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  • 8/8/2019 Bretonnia Player Info


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  • 8/8/2019 Bretonnia Player Info


    The Bretonnian KingdomBretonnia is one of the mightiest realms of the Old World, almost rivaling the Empire in size, wealth and power. It stretches

    from the Grey Mountains in the east to the Great Ocean in the west. The south of Bretonnia is bordered by Estalia and Tilea, to the

    north is lashed by the stormy Sea of Claws.

    All across the borderlands of Bretonnia, fledgling new lords are pushing the into the untamed wild-lands of the surrounding

    countryside. To the south, the lordlings do battle against Skaven and Orcs in a battle for the foothills of the Irrana Mountains and

    beyond. The Grey Mountains to the east are filled with Goblins, Beastmen and others, and offer a dangerous, but as of yet un-owned,land waiting to be taken by a brave lord. The Great Ocean to the west has dozens of estates dotted along its beaches. The insidious

    Dark Elves make raids on these pleasant realms, to take away the citizens to a life of horror, toil, and darkness. To the north, the Sea

    of Claws awaits, with similar dangers as the Great Ocean.

    Within Bretonnia itself, small and dangerous realms lay unclaimed, waiting for a brave lord to take them. Some areas near the

    Massif Orcal and the Forest of Chalons await, and although Orcs are as common as insects therein, it is a rich land. The lands near

    Mousillon are filled with the dead and the damned, but a courageous lord might still be able to take some of them for his own, and

    return them to their previous state of glory and honor.

    The land which is now known as Bretonnia was once settled by High Elves from Ulthuan. They built ports, palaces and

    pinnacles to supply and protect their colonies in the Old World. But these are all abandoned, after long wars with the Dwarfs who

    were expending westwards from the Worlds Edge Mountains. The Dwarfs also retreated when their homeland was broken asunder

    by earthquake and volcanic eruptions. Now, left unattended, the land became a wilderness settled by Orcs, Goblins and primitive

    human tribes...the ancestors of the Bretonnians.

    Bretonnia derives its name from the most powerful of these human tribes, the Bretonni. Under their greatest warlord, Gilles leBreton, the Bretonni were welded into a single nation united by an unshakable code of honor and chivalry. The Bretonni settled and

    cultivated the land in the teeth of opposition from the Orc and Goblin tribes. After centuries of continuous warfare, the Bretonnians

    won the fertile valleys and plains and pushed their enemies into the forests and uplands. This struggle continued as new enemies

    emerged. Fleets of Undead raided the coastal regions of the West. Skaven appeared from the south, Norse and Chaos raiders invaded

    from the north, crossing the Sea of Claws, and sailed inland along the wide rivers. After generations of continuous warfare, the

    Bretonnians forged a formidable and heroic tradition of Knighthood. It is the Knights of Bretonnia who hold back the destructive

    forces which threatens to devour this fair land.

    Unlike the Empire, Bretonnia has a kinder climate and is a more easily cultivated land. Its vast forests and wilderness regions

    are divided by great fertile plains and valleys where the nobility of Bretonnia have established their feudal domains. It is a rich,

    strong chivalrous and well defended land, with a great sense of honor.

    The Lay of the LandBretonnia's borders are marked from the east to the south by two massive mountain chains. Though these mountains are large in

    size, they does not protect Bretonnia with any natural defenses. But what the mountains do provide are hideouts for Orcs, Goblins

    and other enemies that are ready to strike the lands of Bretonnia with terror and havoc.

    The Pale SistersOn the northern end of the Grey Mountains, holds the Pale Sisters. These are a range of limestone hills that border the northern

    parts of Bretonnia. These hills are separated from the massive mountains by the River Ois, and are mainly inhabited by shepherds

    and a few castles. The ancestors of the Bretonnians built burial mounds with huge slabs and boulders of stone for their chiefs. These

    works may have been inspired by contact with the Dwarfs and Elves. Since many of these tombs are hidden or in ruin, they became

    lairs for monsters. This is a region that attracts many Questing Knights, and Dwarf treasure hunters looking for gold.

    The Grey MountainsLocated on the eastern end of Bretonnia, it is the sole border between Bretonnia and the Empire. Only a few passes are available

    through the mountains for travelers and merchants, but these passes are filled with danger. The routes are narrow and weak, very

    unsuitable for wagons; only mules and men on foot may cross. The largest of these passes is the Axe Bite Pass. Both side of this pass

    is heavily guarded, one side held by the Empire, the other, Bretonnia. The Empire's fortress of Helmgart is faced off with

    Bretonnian's Castle de Montfort, fortified by the Duke de Montfort. This pass is the most treacherous, for invading armies

    attempting to cross the mountains takes this route. Therefore this site has been of many battles and skirmishes. The northern end of

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    the Grey Mountain gradually slopes into the hilly uplands of the Gisoreux Gap. This is the main pass for Bretonnia's trade route with

    the East, and the easiest route for an invading army. Consequently, it is one of the most well defended areas of Bretonnia, fortified by

    castles and fortresses...with a huge retinue of Knights and Men-at-Arms.

    The Southern MountainsThese mountains mark the southern border of Bretonnia. Located on the other side of these mountains are Tilea and

    Skavenblight. To the east, the mountain runs into high peaks known as The Vaults. There are very little passes to cross these

    mountains, and the one used are extremely perilous. Even though it is foolish for enemies to attack from these passes, Bretonnians

    still hold numerous castles and fortresses to guard this frontier from Skaven and Orcs and Goblins. Most trade with Tilea goes across

    a single pass leading to the plains of Marigliano or by sea around the Estalian peninsula.

    The Massif OrcalIn the heartland of Bretonnia, the rocky crags of the Massif Orcal dominate. The cliffs that rises above the Forest of Chalons are

    bare, with the exception of gnarled and twisted pine trees clinging on to their last moments of life. Before the Bretonnians became

    the prosperous empire that it is now, this region was a stronghold of Orcs and Goblins. There are still enclaves of Orcs and Goblins

    hidden among the crags as well as the ruined ramparts of old strong-holds overthrown by Bretonnian Knights in their battles to rid

    this region of Orcs. Yet, somehow Orcs and other evil creatures manage to hide in these mountains and return to wreak havoc on the

    region. This region is filled with honeycomb like caves, some perhaps delved by Dwarfs in remote antiquity. Skaven are rumored tohave a stronghold somewhere deep within these mountains.

    The Great ForestsWithin Bretonnia are large wild and trackless forests which remain unsettled and un-conquered like islands of mystery and peril

    in the heart of the realm. The Bretonnians continue to carve out feudal domains on the margins of the forests, fighting off Orcs,

    Goblins and Monsters. This has been going on ever since the Bretonni tribe first settled in the land that now bears their name. In

    those days the wilderness extended over almost the whole country.

    This pattern of conquest and settlement has continued ever since, but the progress of settlement has ebbed and flowed over the

    centuries. Sometimes whole provinces are devastated by invaders or plague and revert back to wilderness. Nevertheless there are

    always plenty of Knights eager to reconquer the province: to defend their hard won gains; and settle peasants on the new lands to

    cultivate the fields, orchards and vineyards.

    The Forest of LorenThe vast and mysterious Forest of Loren is located in the far south east of Bretonnia. It lies wedged between the Grey Mountains

    and the Vaults. The forest is so big that it changes from huge ancient oak woods shrouded in mist rising from many pools and mieres

    on the low plains to dark pine woods and thick silver birch on the slopes of the mountains. It takes several days for a traveler to find

    his way through the trackless forest and few except Questing Knights will even attempt it.

    Hidden within the forest is the fabled land of Athel Loren. This legendary realm is the last enclave of Elves in the Old World.

    These are descendants of Elves who did not abandon the Old World with the rest of their kin, but instead hid themselves in the most

    inaccessible region they could find, protecting themselves with magic.

    Although the King of Bretonnia claims sovereignty over this region, in reality it is a separate realm subject to its own laws and

    with its own rulers. The Bretonnians respect the Wood Elves and do not interfere with them. The Kings of Bretonnia have never

    attempted to extend their authority over the Elves, nor have any Barons sought to carve out domains within the forest. Instead,

    Bretonnia benefits from this mysterious realm defending its south eastern border. This is one of the few regions which Orcs, Goblins

    and other invaders fear to enter, and if they do, they are never heard of again.

    The Forest of ArdenThe Forest of Arden is a huge oak forest spreading over the hinterland of northern Bretonnia. It extends up the slopes of the

    Grey Mountains and for this reason it is often invaded by Orcs, Goblins and worse enemies descending from the higher peaks and

    passes into Bretonnia. In the depths of the forest they are able to hide and organize raids on the surrounding countryside. There are

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    fortress town is very strongly defended, having three circuits of walls with the towers and gate-houses becoming taller and stronger

    on the inner circuit. Facing the frontier with the Empire is the great keep of the Duc de Gisoreux. He has a vast retinue of Knights

    with which to hold back invading hordes who may attempt to come through the pass. Many battles have been held here over the

    centuries, and there are many castles that are now in ruins due to the continuous warfare.

    The land in this direction is wild heath settled by shepherds and herdsmen. To the west is the vast and perilous Forest of Arden.

    During dark times in the past, when Orcs, Chaos hordes, Skaven or Undead have stalked the land, Gisoreux has been completely cut

    off from the rest of Bretonnia by enemies on all sides. In those days, Knights would seek honor by hacking their way through the

    enemy to reinforce the defenders inside the town.

    The PortsThe only towns big enough to be called cities are the ports, since trade with other lands brings in foreign merchants and

    provides a living for many poor Bretonnians who for some reason or other abandon the land. The Bretonnians, both nobles and

    peasants, are at heart a rural people who do not like living in cities. Towns are regarded as distasteful places and living in towns is

    regarded as unnatural and rather dishonorable. Quite a lot of Bretonnian townsfolk agree and take to seafaring as sailors aboard

    Bretonnian warships to escape the hovels of the ports.

    The root of the problem is that Bretonnians stick stubbornly to their country ways, and refuse to adapt their way of life when

    they live in towns. They persist in building their houses out of wood and thatch rather than stone, and let their pigs and chickens run

    free in the narrow lanes as if in a farmyard. Houses are built as close to the walls or the castle as possible for protection. Whereas

    this is no problem in a rural village with only a few houses, in a town there may be hundreds of houses cramped together.

    L'AnguilleThis port, whose large fleet guards of the mouth of the river Sannez, is frequently under attack from sea raiders from the north

    and east. consequently its walls are very formidable, with bastions jutting out into the sea. The Duc de L'Anguille has a castle here,

    situated on a rocky crag which is cut off at high tide from the mainland. At low tide it can be approached by anyone who knows the

    safe route across the treacherous sands. The highest tower of the castle is used as a lighthouse. This castle is built upon the massive

    masonry ruins of a High Elf fortress, which is just as well because the stormy seas lash against the stones day and night.

    BrionneThe port of Brionne is built on top of and among the ruins of Elven towers. Its battlements stand on top of Duc de Brionne who

    serves the King by guarding the frontier with Estalia and watching the western shores for raiders. To do this not only does he rely on

    his Barons holding frontier domains between the great river Brienne and the Mountains, but also on a fleet of warships. Like other

    ports, Brionne has a poor quarter around the quays which is vulnerable to outbreaks of plague. It is settlements such as these which

    are most at risk from Skaven infiltration or seaborne raids from Settra's fleets.

    BordeleauxThe port of Bordeleaux, like Brionne, is built upon Elven ruins, but here they are bigger and more extensive. The town is the

    biggest port of Bretonnia and the nearest thing in the realm to a city, although it is still huddled within a great circuit of high walls

    and dominated by the keep of the Duc de Bordeleaux. This port has the biggest fleet of warships since it is the port for trade with the

    Elves of the west and many other places.The town has various quarters for Elf traders, Dwarf craftsmen, Estalians and Tileans and even the odd few Norse.

    Consequently there are a few bawdy taverns and the occasional brawls on the quayside. The bretonnians have walled off the upper

    city from this squalid area near the quay and guard the portcullis with men-at-arms so that the noble Bretonnian chivalry need not

    to be troubled by these ruffians. The Duke will exploit any opportunity to tidy up this part of the town and if plague breaks out, he

    will order the area to be summarily burnt to the ground, thoroughly cleansed and rebuilt.

    MousillonMousillon is situated in the marshy valley of the River Grismerie and originated as a trading port. The settlement rapidly grew

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    into a big town, especially during the Dark Age of Bretonnia when refugees from Settra's raids huddled within the walls. Eventually

    so many people sought refuge here that their hovels clustered around the outside of the walls as well and extended along the banks of

    the river. Their descendants were to remain as the city's poorest inhabitants finding work at the quays or as sailors on board

    Bretonnian ships. Needless to say, the lower parts of the city suffered badly from the frequent flooding of the river causing conditions

    to become unbearably squalid. The poor state of the city at this time attracted Skaven and Settra's raiders. Elements of the latter

    managed to gain hold in the crypts of the city setting up a persistent presence.

    Many of the Kings of Bretonnia have desired to cleanse and rebuild Mousillon, but despite every effort the city tend to revert

    back to squalor. For centuries the Dukes of Mousillon have been trying to hold back the decay, but the battle is now lost for the timebeing. Like other port cities of Bretonnia with similar poor areas, Mousillon is plagued by the Red Pox from time to time. The last

    outbreak two centuries ago was so bad that the city was almost entirely de-populated. This happened shortly after the Affair of the

    False Grail in which Maldred, Duke of Mousillon, dishonored himself. The Duke shut himself up in the castle but failed to escape

    from the plague and perished. The King has never appointed a new duke.

    Mousillon is now virtually an uninhabited ruin. The few remaining townspeople are dwindling or settling in new domains along

    the coast established by vigorous Knights. Due to this fact, the king and his Knights are tirelessly building a 'cordon sanitaire' of

    castles around the city which is regarded as virtually lost to Bretonnia. Brave Knights Errant and Questing Knights make forays into

    the ruins hoping to slay monsters and other fiends. Ultimately the city will be redeemed for Bretonnia in time, but for now, its days

    as a port are over and it is regarded as a lost territory to be reconquered. The present King is constantly being urged by his Knights

    to declare an Errantry War to cleanse the city's ruins.

    The Plains and ValleysThe vast open plains and valleys of Bretonnia are like gardens compared to the dense forests and wilderness lands all around.

    These areas are divided into many feudal domains each held by one of the great Barons of Bretonnia. Each domain is separated from

    the other by stretches of woodland reserved for the lord's hunting.

    Dominating each domain is the Baron's castle. Bretonnian nobles build tall elegant castles with many towers and pinnacles. The

    height of the towers enables the lookouts on the battlements to see far across the lord's domains, even as far as the next baron's castle

    shining in the distance. Castles will often be magnificent, with gleaming white stone and gilded roofs surmounted by fluttering

    banners. However they are all ingeniously constructed with deep dungeons, drawbridges, moats, sally ports, portcullis and every

    other device to confound and defeat besiegers.

    Around the castle will be found the fields, orchards and vineyards of the baron's domain. These are tilled by the peasants who

    live in cottages clustered around the castle which towers above their thatched roofs. There will always be a Chapel of the Grail, often

    in some secluded place within the domain. A few chapels are very large and have their own domains bestowed upon them by the

    king and their own retinues of Knights to defend them.The great r ivers of Bretonnia, which meander for hundreds of miles along the fertile valleys, are important trade routes since

    Bretonnian roads are very poor. Indeed many regions of Bretonnia have no roads at all apart from tracks. Travelers and Questing

    Knights have to find their own way through the wilderness, often hacking through the bracken and brambles with their swords and

    wading across deep and treacherous rivers and lakes. Boats sail up and down the rivers to the walled towns and ports from the feudal

    domains of the barons in the valleys and plains carrying casks of wine from the vineyards, enormous cheeses and other goods.

    Anyone traveling by wagon can expect an extremely long and arduous journey and it would be wise to take an escort of several


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    The Code of ChivalrySince the time of Gilles le Breton a code of chivalry had been held within Bretonnia. The code grew out of the ancient warriortradition and took upon a religious quality under the guidance of the The Lady of the Lake. Some time during the reign of one of the

    earlier Kings of Bretonnia, perhaps Louis the Rash or Guillaume, the code of chivalry was written down in a formal and proper way.

    The King appointed heralds to regulate the ranks and honors of Knighthood within Bretonnia. These rules have been passed down to

    the current date, with very little change, and a Knight shall is expected to always obey the seven commandments of chivalry.

    The Seven Commandments of ChivalryI ITo serve the Lady of PaladinsII IITo defend the domain entrusted to him.

    III IIITo protect the weak and fight for the right.

    IV IVAlways to fight the enemies of virtue and order.V VNever to give up the fight until the foes are defeated.

    VI VINever to break faith with a friend and ally.

    VII VIIAlways to display honor and courtesy.

    Upon becoming a knight, a Knight Errant must vow upon his sword to keep these commandments. A Knight who fails to keep

    the commandments 'dishonors his sword'. It is believed that his sword will then fail him in battle, becoming blunted or even

    shattering in his hand.

    The Rules of HonorApart from the Commandments of Chivalry, there are certain traditional 'Rules of Honor' which are adhered to and respected by

    all Bretonnian Knights. These rules remain a strong part to the Code of Chivalry. Most date back to the origins of knighthood inBretonnia and marked out Bretonnian Knights as distinct from those of any other realms.

    The Bretonnian Knightly Code of Honor (-25 points)

    A Knight may only fight hand-to-hand, he may not use a missile weapon.

    A Knight shall always accept a challenge to personal combat.

    A Bretonnian Knight shall not draw sword against a fellow Bretonnian Knight except in a trial by combat or in a tournament.

    A knight shall accept the surrender of a knightly or honorable foe if that foe yield to him.

    A knight shall always keep his word of honor.

    A knight shall always conduct himself in a gentlemanly manner

    The purpose of the rules of honor is to make sure that Bretonnian Knights not only maintain their own personal honor and the

    honor of their homeland, but also the honor of the entire knightly class. Thus all Knights receive the respect of the peasants and all

    other classes and ranks of society.

    Upon breaking any of these rules of honor, which is indeed rarely the case, the Knight will have to seek to redeem himself or

    become an exile. Only three ways are acceptable for a Knight to redeem himself, one is to set off on the Grail Quest, another is to

    pledge himself in the service of a lady or another Knight of superior rank until his patron considers him to be redeemed, and the

    third is to perform a feat of arms of greater merit than his act of dishonor.

    If a Knight is accused of dishonor or breaking the Code of Chivalry, he has the right to defend himself in a trial by combat

    against his accuser or a champion appointed by his accuser if the latter is not a Knight.

    While Bretonnian Knights are driven by chivalric virtues and hot passions (not always of the romantic kind), they are great

    warriors and view war as good sport and a pastime that no true knight should keep away from. Wars break out all the time, even

    between loyal vassals, and might always makes right. If there are no real enemies to fight, they engage in mock battles in

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    tournaments instead. This may sound contradictory to how we view war today and the obligation of chivalry to protect the weak, but

    it isn't contradictory at all to a true knight.

    Other important virtues of a knight are generosity, justice, mercy, modesty, valor, loyalty to your lord, hospitality and honor.

    This is not to imply that all knights are just and merciful (even Mordred got on the Round Table, you know), but rather that it is

    what they should aim for...

    Events Affair of the False Grail, The: The events in which Duc Maldred de Mousillon attempted to seize the Bretonnian throne by

    claiming possession of the Grail, which led to the fall of Mousillon. Battle of Castellet: Norse invaders were defeated after they attacked L'Anguille in Bretonnia, in IC 1635.

    Battle of Couronne: Repanse de Lyonesse drives a chaos army from its siege of Couronne.

    Battle of El Haikk: Final battle in the Crusade. Jaffar's defeat here insured his downfall.

    Crusades, The: The war against Sultan Jaffar from IC 1449-1451.

    Errantry War: A system in Bretonnia where any Knights Errant who participates in a particular quest become Knights of the


    Sundering, The: The sinking of north-western Ulthuan at the end of the civil war between the Nagarythe elves (later the Dark

    Elves) led by Malekith, and the rest of Ulthuan, led by the Phoenix King Caledor I.

    Tournament: A Bretonnian test of knightly skill. The prize is the hand of a maiden in marriage, a stronghold, or a magicalitem, typically.

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    The Great Bretonnian Timeline -1500 The High Elves abandon the Old World after their war with the Dwarves and return to Ulthuan, leaving the

    settlement of Athel Loren behind. -1000 Human Tribes settle the lands of Bretonnia. The greatest tribe, the Bretonni dominate the land

    - 500 The southern parts of Bretonnia are absorbed into the Ishkar Empire, most of the Tribes of Bretonnia retreat into the

    mountains and the wilderness and resist the invaders.

    -15 Adare leads a great rebellion against the Ishkar and breaks their power.

    the Empire is founded, Adare crowns himself as the first emperor, several Tribes of Bretonnia ally with Adare to fight the


    The Tribes of Bretonnia join the empire in order to continue the war over the sea against the Ishkar.

    Victory over the Ishkar, the Golden Age of the Adarian Empire begins.

    The Adarian Emperor Adare the XXXIII and the crown prince are assassinated. The prince is blamed, but manages to flee

    and goes into hiding. Civil war breaks out.

    Imperial garrison troops are recalled, and many Bretonnian Tribes send warriors go join the confused fighting.

    An fleet of Undead from the lands of Settra lands at the coasts of Bretonnia and invades the lands. The land suffers long

    from the attacks of Undead.

    Great incursion of Green-skins from the Grey Mountains. The Orc Warlords demand tribute from the Bretonni tribes but

    the human chieftains prefer to fight for their freedom. The expected support from the empire doesn't come. For the next 400 years

    the Bretonni fight against the Orcs.

    The Norse clans start crossing the Sea of Claws to raid the coasts of Bretonnia -900 Warriors of Bretonnia battle against the Elves of Athel Loren over border disputes.

    After a vision of a lady paladin of unearthly beauty that predicts the founding of a kingdom, the Bretonni duke Giles le

    Breton unites the chieftains of the Bretonni tribes under a banner blessed by the "Lady of the Paladins" and fights back the Green-

    skin plague. Gilles le Breton commands the tribesmen and fights the Orcs in the first of 12 major great battles. He establishes the

    idea of a chivalric knighthood and cares deeply for the land of Bretonnia. The cult of the "Lady of the Lake" becomes the most

    important religion in Bretonnia due to Giles' support.

    After the death of Giles le Breton, his son, Louis the Rash is crowned as the first king of Bretonnia

    Louis the Rash signs concord with the King and Queen of the Wood Elves acknowledging their separate Realm of Athel


    Devastating Outbreak of the Black Plague in the Empire. During the next five years the Plague spreads throughout the Old

    World and Bretonnia is not spared.

    Another invasion of Orcs is defeated under the command of King Guillaume (Battle of Amandur). King Guillaume drives

    the Orcs from Bretonnia. The Corsair of Arabia start their raids in the Southern Old World. The Tilean Island Sartosa becomes base for the Arabian


    King Boudoin slays the legendary Dragon Mergaste.

    To avoid a bloody war over her, la Damoiselle d'Artois, sole heiress of the lands of Tilea, announces that she will wed the

    champion of the Tournament of Ravola. One hundred Knights jousted for her hand. The Elite of the Bretonnian Knighthood, as well

    as worthy knights from across the empire and Estalia were defeated by Tilean Knights. The Bretonnians renounce their claims on

    the lands of Tilea.

    An alliance between Bretonnia, Tilea and the Empire is formed to drive the Arabians out of Estalia. Louis the

    Righteous, 15th king of Bretonnia, initiates the Crusades by sending an army to Araby.

    The Crusade begins. Sultan Jaffar invades Estalia and conquers Magritta. By the end of the year, the Bretonnians, Estalians

    Tilean, and Empire forces been driven back into Estalia.

    The Notorious Red Duke of Aquitaine raises an army of undead but is defeated

    Sultan Jaffar is overthrown by the crusaders in the Battle of El Haikik A mighty host of Bretonnian Knights goes forth to Araby by land. The crusaders only reach as far as Blood River as they

    are slowed down by the massive attacks from Orks and Goblins from the Dark Lands. Some of the Crusaders decide to settle the land

    and found the Border Princes.

    At the Tournament of Guyenne King Jules jousts with a mysterious Elf Knight and is victorious.

    Marienburg seized by Bretonnian army under the Duc de L'Anguille. Five ear occupation ends when an army under the

    command of the Grand Duke of Middenland approaches the city.

    Battle of Castellet. Raiders from beyond the sea (Noresmen) attack L'Anguille and are beaten by King Philippe the Strong

    and his massive army of Knights.

    The Orc hordes of Gorbag Ironfist are defeated by the Elector Count of Wissenland at the battle of Gruenburg. Fugitives of

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    the Orc horde invade Bretonnia but are destroyed by Bretonnian Knights.

    The Red Pox is first brought to Bretonnia by Skaven of Clan Eshin

    The Red Pox ravages Bretonnia. The foul Skaven launch attacks on Brionne and Quenelles. The Duke of Parravon strikes

    an alliance with the Elves of Athel Loren and marches against the Skaven. It is the greatest slaughter of Skaven in Bretonnian


    Birth of Genevieve Sandrine du Pointe du Lac Dieudonne.

    Bretonnian Fleet invades Lustria

    An army under the command of the great Enchanter Drachenfels sacks the city of Parravon. Norse raids of Bretonnian coast decrease when the Duke of L'Anguille allows the Norse Chieftain Skajad the Bastard to

    land in the Armorica region.

    A twin-tailed Comet falls from the sky and destroys the city of Mordheim. Knights from the north of Bretonnia set off to the

    city of the Damned to find fame and glory within the ruins.

    Chaos army invades Bretonnia and lays siege to Couronne. King Louis the Brave is Slain before the gates of the City

    The Battle of Couronne. Repanse de Lyonesse drives a huge Chaos Army from their siege of Couronne.

    King Louen Orc-Slayer declares an Errantry War to rid Bretonnia of Orcs. Much land is reclaimed and freed of the

    green-skin menace.

    Alliance of Estalian Princes invades and conquers southern Bretonnia.

    Around this time Thibault hunted for his brother Girauld in Bretonnia.

    Dukes of Bretonnia send an army of knights to drive out the Estalian Invaders.

    Siege of Brionne ends with the ousting of the last Estalian invaders.

    King Jules the Just is slain in single combat against a Chaos Knight

    Affair of the False Grail. Duke Maldred of Mousillon is dishonored. War is declared on the traitor Maldred.

    Gaston de Beau Geste marries La Belle Isoulde and is crowned King of Bretonnia

    The Red Pox strikes in Mousillon, all the peasants of Mousillon and many nobles perish. Maldred dies under mysterious

    circumstances. Mousillon ceases to exist as a Ducdom.

    Great War of Chaos Begins

    Magnus the pious asks Bretonnia for assistance against the armies of Chaos. Most knights are unable to even reply as they

    are beset in their own lands. Some knights do make the journey to the Empire and join with the alliance of Dwarves and Men who

    eventually defeat the Chaos hordes.

    Skaven raids beset the port cities of Bretonnia. The king orders the construction of a great fleet to counter the threat.

    Brionne begins to be known as the "city of thieves".

    Louis X dies. Charles, later known as L'Enorme, is crown prince of Bretonnia, being too young to rule, his mother Queen

    Louise becomes regent and moves the Capital to the prosperous town of Gisoreux. Charles I crowned king. Inspired, by his mother's idea, to rid the entire world of greenskins, King Charles renews the

    Errantry Wars and sends a host of Knights to the Border Princes to slaughter Orks and Green-skins beside the Blood River.

    Marienburg declares the independence of the Wasteland from the Empire and starts a never-ending quarrel between

    Bretonnia and the Empire who are both interested in conquering the city.

    The town of Mousillon is beset with a devastating series of earthquakes.

    Charles L'Enorme becomes ill and his son Charles II becomes acting ruler. His first act is to violently suppress civil unrest

    in Gisoreux.

    Charles II is crowned King of all Bretonnia. Being a decadent Despot, the land suffers under his rule. The peasants suffer

    greatly as nobles follow the example of their ruler and knighthood ceases to represent chivalry and justice, instead becoming an

    excuse to take advantage of the lesser classes.

    Peasants of Gisoreux are incited to riot by the growing merchant class who seek freedom from feudal rule.

    Charles the second is assassinated. Philippe V takes the crown of Bretonnia under much contention of his right to rule.

    Philippe V declares an end to the Errantry Wars after a great force of Bretonnian Knights ride forth into the Death Pass andnever return.

    Battle of La Maisontall. The Monastery of La Maisontaal is swarmed by Undead commanded by the Necromancer Heinrich

    Kemmler. Parravon is attacked. Duc Tancred de Quenelles repels the Undead Hordes.

    Heinrich Kemmler again attempts to invade Bretonnia through the forest of Athel Loren. His forces are destroyed by the

    wood elves, but Kemmler escapes.

    After the Death of King Philippe his nephew Leon is crowned and renames himself Louen "Leoncour". Unlike his father,

    and uncle, the young king remembers the virtues of Knighthood and tries to reestablish the relevancy of the feudal system.

    Louen Leoncoeur is crowned King of Bretonnia.

  • 8/8/2019 Bretonnia Player Info


    The Bretonnian Knightly Advantages

    The Knight's Virtue ..... 5 points

    The Knight's Virtue is what distinguishes a Knight from a mere commoner, it is the knowledge that he is a chivalrous warrior

    who is superior to ordinary troopers and, for that matter, to allies as well! The unit will ignore fleeing friends if they are not

    Bretonnian Knights. No Panic test is required because friends break from combat, or if they flee past, or if they are destroyed. No

    Panic tests are taken on account of such troops.

    The Questing Virtue..... 10 points

    Knights who have pledged themselves to the grail quest must face the most deadly foes without flinching. Every day they

    encounter dire perils and overcome hazards that would reduce an ordinary man to a whimpering heap of loose bowels and tears. The

    unit never needs test for panic from any source whatsoever. The Knights are unaffected by the Panic rules.

    The Grail Virtue..... 15 points

    Knights who have sipped from the sacred grail are made steadfast against even the most fearsome of enemies. They can face the

    most horrific monsters and the most determined foes, secure in the knowledge that the Lady of the Lake is with them. The unit never

    needs test for any of the psychology rules, whether panic, fear, terror, or whatever. The Knights are unaffected by any psychology.

    Virtue of Discipline..... 10 points

    The Knight has total faith in his chivalric vows: he maintains self-control in the face of adversity, and displays completeconfidence whatever the odds. His example serves as an inspiration to others, strengthening their faith and hardening their will. The

    Knight or a unit he is with can re-roll any failed Leadership-based test. Note that only a single re-roll is allowed, a unit cannot re-rol

    a failed re-roll, even if it has a magic item or other circumstances that would normally permit a re-roll.

    Virtue of Noble Disdain..... 15 points

    The Knight has nothing but contempt for craven enemies who hide behind weapons of dishonor. How dare they bring such

    ignoble devices onto the field of chivalry! Such is his sense of outrage that the Knight hates all such foes The Knight hates all

    enemies armed with shooting weapons as well as all enemy war machines.

    Virtue of the Joust..... 15 points

    Countless tournament victories and conflicts with scaly monsters have honed the Knight's aim so that he never misses his target

    When charging with a lance the Knight automatically hits his enemy. No dice are rolled - all attacks will hit.

    Virtue of Purity..... 15 points

    The Knight's sole thought is to serve the Lady of the Lake. His purity of heart and discipline of mind endow the Knight with the

    strength of will to resist the power of an enemy's magic. A spell cast upon the Knight or unit he is with is dispelled on the D6 roll of

    a 4+. This is a natural dispel on account of the Knight's extreme piety.

    Virtue of the Impetuous Knight..... 25 points

    The Knight is eager to get to grips with the enemy. He charges so impetuously, and with such reckless enthusiasm, that he spurs

    his horse to gallop fast and furiously towards the foe. His eagerness infects any Knights he r ides with! The Knight and any unit he is

    with may add +D6" to its move and damage when charging. Roll this dice before moving the charging unit.

    Virtue of Valor..... 25 points

    The Knight has vowed to confront the biggest and strongest of foes. He has become skilled at fighting such opponents, the more

    awesome his enemy the more valorous are his efforts. If fighting an enemy with a higher Strength characteristic than himself, the

    Knight may re-roll any failed to hit rolls. he can only re-roll his failed attacks once, and may not re-roll a failed second chance, even

    if he has other magic items that entitle him to a re-roll.

    Virtue of Knightly Temper..... 25 points

    The Knight attacks relentlessly, raining blow after blow down upon his enemy. When the Knight is fighting he earns an

    additional attack for each of his original attacks that scores a hit. Roll to hit as normal, then roll one more attack for each hit already

    scored, after which proceed to work out wounds as normal. For example, a Knight with 2 attacks might hit twice, entitling him to a

    further 2 attacks, which might score 1 more hit, making 3 in total.

  • 8/8/2019 Bretonnia Player Info


    If a Knight's original attacks hit automatically, if he has a magic weapon which automatically hits for example, them he must

    still roll to hit with any additional attacks from the Virtue of Knightly Temper. A Knight does not receive a further round of

    automatic hits.

    Virtue of Knightly Ardor..... 30 points

    The Knight reacts to being charged by the enemy with indignation and rage! How dare the foe charge us first! He immediately

    levels his lance and spurs his Warhorse to meet the charge head on. The Knight and unit he is with will respond to a charge by

    counter-charging. The unit is moved 4" towards the enemy, and the enemy charges as normal. Damage is based on the combinedStrength of bot the knight's and his foe's horse! Both units count as charging in the first turn, and the character with the highest

    Initiative will strike first. Note that it is only possible to countercharge against an enemy charging the unit's front. An enemy

    charging in the side or rear cannot be counter-charged.

    Virtue of Devotion..... 25 points

    The Knight is so utterly devoted to the Lady of the Paladins that he enjoys her special favor, protecting him from the magic of

    his foes. The Knight is completely immune to hostile magic spells. A spell simply does not affect him. Note that the spell is not

    dispelled as such, and can affect other troops even though the Knight remains unharmed.
