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No green fieldsBuilding agility into the

existing OSS

Christoph Steck, Stefan BrockProduction Strategy


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Building agility into the existing OSS

No green fields

▪ Convincing the C-level of the value of adopting agile methods internally

▪ Focusing on "quick" value and building our own network IT infrastructure

in an agile way

▪ Being able to follow the innovation and to obtain a maximum range of

possibilities and flexibility within the OSS

▪ Results achieved so far at Swisscom and what we plan on next

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▪ Making change happen

▪ Swisscom context

▪ Value generation

▪ Our vision

▪ Operators engine room

▪ Outlook

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Making change happen

Precondition for change is

▪ Acceptance of need / existence of threat

▪ Management support on C-Level

▪ Fast and continued showing of value generation

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Swisscom context

Swisscom as leading network and service provider

▪ New technologies – front runner

▪ High frequency of infrastructure

updates (security, feature rollout, …)

▪ Lack of COTS capabilities

▪ Experienced operations staff

▪ Agile roll-out according to regional

demands and partnerships

▪ Security needs on network edge side / security patches

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Value generation

Value generation for operations

▪ Security level increased

▪ Speed to bring in new firmware

▪ Ease of use

▪ Support for the day to day operations

Value generation for the C-level management (measurable)

▪ Increased roll-out speed

▪ Reduced operations cost due to automation (less outpayments)

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The best in the networked world – everywhere and all the time

Our Vision

▪ 85% of all Swiss homes/offices will

have an ultra-fast broadband

connection by end of 2020

▪ Starting April 2015 first customers are

surfing at speeds of up to 500 Mbps

even if they do not have an FTTH.

▪ First telecommunications company in

Europe to enable customers to use

standardized chipset

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The best in the networked world – everywhere and all the time

Our Vision

▪ By 2020 investments in up to 120k

new mCANs (micro DSLAMs) - FTTS

▪ Partnering with five subcontractors to

place and connect the devices

▪ mCANs inventory and planning


▪ In peak: rollout of plus 20k devices

per year

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Net-Near-IT The agile DevOps team in network operations

Operators engine room

▪ Team was established Jan. 2015

▪ Cross functional team with strength in network engineering, operation,

software development and process engineering

▪ About 10 people located in Bern and Zürich

▪ Team is organized in Squads and Chapters

▪ Goal: to automate the network operation business

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Need for highly automated fulfilment support

Operators engine room

Due to the huge amount of network


▪ automate the whole workflow to

check, upgrade, inventorize and

update the planning DB

▪ fast reaction

▪ easy to use App

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„Self Fulfilment App“

Operators engine room

▪ To check the fiber as well as the copper installations

▪ To check the consistency between the network and the inventory systems

▪ Due to the fact that Switzerland has several official languages, the app has to support at least German, French, Italian and English

▪ Traceability of all steps

▪ Documentation of all steps and to store all measured network parameter in a database as reference

▪ Increase the efficiency

▪ Simple failure detection within the whole installation process and give guidance to solve the problem

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Methodology and Approach

▪ Agile methods and best practices we used are:

▪ The development started in Feb. 2016

▪ Gathered the customer requirements on site

▪ Regular on site visits to understand how the field technicians work

▪ First beta version with limited functionality was shipped in March 2016

▪ Gather feedback and improvements regular on site

▪ Rollout with the full functionality was in June 2016 (beta user group)

▪ Improvements and new features added cont

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Regular on site visits to understand how the field technicians work

Operators engine room

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Beta in march, rollout with the full functionality was in June 2016

Operators engine room

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Key Success Factors – close to the users

Operators engine room

▪ Involvement of the field technician's

▪ Good beta users are worth a mint

▪ Fast delivery of new versions

▪ Continuous feedback and


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Continuous Improvement

Operators engine room

▪ Due to the extensive logging


▪ Continuously improve the application

▪ Subcontractors take advantage of the

statistics and advise their staff


▪ Offer for special trainings to improve

the quality and performance

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Operators engine room

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Back office view

Operators engine room

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KPI Dash Board – for Operator, Partners and Management

Operators engine room

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Hardware guide – Self Care

Operators engine room

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mCAN Health Check

Operators engine room

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Next Functions to be implemented

Operators engine room

▪ The health checks supports the monitoring team in their daily job

▪ technical parameters of the mCAN are shown

▪ Color coded values shows the operator which values are within the

allowed limits

▪ All measured values are stored and can be reviewed later

▪ The time stamp and operator, who executed the check will be logged as


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Key Success Factors for Building agility into the existing OSS


▪ Agility is a key to the sucess of a carrier

▪ Implementing agility needs change and transformation

▪ C-Level support is mandatory for keeping on track withtransformation

▪ Quick success stories are necessary

▪ Management does consider three month a long time

▪ Continuous story telling and value generation

▪ Include the users and bring value to their daily work

▪ Create a "fan-club of change"

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Next steps


▪ Roll-out of agility

▪ Merger from Dev and Ops Teams

▪ Build Bi-Modale IT

▪ Bring agility in service fulfilment and BSS

▪ Enlarge the foot print on DevOps in network and IT operations

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