  • 8/13/2019 But Even the First to Quail and Jump Has Jumped


    But even the first to quail and jump has jumped. Far beyond prohibited, not to jump at all is

    regarded as impossible. To "perdre son coeur" and not jump at all is outside le Jeu's limit. The

    possibility simply does not exist. It is unthinkable.

    Never is the train itself regarded as an opponent. The speeding, screaming train is regarded rather as

    le jeu'$ boundary, arena, and reason. Its size, its speed down the extremely gradual north-to-southgrade of what was then southwestern Quebec, and the precise mechanical specifications of each

    scheduled train------these are known to the directeurs, they comprise the constants in a game the

    variables of which are the respective wills of the six ranged along the track, and their estimates of

    one another's will to risk all to win.

    Los nuevos rebeldes pueden ser artistas que se expongan al bostezo, a los ojos en blanco, a la

    sonrisita de suficiencia, al golpecito en las costillas, a la parodia de los ironistas y al Oh, qu banal.

    A las acusaciones de sentimentalismo y melodrama. De exceso de credulidad. De blandura. Dedejarse embaucar de buena gana por un mundo de mirones y seres acechantes que temen al miedo

    y al ridculo ms que al encarcelamiento sumario (final del final de la lnea, algo supuestamente

    divertido que nunnca volver a hacer

    in someone a certain very strange type of sadness that appears as a kind of disassociation from

    itself, maybe, Love-o. 'I don't know disassociation 'Well, love, but you know the idiom "not yourself"

    "He's not himself today," for example,' crooking and uncrooking fingers to form quotes on either

    side of what she says, which Mario adores. 'There are, apparently, persons who are deeply afraid of

    their own emotions, particularly the painful ones

    such persons usually have a very fragile sense of themselves as persons. As existing at all.

  • 8/13/2019 But Even the First to Quail and Jump Has Jumped


    Avril describe a la gente triste como imprisoned in something; y aade que the very

    imprisonment that proohibits its sadnesss expression must itself feel intensely sad and painful.


    Now if the novel, as I suggested in the last chapter, partly explores the encyclopedic urge to

    understand, measure, and categorize, then numerology is certainly one of its procedures, and it

    makes sense to search for some deeper significance that would explain Wallace's choice of the

    number 90. One of the most suggestive occurrences of the number is revealed toward the end of

    the book, when the ghost of James lncandenza explains that he "spent the whole sober last ninety

    days of his animate life" (p. 838) creating the film Infinite Jest. So the structure of the novel, far from

    being random, seems to be subtly arranged to parallel the composition of the film that it is about.
