Page 2: By: Matthew Grandy and Chad Moore Henry Ford Bill Gates
Page 3: By: Matthew Grandy and Chad Moore Henry Ford Bill Gates


The Henry Ford Estate still stands on the Campus of the university of Michigan

Page 4: By: Matthew Grandy and Chad Moore Henry Ford Bill Gates

The walls of the Field Room were constructed of rough cypress logs, and Ford salvaged the mantel and fireplace stones from a Michigan tavern

Ford actually raised the roof for the ceiling of the library, which was cut from a house in England, then shipped to Detroit where it was reassembled. He also designed a Field Room in the basement, where he could cook over an open fire and entertain fellow inventors

Page 5: By: Matthew Grandy and Chad Moore Henry Ford Bill Gates

Ford filled the home's interior with handcrafted touches created by skilled artisans. Oak figures prominently in both the Elizabethan-style front staircase and the library, which was paneled with hazel oak

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Ford (far right) entertained fellow inventors and businessmen such as Thomas Edison (left) and Harvey Firestone (centre).

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The Ford Family Setting In front of their estate

Page 9: By: Matthew Grandy and Chad Moore Henry Ford Bill Gates

Using a 'push' moving assembly line and interchangeable parts, Henry Ford was able to mass produce his Model T's and sell them for just $850. In 1913 Henry Ford replaced his 'push' moving assembly line with a conveyor belt assembly line. This way was eight times faster because now the model T mechanically moved through each station instead of by hand. By 1925 the Ford Company was able to complete a new car every ten seconds.

Page 10: By: Matthew Grandy and Chad Moore Henry Ford Bill Gates

The Model T Ford had several nicknames: some people called it the Tin Lizzy, and others called it the Flivver.

Life was easier and more fun with a Model T. Town people could visit the countryside and country people could see the towns.

Families were able to go on Camping Trips , picnics, and visits to friends that lived far away.

Model T

Page 13: By: Matthew Grandy and Chad Moore Henry Ford Bill Gates

Bill and Melinda Paid $97 Million dollars for this Mansion

Page 14: By: Matthew Grandy and Chad Moore Henry Ford Bill Gates

Bill gates was born in 1955 on October 28th and is still alive today. The reason Bill is so rich today is because he invented Microsoft. What he did was steal Macintosh from this guy named Steve Jobs. They became good friends and Steve gave him a model of this new Mac. Bill copied it and released it before Steve released the Mac, And he called it Windows.

Page 15: By: Matthew Grandy and Chad Moore Henry Ford Bill Gates

This is Bill Gates talking about his new game console, The Xbox. You can only play Xbox games on this machine. You can not play computer games on this console. The Xbox is like a computer but it connects to your television.

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Steve Jobs and Bill Gates still compete for the best computers on the market. Right now, Bill is winning for best computers with Microsoft.

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Page 18: By: Matthew Grandy and Chad Moore Henry Ford Bill Gates

There are many different kinds of windows. There is windows 95, 98, 98 plus, gold, 2000, Me, XP and NT. Bill Gates company is named Microsoft. Microsoft made something called Windows. Windows is a program that runs you computer. Almost every year Microsoft makes a new Windows that is better than the last. The newest is Windows XP and XP Professional

Page 19: By: Matthew Grandy and Chad Moore Henry Ford Bill Gates

Invented Internal Combustion Engine.

Invented Microsoft the company.

Invented the car to be sold to consumers.

Invented Windows, a computer running system.

Page 20: By: Matthew Grandy and Chad Moore Henry Ford Bill Gates

Henry Ford- In 1918 half of all the cars in America were Model T’.

Bill Gates- Microsoft is the top selling computer system company today.

Henry Ford- Henry Invented the assembly line which is used to make mostly everything today.

Bill Gates- Bill made it possible so people at home can use computer in their house.

Page 21: By: Matthew Grandy and Chad Moore Henry Ford Bill Gates

People drive cars more than they use computers. Cars are more important.

Not true almost half of all Canadians use computers and are online.

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Cars can’t get a Virus.Cars pollutes the air.

Cars can drive people to hospitals.

Thousand's of people a day die from car accidents.

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Henry Ford invented the car. People wanted a horseless wagon Henry brought it to them. Everybody in America wanted a Model T. Computers were Influential but not as much as cars.

Page 24: By: Matthew Grandy and Chad Moore Henry Ford Bill Gates