetranscripts


    Admissions module:

    Design targeted review templates and assign them to programs. Internet applications are routed to the responsible admission officers.
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    Applications to different programs get reviewed differently rather than having a blanketreviews.

    Customized workflows enable direct admissions, admissions with reservations to beescalated for further review.

    Managing matriculation is simplified through an elaborate waitlist management. Processes such as rule checking or creation of student master records and account data

    from applications, can be triggered in the background for automated processing.

    Finally, the software lets you send e-mail or letters to prospects, informing them of thefinal status of their applications.


    Registration module:

    Publish registration invitations and schedule future registration invitations. Automate monitoring & task execution of important dates e.g census date, fee payment

    deadline, class registration deadline etc.

    Have better revenue recognition and better nominal registration control. Combined student records and student finance, the registration's billing configuration

    can be setup to take to account parameters such as residency, payment plans, tuition

    waivers assigned to student accounts to determine the right amounts to invoice


    The students can:

    Enroll/drop classes with the necessary checks in place e.g checking for repeats, requisitechecks, course load limits etc.

    Liaise with academic advisors on their selections. View alternatives on courses if maximum enrollment is reached for courses they intend

    to enroll.

    Instructors can:

    Be configured as advisors targeted to a specific cohort. Approve/reject class enrollments by students. Schedule advising sessions for students Override enrollment restrictions put in the system if a situation arises that warrants it.

    Class Scheduling

    With the class scheduling module:

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    Decentralize class scheduling processes to departments. Add course offerings singly or in batch. Roll-over class schedule data from a previous like year Cross-list offerings or class sections Control class enrollment lists Add instructors to classes and share their instructional workloads.

    Curriculum Management

    With Curriculum Management:

    Define unlimited syllabus elements and student learning out comes for modules andprogrammes.

    Define multiple assessment plans and assign them to modules based on the modulesevaluation strategy.

    Define unlimited grading schemes and assign them to programs and modules. Instructors can create assessments that evaluates a student learning outcome. Grade value computation is automated. Instructors can post grades to grade roster singly or in batch. Quality Management is embbedded . Manage placement learning activities. Academic progression for students is automatically tracked. Academic transcripts & resultslips data is made available to relevant roles.

    Workload Management

    With Workload Management:

    Automate workload assignment tracking from class scheduling activites. Define unlimited weighted instructional activities which describes workload


    Limit workload assignment limits to a single or a group of instructors. Manage and track instructor cross-department workload assignments and report on it. Track FTES/FTEF generated from day-to-day curriculum activities for comparison


    Facilites Management

    With Facilities Management:

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    Define facility space according to Facilities & Inventory Classification Manual (NCES). Assign space to departments and share space among departments. Compute space utilizations by department, program, module or student. Analyze facility entitlements by departments or programmes and make necessary


    Produce facility usage reports for regulatory reporting. Import facilities data from other institutions for comparison purposes and also share

    your facilities data to other institutions.

    Student Records

    With Student Records:

    Centralize student profiles. Define unlimited extra-curricular activities use it to track student's activities. Track student's academic progression. Define and track student disabilities so as to better manage their requirements. Track student matters e.g disciplinary matters. Clearance management is fully automated and transactional. Convert students to alumni.

    Class Attendance

    Class Attendance Tracking Module:

    Track student attendance. Track instructor attendance. Track daily FTES generated by daily classes.

    Academic Planning

    With Academic Planning:

    Plan for enrollment. Manage program reviews. Monitor and adjust facility entitlements. Students & Advisors can conduct degree audits.

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    Student Finance

    With the Student Finance Module Module:

    Build tuition classication for all your students based on parameters in student records. Define unlimited charge items,refund items and use them to build term fee and module

    fee structures.

    Define unlimited fee structures and assign them to programmes. Create fee rates that adjusts the total cost of the fee structure. Manage tuition waivers for different categories of students. Create & manage payment plans. Define refund rules & schedules that are prorated and the system will compute refunds

    due automatically.

    Define payment allocation rules that dictate how payments will be allocated to charges. Automate bank reconciliation. Better manage the fee collection process. Integration with GL applications (A1-Finance, Kuali Financials (under development))

    Financial Aid

    The Financial Aid Module allows you to:

    Create and manage unlimited financial aid programmes both internal and external. Define qualification and packaging rules. Customize financial aid setup for regulatory compliance. Access information from student records that is required for Financial Aid processing. Manage the financial aid lifecycle - application, verification, award and posting process. Generate detailed reports on the allocation of awards & utilization of the funds.


    With Accomodation Management:

    Create unlimited categories of guests. Create unlimited room rates and assign them to rooms. Define hostel,rooms,beds and apply allocation rules on them. Automate reservations,allocations Guests can create maintenance requests

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    Hostel managers automate scheduling of inspections and based on the reviews chargeguests for repairs.

    Campus Plus software modules are;

    Admission Student Registration Staff Registration Fees I-Card Exams and Result Library Secure Control Panel (Student,Staff) Transprt Student Attendence Placement Mess E-Learning Front Office Salary Inventry Quality Control Support HRD

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    CAMPUS MANAGEMENT SYSTEM has been designed and developed for the automation and total

    management of educational institutions. All the major functions can be automated using the following

    modules. CAMPUS MANAGEMENT SYSTEM can be easily tailored to suit specific requirements of aparticular educational institution

    1. Setup

    2. Registration/Admission

    3. Fees

    4. Financial management

    5. Administration

    6. Scheduler

    7. Examinations

    8. Library

    9. Inventory management

    10. Web Portal

    11. Hostel

    12. Transportation


    Enables users in the institute to alter the core system structure by redefining the details of the institution,

    courses, management, faculty and the students.

    Registration / Admission

    Many institutions need re-engineering of the admission processes to better handle the load and also ensure

    that data is correctly entered, documents are verified and are shared with other departments, so that

    workload is not duplicated.

    CAMPUS MANAGEMENT SYSTEM automates the entire admission process in a systematic way from entry

    of application forms, online processing, admitting students to various courses and issuing roll numbers.


    Defining and maintainng fee structure for various type of courses and tracking remittances are two of the

    core concerns that are addressed in this smart solution.

    Financial management

    With budgets becoming tighter, financial accounting forms an important module of the modern enterprise

    solution. Right from budgeting, all activities and function are integrated with functional modules as fees,

    inventory, assets, and library for optimisation control.

    1. Handles different types of vouchers as cash, bank, journal, purchase and sales

    2. Generates account statements and detailed reports periodically


    This module forms the control centre for the institution where key MIS information and reports can be

    extracted. The information obtained are very critical in making effective and efficient management level


    1. Handles attendance, batch allocations, batch transfers, issuance of certificates, etc

    2. Maintains comprehensive up-to-date profiles of staff, faculty and students

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    1. Built-in time table creation solution for all academic courses with period-wise breakup

    2. Scheduling of examinations, assignments, room/seat allocation during exams


    1.Manages all activities in conducting examinations (Scheduling, Allocation, Evaluation and Reporting) for

    multiple batches

    2.Generates eligible candidates based on paramters set3.Generates performance report of students that can be viewed over the Internet instantaneously


    This module performs the smart and effcient automation and total management of the library

    1. Enables members to browse for availability, reserve and renew

    2. Functions as classification, issue, return, registration, search, purchase, etc are made effortless

    3 . Bar code system which drastically reduces excessive user intervention and data entry time

    4. Statistics report on library usage helps the librarian plan for better service levels

    Inventory Management

    1. Automates the entire purchase, distribution and re-order cycle

    2. Complete reporting for sales / purchase and inventory analysis

    3. Quick and elaborate item search with smart iventory tracking and status information

    4. Customizable item list with informstion list views for faster data location


    1. Easy and instant room allocation and transfer

    2. Mess budget allocation depending on the number of boarders

    2. Ensures accountability, does cost optimisation and inventory management


    1. Scheduling of vehicles, bus routes and issuance of bus pass

    2. Reservation, booking and scheduling of all official vehicles

    Maintenance of vehicle logbook containing comprehensive vehicle, insurance and maintenance details

    Web portal

    The online portal which CAMPUS MANAGEMENT SYSTEM offers, features an innovative interface to the

    system through the World Wide Web. Custom portals for self service to students, teaching staff,

    management, policy makers and other stake holders ensure transparency of the institution, in the most cost

    effective manner.

    1. Provides parents with their childs attendance status and academic progress

    2. Provides online reporting facility for management

    Key Benefits

    1. Smarter and efficient campus administraton system

    2. Simplifies process for audits, accreditations and certifications3. Economises on cost and reduces wastage

    4. Increases staff productivity and efficiency

    5. Highly user friendly with intuitive design for ease of operation

    6. Easy to learn and simple to use solution - No extensive training required

    7. Elimination of manual errors and automatic data updation

    8. Detailed and reliable cross-functional reporting, customised to the institutes precise needs

    9. Efficiency in internal operations, less paper handling, less re-kerying of data, less duplication of effort

    10. Better retention through more personalized tracking of students and faculty, and spotting of problem


    11. Managing external compliance and regulatory requirements effortlessly

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    12. Managing data as a shared institutional asset that is secure, accurate and consistent

    13. Systematic and detailed documentation of student performance and deliverables, and analysis of the


    14. Students can access, update and verify their personal records, transact online for library reservations or

    digital content

    15. Critical information relevant to students are made transparent and avaliable through the web

    Useful and Unique features

    1. Built in Bar code software and printing

    2. Smooth, speedy and easy issuing and returning along with renewal and other information on all types of

    books and non-book materials

    3. Total Serial Control

    4. Automated Stock Verification using Bar Code Scanner

    5. Member profile and lending rules

    6. Auto calculation of overdue charges and other related records

    7. Reservation of books facility

    8. Faster and powerful search facility

    9. Generation of a wide range of reports

    10. Database backup and restore facility

    11. Highly user friendly with intutive design for ease of operation

    12. Security controlled access

    ... and much much more !!!

    9. Timetable Schedulera. Input parameters

    i. Number of roomsii. Name of roomsiii. Total classesiv. Number of students in each class

    b. Outputi. Without clash timetable

    ii. BS students classes must be scheduled before 6 pmiii. MS students classes must start before 6 pm

    10.Web Crawlera. Google it for details

    11.Email Clienta. Send / Receive emails

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    b. Explore about outlookc. (use WPF for extra credit)

    12.Project of your choice
