  • 1. Unit 2.2 Organizational Structure
    Lesson 1: The Formal Organization
    Pages 203-208
    IB Business & Management

2. 1. Think about it
President Roosevelt once said, The best executive is the one who has sense enough to pick good men to do what he wants done, and self-restraint enough to keep from meddling with them while they do it.
Explain what he meant by this?

Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919), 26th president of the USA
3. 1. What are the job roles of each section in an organization?
2. What is an organizational chart?
3. How are they organized?

2. Focus Questions:
4. We will be looking at the many ways businesses organize their human resources.
We have learned in Unit 1.1 that one of the four major business functions was what?
We also learned in Unit 1.2 about sole proprietorship and they various jobs they have to do because why?
They are the ONLY one running the business.

3a. An overview:
5. So, what if the business expands and becomes larger?
What will the business need then?
It will need a formal and organized structure to make sure the business operates in an efficient and functional manner.
This can be determined by two things:
1. Accountability.what do I mean by this?
Shows who is responsible for what job and their performance.
2. Responsibilitywhat do I mean by this?
Shows who is in charge of whom.
3b. An overview:
6. In pairs:
Brainstorm and create a typical structure for OUR Secondary (High) School.
Think about who is at the top and work your way down.
You have 5 mins.
4. Activity:
7. As stated before, as a business becomes larger and more complex it has to be more structured.
If not, there would be total chaos and all the tasks and roles will not be fulfilled.
An organizational structure is helpful in many ways:
Can determine specialist areas.
Determines who is the supervisor; form of accountability.
Determines who has authority and their responsibilities.
Explains how all areas in the business are linked.
Can verify your own position in the company.
Identifies the channels of communication in an organization.

5a. Formal Organization: Job Roles
8. Chief Executive Officer:

  • Responsible for running the business.

9. Accountable to the shareholders. 10. Head of the company. 11. Leads the team of directors. 12. Represents the BOD. 13. Works on the companys objectives and policies with the BOD. 14. Communicates with the directors about any problems. 15. Plans and implements corporate strategy. 16.
