
By, Amanda Gresh

Tensions in Europe erupted into the largest war the world had yet seen. There were many causes for the conflict that later became known as World War I.

Began June 28, 1914 In the Bosnian city of Sarajevo

The Alliance System

More than 20 countries became involved

Airplanes Armored Tanks Rapid-fire Machine Guns Heavy Artillery

Most feared new weapon was poison gas

President Wilson was shown a telegram that the British had intercepted

Released to the press on March 1

On April 2, Wilson asked Congress to declare war against the central powers

Women were not subject to draft

More than 30,000 women volunteered for service

380,000 served during the war Opportunities were restricted

Still faced discrimination

Herbert Hoover was head of a new Food Administration

Encouraged Americans to conserve on food

“wheat less Mondays” and “meat less Tuesdays”

“Victory Gardens”

Increased demands on American Industries

Wilson’s agency: War Industries Board (WIB)At first the WIB had limited powerShortages

U.S. Army’s guy in command John J. Pershing

American troops first reached Europe in June of 1917.

Treaty of Brest-Litovsk Russia and Germany signed a peace

agreement The peace was a setback to the Allies

American troops eventually helped turn the war in favor of the Allies

War’s Deadly Toll Armistice took effect at 11 A.M. on

November 11.

Most Destructive War in history

Cost the lives of approximately 10 million military personnel

An Allied Victory

Wilson’s Fourteen Points Hoped to prevent future wars

Points 1 through 5 dealt with factors that led to the war

Points 6 through 13 dealt with specific territorial issues

Point 14

Treaty of Versailles Allies came to an agreement Treaty dealt with Germany

Forced Germany to accept full responsibility for the war and to pay the Allies huge reparations

Also placed limits on the size of Germany’s military

League of Nations

Postwar Troubles Influenza Epidemic

500,000 lives in 1918 and 1919

Labor Unrest20 percent of the American industrial work

force-went on strike Red Scare

From 1919 into 1920 a “Red Scare,” or fear of Communism revolution, gripped the nation

November 11, 1938 November 11 was made a national

holiday, Armistice Day Armistice Day was later changed to

Veterans Day

On the 11th of November we continue to honor those who have served in our nation’s armed forces

Video =] World War I Vid.

Works Cited Davidson, James W. America History of our

Nation. Boston: Prentice Hall, 2007.

Duffy, Michael. "Front Page." First World War. Spring 2000. 15 May 2009 <>.

O, Tracy. "World War I." World War I. 21 July 2003. Database available online. 15 May 2009 <>.

Community Television of Southern California. "The Great War." The Great War. Spring 2004. The Imperial War Museum. 15 May 2009 <>.
