
Simplest Technique for Yoga & Meditation

Blowing ofShankh or Conch

Dr. Rajeev SharmaPrinted by - Scan Services, 111/315, Harsh Nagar, Kanpur Mob. : 94415050920

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The age old Indian traditions are

designed and developed in such a manner

that they have positive influences over

individual's social and cultural life. They

control almost all aspects of life and their

adherence lead to a balanced growth.

Yoga and its allied practices are procedures to discipline the

individual in a proper social frame work. Their practices reduce the

chances of psycho somatic disorders and make man healthy and

happy. Their regular practitioner will enjoy sound health.

The blowing of Shankh is a preliminary exercise in this regard. It

is a complete exercise for body, mind and soul. It affects our

voluntary, involuntary muscles, endocrine system, autoimmune and

autonomous nervous system and prevents autogenic tissue disorders,

which ultimately prevent psychosomatic disorders. Blowing of Shankh

facilitates dhyana which in turns stabilizes our personality.

As a medical practitioner, I experienced, experimented and

advised the blowing Shankh and found miraculous results. One of my

patients Mr. Rajeev Dixit, 50 was positive for tubercular bacilli. He

was also suffering from chemical and dust allergy since last 25 years.

After 4 months blowing alongwith meditation he got rid off

tubercular ailment, allergic problems and gained 5 kg. and improved

lungs capacity. The other case I would like to quote Mr. S.P. Bajpai

who was performed angioplasty due to ischaemic heart disease, is

now hail and hearty because of 2 mins. uninterrupted Shank blowing.

I totally agree with what is written in this booklet and

advocate that for better and best health and happiness everybody

should blow Shankh regularly.

25/7/2016 Dr. L.K. TiwariMBBS, D. Ortho., PHMSChief Consultant Ortho

UHM HospitalKanpur, U.P.


Dr. Rajeev Sharma I.A.S.

DOB : 02 July, 1961

Educational : M.Sc., M.A., Ph.D.

Qualification P.G. Diploma in Ecology & Environment

Address : HS-34, Krishnapuram, Kanpur-208 007 (U.P.)


Contact Details : Mobile - 91-9452577194

e-mail - [email protected]

Blog -

Present : Working in Indian Administrative Service and

Assignment posted as Additional Divisional Commissioner

Kanpur Division Kanpur (U.P.) India

concentrate one's attention or direct one's energy in search

of ultimate truth". Among various definitions of yoga it is

unanimously agreed that 'yoga' is the unification of body,

mind and soul.

Patanjali considers Yoga as a tool for self discipline and

begins like this :-

Atha yoganushasanam

Now we should discipline ourselves with yoga.

In his second shloka he says :-

Yoga is the cessation of movements in the consciousness.

For achieving this 'cessation of movements in consciousness

he postulates 'Ashtang Yoga' in the following manner :-

yama niyama asana prana yamaa pratyahara dharana

dyana samadhyah astau angani. II

Moral injuctions (yama), fixed observances (niyama),

posture (asana), regualtion of breath (Pranayama),

internalization of the senses towards their sources

(pratyahar), concentration (dharna), meditation (dhyana)

and abosrption of consciousness in the self (samadhi), are

the eight constituents of yoga.

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;ksxf'pRro`fRrfujks/k% II

yogah chittavartti nirodhah II

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Blowing of Shankh or Conch

A simplest technique for meditation and

Yoga along with various health benefits

1. Introduction

The yoga and blowing of Shankh or conch are two age old

Indian traditions. Most of the people living here usually try

to adhere to the principles and life style prescribed in the

yogic texts. The yoga is one of the six Indian philosophies on

which 'Vedanta' is based. The other five are 'Purva

Meemnasa, 'Sankhya', 'Nyaya', 'Vaisheshik', and 'Uttar


So is with the Shankh and usually it is blown every day while

doing pooja, religious ceremonies, functions and various

social performances. The blowing of Shankh facilitates

dhyana which is core of the yoga. The dhyana is needed in

our all daily activities and without dhyana we cannot

perform any task. The regular blowing of Shankh improves

our power of concentration on any subject. More over

blowing is an excellent physical exercise for body. It

improves both physico and psycho health of a regular


2. The yoga

The word Yoga is derived from the Sanskrit root word 'Yujir'

meaning to bind, to join, to attach and yoke two or more

than two objects or concepts. The tradition of Yoga in India

is quite old and we find its descriptions in 'Rigveda',

'Upanishands', 'Geeta', etc. In simple words yoga means "to

(1) (2)

• Yama - Restraint calls for the cultivation of five values :

(a) Non-violence-Ahimsa - it does not mean merely

abstinence from killing but also refrain from injuring

others either by words, thoughts or deeds.

(b) Truthfulness-Satya - this also means to be true is one's

thoughts, words and deeds under all circumstances.

(c) Non-stealing-Asteya - non-claiming anything that does

not belong to one. This means to control the propensity

of the mind for greed.

(d) Continence-Brahmacharya - it is observation of chastity

in thoughts, words and deeds. Continence re-creates

the body mind and thoughts, infusing them with a new


(e) Non-receiving of gifts-Aparigraha - remaining free and

independent from the influence of others.

• Niyama - Discipline -constitutes five observances :

(a) Clenliness - Saucha - not only external but also internal.

(b) Contentment - Santosha- remaining satisfied with a few

material necessities procured without great effort.

(c) Austerity - tapah - practicing control of body, speech

and mind. It increases "will power".

(d) Study of sacred books - Svadhyaya - study those books

which help you to understand the reality of the


(e) Self-surrender to God - Isvarapranidhan - by

surrendering the fruits of actions to the Divine one,

grows in devotion, which culminates in concentration on

the chosen ideal.

• Asana - posture - Raja Yoga stresses on a steady and

pleasant posture with the limbs of the body remaining

restful, and conducive to concentration and meditation.

There are 84 postures of sitting as means to the practice of

Yoga. All of them are beneficial for the physical body and

the idea is to gain control over the body.

• Pranayama - Control of breath - the Pranayam is derived

from the words Prana and Ayama i.e. definite dimentions to

Prana. The Prana signifies energy, force and Ayama means

specific dimensions. The breath supplies power to all parts

of the body. When the breath is regulated the mind

becomes calm. Pranayama consists of breathing in-Puraka,

restraining the breath - Kumbhaka, and breathing out -

Rechaka in proper proportion.

• Pratyahara - Withdrawal of mind - It consists of training the

mind to detach itself at will from each sense organ. When

we are in a perfectly concentrated state of mind, we would

not be influenced by any external noise.

• Dharana - Concentration - It means the gathering of mental

energies that are scattered in all directions and focusing

them on an object for a certain length of time without


• Dhyana - meditation - When concentration becomes

effortless and continuous, there begins meditation.

Patanjli says "Meditation is the uninterrupted

concentration of thought on its object. This itself turns into (3) (4)

Samadhi when the object itself shines and the thought of

meditation (and of the mediator) is lost as it were"

• Samadhi - Absorption - It is attained when meditation

becomes constant and continuous and mind merges in the

object of meditation.

The above definition and basic description of yoga show that it is

a process of controlling and disciplining physical, mental,

cultural and social aspects of the life of common worldly people.

3. Need of the yoga :-

Everybody would agree that man is different from other

animals because he is a disciplined creature. To be a man

we are to discipline ourselves and we need an accurate and

perfect procedure for disciplining without causing any


This world is full of attractions, distractions, vices,

allurements, and provocation etc. which are the causes of

the deviations from the naturally and socio-culturally

prescribed life style. These environmental influences and

deviations, both external and internal, on the physical and

mental processes, ultimately lead to pain, agonies,

miseries, and ailments etc. These factors negatively affect

our endocrine system and autonomous-involuntary nervous

system, ultimately leading to various psycho-somatic


Autonomic and proprioceptive neuro-muscular reactions

along with secretions of endocrine glands, seem to have an

important bearing in about these changes. To remain

healthy and fit certain amount of equilibrium is essential

not only among all body systems but also between body and

mind. Therefore we need a procedure to keep us physically

and mentally fit in a present day fast and modern

technology based life.

Here comes the role of yoga and its various allied activities

which aim at to bring about balanced behaviour and

balanced personality.

4. The blowing of Shankha an-ideal exercise :-

After knowing what yoga is and its relevance for man, it is

important to know how to begin with? Many will suggest

going to various text books, scriptures, journals, audio and

video learning etc. Some will suggest to go to a 'yoga guru'

who will teach you all subtle intricacies of the subject. He

will teach you to begin with yama and follow niyama,

asanas, pranayama, pratyahar, dharna and then dhyana

and Samadhi. He will again insist that no overstepping is

allowed and all steps are compulsory.

Everyone is correct but the question is how much time,

resources, and enthusiasm etc. One can devote in this fast

moving life, for such activities. Therefore one needs a

perfect and composite procedure which can be easily

practiced every day without any hindrances and gives

maximum beneficial out puts.

The blowing of Shankh is an ideal exercise in this regard. If

blowing is done methodically and properly it is an

excellent systematic exercise of those parts or organs of

body for which no effective exercise is available which can (5) (6)

be prescribed. It improves digestive, respiratory,

endocrine and circulatory systems. The three major

bandhas are automatically applied during blowing. This all

ultimately sooths the mind, facilitates dhyana which is the

core of yoga.

5. Shankh or Conch :-

The Shankh or Conch is the outer calcareous shell of

Turbinella pyrum i.e. sea snail found in Indian ocean. It's

over all shape is oblong or conical having protuberances in

the middle and tapers at both ends. The upper portion i.e.

mouth is cork screw shaped and other end is tapering and

twisted. The interior is hollow and coil shaped.

Shankh or conch has a special relevance for every Hindu

and most of them either keep it in their houses or use it

during pooja or special offerings. Shankh is said to possess

several spiritual and mysterious powers. However, if it is

blown in a correct and proper manner, it has tremendous

positive bearing on our physical and mental health.

6. Method of Blowing Shankh :-

The appropriate process of blowing of Shankh is given

below :-

?Sit comfortably in Siddhasana or Padmasana or Sukhasana,

with straight spinal cord and neck. The neck should be

extended at atlanto-occipital joint so that mouth opening

and air way come in a straight line. The tail bone i.e. lower

part of lumber or cocci should not touch the surface on

which we sit. Inhale as much air as possible and retain it for

a while and then exhale. Do it for two to three times. After

that, put mouth of Shankh between the lips, slightly on the

right side, and slowly and with no effort or with little effort,

blow the air inside the opening of the Shankh. Do it, as many

times as you like to do or feel pleasure in doing so. In first

attempt, the Shankh may not blow but be sure, that success

is to come after a few repeated efforts. The persistent and

consistent efforts in this regard are required.

7. Body's response :-

In the process of blowing Shankh our body responds in the

manner given here. During Shankh blowing, when we

inhale, the air is forcibly filled in lungs and stomach, and

our navel region is pushed inside, which led to contraction

of diaphragm. The rectal muscles contract and relax

consistently, and ultimately pushed inside and stretched

upward. These muscles are released as we exhale and navel

region expands. At the time of Shankh blowing the neck

muscles are contracted and compressed, and blood starts

gushing in to head region and brain. This is most important

aspect of blowing Shankh.

More technically we can say that during blowing three

important bandhas - neuro-muscular-sphinctures i.e. mool

bandha, uddiyan bandha and jalandhar bandha are

automatically applied. The mool bandha pertains to rectal

areas, uddiyan to navel area and jalandhar bandha is

peculiar to neck region. When these bandhas are applied,

the internal pressure of very high degree is produced in the

concerned region. All three bandhas are applied

simultaneously during the blowing without any extra effort.

(7) (8)

During blowing the diaphragm is pushed upward and lungs

are contracted and expanded. The heart is compressed by

this process and ejaculation of blood is geared up. The

process also massages heart muscles.

When the diaphragm is pushed upward, the liver, gall

bladder, spleen, pancreas and the entire intestinal

system also pressed and move upward. When the blowing

ends, these body parts come to their normal places. Thus

the process is an excellent procedure for systematic

massage of internal organs for which no other exercise is


8. Advantages of Shankh blowing :-

In the above process of Shankh blowing, as per my

observations, our body is benefited in the following ways :-

1. Rectal muscles are consistently contracted and relaxed

as long as shankh is blown. This practice gives strength

to anal muscles and sphincters with gradual

disengorgement of rectal and anal veins preventing


2. With the pressure on prostrate area, it regulates the

prostatic sections preventing it's enlargement.

3. Complete contraction of urinary bladder and urinary

tract muscles lead to strengthing them, resulting in

minimal residual urine antioxidant in bladder or


4. Liver, spleen, gall bladder, pancreas, and intestine etc.

all get systematically massaged in such a way, their

functioning is improved.

5. The only exercise for diaphragm muscles, resulting in

ejaculation of undigested toxic food in stomach.

6. Toning up of chest muscles.

7. Lungs are expanded and contracted up to alveoli and

their aerial capacity is improved, resulting into extra-


8. Under normal conditions, an individual inhales 500ml.

air and exhales the same amount, while 2300ml. air is

permanently retained in his lungs, i.e. functional

residual air which usually does not come out during

breathing. The permanent retained air ultimately

causes toxicity. While we blow Shankh, 3200ml. air is

taken inside i.e. inhaled and 4400 ml. air is out

breathed i.e. exhaled. Thus only 1200 ml. air is left in

the lungs. This ventilates the lungs and cleans them

which ultimately reduce toxicity.

9. Complete and perfect contraction and relaxation of

neck muscles lead to strengthening of neck muscles

and decreasing the pressure on thecal membranes and

spinal cord which prevents cervical spondylitis.

10. No exercise for vocal cord and thyroid other than

blowing of Shankh is present.

11. Synchronised contraction and relaxation of face

muscles makes face uniformly calm.

12. When blood of body is forcible pooled towards the head

region, carrying oxygenated blood with nutrients, helps

to improve the health of the head and face skin.

(9) (10)

13. The improved blood circulation in brain activates brain

tissues, basal ganglions and mid brain pituitary thus

controlling hormonal secretions.

14. More oxygenated blood with nutrients and

consequently nourishes head skin ultimately results in

to better growth, development and health of hair.

15. The application of bandhas, which are neuro-muscular

locks when applied involves changes in the internal

pressure of a very high degree. This has a direct effect

on the visceral tone, various glandular secretions,

including endocrinal, and also on some of the vital

nerve plexus and arterial and various system preventing

the aging process.

16. Over and above, the sound created, during blowing of

Shankh, has a specific significance. It originates at

particular wave length and frequency. If one remains

under its influence for some time, it prepares and

facilitate Dhyana i.e. meditation. Dhyana becomes

easy after blowing Shankh. The scientific researches

proved that the sound of Shankh with its inherent 7.83

Hertz can be heard by the ears as well as the human


9. Precautions :-

But at the same time due care must be taken to initiate the

process. Blowing of Shankh must be learnt from a person

who can perform it easily or by a person who can guide in

this regard. Careless blowing sometimes may cause hernia

or may damage ear or eyes muscles. Sometimes diaphragm

muscles may rupture. The usual mistake, generally people

do while blowing Shankh is that, inhale through mouth,

instead of nose. When we inhale through mouth, air goes to

our stomach, which is not meant to retain air. Further, only

small quantity of air could be held and stored in it. When

stomach is expanded due to air retention, the lungs are

compressed and air volume is reduced in them which are

not conducive for Shankh blowing. Therefore it is advised

to learn it gradually and slowly under the guidance of a

regular performer.

10. Conclusion :-

The health benefits of blowing of Shankh or conch are

tremendous and one who does it daily will enjoy better

and perfect health throughout his life. The metabolic

changes due to blowing, through the body fluids, may act

on different systems, such as glandular, circulatory,

nervous, excretory, etc. and bring about a complete

change in the total personality of the individual, before

one takes to the higher practices of yoga. It is the best way

to prevent the ailments and keep body fit. It's few minutes

practice will make body free from all kinds of psycho-

somatic ailments.

Thus blowing of Shankh is a perfect exercise which helps us

in learning elementary phases of yoga and prepares us for

advance stages, improves our physical and mental health

along with spirituality among us.

(11) (12)
