Page 1: BUITEMS 89.pdfAqsa Maryam, FABS, Mr. Jalal Faisal Khan, FoE&A, Mr. Muhammad Nadeem, FICT and Ms. Asma Yousafzai, FLSI. 8 n s n The Department of International Relations BUITEMS arranged



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Our Vision

To be among the leading universities of the world - accessible to all, imparting qualityeducation and promoting cutting edge research.

Mission Statement

At BUITEMS, we are committed to providing quality education with focus on research andto equip students with the art of living as productive members of society, contributing to thesocio-economic uplift of Pakistan in general, and Balochistan in particular.

Our Goals

X To provide outstanding academic programs that further strengthen our performance,pre-eminence and efficiency.

X To provide an excellent teaching and learning environment to students to reach a levelthat matches the atmosphere prevailing at best universities in the world.

X To raise revenues from partnerships, research grants and technology transfer whilestrengthening our ability to more effectively invest and allocate resources for education.

Our Core ValuesAccountability: We are committed stewards of the human, fiscal and physical resources entrusted to us.

Diversity : We recognize that diversity leads to excellence, enhancing ourteaching, scholarship and service as well as our ability to respectand interact with people.

Integrity : We practice honesty, truth and integrity in all that we do.

Respect: We treat each other with civility, dignity and respect.

Social We contribute to intellectual, cultural, spiritual and economic well-beingof the society.responsibility:

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Page 3: BUITEMS 89.pdfAqsa Maryam, FABS, Mr. Jalal Faisal Khan, FoE&A, Mr. Muhammad Nadeem, FICT and Ms. Asma Yousafzai, FLSI. 8 n s n The Department of International Relations BUITEMS arranged



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� BUITEMS 14th Convocation� Orientation Session, Department of International

Relations Fall 2018� Student Awareness Sessions� Orientation Session, Department of English Fall 2018� Orientation session for BS Mathematics� Orientation Session for BS Education, BS-Sociology

and BS-Psychology� All Pakistan HEC Zone “I” Events-2018-19� 16th Anniversary of BUITEMS & the Teachers Day� Meeting of the Board of Studies� DICE-2018 Two-Day Mega Event� German Consul General Visited BUITEMS� Deputy Speaker National Assembly of Pakistan

visited BUITEMS� Video Lecture on Pakistani English Poetry Journey

from Pre- Independence to 21st Century� Student Career Counseling Session� BUITEMS 5th Spring Olympiad� BUITEMS 5th Olympiad: Opening Ceremony� Wall art Contestants� Global Undergraduate Exchange Program (UGRAD)� An International Conference on “BRI, CPEC and the

Muslim World in the Global Media”� BUITEMS 5th Olympiad: Marathon Race� Importance of Professional Presence at Work Place� BUITEMS 5th Olympiad: Bait Bazi Competition� BUITEMS 5th Olympiad: Theatre competition� BUITEMS 5th Olympiad: Singing competition� BUITEMS 5th Olympiad: Naat and Qirat Competition� Visit to NIM� BUITEMS 5th Olympiad: Cultural Show� Winners of the UN Day Asia-Pacific Contest 2018� BUITEMS 5th Olympiad: Closing Ceremony� Unilever Pakistan Limited Interactive session� Scholarship Awareness Session at BUITEMS, Quetta� Work & Study and Fee concession Interviews (Fall

2018 and Spring 2019)� Microenterprise Expo 2018� Spectrophotometric Techniques� Industrial Visit� ISOCARD Conference 2018� Introduction to Finite-Difference Time-Domain

Simulation Method for Electromagnetism andPhotonics

� Workshop on Design and Analysis of MEMS Deviceusing Finite Element Modelling in COMSOLMultiphysics @ICE-CUBE Conference 2018

� Training on “Cooperative Communication for WirelessSensor Network & Next Generation Networks”

� International Conference on Computing, Electronic,and Electrical Engineering at BUITEMS, Quetta (ICECube 2018)

� All Balochistan Inter-University T-20 Cricket FemaleTournament

� CV Writing� Study Tour� Tie Startup Cup� International Conference on Surfaces, Coatings and

Nanostructured Materials" (NANOSMAT-Africa)� Post-Graduation Career Plan� SUSI for Student Leaders� Business Communication Skills� RF Planning and Optimization� “Career Planning and Digital Transformation”� Board of Studies Meeting (Mathematical Scicences)� Conference of Thermal Sciences and Engineering,

ENCIT 2018� All Pakistan Intervarsity Cricket Zone I Championship

2018-19� Knowing the Journey of a Writer� The StoryKit Ambassador Program Quetta Chapter� Kahani Se Kitab Tak Program by the Department of

English� Twenty Seventh Meeting of Advance Studies &

Research Board� Seminar on “Transformation in Global Politics’’� LUMS – ICRMS - BUITEMS Moot Court Competition

2018� Board of Studies Meeting (Department of the Physics)� “Data Analysis Techniques by using SPSS and

STATA”� Markhor Mathematics Competition, 2018� All Pakistan Intervarsity Table Tennis (Male &

Female) Championship 2018-19� All Pakistan Intervarsity Body Building Championship

2018-19� Poetry Event at the Department Of International

Relations� Poetry Recitation Competition on Pakistani Poets in

English� Report on Outcome Based Education & Self-

Assessment� Reading Club Session: Stephen Hawking’s, a Brief

History of Time� Training Workshop on Fashion Designing� Report on Slope Stability� Annual Prize Distribution (BEST EMPLOYEE

AWARDS-2018)� Chairing 3rd Conference on Pakistani Narrative� Afghan Teachers Professional Development

Program 2018� Training on Career Counseling for Afghan Students� ICRMS Lecture Series� MS thesis Defense BUITEMS During Fall 2018


















Page 4: BUITEMS 89.pdfAqsa Maryam, FABS, Mr. Jalal Faisal Khan, FoE&A, Mr. Muhammad Nadeem, FICT and Ms. Asma Yousafzai, FLSI. 8 n s n The Department of International Relations BUITEMS arranged

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Page 5: BUITEMS 89.pdfAqsa Maryam, FABS, Mr. Jalal Faisal Khan, FoE&A, Mr. Muhammad Nadeem, FICT and Ms. Asma Yousafzai, FLSI. 8 n s n The Department of International Relations BUITEMS arranged

EditorialMother nature is our most reliable educator. It labels with gifts through messages expressedin the language and signs of change return on the bunch of seasons which is a cue for us tocelebrate. Spring educates us in hues of sprightly and renewed colors that novelty andinnovation are the spirits of progress, fall in its august sagacity has a lesson in the yellowleaves and dried weather, means to cherish the richness of life and to treasure the timewithstanding virtues that civilizations have passed onto us as our heritage.

Similarly Fall for BUITEMS is a celebrated season. With fall, arrives a spring of fresh sproutingundergraduate students, all looking for means to learn new knowledge, to shape their future.The season ends with a festive celebration of the end of a chapter in the University’s life cycleThe Convocation. Students of BUITEMS, join the University with the inclination to gain relevantand rewarding knowledge and prowess and pass out on the completion of their cherisheddrive with the confidence and competence to satisfy their social and professional obligations.We try our level best to meet this goal through all possible means.

In the vein of providing all possible means to enhance the professional and academicexperience of the students, this fall BUITEMS arranged a number of activities from technicalworkshops and seminars, to sports Olympiads and poetry recitation competitions. Like allspecies upon earth which express by humans to exhibit this propriety in a commendable wayand this wisdom also comes organically to us through nature. In order to help celebrate thisability and count expression as a blessing, we make efforts to create a culture conducive todialogue. One such effort was to bring the celebrated author Musharraf Ali Farooqi toBUITEMS where he shared his journey as a writer. It was human element of struggle andconviction of a writer in spoken words that we generally fail to see in the written works. It isheartening to acknowledge that an institute of higher learning can make such a profoundexperience possible for students. The impact of these small occasions leave a long-lastingmark. Who knows, the next great author in the audience might have been inspired by thisshort episode in his academic career.

The journey has just begun. The weight of pushing our boundaries and initiating dialoguesthat can help build visionary leadership for the future is always heavy upon those, who canmake a difference. BUITEMS Family is utilizing every ounce of the available potential toachieve this end. May the odds be in our favor. (Ameen)



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Page 6: BUITEMS 89.pdfAqsa Maryam, FABS, Mr. Jalal Faisal Khan, FoE&A, Mr. Muhammad Nadeem, FICT and Ms. Asma Yousafzai, FLSI. 8 n s n The Department of International Relations BUITEMS arranged

The sun of December 20, 2019 rose to celebrate oneof the most awaited days of the yearwhen BUITEMS held its 14th

successive convocation at Arfa Karim Randhawa Expo Center, TakatuCampus. Governor Balochistan, Justice Retired Amanullah KhanYaseenzai honored the gathering as the chief guest of the occasion.Society Notables from all walks of life also joined students and theirproud parents to share on their big day. The rhythmic sounds ofpercussion mallets against the drums signaled the commencementof the ceremony. The academic procession entered the hall led byBUITEMS marching band, followed by graduands dressed in theirrespective academic robes; Doctor of Philosophy in Purple, MastersBlue, Bachelors Red and the recipients of gold medals and badges ofhonor were adorned in Navy blue.Followed by the National anthem, the convocation was declared open by thechief guest. The holy tradition of invoking the Almighty through Quranic verses and Naat werecarried out by Mr. Faizan student of P&G engineering and Raisa Raisani student BSBA,respectively. As the Masters of the Ceremony, Ms. Shahzadi Laibah Burq and Mr. Umar Ajmaltook honor to welcome the guests on behalf of the BUITEMS family. The Vice-Chancellor ofBUITEMS Mr. Ahmed Farooq Bazai in his welcome speech acknowledged the efforts thefaculty and administrative staff in successfully presenting the nation yet another batch ofilluminating graduates. While addressing the youth he emphasized the power of being optimisticand confident when entering the practical world of opportunities. He encouraged the studentsto contribute to bringing our nation forward by choosing to be humane above all. Over all 929degrees were conferred and awarded to Ph.D., MS, MBA, and BS graduates. A total of 55students were recognized for achieving academic excellence, 36 were awarded gold medalswhile 19 received badges of honor.The Chief Guest in his address applauded the selfless dedication of the teachers andcongratulated the graduates for succeeding through the multifarious trials and tests. He vocallystressed the importance of education as the only resolution to our problems. He added thatthe graduates should utilize all their acquired skills to tackle tactfully with the upcomingchallenges.Before the convocation was closed, heads were bowed and hands were raised as ProfessorQari Arshad Yameen offered the Dua. Towards the end of the ceremony Graduates of Classof 2018 made the day memorable by tossing their caps into the air.

BUITEMS 14th ConvocationReported by: Shehzadi Labiah Burq

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Page 8: BUITEMS 89.pdfAqsa Maryam, FABS, Mr. Jalal Faisal Khan, FoE&A, Mr. Muhammad Nadeem, FICT and Ms. Asma Yousafzai, FLSI. 8 n s n The Department of International Relations BUITEMS arranged

Career Services and Alumni Relations Officesconducted awareness sessions for senior batchesof students and graduates of FLSI, FABS, FICT,FOE&A and FMS from September 25, to October2, 2018. They were informed about servicesoffered by UAFA sub-offices: Financial Aid, StudentAffairs, Career Services, and Alumni Relations.Presentations consisted of guiding students onresume writing, interview preparation and alsopreparing them for entry into the workplace.Moreover they were also informed on the benefitsof joining BUITEMS Alumni Association.Five hundred Students from faculties attended thesessions that were facilitated and coordinated byfaculty members; Mr. Muhammad Ali, FMS, Ms.Aqsa Maryam, FABS, Mr. Jalal Faisal Khan, FoE&A, Mr. Muhammad Nadeem, FICT and Ms.Asma Yousafzai, FLSI.

Orientation Session, Department of International Relations Fall 2018Reported by: Mati Ullah Tareen

Student Awareness SessionsReported by: Ali Zain

The Department of International RelationsBUITEMS arranged an orientation session for thenew students at Orange Hall Sir Syed block onOctober 2, 2018. The session was moderated byMr. Matiullah Tareen followed by recitation fromthe Holy Quran and a welcome note from Mr. AbdulWadood, chairperson of the department. Thestudents were briefed about the semester systemincluding exams and assignments pattern,scholarships, extracurricular activities and thenorms of BUITEMS. There was a Q&A session withthe students and then the students were taken ona visit to the library, canteen and other facilities ofthe University.

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The Department of Englishconducted an Orientationsession for the fresh batch

of students on October 3, 2018 atGreen Seminar hall, with an aim to

introduce them to BUITEMS andits campus life. Ms. LaibahDurrani facilitated this one-day session and familiarizedthe students with a dynamicrange of academic,leadership and intellectual

opportunities available atBUITEMS. Students actively

participated in icebreaker activitieswhich helped them interact with each other and make new friends. The Chairperson

in her address reiterated the need for maintaining discipline and insisted upon making the bestof their academic career. Ms. Laibah along with senior volunteers of the department took studentsaround the campus after the session and introduced them to the departments, laboratories andother resources accessible to them.

The Department ofM a t h e m a t i c a l

Sciences conducted an orientation session for their newstudents on October 3, 2018 at Pink hall. It was organized byChairperson of Mathematical Sciences, Dr. MuhammadZubair and was hosted by Mr. Tariq Khattak, Department ofMass Communication and Ms. Zamzam Qazi, Department ofMathematical Sciences. Ms. Zamzam explained theUniversity’s grading policy, courses, academic and disciplinaryrules. Mr. Tariq Khattak shared the aims and vision ofBUITEMS. The session concluded with cordial greetings tostudents by Dr. Muhammad Zubair.

Orientation Session, Department of Mathematics Fall 2018Report by: Zamzam Qazi

Orientation Session, Department of English Fall 2018 Reported by: Shehzadi Laibah Barq

Orientation Session Department of BS Education,BS-Sociology and BS-Psychology Fall 2018

Reported by: Khadija Jaffar

An Orientation session wasorganized

for then e w

students of BS Education,Sociology and Psychologyon October 4, 2018, atGreen Hall. Miss PalwashaTareen hosted the session,where guidance wasprovided regarding

BUITEMS’s rules andregulations, scholarships and

the scope of their respectivestudy programs.



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Page 10: BUITEMS 89.pdfAqsa Maryam, FABS, Mr. Jalal Faisal Khan, FoE&A, Mr. Muhammad Nadeem, FICT and Ms. Asma Yousafzai, FLSI. 8 n s n The Department of International Relations BUITEMS arranged

H i g h e rEducationCommiss

ion (HEC) Sports Division in collaboration with the Universitiesof Pakistan organized seven events; Badminton, Basketball,Cricket, Football, Hockey, Table Tennis and Volleyball from themonth of October to December 2018. Each event was firstplayed in zones where the top 2 teams from each zone qualifiedfor the final round. Participating universities were divided into9 Zones. Zone I included BUITEMS, University of Balochistan,LUWAMS Lasbela, University of Turbat, University of Loralai,and Al Hamd Islamic University Quetta. BUITEMS participated in all events and was qualifiedfor the final round of each event, as mentioned in the following table:

All Pakistan HEC Zone “I” Events-2018-19Reported by: Masood Ahmed Kasi

BUITEMS celebrated its16th Anniversary on the WorldTeachers Day, October 5,

2018. The Vice-Chancellor conveyed hissincere congratulations on these important

occasions to all faculty, staff, andstudents. In these sixteen years, theUniversity has achieved a prestigiousplace among the leading institutions ofhigher learning in Pakistan through thehard work and selfless devotion of its

faculty, management employees,students, and stakeholders.

October 5th is a day the world commemoratesand celebrates teachers. Teachers enlighten students and shape their lives by imparting notonly knowledge but also wisdom. As a wick in the oil lamp teachers brighten the lives of thestudents. The Vice Chancellor appreciated all teachers for their hard work, dedication, andcommitment - highlighting the fact that the patience and devotion of our teachers are worth

celebrating every day, not just one day in a year.The celebration of our anniversary and the WorldTeachers’ Day together is a significant occasion forBUITEMS, as our journey towards attaininginternational recognition is gaining pace. TheUniversity’s persistent efforts to create enablingeducational environment for its students have resultedin significant achievements on part of our students,faculty and the university.On this occasion, we affirm BUITEMS ongoingcommitment to providing quality education with evengreater zeal and enthusiasm.

16th Anniversary of BUITEMS & the Teachers DayReported by: Manzoor Hussain

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Page 11: BUITEMS 89.pdfAqsa Maryam, FABS, Mr. Jalal Faisal Khan, FoE&A, Mr. Muhammad Nadeem, FICT and Ms. Asma Yousafzai, FLSI. 8 n s n The Department of International Relations BUITEMS arranged

The 5th meeting of the Board of Studies forthe Department of Civil Engineering washeld on October 05, 2018. The meeting waschaired by Dr. Saeed Ullah Jan chairpersonDepartment of Civil Engineering. The agendaof the meeting was to revise the curriculumas well as to define the program objectivesand outcomes according to WashingtonAccord as proposed by Pakistan EngineeringCouncil. Other Agenda items were therevision of the departments' mission andvision, discussion on proposed changes ofcourse titles, and course sequencing as perthe latest NCRC curriculum proposed by HEC.The external members were, Prof. Dr.Amanullah Mari Department of CivilEngineering, NED UET Karachi, and Dr.Salah-ud-Din, Chairperson, Department of Civil Engineering, UET Khuzdar. The internalmembers were Dr. Syed Kamran Sami the Dean FOE&A, Dr. Zafar Baloch, Dr. MuhammadHabib, Dr. Naik Muhammad, Dr. Azmatullah Sherani, Dr. Muhammad Irfan Engr. Syed ZafarUllah, co-opted member Prof. Dr. M. A. K Malghani and Director, Quality Enhancement &Accreditation, Dr. Zahid Rauf as a non-voting member. After detailed deliberation, the revisedcurriculum of BS and MS programs were recommended for the consideration of the AcademicCouncil.

Meeting of the Board of StudiesReported by: Engr. Shiva Nath

DICE-2018 Two-Day Mega EventReported by: Syed Usman IBA University Sukkur organized a two-day

mega event of DICE-2018 (DistinguishedInnovations, Collaboration, and Entrepreneurship) fromOctober 8-10, 2018, consisting of innovative competitionamong the youth from various universities, colleges, andschools across Pakistan. It was an honor that Prof. NisarAhmed, Vice-Chancellor, IBA Sukkur, and Dr. Khurshid,the Chairman & the Founder of DICE Foundation, USA,requested Professor Dr. M Naeem Shahwani, DirectorORIC BUITEMS’ participation as a jury member toevaluate the stalls of Biotechnology and Life Sciencesat the event.DICE Foundation is a non-profit, organization,registered in Michigan, USA. DICE In collaboration withits domestic and international partners, is pursuing aProgram in Pakistan, to foster a culture of innovation

and entrepreneurship in the country to transform Pakistan into an innovation-driven economy.Sukkur IBA University is one of the active academic and industry partners in Pakistan.Strategic partners were British Council, Higher Education Commission, Fatima Jinnah WomenUniversity Rawalpindi, and Small and Medium Enterprises Development Authority. At Morethan 200 stalls students from universities, colleges, and schools throughout Pakistan showcasedtheir innovative ideas. One hundred fifty (150) delegates from higher education institutions,technical and vocational training institutes and corporate sector attended the event.



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Page 12: BUITEMS 89.pdfAqsa Maryam, FABS, Mr. Jalal Faisal Khan, FoE&A, Mr. Muhammad Nadeem, FICT and Ms. Asma Yousafzai, FLSI. 8 n s n The Department of International Relations BUITEMS arranged

Mr. EugenWol l fa r t ,

German Consul General for Pakistan visited BUITEMS on October 10,2018. Vice Chancellor, Mr. Ahmed Farooq Bazai with senior managementwelcomed the delegation. During their visit, they met with students, facultymembers, and other officials. Vice Chancellor, Mr. Ahmed Farooq Bazai

in his speech highlighted theUniversity's history, significantmilestones, and future goals.The excellency Mr. EugenWollfart Consul General in hisspeech praised BUITEMS in thefollowing statement. “BUITEMS is a tremendous investment for brightfuture of Pakistan. I am honored that on my first tourto Quetta I visited BUITEMS, which is providing qualityeducation with state of the art facilities to theseunderprivileged province students. After visitingBUITEMS I can say that under the visionary

leadership of worthy Vice Chancellor, Ahmed Farooq Bazai the future of the students is in safehands and they will perform excellently in the future”.During the interaction with faculty members, the Consul General emphasized his desire for greatercollaboration between Pakistani and German Universities regarding research and other aspectsand discussed possible future ventures with BUITEMS. The visit ended with the presentation ofthe University shield to the honorable guest.

Mr. Qasim Khan Suri, Deputy Speaker of theNational Assembly of Pakistan

visited BUITEMS on October11, 2018. On his visit toBUITEMS he said “I proudly saythat in my city, we have a State ofthe Art University and thesestudents are among the luckiestyouth, who are receiving their

higher education from such a greatinstitute under the visionary

leadership of worthy Vice Chancellor,Ahmed Farooq Bazai (S.I)”.

Vice Chancellor, Mr. AhmedFarooq Bazai with seniormanagement welcomed Mr.Qasim khan Suri and his delegation. Vice Chancellor BUITEMShighlighted BUITEMS role in providing quality education to the studentsfrom Balochistan. He also shed light on BUITEMS contributionsregarding CPEC, with inculcating students with the latest technical skillscoupled with Chinese language resulting in fulfilling the human capital

requirements of the project and enhancing the provincial and nationaleconomy. The visit ended with presenting the University shield to the guest.

German Consul General Visited BUITEMSReported by: Qadeer Sarwar

Deputy Speaker National Assembly ofPakistan visited BUITEMS

Reported by: Qadeer Sarwar

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Page 13: BUITEMS 89.pdfAqsa Maryam, FABS, Mr. Jalal Faisal Khan, FoE&A, Mr. Muhammad Nadeem, FICT and Ms. Asma Yousafzai, FLSI. 8 n s n The Department of International Relations BUITEMS arranged

Faculty members from BUITEMSorganized a career counseling

session at Fazaia Intermediate College Quetta on October 14, 2018,Chairperson Department of Economics Mr. Muhammad Jawad Khan withassistant Professors from the Departments of Sociology and ManagementSciences Mr. Zafarullah and Ms. Musarat Karamat presented sessions on theprospects and importance of their respective fields of study. They clarified thecareer paths open to them and the degree requirements in order to pursue adesired career. At the end of the session the Principal, Ms. Uzma thanked the

guest speakers for sharing their valuable experiences and providing the studentswith the awareness of other career opportunities available to them including

pursuing careers in the armed forces.

On October 12, 2018, Englishdepartment held a video

lecture by Muhammad AtharTahir, an eminent poet with six award winning poetry collections, ten books on Art, four prosebooks, one fiction, five anthologies of Pakistani Poetry in English, one translation, one childrenbook and a book on Natural History. His lecture brought a virtual journey from Pre Independencepoetry to the 21st Century poetry signifying the use of Pakistani idioms that has made English a‘glocal’ language.

Video Lecture on Pakistani English Poetry Journeyfrom Pre- Independence to 21st CenturyReported by: Naima Bilal Minhas

Student Career Counseling SessionReported by: Sahar Faiz Khan



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Page 14: BUITEMS 89.pdfAqsa Maryam, FABS, Mr. Jalal Faisal Khan, FoE&A, Mr. Muhammad Nadeem, FICT and Ms. Asma Yousafzai, FLSI. 8 n s n The Department of International Relations BUITEMS arranged

Directorate of Sports BUITEMS organized 5th

spring Olympiad from October 13-22, 2018 atBUITEMS Quetta; Vice Chancellor BUITEMS Mr.

Ahmed Farooq Bazai was the chief guest at the prize distribution ceremony. The event detailsof winners and runners-up are tabulated as under:

BUITEMS 5th Spring OlympiadReported: Masood Ahmed Kasi

Male EventsS# Event 3rd Position 2nd Position /Runner Up 1st Position


1 100 Meter Race Abdullah (Mechanical) Abdul Samad(BS-Physics)

Wajahat Noor(Mathematics)

2 200 Meter Race Altaf Hussain ( MassComm) Jaffar (Economics) Wajahat Noor


3 Long Jump Asad Hussain ( BS-Mining)


Altaf Hussain(Mass Comm)

4 Discus Throw Siraj Uddin (BS-IT) Nabeel Bughty(Electrical)

Muhammad Asif(BS-English)

5 Shot Put Momin Khan (BS-Telecom)

Imran Khan(BS-Mining)

Muhammad Asif(BS-English)

6 Javelin Throw Altaf Hussain ( MassComm)

Nabeel Bughty (Electrical)

Syed MuhammadBilal (FMS)

7 Marathon Wajahat Noor (BSMathematics)

Hamza Nadeem(Mechanical) Arif (BS Economics)

8 Football BS IT TELECOM9 Best Goalkeeper BILAL

10 Top Scorer Football ARSALAN

11 Volleyball Afaq Khan (Geological) Sajad Ur Rehman(BS Chemical)

13 Volleyball-Best Player Muhammad Idrees ( P & G)

14 Basketball Ahsan Ullah (DMS) Fahad Hussain(Mechanical)

15 Basketball-Best Player Zafeer Atif (BS-Mechanical)

16 Badminton Hassnain/Asghar (BS P &G)


17 Table Tennis Haribar/Shiraz (BS-EE)Mohib Ur


18 Chess Arsalan (BS-CE) Saqib Nadeem (BS-IT)

S# Event 3rd Position 2nd Position /Runner Up

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Page 15: BUITEMS 89.pdfAqsa Maryam, FABS, Mr. Jalal Faisal Khan, FoE&A, Mr. Muhammad Nadeem, FICT and Ms. Asma Yousafzai, FLSI. 8 n s n The Department of International Relations BUITEMS arranged

S# Event 3rd Position 2nd Position /Runner Up

Female Events

19 Tug of War Saad Ullah (Mechnical) Umar Butt (FMS)

20 Scrabble Nazir Hussain (BS-IR) Muhammad Zia(BS-English)

21 Best Athlete Wajahat Noor (BS Mathematics)

22 Rifle Shooting Syed Pervaiz ( MBA) Azmat Ullah (BS-Geological) Sajid Khan (P&G)

20 Cricket Zain Ullah (FABS) Najeeb Achakzai(FoE & A)

21 Man of the Match-Final Hamid (Mass Comm)

22 Best Bowler Zain Younas (FMS)

23 Man of the Series M. Saeed

25 Best Batsman Ahsan

1st Position/Winner

1 100 Meter Race Abdullah (Mechanical) Abdul Samad(BS-Physics)

Wajahat Noor(Mathematics)

2 200 Meter Race Altaf Hussain ( MassComm) Jaffar (Economics) Wajahat Noor


3 Long Jump Asad Hussain ( BS-Mining)


Altaf Hussain(Mass Comm)

4 Discus Throw Siraj Uddin (BS-IT) Nabeel Bughty(Electrical)

Muhammad Asif(BS-English)

5 Shot Put Momin Khan (BS-Telecom)

Imran Khan(BS-Mining)

Muhammad Asif(BS-English)

6 Javelin Throw Altaf Hussain ( MassComm)

Nabeel Bughty (Electrical)

Syed MuhammadBilal (FMS)

7 Marathon Wajahat Noor (BSMathematics)

Hamza Nadeem(Mechanical) Arif (BS Economics)

8 Football BS IT TELECOM9 Best Goalkeeper BILAL

10 Top Scorer Football ARSALAN

11 Volleyball Afaq Khan (Geological) Sajad Ur Rehman(BS Chemical)

13 Volleyball-Best Player Muhammad Idrees ( P & G)

14 Basketball Ahsan Ullah (DMS) Fahad Hussain(Mechanical)

15 Basketball-Best Player Zafeer Atif (BS-Mechanical)

16 Badminton Hassnain/Asghar (BS P &G)


17 Table Tennis Haribar/Shiraz (BS-EE)Mohib Ur


18 Chess Arsalan (BS-CE) Saqib Nadeem (BS-IT)

S# Event 3rd Position 2nd Position /Runner Up

Female Events

S# Event 3rd Position 2nd Position /Runner Up 1st Position/Winner

1 100 Meter Race Nimra (B-Fine Arts) FABS Duaa Shezadi (BS-Civil) Aqsa Nisra ( B-Architecture)

2 200 Meter Race Rahima Karim (BS-IR) Latifa (FMS) Nimrah Hameed(Fine Arts)

3 Discus Throw Unsa Majeed (BS-Civil) Tahira ( FMS ) Batool ( FMS )

4 Shot Put Quaratulian Khan (BS-CS) Unsa Majeed (BS-Civil) Farwa (FMS)

5 Javelin Throw Tahira (FMS) Batool ( FMS) Duaa Shezadi (BS-Civil)

6 Marathon Latifa (Faculty ofManagement Sciences) Nimra (B-Fine Arts) FABS Umaima (B-


7 Badminton Sajida/Latifa (FMS) Mahnoor/Khuzima(Electrical)

8 Table Tennis Amara/Laiba (BS-IT) Fareeba/Zainab(Fine Arts)

9 Chess Aalia (BS-EE) Hira (Software)

10 Tug of War Asma (Electronics) Tahira (FMS)

11 Scrabble Umm-e-Laila (BS-IT) Zhora Batool (BS-IR)

12 Best Athlete Batool ( FMS )

13 Rifle Shooting Somiya (ComputerScience) Maryam (Telecom) Gull Makai (Fine




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Admin & Faculty Events (Male)

S# Event 3rd Position 2nd Position /Runner Up 1st Position/Winner

1 Chess Muhammad Bilal (FABS) Basharat (ZhobCampus)

2 Marathon Race Muhammad Khalid (FLSI) Muhammad Asif(Transport)

Abdul Nafey (FoE &A)

3 Badminton Imran/Qasim (FoE & A)Addal


4 Table Tennis Kamran Sami (Dean FoE& A) Ahsan Achakzai

5 Football Zubair ( Registrar Office) Abdul Kareem(Admin Transport)

6 Rifle Shooting Muhammad Sabri Kasi(Sports Officer) Zafar Baloch (A/P FABS) Hamd Ullah

(Security Officer)

7 Tug of War Kareem (Admin) Jabbar (Admin)

Admin & Faculty Events (Female)

S# Event 3rd Position 2nd Position /RunnerUp 1st Position/ Winner

1 Chess Palwasha Aamanullah Roshana Aaman

2 Table Tennis Miss. Maria (UA&FA) Miss. Kinza (UA&FA)

3 Badminton Sania/Sanam Zaib (FLSI) Maria/Kinza/Zarlusht(UA&FA)

4 Rifle Shooting Miss. Malgharara(Telecom)

Miss. MehwishSahibzada (English)

Miss.Sara Ayub(Electrical)

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BUITEMS 5th Olympiad, Opening CeremonyReported by: Aqsa Mughal

The opening ceremony of BUITEMS5th Olympiad was held on October 15,2018 at the football ground. The Vice-chancellor BUITEMS was the chiefguest. Administration staff and allfaculty members were present. Thisyear like always BUITEMS hosted allfive faculties and also Universitycollege of Zohb. The Ceremonystarted with the Qirah. Shahzaib Rindannounced the strength of athletesparticipating in sports. Footballparticipants were 448 including 160participants from administration staffand faculty members. In cricket, 96

student and 120 cricketers from administration staff and faculty members participated. Whilein volleyball the strength of student-athletes were 260 along with 240 athletes fromadministration staff and faculty members. 217 male student-athletes, 150 female student-athletes and 100 from administration staff and faculty members participated in the tug-of-war.In badminton, 20 teams and 60 participants in the male category participated, 23 teams and96 participants in the female category along with 15 teams and 30 participants fromadministration staff and faculty members. The total number of male students participated inBUITEMS 5th Olympiad was 1780, 407 female students participated along with 308 participantsfrom administration staff and faculty members. All together there were 2577 participants.

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An orientation was held at the purple hall in BUITEMS by student’saffairs art council club. The orientation was held for the participants

of wall art to introduce them to the theme of the upcomingwall art competition. President of clubs and councilsstudent affairs Ms. Samana Batool gave a presentationabout the theme and briefly depicted the theme of graffiti.The orientation was conducted on 15th of October. Thecontestants were given one hour to portray their artworkon an A3 sized paper.The wall art started on October 18, 2018. The walls givento the contestants were at the back of expo center and atthe front of the architecture department in BUITEMS. Thecontestants were provided with material including brushesand paints. The competition was for four days fromThursday to Sunday, refreshments were also provided tothe participants. There were 15 teams in competition. The winning team was Artralia who didthe graffiti about the art of looking at art. And the second position was given to the Sufi teamand the third position to the feminist team.

Wall art ContestantsReported by: Zarnab Lodhi

Global Undergraduate Exchange Program (UGRAD)Reported by: Samra Farooq

Dr. Tasneem Zehra, Assistant Professor from the Department ofChemistry organized a session for the Chemistry undergraduatestudents about the US Global Undergraduate Exchange Program onOctober 15, 2018. Ms.Saniya Ashraf delivered herpresentation on the UGRADprogram, where she shared

her experience regarding theapplication process. The Q&A

at the end concluded thesession. Dr. Nawaz chairperson

Chemistry Department gave a vote ofthanks to Ms. Saniya and presented a gift to her.Ms. Saniya Ashraf, a bright star of BUITEMS, recentlywon the Fulbright scholarship for Masters in the US, aswell as spending a semester in the United States during her undergraduate study program.



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Page 20: BUITEMS 89.pdfAqsa Maryam, FABS, Mr. Jalal Faisal Khan, FoE&A, Mr. Muhammad Nadeem, FICT and Ms. Asma Yousafzai, FLSI. 8 n s n The Department of International Relations BUITEMS arranged

An International Conference on “BRI,CPEC and the Muslim World in theGlobal Media: Rhetoric and Reality’’,was organized by the Department of

Media and Communication Studies,International Islamic University Islamabad incollaboration with Higher EducationCommission – Pakistan, Zhenghe InternationalPeace Foundation, China, and CPEC Center,from October 15-17, 2018 at Pakistan atInstitute of Development Economics.Mr. Tariq Mehmood assistant professor fromthe Department of Mass CommunicationBUITEMS presented his research paper on,Comparative news framing on the Belt andRoad Initiative by the U.S, Indian and Chinesemedia. One hundred researchers from different

countries participated in the conference, whose theme focused oneconomic cooperation and cultural understanding, the role ofPakistan in the Muslim world and South-Central Asia and theirimplications on China: history and reality. The participants hailedmedia as an important institution that can play a significant role inforging friendly ties between nations. Owing to its immense potential,states around the world need to focus on devising innovative mediastrategies to create a good image of them and serve their nationalinterests.

An International Conference on “BRI, CPECand the Muslim World in the Global Media”Reported by: Tariq Mehmood

BUITEMS 5th Olympiad: Marathon RaceReported by: Aqsa MughalThe first sports

activity hostedby BUITEMS at 5th

Olympiad was themarathon race organizedon October 15, 2018. 35athletes participated inmarathon includingstudents, administration

staff and faculty members.Participants without chasing

number were not allowed torun in them a r a t h o n .The marathon was held under the guidance of clubs &councils and BUITEMS organization. BUITEMS providedhealth and care facility to every participant during themarathon. The lap started from Road stove then masjid,Sir Syed block, and Hot & Chillie cafeteria. Runners gottheir token from the second gate and then they came backthrough the same track to complete the lap. The winnerwas Arif with chasing number 37 from the faculty ofmanagement sciences.

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The Directorate ofHuman Resource

Development, BUITEMS in collaboration withRegistrar Office organized a one-day trainingtitled “Importance of Professional Presence atWork Place” for Administrative Staff of BUITEMSon October 16, 2018 at BUITEMSTakatu Campus.Professional presence  is adynamic blend of self-assurance, self-confidence,control, and style. Onceacquired, it permits  to beperceived as self-assuredand competent. Dr. Faisal

Khan, Dean, FICT and Mr. Manzoor Hussain, Add. RegistrarBUITEMS were the resource persons.

Mr. Manzoor Hussain delivered the first session discussing thatprofessional presence at the workplace is the main key of any organization todevelop its resources. He said that personal image and environment were themain things required to develop its personnel and without them, it would beimpossible to grow upward.

Dr. Faisal Khan presented the second session, where he highlighted theresponsibilities of an employee working professionally. He said that the professional

showed their presence while they work for the betterment of an organization, not forthemselves and considered themselves as part of the team. He provided tips on how to

become an important part of a team and to prove your presence in the organization.In the end, certificates were distributed among the participants and resource persons. Trainingended with the vote of thanks by Ms. Fakhra Ramzan, Director HRD and group photograph.

Importance of Professional Presence at Work PlaceReported by: Fakhra Ramzan

Bait Bazi competition was heldon October 16, 2018, betweenfaculties' students. The judges were Dr. Asmat Durrani, Mr. Rahat Malik, and Rahat Tehseen.The chief guest of the competition was Dean of the Faculty of Engineering & Architecture(FoE&A) Dr. Kamran Sami.After the final round, the host of the competition Adila Batool presented a poem. Chief guestDr. Kamran Sami appreciated all the participants during his speech. Shields were presentedto the Judges, Chief Guest and to the host of the event. As per the results was announcedin which Faculty of Arts and Basic Sciences (FABS) got the first position, Faculty ofManagement Sciences (FMS) got the second position and Faculty of Engineering &Architecture FoE&A got the third position.

BUITEMS 5th Olympiad: Bait Bazi CompetitionReported by: Zaland Ahmed Kasi



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The Theatre competition hosted bythe Student Affair's Drama was heldOn October 17, 2018. All the faculties ofBUITEMS participated enthusiastically in thetheatre competition and presented their drama.The dramas were entertaining with beautifulmessages. FABS enlightened the matter ofharassment and Faculty of Information &Communication Technology (FICT) beautifullyexplained the consequences of bullying of thestudents and other faculties also presented thedrama with powerful messages. The dramaswere awarded thunderous applause by theaudience.All the judges admitted that judging the competition was difficult because there were so manyexcellent performances. The first position was given to FICT, FoE&A got the second positionand FMS was given the third position.

BUITEMS 5th Olympiad: Theatre competitionReported by: Mishal Gharshin

BUITEMS 5th Olympiad: Singing CompetitionReported by: Aqsa Mughal On October 18,

2018 a singingcompetition was held at BUITEMS with the collaboration of clubs &councils and faculty members. The event started with a tremendousperformance by musicians. Miss Raeesa Raisani, Professor Dr. M AK Malghani, and Imran Khan were the chief guest of the show. Therewere three categories in singing competition solo, duet and sufiyana.After all solo and duet performances from each faculty, Miss Saniafrom Faculty of life sciences sang folk songs. Professor Dr. M A KMalghani addressed the audience and thanked all for their appearanceand support for the participants. Then Appreciation awards weredistributed among presidents of clubs & councils and faculty members.The 3rd position from Solo category was taken by the FABS, 2nd by FMSand FICT took the 1st position. In duet category 2 runner up was from FoE&A,1st runner up was from the FABS and the winner was from FICT. The third category wassufiyana in which FMS took the 3rd position, the 2nd position was taken by FoE&A and thenFICT was the winner of sufiyana category.

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Naat and qirat competitionwas held on October 19,2018 between faculties' students in which the judges were Qari Ibrahim Kasi, Qari AbdulWahab, and Muhammad Azam Chishti. The time limit of both competitions was 5-7 minutes.The participants recited Naat and qirat, the judges announced the results. After theperformance shields were presented to the chief guests and judges.Qirat competition winners were: Muhammad Faizan (FoE) got the first position, MuhammadAli (FABS) got 2nd position and Muhammad Hussain (FMS) got the 3rd position.Naat competition winners were: Hussain Abbas (FICT got the first position, Wajeeha (FMS)got the second position and Khadim Ali got the third position.

BUITEMS 5th Olympiad: Naat and Qirat CompetitionReported by: Zaland Ahmed kasi

Students of BS Public Administration and Economics visitedNational Institute of Management Quetta (NIM) on October

19, 2018. NIM is an Institute designed to undertake training courses for in-service governmentofficers for their capacity building and skill development.  These training courses are mandatoryfor all cadre (BS-18) officers who are due for the promotion and are specially designed for themid-level bureaucracy to add leadership prowess to the officers. Director NIM Mr. SyedFarzand Ali and Mr. Aslam Ghani escorted students to visit the campus and briefed themabout governance, training, curriculum, and administration at NIM. Students gained practicalknow-how of the operation of NIM. They were very thankful to the Economics DepartmentBUITEMS for making efforts in providing opportunities for its students in providing field-relatedexperiences.

Visit to NIMReported by: Sahar Faiz Khan



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A nation's culture resides in the hearts andin the soul of its people. BUITEMSOlympiad like every year celebrated its

cultural show on October 22, 2018. The cultural show was held at the expo center all thefaculties were assigned with one or two cultures to perform and represent that culture. Thechief guest was Mr. Farooq Bazai V.C BUITEMS. The judges for the competition were Mr.AyazMahmood, Prof. Mansoor Rehman, and Mr. Amanullah Nasar.The first performance was by FABS who represented Punjabi culture. Afterward, there wasa performance by Musical band Arsh. Later on, the faculty performed was FOE (faculty ofengineering and architecture) they illustrated the Gilgit culture.FMS (faculty of managementsciences) portrayed Sindhi and Hazargi culture.Mr. Abdullah Buzdar entertained the audience with his poetry. Faculty of life sciences andinformatics (FLSI) depicted Balochi culture, faculty of information and communicationTechnology (FICT) represented Pashtoon culture.Audience cherished all the performances with applauds. With the decision of the jury, all thefaculties participated were declared as first. VC Khuzdar University Dr, Ehsaan Kakar alsoattended the ceremony.

BUITEMS 5th Olympiad Cultural ShowReported by: Zarnab Lodhi

Zakir Khan Student ofEnvironmental Sciences atBalochistan  University ofInformation Technology Engineering & Management Sciences (BUITEMS) and member ofStudents Affairs, Media Club BUITEMS won the judges’ favorite award with his photographof a child studying at night with limited lighting from the street food stand in a remote area in

Balochistan. The contest was organized by UNESCAP with the theme ofSDGs Sustainable Development Goals My Way 2018. The winners were

announced on October 24, 2018 at UN Conference Center BangkokTo mark United Nations Day 2018 held each year on October 24, theUnited Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and thePacific (ESCAP) invited professional and budding photographersfrom the region to participate in a photo and animated GIF contestthemed, ‘The SDGs My Way.’Open to photographers of all ages, backgrounds, and skills, the

contest drew over 230 creative entries which highlighted howindividuals and communities are taking action to achieve the 17

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).Zakir Khan won the judges’ favorite award with his photograph of a child studying at night withlimited lighting from the street food stand in a remote area in Balochistan, Pakistan. The phototells an important story of how poverty and infrastructure shortages remain significant barriersto education for many people in the region.ESCAP congratulated the winners in the following categories: Yiyun Wang (Judges’ FavouriteAnimated GIF Category), Moh Taufiq (Most popular photo on Social Media) and Duc HoangNguyen (UN Staff).

Winners of the UN Day Asia-Pacific Contest 2018Reported by: Mohammad Ahsan Achakzai

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The curtain came down of theBUITEMS Sports Olympiad with aspectacular closing ceremony on

October 24, 2018. The Olympiad is conducted every year for the purposeto create an atmosphere for the students where they get anopportunity to show their talent and as well as get entertained. Thisis a good platform for the students, where they are appreciatedby the university by participating in different activities. Theseactivities include Sports, Essay, Declamation, Bait Bazi, Singing,Theatre, Naat, Qirat and Cultural competitions.The closing ceremony started with the national anthem ofPakistan and holy verses of Quran which were recited byMuhammad Faizan who was the winner of the Qirat Competition.Athletes who participated in the Sports Olympiad were awardedwith bikes, watches, mobiles, bicycles and the beautiful trophies thatwere arranged by the sponsors. These sponsors played a huge roleto present great gifts to the position holders to appreciate their talent. Thesponsors were Al hamd Pakwan, Asim enterprises, Kainat Traders, N.K and company, Shahphotostats, Abdul Hai and company, Road stoves, National business, Hot and Chilli, ToyotaZarghoon, Vital Security Company.Aside from the prize distribution, there were a number of great performances in the closingceremony to entertain the audience including the funny speech, music by the band Arsh, hiphop dance by Mujib, Balochi Chap by the student of BUITEMS. The end of the ceremonyincluded the speech of the Vice Chancellor Ahmed Farooq Bazai who congratulated thewinners and the students who worked hard for the Olympiad. He also thanked the coordinatorswho helped in making this Olympiad successful. FABS was announced as the winner facultyof the Olympiad because the students of FABS got the most positions in the activities. Theclosing ceremony ended with the local dances Pashto Attan and Balochi Chap.

BUITEMS 5th Olympiad: Closing CeremonyReported by: Mishal Gharshin



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IEEE student branchBUITEMS arranged

Scholarship awareness session onOctober 25, 2018 at BUITEMS.The event started with the recitation ofHoly Quran and it proceeded with thewelcome note for the guests andstudents followed by an introductoryspeech for the honorable speakers.There were speakers including Dr.Nadeem, Dr. Muhammad Akram, Engr.Rahim Shah, who sharedtheir experience,elaborated the

criteria of foreign scholarships and explained the importance of thedegree of scholarship programs. Dr. Faisal Khan also shared hisexperience of scholarship. Furthermore, Engr. Raza Ali wasrecognized as the outstanding leader of IEEE SB BUITEMS. Theevent ended with the thanking note by Dr. Faisal Khan to thehonorable guests and distribution of souvenir and certificates amongthe guests. Later, on behalf of IEEE SB, Dr. Bushra Naeempresented the souvenir of IEEE to the Dean FICT, Dr. Faisal Khan,for his rank evaluation as a senior member of IEEE.

Unilever Pakistan Limitedarranged a two-day interactiveactivity session in BUITEMS on October 25-26, 2018 inpurple Hall with the help of Financial Aid Office. Thesession included different interactive activities for themarketing of Unilever products i.e. (Rafhan, Life Buoyand Fair & Lovely) among the female students of theuniversity.Life buoy also awarded eight scholarships to thestudents through a lucky draw. The session wasconcluded by the distribution of gift hampers among thewinners of different activities.

Unilever Pakistan Limited Interactive sessionReported by: Kinza Khan

Scholarship Awareness Session at BUITEMS, QuettaReported by: Dr. Bushra Naeem

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Financial Aid Office announcedWork & Study andFee ConcessionScholarship

program for session Fall 2018 andSpring 2019 on July 31, 2018. In total,One thousand three hundred andthirty-nine (1339) applications werereceived by the FAO from all thefaculties collectively. The interviewswere conducted by BUITEMSScholarship Award Committee (SAC)from October 29, 2018, to November 02,

2018 in the meeting room of Directorate of UAFA. The SAC recommended 1003students for fee concession and 196 students for Work & Study program.

Work & Study and Fee concession Interviews(Fall 2018 and Spring 2019)Reported by: Nausheen Sabir

International Center for Refugee and MigrationStudies (ICRMS), in collaboration with NationalIncubation Center (NIC) Quetta, conductedMicroenterprise Expo on October 30, 2018, at ArfaKarim Randhawa Expo Center BUITEMS. Worthy ViceChancellor BUITEMS Mr. Ahmed Farooq Bazaiinaugurated the event.The objective of this expo was to identify the potentialmicro businesses in different areas of Quetta andsurrounding districts. More than100 Microbusinesseswere shortlisted for showcasing their businesses at theevent. The event was also a treasured networkingopportunity where successful entrepreneurs,representatives from Chamber of Commerce, localinvestors and venture capital firms from across the country attended the events and servedas judges and mentors for the potential startups.

Microenterprise Expo 2018Reported by: Sadia Arif Khan

The Directorate of Human Resource Development,BUITEMS in collaboration with Department ofChemistry organized a one-day training workshop

titled  “Spectrophotometric Techniques” for its students& faculty members on October 31, 2018.The purpose of this training was to  familiarise theparticipants with modern techniques used in chemistryfor amount measurement of various chemical substances.Dr. Gulfam Nasar, assistant professor, Department ofChemistry, BUITEMS was the resource person. Hediscussed the Spectrophotometric techniques. Next, hedistributed worksheets related to an electron microscope,

FTIR, XRD and spectrophotometric techniques in which various questions were asked andparticipants replied.The training ended with vote of thanks by the Director HRD Ms. Fakhra Ramzan and Dr.Muhammad Nawaz, distribution of certificate and group photo.

Spectrophotometric TechniquesReported by: Fakhra Ramzan



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Engr. Syed Usman,Deputy Director ofUniversity-Industry LinkagesORIC represented BUITEMS inthe industrial visit and meetingorganized by Haier Industryand Higher EducationCommission Pakistan.State of the art Surface MountTechnology (SMT) factory hasbeen established by Haier

Pakistan in Lahore. Haier has offered Higher Education Institutions to utilizethese professional facilities for research projects/activities to explore furtherpossibilities with industry-academia linkage.Haier laptop local manufacture factory is also working for capacity building. So far, total 120Klaptops have been manufactured in the new project, and local engineers have got experiencedin the fields of manufacturing and quality control.For its enhancement, an industrial visit was arranged on October 31, 2018, by Haier industrywith the collaboration of Higher education commission Islamabad. In this event, Engr. SyedUsman Deputy Director, University-Industry Linkages ORIC represented ORIC BUITEMS, onbehalf of the Directorate ORIC BUITEMS Quetta.

Industrial VisitReported by: Muhammad Asif

The 5th Conference of the International Society ofCamelid Research and Development (ISOCARD)was held in Laâyoune, Morocco from November

12-15, 2018. Professor Dr. M Naeem Shahwani,Director ORIC-BUITEMS, represented BUITEMS inthis conference by presenting a research paper titled“Ethno-veterinary practices in camel and otherlivestock in Balochistan, Pakistan”. His efforts on thesubject were highly appreciated by eminent scientistswho showed keen interest to work with ProfessorShahwani on this important aspect of Camelids ofBalochistan. ISOCARD, International Society of Camelid Research

and Development was initiated by some camel researchers with the basic objective to promotecamelid science and practice. ISOCARD arranges international camel conference every threeyears recent one being the 5th was held in Morocco, under the high patronage of His MajestyKing Mohammed VI. 280 Scientists from 35 countries participated in this conference.

ISOCARD Conference 2018Reported by: Syed Usman

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A hands-on trainingsession wassuccessfully carriedout for theundergraduate and masters scholars underthe Department of Electronic Engineering,FICT in collaboration with Directorate ofHuman Resource Department in theICECUBE conference on Monday,November 12, 2018. The workshop wasconducted by Dr. Yousuf Naudhani who iscurrently serving as an assistant professorand undergraduate research coordinator atFICT BUITEMS Quetta.Workshop Objectives� Introductions to Meep FDTD simula-

tion tool and its different features.� Design a numerical solution of photonic crystal structures in Meep.� Compilation of simulated data into useful plots and images.� Electromagnetic source design and field calculation methods.� Angular spectrum analysis of a Gaussian beam using Meep.

Training Outline� What is Meep, along with its scope and attributes?� Brief background and history of photonics.� The role of diversity gains provided by photonics in various applications.� Introduction to some useful tools used: such as Paraview, Qoctave, and HDF5.� Modeling and simulation of photonic crystal structures in Meep.

Introduction to Finite-Difference Time-Domain SimulationMethod for Electromagnetism and Photonics

Reported by: Engr. Umer Iftikhar Mir

During the ICE-CUBE 2018C o n f e r e n c eorganized by

the Faculty ofInformation and Communication Technology(FICT), a workshop on COMSOL Multiphysicswas arranged by TelecommunicationEngineering Department in collaboration withPakistan Engineering Council and Directorate ofHuman Resource Management, BUITEMS onNovember 12, 2018. COMSOL Multiphysics is asimulation software that is used for researchapplication in various Engineering disciplines.The workshop was conducted by MuhammadLuqman Haider Laboratory Engineer from theTelecommunication Engineering Department, in

which he delivered a deep insight of the latest research trends in the field of Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) and Nanotechnology. Along with discussions on possibleresearch avenues, the workshop provided hands-on practice on COMSOL Multiphysics.Graduate and postgraduate students from different universities, researchers and industrialexperts attended the workshop.

Workshop on Design and Analysis of MEMS Device usingFinite Element Modelling in COMSOL Multiphysics@ICE-CUBE Conference 2018Reported by: Engr. Haider Ali



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The Directorate ofHuman ResourceDevelopment, incollaboration with theFaculty of Information and CommunicationTechnology, BUITEMS organized one-day trainingworkshop titled "Cooperative Communication forWireless Sensor Network & Next GenerationNetworks" on November 12, 2018. The trainingsession was introduced with the wireless sensornetwork and a brief overview of the CooperativeCommunication for Next Generation Networks. Theresource person Dr. Ali Hassan, Assistant Professor,SEECS, NUST Islamabad shared his experience inthe relevant technology and highlighted the importanceof wireless sensor network. The session ended withthe queries addressed by the resource person. The training ended with collective outflanksa group photograph and refreshment.

Training on “Cooperative Communication for WirelessSensor Network & Next Generation Networks”

Reported by: Shaista Khan

ICE Cube is a biennial conference series initiated by FICT, BUITEMS in technical collaborationwith the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE). ICE Cube represents aconclave of researchers and professionals who are excited about ground-breakingtechnologies in the field of computing, electronic and electrical engineering.The 2nd international conference on Computing, Electronic and Electrical Engineering (ICECUBE 2018) held on November 12-13, 2018 at BUITEMS, Quetta, which was sponsored byIEEE (Institute of Electronic and Electrical engineering), HEC, BUITEMS, NIC Quetta,Fulbright, Haier, PSF, ECOSF A & J Def Tek consultants and Huawei. ICE Cube 2018 wasalso supported by the Google, Asian council of science editors (ACSE), and Digital Films. Ithosted than more 100 researchers, over 500 participants and 3 keynote speakers and 8distinguished speakers. This time, 138 full technical papers were submitted to the conferenceby researchers from different countries. At least two experts from related fields reviewed eachpaper and as a result, 42 high-quality papers were selected for presentation. The conferencealso consisted of three tutorial sessions.The conference started with the welcome note to by Vice Chancellor BUITEMS, followed bydifferent sessions in different halls during these two days. In the closing ceremony, theConference General Chair Mr.Ahmed Farooq Bazai thanked all guests and appreciated theefforts of organizing committees. Finally, the Chief Guest, the Chief Secretary of BaluchistanDr. Akhtar Nazir, shared his views about the conference and also emphasized on the needfor measures for the development of Baluchistan. In the end, the chief guest was presenteda conference memento.

International Conference on Computing, Electronic, and ElectricalEngineering at BUITEMS, Quetta (ICE Cube 2018)Reported by: Dr. Bushra Naeem

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Page 32: BUITEMS 89.pdfAqsa Maryam, FABS, Mr. Jalal Faisal Khan, FoE&A, Mr. Muhammad Nadeem, FICT and Ms. Asma Yousafzai, FLSI. 8 n s n The Department of International Relations BUITEMS arranged

On November 14-19, 2018, PakArmy Organized “All BalochistanInter T-20 Women CricketTournament 2018” at Bolan

Cricket Ground Quetta. Six universities took part in the said tournament.BUITEMS Female Cricket Team also participated in the tournament; BUITEMSplayed its first match against SBK University. Mr. Masood Ahmed Kasi was TeamManager and Miss. Sadia Irfan was Team Coach.

All Balochistan Inter-UniversityT-20 Cricket Female TournamentReported by: Masood Ahmed Kasi

BUITEMS Career ServicesOffice organized a session on“CV Writing” in Pink Hall onNovember 15, 2018. Ms. MariaKhalid was the speaker of thissession. This one-hour sessionwas attended by students ofCivil Engineering. Shediscussed the importance of CVthat is needed for differentinternships, scholarships, andjobs. The major steps of CVwriting and career management

skills were discussed. The session ended with group discussion and thestudents were given the task to write their own CVs.

CV WritingReported by: Maria Khalid

Study tours form an integral part of the curriculum forengineering students. Study tours are a mandatory requirement

of Pakistan Engineering Council for allengineering disciplines. Keeping in view the importance

of industrial exposure and visits to well reputed highereducation institutions for engineering students, theDepartment of Telecommunication Engineeringarranged a study tour for the students of finalyear Fall-2014 batch. Dr. Syed Tariq Shah andEngr. Abdul Ali Khan accompanied the group ofstudents to Islamabad on 16th November- 2018.

The trip started with a visit to NationalUniversity of Science and Technology,

NUST Islamabad on November 19, 2018.The group visited various researchlaboratories in NUST, where they had aninsight into the latest research trends and topics.The industrial visit was then organized for theNayatel Head Office, Islamabad, where students had an opportunityto relate their knowledge and gain exposure in the implementation

of ISDN, SIP Trunking, IPTV and other services carried out by thecompany. The group also visited National Institute of Electronics NIE.

The students then visited PTCL Broadband & IPTV headend installationsin Islamabad and Satellite Earth Station at Malach. The students also visited

the newly constructed Neelum- Jehlum Power project near Kohala. The tour wasconcluded on November 26, 2018.

Study TourReported by: Dr. Faizullah Khan

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Page 33: BUITEMS 89.pdfAqsa Maryam, FABS, Mr. Jalal Faisal Khan, FoE&A, Mr. Muhammad Nadeem, FICT and Ms. Asma Yousafzai, FLSI. 8 n s n The Department of International Relations BUITEMS arranged

NANOSMAT is an established name in Nanoscience and Nanotechnologyconferences. NANOSMAT conferences provide a unique platform fordiscussing key aspects of materials-related Nanoscience andNanotechnology. Their conference series fosters talented people toexchange ideas, share new knowledge and technical know-how in thebroad NANO fields. The first ever African Chapter of the established"International Conference on Surfaces, Coatings and NanostructuredMaterials" was held in Cape-Town, South Africa during November19-23, 2018. The main organizers of the conference were Prof. MaazaMalik, Director, iThemba LABS, Somerset West, Cape-Town South Africa.A number of Nobel Laureates have given plenary and keynote lectures atNANOSMAT conferences, including Professor H. W. Kroto (USA),Professor Jean Marie-Lehn (France), Prof. Peter Grunberg (Germany),Professor Albert Fert (France) and Professor Andrei Geim (UK).Dr. Hamdullah Khan Tareen participated in the conference andpresented his paper on "Gamma irradiation-induced phase transitionsof boron nitride nanoparticles". Recently different methods are exploredto synthesize superhard orthorhombic boron nitride (o-BN) nanomaterialswhich have a wide range of industrial applications. In this research work,a simple method was reported to synthesis o-BN nanoparticles (o-BNNPs)via gamma irradiation induced phase transition of hexagonal boron nitridenanoparticles (h-BNNPs). X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) and Raman Spectroscopy result confirmed thephase transition of h-BNNPs to o-BNNPs at the dose of 21 kGy. At the dose of 24 kGy, HRTEMwere used as diagnostic tools which showed that phase of h-BNNPs are transformed to B2O3

whereas, at a lower dose (18 kGy), coalescence of h-BNNPs is observed through HRTEM results.XRD results showed that the grain size of h-BNNPs is increased. Mechanism of phase transitionand coalescence of h-BNNPs are explained via high energy and short wavelength gammaradiations act on B-N covalent bond isotopically.The research collaboration was extended between Plasma physics Material laboratory, BUITEMSand iThemba LABS, Somerset West, Cape-Town South Africa. One of the sessions at theconference was also chaired by Dr. Hamdullah Khan Tareen. The visit was sponsored by HECthrough Travel Grant.

International Conference on Surfaces, Coatings and NanostructuredMaterials" (NANOSMAT-Africa)Reported by: Dr. Hamdullah Khan Tareen

The Tie startup cup held its 3rd “Build-A-Business” workshop at “Serena Hotel”,

Quetta on November 16-17, 2018.The workshop was arranged inQuetta for the first time and it turned out to bea huge success with over 50 startups;TiE  Global is a nonprofit venture devoted toentrepreneurs in all industries, at all stages,from incubation, throughout the entrepreneurial

lifecycle. TiE’s ultimate goal is to fosterentrepreneurship, creating revenue for both the

entrepreneur and the local communities.

BUITEMS group also participated in the startup ideas. Mr. Muhammad JawadKhan Chairperson/ Assistant Professor Department of Economics hinged as a mentor in the eventand helped the groups to refine and polish their business ideas and prepared them for theforthcoming pitching sessions.

TiE Startup CupReported by: Sahar Faiz Khan



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IEEE Student Branch arranged a session on “Study of theUnited States Institutes (SUSI) Program” for Student

Leaders with the collaboration with PUAN Quetta Chapter on November 18, 2018, at the greenhall, BUITEMS from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm.SUSI programs are designed to provide the undergraduate student with leadership skills, academicprograms to deepen their understanding of U.S. society, culture, values, and institutions throughintensive academic programs at U.S. Universities and study tours throughout the country. SUSIalumna Miss Sidra talked about her experience and provided guidance about eligibility andselection criteria. She motivated and encourage students to apply and told about the benefits andthe outcome of this golden opportunity in the form of self-confidence and how this program ishelpful in increasing communication skills. More than 50 students attended this session. Thesession was ended with thanking note and the distribution of souvenir to the speakers.

BUITEMS Career Services Office organized a session on“Post-Graduation Career Plan” at Pink Hall on November20, 2018 (11:00am-12: 00 pm). Mr. Ahsan Achakzai was thespeaker. The session was attended by the students of all faculties. The session started withrecitation of Holy Quran followed by the speaker's address. He shared his experiences in Chinaand guided the students about various scholarship opportunities there. The student asked questionsregarding the scholarship programs in China.

SUSI for Student LeadersReported by: Dr. Bushra Naeem

Post-Graduation Career PlanReported by: Maria Khalid

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BUITEMS Executive Education Center(BEEC) conducted a 3-day training workshop

on “Business Communication Skills” fromNovember 20-22, 2018 at Takatu Campus.Participants from NADRA, Balochistan EducationFoundation & State Bank of Pakistan attendedthe workshop. Mr. Habib Mengal, an expert in thefield of executive level training facilitated theparticipants. Hidden secrets of communication,body language etc. were elaborated and manyother activities were conducted during the three-day session. BEEC is committed to contributingto an organizational human resource by providingquality training workshops in various fields.

Business Communication SkillsReported by: Mayen Khan

To supplement theoretical knowledge ofstudents with hands-on training on industrycompliant equipment and standards, a three-day workshop was organized by the Departmentof Telecommunication Engineering, FICT, on Radio Frequency Planning and Optimizationfrom November 21-26, 2018. The workshop was conducted by an experienced TelecomProfessional Trainer and Drive Test Engineer from Telenor, Engr. Hameedullah. He hasexpertise and field experience in RF Planning and optimization. The workshop covered basic

architecture of 2G and 3G Networks,Technical Site Surveys, GSM frequencyallocation, 2G and 3G drive test KPIs andDrive Test Analysis parameters. Theworkshop also provided a demonstration ofCell area planning and Drive test preparationwith TEMS investigation software. Dr.Faizullah Khan (ChairpersonTelecommunication Department) and Mr.Syed Usman attended the workshopsessions along with students from variousdepartments of FICT. This workshopprovided an excellent opportunity forengineers who are seeking a career in thecommunication industry. The organizing

committee included Mr. Haider Ali and Mr. Luqman Haider – Lab Engineers Department ofTelecommunication Engineering.

RF Planning and OptimizationReported by: Engr. Muhammad Luqman Haider



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On November 22, 2018 BUITEMSCareer Services organized a

seminar on “Career Planning and Digital Transformation” in collaboration withPeritus Company for students of FICT, Department of Mathematics and FMS.Mr. Saleem and Mr. Asif Representatives from Peritus (an IT company withoffices in Dubai, Kenya, Sweden, and Pakistan) delivered the lecture to

students. Mr. Saleemdiscussed the existing hugegap between academia andindustry and what is expectedin the industry and how theindustry is moving rapidlytowards technologicaladvancement and digitaltransformation and how students canbe prepared for emerging sophisticatedtechnologies. The idea was to equip students withinsight and provide consoling for a more promisingfuture.

Department ofMathematicalSciences tookan initiative inarranging the very first Board of studies for the launch

of BS Statistics in BUITEMS. First BOSStatistics was held on November

23, 2018, in the meeting roomQEC at 10 am. It was organizedby the chairperson ofMathematical Sciences, Dr.Muhammad Zubair, whohimself is a member of HEC-NCRC for Statistics.

The externals, well-reputed inthe particular field, were Professor

Dr. Salahuddin (Ex-Convener, HEC-NCRC), Professor Dr. Irshad Ahmad(Convener, HEC-NCRC) and Dr. Farhat Iqbal (member, HEC-NCRC).

The board weighed up courses and their contents thoroughly. It also ameliorated the whole stuffwith propitious suggestions. Winding the session up, the externals were warmly thanked andserved with working lunch-cum-dinner.

“Career Planning and Digital Transformation”Reported by: Ali Zain

Board of Studies Meeting (Department of Mathematical Sciences)Reported by: Zamzam Qazi

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Dr. Sardar Muhammad Hussain, Assistant professor, Department ofMathematical Sciences, BUITEMS, attended a fully funded conferencein Brazil between November 25-28, 2018. His paper titled ‘A matrix solverapproach for simulation of circular inhomogeneities by the analyticelement method' was accepted and was invited to share his researchwork in the 17th Brazilian Congress of Thermal Sciences and Engineering,ENCIT 2018, Aguas de Lindoia, Sao Paulo Brazil. The conference gavea picture of high-quality research work that is produced particularly inBalochistan, Pakistan, in the shape of his research work.

Conference of Thermal Sciences and Engineering, ENCIT 2018Reported by: Sahar Raza

All PakistanIntervarsityCricket Zone IChampionship 2018/19 was held at BUITEMSQuetta from November 26-30, 2018.The manager meeting was held on November 26,2018. A total of 5 universities took part in thetournament.The Final Match was played between BUITEMS andAl Hamd Islamic University Quetta. BUITEMS wonthe final match by 60 Runs. The prize distribution ceremony was held onNovember 30, 2018. , Mr. MAK Malgani was thechief guest on the occasion. He congratulated thewinners and also granted prizes to winner & runner-up teams. BUITEMS Quetta, hosted this event under the supervision of the Higher Education

All Pakistan Intervarsity Cricket Zone I Championship 2018-19Reported by: Masood Ahmed Kasi

The faculty, staff, and students of BUITEMSenjoyed an open discussion sessionwith the TIME magazine, The

New York Times and The WashingtonPost acclaimed writer Musharraf AliFarooqi, as a result of the efforts ofthe Department of English. Thesession was held at the training hallBUITEMS, Takatu Campus, onNovember 27, 2018.The writer took the audience on hisjourney of becoming a writer, the

transformation from being an engineering student to a curious reader and anaccomplished writer. Farooqi’s novel Between Clay and Dust was a finalist for the2012 Man Asian Prize for Literature. His internationally acclaimed translation of the Dastan-eAmir Hamza (The Adventures of Amir Hamza) was called a “gift to world literature” by TIMEmagazine. The audience was provided with a unique opportunity of asking questions anddiscussing ideas with Mr. Farooqi. Ms. Naima Minhas, lecturer department of English, alsopresented her book to the guest.

Knowing the Journey of a WriterReported by: Seher Shafi



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Page 38: BUITEMS 89.pdfAqsa Maryam, FABS, Mr. Jalal Faisal Khan, FoE&A, Mr. Muhammad Nadeem, FICT and Ms. Asma Yousafzai, FLSI. 8 n s n The Department of International Relations BUITEMS arranged

The Department of Englishinvited Mr. Musharraf AliFarooqi, a celebrated

children’s author and the CEO of Kahani Se Kitab Tak Program andKITAB (Private) Limited publishing house from Lahore, specializingin children’s literature and electronic, educational and languageresources for the Urdu language, for a workshop and seminar torevive the storytelling culture. The STORYKIT AmbassadorProgram is a campaign for reinventing the Urdu storytelling tohelps us train storytellers in Quetta to bring the art of interactivestorytelling to the children of Balochistan.

A one day certified storytelling training session was organized bythe department of English for StoryKit Ambassador Program Quetta

Chapter at the Orange hall BUITEMS, Takatu Campus on Wednesday,November 28, 2018. Farooqi conducted the “Leading through Teaching”

storytelling workshops based on his “Memorise, Connect, Improvise” (MCI) method ofstorytelling. The program also enables ambassadors to earn, making it a very good opportunityfor fresh graduates to gain some experience.The workshop attracted participants from different areas and institutes of Balochistan includingthe Head of English Department NUML University, Quetta Ms. Noveera Jaffar along with herstaff members, students from SBK University, Balochistan University, and faculty and studentsof BUITEMS gained an advantage from the opportunity.

The StoryKit Ambassador Program Quetta ChapterReported by: Seher Shafi

Kahani Se Kitab Tak Program by the Department of EnglishReported by: Seher Shafi

A visit to Al-HadidCantt School wass u c c e s s f u l l yfacilitated by the Department of English on November 29, 2018, under the Kahani Se Kitab Tak

Program where Musharaf Ali Farooqi conducted two sessions of his signaturestorytelling session with the kids of different age groups instigating priceless

reactions in children. He also introduced the story kits to the children andthe response from the children was fabulous.MUSHARRAF ALI FAROOQI is an author, storyteller, and folklorist,and the editor of the Urdu Thesaurus. He was a Harvard UniversitySouth Asia Institute Fellow where he worked on his Kahani Se KitabTak Program to introduce Urdu classical literature to children througha graduated reading program. Farooqi is the author of critically

acclaimed novels and is currently working on a history of the Islamicoccult commissioned by the Harvard University Press.

Later that day the guest also visited Art Galleries at BUITEMS appreciatingthe dynamic work of fine arts students and discussed prospects of future projects

in a meeting with the Vice Chancellor.

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Page 39: BUITEMS 89.pdfAqsa Maryam, FABS, Mr. Jalal Faisal Khan, FoE&A, Mr. Muhammad Nadeem, FICT and Ms. Asma Yousafzai, FLSI. 8 n s n The Department of International Relations BUITEMS arranged

The 27th meeting of Advance Studies & ResearchBoard (ASRB) was held on November 29, 2018, inthe training hall, New Academic Block,Takatu Campus. The Vice-Chancellor BUITEMS, Mr.Ahmed Farooq Bazai,chaired the meeting. TheDean, Graduate StudiesOffice, briefed theboard regarding theimplementation statusof the decisions from

the 26th meeting of ASRB. The review followed the detaileddeliberation on the agendas, presented by the secretary of ASRBMr. Jamal Mustafa, Registrar BUITEMS, on various issuesincluding approval of synopses, the appointment of the supervisors& co-supervisors, endorsement or recommendations of DepartmentalBoard of Studies and other Graduate Studies related matters. Themeeting ended with a vote of thanks to the chair and members.

Twenty Seventh Meeting of Advance Studies & Research BoardReported by: Malik Imran Kassi

Department of InternationalRelations arranged

a seminar on “Transformation in Global Politics” on November 29, 2018, atthe Purple Hall, BUITEMS. The guest speaker was Prof. Dr. Zafar Nawaz

Jaspal of the School of Politics and International Relations from theQuaid-e-Azam University, Islamabad. The session started with therecitation of the Holy Quran. Afterward, Chairperson of the Departmentof International Relations Mr. Abdul Wadood formally welcomed theguest speaker. The speaker Prof. Dr. Jaspal shared his view on howthe world is transforming with respect to political scenario. His first-handinsight of dealing with these matters as a scholar and policymakerhelped students understand the transition that how this change after the

end of the Cold War transformed the World Order initially to uni-polarityand then to multi-polarity. His opinion on Russia's rise in today's world was

quite beneficial for the participants to understand the Ukrainian Crisis.Moreover, his vision on the Fifth Generation Warfare (Asymmetrical Warfare)

was highly helpful to understand contemporary world politics. At the end of the lecture, aquestion-answer session was conducted followed by refreshment and group photo.

Seminar on “Transformation in Global Politics’’Reported by: Muhammad Bilal



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Page 40: BUITEMS 89.pdfAqsa Maryam, FABS, Mr. Jalal Faisal Khan, FoE&A, Mr. Muhammad Nadeem, FICT and Ms. Asma Yousafzai, FLSI. 8 n s n The Department of International Relations BUITEMS arranged

The LUMS-ICRMS-BUITEMS MootCourt Competition

was one of the most prestigious nationalmooting competitions in Pakistan. The MootCompetition took place from 29th Novemberto December 2, 2018 at LUMS. LUMSorganized this event with the collaborationof ICRMS and BUITEMS and funded byUNHRC. Law & Politics Society outsourcedthe Moot problem and it circled aroundissues of Displaced persons and protectionof human rights in Lieu of regional conflict.The event hosted teams from all leadinglegal educational institutes from across thecountry, lawyers, members of the academiaand the judiciary. Event strived to foster a

culture of mooting across law schools in Pakistan, providing not only a useful opportunity tolaw students to demonstrate their legal research and advocacy skills but also serving as anational focal point for new initiatives in legal education.

LUMS – ICRMS - BUITEMS Moot Court Competition 2018Reported by: Syed Nisar Ahmed

Board of Studies Meeting (Department of the Physics)Reported by: Dr. Zaheer Abbas Gilani

Board of studiesmeeting of thedepartment of the

physics held on November 30, 2018, underthe chairmanship of Prof. Dr. Jan

Muhammad. Ex-vice chancellor of TheIslamia University of BahawalpurProf. Dr. Rao Muhammad Afzal fromthe department of physics attendedthe meeting as an expert. Thesecond expert was Dr. Ajab KhanKasi, chairman department of

physics, University of theBalochistan, Quetta. All the doc prof

of the department attended the meetingas members. Experts and faculty members of the department of physics

discussed the syllabus for BS, MS, and Ph.D. Changes suggested by members wasaccepted with minor changes.

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Page 41: BUITEMS 89.pdfAqsa Maryam, FABS, Mr. Jalal Faisal Khan, FoE&A, Mr. Muhammad Nadeem, FICT and Ms. Asma Yousafzai, FLSI. 8 n s n The Department of International Relations BUITEMS arranged

On December 4-5, 2018, Balochistan University of InformationTechnology, Engineering & Management Sciences (BUITEMS) incollaboration with International Maize and Wheat Improvement Centre(CIMMYT) organized a two days training workshop on Data analysistechniques by using SPSS and STATA” for MS and PhD facultyteaching staff members and MS/PhD students of BUITEMS.The specific objectives of the two days were:� Strengthening participants’ core knowledge base in the quantitative

paradigm� Becoming aware of the most common Statistical Procedures and their purpose� Gaining practice in running these procedures� Gaining an understanding of the claims that can be generated from these procedures

and how they can be reported.

Moreover, the workshop provided hands-on experience to the participants to enable them toapply statistical tests on quantitative data to support the findings of their research.More than 60 participants participated in two days training workshop.The first session of the first day was taken by Dr. Liaquat Ali Channa, Associate Professor,and Faculty of Arts & Basic Sciences, who provided a detailed introduction of SPSS.Furthermore, he explained the data collection tools, scales and the types of data and the useof data in research.

The 2nd session was taken by Dr. Syed Mohammad Khair, Professor Faculty of ManagementSciences who briefly discussed data analyzing while practicing the intermediate level usingSPSS. He focused on descriptive and inferential statistics and interpretation of this data byusing SPSS application. The 3rd session, on the Advanced Analytical Techniques, waspresented by Dr. Abdul Raziq, Professor, Faculty of Management Sciences. He explainedsome inferential statistics tools in detail elaborating the use of different models by usingdiagrams, charts, and graphs.On the second day, Dr. Muhammad Noor, Associate Professor made the introduction withSTATA through entering data in STATA Software. While Dr. Abdul Salam Lodhi, Director,BUITEMS Zhob Campus provided a detailed introduction of STATA while teaching anintermediate level of STATA. He explained the use of STATA and different commands usedin the software for statistical analysis.

“Data Analysis Techniques by using SPSS and STATA”Reported by: Ms. Fakhra Ramzan



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The last session was taken by Dr. Akhtar Ali, Economist, CIMMYT, Islamabad, who taughtabout the advanced level statistical analysis using STATA. He told the participantsregarding usage of STATA for inferential statistics, and the results’ interpretation.During these two days of the training workshop, the resource persons createda practical environment for participants and involved the participants whilepresenting.The closing ceremony of the training workshop was conducted onDecember 5, 2018. Dr. Fiasal Khan Kakar, Pro Vice-Chancellor, BUITEMS,and Dr. Muhammad Imtiaz, Director General, CIMMYT, Islamabad werethe Chief Guests of the occasion.Dr. Fiasal Khan Kakar thanked CIMMYT International, Islamabad for theirsponsorship and collaborative effort to conduct such valuable training atBUITEMS. Dr. Imtiaz also praised the efforts of the training organizer, Ms.Fakhra Ramzan, Director HRD and her team. The Chief Guests distributedcertificates amongst the participants and Resource Persons. Dr. Faisal presented BUITEMSShield to Dr. Muhammad Imtiaz, DG, CIMMYT, Islamabad.

The Department of MathematicalSciences held 3rd Markhor MathematicsCompetition-2018 in the expo center onDecember 5, 2018. The competition was attended by several students from not only BUITEMSbut also SBK Women’s University and the University of Balochistan, Quetta.

This time, the department introduced an onlineregistration facility in order to encourage students ofother universities to take part in the competition. Atleast 400 candidates participated.The chief guest of the closing ceremony was Dr.Mohammad Zubair, HOD Mathematical Sciences. Dr.A. Ghaffar awarded students the Shields, Cash prizesand Certificates of achievements with ampleappreciation for taking part in this activity.The department extends gratitude for instillingconfidence in us and extending full support for enablingus to organize this Competition in order to promote the

understanding and culture of Mathematics in society.

Markhor Mathematics Competition, 2018Reported by: Sahar Raza & Irfan Ali

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An All Pakistanintervarsity Table Tennischampionship was heldat University of PunjabLahore (PU Lahore), under the supervision of HigherEducation Commission (HEC) from December 3-6, 2018,The opening ceremony was held on December 4, 2018.17 Universities participated in the Male Table Tennisevent.BUITEMS team also participated in thechampionship.BUITEMS Table Tennis (Male) team played best of 3matches with IBA University Karachi. BUITEMS endedup losing the matches by 2-0.BUITEMS Table Tennis (Female) team played its pre-quarterfinals match against University of Karachi.BUITEMS lost the match after a tough competition by 2-1.

All Pakistan Intervarsity Table Tennis (Male & Female)Championship 2018-19

Reported by: Bilal Hussain

All PakistanIntervarsityBody Building

Championship 2018-19 was held at Lahore Garrison University, Lahore,from December 5-6, 2018.The opening ceremony was held on December 5, 2018. 66 playersof 18 universities participated in the event.BUITEMS team alsoparticipated in the championship.The bodybuilders from various universities showed their skills and

performance and scored the points for different styles and positionsthey posed. Mr. Bilal Ahmed of BUITEMS got Bronze Medal in all

Pakistan 70 kg category bodybuilding among 12 players in the class.

All Pakistan Intervarsity Body Building Championship 2018-19Reported by: Muhammad Azam

Department ofIn ternat ionalRelations on Thursday, December 6, 2018, organized a Mushaira, an Urdu poetry event for

the revival of interest of youth in the literatureof their national language at Pink hall from3 to 4.30 pm. Renown published poetsof Quetta like Raghib Tehseen andJahan Ara Tabassum narrated theirpiece of writings along with the youngtalent of BUITEMS which was amajor source of motivation andencouragement for newcomers inthe field. Mr. Malghani attended theevent as the chief guest andappreciated the efforts of the departmentfor their initiative. This event was a

valuable and sincere effort to contribute to the literary revival of Urdu in BUITEMSin the absence of department for Urdu literature. Full packed hall demonstrated the successof the event and stressed upon the need for such further initiatives. At the end Mr. AbdulWadood, Chairperson Department of IR distributed shields and certificates among the poets.

Poetry Event at the Department Of International RelationsReported by Abdul Wadood



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Third PoetryR e c i t a t i o nCompetit ion

on Pakistani Poets in English was initiated by the department of English onDecember 14, 2018. The competition was an outcome of Englishdepartment’s commitment to spread peace through literaryengagements. Students from different departments participated in theprogram. Heads of English departments from the sister universitiesin Quetta were invited to witness the event. The competition wasjudged by Muahammad Athar Tahir Chuadhary, Director InternationalCentre of Pakistani Writers in English (ICPWE) who himself is arevered poet, calligrapher, a Rhodes scholar and an Oxford graduate.Naima Bilal Minhas, Assistant Professor English department, herselfa published poetess is the founder of the said competition series andhad prepared the students on the various aspects of stage performanceand poetic delivery.

Poetry Recitation Competition on Pakistani Poets in EnglishReported by: Maria Khosa

Report on Outcome Based Education & Self-AssessmentReported by: Fakhra Ramzan

The Directorate ofHuman ResourceD e v e l o p m e n t ,BUITEMS in collaboration with Faculty of Engineering andArchitecture (FOE&A) organized a two-day training workshopon “Outcome Based Education & Self-Assessment Report” forTeaching Faculty of Engineering Departments and Lab.Engineers of BUITEMS on December 17-18, 2018.Outcome-Based Education (OBE) is an educational theory thatbases each part of an educational system around goals. Thepurpose of this training workshop is the capacity building ofthe faculty. Moreover, all engineering programs need to followOutcome-based Education (OBE) system as per PEC policyfor accreditation after becoming a full signatory of "Washingtonaccord".Outcome-Based Education is fast becoming a reality innearly every educational institute. It succeeds in doing so forthree primary reasons:

· Outcome-Based Education offers a means of reform

· OBE offers the opportunity to set standards outsidethe educational system.

· Outcome-Based Education offers a standard ofmeasurement.

During two day workshop the resource persons Dr. Mahmood Arshad, Assistant Professor,University of Engineering Lahore and Dr. Muhammad Zaka Emad, Assistant Professor, Universityof Engineering Lahore delivered detailed information regarding subject training through thepresentation. A thought-provoking question and answer session was part of the training.At the end, a certificate distribution ceremony was conducted and certificates were distributedamong the participants and resource persons by Dr. Kamran Sami, Dean Faculty of Engineering& Architecture.Director HRD Ms. Fakhra Ramzan thanked all the participants and resource persons for theirinterest.

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Reading Club Session: Stephen Hawking’s, a Brief History of TimeReported by: Mohammad Yasir Khan

On December 17, 2018, the Department ofEnglish held its monthly Reading Club sessionin Purple Hall. The session hosted Asad Khan,a PhD scholar, Physics Department,University of Illinois, Urbana Champagne, whofacilitated an interactive session with thestudents of FABS and teachers of Englishdepartment.Asad Khan is a 4th year physics PhD Studentin the gravity group at the National Center forSupercomputing Applications. He is interestedin applying machine learning, and specificallydeep learning techniques to acceleratediscoveries in physics. He is also interested

in the theoreticalunderpinnings of Computer Vision, NLP, Unsupervised

Learning, and High Performance ParallelComputing. Before grad school, he studied

Mathematics and Physics for Bachelorsof Science at the University ofMinnesota, Twin Cities.Asad Khan shared his views onStephen Hawking’s, a Brief History ofTime, which is a popular science bookon cosmology. He discussed its main

theme and also elaborated on variousthemes such as space and time, quarks,

black holes, general relativity and quantummechanics.

The seminar was concluded with a proper question and answersession where students asked the guest speaker questions about the author and the book.

ICRMS in collaboration withUNHCR conducted two daystraining on “Fashion Designing on

December 18-19, 2018 at BUITEMS. The trainingsessions had thirty-three participants fromTameer-e-Khalq Foundation-TKF, Innovativedevelopment Organization- IDO, TaraqeeFoundation-TF, SPSD, WESS and WomenTechnical Training Center-WTTC L&M Dept. Thetraining covered the following topics; BasicFashion Designing, Creating a successful Design,The elements of Design and The Science ofcolors. Qualified resource persons provided themtraining with practical work including dress cuttingtechnics and color scaling. The training ended withpractical examples and demonstrations of how

using simple techniques can help those becoming designers and dressmakers in the future.

Training Workshop on Fashion DesigningReported by: Yumna Iftikhar



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Page 46: BUITEMS 89.pdfAqsa Maryam, FABS, Mr. Jalal Faisal Khan, FoE&A, Mr. Muhammad Nadeem, FICT and Ms. Asma Yousafzai, FLSI. 8 n s n The Department of International Relations BUITEMS arranged

Annual Prize Distribution (BEST EMPLOYEE AWARDS-2018)Reported by: Abdul Qadeem Kakar

The Directorate of Human Resource Development,BUITEMS in collaboration with PakistanEngineering Council organized one day workshopon “Slope Stability” for engineers and students ofBUITEMS on December 19, 2018.Slope stability is the potential of soil covered slopes towithstand and undergo movement.  Stability  isdetermined by the balance of shear stress and strength.A previously stable slope may be initially affected bypreparatory factors, making the slope conditionallyunstable.This workshop was designed for geotechnical andmining engineers and engineering geologists. Itpresented the basic principles of rock slope stabilityanalysis and remedial measures, the evaluation, analysis and the application of probabilityfailure in the context of slope stability. The workshop incorporated real-time data from casestudies input into the software and showed the results to the participants.At the end, Certificates were distributed among the participants and resource persons.Training ended with the vote of thanks by Ms. Fakhra Ramzan, Director HRD and a groupphotograph.

Report on Slope StabilityReported by: Fakhra Ramzan

S# Name Designation1 Mr. Muhammad Ibrahim Mali (Takatu Campus)2 Azmat Khan Mali (City Campus)3 Mr. Pir Muhammad Naib Qasid (Takatu Campus)4 Mr. Sher Muhammad Naib Qasid (City Campus)5 Mr. Muhammad Sharif Ward Boy6 Mr. Fazal ur Rehman Janitorial Worker (Takatu Campus)7 Mr. Sher Muhammad Janitorial Worker (City Campus)8 Mr. Mansoor Khan Lab Attendant9 Mr. Gul Hassan Bus Driver

10 Mr. Muneer Ahmed Lehri Van Driver11 Mr. Khairullah Bus Conductor12 Mr. Muhammad Waheed Boiler Attendant13 Mr. Ubaid Ullah, Security Guard (City Campus)14 Jan Muhammad, Security Guard (Takatu Campus)

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Page 47: BUITEMS 89.pdfAqsa Maryam, FABS, Mr. Jalal Faisal Khan, FoE&A, Mr. Muhammad Nadeem, FICT and Ms. Asma Yousafzai, FLSI. 8 n s n The Department of International Relations BUITEMS arranged



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Page 48: BUITEMS 89.pdfAqsa Maryam, FABS, Mr. Jalal Faisal Khan, FoE&A, Mr. Muhammad Nadeem, FICT and Ms. Asma Yousafzai, FLSI. 8 n s n The Department of International Relations BUITEMS arranged

Naima Bilal Minhas, Assistant Professor English department chairedthe 3rd International Conference on Literature organized by Universityof Sargodha, Mandi Bahuddin Campus on December 19, 2018. Shechaired the session on Pakistan Movies and Cyber Literature.

Chairing 3rd Conference on Pakistani NarrativeReported by: Maria Khosa

Afghan Teachers Professional Development Program 2018Reported by: Ahmed Khan

International Centerfor Refugee andMigration Studies(ICRMS), BUITEMS in strategic collaboration withUNHCR organized a 3-month training program onDecember 22-24, 2018 for Afghan refugeeteachers at BUITEMS, Quetta. The aim of thistraining program was to support and enhance theprofessional development of Afghan teachers. Theparticipants of this training comprised of 61 Afghanteachers, who are teaching at various refugeecamps of the province of Balochistan, Pakistan.The training involved interactive and in-depthsessions, and a comprehensive curriculumcomprising of the following themes was followed;Methods and strategies of teaching and learningbased on lectures, discussions, presentations,role-playing, situational analyses and examinationof various concepts of teaching and learning, microteaching, understanding and awareness ofVulnerability to physical, mental and social health problems, immediate treatment and care to anindividual suffering from an injury or illness, important aspects of internet and informationtechnology, basic concepts of entrepreneurship, and to create wealth and capital from theirentrepreneurial ventures, and become a source of serving the society.

Career guidance andcounseling have emergedas a need for graduates

and students in Pakistan. BUITEMS’ success in the field ofeducation has been notable, and UNHCR's efforts for refugees

are significant. ICRMS in collaboration with UNHCR conductedtwo days training on "Career Counselling for Afghan Students"on December 26-27, 2018 at BUITEMS. The training sessionshad thirty students from different institutes. The refugeestudents actively participated in group discussions, exercisesand activities particularly designed for career planning. Theywere advised to research more on careers they wish topursue. It further looked at the factors to consider when

choosing a career, both in Pakistan and internationally. Thetraining ended with a discussion on what one needs to know

about his/her abilities and skills to decide on a certain career,personal goals and ambitions, what they want to achieve in life and

their purpose in this world determines the career choices.

Training on Career Counseling for Afghan StudentsReported by: Yumna Iftikhar

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Page 49: BUITEMS 89.pdfAqsa Maryam, FABS, Mr. Jalal Faisal Khan, FoE&A, Mr. Muhammad Nadeem, FICT and Ms. Asma Yousafzai, FLSI. 8 n s n The Department of International Relations BUITEMS arranged

ICRMS in collaboration with UNHCR conducted lectureseries concerning refugee and migration to gain andinsight, understand and discuss various dimensions of

migration on different levels (local, national andinternational). The renowned speakers delivered the lectures were Prof. Dr. Tughral Yamin,Director of Centre for International Peace & Stability (CIPS), National University Of Sciences& Technology (NUST) Islamabad, Mr. FarhanHanif Siddiqi, Associate Professor in theSchool of Politics and International Relationsat the Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad,Mr. Rafiullah Kakar, Graduate of TheUniversity of Oxford, UK, Policy Researcher,International Development Professional andPeace Activist Specializing in SocialDevelopment, and Mr. Hammal Aslam,Assistant Professor of International Relationsat BUITEMS. The attendees of these lectureswere UNHCR Representatives, NGO Heads,Faculty Members, Students of Sociology andInternational Relations Departments etc. The aim of this lecture series was to broaden theunderstanding of various aspects of migration and refugees and help the audience understanddifferent areas pertaining to refugees and migration.

ICRMS Lecture SeriesReported by: Rehmat Khan



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Page 50: BUITEMS 89.pdfAqsa Maryam, FABS, Mr. Jalal Faisal Khan, FoE&A, Mr. Muhammad Nadeem, FICT and Ms. Asma Yousafzai, FLSI. 8 n s n The Department of International Relations BUITEMS arranged

MS thesis Defense BUITEMS During Fall 2018

Student Department Date Topic Supervisor ExternalReviewer

Ms. OmaimaAsim

Department ofEconomics



Impact of incomeinequality and parental

education on familyoffspring schooling

Dr. AbdulSalam Lodhi

Dr. LubnaNaz


University ofKarachi.

Ms. ShumailaRasheed

Department ofEconomics



Analysis of householdincome, consumption

and saving; aninterpretation of cross-

sectional data

Dr. AbdulSalam Lodhi

Dr. KaneezFatima,


UOB Quetta

Mr. ImranKhan


October18, 2018

"Challenges toPolio Eradication Campaign: A Case Study of



Dr AbdulManan

professorUOB Quetta



RelationsOctober18, 2018

"North Korean NuclearIssue: Its impact onAsia-Pacific Region"


Dr AbdulManan

professorUOB Quetta

Ms. ZahraMalghani


October18, 2018

"Asia Pivot: StrategicRepercussions for



Dr AbdulManan

professorUOB Quetta


Department ofMathematics

November5, 2018

Tensor product &application of 5-pointbinary approximatingsubdivision scheme

Dr. AbdulGhaffar

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Page 51: BUITEMS 89.pdfAqsa Maryam, FABS, Mr. Jalal Faisal Khan, FoE&A, Mr. Muhammad Nadeem, FICT and Ms. Asma Yousafzai, FLSI. 8 n s n The Department of International Relations BUITEMS arranged

MS thesis Defense BUITEMS During Fall 2018

Student Department Date Topic Supervisor ExternalReviewer


Department ofEnvironmentalManagement

and Policy

November5, 2018

Human Exposure toLead and Health RiskAssessments of Auto-Mobile Technicians in

Selected Areas ofQuetta, Pakistan”.

Dr. FaizaAkhtar

Dr. BadarMoghira,

ChairpersonDepartment ofEnvironmental



Examiner), Dr.Faiza Akhtar,Chairperson

Department ofEnvironmentalManagement

and Policy

Abdul Wahid Department ofMathematics

November5, 2018

Derivations involvingcentralizers in lattices

Dr. AbdulGhaffar

Ms. AsmaFarheen

Department ofEconomics

December8, 2018

Macroeconomicconsequences of

terrorism: a case studyof Pakistan

Dr. AbdulSalamLodhi

Dr. SyedManzoorAhmed

Dean FOSSMIT& Head of



Mr. GoharKhan

Department ofEconomics

December11, 2018

Comparative study ofRural and urban

willingness to pay forimproving solid wasteDisposal in Quetta.

Mr.Muhammad Jawad


Dr. KhalidKhan,




Department ofChemistry

December13, 2018

“Fluoride correlationwith other Physico-

chemical parametersand its effects on

health of children indrinking water ofQuetta, Pakistan”



Dr. MuhammadImran Malik

(H.E.JResearchInstitute ofChemistry,

University ofKarachi)



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Page 52: BUITEMS 89.pdfAqsa Maryam, FABS, Mr. Jalal Faisal Khan, FoE&A, Mr. Muhammad Nadeem, FICT and Ms. Asma Yousafzai, FLSI. 8 n s n The Department of International Relations BUITEMS arranged

Mr. Asif Khan InternationalRelations


Global PowerTransition fromUnipolarity toMultipolarity:

Implications for MiddleEast

Mr. HidyatUllah

Dr. MuhammadMushtaqAssociateprofessor

University ofGujrat

Mr. AbdulHadi



United NationsSecurity Council

(UNSC): Enlargementoptions andPossibilities

Mr. AbdulWadood

Dr. MuhammadMushtaqAssociateprofessor

University ofGujrat

Mr.MuhammadAmeer Ayaz



Syrian Refugee Crises:An Analysis Of

European Response

Mr. AbdulWadood

Dr. MuhammadMushtaqAssociateprofessor

University ofGujrat

Mr. TaimurKhalid



Indo-Afghan Nexus:Implications for




Dr. MuhammadMushtaqAssociateprofessor

University ofGujrat

Yaseen Khan Department ofMathematics

Subclass of AnalyticFunction associated

with Canonical domain

Mr. IrfanAli


Department ofMathematics

December28, 2018

Tensor Product AndAnalysis Of Nine-Tic B-

Spline Scheme

Dr. AbdulGhaffar

Dr. MuhammadZulfiqar


Department ofMathematicsGC University


MS thesis Defense BUITEMS During Fall 2018

Student Department Date Topic ExternalReviewerSupervisor

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Page 53: BUITEMS 89.pdfAqsa Maryam, FABS, Mr. Jalal Faisal Khan, FoE&A, Mr. Muhammad Nadeem, FICT and Ms. Asma Yousafzai, FLSI. 8 n s n The Department of International Relations BUITEMS arranged

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Page 54: BUITEMS 89.pdfAqsa Maryam, FABS, Mr. Jalal Faisal Khan, FoE&A, Mr. Muhammad Nadeem, FICT and Ms. Asma Yousafzai, FLSI. 8 n s n The Department of International Relations BUITEMS arranged

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BUITEMS contributes in defining standards and systems for

the up-lift of socio-economic order through quality education

and services by:

v Providing an environment conducive to learning,

teaching, academic inquiry and innovation

v Maintaining academic excellence and professionalism

v Adhering to established systems for ensuring good

governance for management and transfer of knowledge

v Benchmarking with other leading institutions of higher

education for improvement

v Enhancing efficient and effective operations by

encouraging participation of stakeholders

v Pursuing continuous improvement through creativity,

team work and adaptation to change


Playing a catalytic role to achieve the national, regional and

global harmony

Quality Policy Statement

Page 56: BUITEMS 89.pdfAqsa Maryam, FABS, Mr. Jalal Faisal Khan, FoE&A, Mr. Muhammad Nadeem, FICT and Ms. Asma Yousafzai, FLSI. 8 n s n The Department of International Relations BUITEMS arranged

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