Page 1: C PHA 12 SyntaxError Margaret

Name: Margaret Maersk J. Sagun

Section: C-Pha-12

Group: Syntax Error


One of the worst diseases in the community is not due to parasites or how bad the environment there is. It is in the people who are suffering from too much poverty that eating on a daily basis is a total struggle for them. In the documentary that I have watched, I saw the worst case scenarios in the Philippines and it is not something one would ever want to deal with in his entire existence. Millions of people in our country are sleeping at night without even eating anything. I always believe that poverty is normal, that it is something that will forever remain in our motherland. But no, it doesn’t have to be looked at that way. My heart was moved and I wasn’t able to fight back my tears when the man on the documentary cried because he and his children do not have anything to eat. I know for sure that he is praying for a meal to satisfy the hunger he is dealing with. Praying for a meal is not a prayer that I have prayed today. And it is not a prayer I have ever prayed in my entire life. It opened my mind as to how blessed I am as a person. Now I think that there is more to life than what I see on a regular basis. There are a lot of people out there who are in need but just fail to reach out. This place needs saving and I mean by saving we should all make a difference: To give out to the world than the world does for us. I have realized that what I am doing just merely exists and now I choose to live, to the path where I will be able to help those who are in need.
