Page 1: Book of modules - NUI Galway · LO4 Identify the key features important when designing new screens, ... Essay Written essay on the assessment of a toxicological catastrophe/disaster

Book of modulesMST1 - MST1 Master of Science (Toxicology)

13 modules listed.

13:39PM Thursday, 24 August 2017

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Page 2: Book of modules - NUI Galway · LO4 Identify the key features important when designing new screens, ... Essay Written essay on the assessment of a toxicological catastrophe/disaster

Course Stream MST1 - MST1 Master of Science (Toxicology) · 24 August 2017


MST1 Master of Science (Toxicology)Awards

No Programme Award Assigned

Course Stream Code: MST1

Mode of Delivery: Full Time

No. of Semesters : 2

NFQ Level: 9

EQF Level: 7

EHEA Level: Second Cycle

Embedded Award: No

Valid From: 2017-18 (01-09-17 – 31-08-18)

Course: Master of Science (Toxicology)

Discipline: College of Science

Location: NUIG


Educational Aim of Course Stream: n/a

Clearing House Code: GYS181.

Page 3: Book of modules - NUI Galway · LO4 Identify the key features important when designing new screens, ... Essay Written essay on the assessment of a toxicological catastrophe/disaster

Course Stream MST1 - MST1 Master of Science (Toxicology) · 24 August 2017

Semester Schedules

Code: 1MST1 / Location: NUIG / 90 ECTS / Semester 1


Mod Code ModuleTitle

Co-ordinator Level ECTSCredits

FT ContactHours

PT ContactHours



Oral, AudioVisual orPracticalAssessment


Research Study Abroad Computer-basedAssessment

PM5114 ScreeningMolecularLibraries(Approved)

9 5 4.58 0.00 0 10 90 0 0 0 0


Mod Code Module Title Co-ordinator Level ECTSCredits

FT ContactHours

PT ContactHours



Oral, AudioVisual orPracticalAssessment


Research Study Abroad Computer-basedAssessment

PM5108 AppliedToxicology(Approved)

9 5 0.25 0.00 0 0 0 100 0 0 0

PM209 AppliedConcepts inPharmacology(Approved)

8 5 1.83 0.00 0 30 0 0 0 0 70

PM208 FundamentalConcepts inPharmacology(Approved)

8 5 1.83 0.00 0 30 0 0 0 0 70

PM311 Introduction toToxicology(Approved)

8 5 1.50 0.00 0 40 0 0 0 0 60

PM5102 ExperimentalMethods inPharmacology(Approved)

9 10 62.00 0.00 0 0 0 70 0 0 30

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Course Stream MST1 - MST1 Master of Science (Toxicology) · 24 August 2017

Exempt Only

Mod Code Module Title Co-ordinator Level ECTSCredits

FT ContactHours

PT ContactHours



Oral, AudioVisual orPracticalAssessment


Research Study Abroad Computer-basedAssessment

PM550 WrittenExaminations(Approved)

N/A 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

PM560 CourseAssessment(Approved)

N/A 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

PM570 ToxicologyResearchProject(Approved)

N/A 0 0.00 0.00 0 100 0 0 0 0 0

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Course Stream MST1 - MST1 Master of Science (Toxicology) · 24 August 2017

Code: 1MST1 / Location: NUIG / 90 ECTS / Semester 2


Mod Code Module Title Co-ordinator Level ECTSCredits

FT ContactHours

PT ContactHours



Oral, AudioVisual orPracticalAssessment


Research Study Abroad Computer-basedAssessment

PM5110 CurrentTopics inToxicology(Approved)

9 10 0.83 0.00 0 0 0 100 0 0 0

PM5112 ResearchProject inToxicology(Approved)

9 30 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 100 0 0

PM5111 AdvancedToxicology(Approved)

9 5 1.25 0.00 100 0 0 0 0 0 0

PM5109 ExperimentalToxiocology(Approved)

9 15 9.17 0.00 20 0 0 80 0 0 0

Year 1 Awards :

Degree of Master of Science (Exit Only)

Page 6: Book of modules - NUI Galway · LO4 Identify the key features important when designing new screens, ... Essay Written essay on the assessment of a toxicological catastrophe/disaster

Course Stream MST1 - MST1 Master of Science (Toxicology) · 24 August 2017

PO DeliveryNo Course Stream Outcomes Data has been attached to this Course Stream yet.

Page 7: Book of modules - NUI Galway · LO4 Identify the key features important when designing new screens, ... Essay Written essay on the assessment of a toxicological catastrophe/disaster

Course Stream MST1 - MST1 Master of Science (Toxicology) · 24 August 2017

Who Can AccessStaff Member Staff Number






Page 8: Book of modules - NUI Galway · LO4 Identify the key features important when designing new screens, ... Essay Written essay on the assessment of a toxicological catastrophe/disaster

PM5114: ScreeningMolecular Libraries( Semester:1 Optional )

Module Details

Title Short: Screening Molecular Libraries APPROVED

Language of Instruction: English

Module Code: PM5114

ECTS Credits: 5

NFQ Level: 9

EQF Level: 7

EHEA Level: Second Cycle

Valid From: 2016-17 (01-09-16 – 31-08-17)

Teaching Period: Semester 1

Module Delivered in 11 programme(s)


Module Discipline: PM - Pharmacology

Source: This module is developed under the PRTLI PhD programme in Molecular Cell Biology. It is designed tointegrate the capabilities of the Biomedical Sciences Screening Core Facility into MSc and PhD trainingprogrammes at NUIG. The intent is to provide a strong educational experience in an importantbiotechnology area and also to promote application of the Screening Core capabilities to PhD projects. AsDirector of the Screening Core, Dr. Fearnhead has designed the curriculum with assistance from Prof.Sullivan.

Module Description: The module will provide training in high-throughput and high-content screening technologies to post-graduate students. The course delivers training through a mixture of lectures, practical classes, tutorials,assignments and a training workshop. Students will gain theoretical and practical knowledge of high-throughput and high-content screening and develop proficiency in a range of data analysis techniques. Thecourse will be delivered through the Biomedical Sciences Screening Core Facility at NUI Galway. Thefacility is fully equipped to deliver all aspects of the course. The course will be open to research MScstudents and PhD students in biomedical sciences (College of Science, College of Medicine and otherrelevant Colleges ) subject to capacity and approval of the Module owner.

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this module the learner will be able to:

LO1 Demonstrate a detailed knowledge of the principles and concepts of screening.

LO2 Demonstrate an in-depth knowledge of the recent developments and applications in the field of screening

LO3 Demonstrate a competency in a wide range laboratory skills relevant to high-throughput and high content screening activity

LO4 Identify the key features important when designing new screens,

LO5 Be able to conduct a screen proficiently and to appropriately analyse and summarise screening data.

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PM5114: ScreeningMolecular Libraries( Semester:1 Optional )

Module Content & Assessment

Indicative Content

Introduction to High-throughput screeningOverview lecture on high-throughput screening technology

Assay developmentLecture on assay development, set-up, validation and parameterisation.

LibrariesLecture on library types, sources and management.

Performing a screenCase studies analysis of screening experiments

Data analysisCase studies data analysis procedures used in evaluation of screening experiments

Topics in High-Throughput ScreeningInvited lecturer and assigned literature reading

Workshop in high content automated microscopyA hands on demonstration of the high content automated microscopy platform

Workshop in data capture and analysisDemonstration workshop addressing data acquisition, management and analysis

Practical in Assay Setupn/a

Practical in Cell Treatmentn/a

Practical in Assay Readoutn/a

Practical in high content automated microscopyPractical applications from workshop data

Tutorial Introduction to Rn/a

Tutorial Analysis of Screening Datan/a

Tutorial Analysis of a Large Datasetn/a

Course and assignment reviewDiscussion of course and review of assignments

No Written Assessment

Continuous Assessment




% oftotal

MarksOut of


Sitting AssessmentPeriod


Duration Mandatory


Basicstatisticalmethods.Studentswill analysedatasetsobtainedfromscreeningprojects.

3,5 10.00 100 0 FirstSitting

Semester 1 n/a 0 True

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Oral, Audio Visual or Practical Assessment




% oftotal

MarksOut of


Sitting AssessmentPeriod


Duration Mandatory

Practical 1 ImageAnalysis.Students willapplyquantitativeimage analysismethods toexperimentaldata developedin theworkshop. Avariety ofmorphometricand intensity-basedmeasurementswill bedeveloped.

1,2,3 10.00 100 40 FirstSitting

Semester 1 n/a 0 True

Practical 2 Data migrationand dataplotting.Students willtransfer a largedataset andplotrepresentationsof the data.

1,3,5 40.00 100 40 FirstSitting

Semester 1 n/a 0 True

Practical 3 Analysis of alarge dataset.Students willcombine skillsto download,organise,process,statisticallyevaluate andplot a fullscreen dataset.

1,2,3,4,5 40.00 100 40 FirstSitting

Semester 1 n/a 0 True

No Department-based Assessment

No Research

No Study Abroad

No Computer-based Assessment

The institute reserves the right to alter the nature and timings of assessment

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PM5114: ScreeningMolecular Libraries( Semester:1 Optional )

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PM5114: ScreeningMolecular Libraries( Semester:1 Optional )

Module Workload

Workload: Full Time

Workload Type WorkLoad Description LearningOutcomes

Hours Frequency AverageWeeklyLearnerWorkload

Lecture Attendance to lectures, 6 sessions 1,2,4 6 PerSemester


Lecture Tutorial sessions focused on experimental and datamethods. 4 sessions.

1,4,5 4 PerSemester


Lab Practical sessions 1,3,5 8 PerSemester


Lab High Content Screening Workshops 1,2,3,4,5 12 PerSemester


Independent Learning Image analysis assignment 1,2,3,5 6 PerSemester


Independent Learning Statistical Methods assignment 1,3,4,5 6 PerSemester


Independent Learning Data Management and Plotting assignment 1,3,5 8 PerSemester


Lab Analysis of Large Datasets 1,2,3,5 25 PerSemester


Independent Learning Autonomous and assigned reading. 1,2,4 30 PerSemester


Independent Learning Maintain course notebook 1,2,3,4,5 15 PerSemester


Total Hours 120.00

Total Weekly Learner Workload 10.00

Total Weekly Contact Hours 4.58

This module has no Part Time workload.

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Module Resources

This module does not have any book resources

This module does not have any article/paper resources

This module does not have any other resources

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Module Full Time Equivalent

Module Full Time Equivalent

Discipline %

Pharmacology 80

Biochemistry 20

Module Delivered in

Course Stream Code Course Stream Title

MST1 MST1 Master of Science (Toxicology) (Approved)

NP1 NP1 Master of Science (Neuropharmacology) (Approved)

SMD1 SMD1 Structured Doctor of Medicine (Approved)

SMD2 SMD2 Structured Doctor of Medicine (P/T) (Approved)

SPD1 SPD1 Structured Ph.D (Medicine) (Approved)

SPD2 SPD2 Structured Ph.D (Medicine) P/T (Approved)

SPL1 SPL1 Structured Ph.D. (Health Sciences) (Approved)

SPL2 SPL2 Structured Ph.D (Health Sciences) P/T (Approved)

SPN1 SPN1 Structured Ph.D (Nursing & Midwifery ) (Approved)

SPN2 SPN2 Structured Ph.D (Nursing & Midwifery) P/T (Approved)

SPS1 SPS1 Structured Ph.D. (Science) (Approved)

Page 15: Book of modules - NUI Galway · LO4 Identify the key features important when designing new screens, ... Essay Written essay on the assessment of a toxicological catastrophe/disaster

Module Instructors

Module Instructors

Staff Member Staff Email


KEVIN SULLIVAN [email protected]

Page 16: Book of modules - NUI Galway · LO4 Identify the key features important when designing new screens, ... Essay Written essay on the assessment of a toxicological catastrophe/disaster

PM5108: Applied Toxicology( Semester:1 Core )

Module Details

Title Short: Applied Toxicology APPROVED

Module Code: PM5108

ECTS Credits: 5

NFQ Level: 9

EQF Level: 7

EHEA Level: Second Cycle

Valid From: 2015-16 (01-09-15 – 31-08-16)

Teaching Period: Semester 1

Module Delivered in 2 programme(s)


Module Discipline: PM - Pharmacology

Module Description: Self-directed learning module to apply the principles of toxicology to the assessment of toxicologicalcatastrophes, individual toxicants and classes of toxicants

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this module the learner will be able to:

LO1 Collect/collate toxicological data on specific toxicants or classes of toxicants

LO2 Interpret toxicological data

LO3 Apply knowledge of toxicity assessment including challenges faced in extrapolating risks to man to interpret risk posed byspecific toxciants or classes of toxicants

LO4 Apply knowledge of the factors affecting toxic responses, specific mechanisms of toxic action, and knowledge of target organtoxicity to specific toxicants or classes of toxicants

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PM5108: Applied Toxicology( Semester:1 Core )

Module Content & Assessment

Indicative Content

EssayWritten essay on the assessment of a toxicological catastrophe/disaster

ProfileWritten essay - describing and assessing a named toxicant

PosterPoster Presentation describing and comparing a class of toxicants

No Written Assessment

No Continuous Assessment

No Oral, Audio Visual or Practical Assessment

Department-based Assessment




% oftotal

MarksOut of


Sitting AssessmentPeriod


Duration Mandatory


N/A 1,2,3,4 100.00 0 0 FirstSitting

Semester 1 n/a 0 False


N/A 1,2,3,4 100.00 0 0 SecondSitting

Autumn n/a 0 False

No Research

No Study Abroad

No Computer-based Assessment

The institute reserves the right to alter the nature and timings of assessment

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PM5108: Applied Toxicology( Semester:1 Core )

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PM5108: Applied Toxicology( Semester:1 Core )

Module Workload

Workload: Full Time

Workload Type WorkLoad Description LearningOutcomes

Hours Frequency AverageWeeklyLearnerWorkload

Tutorial 1 hour duration 1,2,3,4 3 PerSemester


Independent & DirectedLearning (Non-contact)

No Description 1,2,3,4 117 PerSemester


Total Hours 120.00

Total Weekly Learner Workload 10.00

Total Weekly Contact Hours 0.25

This module has no Part Time workload.

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Module Resources

This module does not have any book resources

This module does not have any article/paper resources

This module does not have any other resources

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Module Full Time Equivalent

Module Full Time Equivalent

Discipline %

Pharmacology 100

Module Delivered in

Course Stream Code Course Stream Title

MST1 MST1 Master of Science (Toxicology) (Approved)

SPS1 SPS1 Structured Ph.D. (Science) (Approved)

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Module Instructors

Module Instructors

Staff Member Staff Email



UNA RYAN [email protected]

Page 23: Book of modules - NUI Galway · LO4 Identify the key features important when designing new screens, ... Essay Written essay on the assessment of a toxicological catastrophe/disaster

PM209: Applied Concepts inPharmacology( Semester:1 Core )

Module Details

Title Short: Applied Concepts in Pharmacology APPROVED

Language of Instruction: English

Module Code: PM209

ECTS Credits: 5

NFQ Level: 8

EQF Level: 6

EHEA Level: First Cycle

Valid From: 2016-17 (01-09-16 – 31-08-17)

Teaching Period: Semester 1

Module Delivered in 14 programme(s)

Module Owner: MAURA GREALY

Module Discipline: PM - Pharmacology

Module Description: This module introduces students to autonomic pharmacology and drug discovery and development. Acombination of lectures, tutorials and workshops will be used.

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this module the learner will be able to:

LO1 Describe the process of adrenergic and cholinergic neurotransmission including receptors and transporters.

LO2 Relate drug mechanism of action to autonomic neurotransmission

LO3 Describe how new molecular entities are discovered and developed into drug candidates for human clinical trials

LO4 Summarize the clinical trial process including adverse effects

LO5 Derive dose-response curves for agonists and antagonists in the ANS

LO6 Interpret clinical trial data

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PM209: Applied Concepts inPharmacology( Semester:1 Core )

Module Content & Assessment

Indicative Content

Applied Concepts in PharmacologyThis module introduces students to drug action on the autonomic nervous system and to the process of discovering and developing newdrugs.

No Written Assessment

Continuous Assessment




% oftotal

MarksOut of


Sitting AssessmentPeriod


Duration Mandatory


n/a 1,2,3,4,5,6 30.00 100 0 FirstSitting

Semester 1 n/a 0 True


There is nosecondsitting of theCA. CAresults arecarriedforwardfrom 1stsitting.

1,2,3,4,5,6 30.00 100 0 SecondSitting

Autumn n/a 0 True

No Oral, Audio Visual or Practical Assessment

No Department-based Assessment

No Research

No Study Abroad

Computer-based Assessment




% oftotal

MarksOut of


Sitting AssessmentPeriod


Duration Mandatory

ComputerBased -Paper 1

N/A 1,2,3,4,5,6 70.00 100 0 FirstSitting

Semester 1 n/a 2:00 True

Assessment is marked as bondable but has no matching assessments

ComputerBased -Paper 1

N/A 1,2,3,4,5,6 70.00 100 0 SecondSitting

Autumn n/a 2:00 True

Assessment is marked as bondable but has no matching assessments

The institute reserves the right to alter the nature and timings of assessment

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PM209: Applied Concepts inPharmacology( Semester:1 Core )

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PM209: Applied Concepts inPharmacology( Semester:1 Core )

Module Workload

Workload: Full Time

Workload Type WorkLoad Description LearningOutcomes

Hours Frequency AverageWeeklyLearnerWorkload

Lecture 1 hour duration 1,2,3,4,5,6 16 PerSemester


Tutorial 2 hour duration 1,2,3,4,5,6 2 PerSemester


Lab 1 hour duration 1,2,3,4,5,6 4 PerSemester


Independent & DirectedLearning (Non-contact)

No Description 1,2,3,4,5,6 100 PerSemester


Total Hours 122.00

Total Weekly Learner Workload 10.17

Total Weekly Contact Hours 1.83

This module has no Part Time workload.

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Module Resources

Recommended Book Resources

Rang, H.P., Dale, Ritter, Flower & Henderson, Pharmacology, 7th Edition Ed., Churchill Livingstone

Golan, D.E 2011, Principles of Pharmacology, 3rd edition Ed.

Harvey, R.A, Lippincott’s Illustrated Reviews Pharmacology, 5th Edition. Ed.

This module does not have any article/paper resources

This module does not have any other resources

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Module Full Time Equivalent

Module Full Time Equivalent

Discipline %

Pharmacology 100

Module Delivered in

Course Stream Code Course Stream Title

BO1 BO1 Bachelor of Science (Biomedical Science) (Approved)

BPC1 BPC1 Bachelor of Science (Biopharmaceutical Chemistry) (Approved)

BS1 BS1 Bachelor of Science Degree (Undenominated) (Approved)

BS9 BS9 B.Sc. Degree (Undenominated) (Approved)

CNS1 CNS1 Master of Science (Clinical Neuroscience) (Approved)

EM1 EM1 Erasmus (Approved)

MSR1 MSR1 Master of Science (Regenerative Medicine) (Approved)

MST1 MST1 Master of Science (Toxicology) (Approved)

MT1 MT1 Master of Science (Biotechnology) (Approved)

MT2 MT2 Master of Science (Biotechnology) (P/T) (Approved)

NP1 NP1 Master of Science (Neuropharmacology) (Approved)

OA1 OA1 Visiting Students (Approved)

SPS1 SPS1 Structured Ph.D. (Science) (Approved)

SWB1 SWB1 Science Without Borders (Approved)

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Module Instructors

Module Instructors

Staff Member Staff Email

EILÍS DOWD [email protected]

MAURA GREALY [email protected]

JOHN KELLY [email protected]


UNA RYAN [email protected]

Page 30: Book of modules - NUI Galway · LO4 Identify the key features important when designing new screens, ... Essay Written essay on the assessment of a toxicological catastrophe/disaster

PM208: FundamentalConcepts in Pharmacology( Semester:1 Core )

Module Details

Title Short: Fundamental Concepts in Pharmacology APPROVED

Module Code: PM208

ECTS Credits: 5

NFQ Level: 8

EQF Level: 6

EHEA Level: First Cycle

Valid From: 2016-17 (01-09-16 – 31-08-17)

Teaching Period: Semester 1

Module Delivered in 20 programme(s)

Module Owner: MAURA GREALY

Module Discipline: PM - Pharmacology

Module Description: This module introduces students to fundamental pharmacological concepts of pharmacodynamics andpharmacokinetics. A combination of lectures, tutorials and workshops will be used.

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this module the learner will be able to:

LO1 describe the main drug targets

LO2 interpret dose response curves for agonists, antagonists, inverse agonists

LO3 calculate molarities, concentrations, volumes required in making solutions

LO4 access and critically analyse and interpret pharmacological data

LO5 describe the processes of absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion for specific drugs

LO6 explain the effects of different routes of administration on absorption of drugs, and effects of food and drug interactions ondrug disposition

LO7 derive pharmacokinetic data and use them to predict clinical properties of drugs

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PM208: FundamentalConcepts in Pharmacology( Semester:1 Core )

Module Content & Assessment

Indicative Content

Fundamental Concepts in PharmacologyThis module introduces students to core concepts in Pharmacology. These include Pharmacokinetics: how drugs are administered,absorbed, distributed around the body, metabolized and excreted; and Pharmacodynamics: how drugs act on their targets in the body, forinstance activating or inhibiting proteins, effects of increasing dose, and the clinical consequences of both drug pharmacdynamics andpharmackinetics.

No Written Assessment

Continuous Assessment




% oftotal

MarksOut of


Sitting AssessmentPeriod


Duration Mandatory


n/a 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 30.00 100 0 FirstSitting

Semester 1 n/a 0 True


There is norepeatsitting of theCA. CAresults arecarriedforwardfrom 1stsitting.

1,2,3,4,5,6,7 30.00 100 0 SecondSitting

Autumn n/a 0 True

No Oral, Audio Visual or Practical Assessment

No Department-based Assessment

No Research

No Study Abroad

Computer-based Assessment




% oftotal

MarksOut of


Sitting AssessmentPeriod


Duration Mandatory

ComputerBased -Paper 1

N/A 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 70.00 100 0 FirstSitting

Semester 1 n/a 2:00 True

Assessment is marked as bondable but has no matching assessments

ComputerBased -Paper 1

N/A 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 70.00 100 0 SecondSitting

Autumn n/a 2:00 True

Assessment is marked as bondable but has no matching assessments

The institute reserves the right to alter the nature and timings of assessment

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PM208: FundamentalConcepts in Pharmacology( Semester:1 Core )

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PM208: FundamentalConcepts in Pharmacology( Semester:1 Core )

Module Workload

Workload: Full Time

Workload Type WorkLoad Description LearningOutcomes

Hours Frequency AverageWeeklyLearnerWorkload

Lecture 1 hour duration 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 16 PerSemester


Tutorial 2 hour duration 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 2 PerSemester


Lab 1 hour duration 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 4 PerSemester


Independent & DirectedLearning (Non-contact)

No Description 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 80 PerSemester


Total Hours 102.00

Total Weekly Learner Workload 8.50

Total Weekly Contact Hours 1.83

This module has no Part Time workload.

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Module Resources

Recommended Book Resources

Rang, H.P., Dale, Ritter, Flower & Henderson 2011, Pharmacology, 7th Edition Ed., Churchill Livingstone

Golan, D.E., et al 2011, Principles of Pharmacology, 3rd edition. Ed.

Harvey, R.A. 2011, Lippincott’s Illustrated Reviews Pharmacology, 5th Edition Ed.

This module does not have any article/paper resources

This module does not have any other resources

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Module Full Time Equivalent

Module Full Time Equivalent

Discipline %

Pharmacology 100

Module Delivered in

Course Stream Code Course Stream Title

BO1 BO1 Bachelor of Science (Biomedical Science) (Approved)

BPC1 BPC1 Bachelor of Science (Biopharmaceutical Chemistry) (Approved)

BS1 BS1 Bachelor of Science Degree (Undenominated) (Approved)

BS9 BS9 B.Sc. Degree (Undenominated) (Approved)

BY2 BY2 Bachelor of Science (Biotechnology) (Hons.) (Approved)

CMT1 CMT1 Master of Science (Cellular Manufacturing and Therapy) (Approved)

CMT3 CMT3 Postgraduate Diploma in Science (Cellular Manufacturing and Therapy) (Approved)

CNS1 CNS1 Master of Science (Clinical Neuroscience) (Approved)

EM1 EM1 Erasmus (Approved)

MSR1 MSR1 Master of Science (Regenerative Medicine) (Approved)

MST1 MST1 Master of Science (Toxicology) (Approved)

MT1 MT1 Master of Science (Biotechnology) (Approved)

MT2 MT2 Master of Science (Biotechnology) (P/T) (Approved)

MV1 MV1 Master of Science (Biomedical Science) (Approved)

MV3 MV3 Postgraduate Certificate in Science (Biomedial Science) (Draft)

MV9 MV9 Postgraduate Diploma (Biomedical Science) (Approved)

NP1 NP1 Master of Science (Neuropharmacology) (Approved)

OA1 OA1 Visiting Students (Approved)

SPS1 SPS1 Structured Ph.D. (Science) (Approved)

SWB1 SWB1 Science Without Borders (Approved)

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Module Instructors

Module Instructors

Staff Member Staff Email

EILÍS DOWD [email protected]

MAURA GREALY [email protected]

JOHN KELLY [email protected]


UNA RYAN [email protected]

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PM311: Introduction toToxicology( Semester:1 Core )

Module Details

Title Short: Introduction to Toxicology APPROVED

Language of Instruction: English

Module Code: PM311

ECTS Credits: 5

NFQ Level: 8

EQF Level: 6

EHEA Level: First Cycle

Valid From: 2016-17 (01-09-16 – 31-08-17)

Teaching Period: Semester 1

Module Delivered in 7 programme(s)


Module Discipline: PM - Pharmacology

Module Description: A 5ECTS module developed to provide an introduction to Toxicology to third year science students whohave an interest in poisons and a background in Pharmacology, Biochemistry, Physiology, Anatomy orChemistry. The course involves lectures delivered over one semester and is assessed through continuousassessment and a 2 hour written examination at semester's end.

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this module the learner will be able to:

LO1 use the language, terms, and definitions of toxicology

LO2 describe the factors affecting toxic responses

LO3 describe specific mechanisms of toxic action

LO4 apply this knowledge to explain specific examples of target organ toxicity

LO5 describe how toxicity assessed and the challenges of risk assessment

LO6 collect toxicological information and apply toxicological principles to specific classes of toxicant and specific situations

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PM311: Introduction toToxicology( Semester:1 Core )

Module Content & Assessment

Indicative Content

Introduction to ToxicologyThe aim of this module is to introduce key principles and concepts of Toxicology to science students with an interest in poisons and toenable these student to apply these principles and concepts to specific toxicants. The course is delivered in Semester 1 with lecturesdivided into blocks linked to specific learning objectives. The lecture blocks are: Fundamentals of Toxicology: Introduction to key principlesof toxicology, Toxicokinetics: Factors affecting toxic responses including absorption, distribution, metabolism, elimination, Mechanisms ofToxicity: Mechanism of toxic action including biochemical toxicology and mechanisms of cell death, Target Organ Toxicology: The conceptof target organ toxicity and Liver, Lung, Skin, and Nervous System Toxicity, Toxicity Assessment: How toxicity is assessed and challengesfaced in extrapolating risks to man, in vitro and in vivo testing

No Written Assessment

Continuous Assessment




% oftotal

MarksOut of


Sitting AssessmentPeriod


Duration Mandatory

Essay 1 N/A 1,2,3,4,5,6 40.00 100 0 FirstSitting

Semester 1 n/a 0 True

Essay 1 n/a 1,2,3,4,5,6 40.00 100 0 SecondSitting

Summer n/a 0 True

No Oral, Audio Visual or Practical Assessment

No Department-based Assessment

No Research

No Study Abroad

Computer-based Assessment




% oftotal

MarksOut of


Sitting AssessmentPeriod


Duration Mandatory

ComputerBased -Paper 1

N/A 1,2,3,4,5,6 60.00 100 0 FirstSitting

Semester 1 n/a 2:00 True

Assessment is marked as bondable but has no matching assessments

ComputerBased -Paper 1

N/A 1,2,3,4,5,6 60.00 100 0 SecondSitting

Autumn n/a 2:00 True

Assessment is marked as bondable but has no matching assessments

The institute reserves the right to alter the nature and timings of assessment

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PM311: Introduction toToxicology( Semester:1 Core )

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PM311: Introduction toToxicology( Semester:1 Core )

Module Workload

Workload: Full Time

Workload Type WorkLoad Description LearningOutcomes

Hours Frequency AverageWeeklyLearnerWorkload

Lecture 1 hour duration 1,2,3,4,5,6 16 PerSemester


Tutorial 1 hour 1,2,3,4,5,6 2 PerSemester


Independent & DirectedLearning (Non-contact)

No Description 1,2,3,4,5,6 102 PerSemester


Total Hours 120.00

Total Weekly Learner Workload 10.00

Total Weekly Contact Hours 1.50

This module has no Part Time workload.

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Module Resources

Recommended Book Resources

2010, Casarett & Doull's Essentials of Toxicology, 2 edition Ed., McGraw-Hill Professional

1999, Principles of Biochemical Toxicology, 3 edition Ed.

This module does not have any article/paper resources

This module does not have any other resources

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Module Full Time Equivalent

Module Full Time Equivalent

Discipline %

Pharmacology 100

Module Delivered in

Course Stream Code Course Stream Title

BO2 BO2 Bachelor of Science (Biomedical Science) Honours (Approved)

BS9 BS9 B.Sc. Degree (Undenominated) (Approved)

EM1 EM1 Erasmus (Approved)

MST1 MST1 Master of Science (Toxicology) (Approved)

NP1 NP1 Master of Science (Neuropharmacology) (Approved)

OA1 OA1 Visiting Students (Approved)

SWB1 SWB1 Science Without Borders (Approved)

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Module Instructors

Module Instructors

Staff Member Staff Email


DAVID FINN [email protected]


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PM5102: ExperimentalMethods in Pharmacology( Semester:1 Core )

Module Details

Title Short: Experimental Methods in Pharmacology APPROVED

Module Code: PM5102

ECTS Credits: 10

NFQ Level: 9

EQF Level: 7

EHEA Level: Second Cycle

Valid From: 2017-18 (01-09-17 – 31-08-18)

Teaching Period: Semester 1

Module Delivered in 3 programme(s)


Module Discipline: PM - Pharmacology

Module Description: A practical-based module that aims to develop laboratory skills in conjunction with data analysis andinterpretation using computer software

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this module the learner will be able to:

LO1 Be proficient in lab skills

LO2 Construct graphical representations of data sets

LO3 Interpret experimental data

LO4 Analyse data using the appropriate methods

LO5 Provide rationale for choosing appropriate statistical methods

LO6 Critically evaluate scientific data in the literature

LO7 Create experimental reports based on the analysis of data sets

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PM5102: ExperimentalMethods in Pharmacology( Semester:1 Core )

Module Content & Assessment

Indicative Content

Lab PracticalsTo develop basic practical skills such as pipetting, to construct standard curves and to make students proficient at laboratory calculations

Data analysisTo develop basic practical skills such as pipetting, to construct standard curves and to make students proficient at laboratory calculations

No Written Assessment

No Continuous Assessment

No Oral, Audio Visual or Practical Assessment

Department-based Assessment




% oftotal

MarksOut of


Sitting AssessmentPeriod


Duration Mandatory


Laboratorypracticalreports &departmentalcomputerexam

1,2,3,4,5,6,7 70.00 100 0 FirstSitting

Semester 1 n/a 0 True


Laboratorypracticalreports &departmentalcomputerexams

1,2,3,4,5,6,7 70.00 100 0 SecondSitting

Autumn n/a 0 True

No Research

No Study Abroad

Computer-based Assessment




% oftotal

MarksOut of


Sitting AssessmentPeriod


Duration Mandatory

ComputerBased -Paper 1

n/a 2,3,4,5,6 30.00 100 1 FirstSitting

Semester 1 n/a 2:00 True

Assessment is marked as bondable but has no matching assessments

ComputerBased -Paper 1

n/a 2,3,4,5,6 30.00 100 0 SecondSitting

Autumn n/a 2:00 True

Assessment is marked as bondable but has no matching assessments

The institute reserves the right to alter the nature and timings of assessment

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PM5102: ExperimentalMethods in Pharmacology( Semester:1 Core )

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PM5102: ExperimentalMethods in Pharmacology( Semester:1 Core )

Module Workload

Workload: Full Time

Workload Type WorkLoad Description LearningOutcomes

Hours Frequency AverageWeeklyLearnerWorkload

Lab 3 hour duration 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 24 PerSemester


Independent & DirectedLearning (Non-contact)

No Description 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 116 PerSemester


Tutorial Data analysis tutorials 2,3,4,5,6,7 60 EveryWeek


Total Hours 200.00

Total Weekly Learner Workload 71.67

Total Weekly Contact Hours 62.00

This module has no Part Time workload.

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Module Resources

This module does not have any book resources

This module does not have any article/paper resources

This module does not have any other resources

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Module Full Time Equivalent

Module Full Time Equivalent

Discipline %

Pharmacology 100

Module Delivered in

Course Stream Code Course Stream Title

MST1 MST1 Master of Science (Toxicology) (Approved)

NP1 NP1 Master of Science (Neuropharmacology) (Approved)

SPS1 SPS1 Structured Ph.D. (Science) (Approved)

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Module Instructors

Module Instructors

Staff Member Staff Email

JOHN KELLY [email protected]


AMBROSE O'HALLORAN [email protected]

UNA RYAN [email protected]

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PM550: Written Examinations

( Semester:1 Exempt Only )

Module Details

Title Short: Written Examinations APPROVED

Module Code: PM550

ECTS Credits:

NFQ Level: N/A

EQF Level:

EHEA Level:

Valid From: 2014-15 (01-09-14 – 31-08-15)

Teaching Period: Not applicable

Module Delivered in 1 programme(s)

Module Owner: MAURA GREALY

Module Discipline: PM - Pharmacology

Module Description: no description provided

Learning Outcomes

No learning outcomes provided

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PM550: Written Examinations

( Semester:1 Exempt Only )

Module Content & Assessment

Indicative Content

No indicative content

The institute reserves the right to alter the nature and timings of assessment

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PM550: Written Examinations

( Semester:1 Exempt Only )

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PM550: Written Examinations

( Semester:1 Exempt Only )

Module Workload

This module has no Full Time workload.

This module has no Part Time workload.

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Module Resources

This module does not have any book resources

This module does not have any article/paper resources

This module does not have any other resources

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Module Full Time Equivalent

Module Full Time Equivalent

Discipline %

Pharmacology 100

Module Delivered in

Course Stream Code Course Stream Title

MST1 MST1 Master of Science (Toxicology) (Approved)

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Module Instructors

Module Instructors

Staff Member Staff Email

No Teacher Staff Assigned

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PM560: Course Assessment( Semester:1 Exempt Only )

Module Details

Title Short: Course Assessment APPROVED

Module Code: PM560

ECTS Credits:

NFQ Level: N/A

EQF Level:

EHEA Level:

Valid From: 2014-15 (01-09-14 – 31-08-15)

Teaching Period: Not applicable

Module Delivered in 1 programme(s)

Module Owner: UNA RYAN

Module Discipline: PM - Pharmacology

Module Description: no description provided

Learning Outcomes

No learning outcomes provided

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PM560: Course Assessment( Semester:1 Exempt Only )

Module Content & Assessment

Indicative Content

No indicative content

The institute reserves the right to alter the nature and timings of assessment

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PM560: Course Assessment( Semester:1 Exempt Only )

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PM560: Course Assessment( Semester:1 Exempt Only )

Module Workload

This module has no Full Time workload.

This module has no Part Time workload.

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Module Resources

This module does not have any book resources

This module does not have any article/paper resources

This module does not have any other resources

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Module Full Time Equivalent

Module Full Time Equivalent

Discipline %

Pharmacology 100

Module Delivered in

Course Stream Code Course Stream Title

MST1 MST1 Master of Science (Toxicology) (Approved)

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Module Instructors

Module Instructors

Staff Member Staff Email

No Teacher Staff Assigned

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PM570: Toxicology ResearchProject( Semester:1 Exempt Only )

Module Details

Title Short: Toxicology Research Project APPROVED

Module Code: PM570

ECTS Credits:

NFQ Level: N/A

EQF Level:

EHEA Level:

Valid From: 2014-15 (01-09-14 – 31-08-15)

Teaching Period: Not applicable

Module Delivered in 1 programme(s)

Module Owner: MAURA GREALY

Module Discipline: PM - Pharmacology

Module Description: no description provided

Learning Outcomes

No learning outcomes provided

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PM570: Toxicology ResearchProject( Semester:1 Exempt Only )

Module Content & Assessment

Indicative Content

No indicative content

No Written Assessment

Continuous Assessment




% oftotal

MarksOut of


Sitting AssessmentPeriod


Duration Mandatory

Project 1 N/A 100.00 0 0 FirstSitting

Autumn n/a 0 False

No Oral, Audio Visual or Practical Assessment

No Department-based Assessment

No Research

No Study Abroad

No Computer-based Assessment

The institute reserves the right to alter the nature and timings of assessment

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PM570: Toxicology ResearchProject( Semester:1 Exempt Only )

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PM570: Toxicology ResearchProject( Semester:1 Exempt Only )

Module Workload

This module has no Full Time workload.

This module has no Part Time workload.

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Module Resources

This module does not have any book resources

This module does not have any article/paper resources

This module does not have any other resources

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Module Full Time Equivalent

Module Full Time Equivalent

Discipline %

Pharmacology 100

Module Delivered in

Course Stream Code Course Stream Title

MST1 MST1 Master of Science (Toxicology) (Approved)

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Module Instructors

Module Instructors

Staff Member Staff Email

No Teacher Staff Assigned

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PM5110: Current Topics inToxicology( Semester:2 Core )

Module Details

Title Short: Current Topics in Toxicology APPROVED

Module Code: PM5110

ECTS Credits: 10

NFQ Level: 9

EQF Level: 7

EHEA Level: Second Cycle

Valid From: 2015-16 (01-09-15 – 31-08-16)

Teaching Period: Semester 2

Module Delivered in 1 programme(s)


Module Discipline: PM - Pharmacology

Module Description: This is a self-directed assignment-based module that aims to develop students' capabilities in data analysis,interpretation and presentation and to familiarise them with recent advances and controversial topics in thefield of toxicology.

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this module the learner will be able to:

LO1 . Evaluate the current safety information for a named drug at various stages of its development

LO2 Critically analyse the evidence and synthesise an opinion on a controversial topic in toxicology

LO3 Develop a research proposal and design experiments to address a project title

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PM5110: Current Topics inToxicology( Semester:2 Core )

Module Content & Assessment

Indicative Content

Drug Safety PortfolioStudents prepare a portfolio of studies investigating safety of a marketed drug at different stages of its development

Controversie s EssayStudents write an essay discussing a controversial topic in toxicology

Research ProposalStudents give an oral presentation outlining the rationale behind and methods for the proposed research project.

No Written Assessment

No Continuous Assessment

No Oral, Audio Visual or Practical Assessment

Department-based Assessment




% oftotal

MarksOut of


Sitting AssessmentPeriod


Duration Mandatory


N/A 1,2,3 100.00 0 0 FirstSitting

Semester 2 n/a 0 False


N/A 1,2,3 100.00 0 0 SecondSitting

Autumn n/a 0 False

No Research

No Study Abroad

No Computer-based Assessment

The institute reserves the right to alter the nature and timings of assessment

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PM5110: Current Topics inToxicology( Semester:2 Core )

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PM5110: Current Topics inToxicology( Semester:2 Core )

Module Workload

Workload: Full Time

Workload Type WorkLoad Description LearningOutcomes

Hours Frequency AverageWeeklyLearnerWorkload

Tutorial No Description 1,2,3 10 PerSemester


Independent & DirectedLearning (Non-contact)

No Description 1,2,3 200 PerSemester


Total Hours 210.00

Total Weekly Learner Workload 17.50

Total Weekly Contact Hours 0.83

This module has no Part Time workload.

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Module Resources

This module does not have any book resources

This module does not have any article/paper resources

This module does not have any other resources

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Module Full Time Equivalent

Module Full Time Equivalent

Discipline %

Pharmacology 100

Module Delivered in

Course Stream Code Course Stream Title

MST1 MST1 Master of Science (Toxicology) (Approved)

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Module Instructors

Module Instructors

Staff Member Staff Email


JOHN KELLY [email protected]


UNA RYAN [email protected]

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PM5112: Research Project inToxicology( Semester:2 Core )

Module Details

Title Short: Research Project in Toxicology APPROVED

Language of Instruction: English

Module Code: PM5112

ECTS Credits: 30

NFQ Level: 9

EQF Level: 7

EHEA Level: Second Cycle

Valid From: 2015-16 (01-09-15 – 31-08-16)

Teaching Period: Trimester 3

Module Delivered in 1 programme(s)


Module Discipline: PM - Pharmacology

Module Description: This is a 12-week individual laboratory-based research project. The aim of this module is to provide thestudents with experience of conducting scientific research as well as communicating their research via oralpresentation and written dissertation.

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this module the learner will be able to:

LO1 Design scientific experiments to address a specific research question.

LO2 Demonstrate technical skill and competency in relevant scientific procedures.

LO3 . Work independently, responsibly and safely in the laboratory.

LO4 Generate, analyse, depict and critically interpret scientific data.

LO5 Critically review relevant historical and state-of-the-art scientific literature.

LO6 Communicate scientific findings through appropriate verbal, written and visual means.

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PM5112: Research Project inToxicology( Semester:2 Core )

Module Content & Assessment

Indicative Content

ProjectThis involves an 8-week research project conducted in the laboratory under the supervision of an academic member of staff

ThesisThis involves the writing of a thesis describing the literature relevant to the project, the methods used for the research conducted, the resultsobtained and the discussion of the results

PosterThis involves the presentation of a poster based on the results obtained during the research project to the external examiner of the course

No Written Assessment

No Continuous Assessment

No Oral, Audio Visual or Practical Assessment

No Department-based Assessment





% oftotal

MarksOut of


Sitting AssessmentPeriod


Duration Mandatory


n/a 1,2,3,4,5,6 100.00 100 0 FirstSitting

Trimester 3 n/a 0 True

No Study Abroad

No Computer-based Assessment

The institute reserves the right to alter the nature and timings of assessment

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PM5112: Research Project inToxicology( Semester:2 Core )

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PM5112: Research Project inToxicology( Semester:2 Core )

Module Workload

Workload: Full Time

Workload Type WorkLoad Description LearningOutcomes

Hours Frequency AverageWeeklyLearnerWorkload

Independent & DirectedLearning (Non-contact)

No Description 1,2,3,4,5,6 300 EveryWeek


Total Hours 300.00

Total Weekly Learner Workload 300.00

Total Weekly Contact Hours 0.00

This module has no Part Time workload.

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Module Resources

This module does not have any book resources

This module does not have any article/paper resources

This module does not have any other resources

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Module Full Time Equivalent

Module Full Time Equivalent

Discipline %

Pharmacology 100

Module Delivered in

Course Stream Code Course Stream Title

MST1 MST1 Master of Science (Toxicology) (Approved)

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Module Instructors

Module Instructors

Staff Member Staff Email


DAVID FINN [email protected]


UNA RYAN [email protected]

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PM5111: AdvancedToxicology( Semester:2 Core )

Module Details

Title Short: Advanced Toxicology APPROVED

Language of Instruction: English

Module Code: PM5111

ECTS Credits: 5

NFQ Level: 9

EQF Level: 7

EHEA Level: Second Cycle

Valid From: 2017-18 (01-09-17 – 31-08-18)

Teaching Period: Semester 2

Module Delivered in 2 programme(s)


Module Discipline: PM - Pharmacology

Module Data: 1 - 4 NON LAB

Module Description: This module is designed to further develop knowledge and understanding of advanced topics in toxicology.

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this module the learner will be able to:

LO1 To critcally assess and discuss recent advances in the filed of Toxicology

LO2 To Interpret toxicological data from the literature on specific toxicants and assess its potential risk to human health or theenvironment

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PM5111: AdvancedToxicology( Semester:2 Core )

Module Content & Assessment

Indicative Content

Mechanisms of ToxicityDevelopment of principles underlying mechanisms of toxicity focusing on toxicant induced mutagenesis, carcinogenesis and teratogenesis

Target Organ ToxicityDevelopment of principles underlying target organ toxicity with specific focus on cariotoxicity, renal toxicity, skin toxicity and haematotoxicity

Environmental ToxicologyProvides an understanding of the environmental impact of toxicants and chemical waste.

Environmental ToxicologyProvides an understanding of the risk assessment process and legislation drafted at a European and National level

Risk AssessmentProvides an understanding of the risk assessment process and legislation drafted at a European and National level

Developmental ToxicologyExplores the concepts behind developmental effects of toxicants and their mechanisms of toxicity.

Written Assessment




% oftotal

MarksOut of


Sitting AssessmentPeriod


Duration Mandatory

Paper 1 -Written

N/A 2 100.00 0 0 FirstSitting

Semester 2 n/a 2:00 True

Assessment is marked as bondable but has no matching assessments

Paper 1 -Written

N/A 2 100.00 0 0 SecondSitting

Autumn n/a 2:00 True

Assessment is marked as bondable but has no matching assessments

No Continuous Assessment

No Oral, Audio Visual or Practical Assessment

No Department-based Assessment

No Research

No Study Abroad

No Computer-based Assessment

The institute reserves the right to alter the nature and timings of assessment

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PM5111: AdvancedToxicology( Semester:2 Core )

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PM5111: AdvancedToxicology( Semester:2 Core )

Module Workload

Workload: Full Time

Workload Type WorkLoad Description LearningOutcomes

Hours Frequency AverageWeeklyLearnerWorkload

Lecture 1 hour duration 1,2 15 PerSemester


Independent & DirectedLearning (Non-contact)

No Description 1,2 100 PerSemester


Total Hours 115.00

Total Weekly Learner Workload 9.58

Total Weekly Contact Hours 1.25

This module has no Part Time workload.

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Module Resources

Recommended Book Resources

201, Casarett & Doull's Essentials of Toxicology, 2 edition Ed., Publisher: McGraw-Hill Professional

199, Principles of Biochemical Toxicology., 3 edition Ed., lnforma Healthcare;

This module does not have any article/paper resources

This module does not have any other resources

Page 91: Book of modules - NUI Galway · LO4 Identify the key features important when designing new screens, ... Essay Written essay on the assessment of a toxicological catastrophe/disaster

Module Full Time Equivalent

Module Full Time Equivalent

Discipline %

Pharmacology 100

Module Delivered in

Course Stream Code Course Stream Title

MST1 MST1 Master of Science (Toxicology) (Approved)

SPS1 SPS1 Structured Ph.D. (Science) (Approved)

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Module Instructors

Module Instructors

Staff Member Staff Email


JOHN KELLY [email protected]


UNA RYAN [email protected]

Page 93: Book of modules - NUI Galway · LO4 Identify the key features important when designing new screens, ... Essay Written essay on the assessment of a toxicological catastrophe/disaster

PM5109: ExperimentalToxiocology( Semester:2 Core )

Module Details

Title Short: Experimental Toxiocology APPROVED

Language of Instruction: English

Module Code: PM5109

ECTS Credits: 15

NFQ Level: 9

EQF Level: 7

EHEA Level: Second Cycle

Valid From: 2016-17 (01-09-16 – 31-08-17)

Teaching Period: Semester 2

Module Delivered in 1 programme(s)


Module Discipline: PM - Pharmacology

Module Description: This is a practical-based module with the aim of preparing students for their research project. This moduleconsists of mini-projects in topics relevant to toxicology research

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this module the learner will be able to:

LO1 Design appropriately statistically powered experiments to observe toxicant-induced behavioural effects

LO2 0bserve and record behavioural changes following toxicant exposure

LO3 Perform experiments to determine cytotoxicity

LO4 Perform experiments to measure changes in molecular events following toxicant treatment in cells

LO5 Anaylse and present from scientific data

LO6 Interpret and derive conclusions from experimental data

Page 94: Book of modules - NUI Galway · LO4 Identify the key features important when designing new screens, ... Essay Written essay on the assessment of a toxicological catastrophe/disaster

PM5109: ExperimentalToxiocology( Semester:2 Core )

Module Content & Assessment

Indicative Content

In vivo mini- projectStudents design and observe experiments as well as record and analyse data to determine the behavioural impact of neurotoxicants

In vitro mini- projectStudents perform a series of experiments and analyse data to determine the cytotoxicity of drugs

Molecular mini-projectStudents perform experiments and analyse data to determine the molecular events affected by toxicants

Written Assessment




% oftotal

MarksOut of


Sitting AssessmentPeriod


Duration Mandatory

Paper 1 -Written

N/A 5,6 20.00 0 0 FirstSitting

Semester 2 n/a 2:00 True

Assessment is marked as bondable but has no matching assessments

Paper 1 -Written

N/A 5,6 20.00 100 0 SecondSitting

Autumn n/a 2:00 True

Assessment is marked as bondable but has no matching assessments

No Continuous Assessment

No Oral, Audio Visual or Practical Assessment

Department-based Assessment




% oftotal

MarksOut of


Sitting AssessmentPeriod


Duration Mandatory


n/a 1,2,3,4,5,6 80.00 100 0 FirstSitting

Semester 2 n/a 0 True


N/A 1,2,3,4,5,6 80.00 100 0 SecondSitting

Autumn n/a 0 True

No Research

No Study Abroad

No Computer-based Assessment

The institute reserves the right to alter the nature and timings of assessment

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PM5109: ExperimentalToxiocology( Semester:2 Core )

Page 96: Book of modules - NUI Galway · LO4 Identify the key features important when designing new screens, ... Essay Written essay on the assessment of a toxicological catastrophe/disaster

PM5109: ExperimentalToxiocology( Semester:2 Core )

Module Workload

Workload: Full Time

Workload Type WorkLoad Description LearningOutcomes

Hours Frequency AverageWeeklyLearnerWorkload

Tutorial 1 hour duration 1,2,3,4,5,6 10 PerSemester


Lab No Description 1,2,3,4,5,6 100 PerSemester


Independent & DirectedLearning (Non-contact)

No Description 1,2,3,4,5,6 200 PerSemester


Total Hours 310.00

Total Weekly Learner Workload 25.83

Total Weekly Contact Hours 9.17

This module has no Part Time workload.

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Module Resources

This module does not have any book resources

This module does not have any article/paper resources

This module does not have any other resources

Page 98: Book of modules - NUI Galway · LO4 Identify the key features important when designing new screens, ... Essay Written essay on the assessment of a toxicological catastrophe/disaster

Module Full Time Equivalent

Module Full Time Equivalent

Discipline %

Pharmacology 100

Module Delivered in

Course Stream Code Course Stream Title

MST1 MST1 Master of Science (Toxicology) (Approved)

Page 99: Book of modules - NUI Galway · LO4 Identify the key features important when designing new screens, ... Essay Written essay on the assessment of a toxicological catastrophe/disaster

Module Instructors

Module Instructors

Staff Member Staff Email


JOHN KELLY [email protected]


UNA RYAN [email protected]