
C++ crash course

Class 7more operators, expressions,



• More operators!– getting values from combining operands

• Expressions– strings of tokens that return a value

• Statements– a line of code in C++

Assignment Operators• Assignment operators• An assignment is when we put a value in a

variable• Left-hand operand must be a non-const lvalue

int i, j, ival;const int ci = i; // alright; initializing1024 = ival; // badi + j = ival; // badci = ival; // bad

Assignment Operators

• Array names are nonmodifiable: you can use subscript and dereference, but you can’t change the array itself

int ia[10];ia[0] = 0; // OK*ia = 0; // OKia = ???; // bad!

Assignment Operator• Result of an assignment is the left-hand operand; type is

the type of the left-hand operand

ival = 0; // result: type int value 0ival = 3.14159; // result: type int value 3

What happens here?

int i = 10, j = 5;

i = j = 4;

Assignment Operator• Result of an assignment is the left-hand operand; type is

the type of the left-hand operand

ival = 0; // result: type int value 0ival = 3.14159; // result: type int value 3

What happens here?

int i = 10, j = 5;

i = j = 4; // assignment is right-associative

Assignment Operators• Assignment is right-associative; other binary operators are

left associative

Result of the rightmost assignment is assigned going left

int ival; int *pval;ival = pval = 0; // error: can’t assign the val of a pointer to an intstring s1, s2;s1 = s2 = “OK”; // alright; “OK” the char * literal gets converted to a string

Assignment Operators

• Assignment has low precedence (happens last)

int i = get_value();while(i != 42) {

i = get_value();}

How can we do this in one line?

Assignment Operators

int i;while ((i = get_value()) != 42) {

// do something}

Without the parentheses, what happens?

while (i = get_value() != 42) {// do something weird...


Assignment Operators

• That means BE CAREFUL whether you are using the comparison operator == or the assignment operator =!

if (i = 42)

if (i == 42)

What’s the difference?

Assignment Operators

What are i and d after each assignment?

int i; double d;

d = i = 3.5;i = d = 3.5;

Assignment Operators

• What’s the difference here?

if (42 = i) // ...if (i = 42) // ...

Compound Assignment Operators+= -= *= /= %= // arithmetic operators

(there are also bitwise operators, but we’re not going to talk about those)

a = a op b;

is the same as


But the left-hand operand gets evaluated only once – mostly this doesn’t matter, except when it does (we might see cases of this later)

Assignment Operators

• This is illegal. Why?

double dval; int ival; int *pi;dval = ival = pi = 0;

Assignment Operators

• These are legal, but they’re not going to do what you might expect them to...

• What should’ve been written?

a)if (ptr = retrieve_pointer() != 0)b)if (ival = 1024)c) ival += ival + 1;

Assignment Operators• Increment and decrement

++, --

int i = 0, j;j = ++i; // prefixj = i++; // postfix

Note: prefix operator does less work! (Why?)

Assignment Operators

• Combining dereference and increment...

vector<int>::iterator iter = ivec.begin();while (iter != ivec.end())

cout << *iter++ << endl; // iterator postfix increment

What gets printed out? Why?

Assignment Operators

• *iter++ : precedence of postfix increment is higher than the dereference operator

*iter++ is the same as *(iter++)

Assignment Operators

• Even though it’s a little confusing, experienced C++ programmers are more likely to use this kind of expression (*iter++)– so if you see C++ code, this is probably what you’ll


Assignment Operators

• What would change if the while loop was written like so?

vector<int>::iterator iter = ivec.begin();while(iter != ivec.end())

cout << *++iter << endl;

Arrow Operator

• You’ve seen the dot operator...

item1.same_isbn(item2);// run the same_isbn function of item1

anim1.same_animal(anim2);// run the same_animal function of


Arrow Operator

• What if instead of having an explicit Animal_type, we instead have a pointer?

Animal_type *ap = &anim1;(*ap).same_animal(anim2);

But you have to be careful – what does this do?


Arrow Operator

• Thus we have the arrow operator ->


It’s just syntactic sugar, but makes it much easier not to make mistakes!

Arrow Operator

• Let’s write code:

Define a vector of pointers to stringsRead the vector, printing each string and its corresponding size

Arrow Operator• Assume iter is a vector<string>::iterator• Which of the following are legal?• What do they do?

a) *iter++;b) *iter.empty();c) ++*iter;d) (*iter)++;e) iter->empty();f) iter++->empty();

Conditional Operator• Ternary operator – takes 3 arguments

cond ? expr1 : expr2;

equivalent to

if(cond) {expr1;

} else {expr2;


Conditional Operator

int i = 10, j = 20, k = 30;int maxVal = i > j ? i : j;

What’s maxVal after this?

Conditional Operator

• It’s a useful convention, but don’t abuse it

int max = i > j? i > k ? i : k: j > k ? j : k;

What does the above do?

Conditional Operator

• Equivalent to this...

int max = i;if (j > max)

max = j;if (k > max)

max = k;

Conditional Operator

• Fairly low precedence• In an output expression:

cout << (i < j ? i : j); // works as expectedcout << (i < j) ? i : j; // prints 1 or 0 – why?cout << i < j ? i : j; // error – why?

Conditional Operator

• Writing code:

Prompt the user for a pair of numbers, say which is smaller

Conditional Operator

• Write code

Process elements in a vector<int>, replacing any value that’s odd with twice its value

sizeof Operator

• Returns a value of type size_t• Size in bytes of an object or type name – how much

space it’s taking up in memory

sizeof (type name);sizeof (expr);sizeof expr;

(Remember when I said that doing ptr++ will cause it to move forward by a certain amount in memory?)

sizeof Operator

• Can be used in multiple ways...

Animal_type anim, *pa;

sizeof(Animal_type);sizeof anim;sizeof *pa;

sizeof Operator

• Evaluating sizeof expr does not evaluate the expression

sizeof *p; // will work even if p is a null pointer or invalid address!

sizeof Operator• Result of sizeof depends on the type involved

– sizeof char or an expression of type char is 1– sizeof a reference type returns the size of the

memory necessary to contain an object of the referenced type

– sizeof a pointer returns the size needed to hold a pointer; to obtain the size of the object, the pointer must be dereferenced

– sizeof an array is equivalent to taking sizeof the element type, times the number of elements in the array

sizeof Operator

• We can figure out the number of elements in an array this way!– (since there’s no array.size())


sizeof Operator

• What’s the output of this program going to be?[[ size of an int: 4 bytes; size of an int *: 8 bytes ]]

int x[10]; int *p = x;cout << sizeof(x) / sizeof(*x) << endl;cout << sizeof(p) / sizeof(*p) << endl;

Compound Expressions

• An expression with two or more operators is a compound expression

• Must understand how precedence and associativity work in order to evaluate expressions

• Precedence doesn’t necessarily specify order of evaluation, but it does determine what the answer will be

Precedence• We saw this yesterday:– How does this get evaluated?

6 + 3 * 4 / 2 + 2;

Parentheses can override precedence

((6 + ((3 * 4) / 2) + 2)


((6 + 3) * 4) / 2 + 2


• Specifies how to group operators at the same precedence level

Assignment is right associative

Arithmetic is left associative


• Parenthesize these:

ival = jval = kval = lval;

ival * jval / kval * lval;

Precedence• When you know what the precedence is, it’s okay

not to parenthesize – when you’re not sure, parenthesizing can help make sure that the program does what you want it to

• Helpful in debugging: getting a weird result? Add parentheses around the things you thought were getting evaluated first

• You can also look up the precedence for all the operators, but unless you’re an expert C++ programmer, it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to remember all of them

• Useful to know for any programming language

new and delete

• Has to do with allocating memory• We talked about this with dynamic arrays• We can also use it for single objects

int i; // named, unitialized intint *pi = new int; // pi points to a dynamically allocated, unnamed, uninitialized int

new and delete

• We need to initialize dynamically allocated objects too, even if they’re not named

int i(1024);int *pi = new int(1024);string s(10, ‘9’);string *ps = new string(10, ‘9’);

Must use direct-initialization syntax, rather than copy-initialization, to initialize dynamically allocated objects

new and delete

• Without an explicit initializer, a dynamically allocated object is initialized in the same way as a variable inside a function

• If there’s a default constructor, uses that; if it’s built-in, it’s uninitialized

After each line, which is / are initialized?string *ps = new string;int *pi = new int;

new and delete

• We can also value-initialize a dynamically allocated object

• Default constructor, or basic type to 0

string *ps = new string();int *pi = new int();cls *pc = new cls();

new and delete• So that’s new...• ...why do we have delete?

• Back in the day using new too many times could easily exhaust all your memory, causing a bad_alloc exception

• In order not to have our memory used up, we should free it using the delete expression

delete pi;

This will ONLY WORK for dynamically allocated variables; for all others it’s illegal – the behavior is undefined

new and delete

int i;int *pi = &i;string str = “dwarves”;double *pd = new double(33);

Which of these is safe?

delete str;delete pi;delete pd;

new and delete

int i;int *pi = &i;string str = “dwarves”;double *pd = new double(33);

Which of these is safe?

delete str;delete pi; // Watch out: some compilers will accept this even though it’s illegal!delete pd;

new and delete

• Once you delete a pointer to an object, you’ve deleted the object, but the pointer still hangs around, pointing to that spot in memory

• Called a dangling pointer• Watch out for these!– Best to set any pointers you’ve deleted to 0 (null


new and deleteWhich of these are okay? Which are illegal / error-producing?

a)vector<string> svec(10);b)vector<string> *pvec1 = new vector<string>(10);c)vector<string> **pvec2 = new vector<string>[10];d)vector<string> *pv1 = &svec;e)vector<string> *pv2 = pvec1;

f)delete svec;g)delete pvec1;h)delete [] pvec2;i)delete pv1;j)delete pv2;

Type Conversions

• We discussed these a little bit yesterday: typecasting

• Types of operands determine whether an expression is legal– if the types are related in C++, then there’s a


int ival = 0;ival = 3.541 + 3; // compiles, sometimes gives warning

Type Conversions

• C++ has a set of conversions that make the operands the same before doing the arithmetic

• These conversions are done automatically by the compiler, called implicit type conversions

• Built-in conversions preserve precision if possible

Type Conversions• When is an implicit type conversion going to occur?

– Expressions with mixed-type operands:

int ival;double dval;ival >= dval; // ival converted to double

– Expression used as a condition goes to boolint ival;if (ival)while (cin)

– An expression used to initialize or assign to a variable is converted to the type of the variableint ival = 3.14;int *ip;ip = 0;

Type Conversions• Simplest conversion: integral promotions

char, signed char, unsigned char, short, and unsigned short can all get promoted to int

If the values don’t fit, promoted to unsigned int

For bools:false -> 0true -> 1

Type Conversions

• Pointer conversionsWhen we use an array, the array is converted to a pointer to the first element:

int ia[10];int * ip = ia;

Type Conversions• Enumeration conversions:

// point2d is 2, point2w is 3, point3d is 3, point3w is 4

enum Points { point2d = 2, point2w,point3d = 3, point3w };

const size_t array_size = 1024;int chunk_size = array_size * point2w;int array_3d = array_size * point3d;

Type Conversions• What conversions are happening here?

float fval;double dval;int ival;

a) if (fval)b)dval = fval + ival;c) dval + ival + cval;

Type Conversions

• We can also explicitly cast one type to another• This is necessary sometimes, but dangerous– part of memory is suddenly being re-interpreted!

• Really useful in terms of arithmetic, which is pretty much the only time you’ll need it

How can we make integer division work?
