
Good Shabbos!

BJSZ Bulletin | July 16, 2016 | 10 Tammuz 5776 י׳ תמוז תשע״ו | שבת פרשת חקת

Bnai Jacob Shaarei Zion Congregation


Candle Lighting *8:14 pm

*Those that daven at the 7:00 pm

Minyan on Friday night should ideally

light before 7:30 pm

Mincha Erev Shabbos 7:00 pm

Daf Yomi 8:00 am

Rabbi’s Parsha Shiur 8:35 am

Shacharis 8:45 am

Z’man Kri’as Shema 9:33 am

Shabbos Afternoon Shiur

given by Rabbi Rose 7:20 pm

Mincha 6:00 pm, 8:05 pm

Maariv ~9:15 pm

Weekday Mincha

1:55 pm, 8:15 pm

Candle Lighting Next Week

*8:09 pm



In our Parsha we read about the deaths of Miriam (20:1) and Aaron (20:28).

With the death of Miriam, the miraculous well that had sustained the Jewish People for

forty years in the desert, dried up, demonstrating that it had existed because of Miriam

(see Rashi 20:2). With the death of Aaron, the protective clouds that had enveloped the

Jewish People disappeared, provoking the enemy to attack the Jewish People and dem-

onstrating that those clouds had existed because of Aaron (see Rashi 21:1). Likewise,

when Moshe died, the Manna stopped, indicating that it existed only because of Moshe.

Thus we have a picture of some kind of a triumvirate leading the Jewish People.

While we certainly see clearly the roles that Moshe - the supreme prophet - and Aaron -

the Kohein Gadol - played, what ongoing role did Miriam play in the leadership of the

people? While we find her leading the women in the Song at the Sea (Shemos 15:20),

and she refers to herself as a prophet (Bamidbar 12:2), she is otherwise absent in the

Torah's narrative. Indeed, while after the deaths of Moshe (Devarim 34:8) and Aaron

(Bamidbar 20:29) the Torah describes the period of mourning of the Jewish People, after

Miriam's death no such mention is made. What then is Miriam's role and why does it

remain so hidden?



Shabbos candles may be lit with any kind of fuel and wick that hold a steady

flame, and that do not emit a pronounced fragrance. The primary concern here is that

there should be no need or temptation to fiddle with the candle while it is lit. The

Shulchan Aruch (OC 264:6) records that the ideal fuel for Shabbos candles is olive oil,

however many authorities (see MB 264:23 and others) have noted that our wax candles

and many other oils provide a very pleasant and steady flame and could be considered

ideal as well. When necessary one may use incandescent electric lights, however it is

important that it be apparent that the lights were lit specifically for the honor of Shab-

bos. As such our common custom is to light special Shabbos candles, relying on electric

lights only when truly necessary, such as in a hospital setting.

Listen to the Shiurim

of Rabbi Hauer

on his NEW website


We welcome our members, their families and all guests who have joined us for Shabbos!

Shabbos Parshas


Mishna Yomi:

Kilayim 5:2-3

Daf Yomi:

Bava Kama 46


Daf Yomi/Amud Yomi

Sunday: Daf Yomi Shiur: 7:00 am

Daf Yomi B’Halacha: 1:30 pm &

After regular Mincha/Maariv.

Daf Yomi B’Halacha topic:

The Laws of Shemoneh Esrei.

Monday - Friday:

Amud Yomi (Beitza): 6:10 am Daf Yomi: 7:35 am

Sunday - Thursday:

Daf Yomi B’Halacha: 1:30 pm and

after regular Mincha/Maariv


Sunday: 7:30 am; 9:00 am

Monday & Thursday:

6:40 am; 7:45 am

Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday:

6:50 am, 7:45 am

Mincha This Week: 1:55 pm, 8:15 pm* * in the main Shul

Maariv: 10:00 pm


Sunday: Sefer Bereishis: In Depth, given by Rabbi

Hauer 8:20-9:20 am (Men)

Sunday 11:00 am –Sefer HaMitzvos Chaburah

Monday 8:00 pm: Parsha Shiur for women

given by Rabbi Hauer (in conjunction with WIT)

Monday - Thursday, 2:10-3:00 pm

Chaburah studying in depth the "sugyos" and

background of Hilchos Tefillah

Tuesdays & Thursdays 8:00 - 9:00 PM

HaRav Yankel Herskovitz

מסכת דמאי -תלמוד ירושלמי

Wednesday: 9:15 pm: Maharal Parsha

Chaburah given by Rabbi Hauer (for Men)

Thursday: (Men).

8:40 - 9:00 pm: The Parsha Plan Chabura

9:00- 9:30 pm: Focus on the parsha

9:30 -10:00 pm: Focus on the Laws of Shabbos

BJSZ Night Kollel in the Schwartz Bais

HaMedrash is learning Meseches Makkos

Chavrusa Learning: 8:30 – 10:00 pm

Shiurim given by Rabbi Daniel Rose

Sunday & Thursday 9:00 pm Gemara

Monday 9:15 pm Alei Shur

BJSZ Bulletin | July 16, 2016 | 10 Tammuz 5776 י׳ תמוז תשע״ו | שבת פרשת חקת

Deadline for bulletin announcements is Wednesday.

Download the NEW BJSZ Mobile App.


Sisterhood Mitzvah Cards - Contact Leah Fischer at 443-870-3660 or the shul office to

purchase BJSZ Sisterhood Mitzvah Cards. $2 each or 6 for $10.

BJSZ Senior Club Luncheon - The next senior luncheon will take place on Monday, August 1 at noon.

Guest speaker will be holistic nutritionist, Lauren Mirkin. Topic: “The Merits of the Mediterranean Diet”.

Delicious lunch $10. Call Marna Walter by July 27 to make your reservation.

Senior, Single & Empty Nesters Shabbos Lunch - The next Shabbos Lunch will take place on

Shabbos July 23. Guest speaker will be Rabbi Tzvi Danziger. Call Musia Delman at 410-358-1557

to make your reservation and payment by July 20. Cost $10 per person.


Sunday, July 17 5:00 pm - Tehillim for Klal Yisroel at the home of Musia Delman , 6601 Park

Heights Ave. Apt. D2.

Sunday, July 17- Men’s Biker Cholim and Lifebridge Health Family BBQ Event. Join Team BJSZ

for Biker Cholim ‘16! Register at or contact Shaya Berzon.

Sunday, July 17 8:00 pm - Ayelet Hashachar pre-three weeks concert for women at

3209 Fallstaff Rd. (the shul behind the Storch’s home.) Tickets $10. For information

or to purchase tickets, contact [email protected] or 410-764-8627.

Wednesday, July 20 10:00 am - 12:10 pm - WIT Summer Spotlight Eretz Yisrael program for

women. Mrs. D’vorah Miller will be speaking at 10:00 am and Mrs. Miriam Kossman at 11:10

am . WIT members - no charge. Non members - $10 per class. Summer membership $100.

July 26, 27 & August 2 4:30 –6:00 pm - NWCP presents Safety on Wheels & Official Bike

Engraving for boys & girls ages 7-12.

Tuesday, July 26 at Agudath Israel 6200 Park Heights Ave. (downstairs)

Wednesday, July 27 at Shomrei Emunah (classroom 3)

Tuesday, August 2 at Kehilath Bnei Torah ( Rabbi Seidemann’s Shul) downstairs.

Tuesday July 26 6:30 pm - Seudas Siyum HaTorah will be held at BJSZ. Guest

speaker is Rabbi Moshe Tuvia Lieff of Agudas Yisroel Bais Binyomin. $15 per per-

son. Mincha at 6:30 PM followed by the Seudas Siyum. Reservations can be made

by emailing [email protected] or calling Seth Gerstman 410-764-1414.


BJSZ Bulletin | July 16, 2016 | 10 Tammuz 5776 י׳ תמוז תשע״ו | שבת פרשת חקת

Youth News Youth Groups are from

10:00 –11:30 am.

9:15 am: Shabbos Boys Teen Minyan

*Beis Hamedrash*

Pre-Bar Mitzvah Boys’ Minyan

*Auxillary Bais Hamedrash*

Youth Group Locations:

*Age 3-5 : Downstairs

*Age 5-7: Upstairs

*Girls 7+ : Bridal Room

Happy Birthday!!

Elazar Meir Mordechai Rosenblatt,

Rena Pretter, Gavriel Goodman,

Hershel Tzvi Green,

Chaya Hochstadter

Support The Shul

To celebrate a special event or

honor the memory of a loved one,

please contact the office.

Memorial Plaque ($250)

Tree of Life Plaque ($180)

Shalosh Seudos ($150)

Shalosh Seudos Co-Sponsor ($75)

Week of Learning ($250)

Day of Learning ($72)

Kiddush ($36) Reg. Shabbos Kiddush ($18)

Coffee Bar ($36)

Daf Yomi Sponsor ($25)

Amud Yomi Sponsor ($25)*

Anonymously matched for 5776!

Set of Machzorim ($54)

ArtScroll Machzor ($36)

Koren Sacks Siddur ($36)

Selichos ($25)

Seforim/Books ($18)

Youth Refreshments ($18)

Youth Minyan Cholent ($36)

Website sponsor $100/wk or $300/month

Refuah Shelaimah

Mrs. Rachel Kramer,

Mrs. Rose Miller (Home),

Mrs. Hattie Yaniger (Levindale).

Please look in on our members.

To add to the Mi Shebairach List, contact

Hana-Bashe Himelstein, 443-501-3185.

Please note: This bulletin should be treated as Shaimos.


Observed by: Date: Family Member:

Ruby Blitz 11 Tammuz Father, Samuel Weiss

Michael Lockman 12 Tammuz Father, Steven Lockman

Morton M. Esterson 14 Tammuz Mother, Celia Esterson

Gail Feinstein 14 Tammuz Father, Michael E. Freeman

Linda Storch 16 Tammuz Mother, Ruth Schwartz

Joyce Blockman 16 Tammuz Sister, Thelma Kolatch

Simeon J. Krumbein 16 Tammuz Brother, Aaron Krumbein

With gratitude to Hashem, we invite you to join us for a kiddush this Shab-

bos after davening, in honor of our daughter Chaviva Miriam. We welcome her

grandparents Raphael & Rachel Marciano and Mrs. Chavie Rabinowich, who

are here for the simcha.

Shimon & Shevi Marciano


Mazel Tov to Rabbi & Rebbetzin Hauer on the birth of a grandson, born to Yissacher & Suri


Mazel Tov to Rabbi David & Anne Gerstman on the birth of a granddaughter Sorah Meira,

born to Esther & Tani Gerstman of Baltimore. Mazel Tov as well to her great grandparents,

Sol & Gail Gerstman and Mrs. Anita Preis.

Mazel Tov to Sol & Gail Gerstman on the birth of a great granddaughter, born to Menachem

& Bat Tzion Gerstman of Lod, Israel.

Mazel Tov to Tommy and Ruthy Azman on the birth of a grandson, born to Dovid and Tikvah

Azman of Cedarhurst, NY.

Mazel Tov to Barbie and Glenn Porcelain on the birth of a granddaughter, born to Michael &

Rachel Porcelain in Modiin, Israel.

Mazel Tov to Avi Yudkowsky on his engagement to Gayil Rabi of Toronto.

Shalosh Seudos is sponsored by Shemaya & Susan Turner,

commemorating the yahrzeit of their mother, Annette Turner z”l.


Steve & Linda Storch - Dedicated a Week of Learning, commemorating the yahrzeit of

Linda’s mother, Ruth Schwartz z”l.

Mosheh & Devorah Nathan - Yahrzeit donation to BJSZ, commemorating the yahrzeit of

her father, Herman Tydell z”l.

Samuel & Lorna Durso - Dedicated a book to the BJSZ Library, in honor of Morton Ester-

son’s 90th


Rabbi Marcel & Mrs. Ruby Blitz - Daf Yomi sponsor, commemorating the yahrzeit of her

father, Rabbi Samuel Weiss z”l.

Happy Birthday!!

Naftali Ahron Lazar,

Yosef Chaim Masinter,

Devora Rappaport

Thank you to Shimon & Shevi Marciano for donating new games

to the BJSZ Youth groups.




TEL. 410-764-6810

FAX 410-764-2631


EMAIL: [email protected]



Rabbi Moshe Hauer

410-764-7356 Study

[email protected]

Assistant Rabbi

Rabbi Daniel Rose


[email protected]


Doni Greenwald

[email protected]

Vice Presidents

Nathan Adler

Shimon Marciano

Office Staff

Gracie Rosenblum

Executive Director


[email protected]

Shul Office Hours:

Monday-Thursday 9-3

Friday 9-12

Young Members

Shira Goldman



Hachnosas Orchim


[email protected]


(Visiting the Sick)

Atara Frankel


New Mothers

Leah M. Pasch


BJSZ Bulletin | July 16, 2016 | 10 Tammuz 5776 י׳ תמוז תשע״ו | שבת פרשת חקת

Bnai Jacob Shaarei Zion 6602 Park Heights Ave. Baltimore, MD 21215 | 410-764-6810



Studying Maseches Beitzah, addressing Hilchos Yom Tov.

New! In order to enhance the Mishna Brurah Yomi shiur we ‘ve added an

Blue color for


Early Mincha 6:00 pm


Supporting Torah learning locally and in Eretz Yisroel

BJSZ is joining together as a community to offer ongoing support of Torah at our local day schools and in Eretz Yisroel. Please consider joining in the partnership at any level. Register online at or contact Yeshaya Berzon, Zevy Wolman, Yehuda Spero, or Dovid Daniel.

to our members who have joined this year

as BJSZ Supporting Members

Tom & Ruthy Azman

Hal & Jody Crane

Mort & Ari Fertel

Dovid & Chaya Fink

Doni & Chaya Greenwald

Sol & Rena Langermann

Ofer & Marcie Lurman

Edwin Mellman

Yitzie & Nancy Pretter

Jason & Shani Reitberger

Ahron & Sharon Rose

Andrew & Lenie Singer

Steve & Linda Storch

Shmuel & Malki Wealcatch

Jerry & Sora Wolasky

If you would like to sign up as a

BJSZ supporting member, please see

Doni Greenwald.

SEFER BERESHIS SHIUR given by Rabbi Daniel Rose

Sunday 8:20 – 9:20 am (for men)

Topic: Marriage in the Story of Bereshis.
