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Targeting Your Market – Finding the Right Leads for your Business

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Today’s Objectives• What is target marketing?• Why is target marketing crucial to your business?• What are the steps to effective target marketing?• What resources can I use? • Examples & Demonstration

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What is Target Marketing?

• All about talking to the right people.

• What’s easier? Talking to someone that has no clue what you’re offering and needs to be educated first? Or someone that has been searching already for exactly what you’re offering?

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Target Marketing

• That’s what I want to teach you here tonight – is how to get in front of the people already looking for you!

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Why is it crucial?• You can’t reach everyone with the exact same message.

• Not only do you NOT want to target everyone…but the way you market a product will be different for each segment of your audience.

• If you DON’T target your market –

you’re going to waste a lot of time,

effort, and money!

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Benefits to Target Marketing

• Spend less on advertising• Increase conversions & sales• Increase exposure• Position as an expert

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Steps to Follow…

1) Brainstorm – start asking questions

2) Develop keywords

3) Research top websites

4) Make 2 lists of results

5) Get demographics

6) Analyze the results

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Questions to Ask…

• Who can benefit from using your product?• Who needs your product?• What problem does my product solve?• Who has that problem?• How intense is the problem?• What is this person like?

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Keyword Research• Two part process:

1) If you were looking for your product/service – what would you type into Google to find it?

2) Google Keyword Research Tool – how many people are searching using those keywords?

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Research Top Sites…• Google!

• Enter those keywords into Google and see what comes up.• Take a look at the websites that have paid for advertising.

• If there’s a lot of them on the right side; it’s a very competitive industry that is making money!

• If no one’s advertising; it’s either an untapped market – or no one’s making money at it!

• Take a look at the organic websites that come up.

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Make 2 lists…

1) Competition – who are they? what does their site look like? Who does it look like they’re targeting? Is there an opt-in offer? What is it? If I opt in, where does it send me? What price points are they offering products/services?

2) JV Partners – if education based sites; they may have the following you’re looking for and

you may want to advertise with

them in the future.

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Get Demographics – time for the fun part!

• So…now that you have a couple lists of websites; now we want to find out who is looking at those websites!

• (sign up for their free account)• Age• Income• Children• Ethnicity• Browsing location• Education• Browsing habit

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Analyze the Results• So what does all that really give you?

• Time to look at the results and start making some assumptions.• Home security• Tourism

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What assumptions?• Go back to your list of questions

• Who can benefit from using your product?• Who needs your product?• What problem does my product solve?• Who has that problem?• How intense is the problem?• What is this person like?