Download pdf - Bnai review January 2014


January 2014/

5774 Tevet & Shevat

Volume 5774 Issue 6

CBI Announcements

Rabbi’s Message

Cantor’s Message

President’s Message

Executive Director’s Message

Engagement Committee

Life Cycle Events

Mitzvah Grams










Mitzvah Men’s Club

Women’s League

Buns Family Library

Adult Studies














Rabbi Jacob Luski, D.D.

727.381.4900 x207

[email protected]

Cantor Jonathan Schultz

727.381.4900 x305

[email protected]

Executive Director Susan Goldstein

727.381.4900 x202

[email protected]

Bonnie Halprin

Pauline Rivkind Preschool Director

727.381.4900 x211

[email protected]

Youth Director

727.381.7900 x 209

[email protected]

Pauline Rivkind Talmud Torah Education

Director Ilana Dayan

727.381.4900 x310

[email protected]

Community Engagement Liz Sembler


[email protected]

Torah Reader/Educator Deborah Marmon

727.381.4900 x205

[email protected]

Office Manager Pam Askin

727.381.4900 x203

[email protected]

Communications Coordinator

Melissa Hertzfeld


[email protected]


727.381.4900 x204

[email protected]

President Laurie Reiskind

[email protected]

Women’s League President Alice Ettinger

Men’s Club President Jesse Rodman

USY President Hannah Terzi

Our Mission

Through our congregational life, our goal is to provide the opportunity for our members and friends to experience Jewish life to its fullest. We want to transmit the ideals of Conservative Judaism to our children and grandchildren, to enable them to be knowledgeable and respon-sible participants in Jewish life, sensitive and ethical human beings and reliable custodians of an enduring heritage. Through the synagogue, we want to find strength and inspiration in worship and study, in the sharing of lifecycle events, in acts of caring, in reaching out to the wide Jewish and non-Jewish communities, and in concern and support for Israel.

B’nai Israel Review January 2014

Ongoing Activities at CBI

Participate in Aliyot

The Ritual Committee of Congregation

B’nai Israel encourages worshippers to

participate in services

by performing aliyot. If

you like to receive an

aliyah , please call the

synagogue office at

727.381.4900, or kindly speak to one

of the ushers when you enter the

sanctuary, and every effort will be

made to accommodate your request.

Those wishing to receive an aliyah on

Shabbat morning are asked to arrive

at services no later than 9:30 am. We

look forward to your participation.


Morry Bornstein, Ritual Chair

Daily Services Become a Minyanaire! Support our Daily Minyan in the Chapel:

Sunday Morning: 9:00 Monday—Friday mornings: 7:45 Sunday—Thursday evenings: 6:30

Come just for the joy of davening together. You'll be glad you decided to join the growing number of CBI members and friends who do.

Continental Breakfast

The Mitzvah Men’s Club provides a Continental

Breakfast for all worshippers on Minyan Mornings

in the alcove of the Social Hall. Please join the

Minyanaires for the morning Shaharit service and

relax and schmooze over breakfast—bagels,

cream cheese, coffee cake and coffee/tea.

Sponsorship Opportunities

If you are interested in sponsoring an Oneg

Shabbat on Friday evening or a L’Hayim following

a Morning Minyan in honor or memory of a loved

one or a special occasion, please contact the

Synagogue office.


LIKE us on Facebook

Sign up to support us on

You can also make payments and donations on our website!

Office Drop Box

As a reminder, there is a Secured

Drop Box available at the shul and at

your service when you are in the

building. It is located outside the

Synagogue office across from the

Judaica Shop. You can drop off

messages, contributions, etc when

coming to classes, events, meetings,

or when dropping off children at

school. It is an easy way to

communicate within the

congregational family.

Drop-in sometime! B’nai Israel Review

Publishes 11 times a year by Congregation B’nai Israel

300 58th Street North St. Petersburg, Florida 33710

727.381.4900 FAX 727.344.1307

All rights reserved. No part of this document can be copied without the permission of

Congregation B’nai Israel

Junior Congregation

All B’nai Israel children, ages 9 -13,

grades 3 - 7 are invited to participate

in a special, age-appropriate Shabbat

Service in the Chapel.


Women’s League needs


To help bake your own recipes/cake mixes to

be used for Kiddushim.

If interested, please contact Ruth Ann Mizrahi

at 727.347.6688 or

[email protected]

CBI Announcements


We regret the following omission in the Membership Directory:

The name and picture of Ilana Dayan, PRTT Director, on the” Dedicated

Staff” page.

Ricki Lewis

Laurie Reiskind

Reserved Parking

Please keep in mind the 6 reserved

parking spaces are reserved 24

hours a day for our dedicated

synagogue leaders.

Mailing List

Not receiving weekly emails from

CBI? Have you previously received

emails, and may have accidently


Join our mailing list! Visit the

homepage of our website at Halfway down the left

side of the page, you will see “Join

Our Mailing List.” Enter your email in

the given blank.

Then you will be asked to which lists

what you would like to be added.

Choose the lists, and it is that easy!

Start receiving our emails today and

stay updated with everything CBI!

Save the Date

Please Join Us for

Women’s League Shabbat


Got Shabbat? Dinner

January 31, 2014 6:00 pm service followed by dinner

February 1, 2014 9:00 am service followed by

Kiddush luncheon

Rabbi Office Hours

New: Rabbi Jacob Luski will be

available for any congregant to stop by

for any questions or conversations they

may have Wednesday afternoons from

2:00—4:00, January 8, 15, 22.

Appointments not necessary.


The Jewish calendar constantly guides us to see wonder and majesty in the world. This month, two seemingly unrelated

events are the observance of Tu Bishvat, and our reading in the Torah about the Exodus from Egypt. These events always

come together, as they do this year in mid-January.

Tu Bishvat was a rabbinical idea to recognize a New Year for trees. It was a very early appreciation of ecological sensitivi-

ty, noting that we cannot take for granted the role of trees in the larger balance of our ecosystem. It focuses our attention on

the Land of Israel, noting that it is wondrous not only as the ancient and modern homeland of the Jewish people, but a unique ecosystem,

valued by Jews and non-Jews alike. From the rare black iris seen just for a few days in the Negev to ancient knurled olive trees, we see this

as a land that is truly blessed for its beauty and gifts to all species of life. We know how precious each drop of water is in the land of Israel.

When we say mashiv ha-ruach in our daily prayers, we are reminded to take no drop of water (or flake of snow) for granted as a dimension of

how God sustains our lives.

The Exodus was a prototypical miracle. The Jewish people presumably could have made their way out of Egypt as escaping ethnic refugees.

But the point of the story is that we became free through God’s wondrous intervention. The crossing of the Sea was an occasion for Moses’

song and Miriam’s dance. Our Torah makes it clear that this was an event of great meaning for all generations. The Exodus is an event in

which the Jewish people bond to one another through God’s power manifest in the crossing of the Sea.

Tu Bishvat and the Exodus remind us that we are children of the Miraculous. God is with us in so many ways; in Israel, the land is on the

threshold of spring. May we celebrate Tu Bishvat and relive the Exodus, affirming our relationship to God as children of God’s miracles, filled

with thanksgiving and wonder.


You may recall that for centuries, people believed Aristotle was right when he said that the heavier an object, the faster it would fall to earth. The philosopher was regarded as one of the greatest thinkers of all time, and so it follows that he MUST be right!

Nearly 2,000 years after Aristotle’s death someone actually tested the theory. In 1589 Galileo Galilei summoned learned professors to the base of the “Leaning Tower of Pisa.” He pushed two weights from the top of the tower, one light and one heavy. They landed at the same instant. But the power of belief was so strong, that the professors denied their eyesight! They continued to teach that Aristotle was correct.

Galileo and others also tried to convince the educators of his day that the earth revolves around the sun. But they would not believe anything so radical and eventually forced him to recant his support of the Copernican theory. He lived the last years of his life under house arrest.

Erwin Soukup compiled a list he calls “The Seven Steps to Stagnation.” You have heard these statements before. Most of us have said them! They are:

We’ve never done it that way before.

We’re not ready for that.

We are doing all right without trying that.

We tried it once before.

We don’t have money for that.

That’s not our job.

Something like that can’t work.

There is tremendous power in belief. Our beliefs shape our future; what we believe to be true, quite literally becomes true for us!

There is a bold and exciting tomorrow awaiting anyone with the courage to believe something new CAN HAPPEN – things CAN BE DIFFERENT! Your life can be stagnant or things can change. Tomorrow can look very different than today, for those who believe.

Will you stagnate or will you believe that you can be different in 2014? Joanne joins me in wishing you and yours a happy and innovative New Year.


From the Cantor

From the Rabbi January 2014


From the Executive Director

From the President January 2014

The journey continues……………….

What is the only thing that is constant in our lives? CHANGE!

It’ is easier for some of us than for others, of course, but none of us gets a choice; change happens.

As we ponder change at CBI as part of the strategic planning process, we’re going to be consulting with, and listening to,

you. We want to be sure that we share a vision. We’ll be weighing what we hear you say against our capacity in terms of finance, talents, and

abilities. In order to do that, we’ll be doing two things that involve YOU. In addition to asking what you consider the most important “wants and

needs” of our kehilla, we want to know what talents and strengths you can contribute.

We want to hold “holy conversations” with you as, together, we look at and assess our strengths and weaknesses (internal factors) and

opportunities and threats (external factors). Together, step by step, we will work to ensure CBI’s future as we honor its past.

Please respond positively when Alice Ettinger, our 1st Vice President, or another member of the Strategic Planning Committee asks you to

participate in the process.

Best wishes for a happy 2014 that’s filled with joy and positive change!


This is not an easy article to write. It is not my intention to paint a gloomy picture of CBI’s future, but rather this is my

opportunity to respond to a number of congregants who have recently questioned me or commented to me about the many

changes taking place at CBI. Changes, it seems, many of you do not like. I recognize that change makes people

uncomfortable; it also provides opportunity. You, my fellow congregants, have charged me with the responsibility of leading

the board to ensure CBI’s future. To do that, the volunteer leadership has made some very difficult decisions. This board

is following the groundwork begun by our predecessors.

As a corporation with legal responsibilities to its employees and members, certain details regarding job duties and compensation as well as

individual member financial information is confidential. For this reason, I may be unable to answer some questions posed to me with specific

answers. What is public information however, is, CBI is a Kehilla, a sacred community of people who come together to share Jewish life cycle

events and support each other through them. We learn and pray together, laugh and cry together. Everyone regardless of financial situation

is welcome and encouraged to be a member of our community.

As utility, salary and health care costs continue to rise, our revenue is decreasing due to fewer members, and an even smaller percentage

who can afford to pay full dues. With fewer members, we have fewer lifecycle events housed at CBI. Related to the economy, donations from

members, revenue we count on to pay above costs is also decreasing. While we strive to provide the diverse opportunities for synagogue

participation, we must explore and implement new ways to deliver these services in a less expensive and less labor intensive manner without

sacrificing the unique personality of CBI.

CBI had been most fortunate throughout its history to have some very wonderful employees who have worked with us for many years. In recent years, some of those people have retired and taken with them years of historical knowledge and love of CBI and its members. We at CBI have been sad to see them leave, honored them, and taken steps to keep CBI moving forward with new staff. As we continue to move forward, I ask you to support the work of the board, embrace the changes and welcome our new staff and our new members.


From the Engagement Committee January 2014

What is Side by Side at CBI?

This year the CBI Engagement Committee is focused on helping our membership develop new relationships and strengthen existing ones–

with each other, with our clergy, with our heritage, and with God. We have titled this initiative SidebySide at CBI – joining together,

building community. You can see our logo below.

Our goal is to enhance personal connections at CBI so that when you participate in services, programs, meals, and fellowship, your experi-

ence is enriched even more. How can you help this along? First, find your way in – attend a service, a class, a social event. We are

blessed at CBI with so many Jewish opportunities! Come to minyan and be counted as part of our daily prayer community. Join Mitzvah

Men’s Club or Women’s League. Volunteer in the office. Watch a Sunday afternoon movie. Learn Talmud. Sing your heart out at Shabbat

services. Then, for each of the things you attend, bring a friend, a family member, a colleague, a neighbor. Or reach out to someone who’s

there whom you don’t know and introduce yourself. When you do so, you are joining together, building community, SidebySide at CBI.

At one of our Friday evening Shabbat services recently, we recited the closing prayer “May the Door of This Synagogue.” It encapsulates

beautifully SidebySide at CBI. The opening and closing lines of this prayer are:

May the door of this synagogue be wide enough

to receive all who hunger for love, all who are lonely for fellowship...

May this synagogue be, for all who enter,

the doorway to a richer and more meaningful life.

So please, come inside our CBI doors.

Come Be Included…SidebySide at CBI joining together

at CBI by side side

CBI Women’s League

Judaica Shop


Mondays 11:00 am—2:00 pm

3:00 pm—5:00 pm

Tuesdays 3:00 pm—5:00 pm

Thursdays 1:00 pm—3:00 pm

Shop the Judaic Way!


Ellen Bernstein 727.345.0237

Anita Helfand 727.347.2300

Visit the Judaica Shop for:

Hanukkah items, ceremonial objects, Kiddush cups, candle-sticks, Shabbat Candles, shofars, honey dishes, tefillin, tallitot,

Challah plates, boards, knives, and more!

We special order!


Honoring: Livia Wein



Wednesday, February 19, 2014 at 6:00 pm

Guest Speaker: Rabbi Gail Swedrow, Assistant

Hillel Director and Campus Rabbbi, University of Florida

RSVP to Anita Helfand at 727.347.2300 or [email protected] by

Wednesday, February 12. Your check made payable to CBI Women’s

League is your reservation, covert $20, plus suggested donation to Torah







Associate Patron~$600


TORAH FUND 5774 (2013~2014) Mishpachah: Family

In choosing Mishpachah as the theme for the 5774 TorahFund pin, we

acknowledge both the sanctity that comes with being one big family and

the complexity of our families and relationships. Our families are diverse

and this pin, reflecting that diversity, is something to be worn proudly by

all women. Your Torah Fund donations support the Jewish Theological

Seminary, Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies, and Schechter Institute of

Jewish Studies, and help shape the future of Judaism. We proclaim that

we, as women in all walks of life, proudly shape the future of our three-

thousand year old history.

Gift Shop Torah Fund


Many tangible means exist to show your support for Israel. One of the simplest ways is to buy products from Israel. The easy part is that so many items can be purchased locally, eg, CBI Women’s League Judaica Shop, Jo-El’s Kosher Deli & Marketplace, grocery stores, wine merchants, jewelry stores, department stores, etc. Just a few ideas include:

ritual items (tallitot, kippot, tefilin, mezuzot, candles, …) wearing apparel, eg, shoes and bathing suits cosmetics, especially from the Dead Sea area books, software, and music CDs art and jewelry, especially silver stamps, and coins & medals foods (oranges, canned items, cookies, chocolates, teas, herbs, …) wines flowers

Nationally, Buy Israel Goods (BIG) is a consumer guide for the retail purchase of Israeli products sponsored by the America-Israel Chamber of Commerce (AICC) and StandWithUs (SWU). These two groups formed a relationship, along with other like-minded organizations, to join in the effort to support Israel when you Buy Israeli Goods. They have combined their extensive years of experience, resources, and relationships in the pro-Israel community to further promote Israeli goods and services. As a starting point, you can use the web site to identify Israeli products likely to be available in retail store in a market area, and the stores that may carry them. On the web site, you can also find online retailers who carry Israeli products. To learn more about AICC, go to “,” and to learn more about SWU, go to “”.

The BIG web site covers markets that include over 75% of the Jewish population of the United States. Watch this site for expansion of listings and of geographic coverage.

Products from Israel meet highest quality standards, and many have unique features or designs not available in competing products. Many of these products can easily be incorporated into your regular shopping needs, while others are great for gifts or other occasional use.

Collectively, the frequent purchase of Israeli products will have a broad and significant impact on the Israeli economy and its citizens, and perhaps even on its ability to survive.

Byron Kolitz

AIPAC Policy Conference 2014 : March 2-4

You’re invited to support AIPAC throughout the year and especially encouraged to join CBI’s representation at the AIPAC Policy Confer-ence ’14 in Washington, DC.

AIPAC is a grassroots movement of activists committed to ensuring Israel’s security and protecting American interests in the Middle East and around the world. AIPAC is supported financially only by private donations. The organization receives no financial assistance from Israel, from any national organization, or any foreign group. AIPAC is not a political action committee - it does not rate, endorse, or contrib-ute to candidates.

How can such an organization - with only a few hundred professionals - become one of the most effective lobbying organizations in Washington, DC? It’s because of us - 100,000 active members.

During the upcoming Conference, over 13,000 attendees will hear from national and international leaders about Israel and its relationship with the rest of the world. While attending the Policy Conference you will gain greater insight into the challenges facing Israel. For exam-ple, you’ll hear about:

– detailed analyses of Syria, Iran, Turkey, Egypt, and other nations

– new technologies, like the Iron Dome and David’s Sling, that protect Israel’s citizens and soldiers

– Israel’s humanitarian efforts that extend throughout the world

– current breakthroughs in medical technology that are saving lives today

– actions taken by the IDF to minimize civilian casualties when defending the people of Israel

What makes AIPAC particularly effective? On the last day of the Conference, attendees head to Capital Hill to lobby our Representatives and Senators to support a strong US-Israel relationship. Imagine the impact on elected officials when 13,000 constituents show up on their doorsteps! What’s even more impressive is that these attendees decided that the US-Israel relationship is so important to them that they are willing to take time from their jobs or other activities, and to pay their own expenses to deliver their message. There is no amount of professional lobbying that can compete with this.

Eric Pastman [email protected]

A-Team: CBI’s Advocacy for Israel Committee January 2014


January 2014

Perhaps it’s because someone presented a Shabbat morning sermonette

that touched your heart. Or maybe a volunteer worked hard to make a

CBI Shabbat dinner extra special. Or a young child sang her heart out in

the PRRT musical. Sometimes you just want to reach out to a fellow

congregant and say, “Good job! You made my CBI experience even more


In Hebrew, when someone completes a service ritual on behalf of the

congregation, we say “Yasher Koach!” This is our way of saying, “Good

job!” Literally “straight strength,” yasher koach is a blessing for increased

strength so that one can continue to perform these rituals well.

The CBI Engagement Committee created a special postcard that you can

fill out and send to fellow congregants when you want to say to them,

“Yasher Koach!” We’ve printed both sides below so you can see what it

looks like. We keep the cards on the bookshelf next to the entrance to the

sanctuary. Next time you are at CBI, please pick up a few so you have

them handy when you want to extend your gratitude to another CBIer

for a job well done.

The CBI Engagement Committee


Pauline Rivkind Preschool January 2014


Thank you to all our PRTT families, Patty and Leonard Adelson, Patzi Gil, Pam Himmel, Debbie Marmon, Sandi and Jesse Rodman, Hazzan Jonathan Schultz, and Louis Zerin for helping with the amazing “The

Village of Chelm” program.

I am so very proud of our students. They did a wonderful job and we are all thrilled with the way they performed. An extra “thank you” to our PRTT families for helping our students get prepared and for working

on their costumes.

It was a great experience for the children. I hope this experience will encourage them to learn more Hebrew, History, and more about our Jewish Culture, so that they can find greater depth and joy in their

lessons and prayers.

Our Winter Break begins on December 17. Classes resume Tuesday, January 7, 2014. Just a week later we will hold our annual Tu

B’Shvat Seder.

Again, I congratulate the children, families, and volunteers to bring

so much joy with “The Village of Chelm” program.

Kindest regards,

Ilana Dayan

Education Director

This month the preschool, and all preschool aged families, are welcome at the Annual PJ Library Havdala Party on Saturday, January 11, beginning at 6:30 pm. This year we have a special treat in store. Our teenagers from USY will be doing a story telling! All will enjoy cookies and milk before heading home to bed!

Pauline Rivkind Preschool will have our Annual Father’s Football Friday on January 31. Dads, uncles, grandpas are all welcome for some ball playing, followed by our Shabbat Celebration.

Save the Date:

Sunday, February 9, 4:30pm - 6:00pm The Pauline Rivkind Preschool Annual Pasta Dinner/Silent Auction

Everyone is welcome to enjoy some homemade pasta, garlic toast, salad, Italian ice and to bid on

beautiful artwork from our preschoolers!

Pauline Rivkind Talmud Torah


Recap: Last month 13 of our USYers attended the “Snow Ball,” a subregional, semi formal dance. Our chapter was the most represented among the five chapters. Be sure to check out the photos! The following weekend we went to Airheads, which turned into a Girls Only Bounce Party! Kadima had a Cookie Decorating Contest, where everyone was a winner! The cookies were donated to Fire Station #9 on Fifth Avenue and 66th Street.

January is an exciting month for USY and Kadima. We have a very busy schedule ahead. Be sure to mark your calendars, and RSVP to Bonnie at [email protected]

Save the Date:

Yom Disney is coming up on Sunday, February 16. Only paid up members in USY and Kadima may attend. Please

get your forms and fees into Bonnie if you have not yet done so!

The deadline for CBI Summer Program scholarships is February 12, 2014. Don’t be late ~ participate!


Tuesday, January 7, 6:00 pm.

Soup and Boreakas Dinner for all Kadimaniks and Families

The cost is $6 per adult and $4 per child. This will be a delicious way to hang out!

Friday, January 10, 4:45 pm

Kadima will meet at Toby Weinman for Shabbat dinner, then come back to CBI to lead in Shabbat services.

Sunday, January 19, 12:00 - 2:00 pm


A light lunch will be included


Saturday, January 11, 6:30 pm

PJ Party

USY has invited the youth group at TBE to a very special joint program and sleep over on Saturday, January 11. The program is a PJ Party, starting with the USYers doing a read aloud for our preschool aged children during the PJ Library program, beginning at 6:30 pm.

Wednesday, January 15, 5:30 pm

USYers will be meeting for our Monthly Dinner Hang Out at Paisano’s. Contact Ari Zimmer if you want to attend.

Wednesday, January 29, 6:00 pm

Hebrew High Dine and Dash

Youth Department December 2013

Do you have a college student in the family?

CBI wants to stay connected. We need your help.

Please email the following information to

Pam LeCompte at [email protected]

Student name

Current college mailing address

Cell phone number

College attending, year in school, and gradua-

tion date

Parent name and email address

We will once again send mailing and “care packages” to

our college students. To insure YOUR child receives his/

her mail and package we must have a current address

and email address.

College Connection

January 2014


Photo Caption

Mitzvah Men’s Club

Summer Program Scholarships Congregation B’nai Israel offers its own scholarships for all

USY and Ramah summer programs. The deadline for this application is February 12.

For a complete list of all 12 programs and their application visit the CBI website at:

New Scholarship offered by USY called One Happy Camper grant. This $1000. scholarship is offered by the Foundation of Jewish Camps and can be used for USY on Wheels or a Jewish summer camp.

Check out the website:

Covenant Fund applications are now available through

January, 17

Check out the website:

Mercaz Women’s League Israel Essay Contest – This

year’s theme is “Women in Zionism: Past & Present”

celebrating the upcoming 30th anniversary of women in the

Conservative rabbinate. Deadline is Friday, March 7

Check out the website:

For more information about all scholarships contact Bonnie Halprin at [email protected] or 727.381.4900 x209

Scholarships January 2014

This past summer the CBI Mitzvah Men’s Club (MMC) was singled out as a Quality Club Award Winner at the FJMC’s

(Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs) convention in Boston. A hearty “Yasher Koach” to each one of the hardworking and fun

loving guys who earned this prestigious award!

2014 will be another banner year for MMC, starting with the annual WORLDWIDEWRAP on Superbowl Sunday, February 2.

This year’s featured speaker will be the Tampa Bay Rays broadcaster NEIL SOLONDZ.

FJMC has a great website called Mentschen that you can find at It’s an online forum featuring articles and

comments by men’s club members on any number of topics that are right on. You can go to the site at any time (no login

required) and read what’s on the minds of men from all over the country. Feel free to add your own comments or even to

submit an article to get the flow going on what’s important to you.

We are very fortunate to have a national support organization like FJMC. MMC pays only $11 per year for each member for all the services, ideas, support and ruach FJMC provides. That’s quite a bargain. Feel free to log on to the main FJMC website at and see for yourself. Jesse Rodman


Women’s League January 2014

A Lesson on Social Media From Women’s League

Defining Social Media Facebook: Users create profiles with photos, personal interests, and other information. Users communicate through private or

public messages and a chat feature. They can also create and join interest groups and “like” pages, some of which are maintained by organi-zations as a means of advertising. Sisterhoods should have their own Facebook pages. CBI has its own Facebook Page under

“Congregation B’nai Israel of Saint Petersburg.”

Twitter: Social networking and microblogging that enables users to send and read text -based posts of up to 140 characters, known as "tweets."

Blogs: A type of website or part of a website regularly updated with new content. Blogs are usually maintained by an individual

with commentaries, descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or videos. Entries are usually displayed in reverse-chronological order.

Pinterest: Pinboard-style photo-sharing where users create and manage theme-based image collections such as events, interests and hob-

bies. Users can browse other pinboards, “re-pin” images to their own pinboards, or “like” photos.

Set up an email account at

1. Go to

2. Click the red button that says Create An Account in the upper right

3. Make your name. For example: First name: Alice Last name: Ettinger

4. Make your email simple: [email protected]

5. Make your password easy for you to remember, but with letters and numbers. For example: (Shaggy112) (My first dog and my birth-

day month and day.)

6. Write everything down and put it in a safe place.

7. Once you have established an email account, you can sign up to receive emails from Women’s League and CBI by giving CBI your

email address.

Facebook Setting up an account

1. Go to

2. Click sign up

3. Use your newly created gmail account for Facebook

4. Use the same password as on gmail

Use the same name: For example: First name: Alice, Last name: Ettinger

Completing your Facebook (FB) profile

1. Upload your profile picture (whatever you want).

2. Put other information that you would like to share.

3. Locate friends either by their email or name and request their friendship.

Once you have a few friends, your newsfeed will be up and running and FB will stop defaulting you to the Welcome page.

Creating Facebook albums and posting pictures from events

1. Create albums of all of your events by going to your wall and onto your status bar and clicking add photo

2. You will then be prompted to upload photo/video or create an album.

3. Use the simple uploader (words are highlighted in blue) to upload your images.

Once they are uploaded, caption them and tag people who are your friends. This will help to generate interest and get you into the newsfeeds of your friends.

Liking Facebook pages

1. Look for pages with content that you can share with your friends. Once on the page, click the like button. You will now see their posts in your newsfeed. Don’t forget to like CBI’s page! Share content they post that your friends will find interesting and valuable by clicking on share, writing your communications.

*Please let us know if you are interested in learning more about social media, and we can continue our lessons.



By Sam Bourne

If you enjoyed The Di Vinci Code, then you’ll love The Righteous Men. The book was written by Sam Bourne, a pseudonym for Jonathan Friedland, an English Journalist who writes columns for The Jewish Chronicle, a British publication, The London Evening Standard and The Guardian, in addition to his other writings. He also presents BBC Radio 4’s contemporary history series, The Long View. The Righteous Men is a mixture of murder, whodunit, intrigue and the Chassidic world. Written in 2006, we follow brand new rookie NY Times journalist Will Monroe as he is sent to investigate a murder in Montana of a well known Militia Man. During the investigation he finds that the militia man’s death shares some of the same attributes as a murdered New York City pimp two days ago and a murdered businessman in Thailand yesterday. When he returns home he can’t find his wife until he gets a text that she’s been kidnapped. Frantically searching for her, he begins receiving cryptic and threat-ening text messages and e-mails. He enlists the help of two friends, one an ex-girlfriend and the other a computer nerd. The clues lead them to, of all places, Crown Heights, New York, the heart of the Chassidic community. He learns that the Chassidim have kidnapped his wife for safe keeping but refuse to let him see her. The story swiftly turns to reveal the Kabbala theory that there are believed to be thirty six Righteous Men alive in each generation who sustain the world and that if they should die the world will end. Throughout the book, these Righteous Men are being murdered around the globe. The Chassidim are trying to desperately solve this mystery through their world wide organization. All I can say is that The Righteous Men is a real page turner and one you’ll have a hard time putting down.

Lou Bader



Next Meeting:

January 15, 2014, at 10:00 am

in the Buns Family Library

The Next book that will be discussed is

The English Assassin, by Daniel Silva.

Buns Family Library January 2014

Adult Studies

Lunch with the Rabbi

Deli Lunch and Mishna Study with Rabbi Luski meets monthly on

Wednesdays at noon in the CBI Atrium. Enjoy lunch, schmooze

and learn, “what, when, where, and why,” of the Mishnah in an

informal atmosphere.

Wednesday, January 15, noon

RSVP to the CBI Office at 727.381.4900

by Tuesday, noon

Talmud Made Easy

Stephen Wein continues his class studying Talmudic text along

with its selected commentaries. The classes are in English, and

Steve explains it all. All materials are provided. The class involves

textual analysis and lively discussion and is open to all. No

previous knowledge necessary.

Wednesdays, January 15 and 29, 7:00 pm

(Buns Family Library)

Torah For Seniors, led by Rabbi Jacob Luski

Tuesday, January 21, 11:00 am

(Philip Benjamin Tower)

Law Shabbat

Saturday, January 25, 2014, 9:00 am

Genesis and the Big Bang Theory

Participate in this exciting, interactive-style learning session with

Professor Steven Cantor of Plymouth state University, New

Hampshire. Discuss the physics of the Big Bang Theory and the

biblical description of the creation of the universe as presents in

Genesis. Discover the harmony between modern science and the

Book of Genesis.

Tuesday, February 4, 7:30pm

*For more information on these events, check the Adult Studies

Program Book, or call the CBI office at 727.381.4900


January 2014

Shevat/Adar 5774

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday

1 9:00 Morning Minyan 6:30 Evening Minyan

5 9:00 Morning Minyan 6:30 Evening Minyan

6 7:45 Morning Minyan 6:30 Evening Minyan

7 7:45 Morning Minyan 4:45 PRTT, Alef– Hef Classes 6:30 Evening Minyan 6:30 PRTT Soup & Bourikas

8 7:45 Morning Minyan 5:00 Intro to Judaism 5:00 Women’s League Board Meeting5:30 Torah Class for Hebrew Readers6:30 Evening Minyan

12 9:00 Morning Minyan 9:00 PRTT, All Classes 5:00 Jewish Federation’s Women of Distinction 6:30 Evening Minyan

13 7:45 Morning Minyan 6:30 Evening Minyan

14 7:45 Morning Minyan 12:00 Deadline to RSVP to January’s Lunch with the Rabbi 4:45 PRTT, Alef– Hef Classes 6:30 Evening Minyan

15 7:45 Morning Minyan 12:00 Lunch with the Rabbi5:00 Intro to Judaism 5:30 Torah Class for Hebrew Readers5:30 USY Dinner at Piezano’s6:30 Evening Minyan

19 9:00 Morning Minyan 9:00 PRTT, All Classes 12:00 Kadima Color Wars 6:30 Evening Minyan

20 7:45 Morning Minyan 6:30 Evening Minyan

21 7:45 Morning Minyan 11:00 Torah 4 Seniors at Philip Benjamin Tower 4:45 PRTT, Alef– Hef Classes 6:30 Evening Minyan

22 7:45 Morning Minyan 5:00 Intro to Judaism 5:30 Torah Class for Hebrew Readers6:30 Evening Minyan

26 9:00 Morning Minyan 9:00 PRTT, All Classes 6:30 Evening Minyan

27 7:45 Morning Minyan 6:30 Evening Minyan

28 7:45 Morning Minyan 4:45 PRTT, Alef– Hef Classes 6:30 Evening Minyan

29 7:45 Morning Minyan 6:00 USY Dine and Dash6:30 Evening Minyan 7:00 Hebrew High 7:00 BACA Concert

January 2014


Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

9:00 Morning Minyan 6:30 Evening Minyan

2 Rosh Hodesh Shevat 7:45 Morning Minyan 6:30 Evening Minyan 6:45 Choir Rehearsal

3 7:45 Morning Minyan 5:30 Candlelighting 5:30 Kabbalat Shabbat

4 Sedra Bo 9:00 Shabbat Morning Services, Kiddush

5:30 Minha, Maariv, and Havdala

7:45 Morning Minyan 5:00 Intro to Judaism 5:00 Women’s League Board Meeting 5:30 Torah Class for Hebrew Readers 6:30 Evening Minyan

9 7:45 Morning Minyan 6:30 Evening Minyan 6:45 Choir Rehearsal

10 7:45 Morning Minyan 4:45 Kadima Dinner at Toby Weinman 5:35 Candlelighting 8:00 Kadima Shabbat

11 Sedra Beshalah 9:00 Shabbat Morning Services, Shabbat Shira, January Simha Shabbat, and Kiddush 10:00 Junior Congregation 5:35 Minha, Maariv, and Havdala 6:30 PJ Library Preschool Story Telling with USY 7:30 CBI –Ish Bowling at Ten Pins

7:45 Morning Minyan 12:00 Lunch with the Rabbi 5:00 Intro to Judaism 5:30 Torah Class for Hebrew Readers 5:30 USY Dinner at Piezano’s 6:30 Evening Minyan

16 Tu B’Shevat 7:45 Morning Minyan 6:30Evening Minyan 6:45 Choir Rehearsal

17 7:45 Morning Minyan 5:30 Kabbalat Shabbat, Bar Mitzvah of Mattan Melamed 5:41 Candlelighting

18 Sedra Yitro 9:00 Shabbat Services, Bar Mitzvah of

Mattan Melamed, Kiddush

5:40 Minha, Maariv, and1 Havdala

7:45 Morning Minyan 5:00 Intro to Judaism 5:30 Torah Class for Hebrew Readers 6:30 Evening Minyan

23 7:45 Morning Minyan 6:30 Evening Minyan

24 7:45 Morning Minyan 5:30 Carlebach Kabbalat Shabbat 5:46 Candlelighting

25 Sedra Mishpatim 9:00 Shabbat Morning Services,

Law Shabbat, and Kiddush

10:00 Junior Congregation

5:45 Minha, Maariv, and Havdala

7:45 Morning Minyan 6:00 USY Dine and Dash 6:30 Evening Minyan

30 7:45 Morning Minyan 6:30 Evening Minyan

31 Rosh Hodesh Adar 1 7:45 Morning Minyan 9:00 PRPS Father’s Football Friday 5:52 Candlelighting 6:00 Women’s League Shabbat followed by Got Shabbat Dinner

Shabbat Schedule

Friday, January 3 Kabbalat Shabbat Candlelighting 5:30 pm Saturday, January 4 Morning Service, 9:00 Sedra Bo, Minha, Maariv, Havdala, 5:30pm

Friday, January 10 Kadima Shabbat, 8:00pm, Candlelighting 5:35 pm Saturday, January 11 Morning Service, Shabbat Shira, January Simha Shabbat, and Kiddush 9:00am, Sedra Beshalah, Minha, Maariv, Havdala, 5:35 pm

Friday, January 17 Kabbalat Shabbat, Bar Mitzvah of Mattan Melamed, 5:30 pm, Candlelighting 5:41pm Saturday, December 21 Morning Service, Bar Mitzvah of Mattan Melamed, and Kiddush, 9:00, Sedra Shemot, Minha, Maariv, Havdala 5:40 pm

Friday, January 24 Carlebach Kabbalat Shabbat 5:30 pm Candlelighting 5:46 pm Saturday, January 25 Morning Service, 9:00, Sedra Mishpatim, Minha, Maariv, Havdala 5:45 pm

Friday, January 31 Women’s League Shabbat, followed by Got Shabbat? Dinner 6:00 pm, Candlelighting 5:52 pm

January 2014


Life Cycle Events December 2013

Dr. Stephen Kobernick

Husband of Debbie, Father of Alyssa and Max

Edward Leibson

Brother of Marvin Leibson

Dr. Paul Rosenberg

Brother of Dr. Stanley Rosenberg

May He who comforts Israel, Grant you solace in your bereavement.


Jennifer Sternberg on being CBI Women’s League Honoree for the Jewish Federation’s Women of Distinction Award

Livia Wein on being CBI’s Honoree for the Jewish Federation’s Women of Distinction Award


Marilyn and Dr. Morris LeVine, Bruce and Mary Ann Marger, and Susan and Dr. Steven LeVine on the Bat Mitzvah of their

granddaughter and daughter, Danielle Faith LeVine

Rabbi Ronald Bernstein-Goff and Tikva Melamed-Goff, Drs. Paul and Lynda Fleisher, and Elan and Nicole Melamed on the

Bar Mitzvah of their grandson and son, Mattan Melamed


Dotty Goldblatt, May Levine, Chuchie Weissman, Ron and Jayne Weissman, Bruce Levine and Sheri Weiner, Chesna Levine, Lucas and Sherrie Levine on the birth of their great-grandson, grandson, and son, Jack Hudson Levine

Dr. Robert and Jennifer Sternberg on the birth of their granddaughter Noa Alexandra Sternberg

January 2014

Mattan Melamed

Mattan is a seventh grade student

at Morgan Fitzgerald Middle School.

He runs track, plays volleyball, and is

a member of the Rebel Wrestling

Club. He also enjoys art, music, and

singing. He is a member of CBI’s KADIMA.

His special Bar Mitzvah Project was in honor of his

brother, Gilad. To raise awareness and funds for the

American Heart Association, Mattan organized a team to

participate in the 2013 Tampa Bay Heart walk this past


Aside from local family and friends, Mattan will have

family coming from California, Maryland, North Carolina,

South Florida, Tallahassee, Texas, West Virginia to

share this Bar Mitzvah celebration.

He will be called to the Torah Saturday, January 18,

2014. Please join us in wishing him Yasher Koach.









January 11,



Join us in wishing Mazal Tov! to members celebrating their birthdays, anniversaries and B’nai Mitzvah. Your good wishes can be part of their

memories, while at the same time, supporting B’nai Israel’s commitment to help our schools, youth groups and Synagogue through your

donations to our Mitzvah Fund.




□ 1 Eileen & Michael Richman

□ 18 Dr. Starr Silver & Byron Kolitz

□ 21 Amy & Andrew Giskin

□ 27 Livia & Steve Wein

□ 31 Sharon & Alan Koenig



□ 1 Bonnie Walker

□ 2 Dr. David LeVine

□ 3 Barbara Colen

□ 3 Dr. Michael Slomka

□ 3 Jeffrey Strait

□ 4 Dr. Lawrence Goldberg

□ 4 Dr. Mark Gordon

□ 4 Phyllis Hirschfield

□ 4 Jacqueline Wertel

□ 5 Morris LeCompte

□ 7 Dr. Fred Feld

□ 7 Barbara Noonberg

□ 9 Dr. Nancy Landfish

□ 9 Roberta DeBlasio

□ 10 Helen Wertel

□11 Erika Kauffman

□11 Gerald Werner

□12 Leonard Bader

□12 Alice Ettinger

□14 Shirley Grossman

□14 Nancy Rosenberg

□14 Shevy Silverberg

□16 Selma Rosenberg

□18 Thomas Epstein

□18 Michael Seltzer

□19 Larry Feinman

□19 Stephanie Stein

□20 Dr. Loren Isakson

□22 Dr. David Piper

□23 Cantor Jonathan Schultz

□24 Dr. Charlene Wygodski

□24 Kathleen Buns

□24 Martha Terry

□26 Dr. Greg Engelman

□27 Dara Rosen-Gould

□27 Leo Weinshel

□28 Dr. Arthur Marlin

□29 Sami Dayan

□30 Audrey Dantowitz

□30 Karen Kauffman

□30 Ellen Podgor

□31 Jack Eidelman

In Honor of: ___________________________

Check the names of everyone to whom you want to send a Mitzvah Gram.

Send this form together with your check, minimum $10 donation each, to:

Congregation B’nai Israel, 300 58th Street North, St. Petersburg, FL 33710,

or donate online at

*The minimum donation per acknowledgement is $10.

Please print:

Your Name: ______________________________________________

Address: _________________________________________________

City, _____________________________Zip: __________________

Telephone: ______________


Donations January 2014

Adult Studies In Memory of

Lou Bader Bill Dolgoff

Sheryl & Larry Feinman Manny Fiel

Mickey Walter & Son Edward Leibson

Buns Family Technology Improvement Fund

In Honor of

Araceli & Alan Gross The birth of Noah Elias Wein

The birth of Jaron Liam Lynn

The birth of Emma Isabelle Gross

Camp Ramah Fund In Honor of

Susan Goldstein The Bat Mitzvah of Danielle LeVine

Linda & Jack Goldfarb The Bat Mitzvah of Danielle LeVine

Cantor’s Discretionary Fund

In Memory of

Lucille Ginsburg Chana Olmstead

Anita & Lorri Helfand Bill Dolgoff

Edward Leibson

BACA Chana Olmstead

Vivian & Dr. Ed Lurie Betty Elias

Ellen Jo Glassman Adult Studies Endowment Fund

In Memory of

Ben & Rita Thomas Helen Glassman

Gail S. Warren Legacy for Leadership Fund

In Honor of

Liz & Greg Sembler The Marriage of Debbie Marmon’s daughter

Marc & Laurie Reiskind Charles Bresinger’s retirement

Sandy & Mike Slomka Charles Bresinger’s retirement

The naming of Emma Isabelle Gross

Linda & Jack Goldfarb Dr. Charlene Wygodski’s honor from the Maimonides Society

In Memory of

Sandy & Mike Slomka Dr. Stephen Kobernick

Bloom & Wygodski Family Dr. Stephen Kobernick

Library Fund In Memory of

Anita & Lorri Helfand Larry Solomon

Isaac Winters

Lorraine Maller Fund In Memory of

Flor & Henry Maller Dr. Stephen Kobernick

Mitzvah Fund In Honor of

Marilyn Wittner Jane & Don Silverberg’s 60 Anniversary

Marilyn Benjamin Jane & Don Silverberg’s 60 Anniversary

Myrna & Murray Rubin The Bat Mitzvah of Danielle LeVine

Parker Gold & Family The Hebrew School donating mezuzim to his childhood synagogue, Temple Israel in Merrick, NY

Dr. Patricia Cottrille Margot & Michael Benstock’s Anniversary

Billie & Morry Bornstein’s Anniversary

Karen Sher’s birthday

Pam Askin’s birthday

Jerry Gilbert’s birthday

Janet Augenbraun’s birthday

Sonya Miller Jane & Don Silverberg’s 60 Anniversary

Beverly Dikman Jerry Gilbert’s Birthday

Dorothy Goldblatt’s birthday

In Memory of

Cantor Sharon Brown-Levy Chana Olmstead

Ina Colen Rose Gotler

Betty Sue & Joel Shane Bill Dolgoff

Morris Shane

Edythe Shane

Harold Wolfson William Wolfson

Jessie Tucker

Barbara & Jerry Colen Dr. Paul Rosenberg

Millie & Lenny Gelfond Bill Dolgoff

Sheri Frogel Sarah Dareman

Marilyn & Dr. Morrie LeVine Bill Dolgoff

Marilyn Benjamin Max Stettner

Debbie & Dr. Jody Berner Dr. Stephen Kobernick

Sherry Hardage & Dennis Barth Annette Barth

Music & Concert Endowment Fund

In Honor of

Susan Goldstein The marriage of Debbie Marmon’s Daughter


Don’t miss an opportunity to donate to CBI!

Visit and simply fill out the form with your credit card

number. Couldn’t be easier! We’re making some revisions to the site so, in the meantime, please indicate in

the “add a message” section to whom you would like your donation


Send a check payable to Congregation B’nai Israel to:

Congregation B’nai Israel of St. Petersburg c/o Kesef Accounting Services

P.O. Box 159 Montvale, NJ 07645

OR to the synagogue office.

Please indicate to which fund you wish to donate, the occasion for the donation (e.g., in honor of, in memory

of), the name of the person you are honoring or remembering, and to whom you wish acknowledgement of your donation be sent. If the acknowledgement is not

going to a CBI member, please note the recipient’s address.

Donation to Women’s League or Mitzvah Men’s Club should be made directly to those affiliate organizations.


You can donate online at:

January 2014

Pauline Rivkind Fund In Memory of

Myra & David Gross Dr. Paul Rosenberg

Pauline Rivkind Preschool Fund

In Honor of

The birthday group Hariet Lieberman’s birthday

Sheryl Goff The birth of Noah Elias Wein

Janet Augenbraun The birth of Noah Elias Wein

Claire & Ron Yogman The birth of Noah Elias Wein

Pauline Rivkind Talmud Torah In Memory of

Claire & Ron Yogman Dr. Paul Rosenberg

Rabbi’s Fund In Honor of

Diana & Joe Rosin The marriage of Joe Gross

Myrna & Murray Rubin In appreciation

Sheila Knapp Rabbi Jacob Luski’s birthday

Esta Blaxberg The birth of Noah Elias Wein

Anita & Lorri Helfand The birth of Emma Isabelle Gross

Rabbi’s Fund In Memory of

Helen Kahan Her husband and brother

Joan Benstock Her father, Herman Kline

Sharon & Art Schloss Morris Teckler

Anita & Lorri Helfand Harry Winters

Dr. Paul Rosenberg

Mali & Dr. Fred Feld Irwin Schantz

Sheila Knapp Her grandmother, Freida Kriger

Aldena & Larry Lew Milton Lew

Bertha Stein

Joyce & Harold Seder Dr. Paul Rosenberg

Anita Sher Her father, Otto Weiskopf

Beverly Dikman Myrna & Murray Rubin

Gertrude Berger

Loved Ones

USY Fund In Honor of

Charlotte & Harold Goldberg Charlotte Wygodski’s honor from the Maimonides Society,

December Anniversaries

Liz & Greg Sembler Susie Schwartz & Marilyn Benjamin

In Memory of

Sandy & Herb Brasch Sidney Brasch

Karen & Dr. Mandel Sher Dr. Stephen Kobernick

Chana Olmstead

Gail & Mike Frye Rose Frye

Drs. Leslie & Mitchell Weiss Dr. Stephen Kobernick

Susan & Dr. Steven LeVine Dr. Stephen Kobernick

Leah Sandler Bill Dolgoff

Shirley Greenman

USY Pilgrimage Fund In Memory of

Lillian Rosen Chana Olmstead

Bill Dolgoff

Vera & Larry Green Her father, Isadore Joseph Silverstone


January 2014


January 2014


December 2013

January 2014

2014 Mah Jongg Cards

$8 Standard Size

$9 Large Size

Deadline is January 15

Make check out to:

CBI Women’s League

(Make sure to include your address)

Mail to:

Susan Scheinert

9228 Silverthorn Road

Largo, Florida 33777

Questions: Email [email protected]


January 2014


December 2013





January 2014


St. Petersburg Chapter

Come join us!

For membership information

please contact:

Rhoda Ross – Membership VP

January 2014


December 2013

Women’s League Catering is special. Trust us with you simcha and you’ll discover that in addition to the delicious food, the great attention to detail, and the unbeatable value, there’s one thing that separates us from the rest. With everything we do, from the first phone call to the

serving of each carefully prepared dish, we do it with all our heart. Give us a call and see for yourself.

Contact Information:

Alice Ettinger 727.954.4805

January 2014


January 2014


Congregation B’nai Israel

B’nai Israel Review

300 -58th Street North

St. Petersburg, FL 33710-7889

Tel: (727) 381-4900

Fax: (727) 344-1307


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