Page 1: Brazilian Agricultural Perspective on Global Context · Brazilian Agricultural Perspective on Global Context ABARES – Outlook 2014 Conference Canberra ON Australia, March, 4th and

Brazilian Agricultural Perspective

on Global Context

ABARES – Outlook 2014 Conference Canberra ON Australia, March, 4th and 5th / 2014

Session: Global focus Mariele Pickler

Market Development Agronomist– Bayer CropScience Brazil

Page 2: Brazilian Agricultural Perspective on Global Context · Brazilian Agricultural Perspective on Global Context ABARES – Outlook 2014 Conference Canberra ON Australia, March, 4th and


Brazilian Perspective on Global Agricultural Context - ABARES Outook 2014 Conference 2014

International trade

Grain Production







Comparative Advantages

LCA Program

Sustainable Soybean Production



Energy safety



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The Importance of Agribusiness in Brazil

Brazilian Perspective on Global Agricultural Context - ABARES Outook 2014 Conference 2014

Sources: CEPEA/USP, CNA, IPEA, MAPA e MDIC. Elaboration: Fiesp-Deagro.

22,15% (US$ 549 bi)

30% 39% (US$ 94,6 bi)

Employment (2012) Exports (2012)

11,8% 28,8% 28,5% 30,9%

Inputs Ag.

livestock Agro-



GDP Distribution within the Agribusiness System

GDP (2011) Other Sectors

Other Sectors Other Sectors

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Brazilian International Trade Performance Overview

(U.S. $ billion)

Brazilian Perspective on Global Agricultural Context - ABARES Outook 2014 Conference 2014

Source: MAPA e MDIC. Note: * Aug/12 to Jul/13.

Agribusiness Trade Balance Brazilian Trade Balance

As exportações do agronegócio foram responsáveis por 42% do total das

vendas externas brasileiras no período de ago./12 a jul./13.





Other sectors

Total balance Brazil

Agribusiness exports were responsible for 42% of total Brazilian foreign

trade in the period August 2012 to July 2013

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Commodity: export strength

Brazil in a Global context

Brazilian Perspective on Global Agricultural Context - ABARES Outook 2014 Conference 2014

World Brazil

Annual growth rate Brazilian Market Share




SOURCE: Outlook Brazil 2022 and FAPRI

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Meat: export strength

Brazil in a Global context

Brazilian Perspective on Global Agricultural Context - ABARES Outook 2014 Conference 2014

World Brazil

Beef cattle


Pork meat

Annual growth rate Brazilian Market Share

SOURCE: Outlook Brazil 2022 and FAPRI

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Brazilian Food Market Ranking

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Brazilian grain production (Variation among crop season 1990/91 to 2012/13)

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47,7 47,349,955,2
















Source: Conab (Jul/2013). Note: * 10th survey

Production: +238%

Area: +46%

Successive gains in productivity enabled the saving of MMha 68.

Yield gain: + 232% /ha

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Technology helping to yield increase

Brazilian Perspective on Global Agricultural Context - ABARES Outook 2014 Conference 2014

1. Biotechnology (GMO)

2. Nanotechnologies

3. Animal breeding

4. Agro-energy and Bio Refinery

5. Plan LCA (Low Carbon Agriculture)

6. Integrating Agriculture-Livestock-Forestry

7. No Tillage system and Precision Farming

8. Inputs for agriculture & livestock

9. Technology diffusion

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Grain Production 2012/2013 (MM Ton)

Brazilian Perspective on Global Agricultural Context - ABARES Outook 2014 Conference 2014

Product 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14*

Soybean 68.688,2 66.383,0 81.479,8 89.720,5

Corn 55.968,0 72.979,8 81.007,2 79.626,9

Rice 11.660,9 11.599,5 11.746,6 12.029,3

Wheat 5.026,2 5.788,6 4.379,5 4.769,5

Dry bean 3.322,5 2.918,5 2.832,2 3.247,6

Cotton 2.860,1 3.018,6 2.101,5 2.554,4

Sorghum 1.624,2 2.221,9 1.981,5 2.296,3

Others 54,8 1.262,2 1.289,6 1.255,2

Total 149.204,9 166.172,1 186.817,9 195.499,7


Source: Conab

Soybean + Corn contributes with 87% of overall grain production

87 %

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Grain production allocation

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Competitive Advantages

Brazilian Perspective on Global Agricultural Context - ABARES Outook 2014 Conference 2014

Land availability



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Brazil: Land use

Brazilian Perspective on Global Agricultural Context - ABARES Outook 2014 Conference 2014

Sources: IBGE (Censo Agropecuário e Pesquisa Agrícola Municipal) and Conab (Sugarcane harvest survey) Prepared by: GVAgro.

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Whole year crop scheme

Brazilian Perspective on Global Agricultural Context - ABARES Outook 2014 Conference 2014

Rainy period from end of September until beginning April;

Winter cereals, only in southern states;

Sugar cane harvest period is from April to October

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Irrigated Cucurbits (melon and water melon)

Coffee trees

Tropical Fruits (Citrus, papaya, pine apple...)

Irrigated Cotton

Millet (cover crop)

Dry beans


Corn Corn

Soybean Soybean

Cotton Cotton

Rainny period

Irrigated Corn (Commercial or Seed production)

Irrigated dry bean

Dry beans

Sugar cane

Waterlogged & upland rice

Dry period Rainny period

Wheat and barley

Waterlogged & upland rice

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How Sustainable Brazil is?

Energetic Matrix

Brazilian Perspective on Global Agricultural Context - ABARES Outook 2014 Conference 2014

Global figure

OECD point of view

Not- Renewable




Not- Renewable



7% Source: MTE (BEN 2012)..

Renewable 44,1% Not -

Renewable 55,9%

Sugar cane

15,7% Hydro


Petroleum 38,6%





13,2% Others 18,4

43 %

57 %

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Brazilian Perspective on Global Agricultural Context - ABARES Outook 2014 Conference 2014

Sugar cane crushed bagasse

Steam turbine

Generator Electricity


Sugar cane harvest Sugar mill (industrial plant)

Sugar cane energy cycle

Surplus is sold

to the city

On average, ethanol powered

car consumes 30% more than

gasoline powered cars

Flex fuel cars

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LCA program: Low Carbon Agriculture

Brazilian Perspective on Global Agricultural Context - ABARES Outook 2014 Conference 2014

Aims to spread a new sustainable agriculture that will reduce global warming

and carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere. The Low Carbon Agriculture

Program encourages six initiatives with goals by 2020.

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LCA program: Six Initiatives

Brazilian Perspective on Global Agricultural Context - ABARES Outook 2014 Conference 2014

The goal is to expand the current 26 million hectares to 33 million hectares. This increase will allow emission reduction from 20 million to 16 million tons of CO2 eq.

No tillage system

The target is to restore 15 million hectares and reduce between 83 and104 million tones of CO2 eq.

Recovering Degraded Lands

The objective is to increase system usage by 4 million hectares and avoid emissions from 18 million to 22 million tons of CO2 eq.

Integrating Agriculture-Livestock-Forestry

Source: Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture Livestock and Food Supply

The objective is to encourage the use of this technique at 5.5 million hectares, resulting in decreased emission of 10 million tons of CO2 eq.

Biological N fixation

The goal is to expand in 3 million hectare of planted forests, reaching 9 million hectares by 2020.

Forest Plantation

The goal is to treat 4.4 million m³ of waste from swine raise and other livestock activities, preventing emission of 6.9 million tons of CO2 eq.

Livestock Waste Treatment

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Sustainable Soybean Production

Brazilian Perspective on Global Agricultural Context - ABARES Outook 2014 Conference 2014

Program of economic, social and environmental managament of Brazilian Soybean

More informations:

Their mission:

Promote and foster continuous improvement;

Work on Sustainable themes: economic, social and environmental;

Support, guild and coach the Brazilian Growers;

Focus on entire production chain;

Action in partnership with farmers, public sector and society.


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Challenges for the future

Brazilian Perspective on Global Agricultural Context - ABARES Outook 2014 Conference 2014

1. Poor Infrastructure and Logistics:

Storage, Highways, Railways and Ports

2. Income: Rural Credit and Insurance:

Minimum prices

3. Trade Policy: Regional and Bilateral Agreements

4. Technology: Foster Research, Plant and animal health Defense; Innovation to increase


5. Institutional matters: Forest Code, Labor Issues, Taxes, Land for Foreigners

6. Internal organization

7. Communication

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Brazilian Perspective on Global Agricultural Context - ABARES Outook 2014 Conference 2014

Brazil is becoming a major supplier of food, feed, fiber and renewable energy in

the world;

Brazil has the full potential for high level agriculture: availability of land and

water, labor and climate to grow during almost the whole year;

Farmers are very efficient in producing;

…but still need a lot of investment in infrastructure and agriculture policy that

favors competitiveness

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