
Blogging for Lead GenerationAnd Search Improvement

What is a blog?

It’s the Bait!

1. Differentiate you from your competition 2. Build credibility for your business 3. Improve search ranking 4. Provide a reason for people to visit

A Strong Business Blog Will:

Your Key to Content Marketing Success: The Editorial Calendar

Strategic Blog Planning

• Your blog shows you are willing to share your knowledge which builds people’s trust

Blogging Builds Credibility

• Your blog builds your business up as a source of educated, informative opinions on subjects that matter in your field

• Your blog allows you or your team members to become thought leaders

• Consistent blogging shows the industry you are both professional and reliable

• Your blog keeps your company top of mind with your prospects by creating a personal connection with them

Blogging Differentiates You From Your Competition

• Your blog can illustrate your approach to business problems and show your (or your brand’s) personality

• Your blog is your own - it isn’t dependant on a specific 3rd party platfom and you are in complete control

• More visitors

Blogging Improves Search Ranking

• More site content

• More click-throughs

• More time on page

• More quality back links

Format your articles for SEO

❑ Page Title

Your page title shows up in the tab of the browser window. It should be short and sweet, and on topic.

❑ Blog Post Headline (H1)

This incorporates relevant keywords and key phrases.


Double check that your URL matches the title and does not contain any odd characters or numbers.

❑ Meta Description

Write your meta description well to entice readers into clicking your article.

❑ Article Length

You want to make sure your articles are long enough to help impact your SEO and deliver relevant content to your reader. Aim for at least 400-600 words, but we’ve found that 1200 words is the sweet spot.

❑ Paragraphs

Avoid large or bulky blocks of text.

Blog Formatting Checklist

❑ Links within a paragraph

Best practice is to include two links to relevant site pages or material (1 near the top and 1 near the bottom of the article).

❑ Subheadings

Format your subheadings appropriately with H2, H3, etc.

❑ Inline Image

Make sure to include an Image Alt Tag that references the page topic and describes the image.

❑ Featured Image

A relevant and interesting image has been included in the article for visual appeal.


Include a relevant CTA at the end of the article.

❑ Categories/Tags

Relevant categories and tags are selected (not too many, usually 3 will do).

❑ Author

Make sure the correct author name has been set.

❑ Proofread

When complete, double-check the spelling, formatting and layout in preview mode.

Set Yourself Up For Success

• Let Personas guide you - they are your best prospects

• Use professional imagery that catches the eye and makes you look good

• Post 1-2 times per week as long as you can keep up with your engagement

• Proofread but don’t sweat it too much if there’s an occasional typo - it can add to your authenticity

Publish and share for maximum impact

Extend Your Reach with Interesting Content

Quality Topics +

Quality Engagement =

Relationship Building

Your blog is not a sales tool. [ It’s a relationship tool that leads to sales. ]


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Handout:Blogging For Lead-Generation

Blogs About Blogging

Blogging, Engagement, and Editorial Calendar Strategy

15 Business Blogging Mistakes

Empowering you and your online marketing to succeed

KAYAK Online Marketing

Bonus Material:Marketer’s