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Good art provides people with a vocabulary about things they can't articulate. - Mos Def

I always try to think of a vocabulary to match different musical situations. - Roscoe Mitchell

If you're not ready to die for it, put the word 'freedom' out of your vocabulary. - Malcolm X

In fact, eloquence in English will inevitably make use of the Latin element in our vocabulary. - Robert Fitzgerald

Losing is not in my vocabulary. - Ruud van Nistelrooy

One forgets words as one forgets names. One's vocabulary needs constant fertilizing or it will die. - Evelyn Waugh

Sound is the vocabulary of nature. - Pierre Schaeffer

"Stay" is a charming word in a friend's vocabulary. - Louisa May Alcott

A vocabulary of truth and simplicity will be of service throughout your life. - Winston Churchill

Learning is not child's play,We cannot learn without pain. - Aristotle

A synonym is a word you use when you can't spell the other one. - Baltasar Gracin

Public speaking is the art of diluting a two-minute idea with a two-hour vocabulary. - John Fitzgerald Kennedy

One forgets words as one forgets names. One's vocabulary needs constant fertilizing or it will die. - Evelyn Waugh

Man is a creature who lives not upon bread alone, but principally by catch words. - Robert Louis Stevenson

Short words are the best and old words when short are best of all. - Winston Churchill

By learning you will teach,By teaching you will learn.

Live as if you were to die tomorrow,Learn as if you were to live forever.

Learn eveything you can, anything you can, from anyone you can. You will be grateful you did.

The limits of my language mean the limits of my world.

The limits of my language are the limits of my mind. All I know is what I have words for. - Ludwig Wittgenstein

Prose is words in their best order. Poetry is the best words in the best order. - Samuel Taylor

Many people get unlimited mileage out of a limited vocabulary.

Words are things, and a small drop of ink falling like dew upon a thought produces that which makes thousands, perhaps millions, think. - Lord Byron

Words play an enormous part in our lives and are therefore deserving of the closest study. - Aldous Huxley

Man is a creature who lives not upon bread alone, but principally by catch words. Robert Louis Stevenson

Grasp the subject, the words will follow. - Cato the Elder

Words calculated to catch everyone may catch no one. - Adlai E. Stevenson Jr.

Language exerts hidden power, like a moon on the tides. - Rita Mae Brown

Think like a wise man but communicate in the language of the people. - William Butler Yeats

Works of imagination should be written in very plain language; the more purely imaginative they are the more necessary it is to be plain. - Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Language is by its very nature a communal thing. - Thomas Ernest Hulme

When words lose their meaning, people lose their freedom. - Confucius

All men by nature desire knowledge. - Aristotle

Knowledge is power. - Sir Francis Bacon

Ability is nothing without opportunity. - Napoleon Bonaparte

To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan but also believe. - Anatole France

We cannot teach people anything; we can only help them discover it within themselves. - Galileo Galilei

Live as if you were to die tomorrow; learn as if you were to live forever. - Mahatma Gandhi

Formula for success: rise early, work hard, strike oil. - J. Paul Getty

Wisdom is knowing how little we know. - Oscar Wilde

Education is not the filling of a pail, but rather the lighting of a fire. - William Butler Yeats

The beginning of wisdom is to call things by their right name. - Confucius

Words are important. If you cannot say what you mean, you will never mean what you say. And you should always mean what you say. - George Bernard Shaw

We can shape events in each other's brains with exquisite precision. - Steven Pinker

Words are labels for the things we see and the things we feel. Without such labels we are lost or at least confused. - Garrad Beck

You can't build a vocabulary without reading. - Rudolf Flesch and Abraham Lass