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• Loggingin–• Developmentcourseoverview

o GettingStarted/MyPlaceso Editon/offo GettingStartedModuleoverview

Explainingdifferencebetweenitems,files,learningmodules,folders,etc. Howtonavigatelearningmodules CourseMenu–showandhideitems Available/unavailable–makingitems,files,folders,etcvisibleorinvisible

o CourseMaterialsModuleoverview ExplainingAssignments,Assessmentsfolder,Discussionslink(moredepthlater),CourseFAQ

(moredepthlater)o CoursesResourcesModuleoverview

• CourseMaterialso Discussionso CourseFAQlinko NavigatingLearningModuleso Discussionso Assignments

Create,view,grade,andlinkwithinLearningmodules• Communications

o Messages/Emailo Syllabuso Calendaro What’sNew/What’sDueo InstructorDashboardo Announcements

• Blogs/Journals/Wikis–diffbetweenandhowtograde• Mashups• Pronto• CourseFiles• Questions??

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• AtUSM,youwillseetwotabs• MyEagleLearningOnline• Courses

• Atthetopyouwillalsosee• MyPlaces• Home• Help• Logout

ExploringtheMyEagleLearningOnlineTab A.  MYPLACES–YOUCAN



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TheCourseEnvironment Editmodeon/off






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A.  What’sNewB.  ToDo


A.  ListviewB.  FolderviewC.  Popout

menuD.  Hideor

showmenuE.  Collapseor


F.  Gotopage

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ItemsyouaddtoaContentArea:• Items,whichcancontaintext,audio,movies,files,andimages

• Individualtoollinks• Individualaudio,image,andvideolinks

• Folders,LearningModules

• Assignments,tests,andsurveys

• Mashups

• URLs• CourseLinks• BlankPages• TextbookInformafon

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What’s the difference between an Item, File, Course Link, and Folder? 

Item: An item is a container than displays content directly on the page or link to content.   



File: Files selected from a local drive or Course Files can be viewed as a page within the Course or as a separate piece of content in a separate browser window.  



Course Link: A Course Link is a shortcut from one place in a course to another location within the same course..  

          Folder: A Folder is the storage area for files and other folders.  



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How  to  Hide  a  Course  Menu  Item  

Step  1:    Click  on  the  actionlink    to  the  right  of  the  course  menu  item  that  you  want  to  hide    


Step  2:    Click  “Hide  Link”.  This  will  not  remove  the  link,  but  hide  it  from  students.    


Step  3:    The  link  is  now  hidden  which  is  indicated  by  the  symbol  to  the  right  of  the  link.  


Step  4:  To  Undo  this,  click  the  action  link  again  and  choose  “Show  Link”  from  the  menu.  




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Make  an  Object  within  BB  9.1  Available  or  Unavailable  

These  steps  will  show  you  the  general  procedure  for  making  something  within  Blackboard  9.1  available  or  unavailable.  

Step  1  –    -­‐  Click  on  the  action  link  of  the  object  in  which  you  want  to  change  “availability”    -­‐  Choose  “Edit”      

 Step  2  –  Go  to  “3.  Options”    -­‐  Click  “No”  for  the  options  which  says  “Permit  Users  to  View  this  Content”  -­‐  Click  “Submit”    


 Step  3    Your  object  will  now  say  that  it  is  “not  available    

 Step  4  In  order  to  make  an  object  available,  simply  follow  the  above  steps,  but  choose  “Yes”  on  “Permit  Users  to  View  this  Content”  



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Discussion  Board  

Forum  1  

Thread  1  

Student  Response    

Student  Responses  

Thread  2  

Student  responses  

Student  Responses  

Forum  2    

Thread  1  

Student  Responses  

Student  Responses  

Thread  2  

Student  Responses    

Student  Responses  

Chapter  1  

was..    I  thought  

chapter  1..    Chapter  4  gave  me  …    

Huh?     Have  you  tried..    

Yeah..  Me  too..    

I  think  its  supposed  to  

be  at  Huh?    

Weekly  Discussions  about  Readings  

Open  Forum  for  quesAons  and  off  topic  discussion  

Typewritten Text
Discussion Board Structure in Blackboard 9.1
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Getting Started with . . . Assignments


Student ViewDue Date Date by which the assignment should be submitted

Points Possible Instructor-defined number of points a gradable item is worth

Assignment Files File, or files, the instructor provides with an assignment

Comments Student comments about the assignment

Save as Draft Option for students to save the assignment

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Getting Started with . . . Assignments


Task What You Need to Know Steps to AccomplishCreating Assignments Assignments are created in Content Areas, but can

also be added to Learning Modules, Lesson Plans, and folders. Any instructions and file attachments that students need to complete the assignment are added at the time of creation. Assignments can be assigned to each student individually or as collaborative work for groups of students. Group assignments will be discussed in detail later in this manual.

1. In Edit Mode, access the Content Area.2. On the action bar, point to Create

Assessment select Assignment.3. On the Create Assignment page, type a

Name. Optionally, select a color for the name.

4. Type optional Instructions for the Assignment. Format the text with the text editor.

5. Optionally, attach a file using Browse My Computer and type a Link Name. Files cannot be attached from Course Files for Assignments.

6. Type Points Possible.7. Select the check box for Make the

Assignment Available and select the option for Number of Attempts. If applicable, select the Display After and Display Until check boxes and type the dates and times or use the interactive Date Selection Calendar and the Time Selection Menu.

8. Optionally, select the Due Date check box and type the date and time.

9. Select the Recipients option for All Students Individually or Groups of Students.

10. Click Submit.

Presenting Assignments

Assignments appear in the content of the course. You can create an Assignments content area and place all assignments in that content area or you can create individual assignments in the different content areas that you create for a course. One advantage of presenting Assignments in a single content area is that it simplifies the creation process and helps students to quickly access all assignments for the course in a list.Advanced Tip: It is also possible to create a single repository for all Assignments and use course links to present them in other content areas or folders.

Present Assignment in Assignments Content Area:1. From the Course Menu, point to the Add

button (plus sign) and select Content Area. Name the content area Assignments.

2. Open the Assignments content area.3. Point to Create Assessment and select

Assignment and set options for the assignment.

4. Click Submit.Present Assignment in Different Content Areas:1. Open the content area where you want to

create an assignment.2. Point to Create Assessment and select

Assignment and set options for the assignment.

3. Click Submit.

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Getting Started with . . . Assignments


Grading Assignments Assignment submissions are reviewed and graded in the Grade Center. When an assignment is created, a grade column is automatically created. Assignments that have been submitted, but not graded, are indicated with an exclamation mark in the Grade Center.

1. In Grade Center, locate the cell for the student’s assignment containing an exclamation mark.

2. Open the contextual menu next to the user’s name.

3. Select Attempt at the bottom of the list.4. On the Grade Assignment page:

• Click the file name under Review Current Attempt to view or download attachments.

• Type a numerical value in the Grade box.

• Optionally, provide Feedback to the user and attach files for the student to review.

• Optionally, provide Instructor Notes and attach files that only you will be able to access.

5. Click Save and Exit to return to Grade Center.

6. To return an assignment attempt without a grade: • To return an attempt to a student with

comments only, follow the preceding steps, but at step 7, click Save as Draft. The attempt remains ungraded and student can access your feedback.

Downloading Assignments for Manual Grading

Download assignment submissions to your computer to review offline instead of reviewing them online from the Grade Center. You can download all or selected submissions as a single zipped file. Unzip the file to view the contents, where each submission is saved as a separate file.

1. In Grade Center, locate the assignment column containing the assignment files you want to download.

2. From the Assignment Column’s contextual menu select Assignment File Download.

3. On the Download Assignment page, select the student submissions to download.

4. Click Submit.5. On the next Download Assignments page,

click Download Assignments Now.6. Click OK to return to the Grade Center.

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Getting Started with . . . Assignments


GlossaryAdaptive Release The Adaptive Release tool enables you to customize the release of content to control when and to whom

course content is available. You can create a rule for as assignment and set the criteria which students must satisfy to gain access to it. You can also set rules that users must get a certain grade on the Assignment to see other content.

Attempts An Attempt is a specific submission of an assessment or an assignment.

Display After/ Until Date range specifies the time during which an item is available to students. If the Assignment is unavailable, the Assignment will not appear even if it the date falls into the Display After and Display until range.

Draft A Draft is a version of an assignment that has been saved by the user but has not yet been submitted for grading.

Due Date Due Date is a notification type sent to all enrolled users when a specific assignment, test, survey or Grade Center item has a due date associated with it.

Group Assignment A Group Assignment is an assignment released to a specific group, or groups, within a course by an instructor. Every user in the group receives the same grade.

Points Possible Points Possible is the total number of points a gradable item is worth.

Submission A Submission is the response by the user to an assignment. Each Submission is logged as an attempt in the Grade Center. You can allow unlimited submissions or can limit the number of submissions. The grade for each submission can be tracked in the Grade Center.

Submission Start/ End Submission Start/End time specifies the time period during which students can submit their response to an assignment.

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How to add a Course Link within the modules? 

Step 1 To add a Course Link within a module make sure you are in the module you wish to add to.  Click on Build Content and then Course Link. 



Step 2 You will be taken to a Create Course Link page where you can browse for the file and Name the Link.  The Location will be populated when you choose the item.  


Step 3 To choose the Item you wish to link in the course, click 

on  .  A box will appear with all the course files for you to choose from. 



Step 4 You can add a description to the link and even include a hyperlink and Mashup.     You can choose to allow link to be seen and restrict the date and time. 



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Step 5 

Click  to complete creating a Course Link  Your Course Link will appear in the Course. 




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Email vs. Messages in Blackboard 9.1 

Sending an Email in Blackboard 9.1 (only available to instructors) 

Step 1 To send an email in Blackboard 9.1 you must first access Course Tools from the Control Panel .You will see listed the tool called Send Email.  Click on this tool.  

  Step 2 Once you click on Send Email, you will see a list of who emails can be sent to.  Instructors have the option to send to all users in the course or specific groups or students.  




Step 3 Click on the link blue title of the users or group you wish to email.  If you choose to send to single or selected users or groups you will have the option to choose who you want to send the email to in the TO section of the Email information section.  



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Step 4 You can select multiple users by holding down the ctrl key and clicking the names of those you want to send the email to.         Once you have recipients selected click on the right arrow to move them to the appropriate box.  




Step 5 Enter your subject.  You will compose your email in the Message area.  You have the option to add an attachment and can do this by clicking on   


 Step 6  You have the option to add an attachment and can do this by clicking on the Attach a file link and browse your computer for the file.   



Step 7  Click the submit button to send the email.  NOTE: This email will be sent to the recipient’s external email (email the student specifies in My Places in Blackboard.  If not specified in My Places it defaults to email address in SOAR.) 



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Using Messages in Blackboard 9.1 (available to instructors and students) NOTE: Unlike sending an Email, users must be logged into the course to send and view messages  Step 1 To begin access the Messages page by clicking on the link in the Course Menu. 



Step 2 To compose a message, click on 



 Step 3 

Click on  to access a recipient list. You can select multiple users by holding down the ctrl key and clicking the names of those you want to send the email to.   Once you have recipients selected click on the right arrow to move them to the appropriate box.  



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Step 4 Enter a Subject and in the Body you will compose your message. Unlike email you have access to the visual editor in Messages and have the ability to manipulate your text, insert hyperlinks, and also include mashups such as youtube videos and Slideshare Presentations.  You have the option to add an attachment and can do this by clicking on the Attach a file link and browse your computer for the file.  Click Submit to send the Message.  Remember Messages can only be viewed inside the course. 



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Compare  Discussions,  Wikis,  Journals,  Blogs  

  Discussion   Wiki   Journal   Blog    

Can  Be  Graded  






 Viewable  by  

all  classmates  



 Y  es  



 Classmates  can  directly  







Individual/  Both    






can  comment  (not  reply)  








 A  Conversational  Tool  similar  to  a  Forum  in  which  every  post  

can  be  replied  to  and  discussed  in  detail  by  all  users.  Used  for  reflection  and  for  sharing  

thoughts  about  class  materials.  

 A  Collaborative  

Knowledge  base.  All  users  can  contribute  to  

and  modify  the  information  contained  

within  the  Wiki.  

 A  personal  reflection  tool.  Generally  the  journal  is  private  between  instructor  and  the  student.  The  instructor  may  choose  to  share  the  journal  entry  with  the  rest  of  the  class,  if  desired.  

 Blogs  are  similar  to  journals  except  they  are  not  private.  Other  

classmates  can  comment  on  each  



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Grading a Submitted Journal in Blackboard 9.1




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Grading a Submitted Journal in Blackboard 9.1



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What’s a Mashup in Blackboard? 

A Mashup is a feature in Blackboard that allows you to bring content from popular sharing sites such as YouTube, Flickr, and SlideShare into your course.  Mashups make it simple to add multimedia content to enhance your course. 

Step 1 To add a Mashup to content area click on Build Content.  You will see all available sources listed under the Mashups heading. 



 Step 2 Once you choose what you want to include in our course you will be taken to a page to search for content within that source.  


 Step 3 The search will display many options for you to choose from that meet your parameters. 



Step 4 Use the preview button to see the content before adding it to your course content.  



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Step 5 Click Select to add the content to your course. 


        Step 6  You will then be able to rename the Mashup and give it a detailed description.  


   Step 7  You can choose how and when you want it to appear in your course.  Click Submit.  A success message will appear letting you know your Mashup has been inserted. 




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Wimba Pronto Student Guide 

For this class, we will use Wimba Pronto – a communication tool that allows you, your instructor, and/or classmates to meet live online at any time.  Pronto is similar to other instant messaging programs such as AOL and Yahoo instant messenger.  What sets it apart from the others is that Pronto synchronizes with your blackboard course so that all your classmates and instructors are automatically populated into your Pronto classmates tab.   

The minimum system requirements to use Wimba Pronto are as follows: 

• Windows 7, Vista or XP; Mac OS 10.4+ 

• 256 MB RAM 

• An Internet connection at 56k or higher 

• Sound Card (for Audio Calling) 

• Speakers and Microphone for Audio Calling (USB headset with integrated microphone recommended. These are available online or in stores such as Best Buy, Target, or Wal‐Mart.  The price ranges from $15‐$45 dollars). 

• USB or Integrated Webcam (for Video Calling). 


Once you have downloaded Pronto you will not need to login to your course to chat.  The program is now on your computer.  All you will need to do is to open it.   The following will explain how to download the application from your course.  (This should only need to be completed once per computer that you use.  Southern Miss computer labs should have Pronto already downloaded and available for you to login to.) 

Step 1  Login into your course.  Click on the link in the course menu labeled Wimba Pronto   


 Step 2  You should now be at the page where it will give you a link to create your account and download Pronto.  



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Learning Enhancement Center      The University of Southern Mississippi 

Step 3  This link takes you to a page that explains how to create an account, download Pronto, Install, and start chatting with your classmates and instructor.  You will need to create a Wimba Account.  Remember this step should only be done once.  If you already have a Pronto Account you will click on 



 Step 4   Create a Pronto ID.  This can be whatever you want it to be.  Your full name and your Pronto ID will be displayed to your classmates and instructor.   You can enter any email to be associated with your account.  Complete the rest of the information and click submit.  



Step 5   You should now be at a page that allows you to download Wimba 

Pronto.  Click on   .  The appropriate software associated with your computer will download. 


Page 30: Blackboard 9.1 Faculty Training Agenda Learning ... · Blackboard 9.1 Faculty Training Agenda Learning Enhancement Center Instructors: LEC Staff Introduction to the Blackboard 9.1

Learning Enhancement Center      The University of Southern Mississippi 

Step 6   Follow the on screen installation instructions to install Pronto on your computer.  Once you have it installed, open Pronto.  You will enter the username and password you created when you set up your account. 

                                         A friendly reminder.    We want to remind you again that you will only have to complete the above steps once unless you change computers.  If you change computers, make sure pronto is not already installed before trying to install it again.  All Southern Miss lab computers should have Wimba Pronto installed on them.  All you will have to do is open the program and login with your username and password you choose when you created your Pronto account.