
By Hannah Go

I. IntroductionII. Pros of working while in schoolIII. Cons of working while in school IV. Conclusion

Thousands of students across America work in addition to attending college. The main reason that many college students work is because they need the money to pay tuition and/or for living expenses.

Working students can be categorized into two groups: those who primarily identify themselves as students but who work in order to pay the bills, and those who are first and foremost workers who also take some college classes. Almost two-thirds of undergraduates who work consider themselves "students who work"; the other third consider themselves "workers who study."

Source: [4], [5], [7] Source: [4], [5], [7]

Analysis: The graph examines the effect of student employment on their academic performance. The report includes the percentage total effect on the student, and the hours worked by the student per week. There is a pattern of decreasing positive effect as the hours worked each week increases. The opposite is what happens for the negative effect, as the number of worked hours increase so does the negative effect to a students academic performance.

Source: [7]Source: [7]

Source: [5], [9]Source: [5], [9]

Source: [5], [9]Source: [5], [9]

Source: [2], [5] Source: [2], [5]

Source: [3], [7]Source: [3], [7]

Source: [1], [7] Source: [1], [7]

Students who work put their schoolwork in jeopardy

Working class individuals are deprived of their livelihoods

Those who commit to a full load of courses while working in addition to school often become exhausted and stressed. As a result, their schoolwork suffers.

The article asserted that full-time work had a negative effect on student enrollment and academic performance.

Students attending college should not be stripping careers from those who are struggling to put food on the table for themselves and their families.

Source: [4] Source: [4]

The woman in this picture is joggling both her job at the coffee shop and studying at the same time. Underneath the photo is a claim of fact that says, “Some of us students have dual-lives to attend to…”. The author finds that some students have to work or choose to work while still going to school. This cartoon illustrates how busy working students are and due to lack of time, they even have to study or do course work while they are working. Source: [4] Source: [4]

Full-time employment may impair student performance

Students working full-time reported the following liabilities:

Source: [7] Source: [7]

The guy in the photo is sweating as he constantly looks at the time while at school or at work. The day before his test he has to go to work and he is shown to still be working at 9pm. Assuming he went straight to work after school, he will have to study for his test once he finishes work which will be late in the evening. Students who work while going to school constantly watches the clock and struggle to make time for their academic responsibilities are claims of fact. Source: [10]Source: [10]

From doing this analysis, I come to know that the advisable number of working hours per week for full times students is 10 hours or less. I find it interesting that full time students who work 10 hours or less a week have better GPA’s than fellow students who don’t work or have longer working hours.

The advantages of working while in college such as having more money to pay for college, acquiring references, learning time management skills are all reasonably convincing for students to want to consider working while in college. However, the level of stress also increases as students switch in between school and work responsibilities.

I find that it is better for full time students to work 10 hours or less for they will have more time to dedicate their time on their academics while at the same time still being able to experience the reality of being in a working environment.

[1] Bfsh4. Matt Andy and Anand watching tv. 14 September 2004. <http://good->

[2] Employee Benefits. City of Ocoee. <>

[3] G.P.A. Student Account. Bank of McCreary County. Whitley City, KY. <>

[4] Honda, Natalie. A student's obligation is to learn, not work. The Falcon. 6 May 2009.


[5] Miriam, Caldwell and S.H. Wallick. Can I Work and Go to College? - Five

Reasons to Work While Going to College 22 Associated content from Yahoo! July 2009. Yahoo!

Inc. Shine. 10 December 2010. <


[6] Nortnik, Andy. Busy Female College Student Working On A Laptop, Using A

Calculator And Computer All While Listening To Music At Her Desk Clipart

Illustration. Clipartof, Image Envision LLC. 2010.


[7] Orszag, Jonathan M., Peter R. Orszag, and Diane M. Whitmore.

August 2001 Commissioned by Upromise, Inc. 10 December 2010.


[8] <>

[9] <>

[10]Teresanne, Russel. Student splitting his time with school and work. iStockphoto LP.

iStockphoto®, iStock®, iStockaudio®, iStockvideo®, iStockalypse™, Vetta® and

CopySpace® are trademarks of iStockphoto LP. 03 April 2009. <


[11] Wheeler, Stefanie. What’s a Working Student to Do? The Observatory Blog at 3 March 2010.

