Page 1: Building a bridge to cross to the other side

Building a Bridge

to Cross Together

to the Other Side(MANONG) COCOY


Page 2: Building a bridge to cross to the other side

Kanang trabaho ngadelivery of orders and collection of payments, delegate it slowly to Ejing, Dea, Coycoy, Et-et, Jared. Part of learning. Training in marketing. Altho not all, because we also need to be personally in touch with the customers who,

in this case, are the patients and the victims of the side effects of chemical medicines.

Added assignment nila: To interview and feel the story of cancers, etc.

For the main purpose in this business is: Kalooy (love for the victims and ourselves). We gain money but also for the purpose of using it to accomplish love’s other purposes, such as to meet other needs.

Page 3: Building a bridge to cross to the other side

For those who cannot afford First Vita Plus, show them to do what I do: PLANT THE 5 POWER HERBS PLUS GUYABANO . Tell them to avoid overcooking to avoid evaporation of nutrients. It should be below 115 degrees Celsius, so that only water, not nutrients, will evaporate. Half-cook.

Better is raw. Juice of the 5 power herbs, the ingredients of First Vita Plus. Use honey for taste. Adding apples (organic if possible) would also make it more delicious. Apple is a sort of neutralizer of the undesirable taste of herbs.

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It was not seen by me before, for I always look at myself as searcher for the light and worker for the light, but now it is also clear to me that part of me, has been slave of the darkness, when I led you to the bread & cake (bakery) business, which I want us all to either move out or

drastically change the quality of all the ingredients.

For I, and then, you, we have been instruments of the bawasnutrients, dagdag poisons (chemicals) of the Illulminatimanufacturers, who are Satanists, who worship Lucifer during dawn, 2 a.m., in underground quarters/building, drinking fresh blood of children!

The flour and sugar, for instance, are classic example of bawas-dagdag.

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ILLUMINATI’S TACTIC: DAGDAG-BAWAS Because of worse case of bawas

(subtraction) and dagdag (addition), the Bread and cakes are worse than rice grains.

For rice grains, addition or use of chemicals are fewer, altho loss of nutrients may be the same at this stage.

CASE OF BAWAS. Rice or wheat the same. Refine milling means removal of bran and germ, where 28 of the major nutrients are found.

Therefore, remove the bran and germ, you remove these 28 essential nutrients from your diet. Not to mention other trace yet also important minerals.


Hence, to lose 28 major nutrients in a refined rice or flour, means: exposure to 280 diseases. Your body and cells become very vulnerable to those 280 diseases.

Whether or not you catch all these 280 disease, will depend on whether or not your body can live strong enough to see the day.

Otherwise, your body will only see one or two diseases to be knocked down… permanently or perpetually… striking on organs which are your weakest!

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ILLUMINATI’S TACTIC: DAGDAG-BAWAS Up to the grain, 28 nutrients have

been already removed (bawas) when it is refined.

The 28 essential nutrients gone with the bran and germ, use oftentimes to feed the pigs and the chicken.

Although fertilizer, GMO, hybridization, use of pesticides and herbicides render your grains into a state of already dangerous chemical poisoning, nothing is worse when these already poisoned grains are further turned into flour and baked products, such as bread, cookies, cakes, etc.

Here’s why:

Already losing 28 essential nutrients found in the original whole grains, a laundry or plethora of dangerous chemicals are added during the flour making and baking.

Such as: Preservatives (sodium benzoate is


Artificial flavorings (taste & smell)

Artificial colorings. Many of these colors are

cancinogenic too

Bread improver

Lard and margarine which are chemically

altered oil, named hydrogenated fats –

notorious for causing heart attack and stroke.


The poisonous fumes from gasul

Yeast causes candida. Candida destroys the

immune system and paves the way easy for

all kinds of diseases including cancer!

CONCLUSION: Baked products are the most

subjected to bawas nutrients and dagdag

chemicals-poisons. Every chemical is a poison,

contains poison.

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The bread and other baked products that use the Illuminati’s refined flour, refined sugar, hydrogenated lard and margarine, chemical artificial flavorings, artificial colorings, Candida-causing yeast, poisonous gas, and the likes – are one of the most dangerous, if not the most dangerous, food – manufactured food ever offered to mankind.

They are the whitest, or the most colorful and the most beautiful and delicious food, where man’s creativity and arts are manifest, but they too are the most poisonous food from mankind.

They are the Bread & Cakes of Death, because they are the bread and cakes of disease, not of health and healing.

To us, God’s warnings and admonition

daily rings:

Rev 18:4 [niv] Then I heard another voice from heaven say: "Come out of her, my people, so that you will not share in her sins, so that you will not receive any of her plagues;

[kjv]And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.


In my naivety, I led you to the bakery business, way back in early 1990s.

It is my duty to also lead you out of it, now that we realize its harms to our family and fellow men, the customers, the consumers, their children, etc.

With all its poisons-chemicals and nutrients killing/ removing processes, the bakery business is a very huge contributor of this STATE OF DISEASES AND DEATH, and to DEBT AND BANKRUPTCY of those who succumbed to those diseases we helped caused!

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I’ve read in the journal of the bakery association that CHEMICAL & MODERN STATE-OF-THE-ART EQUIPMENT IS THEIR WAY TO PROFITS.

This is not our choice, however. Ever since, this has not been our intention.

Chemicals carry toxins, because these had not undergone the toxin-cleansing in the leaf during photosynthesis. Processes in their chemical plant (factory) cannot remove these toxins.

Our options are only two:





Question: Is that possible?

Can we here followed God’s order to “come out” by coming up with ingredients which are wholesome and safe?

In this state where the Illuminati controls all ingredients and also the agriculture?

Can we?

I believe we can. Because as God tells us to “Come out”, He also says through Paul

1Co 10:13 [niv]No [trial, experience or condition] has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted [tried], he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.

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Bread & Pharmedicines are two of the

worst products that causes disease,

death, and then debts and bankruptcies

of the consumers who become victims of

the chemicals in our bread and


Bread et al causes the disease, turns

consumers into patients. Medicine

finishes the patients, via its average of 70

long-term side effects, to manifest in 10-

40 years of patronizing our products.

It was I who blindly led all towards the

bakery business, and did not issue a

warning against pharmaceuticals side

effects; it is now my duty to sound the

alert, now that I know the truth.

We have been in this disease-death-

Debts-bankruptcy zone for quite some


It is now high time to cross the bridge

The better if we faster can abandon this zone of

disease-death-debt which causes many of the people

bankruptcy and extreme poverty especially when they

got victimized by the cancers et al that all these

chemicals are bringing together.

To accomplish this, we need to build a bridge together.

Our end goal is organic and wholesome agriculture,

food and baked products.

Our first bridge is: the wellness business. This can help us

see how praiseworthy are the herbs and fruits God

made, but we ignored or gave least importance! The

scientists of the Wellness industry are helping see the

glorious features and powers of God’s leaf, seed and


There is no true return to God’s way, unless we

appreciate God’s love and wisdom seen in the humble

leaf, or in the humble earthworm as it silently focuses its

whole life in making health-giving and safe natural

fertilizer and topsoil for mankind.

We need the Wellness Industry to show us the science.

Here, to see God’s greatness is to believe Him more.

When we began it was “To believe is to see.” Now, we

are given the chance “To see is to believe. To see the

evidence is to crown (complete) our faith.

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Our Self-Assignments:

King, Ti, Weng, it remains my assignment

to reform the bread and cakes et al and

find or make the pro-health and healing

ingredients, in the form of organic and

whole flour, et al.

I’m stuck with the machine. I still have

not found it. Nor the money enough for

it. With it, we can make flour.

Then, we will to link with the organic

farmers, so wecan make flour which is

both whole and organic.

Whole means complete, nutrients intact.

Organic means no chemicals added,

from seeds up to bread.

As soon as we find and acquire the

machine, we will go fast to link with

organic farmers to provide us with

organic rice,

And we also aim to acquire our own rice-fields.

It means greater control of the whole process, to

unsure the health and safety of the people who

will eat our bread.

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Our Self-Assignments: New Wellness field – clean energy

King, Ti, Weng, another bridge to the

wellness zone that I encourage you to

help build or even take charge is the

solar energy.

I urgently encourage you to partner with

Mr. Leandro Leviste, the founder and

president of Solar Philippines
