

BSc (Med)(Hons) Biokinetics (HUB 4043W)




Course Convenor Course Administrator Postal Address Street Address Phone Fax E-mail Homepages

Dr Jacolene Kroff Mrs Ayesha Hendricks Division of Exercise Science and Sports Medicine Department of Human Biology, Faculty of Health Sciences University of Cape Town P.O. Box 115, Newlands, 7725 Division of Exercise Science and Sports Medicine Sports Science Institute of South Africa Boundary Road, Newlands, 7700 (021) 650 3108 (021) 650 1796 [email protected]


Orientation programme for new Hons, MSc & PhD students 2018

Wednesday 24 January 2018:

Time Title Coordinator

08h30 – 09h30 Arrival: SSISA cards and photos Neezaam Kariem

09h30 – 10h30 Welcome and Introduction Tertius Kohn , Jacolene Kroff

10h30 – 11h00 Tea (All)

11h00 – 12h30

Hons. Bio HPCSA forms (Classroom 1) Jacolene Kroff

Hons. Exercise Science (Classroom 2) Tertius Kohn

MSc and PhD (Boardroom) Sharief Hendricks

12h30 – 13h30 Lunch (All)

13h30 – 14h30 Desk Allocation (student lounge) Kathryn van Boom

14h30 – 15h30 ESSM laboratory protocols Introduction & Tour (2nd floor)

Dale Rae and Jamie Smith

Thursday 25 January 2018:

Time Title Coordinator

09h00 – 10h00 ICTS Introductory Session & Safety Info Session

Trevino Larry

10h00 - 10h30 Tea (All)

10h30 – 12H30 ESSM Introduction: History & Tour SSISA UCT Functional Merged Entity

Vicki Lambert

12h30 - 13h30 Lunch (All)

13h30 – 15h30 Question & Answer Session Hons Bio & Exercise Science (separately)

Jacolene Kroff & Tertius Kohn

Friday 26 January 2018

Time Title Coordinator

09h30 – 10h30 ESSM Staff Introduction Jacolene Kroff, Tertius Kohn

10h30 -11h00 Cake and tea (All) (Outside)

11h00 – 12h15 Speed dating (ESSM & SSISA) Classroom 1 All ESSM & SSISA staff and students)

12h15 – 13h30 Lunch

13h30 – 14h15 ‘Pearls of Wisdom’ & Student Rules and codes of conduct (classroom 1)

Kathryn van Boom

14h15 – 16h00 Registration at ESSM (classroom 1) Ayesha Hendricks



Welcome to the BSc (Med)(Hons) Biokinetics (Course Code HUB4043W) course at the University of Cape Town (UCT). We hope that you will enjoy the course and that it will be the basis of a successful and fulfilling career. This brochure describes the history of the various courses offered in our unit and explains how the Biokinetics honours course will be structured and coordinated in 2018. The Biokinetics honours degree has been evaluated and adapted to include more practical and clinical work. In most institutions, including our own, a multidisciplinary approach is used to acquire an integrated understanding of the effects of physical activity on the body.

Background to the Division of Exercise Science and Sports Medicine (ESSM) and our postgraduate degrees

Professor Timothy Noakes began his exercise research in a small basement laboratory within what was formerly the Department of Physiology, with one laboratory assistant and a single bicycle. By 1989, the research had grown to such an extent that the South African Medical Research Council (MRC) and UCT agreed to fund a MRC/UCT Bioenergetics of Exercise Research Unit (BERU). In 1981, Professor Noakes was appointed by UCT to establish an Honours degree in Sports Science for scientists, physical educators, physiotherapists and doctors. The purpose of the course was to satisfy the South African demand for a more scientific approach to the maintenance of good health and success in sport. In 1991 the original Sports Science Honours course was divided into two streams: Exercise Science and Biokinetics. As the field evolved, specialist Sport and Exercise Medicine and Sports Physiotherapy MPhil courses were developed in 1990 and 1995 respectively, with the aim of providing physicians and physiotherapists with a more evidenced-based approach to their respective fields. In August 1995, the Unit moved into the Sports Science Institute of South Africa (SSISA) in Newlands, and in 2000 changed its name to the UCT/MRC Research Unit for Exercise Science and Sports Medicine (ESSM). More recently, a new MPhil course in Biokinetics was established in 2011. Professor Noakes retired at the end of 2014 and the Directorship of the Unit was taken over by Professor Vicki Lambert. At the same time, or Unit became recognised as the Division of Exercise Science and Sports Medicine within the Department of Human Biology, Faculty of Health Sciences. The Honours Exercise Science and Biokinetics courses are now distinct with clearly defined learning objectives and outcomes. There are however certain aspects which are common to both courses. This material will be presented in the Exercise Physiology Fundamentals and Technique modules at the beginning of the year, the Research Methodology module, and in combined lectures throughout the year. Both the Exercise Science and Biokinetics Honours courses are one-year full-time courses, while the MPhil courses in Sports Physiotherapy, Sport and Exercise Medicine and Biokinetics are part-time courses, which take about three years to complete. Since the inception of our Division in 1981, 694 students have been trained (DSc=1, MD=3, PhD=87, MPhil(Sport and Exercise Medicine)=37, MPhil(Biokinetics)=13, MSc=70, Exercise Science Honours = 280, Biokinetics Honours =203).


Our Vision

“An active, healthy and winning nation through science”.

Our mission statement “A center of excellence for promoting a healthy, active lifestyle and optimal physical performance, through research, innovation, teaching, training, and clinical services”.

The research focus of ESSM

“Health through physical activity, lifestyle and sport”

The research objectives are: • To conduct research focused on (i) improving health and reducing disease, (ii)

reducing injury and adverse medical conditions associated with physical activity and

sport, and (iii) promoting sports participation.

• To conduct research of the highest international standard, recognising the

interdisciplinary nature of our work as its key strength.

• To recognise the holistic and complex nature of related lifestyle behaviours and co-

morbid conditions, high performance, issues of safety and unintended consequences

of participation in physical activity and sport.

• To ensure that our programme of research is relevant to all South Africans,

addressing issues of social justice and equity, for the development of human capital,

communities and the nation.

• To disseminate knowledge through teaching of an international standard, and

through translation to the wider community, informing policy and practice.

ESSM’s research facilities include three exercise laboratories, two clinical laboratories, five molecular biology / biochemistry laboratories, a biokinetics laboratory, a


biomechanics laboratory, an environmental chamber, a metabolic chamber and a sleep laboratory. The Sports Science Institute of South Africa (SSISA)

SSISA was built as a Section 21 (not for gain) company called Sports Science Share Block (Pty) Ltd, with funds donated to UCT in 1994. Today, SSISA is led by Dr Patho Zondi and their mission is to “optimise the sporting performance and health of all South Africans through the execution, application and dissemination of science”. More information about SSISA can be obtained from Although both ESSM and SSISA have worked together on many projects since 1995, their governance has been different. This is partly due to ESSM being an academic institution and falling under the jurisdiction of the University of Cape Town, whereas SSISA is a not-for profit company. However, in March 2016, ESSM and SSISA have formed a functionally merged entity. This means that legally we are obliged to remain separate, but functionally we act as one organization. This has allowed for greater interaction with one another, and better sharing of knowledge and resources.


OUTLINE OF THE BIOKINETICS HONOURS PROGRAMME (HUB4043W) The Biokinetics Honours Programme is divided into three major components:

1. Course Work 2. Clinical Work 3. Research Project & Thesis

1. COURSE WORK Course work consists of the following modules:

Term No. Name Subsections Duration

1 1 Exercise Physiology Module (EP)

Fundamentals (29 Jan -16 Feb) Clinical & Applied (12 Mar – 23 Mar)

29 Jan to 16 Feb &

12 Mar to 23 Mar 2 Health Promotion

& Special Population Module (HP)

Apparently Healthy Population Elderly Children Pregnancy Persons with Disabilities

19 Feb to 9 Mar

2 3 Chronic Diseases Module (CD)

Patients at Risk Cardiac & Cardiovascular Disease Respiratory Diseases Osteoporosis Arthritis Fibromyalgia Obesity and Diabetes Organ transplant Cancer Neuromuscular Disorders (Spinal, ALS, Stroke)

16 Apr to 4 May

4 Neuromuscular & Skeletal Systems Module (NEMS)

High Performance Periodization Plyometrics Resistance training Nutrition Athletic Assessments eg. Isokinetic testing, Specific Sport Testing

21 May to 8 June

1 - 3 5 Orthopaedic Module (ORTHO)

General (Grading, Neurodynamics) Biokinetics Practice Module Different joints (Back, Neck , Hip, Shoulder, Knee, Ankle & Foot, Arm & Hands)

26 Mar to 24 Aug

6 Research Methods & Biostatistics Module (RESE)

See under module explanation 2 Feb to 21 Sep

Semester layout of modules: The Exercise Physiology Module and the Health Promotion & Special Populations Module will run during the first term. The Chronic Diseases Module and Neuromuscular and Skeletal Systems Module will run during the second term. The Orthopaedic Rehabilitation Module, Research Methods & Biostatistics Module will run during Term 1-3. The Orthopaedic Rehabilitation Module forms part of the Clinical Work Module, knowledge


and experience gained from this Module will mostly be evaluated during all Clinical Exams. The structures of these modules vary, but each one has a theory, practical / assessment and applied component. Evaluation of the modules includes lab-based practicals and / or assignments and a written test. The focus of the second semester is to gain more clinical experience and to conduct research. The aim of this component of the course is to integrate the theory and practical teaching from the first semester to the clinical and research setting. A macro weekly overview of Semester 1 and Semester 2 are illustrated on the next two pages.


MarchSun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

31 01 02 03 04 05 06 28 29 30 31 01 02 03 25 26 27 28 01 02 03







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moduleHP test



14 15 16 17 18 19 20 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 11 12 13 14 15 16 17





21 22 23 24 25 26 27 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 18 19 20 21 22 23 24Test on


al module







28 29 30 31 01 02 03 25 26 27 28 01 02 03 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

Bio Block week 1 = Biokinetics Practice

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 29 30 01 02 03 04 05 27 28 29 30 31 01 02





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module CD test






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modulePaper 1




22 23 24 25 26 27 28 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 17 18 19 20 21 22 23



29 30 01 02 03 04 05 27 28 29 30 31 01 02 24 25 26 27 28 29 30



Good Fri





Biomechanics techniques

2018 First Semester FebruaryJanuary



Fundamentals HP Module

Fundamentals HP module




Orientation HP Module


Exam 1

Chronic Disease Module

Chronic Disease Module

Bio Block Week 4 Ortho: Knee



Exam 1

April May June

Bio Block week 2 (Ortho: Back/Neck)





VacationChronic Disease




Bio block Week 3 Ortho: Hip/Pelvis

NEMS Vacation


Applied Ex Physiol & Physiology techniques

Appl Ex Physiol &









Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

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29 30 31 01 02 03 04 26 27 28 29 30 31 01 23/30 24 25 26 27 28 29



Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

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2018 Second Semester

October November December




Statistics & Research block week

Bio Block Week 5 Ortho: Shoulder

Bio Block week 6

Ortho: Ankle/Foot

Biok Practice




Paper 2


Final Clin


Final Clin


Hand in


e review

Hand in





s open




Exam 2


Exam 2

Bio Block Week 8 Ortho:


Bio Block Week 6 Ortho


Bio Block Week 7 Biok Practice



July August


2. CLINICAL WORK The clinical component of the course consists of 3 types of evaluations, i.e. Clinical Exam 1, Clinical Exam 2 and the Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCEs); and your Clinical Rotations (including a patient portfolio). Clinical Rotations In keeping with the HPCSA’s requirements for the training of Student Biokineticists, the Biokinetics honours course comprises 3 designated blocks per week during which students are given the opportunity to gain hands on experience while being supervised by registered Biokineticists in real world clinical settings. Here, Biokinetic students are expected to apply the theoretical underpinnings of the controlled use of physical activity in the prevention of disease and as the primary therapeutic modality during final phase rehabilitation (provided during in the form of lectures and workshops). Importantly, students will be required to keep a detailed record of the sessions they attend in a patient portfolio. Each rotation session (including group-based classes) must be documented as this portfolio will be used to assess students during their Clinical Examinations, and will furthermore be evaluated at certain times during the year. Students are encouraged to neatly structure a table of contents for their patient folder, type up all contact hours, and to consider that the more comprehensive the cases, and the more cases presented in the portfolio, the better the impression of the student’s clinical experience. Seven different rotations will be available to students during the year. Some practices are busier than others making it possible for both students to go to the same practice/centre, but certain rotations will include 2 (or more) venues where one of you will go to the one practice and one to the second practice. The following week the two students will swop practices. The designated practices for clinical rotations with their respective clinical supervisors are as follows (outside practice are indicated):

Rotation Venues/Practices/Units

1 SSISA Fitness Centre – Lyle Barreiro


SSISA Healthy Weight Programme (HWP) – Claire Cowan Victoria Hospital (outside) – Dr Nasief van der Schyff SSISA Community Health Intervention Programmes (CHIPS) – Juandré Davids

3 SSISA Orthopaedics and Neurological Rehabilitation Unit - Avinesh Pursad

4 SSISA Cardiac/Chronic Disease Rotation – Waseem Choonara

5 Angie Lander Biokineticists (outside) – Angie Lander Kim Murphy Biokineticists (outside) – Kim Murphy

6 SSISA High Performance Centre – Niel Michau

7 Constantiaberg Human Performance Centre (outside) – Simone White Tiaan Campher Biokineticists (outside) – Tiaan Campher


Your first rotation (starting 19 February) will run for 5 weeks, while all other rotations will run for 4 weeks per rotation. Clinical Rotations will take place 3-4 times per week for roughly 2 to 5 hours per rotation slot, depending on the designated operating times of the specific practice. During each rotation, students will be accountable to the abovementioned mentoring supervisors with whom they are expected to schedule and to spend no less than approximately 12 – 21 hours per week in clinical work with patients during the rotation. The maximum number of hours during an allocated rotation will depend on the operating hours of the practice, for example SSISA Fitness Centre operates from 5.30am to 9:00pm, but Angie Lander’s Practice operates from 8am to 5pm. Should the student be unable to make a clinical rotation due to personal circumstances (illness or family emergency), this must be conveyed to the supervisor prior to the day, and clinical work hours must be made up at some other time. Clinical rotation slots during a typical week: Mondays: 6am – 8am; 11am – 2pm; 5pm – 7pm Wednesdays: 6am – 12pm Thursdays 1pm – 7pm Fridays 6am – 8am The clinical rotations format and timetable information will be available in electronic format via email. During “block weeks” (indicated in light yellow on the timetable) lectures will clash with clinical rotations. Students must schedule different clinical rotation times with their specific supervisor during “block weeks”, in order to obtain at least 12 clinical hours within that specific week. Sometimes official exams will also clash with clinical rotations. The student must inform the supervisor that they cannot attend the rotation due to exam. Students will not be expected to “catch up” lost clinical rotation times due to official exams/tests. Evaluation of Clinical Rotations The number of clinical hours obtained plus the average mark given by all Supervisor evaluations will determine your mark for your clinical rotations section. HPCSA regulations recommends 350 hours of clinical rotations during the training year. The minimum number of hours acceptable during the year is 280 hours. Fewer logged hours will negatively influence your mark for clinical rotations, subsequently affecting your Clinical Work Module Mark. Finally, two forms per student are required to be handed in within 1 week after rotation completion:

a. Student log sheet b. Clinical supervisor’s evaluation

The student log sheet is signed off by the rotation supervisor or supervising biokineticist/intern at the end of each session, and may only be completed by a clinician who directly supervises a student (i.e. not by a practice secretary or an individual who did not directly mentor a student while seeing a patient).


Community Outreach Projects: Victoria Hospital and Chips are community outreach rotations which is a compulsory section of your overall Clinical hours. Apart from Victoria Hospital, where you will complete clinical hours on Monday afternoon, the managers of CHIPS will frequently ask for the assistance from Hons Biokinetics students to assist with field testing. By the end of the year, students must have accumulated at least 40 Hours of Community Outreach Hours. Clinical Rotation Practices: SSISA Fitness Centre Located at the Sports Science Institute of South Africa, the SSISA fitness centre is equipped with modern training equipment, a 25m swimming pool and a 140m indoor tartan track which hosts a variety of group exercise classes available to members. The students are exposed to a wide range of exercise classes and private rehabilitation sessions under the supervision of trained biokineticists. These include the following: • One on One Rehabilitation Sessions • Group Fitness Classes • Hydrotherapy Classes • Specialised Group Exercise Classes (Geriatrics and Cardio Patients) • Orthopaedic Rehabilitation • Cardiovascular Rehabilitation SSISA Healthy Weight Programme The Healthy Weight Programme is based at the Sports Science Institute of South Africa. This programme entails a scientific, holistic and comprehensive approach involving exercise, psychological consultations and education to empower clients to develop the skills needed to reduce or manage their weight. The biokinetics students are exposed to the following aspects of this programme: • Client Needs Assessment and Goal Setting Sessions. • Dietary Consultations • Needs Based Exercise Sessions Victoria Hospital Victoria Hospital is a Government regulated, secondary hospital situated in Wynberg, in the southern suburbs of the Western Cape, South Africa. Victoria Hospital is known for it's high standard of care, as well as it's concern for the population it serves. This hospital provides a wide range of both medical and surgical services and is actively involved in the training and development of medical and health professionals in all specialities. The biokinetics students are exposed to the following areas related to public health care during this rotation: • Diabetic Education, Management and Treatment


• Orthopaedic Rehabilitation • Cardiac Education, Management and Rehabilitation • Pre - and Postoperative Patient Care • Stroke and Traumatic Brain Injury Education, Management and Rehabilitation SSISA Orthopaedic & Neurological Unit Avinesh Pursad and Rob Evans from the SSISA Orthopaedic and Neurological Unit have a close relationship with the University of Cape Town. As biokineticists, they utilise physical activity as the main therapeutic modality in preventative health care as well as in final phase rehabilitation of the following population groups: Cardiac, Orthopaedic and Chronic Disease and neurological disorders. Their expertise as a world class biokinetics facility encompasses many physical conditions, including:

• Orthopaedic Injuries • Stroke and Cardiac Patients • Arthritic Conditions • Osteoporosis • Joint Replacements • Back and Knee Problems • Neural Conditions • Head and Spinal Cord Injuries • Pre-Operative Strengthening • Injury Prevention • Aquatherapy • Posture Correction

SSISA Cardiac/Chronic Rehabilitation Programmes The programme offers specific rehabilitation for people with chronic diseases of lifestyle who are either referred by doctors or classified as higher risk patients who want to join the SSISA Fitness Centre or related exercise programmes. The programme has been designed to address Cardiac and Metabolic diseases by modifying risk factors such as: Physical inactivity, smoking, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, poor eating habits and stress. The programme consists of 36 exercise sessions over 12 weeks and begins with one-on- one training until the patient is comfortable with the exercise prescription. After which, training is done in a small group session with a high staff/patient ratio. The emphasis is on slow, individualised and carefully monitored exercise that teaches the patient to trust in his or her body once again. Biokinetics students are exposed to the following types of chronic diseases/conditions:

• Cardiac Diseases (bypass surgery, angioplasty, stent, arrhythmia, valve disease, heart failure, etc.)

• Pacemaker • Peripheral vascular disease • Diabetes • Metabolic syndrome • Respiratory disease • Cancer recovery


• Renal disease • Rheumatoid and osteoarthritis • Fibromyalgia • HIV disease • Frailty and ageing

Kim Murphy Biokinetics Practice at Vincent Pallotti Kim Murphy Biokineticists is located within Vincent Pallotti Hospital and is one of the biokinetics practices involved in the practical education of the biokinetics honours students at the University of Cape Town. This practice specialises in the rehabilitation of the following conditions: • Personalized Exercise Prescription • Chronic Disease Management Through Exercise • Joint Replacements • Back nd Knee Problems • Neural Conditions • Head and Spinal Cord Injuries • Pre-Operative Strengthening • Injury Prevention • Cardiac and Stroke Rehabilitation Angie Lander Biokineticists Angie Lander, the owner of Peak Biokinetics, has been practising as a Biokineticist for over 25 years. The practice specialises in the fields of Scoliosis, Orthopaedic and Neural rehabilitation, as well as posture alignment, physical literacy and injury prevention in kids. Biokinetics students are exposed to the following conditions and assessments:

• Orthopaedic Rehabilitation • Gait Analysis • Scoliosis Screening • Paediatric Assessments • Special populations: Pregnancy • Corporate and General Assessments

SSISA High Performance Centre The High Performance Centre, located within the Sports Science Institute of South Africa, is open to anyone looking to improve their performance. It’s a space that allows you to unleash your inner athlete through the use of specialised equipment and expert guidance. The gym is open to individuals and teams and we have a variety of options to suit your needs. The biokinetics students are exposed to the following aspects related to high performance during this rotation: • Sports Specific Fitness Assessments


• Individual and Team Consultations and Goal Setting • Training Programme Development and Implementation • Specialized Strength and Conditioning Training • Olympic Weight Lifting Techniques • Research Innovated Performance Training • Sports Specific Exercise Prescription e) Simone King Biokineticist at Constantiaberg Human Performance Centre This biokinetics practice is located at the Constantiaberg Human Performance Centre and consists of a team of qualified- and assistant biokineticists who offer expertise in the prevention, maintenance and rehabilitation of various medical problems, including orthopaedic conditions and chronic diseases. This practice is involved in the treatment of the following conditions, all of which the biokinetics students are exposed to during their rotation: • Cardiac • Final Phase Stroke Rehabilitation • Neurological • Vascular Disease • Cardiac Risk Factors • Pulmonary Diseases • Orthopaedic Problems Conservative/Pre-/Post-Operative • Health And Wellness • Pregnancy • Cancer • Sport Conditioning • Health Risk Screenings for Medical Aim Schemes Tiaan Campher Biokineticist Practice at Bishops Diocesan College Tiaan Campher Biokineticist is located on the school campus of Bishops Diocesan College in Rondebosch. The practice doesn't specialise in any specific area of biokinetics, but works mostly within the following scope of biokinetics:

• Sport Injuries • Return to Sport Protocol • Injury Prevention • Team Sport Preparation (Pre-season & In-season Strength & Conditioning, Injury

Prevention and Monitoring) • Personalized Exercise Prescription • Screening & Testing • Adolescent Population • General Wellness (Individual and Group classes)


3. RESEARCH PROJECT & THESIS Module convenor: Prof Mike Lambert The assessment for the project reflects the student’s ability, in consultation with their supervisors, to plan and propose a project and research methodology; to collect data with excellent quality control; to manage and analyse the results, and interpret the results of this research study in an evidence-based manner. The students’ projects will be selected from a list of available projects that will be handed out within the first several weeks of the course. Projects will be selected on the basis of suitability, and where possible, by choice. In most cases, honours projects form smaller sub-projects under a larger, postgraduate or funded study. Project “teams” will be formed consisting of staff, and senior students, who will be working with honours students on these projects. The supervisor will guide the student through the process of preparing a literature review and project proposal. The proposal will then be presented to the Unit for critical input. The data collection phase of the project should ideally be completed by the middle of October. The completed project should be handed in on Friday 9th November before 16h00. The research project will be evaluated as a written report and also in an oral presentation (Wednesday 21st November). All the skills required to conduct a successful research project will be presented in the Research Methods and Statistics module described above. CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE FINAL MARK Modules: Written tests will be conducted on four separate occasions during the first semester, before the June examination. The Exercise Physiology (Fundamentals) test will cover all content of the Fundamentals (first two weeks) of the Exercise Physiology module. The second test will be the Health Promotion Module. Test (first term). During the 4th week of term 2, the Chronic Diseases module test will be written; and during the last week last week of the term 2, the NEMS module test will be written. Lab-based practicals and assignments will mostly consist of administrating exercise testing/physical assessments and exercise prescription. Within each module except for the RESE module: Your average mark for all assignments completed within modules will account for 20% of the final module mark, and the Average Module tests (4 tests plus final RESE module) will account for 80% of the final module mark. The RESE module consists of several different components that will contribute to the final RESE Module mark (See Module 6). Final exams: This component consist of the Final Clinical Exam (with External Examiner) and two 3-hour written papers. Paper 1 (12 June) will contain questions which are designed to integrate the knowledge of all the work during the first semester. The June Written examination (Paper 1) will cover the theoretical and applied content of the Exercise Physiology, Health Promotion, Chronic Diseases and NEMS modules. Paper 2


(1 October) will test the student’s ability to critically analyse a scientific paper. The final Biokinetics Clinical Exam will take place over 2 days (23 & 24 Oct). Clinical Work Module Mark: Consists of 2 x oral exams (Exam 1: 18 & 19 June; Exam 2: 4 & 5 Sep) in the form of Clinical Exams, the OSCEs and your clinical rotation mark. Your clinical rotation mark heavily relies on your number of clinical hours and the average mark given by each rotation supervisor. All clinical exams (Clinical Exam 1, 2 and Final) cover mostly the content of your Patient Portfolio (Clinical Rotations) and the Orthopaedic Module. Assessment of the work of Modules and Biokinetics Clinical Work Module, written and oral exams and the research project will each constitute 25%, 15%, 25% and 35% of the final year mark, respectively. Details of how these marks are derived are shown below: Contributions to the final marks from the tests, exams and the research project

Modules (25%)

1. Exercise Physiology 2. Health Promotion and Special Populations 3. Rehabilitation in Chronic Diseases 4. Neuromuscular and Skeletal Systems Training 6. Research Methods and Biostatics

Biokinetics Cl inical Work Module (Total 15%)

1. Orthopaedic Module 2. Clinical Exams x 2 3. OSCE’s 4. Clinical Rotations

Final Exams (Total 25%)

Final Clinical Exam (8%) Paper 1 (12%) Paper 2 (5%)

Research Project (Total 35%)

Written Report (33%) Oral Presentation (2%)


Breakdown of Contribution components




Exercise Physiology Module Test 4.167%


HP Module Test 4.167%

Chronic Disease Module Test 4.167%

NEMS Module Test 4.167%

All assignments 4.167%

Research Module 4.167%




s C






Clinical Exam 1 2.0%

15% Clinical Exam 2 2.0%

OSCE'S 1.0%

Clinical Rotations 10.0%


s Final Clinical Exam 8%

25% Paper 1 12%

Paper 2 5%






Thesis 33%

35% Oral Presentation 2%


Criteria to pass the course To pass the course students must achieve a minimum of 50% for each of the following sections:

1. Combined mark of modules and final exams 2. Biokinetics Clinical Work Module 3. Research project 4. Final year mark

Pass marks of 50-59%, 60-69%, 70-74% or 75% and higher will earn either third (3), lower second (2-), upper second (2+) or first class (1) degrees, respectively. Students wishing to be considered for further postgraduate study in the department should try to achieve an upper second class or first class BSc(Med)(Hons) degree. Postgraduate students with a first class BSc (Med)(Hons) degree can apply for special scholarships. Information about scholarships is available in the Postgraduate Bursary Office. Note that the closing dates of many bursary applications are before October. Case Studies From March to October, regular case study discussions will be held. During semester 1, the staff of SSISA and interns will present case studies from which students can learn. During semester 2, two students will be paired with one intern, each team will get a chance to present a case study during the case study sessions (once a week). These case studies will aid to the student’s clinical knowledge and experience, and provide revision in order to prepare for Clinical exams.


1. VULA and Google Calendar On occasion, notes and/or reading material will be loaded onto the VULA site prior or after lectures, tutorials or practicals. Students are responsible for printing notes and reading material. However, access to lecture notes is up to the discretion of the lecturer, and lecture notes may only be available on VULA after the lecture. Lecturers have the right to not make their lecture slides available to students. Each student will receive an email inviting them to access the Google calendar. Lecture schedules will be maintained on this electronic calendar. Name of calendar: “Bio Hons classes”. Students are responsible for ensuring that they are up to date with all lectures, tutorials, practical sessions and exam dates. Lecture times might change occasionally, and this is largely due to travel demands of staff.

2. Friday Departmental Meetings

Honours students will then join staff and MSc and PhD students for tea and cake from 10h15 on Friday mornings and then a department meeting for about an hour. At the department meeting, various topics are presented and discussed related to Exercise Science. The presenter will either be a student, staff member or visiting academic. The


departmental meeting is compulsory to all Honours Students. If you cannot attend the Departmental meeting due to unforeseen circumstances, you must inform the Friday meeting Coordinators (Ms Kathryn van Boom/Ms Kate Larmuth) via email no later than the Thursday prior to the meeting.

3. Journal Clubs The Division coordinates several Journal clubs managed by selected members of the Division’s respective research teams. If the research domain is of interest to you; or you are advised by your project supervisor to attend a specific journal club, the details – date, time and topic - of the journal club will be displayed on a different Google calendar, called ESSM Diary.


A detailed description of each module follows.

Module 1: Exercise Physiology Module (EP) Recommended Text Book for Exercise Physiology fundamentals: Exercise Physiology. Human Bioenergetics and its Applications, 4th edition, G.A. Brooks, T.D. Fahey and K.M. Baldwin, McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, 2005 Physiology of Sport and Exercise. W. Larry Kenney, Jack Wilmore, David Costill, Human Kinetics Recommended Text Book for Clinical and Applied Section of the EP module: Clinical Exercise Physiology, 2nd Edition. JK Ehrman, PM Gordon, PS Visich, SJ Keteyian, 2009. ISBN 13: 978-0-7360-6565-8 Module Overview and Objectives: This module consists of the Exercise Physiology Fundamentals and the Applied Exercise Physiology component. After completion of this module, the student should be able to understand, define and describe: • The metabolic systems (4 lectures), Overview of metabolic pathways, Anaerobic

metabolism, aerobic metabolism, Basic concepts of nutrition, Liver gluconeogenesis, glucose, fat, protein metabolism.

• The nervous system (3 lectures): Overview of anatomy and terminology of the central and peripheral nervous systems, control of movement and the concept of fatigue

• The cardiovascular system (3 lectures): Overview of anatomy and terminology of the heart and blood vessels, regulation and control of the cardiovascular system during exercise, Limitations to cardiac performance. It also includes the Conduction system of the heart and principles of ECG testing.

• The respiratory system (4 lectures). Overview of anatomy and terminology of the lungs, airways and respiratory muscles. Mechanics and regulatory mechanisms of breathing during exercise, oxygen and carbon dioxide transport from the lungs to other systems (particularly skeletal muscle), respiratory function during rest and exercise (lung function test, VO2max test)

• The muscular system (5 lectures). Overview of anatomy and terminology of skeletal muscle, muscle fibres and the contractile apparatus, muscle metabolism, control of muscle contraction, muscle fibre type and its role in strength, power and endurance exercise. Damage, repair and regeneration

• The skeletal-articular system (3 lectures): Overview of anatomy and terminology of bone, ligaments and tendons. Mechanical role in locomotion and repair, basic bone physiology and the Female Athlete Triad.

• The endocrine system (3 lectures): Overview of components of the endocrine system relevant to exercise, homeostasis and regulation of metabolic fuels.

• The immune system (2 lectures): Overview of components of the immune system relevant to exercise. Effects on immune system components. The inflammatory response – cytokines and delayed onset of muscle soreness (DOMS). Endocrine regulation of immune function during exercise.


• Fluid balance (2 lectures): Regulation of body fluids. Water balance and fluid shifts. Exercise-induced dehydration and rehydration; and Exercise-induced hypervolemia

• Thermoregulation (2 lectures): Thermal balance and control • Biomechanics (3 lectures): Overview of basic anatomical terms of reference and

direction. The concepts in biomechanics • Basic First aid and Emergency care: What to do during an medical emergency. • Basic Priniciples and Components of Sports Nutrition. • Obesity and body composition measurements. • Oral Glucose Tolerance Test to test for insulin resistance and diabetes. Module Evaluation

• All of the work in this module will form part of the clinical exams.

• In addition, students will complete 2 or 3 small-group assignments to


• Fundamental Exercise Physiology Test: 19 February 9h00-12h00


Lecture Lecturer Date Time

FUNDAMENTALS (Coordinator Tertius Kohn)

Overview of Exercise Science Fundamentals Mike Lambert 29-Jan 9h00- 10h00

The metabolic systems 1 Jamie Smith 29-Jan 10h00 - 11h00

The metabolic systems 2 Jamie Smith 29-Jan 11h00-12h00

The metabolic systems 3 Jamie Smith 29-Jan 13h00-14h00

The metabolic systems 4 Jamie Smith 29-Jan 14h00-15h00

The endocrine system 1 Dale Rae 30-Jan 09h00-10h00

The endocrine system 2 Dale Rae 30-Jan 10h00-11h00

The endocrine system 3 Dale Rae 30-Jan 11h00-12h00

The nervous system 1 Yumna Albertus 30-Jan 13h00-14h00

The nervous system 2 Yumna Albertus 30-Jan 14h00-15h00

The nervous system 3 Yumna Albertus 31-Jan 09h00-10h00

The muscular system 1 Tertius Kohn 31-Jan 10h00-11h00

The muscular system 2 Tertius Kohn 31-Jan 12h00 -13h00

The muscular system 3 Tertius Kohn 31-Jan 13h00-14h00

The muscular system 4 Tertius Kohn 1-Feb 09h00-10h00

The muscular system 5 Tertius Kohn 1-Feb 10h00-11h00

The cardiovascular system 1 Tertius Kohn 1-Feb 12h00 -13h00

The cardiovascular system 2 Tertius Kohn 1-Feb 13h00-14h00

The cardiovascular system 3 Tertius Kohn 01-Feb 14h00-15h00

The respiratory system 1 Jamie Smith 05-Feb 09h00-10h00

The respiratory system 2 Jamie Smith 05-Feb 10h00-11h00

The skeletal-articular system 1 Yumna Albertus 05-Feb 12h00 -13h00

The skeletal-articular system 2 Yumna Albertus 05-Feb 13h00-14h00

The immune system 1 Dale Rae 06-Feb 09h00-10h00

The immune system 2 Dale Rae 06-Feb 10h00-11h00

Thermoregulation 1 Dale Rae 06-Feb 12h00 -13h00


Lecture Lecturer Date Time

FUNDAMENTALS (Coordinator Tertius Kohn)

Thermoregulation 2 Dale Rae 06-Feb 13h00-14h00

Fluid Balance 1 Dale Rae 07-Feb 09h00-10h00

Fluid Balance 2 Dale Rae 07-Feb 10h00-11h00

Biomechanics 1 Alistair During 07-Feb 12h00 -13h00

Biomechanics 2 Alistair During 07-Feb 13h00-14h00

Biomechanics 3 Alistair During 08-Feb 09h00-10h00

Biomechanics 4 Alistair During 08-Feb 10h00-11h00

Biomechanics 5 Alistair During 08-Feb 12h00 -13h00

Biomechanics 6 Alistair During 08-Feb 13h00-14h00

Biomechanics Techniques Alistair During 12-Feb 09h00 - 16h00 Biomechanics Techniques Alistair During 13-Feb 09h00 - 16h00 Biomechanics Techniques Alistair During 14-Feb 09h00 - 16h00 Biomechanics Techniques Alistair During 15-Feb 09h00 - 16h00

Biomechanics Techniques Alistair During 16-Feb 09h00 - 16h00

Exercise physiology theory Fundamentals test 19-Feb 9h00-12h00


Lecture Lecturer Date Time

Sports Nutrition 1 (Introduction) 12-Mar 9h00 - 10h30 The cardiovascular system (Basic anatomy/physiology)

Jeroen Swart 5-Mar 14h00 - 15h30

Sports Nutrition 2 12-Mar 13h00 - 14h30

Oral Glucose Tolerance (OGTT) Tertius Kohn & Jacolene Kroff 13-Mar 08h00 - 12h00

Body Composition Theory Jacolene Kroff 13-Mar 13h00 - 14h00

Sports Nutrition 3 13-Mar 14h00 - 15h30

Lung function Theory Jacolene Kroff 14-Mar 08h30 - 9h30

Lung Function Prac group 1 Jacolene Kroff 14-Mar 09h30- 11h00

Lung function Prac group 2 Jacolene Kroff 14-Mar 11h00 - 12h30

Body Composition practical Jacolene Kroff 15-Mar 08h00 - 12h00

The conduction system and ECG Jeroen Swart 6-Mar 14h00 - 16h00

Bone Metabolism: basic bone physiology Lisa Micklesfield 19-Mar 09h00 - 10h30

Cycle Biomechanics Jeroen Swart 19-Mar 13h00 - 16h00

Factors influencing bone balance Lisa Micklesfield 20-Mar 09h00 - 10h00

The conduction system and ECG Jeroen Swart 20-Mar 13h00 - 15h00

Basic Principles of Stress ECG Caroline Dalton 20-Mar 15h00 - 16h30

Grucox Mike Posthumus 22-Mar 09h00 - 12h00

Biodex Yumna Albertus 22-Mar 13h00 - 16h00

ECG Practical Fallon Hope 23-Mar 12h30 - 17h00



Module 2: Health Promotion and Special Populations Module

Required Text Book for this module:

American College of Sports Medicine Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription, 9th edition, B.A. Franklin (editor), Lippincott Williams and Wilkins

Overview of Module: This module introduces Biokinetics students to working with disease free population groups. Students will gain an understanding of exercise screening, testing and prescription for apparently healthy individuals and special populations. In addition, students will have theory and practical lessons in theories of behaviour change and motivational interviewing. Module Objectives The specific objectives of this module are; • To gain an understanding of various models and theories of behaviour change applied

in assisting individuals in changing lifestyle behaviour; the use of “social marketing” and stages of change model and the concept of “readiness”; physical activity and health messaging to the public, and to the individual. The Biokineticist will understand the importance of these factors for uptake of, and adherence to a physically active lifestyle.

• To gain an understanding of the effect of exercise in preventing disease and reducing the burden of disease; to understand exercise dose-response in relation to disease;

• To be able to prescribe an exercise programme on the basis of screening procedures, demographic information, and other information gleaned from the patient/client;

• To gain expertise in conducting and interpreting sub maximal fitness tests for individuals undergoing health risk screening, according to the ACSM guidelines;

• To gain a theoretical and practical understanding of the fundamentals and application of hydrotherapy exercise as a training tool in the rehabilitation process and also to apply to special populations.

• To introduce Biokinetics students to the concept of independent clinical reasoning, in that one cannot always follow a textbook approach to clinical diagnosis and treatment.

• To gain a clinical and practical knowledge of limitations and benefits of exercise for pregnant ladies, children and older adults; to gain practical experience in prescribing exercise for these patients;

• To gain a theoretical and practical understanding of the role of exercise testing and rehabilitation and the long-term management of physically disabled patients.

• To gain knowledge about the outreach, promotion and development of health awareness and physical activity programmes in rural and disadvantaged communities.

Module Evaluation

• All of the work in this module will form part of the clinical exams.

• In addition, students will complete one mini small-group assignment.

• Health Promotion Module Test: 08 March 09h00 – 11h00




Title Lecturer Date Time

Ergonomics workshop Dale Kennedy 19-Feb 14h00 - 16h00

Exercise Prescription for the apparently healthy adult 1 Rob Evans 20-Feb 08h00 - 10h00

Exercise Prescription for the apparently healthy adult 2 Rob Evans 22-Feb 08h00 - 10h00

Exercise testing for the apparently healthy adult Part I: Protocol for various components of fitness

Jacolene Kroff 20-Feb 10h30 - 12h00

Exercise testing for the apparently healthy adult: 4 groups (2 hr Practical); Inlcuding designing test battery, and testing 5 participants

Jacolene Kroff 22-Feb 10h30 - 12h30

An overview of the principles of exercise testing and rehabilitation, medical management and prognosis in the physically disabled

Jacolene Kroff 20-Feb 13h00 - 14h30

Hydrotherapy Workshop (theory and practical) Kim Murphy 27-Feb 10h30 - 13h00

Pubertal Age Assessment Mike Lambert 21-Feb 13h00-14h00

Exercise Prescription in Children (theory) Simone Tomaz 21-Feb 14h00 - 16h00

Exercise Prescription in Children (theory) Simone Tomaz 23-Feb 12h30 - 14h00

Exercise prescription during pregnancy (theory) Simone Tomaz 26-Feb 14h30 - 15h30

Exercise prescription during pregnancy (Prac) Simone Tomaz 02-Mar 12h30-14h00

Fitness Assessment Skills Safwaan Ahmed 27-Feb 14h00 - 16h00

Exercise and Elderly Udhir Ramnath 28-Feb 13h00 - 14h00

Exercise and Elderly Practical implications and modification

Udhir Ramnath 01-Mar 11h00 - 12h30

Motivational Interviewing Vicki Lambert 1-Mar 08h30 - 11h00

The role of physical activity in health and disease Vicki Lambert 28-Feb 15h00 - 16h30

The 5 A’s approach and Healthy Messaging Vicki Lambert 5-Mar 09h00 - 11h00

Theories and Models of Behaviour Change I Vicki Lambert 27-Feb 08h30 - 10h30

Theories and Models of Behaviour Change II Vicki Lambert 2-Mar 14h00-15h00


Please note: Students must bring their swimming costumes and a swimming cap for the Hydrotherapy Workshop.



Module 3: Chronic Diseases Module Physiology, pathology and rehabilitation in chronic disease.

Recommended Text Books: ACSM’s Exercise Management for persons with chronic diseases and disabilities, 3rd edition. J. Larry Durstine (editor), Human Kinetics, 2009

American College of Sports Medicine Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription, 9th edition, B.A. Franklin (editor), Lippincott Williams and Wilkins

Overview of Module: The course will introduce the concepts of cardiovascular and respiratory pathology and will also highlight the possible benefits of exercise in the prevention and treatment of certain forms of cardiovascular and respiratory disease. The following methods of teaching will be utilised throughout the module: lectures, tutorials, demonstrations and study assignments with report writing. Objectives: By the end of this module, the students will be expected to understand • The role of exercise in maintaining health of the cardiovascular and respiratory

system and its role in the management and rehabilitation of cardiovascular and respiratory disease.

• Measurement and interpretation of cardiovascular and respiratory function during exercise including the ECG, lung function tests and tests of cardiovascular training tolerance.

• Techniques that would be used to assess these conditions and comment on the possible findings and their implications for final phase rehabilitation

• Design appropriate final phase rehabilitation programmes to treat or manage the most common of these conditions

• The manipulation of exercises to facilitate progression during the final phase of the rehabilitation process

• The modification of final phase rehabilitation programmes in order to address individual variability

• Complications that may arise during rehabilitation. • The inter-disciplinary approach and referrals used in the rehabilitation and

management of chronic diseases and disabilities Module Evaluation

• All of the work in this module will form part of the clinical exams.

• In addition, students will complete three mini small-group assignments.

• Chronic Diseases Module Test: 07 May 09h00 – 11h00




Title Lecturer Date Time

Health screening and risk factor stratification Vicki Lambert 16-Apr 08h30 - 10h00

Risk factors for heart disease & Sudden death during exercise; The athlete’s heart

Jeroen Swart 16-Apr 14h30 - 16h00

Psychological considerations for patients with chronic disease

Phillipa Skowno 16-Apr 10h00 - 11h00

Hypertension and exercise & Cardiovascular pharmacology and exercise;

Caroline D'Alton 17-Apr 08h30 - 10h30

An integrated approach to chronic disease, "A patient-centered approach"

Jeroen Swart 17-Apr 10h30 - 12h00

Stress as a risk factor for CAD Caroline D'Alton 17-Apr 13h00 - 14h30

Exercise rehabilitation for cardiovascular disease; Peripheral vascular disease; Heart failure

Caroline D'Alton 17-Apr 14H30 - 16H30

Exercise rehabilitation for respiratory and cardiovascular disease; Asthma & EIB

Jacolene Kroff 18-Apr 12h00 - 13h00

Exercise prescription for diabetes 1 Vicki Lambert 18-Apr 14h30 - 16h00

Exercise prescription for diabetes 2 Vicki Lambert 19-Apr 08h30 - 10h00

Clinical pharmacology and exercise testing/training in high-risk patients

Jeroen Swart 19-Apr 10h00 - 12h00

Osteoporosis and the Female Athlete Triad Lisa Micklesfield 20-Apr 11h30 - 13h00

Exercise prescription for patients with Osteoporosis Lisa Micklesfield 23-Apr 8h30 - 10h00

How to rehab. COPD Jacolene Kroff 23-Apr 10h00 - 11h00

Exercise prescription for patients with Arthritis Jacolene Kroff 24-Apr 08h30 - 10h30

How to rehab Asthma, EIB and COPD jacolene Kroff 24-Apr 13h00 - 14h00

Exercise Prescription for patients with CVD/Heart Failure Fallon Hope 03-May 08h30 - 10h00

Exercise prescription for patients with Fibromyalgia Waseem Choonara 24-Apr 10h30 - 12h00

Obesity prevention and obesity management Vicki Lambert 25-Apr 13h00 - 15h00

Exercise rehabilitation in patients with neuromuscular disorders/stroke/disability (Theory + Practical)

Rob Evans 26-Apr 08h00 - 10h00

Cardiac rehabilitation in different settings Fallon Hope 26-Apr 12h00-13h30

Exercise prescription for patients who had organ transplant

Caroline D'Alton 02-May 15h00 - 16h30

Exercise prescription for patients with Amyotrophic lateral Sclerosis

Rob Evans 02-May 13h00 - 15h00

Exercise prescription for patients with Cancer Jacolene Kroff 24-Apr 14h30 - 16h00

Exercise prescription for patients with Epilepsy Avi Pursad 03-May 10h00 - 11h30

Exercise prescription for patients with chronic fatigue syndrome

Fallon Hope 04-May 14h00 - 16h00




Module 4: Neuromuscular and Skeletal Systems Module (NEMS)

Recommended Text Book: As a background to this module the following reading is recommended; Brooks, G.A., Fahey, T.D., and Baldwin, K.M., Exercise Physiology. Human Bioenergetics and its Applications. 4th Edition, 2005

• Chapter 17, Skeletal Muscle Structure and Contractile Properties, pages 363-395.

• Chapter 18, Neurons, Motor Unit Recruitment, and Integrative Control of Movement, pages 396-429.

Overview of Module: This module will cover the consequences of training and the adverse effects of too much unaccustomed physical activity on skeletal muscle function. This module will also focus on the brain and neural structures involved in movement and fatigue Module Objectives

By the end of the module the students will be expected to understand: i) Neural control of muscle contraction, including preactivation and the stretch

shortening cycle and the control of movement ii) How muscle adapts to exercise training iii) How muscles, bones and tendons become injured and regenerate from this

injury iv) How the muscle functions and adapts during pathophysiological conditions such

as cramps and disease Module Evaluation

• All of the work in this module will form part of the clinical exams.

• In addition, students will complete two mini small-group assignments.

• NEMS Module Test: 07 June 09h00 - 11h00



Title Lecturer Date Time

High Performance Athlete Mike Lambert 21-May 08h30 - 10h00

Heart Rate and exercise performance Mike Lambert 22-May 08h30 - 10h30

Introduction to High performance testing and Management Niel Michau 21-May 10h00 - 11h00

Periodization 1 Justin Durandt 22-May 10h30 - 11h30

Plyometric Training Niel Michau 22-May 13h00 - 14h30

Measurement and interpretation of strength, local muscle endurance and power

Niel Michau 22-May 15h00 - 16h30

Periodization 2 Justin Durandt 23-May 13h00 - 14h30

EMG activity – theory Yumna Albertus

23-May 15h00 - 17h00

Overview of types of resistance training Justin Durandt 24-May 08h30 - 09h30

Biomechanics of resistance exercise Niel Michau 24-May 09h30 - 11h00

Resistance training and “spotting” techniques prac & self-directed learning

Niel Michau 25-May 11h30 - 13h00

Resistance training for different goals and Programme Design

Justin Durandt and Niel Michau

28-May 8h30 - 10h00

Heart rate interval monitoring test (HIMS) and 20 m shuttle run

Mike Lambert 28-May 10h00 - 11h00

Sports specific nutrition with practical applications Rowena Visagie

28-May 14h30 - 16h00

Nutrition for weight loss (fads and fashions) Rowena Visagie

29-May 08h30 - 10h00

Nutrition for weight gain (including supplements) Rowena Visagie

29-May 10h00 - 11h30

Isokinetic Testing: THEORY Niel Michau 29-May 13h00 - 15h00

Readiness to return to play Justin Durandt 30-May 13h00 - 14h30

Isokinetic Testing: PRACTICAL Niel Michau 31-May 9h00 - 12h00

NEMS MODULE TEST 07-Jun 9h00 – 11h00



Module 5: Orthopaedic Rehabilitation

Recommended Text Books:

Techniques in Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation, W. E Prentice and Voight MI, McGraw-Hill, 2001. ISBN 0 07 135498 0

The Foundations of Athletic Training: Prevention, Assessment and Management. 3rd edition, M.K. Anderson, S.J. Hall, M. Martin, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2008. ISBN 978 0781784450

Overview of Module: The main aim of this module is to teach Biokinetics students the aetiology, assessment and exercise prescription for various orthopaedic injuries. In addition, the scope of practice of Biokinetics and related professions, developing a business plan, the basic principles of starting a business, and general HPCSA rules and regulations about Biokinetics. Module Objectives Part one of this module aims to teach students about Biokinetics Practise. The objectives are: • To gain a thorough understanding of the rules and regulations of Biokinetics practice

given the limitations and constraints provided by the HPCSA; • To gain a thorough understanding of the scope and limitations of the practice of

Biokinetics within the constraint of professional ethics • To gain a thorough understanding of becoming an entrepreneur and how to present

yourself during job interviews. • To gain an understanding of the general process of developing and implementing a

business-plan; Part two and three: The specific objectives are; • To gain theoretical and practical insight and a sense of interpretation for the various

different types of end-feels experienced during orthopaedic testing and evaluation; • To gain a theoretical understanding of the common etiological factors associated with

orthopaedic injuries; • To gain a theoretical basis on which to structure and progress a programme of

rehabilitation for orthopaedic injuries; to become familiar with injuries and how they present;

• To gain practical competency in assessing common orthopaedic injuries; • To gain practical knowledge of strategies for final phase rehabilitation of orthopaedic

injuries; to practically integrate rehab modalities and assessment; to plan a programme of rehabilitation;

Module Evaluation

• All of the work in this module will form part of the clinical exams.

• Students will complete five mini small-group assignments.


• No theory test will be conducted, competencies are tested during clinical



Title Lecturer Date Time


Grading of injuries; Receiving referrals; Components of clinical assessment: Introduction to pathophysiology of orthopaedic injury & healing

Jeroen Swart 26-Mar 08h30 - 10h00

End of Range Feels and Clinical Measurement and assessment (goniometer etc)

Avi Pursad 26-Mar 10h00 - 11h00

Motor development and motor learning in sports rehabilitation Janine Gray 27-Mar 09h00 - 11h00

Neurodynamics Janie Gray 27-Mar 11h30 - 13h30

Neuroplasticity & Spinal Cord Rehab Rob Evans 28-Mar 13h00 - 14h30

Principles and Application of Balance and Proprioceptive Training

Karen Welman 28-Mar 15h00 - 17h00

Amputee conditioning Neil Hopkins 14-Aug 08h30 - 11h00

Gait retraining Neil Hopkins 16-Aug 08h30 -10h00

Anatomy Revision Workshop Graham Louw 16-Aug 11h00 - 13h00


Back and Neck (WEEK OF 9 TO 13 APRIL)

Clinical biomechanics of the spine and aetiology of common back injuries

Janine Gray 09-Apr 08h30 - 10h30

clinical Biomechanics of neck and aetiology of common neck injuries.

Janine Gray 09-Apr 12h00 - 14h00

Assessment of back injuries Janine Gray 10-Apr 08h30 - 10h00

Clinical and functional surface anatomy of the spine, neck and head:

Graham Louw 07-May 11h00 - 12h30

Neck injury assessment Janine Gray 10-Apr 13h30 - 15h00

Spine and Neck rehabilitation Janine Gray 11-Apr 09h00 - 11h00

Spine rehabilitation Case Study (exercise demonstration) Avi Pursad/Intern

11-Apr 13h00 - 14h30

Neck Rehabilitation Case Study (Exercise Demonstration) Avi Pursad/Intern

12-Apr 09h00- 10h30

Case Study discussion SSISA 12-Apr 12h00 - 13h00

Recap on Back/Neck Assessment and Rehabilitation Janine Gray 13-Apr 9h00 - 10h30

Hip (WEEK OF 7 TO 11 MAY)

Clinical biomechanics and aetiology of common hip, pelvis and thigh injuries

Kim Murphy 08-May 08h30 - 10h30

Clinical biomechanics and aetiology of common hip, pelvis and thigh injuries

Angie Lander 08-May 14h30 - 16h00

Hip / thigh / pelvis injury assessment Kim Murphy 09-May 08h30 - 10h00

Clinical and functional surface anatomy of the hip, thigh and pelvis

Graham Louw 09-May 11h00 - 12h30

Rehabilitation of hip/thigh/pelvis injuries Kim Murphy 10-May 08h30 - 10h00

Case Study SSISA 10-May 12h00 - 13h00

Hip Rehab Case study & exercise examples Avi Pursad/Intern

10-May 14h00-15h30

Recap and feedback on hip/pelvis rehabilitation Intern 11-May 08h30 - 10h00


Title Lecturer 2018 Date Time

Knee (WEEK OF 14 TO 18 MAY)

Clinical biomechanics and aetiology of knee injuries Avi Pursad 14-May 08h30 - 10h30

Clinical biomechanics and aetiology of knee injuries Avi Pursad 14-May 12h30 - 14h30

Knee injury assessment Avi Pursad 15-May 08h30 - 10h30

Clinical and functional surface anatomy of the knee and lower leg Graham Louw 15-May 11h00 - 13h00

Knee injury rehabilitation Avi Pursad 16-May 08h30 - 10h30

Case study discussion & exercise examples Intern/Rob 16-May 12h30 - 14h30

Case study SSISA 17-May 12h00 - 13h00

Recap and Feedback Avi Pursad 18-May 08h30 - 10h00

Shoulder (WEEK OF 16 TO 20 JULY)

Aetiology of common shoulder injuries Janine Gray 16-Jul 08h30-10h30

Aetiology of common shoulder injuries Janine Gray 16-Jul 12h30 - 14h30

Shoulder injury assessment Janine Gray 17-Jul 08h30 - 10h30

Clinical and functional surface anatomy of the shoulder and upper limb

Graham Louw 17-Jul 11h00 - 13h00

Shoulder injury rehab Avi Pursad 18-Jul 08h30 - 10h30

Case study discussion & exercise examples Intern/Ayden 18-Jul 12h30 - 14h30

Case study SSISA 19-Jul 12h00 - 13h00

Recap and Feedback Janine Gray 20-Jul 08h30 - 10h30

Ankle and Foot (WEEK OF 30 JULY TO 3 AUGUST)

Clinical biomechanics and aetiology of the foot and ankle injuries Kim Murphy 30-Jul 10h30 - 12h00

Clinical biomechanical assessment of the lower limb, foot and ankle: Practical

Caroline D'Alton

30-Jul 12h30 - 14h30

Clinical biomechanical assessment of the lower limb, foot and ankle: Practical (cont)

Caroline D'Alton

31-Jul 09h00 - 10h00

Clinical and functional Anatomy of Ankle and Foot Graham Louw 31-Jul 11h00 - 13h00

Aetiology of common foot/ankle injuries: implications for rehab Kim Murphy 31-Jul 13h30 - 15h00

Foot/ankle injury assessment Kim Murphy 01-Aug 08h30 -10h00

Rehabilitation of foot/ankle injuries Kim Murphy 01-Aug 10h30 - 12h30

Case Study Example and Exercise Rehab Examples Intern/Warwick 02-Aug 08h30 -10h30

Case Study SSISA 02-Aug 12h00 - 13h00

Recap and Feedback Intern 03-Aug 11h30 - 13h00

Arm & Wrist (WEEK OF 20 TO 24 AUGUST)

Aetiology of common arm/hand injuries Neil Hopkins 20-Aug 08h30 - 10h30

Assessment of arm/hand injuries Neil Hopkins 21-Aug 08h30 - 10h00

Clinical and functional Anatomy of arm & Wrist Graham Louw 21-Aug 11h00 - 13h00

Rehabilitation of hand injuries Neil Hopkins 22-Aug 9h00 - 11h00

Case study discussion and exercise examples Intern/Bio SSISA

22-Aug 12h30 -14h30

Rehabilitation of arm injuries Neil Hopkins 23-Aug 08h30 - 10h00

Case Study SSISA 23-Aug 12h00 - 13h00


Title Lecturer Date Time

Arm & Wrist (WEEK OF 20 TO 24 AUGUST) continued

Recap and Feedback Intern 24-Aug 11h30 - 13h00

III) Biokinetics Practise

Introduction to rehab. modalities (theory) Rob Evans 9-Mar 12h00 - 13h00

Introduction to rehab. modalities (incl prac) Rob Evans 16-Mar 14h00 - 15h00

ICD10 coding and implementation of the NHPRL Avi Pursad 16-Mar 12h30 - 14h00

Rules and regulations, and practice ethics in Biokinetics practice Neil Hopkins 29-Mar 08h30 - 10h00

Professional ethics in Biokinetics Neil Hopkins 29-Mar 11h30 - 13h00

Entrepreneurship Nilo Kriek 15-Aug 13h00 - 15h00

Scope of Biokinetics Practise Neil Hopkins 09-Apr 08h30 - 09h30

Developing a business plan and market research: Neil Hopkins 28-Aug 10h00 -11h30



Module 6: Research Methodology: Design and Ethics / Introduction to Biostatistics (RESE)

Convenor: Prof Mike Lambert The overall aims of this module are several-fold. Firstly, we are aiming to create a research “culture” within the group of postgraduate students. Secondly, students must learn and apply sound principles of research design, as it relates to their own research projects, and in evaluating the work of others when reviewing the scientific literature. Therefore, in conjunction with good research design, students will acquire and apply the skills of “critical appraisal”. This will equip students to use an evidence-based approach to both research and clinical decision-making. In addition, students will acquire data management skills and a working knowledge of introductory biostatistics, so that they can select and apply the appropriate biostatistical techniques to specific research questions and data sets. Finally, students will be mentored in scientific writing, such that they will be able to produce; 1) a well-structured and ethical research proposal, 2) a topical and evidence-based literature review, and 3) scholarly interpretations of data gathered and statistically analysed, in the form of an original manuscript, suitable for peer review. Learning objectives: By the end of this section of the module, students will be able to: • Consider a research question and devise a testable hypothesis and an appropriate

research design;

• Scan the available scientific literature related to a specific research question or topic,

using electronic media, in a systematic way;

• Critically appraise existing evidence in a systematic way;

• Develop a well-structured and ethical research proposal;

• Produce an evidence-based review of the literature related to their specific research

question, suitable for publication;

• Acquire and apply the basic skills for acquiring data, cleaning data, and organizing


• Apply the basic biostatistical methods required to answer the specific research

questions related to their research projects;

• Interpret data which have been gathered and analyzed and produce a scholarly


Assessment and evaluation: Research proposal and protocol development: While it is the primary responsibility of the project supervisors to apply for and secure ethical approval from the Human Research Ethics Committee, Faculty of Health Sciences, each student will be expected to prepare a research proposal for their project, independently. This proposal will follow the format that would be used, if it were to be submitted to the Research Ethics Committee. This will


count final 10% toward the final module mark. This is due for handing in on the 4th May or anytime before. The students will also be expected to prepare a 10 min PowerPoint or slide presentation detailing their protocol (intro, research question or hypothesis, subjects, methods, analytical strategy, implications, ethical considerations), which will count 5% toward their final module mark. This will be presented on the 20th April. Class assignments: There will be 1 class assignment to be completed as part of the Biostatistics component of the module. This will comprise 15% of the final module mark. Research Methods and Biostatistics course outline Open book, final class test: There will be an open-book, final class test for the RESE module, which will cover aspects of research design, biostatistical principals, and interpretation of results. This is scheduled for the 25th September and will count 20% toward the final module mark. Literature review: Each student will be expected to prepare a STAND-ALONE manuscript that is suitable for publication as a review article (either narrative or systematic review), on a topic related to their research project. The literature review should be formatted in a pre-selected journal format, and will be evaluated on the extent to which it would be suitable for publication as submitted. This literature review will comprise 40% of the final module mark, and will be evaluated by at least 2 independent markers. It is due to be handed in on the 17th September. The evaluation is comprised of:

Component % of final module mark Protocol presentation oral 5% Project proposal written 10% Class assignments 15% Open Book Class test 30% Literature review 40%

The final product of this process will be an honours research project, which is assessed separately. This is discussed below.


Course outline:


Topic Lecturer Date Time

Introduction to the research process (including ethics, good clinical and laboratory, searching electronic databases for references)

Mike Lambert 02 Feb 08h30-10h15

Fundamentals of experimental design 1 and 2 Vicki Lambert 09 Feb 08h30-10h15

Literature reviews: narrative, systematic and meta-analyses

Mike Lambert 16 Feb 08h30-10h15

Writing for research 1 Alison September 23 Feb 08h30-10h15

Writing or research 2 Alison September 02 Mar 08h30-10h15

Questionnaire Development and measurement scales and scores

Sharief Hendricks 09 Mar 08h30-10h15

Defining variables 1 and 2 (testable hypotheses) Vicki Lambert 16 Mar 08h30-10h15

Tips for proposals; written and presentation Mike Lambert 23 Mar 08h30-10h15

Students present their proposals ESSM staff and students

20 Apr 08h30-12h30

Social media and research Sharief Hendricks 04 May 08h30-10h15

Reviewing a research manuscript Mike Lambert 25 May 08h30-10h15

Measures of central tendency and variability; univariate statistics and intro to SPSS

Vicki Lambert 01 Jun 08h30-10h15

08 Jun 08h30-10h15


Sources of error and sample size estimation, probability testing (t-tests), core, correlations and limits of agreement, analysis of variance and post-hoc testing, analysis of variance for repeated measures and covariance, measures of occurrence, frequency, association & effect/ relative risk, odds ratios, non-parametric statistics, typical error of measurement, effect sizes and smallest worthwhile changes

Vicki Lambert, Mike Lambert

23 Jul to 27 Jul

08h30 - 12h00; 13h00 - 16h00

Practical exercise TBA 17 Aug 08h30-10h15

Practical exercise TBA 24 Aug 08h30-10h15

Practical exercise TBA 31 Aug 08h30-10h15

Practical exercise TBA 07 Sep 08h30-10h15

Practical exercise TBA 21 Sep 08h30 - 10h15

RESE module open book test 25 Sep 09h00 - 13h00


TEXTBOOKS AND REFERENCE MATERIALS The following text books are available in Ayesha’s office and can be signed out as needed. Note, students are not allowed to have the text books for more than 4 consecutive days, as we have limited copies and would like all the students to have equal opportunity to use the books. ACSM’s Exercise Management For Persons With Chronic Diseases And Disabilities, 8th Edition, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2009.ISBN 978-0-7817-6903-7 Biomechanics of the Musculo-skeletal System 3rd Edition, BM Nigg, W Herzog, 2007. ISBN 13:978-0-470-01767-8 Clinical Exercise Physiology, 2nd Edition. JK Ehrman, PM Gordon, PS Visich, SJ Keteyian, 2009. ISBN 13: 978-0-7360-6565-8 Clinical Sports Medicine 4th Edition, P. Brukner, K. Khan, ISBN 9780070998131 (hbk) Joint Structure And Function 4th Edition, PK. Levangie, C. Norkin, 2005. ISBN0-8036-1191-9 Mosby’s dictionary of medicine C. Brooker, 2010. ISBN978-7234-350404 Muscles (Testing and function) 5th Edition, FP. Kendall, EK Macreary, PG Provance, MM Rodgers, WA Romani, 2005. ISBN0-7817-4780-5 Orthopaedic physical assessment 4th Edition, DJ. Magee, 2006. ISBN10:1-4160-3109-X, ISBN 13: 978-1-4160-3109-3 Pathophysiology 3rd Edition, Tomas J. Nowak, A. Gordon Handford, 2004. ISBM 0-07-027255-7 Rehabilitation techniques for Sports Medicine & Athletic Training, WE Prentice, 2011. ISBN978-007-128953-5 Statistics in Kinesiology 3rd Edition, WJ Vincent 2005. ISBN 0-7360-5792-7 The Olympic textbook of science in sport. Vol. XV Of Encyclopaedia of Sports Medicine, RJ Maughan, 2008. ISBN 978-1-4051-5638-7


Course Textbooks

Clinical Exercise Physiology, 2nd Edition. JK Ehrman, PM Gordon, PS Visich, SJ Keteyian, 2009. ISBN 13: 978-0-7360-6565-8

Clinical Sports Medicine 4th Edition, P. Brukner, K. Khan, ISBN 9780070998131 (hbk)

In addition to the suggested textbooks for the modules, each module will include pertinent reference material. The lecturers will give out these references either prior or during their lectures. Most of this reference material is available in either the Unit’s Resources Centre or in the UCT’s Medical Library. The following books are useful reference materials:-

1. Metabolic Regulation. A Human Perspective, 2nd edition, K.N. Frayn, Blackwell Science Inc., 2003. ISBN 0 632 06384 X

2. Statistics in Kinesiology, 2nd edition, W.J. Vincent, Human Kinetics, 1999. ISBN 0 7360 0148 4

3. Lore of Running, 4th edition, T.D. Noakes, Oxford University Press, Cape Town, 2001. ISBN 0 19 578 016 7

4. Biochemistry of Exercise and Training, R. Maughan, M. Gleeson, P. Greenhaff, Oxford University Press, 1998. ISBN 0 19 262741 4

5. Physiological Testing of the High Performance Athlete, 2nd Edition, J.D. MacDougall, H.A. Wenger and H.J. Green, Human Kinetics Publishers, 1991. ISBN 0 87 322300 4

6. Exercise in Health and Disease: Evaluation and Prescription for Prevention and Rehabilitation, 2nd edition, M.L. Pollock and J.H. Wilmore, WB Saunders Company, 1990. ISBN 0 72162948 2

7. Anatomy & Human Movement Structure and Function, 3rd edition, N. Palastanga, D. Field and R. Soames, Butterworth Heinemann, 1998. ISBN 0 75 063268 2

8. Joint Structure & Function – A comprehensive analysis. C.C. Norkin, P.K. Levangie, F.A. Davis Company, 2005. ISBN: 0803611919

9. Muscle Testing and Function – With posture and pain, 5th Edition. F.P. Kendall, E.K. McCreary, P.G. Provance, Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, 2005. ISBN: 0781747805

10. Orthopedic Physical Assessment, 4th Edition, D.J. Magee, Saunders, 2005. ISBN: 0721693520

11. ACSM’s Exercise Management for Persons with Chronic Disease and Disabilities, 2nd Edition J.L. Durstine, G.E. Moore , Human Kinetics, 2003. ISBN: 0736038728

12. Rapid Interpretation of EKG’s D. Dubin, Cover Publishing Company, 2000. ISBN: 0912912065

13. Pathophysiology: Concepts & Applications for Health Care Professionals, 3rd Ed T.J. Nowak, A.G. Handford, McGraw-Hill, 2005. ISBN: 0070272557


ESSM Staff list



Dr Yumna Albertus Senior Lecturer

• Divisional Research Committee Chair

• HUB ExCo: Postgraduate Student Affairs [email protected] 021 650 4560

A/Prof Andrew Bosch Associate Professor

• Third year Physiology course convener

• Animal Ethics Committee Member

• ESSM Teaching Portfolio

[email protected] 021 650 4578

Prof Malcolm Collins Professor

• Head of Department (Human Biology)

• Chair: FHS Health and Safety Committee

• Chair: HUB ExCo

[email protected] 021 650 4574

Dr Caroline D’Alton Lecturer

• Clinical Lecturer

• Sport and Exercise Medicine Course


[email protected] 021 650 1528

Dr Cathi Draper Honorary Senior Researcher

• ESSM Research Portfolio

• SSISA Kidz on the Move Club Convener [email protected] 021 650 4570

A/Prof Julia Goedecke Honorary Professor

• Senior Specialist Scientist, South African Medical

Research Council [email protected] 021 650 4570

Dr Janine Gray Honorary Senior Lecturer

• Research Coordinator – Cricket South Africa

• Biomechanics Laboratory Supervisor [email protected] 021 650 4557

Dr Tertius Kohn Senior Researcher

• Exercise Science Honours Course Convener

• ESSM Teaching Portfolio Convener

• ESSM Health and Safety Representative

[email protected] 021 650 5234

Dr Jacolene Kroff Senior Lecturer

• Biokinetics Course Convener

• MPhil Biokinetics Programme Convener

• Biokinetics Lab Supervisor

[email protected] 021 650 5126

Prof Vicki Lambert Professor

• Head of Division (ESSM)

• HUB ExCo: ESSM Representative [email protected] 021 650 4571

Prof Mike Lambert Professor

• Chairman Doctoral and Masters Committee

(Faculty of Health Sciences)

• Deputy Dean assistant (Postgraduate Affairs)

ESSM Administrative and Support Staff Convener

• ESSM Teaching Portfolio

[email protected] 021 650 4558

Prof Robert Lamberts Honorary Professor

• Associate Professor – Stellenbosch [email protected] 083 898 0429

A/Prof Lisa Micklesfield Honorary Professor

• Associate Professor – WITS

• DXA Lab Supervisor [email protected] 021 650 3135

Prof Tim Noakes Professor Emeritus

• Professor of Exercise Science and Sports Medicine [email protected] 021 650 2459

Dr Mike Posthumus Honorary Researcher

• Sports Performance Manager – SSISA [email protected] 021 650 4573

Dr Dale Rae Senior Researcher

• UCT-SSISA Portfolio

• Sleep and Metabolic Suite Supervisor

• Sleep Science Director – SSISA

[email protected] 021 650 4577

Dr Laurie Rauch Researcher

• Neurophysiology [email protected] 021 650 4640

A/Prof Alison September Chief Research Officer

• FHS transformation committee: deputy chair HUB

EXCO: transformation and social engagement


• ESSM Human Resources Portfolio

[email protected] 021 650 4559

Dr James Smith Researcher

• Exercise Physiological Suite Convener

• ESSM Operations portfolio [email protected] 021 650 1976

Dr Jeroen Swart Senior Lecturer

• Sports and Exercise Medicine Course Convener

• Science to Sport Cycle Lab Director – SSISA

• ESSM Clinical Portfolio

[email protected] 021 659 4562




Dr Sharief Hendricks PhD and MSc Student Coordinator [email protected] 021 650 1528

Dr Nancy Laguette [email protected] 021 650 4567

Dr Kate Larmuth ESSM Divisional Meeting Coordinator [email protected] 021 650 4567

Dr Amy Mendham [email protected] 021 650 4567

Dr Feyi Odunitan-Wayas

[email protected] 021 650 4567

Dr Kufre Okop [email protected] 021 650 4567

Dr Masouda Rahim [email protected]

021 650 4567

Dr Nic Tam [email protected] 021 650 4567


Ayesha Hendricks • Academic Administrator [email protected] 021 650 3108

Neezaam Kariem

• Biochemistry Laboratory manager

• IT Support

• Health and Safety Representative: ESSM

• Fire marshal

[email protected] 021 650 4564

Trevino Larry

• Technical officer

• IT Support

• Health and Safety Representative: ESSM

• Fire marshal

[email protected] 021 650 3037

Nandi Sinyanya • Research assistant

• First aider [email protected]

021 650 4575 / 4561

Lesa Sivewright

• Operations and Financial Administration

• Health and Safety Representative: ESSM

• First aider

• Fire marshal

[email protected] 021 650 4661

Lindsay Starling • Research Assistant [email protected] 021650 4640

Hendriena Victor • Chief Technical Officer [email protected] 021 650 4566

Roger Woodruff • Research Assistant [email protected] 021 650 4640


Steve den Holander • Student representative [email protected]

Trevor Mafu • Student representative [email protected]

Kathryn van Boom • Student representative

• ESSM Divisional meeting coordinator [email protected]



--------------Term 1-------------- 18 Jan First aid level II course 22 Jan - 23 Jan Hons Biokinetics Orientation 24 Jan - 26 Jan Orientation week (All new students) and registration 29 Jan – 8 Feb Exercise physiology module: Fundamentals 02 Feb – 21 Sep RESE module Start and End Date 9 Feb Staff Hons Project Proposal Info presentations 12 Feb – 16 Feb Exercise Physiology module: Applied – Biomechanic

Techniques 19 Feb – 09 Mar Health promotion and special populations module 19 Feb – 02 Nov Clinical Rotations for 2018 start and end date 19 Feb Fundamental Exercise physiology test 12 Feb – 23 Feb Exercise Physiology Module: Applied – Physiology

Techniques 23 Mar Hons Project Selection Due Date 29 Mar Hons Project Choice Allocation Due Date 20 Apr Hons Research project proposal presentations 21 Mar Public Holiday 08 Mar Health promotion and special populations test 26 Mar – 24 Aug Orthopaedic Module start and end date 26 Mar – 29 Mar Ortho Module: Biokinetics Practice 30 Mar – 6 Apr Term 1 vacation

--------------Term 2-------------- 09 Apr – 13 Apr Ortho Module: Back & Neck Week 16 Apr – 3 May Chronic diseases module 26 Apr Research project proposal hand-in 27 Apr Public holiday 1 May Public holiday 4 May Student Project Proposal Hand-In Due Date 7 May Chronic Disease Module Test 7 May – 11 May Ortho Module: Hip/Pelvis Week 14 May – 18 May Ortho Module: Knee Week 21 May – 08 Jun NEMS module 1 May Public holiday 7 Jun NEMS test 12 Jun July written exam (paper I) 18 & 19 Jun Clinical exam I 20 Jun – 13 Jul Term 2 vacation

--------------Term 3-------------- 16 Jul – 20 Jul Ortho Module: Shoulder Week 23 Jul – 26 Jul RESE Module Block Week 08, 10,13 Aug OSCE’s 09 Aug Public Holiday 4 & 5 Sep Clinical exam II 08 Sep – 16 Sep Term 3 vacation


--------------Term 4-------------- 17 Sep Literature Review Hand-In Due Date 25 Sep Stats open book test 01 Oct Article review exam (paper II) 23 & 24 Oct Final clinical exam 09 Nov Research project (thesis) Hand-In Due Date 21 Nov Research project presentations 23 Nov Postgraduate Informal Award Ceremony
