Page 1: Breast Cancer Awareness Includes Male Breast Cancer


By John Amicucci

Page 2: Breast Cancer Awareness Includes Male Breast Cancer


As President and CEO at DeFoe Corp., John Amicucci provides considerable support to his employees who partake in runs and walks to raise awareness of breast cancer and funds for breast cancer research. Though many initially think of breast cancer as a disease that affects women, John Amicucci notes that men are also at risk. Just as women should perform regular self-exams, men should also track changes in their breast tissue and see a doctor should they notice anomalies like lumps or thickening of tissue.

Page 3: Breast Cancer Awareness Includes Male Breast Cancer

Other common signs include dimpling or puckering of the skin, perhaps accompanied by redness or scaling; discharge from the nipple; or the nipple turning inward. Older men prove more at risk for breast cancer than younger men; the most common ages of occurrence range from 60 to 70. Risk factors include a family history of breast cancer, obesity, and liver disease. Exposure to estrogen-related drugs or radiation may also increase risk. Individuals should make an appointment with a doctor as soon as they notice any warning signs.
