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Bulletin #523357 Please only print & mail 200 copies. Thank you, Rocio Paz Office 775-329-2571 Ext. 100

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Father Chuck Durante Rector, Ext. 106

[email protected]

Fr. Lucio Zuñiga-Rocha Parochial Vicar, Ext. 101

[email protected]

Joseph Bell & Robert Dangel Deacons

P O E- : [email protected]

P O H Monday: 11:00-5:00 PM

Tuesday thru Friday: 9:00-5:00 PM Rocío Paz

Office Administrator Ext. 100 [email protected]

Mary Ann Dangel Bookkeeping Ext. 108

Tammie Sheely Religious Education Ext. 110

[email protected] Anne Buja-Liturgy Coordinator

[email protected] James Rizza-RCIA Director

[email protected]

B & G S Jack Hallsted Mgr. Ext. 112 CLOSED MONDAY THRU FRIDAY

Saturday: 3:00-5:00PM Sunday: 8:00-1:00PM & 3:30-6:00PM

S A I N T T H O M A S A Q U I N A S C A T H E D R A L 3 1 0 W E S T S E C O N D S T R E E T , R E N O , N V 8 9 5 0 3

Most Rev. Randolph R. Calvo JCD DD, Bishop of Reno

O 775/329-2571 F 775/329-2824 G S 775/329-3011 WEB: Religious Ed: [email protected] WSTA: [email protected]


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Happy 4th of July weekend! Like everything else, COVID certainly has put a crimp in the style of celebra on this year. Nonetheless, we are grateful for, not only our independence from oppression, but the God-given grace of freedom to each and all. This day also reminds me that within our own country and through-out the world there s ll are millions of people who do not know the freedom of children of God because they are not treated with dignity and respect. I think the 4th of July is a good day to recommit ourselves to standing up and speaking out when we see bullying, discrimina on, in mida on or lack of respect for the digni-ty and freedom of every person. It is also an important day to give thanks for the many, many people who have fought and con nue to fight long and hard to pre-serve human dignity and freedom on ba lefields and courtrooms, in classrooms and factories, in workplaces and places of prayer, and wherever else people come together. In faith, we are saved as a community; in jus ce, we also live as a com-munity, one human race. So we celebrate and give thanks!

I con nue to be grateful for all those helping us provide for a safe place for worship and the sacraments for as many as possible. Our parish staff, ministers, cleaning teams and the many others who are helping with the extra requirements for Mass and other services are a great support. The coopera on of all of you coming to church is also appreciated. With the spike in coronavirus cases a er we started opening things up more it is all the more important to be especially careful and caring of one another by washing hands, refraining from touch and wearing masks when we gather in church. It is a bother and o en uncomfortable, but these things are minor sacrifices in trying to keep everyone healthy. Thank you!

I’m sorry to report that MaryAnn Dangel, who has been the parish bookkeeper and office staff support for ten years, will be re ring at the end of August. It was a hard decision for Mary Ann who loves her job and is a faithful member of the parish. She always refers to her work not as a job, but a ministry–and she certain-ly has lived that out. The good news is that MaryAnn and her husband, Deacon Bob, are remaining in Reno and ac ve members of the parish so this is not a good-bye, but rather a celebra on of a well-deserved re rement! I’ll be accep ng ap-plica ons for this posi on, please see the note later in this bulle n for details.

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Mary Ann remains part of a team I have put together to help in parish leader-ship. Staff members, Fr. Lucio, Mary Ann, Rocio, and I, as well as Susan Malone, from our Pastoral Council, a ended a conference in Los Angeles last fall en tled, AmazingParish. We received a grant for the conference and were happy to be able to a end with scores of other parish teams from around the West who are striving to keep our parishes alive & growing. Long before hearing about the con-ference I had adopted the wonderful phrase (not my own crea on), “moving from maintenance to mission” as a truly worthy and important goal for every parish.

The Catholic Church is large and for many decades in the United States Catholic parishes enjoyed growth and strength in many ways. From the 1950’s through the 1980’s new Catholic parishes were needed; Catholic schools were in demand and parishes were thriving. We became comfortable with maintaining what we had been doing because it seemed to be working. The concept of evangeliza on and outreach was not discussed much. However, in the last two to three decades we have seen a change and a general aging of the popula on of ac ve Catholics. But for Catholic immigrants, that aging would be even more severe. Religious prac ce among Americans has declined in general and Catholicism has not es-caped that decline. We have forgo en the call to be missionaries. Where once priests and religious from the United States were ac ve in missions throughout the world, the United States has become mission territory again and the need for priests especially is o en being met by priests coming from other countries. Back in 1975 Pope Paul VI wrote a document, “Evangeliza on in the Modern World,” reminding us all that it is the role of every Chris an to spread the gospel message. In Paragraph 41 he wrote, “Modern man listens more willingly to witnesses than to teachers, and if he does listen to teachers, it is because they are witnesses.” I am hopeful that Amazing Parish will give us some added tools to do exactly that as a parish community – to become greater witnesses to the gospel for one an-other, for our city and for our diocese. The team will be a ending another, this

me “virtual conference” this week on Wednesday a ernoon, Thursday & Friday. I will be sharing much more with you as we move through the process, but please do keep this work, and the young men and women helping lead AmazingParish around the country, in your prayer. B 14 O T .

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¡Feliz Fin de Semana del 4 de Julio! Como todo lo demás, el COVID ha puesto un impedimento en la celebración de este año. Sin embargo, estamos agradeci-dos, no sólo por nuestra independencia de la opresión, sino por la gracia de la li-bertad dada por Dios a todos y cada uno de nosotros. Este día también me re-cuerda que dentro de nuestro propio país y en todo el mundo, hay millones de personas que no conocen la libertad de los hijos de Dios porque no son tratados con dignidad y respeto. Creo que el 4 de Julio es un buen día para comprometer-nos a luchar en contra de y denunciar cuando somos tes gos de acoso, discrimi-nación, in midación o falta de respeto a la dignidad y libertad de cada persona. También es un día importante para dar gracias por todas las personas que han lu-chado y con núan luchando arduamente para preservar la dignidad y libertad hu-mana en los campos de batalla y los tribunales, en las aulas escolares y fábricas, en los lugares de trabajo y lugares de oración, y cualquier otro lugar público. En la fe, somos salvos como comunidad; en jus cia, también vivimos como una comu-nidad, una raza humana. ¡Así que celebramos y damos gracias!

Sigo agradecido por las personas que ayudan a proveer un lugar seguro para la adoración y celebración de los sacramentos. Gracias por su gran apoyo a nuestro personal parroquial, ministros, equipos de limpieza y los muchos otros que están ayudando a cumplir con los requisitos adicionales para la celebración de la Misa y otros servicios. También se agradece la cooperación de los que vienen a la iglesia. Con el aumento en los casos de coronavirus después de reabrir, es aún más im-portante tener cuidado y cuidarnos unos a otros lavándonos las manos, abste-niéndonos del contacto sico y usando el tapa bocas cuando nos reunimos en la iglesia. Es una incomodidad, pero estos son pequeños sacrificios para tratar de mantener a todos sanos. ¡Mil gracias!

Lamento informar que Mary Ann Dangel, que ha sido la contadora parroquial y apoyo del personal de la oficina durante diez años, se re rará a finales de Agosto. Fue una decisión di cil para Mary Ann quien ama su trabajo y es un miembro fiel de la parroquia. Siempre se refiere a su trabajo no como un trabajo, sino como un ministerio, y ciertamente lo ha vivido. La buena no cia es que Mary Ann y su esposo, el diácono Bob, permanecerán en Reno como miembros ac vos de la pa-rroquia, así que esto no es un adiós, sino más bien una celebración de jubilación bien merecida. Estaré aceptando solicitudes para esta posición, por favor lea la nota más adelante en este bole n para más detalles.

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Mary Ann seguirá siendo parte del equipo formado para ayudar en el liderazgo parroquial. Miembros del personal, el Padre Lucio, Mary Ann, Rocío y yo, así como Susan Malone, de nuestro Consejo Pastoral, asis mos a una conferencia en Los Án-geles el otoño pasado tulada, AmazingParish. Recibimos una beca para asis r a la conferencia y tuvimos el gusto de poder asis r con decenas de otros equipos parro-quiales de todo el oeste del país que se esfuerzan por mantener nuestras parroquias vivas y creciendo. Mucho antes de escuchar acerca de la conferencia, había adopta-do la maravillosa frase (no de mi propia creación) "pasar del mantenimiento a la mi-sión" como una meta verdaderamente digna e importante para cada parroquia.

La Iglesia Católica es grande y durante muchas décadas en los Estados Unidos las parroquias católicas disfrutaron de crecimiento y fortaleza de muchas maneras. Desde la década de 1950 hasta la década de 1980 se necesitaban nuevas parroquias católicas, las escuelas católicas estaban en demanda y las parroquias prosperaban. Nos sen mos cómodos con mantener la manera en que estábamos haciendo las co-sas porque parecía estar funcionando. El concepto de evangelización y divulgación no se discu a mucho. Sin embargo, en las úl mas 2 o 3 décadas hemos visto un cambio y envejecimiento general de católicos ac vos. Pero para los inmigrantes ca-tólicos, este envejecimiento es aún más severo. La prác ca religiosa entre los esta-dounidenses ha disminuido en general y el catolicismo no ha escapado esta caída. Hemos olvidado el llamado a ser misioneros. Donde una vez los sacerdotes y religio-sos de los EE.UU. estaban ac vos en misiones alrededor del mundo, ahora los EE.UU. se han conver do en territorio misional, en par cular en la necesidad de sa-cerdotes, que a menudo es sufragada por sacerdotes de otros países. En 1975, el Papa Pablo VI escribió un documento, "Evangelización en el mundo moderno", re-cordándonos a todos que todo cris ano ene la tarea de difundir el mensaje del Evangelio. En el párrafo 41 escribió: "El hombre moderno escucha más voluntaria-mente a los tes gos que a los maestros, y si escucha a los maestros, es porque son tes gos". Tengo la esperanza de que AmazingParish nos dé herramientas adiciona-les para hacer exactamente eso, tanto individualmente y como comunidad parro-quial: conver rnos en grandes tes gos del Evangelio para nuestra ciudad y para nuestra diócesis. El equipo asis rá a otra conferencia, esta vez una "conferencia vir-tual" esta semana, comenzando el Miércoles por la tarde y todo el día el Jueves y el Viernes. Compar ré más con ustedes a medida que avancemos en el proceso, pero por favor mantengan este trabajo, y a los hombres y mujeres jóvenes que ayudan a dirigir la Parroquia Increíble por todo el país, en su oración. B XIV T O .

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Saturday, July 4— 8:00 AM 4:00 PM 5:30 PM

For the health of Peter Beer For the health of Tim Bauer † Lou Orrantia

Sunday, July 5—XIV Sunday Ordinary 7:30 AM 9:30 AM

11:30 AM 4:00 PM 6:00 PM

† Erick Abowd † Fabian Antonio Cedeno †† Terese & Bronius Taleisis People of St Thomas Aquinas † Reinalda Delgado

Monday, July 6—Saint Maria Goretti 12:10PM All souls in purgatory

Tuesday, July 7—Weekday 7:00 AM

12:10 PM Skip Roberts † Leo Longobardo

Wednesday, July 8—Weekday 7:00 AM 6:30 PM

† Kathryn Folse All souls in purgatory

Thursday, July 9— Saint Augustine Zhao & Companions

7:00 AM 12:10 PM

Oscar Barrera—Birthday † Sister Madeleine M.M

Friday, July 10—Weekday 7:00 AM † Elvetia Mirczak

Saturday, July 11—Saint Benedict 8:00 AM 4:00 PM 5:30 PM

† Elma Borden Turp † Jacquilyn Holland All souls in purgatory

O C Wednesday, July 8 at 12:00 PM

& All Day July 9 & 10.



JOB OPPORTUNITY BOOKKEEPER POSITION AT SAINT THOMAS AQUINAS CATHEDRAL As noted in the rector’s notes, our bookkeeper of 10 years is re ring, hence her posi on will become open at the end of August. This 28-hour per week posi on includes front office support as well as the overall bookkeeping du es for the parish. The successful candidate must be an ac-

ve, prac cing Catholic with educa on and/or experience in the field of financial management of ledgers, invoices, monthly financial statements, donor records, pay-roll, and personnel benefits. Posi on re-quires computer skills and ability to learn the computer programs of ParishSo and E-Catholic Online Giving as well as some general office recep onist abili es. The parish bookkeeper reports to the Rector and is advisor to the parish Finance Coun-cil. Work experience in a parish and Span-ish/English a plus. Qualified individuals are invited to send a le er of interest & resume to: [email protected].

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WORLDWIDE MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER W ? W ? Enhance your good marriage by a ending a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend! Upcoming dates: August 21-23—Sacramento & October 2-4—Reno. For more information or to sign up for a Weekend visit: or con-tact Terry & Janet at 916-489-3464 or [email protected].

PROJECT RACHEL—A POST ABORTION HEALING MINISTRY This month of June we pray for all fathers who have lost a child as the result of abortion. May those men who have been affected in any way reach out for help to experience the love, mercy, and compassion of God. Find out more visiting, Click on Our Works, Pro-ject Rachel. To take advantage of valuable resources, contact our confidential, nonjudgmental help line 775-324-4325 or email [email protected].

WOMEN OF SAINT THOMAS AQUINAS WSTA would like to welcome the parish ladies back to monthly business meetings! Let’s see how the new normal will look for us! Same time, same place! The Second Thursday of the month at 6:30 PM. 1st meeting back will be this Thursday, July 9th. We’re following social distancing rules, please don’t forget your mask!

LET US PRAY FOR… / OREMOS POR… US Servicemen & Women, Rose Fazio, Armando Zumaya, Fr Tom & James Czeck, John Bestvina, Tammie Sheely, Joe & Veronica Mayak, Tillie Pugliesi, Patty Tellez, Tim Bauer, Gary Blount, Debra Degley, Roy Avery, John Zepeda, Lena Magee, Ed, Maria & Rick Slaughter, Sophia Rae, José E. Almaguer, Celia Guillen, Ed Kolesar, John Dearborn, Peter & Patti Beer, Barbara Mok, Donald Walls Sr., Jose Hernandez, Vangie Elordieta, Charlie & Linda Gill, Jovita Mendoza, Douglas Todd, Kristen Monibi, Kriss, Zenaida & Kevin Janoski.

†† Reinalda Delgado, Concepcion Bernal, Esperanza de la Cruz, Michael Childs, Aurora Mora.

READINGS FOR THE WEEK Mon: Hos 2:16-22; Ps 145:2-9; Mt 9:18-26 Tues: Hos 8:4-13; Ps 115:3-10; Mt 9:32-38 Wed: Hos 10:1-12; Ps 105:2-7; Mt 10:1-7 Thurs: Hos 11:1-9; Ps 80:2-3, 15-16; Mt 10:7-15 Fri: Hos 14:2-10; Ps 51:3-17; Mt 10:16-23 Sat: Is 6:1-8; Ps 93:1-2, 5; Mt 10:24-33 Sun: Is55:10-11; Ps65:10-14; Rom8:18-23; Mt13:1-23

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In 2018 the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops issued a pastoral letter on racism called, “Open Wide Our Hearts.” They speak out loudly against an attitude that somehow places one race as better than or over another. The bishops wrote: “When this conviction or attitude leads individuals or groups to exclude, ridicule, mistreat, or unjustly discriminate against persons on the basis of their race or ethnicity, it is sinful. Racist acts are sinful because they violate justice. They reveal a failure to acknowledge the human dignity of the persons offended, to recognize them as the neighbors Christ calls us to love.”

The last few weeks have been difficult but we have been seeing and hearing peaceful people of all races proclaim from the housetops and in our streets this need for greater human respect. Archbishop Gomez, president of the US Bishops Conference, noted a couple weeks ago, after decrying the destruction, “Let us keep our eyes on the prize of true and lasting change. We should be doing a lot of listening right now. This time, we should not fail to hear what people are saying through their pain …millions of our brothers and sisters who even today experience humilia-tion, indignity, and unequal opportunity only because of their race or the color of their skin.”

I was disheartened by the destruction that our city experienced just blocks away from the Cathedral a few weeks ago. It came after a peace-ful protest calling attention to the need for change which our bishops are highlighting. I am encouraged by the many good conversations around change that are happening today. When we listen to each other and work together we can do amazing things. An artist went to work on some of the boarded up windows at City Hall and one piece expresses for me how we can best understand the problem. The painting depicts someone holding a sign that reads:

W : B L M .

W : O .

W : A .

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Sunday Masses, 9:30AM-English & 6:00PM-Spanish will continue to be livestreamed via YouTube: DIOCESE OF RENO CHANNEL.

SUNDAY MASS Vigil-Saturday: 4:00PM (RESERVED FOR SENIORS & VULNERABLE PERSONS) 5:30PM Sunday: 7:30, 9:30, 11:30AM, 4:00PM & 6:00PM-Misa en español Miércoles:

6:30 PM–Misa en español con Liturgia del Domingo Wednesday: 6:30 PM—Mass in Spanish with Sunday’s Liturgy

WEEKDAY MASS Monday: 12:10PM Tuesday & Thursday: 7:00AM & 12:10 Wednesday & Friday: 7:00 AM Saturday: 8:00AM

Adoration: Thursday: 1:00—5:30 PM. No Vespers, concluding with benediction.

P R P A H M . . . . C H : 775-324-4325.


1st Collection 2nd Collection 2nd Collection To Benefit June 7 June 14 June 21 June 28 July 5 July 12 July 19 July 26

$9,401 $4,950 $ $ $ $ $ $

$1,015 $1,025 - - $ $ - -

Loan Payment Catholic Communication Campaign No 2nd Collection No 2nd Collection Long Term Repairs Peter Pence—Holy Father’s Works No 2nd Collection No 2nd Collection

O J 15—21: $ O J 22—27: $

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