  • 8/13/2019 Blogs Nursing Philippines.docx


    1. Nursing Philippines: End of the Demand

    The American Nursing shortage is over Kenneth Mann...... .


    A Lost Generation

    Origins: A difficult life in the Philippines

    The surge began in early 2002, or probably earlier. Philippine parents and studentsnoticed that suddenly, nurses were leaving for the biggest land of prosperity forthis former colony of America. The chance to immigrate via a US greencard, awayfrom the terrible economic misery of the Philippines that awaited the majority of

    nurses beckoned to all. The United States was suddenly set square in the targetsights of every parent as the dream destination for their children. Almost everyonehad heard of someone (a neighbor, a friend) who used to be a lowly RN working insome local hospital but now in the USA with a fat signing bonus, a brand new houseand one or two cars. Local Sunday papers began to fill with advertisements fromrecruiters coming to hire PH RN with mouth watering benefits: free airfare,relocation bonus and housing. From a mere 7,000 or so candidates passing each RNlicensure exam, the numbers rose to awesome levels, reaching a high of more90,000 examinees at the height of the nursing bandwagon frenzy. It is hard tobelieve that overnight, tens of thousands of PH students had become advocates ofthe caring profession. Suddenly, every Filipino high school graduate wanted tobecome a nurse, whether by choice or by parental pressure. The Me Too scramblehad begun.

    Schools were flooded with veritable armies of students in white, scenes that werereplicated in campuses all over the nation. Dubious new nursing schools sproutedall over the nation like mushrooms to meet (and cash in) on the insatiable need forFilipinos to try her his/her hand at nursing. For the first time, more males werealso taking up this female dominated career. Other courses lost their studentpopulations, that would surely affect the workforce in those fields in the yearsahead. Engineers, lawyers and other non-medical professionals joined the rush,hoping that with their multiple entry US visas they could jump the line aftergraduation by adjusting status in America. The PH beat India, China and all other

    countries with regard to the number of RNs taking the CGFNS and NCLEX - twoexaminations needed to practice in the US. The PH PRC, who gave the biannuallicensing examination earned record fees from the tens of thousands of examinees.As greed set in, the quality of RN education became affected, with substandardschools opening overnight to meet the demand. This would eventually result in ascandal that would taint PH nurses - a board examination leakage of test questions.There is one Board of Nursing in the US whose staff had verbally declared that theyare using a magnifying lens on the transcript of all PH applicants as "they are allsuspected of being FRAUDULENT".

    Law of statistics

    Tens of thousands of students who probably didn't even think of nursing as a career
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    were goaded, pushed and pressured by classmates, friends, relatives and starry-eyed parents to take up the course, that presumably would land them at once a jobin America. Little did those who were down the line know that with only 10,000immigrant visas allocated to the PH per year for all professions under EB3, it was astatistical impossibility akin to the lotto that everyone would land in the milk ofhoney as an RN. An NCLEX examination center even opened in Manila toaccommodate the massive number of applicants. CGFNS, another company whoseVisaScreen is vital to be issued an immigrant visa was undoubtedly reaping bundlesfrom the thousands of PH applicants. On top of these, the nurse had to take Englishexaminations to be qualified. Not only was the path to getting the coveted USgreencard financially arduous, it demanded a lot of tests to be passed, whosevalidity often had to be renewed due to the long wait times for EB3 visa approvals.

    What goes up... the law of supply and demand

    But as with all fads, several events would crush the dreams of more than half amillion PH RNs - the exhaustion of immigrant visas and the great Recession that

    struck the US in 2008.When a nurse with a spouse and three children, five visaswould be granted to them. The four visas given to the dependents would meanthese were taken away from nurses waiting in line. With tens of thousands applyingfor EB3 visas under which RNs are classified, the result is a backlog of five to sixyears. This includes RNs waiting in the PH, other countries and those who wereallowed to enter the USA as tourists and adjust their status. This was termed'RETROGRESSION" by the State Department. With the collapse of the HousingMarket, the US economy wasn't in a hiring mode, and many hospitals laid off theirworkers. This included nurses. Things were never the same again for PH RNs.New Zealand, Australia, the UK, Canada, Singapore, Norway and the Middle Eastwould become alternative destinations for RNs, who due to their excessive numbershad saturated the job market in the PH. RNs were now even paying hospitals justso they could gain certificates for training experience. Call centers saved mostjobless RNs as competition for every single post in hospitals had reached epicproportions.

    Endgame: Retrogression, Recession, Concurrence

    Now, in the US, more new RNs have joined the workforce, and the shortage haseased significantly and has even been questioned as moving into the realm of myth.Most recruiting agencies had closed down, hospitals abandoning their petitionednurses still in the PH due to the economic Recession and more US grown RNsentering the workforce. Very few companies were willing to hire a nurse from the

    PH when the whole process would take 5 to 6 years. A new graduate from the USwould be preferable. American nursing schools were catching up with the demandnow and pouring more nurses into the system.Take the case of the Board of Nursing of California: an applicant needs to have avalid Social Security Number (SSN) in order to apply. So you have to be animmigrant or a citizen to be eligible. This effectively eliminates the PH nurses fromever applying to CA. And now, the CA BON has enforced another existing rulingcalled CONCURRENCY to include all PH graduates. If you are from the PH, forgetabout applying to CA. Many PH RNs now resort to marrying American citizens (fiancee visas) whether forreal or not - just to be able to enter the US legally. As for those carrying multipleentry visas, adjustment of status in the US is no longer an option, as there are no

    employers willing to hire. So most tourists go back to the PH empty handed, or trytheir luck by overstaying and transforming into illegal immigrants working as
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    caregivers, separated painfully from their families back home by decades. Butthere are still lucky ones, like many pinoys who came to America after gettingFamily-based immigrant visas. Most of these already finished their BS Nursing, andwhen the petitions by their parents in America came through, they breezedthrough immigration, ready to work in the US.

    Advice to parents and children The Demand is now over for PH RNs. There is no nursing shortage, at least in the USthat needs any more PH immigrant nurses. Now, more than ever, parents in the PHmust acknowledge this fact and turn away from a profession whose long termemployment prospects appears dim for a decade or more. Continuing on this pathwould lead to wasted cash on tuition fees that could be used more productively inother endeavors.This would also save the future of their children (and avoidmisery) who would rather be interior designers, engineers, lawyers, business menor nautical graduates. Doing otherwise would result in a jobless, unfulfilled, lostgeneration of professionals numbering close to a million.A positive result of this oversupply though, is that healthcare could conceivably

    improve as there are more RNs among the population. Medical school enrollmentmight also increase as jobless RNs decide to proceed to take up Medicineinstead .Call centers will have an abundant pool of workers to hire. For the rest, alot of time, effort and money had been sacrificed for the dream or chance ofimmigrating.

    2013 Board Exams for Nursing The June 2013 Board Examination Result for Nurses in the PH shows a steady andperceptible trend - a rapid decline in examinees. From a high of more than 90,000takers at the height of the perceived "nursing shortage in America", only 37,887took the test this June 2013.

    Pinoy parents have begun to wake up and accept the fact, that the "craze" is nowover and being a nurse in the PH means joblessness, even if you are a topnotcher inthe exams. It doesn't matter, you're still one nurse among more than half a millionqueuing up for scarce positions in both the public and private sectors.

    DISCLAIMER MEMO: I did NOT write this, this was passed on to me by anotherperson. I don't know who the actual writer is, she didn't tell me, but it waspassed on to her from another friend. But definitely the original writer deservesall the credit for coming out and describing exactly what has been happeningfrom a historical standpoint to present day issues from the frauds to theconcurrency to the current job marketLast edit by Esme12 on Oct 26, '13 : Reason : source sited

    jtmarcy12 , Esme12 , zero. , and 1 other like this.

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    4. 4 Comments so far...


    0 Dec 10, '13 by francis_coup

    very well said! The American Dream for Pinoy nurses is close to impossible. Eventhough you get your green card and RN license in the US, it is still hard to get a

    job. Many employers in the US do not accept or consider Philippine nursingexperience. They prefer those with US experience.


    1 Dec 15, '13 by zero.

    That's a nice article that should and must awaken my fellow Filipino nurses to thereality of nursing in the US. I got into nursing exactly as described at thebeginning of the text, persuaded by my parents and relatives who promised tofinancially support my education but sooner or later was nowhere in sight a yearafter I shifted from Information Management to Nursing.

    Eventually I graduated and passed the Philippine Nurse Licensure Exam, but hadto work in a bank for almost 2 years since there were no local hospitals that werehiring staff nurses simply because of the oversupply of newly licensed RN's in the

    Philippines. With the help of friends, I luckily got a slot for a "training program" ata nearby tertiary hospital and eventually got hired, and selected for specializationafter a couple of years. And here I am now, a dialysis nurse working in theCaribbean, with 5 years of experience and counting. But it won't stop there. I'mplanning to get my Master's in the next couple of years, and would do mygraceful exit in the clinical aspect of nursing and level up to administration andmanagement, or public health.

    The thing is, even if I got sucked into a terrible system dictated by economicneeds, there are still ways to jump out of it. America is not the only place where

    nurses can have a flourishing career, there's Canada, Australia and the UK.There's a whole big world out there. So if America is closing its doors, then look
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    somewhere else. If the situation is not to your advantage, then instead of waitingfor your papers in the pile thanks to Retrogression, it might be more practical togo look for other options.ninakarel likes this.


    3 Dec 15, '13 by loriangel14 Guide

    Other countries are also tightening up their requirements for foreign educatednurses. Canada has taken nursing off the list for Federal Skilled Worker visas.TheUS is not the only place that no longer needs to recruit for nurse from outsidetheir borders.francis_coup , Esme12 , and Fiona59 like this.


    4 Dec 22, '13 by Fiona59

    Zero: Australia, Canada and the UK are no longer looking off shore for qualifiednurses. Read these countries threads on this forum. Locally educated new gradsare having a hard time finding full time work. Governments are cutting healthcarespending which results in layoffs.

    Nursing isn't the golden ticket some people think it is.francis_coup , Ginger's Mom , loriangel14 , and 1 other like this.

    1. US labor market tough for Filipino Nurses until 2020 Filipino nurses may have difficulty entering the US labor market until 2020, according to party-list

    Rep. Arnel Ty. Right now, they have ample supply of US -educated nurses, said Ty, the representative in Congress of

    the Liquefied Petroleum Gas Marketers Association (LPG-MA).

    In a statement, Ty cited statistics from Americas National Council of State Boards of Nursing whichshow that the US produced close to a million nurses from 2006 to 2011.
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    Ty said the US demand for Filipino and other foreign nurses may start to recover in 8 years when

    thousands of US-based nurses would have retired. The US first encountered a shortage of nurses in 1998. This created a surge in number of Filipino

    nursing graduates hoping to get a career in the US. However, the gap has since been filled by the large increase in the number of American nurses, plus a

    deluge of foreign-educated practitioners. Due to the huge oversupply of nurses in the Philippines, both the Commission on Higher Education and

    the Professional Regulation Commission have been urging high school graduates to shun nursing.

    Late response Ty blamed regulators for their late response to labor market conditions. They should be more aggressive in researching and projecting future labor market conditions, both

    here and abroad, to help guide young Filipinos as to potential career paths, he said. Regulators are just reacting to what is already happening, such as the apparent glut of nursing

    graduates. Their late advisories would be more valuable once these are predictive and instructive, ratherthan merely reactive, Ty said. From 1995 to 2011, Ty said a total of 145,081 Filipino nurses sought to practice their profession in

    America by taking for the first time (excluding repeaters) the US licensure exam, or NCLEX. However, Ty said that from 2006 to 2011 alone, a total of 938,552 US nursing graduates also took the

    NCLEX for the first time. Special jobs plan Ty said he has been pushing for a new law that would establish a special local jobs plan for idle

    Filipino nu rses, now estimated at more than 300,000. He has filed House Bill 4582, which seeks an expanded version of the Nurses Assigned in Rural

    Service or NARS, the short -lived Philippine government project that enlisted nurses to improve

    healthcare in poverty-s tricken towns. Tys said the Special Program for the Employment of Nurses in Urban and Rural Services (NURSE)

    would mobilize a total of 10,000 practitioners every year.
  • 8/13/2019 Blogs Nursing Philippines.docx


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    15 Comments so far...


    2 Aug 31, '12 by steppybay

    It's getting bad for us PH students and nurses, as in CA and many other states,they are hiring what's called "internals", which is hiring from within, of those thatdid their clinicals in their hospitals.

    Many hospitals are also going into a "Magnet" status and makes it easier for theirstudents to go right into their nursing jobs upon graduation and just need to passthe NCLEX.

    While the actual open spots in each hospital is still very limited, not all internalsgets hired, but many stand a good chance to get hired into other hospitals.Kujaji and riena_pie like this.


    2 Aug 31, '12 by Kuyafern

    Now this is terrible. Spread the awareness. So much for "demand".Kujaji and riena_pie like this.
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    1 Sep 1, '12 by steppybay

    Quote from Kuyafern Now this is terrible. Spread the awareness. So much for "demand".

    I'm trying, lol. Telling my other friends and others that are looking to come to theStates later on, I mean, who knows, things could change, but I can clearly seethis article is right on the outcome.

    I give them the information and it's up to them to make their own decisions,knowing that it's not only their time in years and the thousand's of $$$ spend,but to keep a realistic view on the nursing job market, as that is one of the mainreasons we're wanting to be nurses.

    I liken it to how the job market is in the Phils, it's bad, yes, just as bad in theStates with the extreme stiff competition with the thousand's of US educatedstudents and nurses.

    Yes, there are still the personal care giver jobs, jobs in LTC, nursing homes,

    clinics, etc for some PH job seekers, but really the truth is I think most of usnewer generation PH grads prefer the medium to larger hospital settings.

    For someone like me and several other PH friends, we would like that, plus to beworking in the Peds unit versus being with the adults.riena_pie likes this.


    2 Sep 1, '12 by Kuyafern

    dead on. the thing is though, i've tried to warn other friends and they won'tlisten. I even tried to warn them about the problem the concurrency issue butthey won't listen. They have to learn the hard way.

    The only way to alleviate the populated nurses in the Philippines is to limit thenumber nursing enrollees. Now the US is trying to alleviate the over populationhere by enforcing strict regulations specially in California.
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    No wonder Vermont started to enforce such regulations. thousands of nursegraduates without SSN have been applying for the NCLEX.

    Now our only hope is finding a state that don't have the concurrency issues. WhatI've come to observe is states with higher population of Nurse applicants areenforcing strict regulations and loads of requirements such as California,Vermont, Georgia, Louisiana, Texas, Florida. I'm not sure about NY because thereare still applicants who were able to get their ATT.

    It's a matter of time before all states enforce the requirements just like California.Kujaji and riena_pie like this.


    0 Oct 3, '12 by riena_pie

    Kuya fern and Steppybay it's sad I'm on my 1st year now this is actually mysecond degree I've learned my lesson from joinin the bandwagon before ofgetting a Compurterscience degree too bad it wasn't for me I just applied in a callcenter biz after I graduated I worked as customer service agent for 5 yrs andmoved to Florida to study CNA and got my license there and work in a hospital.Sad because I coudnt find a job at that time due to bad economy recession is stillon and this is the longest ever!Now I'm pursuing BSN coz I liked the CNA job andI was working in a pediatric ward. Lucky me now my boss wants to rehire me ifever I plan to come back due to this concurrency issue here in PH.Now I'm not sosure if stil leant to continue my studies here in PH.From all the stories I've haveread I just want to quit and forget about nursing or BSN just end up working asCNA.Or wait till I save up money to study in a private school for LPN instead.AndKuya fern u stated thatNo wonder Vermont started to enforce such regulations.thousands of nurse graduates without SSN have been applying for the NCLEX.Now our only hope is finding a state that don't have the concurrency issues. WhatI've come to observe is states with higher population of Nurse applicants areenforcing strict regulations and loads of requirements such as California,Vermont, Georgia, Louisiana, Texas, Florida. I'm not sure about NY because thereare still applicants who were able to get their ATT.It's a matter of time before allstates enforce the requirements just like California.So how about for studentwhose immigrants or US citizen meaning we already have SSN # jut like me I'mimmigrant.Is there a bigger chance to get approve if I already have SSN?And all Ineed to do is process all my documents for CES and NCLEX?Just wonderin!Thanks
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    0 Oct 3, '12 by RhanSantiago84

    It's utterly frustrating finding a Nursing School if any at all.


    0 Oct 3, '12 by Kuyafern

    Hey there Riena,so does this mean you are in the Phils right now currently in anursing program? I would encourage you to continue with your education. It'spretty tough for now and the economy is slowly trying to go back up. It's prettyhard for the economy to directly boom back up. Most schools in the philippinesare trying to revise their curriculum to meet the US standards. I wouldn't give up

    if I were you.

    Most states now require an SSN and if you do have one that's one majoradvantage you have from non SSN holders. I would also suggest get a licensefrom the Philippines as well. Just keep moving forward, and trust your struggles.

    Quote from riena_pie Kuya fern and Steppybay it's sad I'm on my 1st year now this is actually mysecond degree I've learned my lesson from joinin the bandwagon before of gettinga Compurterscience degree too bad it wasn't for me I just applied in a call centerbiz after I graduated I worked as customer service agent for 5 yrs and moved toFlorida to study CNA and got my license there and work in a hospital. Sad because Icoudnt find a job at that time due to bad economy recession is still on and this isthe longest ever!Now I'm pursuing BSN coz I liked the CNA job and I was working ina pediatric ward. Lucky me now my boss wants to rehire me if ever I plan to comeback due to this concurrency issue here in PH.Now I'm not so sure if stil leant tocontinue my studies here in PH.From all the stories I've have read I just want toquit and forget about nursing or BSN just end up working as CNA.Or wait till I saveup money to study in a private school for LPN instead.And Kuya fern u statedthatNo wonder Vermont started to enforce such regulations. thousands of nursegraduates without SSN have been applying for the NCLEX. Now our only hope isfinding a state that don't have the concurrency issues. What I've come to observe is

    states with higher population of Nurse applicants are enforcing strict regulationsand loads of requirements such as California, Vermont, Georgia, Louisiana, Texas,
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    Florida. I'm not sure about NY because there are still applicants who were able toget their ATT.It's a matter of time before all states enforce the requirements justlike California.So how about for student whose immigrants or US citizen meaningwe already have SSN # jut like me I'm immigrant.Is there a bigger chance to getapprove if I already have SSN?And all I need to do is process all my documents forCES and NCLEX?Just wonderin!Thanks


    1 Oct 4, '12 by proudpinay

    @ riena_pie...You still can never be sure even if our universities in the Phil.takeaction with the concurrency issue and besides BON in any state mightcome upwith something new that will cause denial for foreign if I were you justfinish your education here in the US it's like being safe from any problem in thefuture...I have cousins taking up nursing in the Phils. and even if their school istrying to change the curriculum to meet with CABON requirements still they arenot really sure what will the outcome would be once they apply to sit for theNclex exam..Kujaji likes this.


    3 Oct 4, '12 by Kuyafern

    if you do continue on going back to school here you would need to meetprerequisites that may take up to a year and then also deal with the waiting list1-2 years for most schools. It's true that if you go to college here and graduateyou won't have the problems a majority of international graduates are facing. Thehard part is getting into a program. If finance is a problem, there's always aide's.It's really your decision.1. you continue the education there but i would advise you to coordinate withyour clinical coordinators and dean to complete your cases concurrently and havethe right amount of hours. after graduating you may have to deal with this issue.2. you can go back here in the US continue your education complete theprerequisites, and take your chances in getting into a program. it may take a yearor two before you get in one. but in the end you won't have trouble applying forthe exam.
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    it's all about taking risks.Kujaji , wena , and proudpinay like this.

    1. Oct 4, '12 by steppybay

    The one main concern that seems to be mentioned by a couple of PH friendsenrolled now is that they seem to be adjusting the clinicals and theory partstogether, BUT they are much worried in doing that, the schools may now be"shortening" (or reducing) the hours that's required by the CA BON. They arelessening the hours to make sure the students can get in their clinicals.

    So guess what? PH grads you now are 110% in compliance with the concurrencyrule, but you're lacking 1-2-3 hours in this or that course. FAIL

    Again, as I have said before, does the CHED know what's going on or does thePRC and PNA not know what the heck to do? These agencies really need to gettheir act together, hire someone who is an USA expert in CA BON rules andregulations.

    Someone commented here that why should the PH schools and colleges andgovernment bother trying to meet the US standards? I say, well, because it'sknown that 33% of PH grads will want to or come to CA, with who knows whatother smaller percentage wants to go into other States, maybe another 17%spread out over 35 States? That's 50%, that's why.

    Kujaji likes this.


    1 Oct 4, '12 by CrunchRN

    Not to rain on your parade, but the over supply is so bad now that often everynew grad position in Cali gets 200 applicants. And most other states are just asbad. I have head North Dakota is looking for nurses though so you might try that.Fiona59 likes this.

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    0 Oct 4, '12 by proudpinay

    [QUOTE=Kuyafern;6969683]if you do continue on going back to school here you

    would need to meet prerequisites that may take up to a year and then also dealwith the waiting list 1-2 years for most schools. It's true that if you go to collegehere and graduate you won't have the problems a majority of internationalgraduates are facing. The hard part is getting into a program. If finance is aproblem, there's always aide's. It's really your decision. 1. you continue theeducation there but i would advise you to coordinate with your clinicalcoordinators and dean to complete your cases concurrently and have the rightamount of hours. after graduating you may have to deal with this issue. 2. youcan go back here in the US continue your education complete the prerequisites,and take your chances in getting into a program. it may take a year or two before

    you get in one. but in the end you won't have trouble applying for the'sall about taking risks.[/QUOTE

    Very true Kuyafern it's about taking risks... we can do it...


    1 Oct 4, '12 by steppybay

    Quote from CrunchRN Not to rain on your parade, but the over supply is so bad now that often every newgrad position in Cali gets 200 applicants. And most other states are just as bad. Ihave head North Dakota is looking for nurses though so you might try that.

    I would like to correct you on your applicant numbers for CA, you're missing azero, lol.

    No, but seriously, I know what you're talking about. I have a few USA nursingfriends now and they tell me of how hospitals and even medium size ones aregetting over 1,000 applicants on average, some less around 600-800 for only afew openings. UCLA had something like over 3,000. San Diego hospitals gettingover 1,000 applicants. Many of the on-line applications are shutting down afterreaching a few hundred, some closing the application process mid-way as thecomputer system gets overloaded and we're talking about open to apply for onlya few hours!

    One is employed with the big LA hospital I mentioned, a couple of others in LA

    too but different hospitals and it took them almost a year, but many of theirfriends are still looking, so sad.
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    Fiona59 likes this.


    0 Oct 4, '12 by CrunchRN

    It used to be no matter how bad your work history you could easily get a jobthere. The over supply thing is just evil greediness by schools and corporations.

    Good luck to you guys though. I certainly understand wanting to be able to makea decent living for yourselves and your families.



    Nov 9, '12 by greenjungle

    It's not even until 2020. The US has caught up with its RN "shortage", there willbe plenty to meet the demand and some. More like for good.
