  • Church Hours: Mon-Fri 6:30am-2pm Saturday Noon-6:30pm Sunday 8:30am-6:30pm

    Weekend Mass Schedule Saturday 5 pm Vigil Mass English

    Sunday 9am Vietnamese

    11am English with Vietnamese and Spanish readings

    *Will be Live Streamed*

    5pm Spanish

    Weekday Mass Schedule 7 am & 12:10 pm

    Confession Schedule

    Weekdays 30 minutes

    prior to Mass Saturday

    3:30-4:45 pm

    Sunday 8:30-8:50 am 10-10:45 am 4-4:45 pm

    @CCSHhou [email protected]

    Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston

    C -C of the S H

    December 20, 2020

    Fourth Sunday of Advent

  • Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston

    His Eminence Daniel Cardinal DiNardo, D.D., S.T.L. Archbishop of Galveston-Houston

    The Most Reverend George A. Sheltz, D.D., Auxiliary Bishop The Most Reverend Joseph A. Fiorenza, D.D., Archbishop Emeritus

    The Most Reverend Vincent M. Rizzotto, D.D., J.C.L., Retired Auxiliary Bishop

    Co-Cathedral of the Sacred Heart Clergy

    The Very Reverend Jeffrey L. Bame, Rector & Parish Administrator Reverend Loc D. Phan, Parochial Vicar

    Deacons Deacon John Carrara * Deacon Daniel Addis * Deacon Lynn Carney * Deacon Gilberto Vela

    Faith Formation & Evangelization

    Director of Evangelization & Faith Formation Selma DeMarco

    [email protected]

    Faith Formation Associate (K--8th) Carmen Benitez

    [email protected]

    Faith Formation Associate (High School) Faby Lopez

    [email protected]


    Director of Music / Co-Cathedral Organist Dr. Crista Miller

    [email protected]

    Associate Director & Music Operations Natasha Manley

    [email protected]

    Assistant Choir Director Patrick Schneider

    [email protected]

    Co-Cathedral Assistant Organist Dr. Jeong-Suk Bae

    [email protected]


    Facilities and Project Coordinator Gwenne Buck

    [email protected]

    Secretary for Weddings & Bulletin Editor Bree Delphin

    [email protected]

    Parish Outreach Coordinator Jordyn Woods

    [email protected]

    Baptismal Secretary & Receptionist Katherine Buck

    [email protected]

    Business Manager Deacon John Carrara

    [email protected]

    Parish Accounting Shannon Wesley

    [email protected]

    Building Engineer Chris Felix

    [email protected]

    Maintenance Ruben Valenzuela

    Church Sextons

    Guillermo Herrera & Ray Garcia


    Co-Cathedral Staff

  • December 20, 2020 A Pandemic Christmas! Dear Friends in Christ: Anh chị em thân mến trong Chúa Kitô: Estimados Amigos y Amigas en Cristo:

    It is critically important that we celebrate Christmas with intentionality this year. Despite some secular leaders who would like nothing more than to see Christmas “postponed” or cancelled this year, we must proceed with our celebration in recognition that the coming of the Son of God, born inconspicuously on a dark winter night, represented the incursion of our merciful God into a world under siege by the enemy of souls. This is the celebration of the fact that our captivity, the dark of night, is not the final say – our God comes to save us! And for that, we must rejoice!

    Our communal life as a parish community has been subdued during the time of pandemic. Activities outside of Mass have been cancelled or made virtual. Many cannot leave their homes. We have not been able to join our voices together in song at Mass. While we mourn these realities, they are part of a prudent response. At Christmas, though, we expect an explosion of joy! While many things will be modified for our parish’s celebration of Christmas this year, I want to share with you some of our plans.

    First of all, we will have the same number of Masses as past Christmases, albeit on an adjusted schedule due to special permission from Cardinal DiNardo to begin earlier. We will have Masses at 3 PM, 6 PM, 9 PM (Spanish), and Midnight to create a bigger gap between Masses to facilitate safer arrival, departure, and church cleaning. On Christmas Day, Cardinal DiNardo will celebrate Mass at 10 AM (important details about this Mass will be forthcoming soon – stay tuned if you plan to attend!), and the Vietnamese Mass will be celebrated at Noon.

    This week, we are completing the installation of a new livestreaming solution inside the Co-Cathedral. While this new system was not cheap (if you would like to make a special Christmas gift to the Co-Cathedral, help with this project would be greatly appreciated!), we felt it was necessary and hope to have the new system

    ready to livestream the Masses at Midnight and at 10:00 AM on Christmas Day for those who are homebound.

    In terms of music, there will not be the usual extended music in the church before Masses as usual. As has been the case throughout the pandemic, the music heard during Mass may not be as “singable” as usual out of protection for the congregation. However, Dr. Crista Miller and the music staff have prepared an alternative to the usual Christmas concert before the Midnight Mass. The musicians will be stationed outside the cathedral near the bell tower to sing Christmas carols between 10:30 and 11:40 PM (ten minute break at 11 PM). As singing in a shared space is safer outside, people who come early to Mass are invited to stop outside in the plaza to listen and sing along before going inside. We hope that this opportunity to join in song will lift the hearts of many who long for the return of our ability to sing together as an assembly. Additionally, while budgetary and safety concerns have put our choirs into hibernation, you will notice that our Masses will feature ensembles for Christmas to properly sing God’s praises for this Holy Day!

    Finally, at Christmas we often host many visitors at the Co-Cathedral. Some are out of town visitors, while others are people that for one reason or another have been away from the Church throughout the year but feel compelled to come celebrate the birth of Christ. This year, there may be many more who have been kept away by the pandemic. I beg everyone, please be kind and welcoming to our guests! While we have not had any issues with safely seating our congregations throughout this pandemic time due to our massive space, we simply have no way of knowing how many additional people may desire to come for Christmas this year. Our clergy and staff are committed to safely seating as many people as possible without violating COVID-19 protocols or putting people at risk. Not only do we not mind, we encourage it! If you know someone without a church home or someone alone or isolated, please bring them with you. I hope that many who have stayed away to this point will feel encouraged to return to church to celebrate with us. We pray that all might find a spiritual home at the Co-Cathedral of the Sacred Heart.

    O Sacred Heart of Jesus, we place all our trust in You.

    Very Reverend Jeffrey L. Bame Rector & Parish Administrator

    Yours in Christ,

    Message from the Rector P. 2

  • Stay up to date with our parish by following us online!

    Social Distancing Protocols Please observe social distancing

    and wear a mask while inside the Co-Cathedral.

    Upcoming Parish Events

    Parish News P. 3

  • Kammst du nun, Jesu, Von Himmel herunter

    -J.S. Bach “Meet” the most recent addition to the music staff at CCSH, our Organ Scholar Jared. This piece repre-

    sents Advent in Bach’s 6-work collection of Schubler chorales for organ, all of which are transcriptions of

    Bach’s cantatas for choir and orchestra. Rejoice! Gaudete!

    Parish Code: 0be7ec

    The Story of the Nativity: The Truth of Christmas

    Christmas is so much more than a humdrum story we've heard since childhood. Join top scholars,

    speakers, and authors as they explain the gravity of Christ's miraculous birth.

    FORMED: Pick of the week Music Faith At Home P. 4

    New to our parish?

    Become a registered

    parishioner online by clicking


  • Collected $548,229 Budget $623,794 Amount over (under) ($75,565)

    The Year Last Week Collected $23,63Budgeted $26,50Amount over ($2,873

    This Week Collection Goal:


    “Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with you!” – Luke 1:28

    After Jesus, we look to Mary as an ideal steward. Her entire life was lived in obedience to God’s call. Mary teaches us to live with joy for all we have been given. Just as the moon reflects the light of the sun, Mary reflects the light of Christ. Like Mary, we are called to

    reflect Christ’s light to the world through our gratitude and generosity.

    Time Treasure Talent

    Ways to contribute

    Stewardship P. 5

    DSF Status as of: Dec. 15, 2020

    Mandatory Amount $135,000

    Amount Pledged: $120,321 Amount under: ($14,679)

    Only 294 of our 1,876 families

    Click here to make your donation! Stewardship Reflection

    Donations Needed For Magnificat House

    ∗ New men & women’s socks

    ∗ Full sized hygiene items

    ∗ $10 Wal Mart Gift Card Donate online

  • En aquel tiempo, el ángel Ga-briel fue enviado por Dios a una ciudad de Galilea, llamada Nazaret, a una virgen desposa-da con un varón de la estirpe de David, llamado José. La virgen se llamaba María.

    Entró el ángel a donde ella estaba y le dijo: “Alégrate, llena de gracia, el Señor está contigo”. Al oír estas palabras, ella se preo-cupó mucho y se preguntaba qué querría decir semejante saludo.

    El ángel le dijo: “No temas, María, porque has hallado gracia ante Dios. Vas a concebir y a dar a luz un hijo y le pondrás por nombre Jesús. Él será grande y será llamado Hijo del Altísimo; el Señor Dios le dará el trono de David, su padre, y él reinará sobre la casa de Jacob por los siglos y su reinado no tendrá fin”.

    María le dijo entonces al ángel: “¿Cómo podrá ser esto, puesto que yo permanezco virgen?” El ángel le contestó: “El Espíritu Santo descenderá sobre ti y el poder del Altísimo te cubrirá con su sombra. Por eso, el Santo, que va a nacer de ti, será llamado Hijo de Dios. Ahí tienes a tu parienta Isabel, que a pesar de su vejez, ha concebido un hijo y ya va en el sexto mes la que llama-ban estéril, porque no hay nada imposible para Dios”. María contestó: “Yo soy la esclava del Señor; cúmplase en mí lo que me has dicho”. Y el ángel se retiró de su presencia.

    María, la Sierva del Señor

    En el Evangelio del Cuarto Domingo de Adviento podemos no-tar un contraste entre las promesas del ángel y la respuesta de María. Tal contraste se manifiesta en la dimensión y en el conte-nido de las expresiones de los dos protagonistas. El ángel dice a María: «No temas, María,

    Palabras del Papa Francisco

    porque has hallado gracia delante de Dios; vas a concebir en el seno y vas a dar a luz un hijo, a quien pondrás por nombre Je-sús. Él será grande y será llamado Hijo del Altísimo, y el Señor le dará el trono de David, su padre; reinará sobre la casa de Jacob por los siglos y su reino no tendrá fin». Es una larga re-velación, que abre perspectivas inauditas. El niño que nacerá de esta humilde joven de Nazaret será llamado Hijo del Altísi-mo: no es posible concebir una dignidad más alta que esta. Y después la pregunta de María, con la que Ella pide explicacio-nes, la revelación del ángel se hace aún más detallada y sor-prendente. Sin embargo, la respuesta de María es una frase breve que no habla de gloria, no habla de privilegio, sino solo de disponibilidad y de servicio: «He aquí la esclava del Señor; hágase en mí según tu palabra». También el contenido es dife-rente. María no se exalta frente a la perspectiva de convertirse incluso en la madre del Mesías, sino que permanece modesta y expresa la propia adhesión al proyecto del Señor. María no presume. Es humilde, modesta. Se queda como siempre. Este contraste es significativo. Nos hace entender que María es ver-daderamente humilde y no trata de exponerse. Reconoce ser pequeña delante de Dios, y está contenta de ser así. Al mismo tiempo, es consciente de que de su respuesta depende la reali-zación del proyecto de Dios, y que por tanto Ella está llamada a adherirse con todo su ser. En esta circunstancia, María se pre-senta con una actitud que corresponde perfectamente a la del Hijo de Dios cuando viene en el mundo: Él quiere convertirse en el Siervo del Señor, ponerse al servicio de la humanidad para cumplir el proyecto del Padre. María dice: «He aquí la esclava del Señor»; y el Hijo de Dios, entrando en el mundo dice: «He aquí que vengo […] a hacer, oh Dios, tu voluntad». La actitud de María refleja plenamente esta declaración del Hijo de Dios, que se convierte también en hijo de María. Así la Virgen se revela colaboradora perfecta del proyecto de Dios.

    4º Domingo de Adviento

    Communion P. 6

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