  • 7/23/2019 BizTalk Integration Reference Guide


    Workflow Solutions

    InfoImageBizTalk Integration Reference Guide


    2008 Unisys Corporation.

    All rights reserved.

    Printed in USA

    December 2008 8206 3595-000

  • 7/23/2019 BizTalk Integration Reference Guide



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    8206 3595-000 iii


    Section 1. Getting Started

    Purpose ................................................. ................................................. ....... 11Audience ............................................ ................................................. ............ 11Prerequisites .................................................. ................................................. . 11Scope ................................................. .................................................. ...... 11Introduction to BizTalk Server......................................................................12BizTalk Integration...........................................................................................12

    Section 2. Custom Pipeline Components

    Process Overview...........................................................................................21Introduction to Custom Pipeline Components ........................................ 22BizTalk Integration Custom Pipeline Components ................................. 22Adding Custom Pipeline Component......................... ................................ 23XML Schema .............................................. ............................................... . 24Send Workitem Schema.................................................. ............................. 24Retrieve Workitem Schema.................................................... ..................... 24Input Specifications .................... ..................................................... ............ 24Using Schemas in Orchestration ................................................... ............. 25

    Credential Encryption ............................................... ..................................... 25Introducing Workitem to InfoImage Workflow Domain........................ 26Retrieving Workitem from InfoImage Workflow Domain .................... 28

    Section 3. Base64 Encoding

    Base64 Encoding.............................................................................................31Code Snippet for Encoding .................................................. ........................ 33Code Snippet for Decoding..........................................................................34

    Appendix A. Using the Samples

    Before You Begin................................................. .......................................... A1Creating Strong Name Key .............................................. ............................ A1Referencing the SNK File Name and Path ................................................A2Deploying the Solution..................................................................................A2Configuring Receive Port..............................................................................A2Configuring Send Port ............................................. ......................................A3Starting Orchestration...................................................................................A3Adding User Groups to ASPNET............................................. ................... A4Setting up the Internet Information Service (IIS) Manager .................. A4

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    Modifying the Public Key Token.................................................................A4Adapters ........................................................................................................A6Using the File Adapter .......................................... ........................................A6InfoPath Integration.......................................................................................A7

    Designing a Form.................................................... ....................................... A7Using the Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) Adapter .................A8

    Glossary ..................................................................................................... 1

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    Section 1

    Getting Started

    This section provides the following information:

    A brief description of this documents purpose, audience, prerequisites and scope.

    An introduction to Microsoft BizTalk Server and BizTalk Integration.


    The purpose of this guide is to provide instructions and supporting information forusing the Custom Pipeline Components in Microsoft BizTalk Server to communicatewith the InfoImage workflow domain via Client Automation Layer (CAL).


    This guide is intended for InfoImage system administrators, BizTalk designers, and

    others who manage Enterprise Application Integration.


    The BizTalk designers should be familiar with the concepts and operation of the

    InfoImage workflow domain. Refer to the Technical Overview Guide for a high-level

    overview of InfoImage workflow domain subsystem processes and InfoImage


    The prerequisites for installing the InfoImage BizTalk Integration Component are:

    Microsoft BizTalk Server 2006

    Microsoft Office InfoPath 2003/2007, SP1 (optional)


    The scope of this guide does not include providing instructions for using the Microsoft

    BizTalk Server 2006. For information on this product, see the appropriate user guides

    or online help.

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    Getting Started

    12 8206 3595-000

    Introduction to BizTalk Server

    BizTalk is a Microsoft product for business-process automation and application-

    integration both within and between businesses. Microsoft BizTalk Server facilitates

    Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) within your company and automates business-to-business processes among your business partners.

    BizTalk Server 2006 is built completely around the .NET Framework and Microsoft

    Visual Studio .NET. It is a powerful process-centric integration platform as it offers

    Web services support, business rules, workflow, and Business Activity Monitoring


    BizTalk Integration

    Unisys offers an integrated solution for business process management: seamless

    integration between Microsoft BizTalk Server 2006 and InfoImage. BizTalk can be used

    to extend InfoImage workflow functionality by combining the extensive EAI

    capabilities of BizTalk Server 2006 with the enterprise content management (workflow

    and imaging) capabilities of InfoImage 8.2. BizTalk Integration allows the existing

    BizTalk enterprise to communicate and pass data between systems.

    Integration is accomplished using custom pipeline components hosted on the BizTalk

    pipeline. The delivered samples use the CAL API to interact with InfoImage workflow

    domains Clients can create, send and retrieve workitems to and from workflow using

    these pipelines.

    Following are the two custom pipeline components:

    Unisys Send Workitemcreates and sends workitems to the default workstep ofan InfoImage workflow domain.

    Unisys Retrieve Workitem retrieves workitems from an InfoImage workflow


    For more information on BizTalk Integration installation, refer to the Installation and

    Configuration Guide.

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    Section 2

    Custom Pipeline Components

    This section contains sections describing the process overview, custom pipeline

    components, XML schema, credential encryption and how the BizTalk Integration

    custom pipeline components work within an orchestration.

    Process Overview

    When a message is received in BizTalk Server 2006 it is processed through a receivepipelineby a receive adapter. The receive pipeline contains components that perform

    various actions such as message format conversion and validation. The message is

    delivered into the MessageBox database.

    The message is then dispatched to its target orchestration, which performs the action

    defined by that orchestrations business process. Typically the result of this

    processing is that another message is produced by the orchestration and saved in the

    Message Box database.

    This message, in turn, is processed by a send pipeline, which may convert it from the

    internal XML format to any format required by its destination. The message is sent out

    through a send adapterusing an appropriate mechanism to communicate with the

    application for which this message is destined.

    The following illustration depicts the BizTalk Server Engine and the Message flow:

    DecryptDecrypt ParseParse ResolveResolvePartyParty



    SerializeSerialize SignSignEncryptEncrypt




    Receive Pipeline Send Pipeline


    Receive Location Send Port


    XML or

    Flat File

    XML or

    Flat File

    Receive Port

    DecryptDecrypt ParseParse ResolveResolvePartyParty



    SerializeSerialize SignSignEncryptEncrypt




    Receive Pipeline Send Pipeline


    Receive Location Send Port


    XML or

    Flat File

    XML or

    Flat File

    Receive Port

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    Custom Pipeline Components

    22 8206 3595-000

    Introduction to Custom Pipeline Components

    Pipelines are used to prepare messages for processing. A receive pipelineprepares

    messages for processing after they are received; the send pipelineprepares

    messages for sending after being processed.

    BizTalk 2006 Pipelines allow you to customize the processing of XML documents

    received or sent via the various BizTalk 2006 adapters. Custom Pipeline components

    extend the behavior of Pipelines to include processing data of any format.

    BizTalk Integration Custom Pipeline Components

    BizTalk Integration includes two custom pipeline components:

    Unisys Send Workitem

    Unisys Retrieve Workitem

    Both of the custom pipeline components are General Components and can be placed

    in the following stages of the pipeline:

    Pipeline Stages

    Receive Pipeline Decode


    Resolve Party

    Send Pipeline Pre-assemble

    Encode stages

    Note: The custom pipeline components cannot be placed in the Disassemble stage

    (Receive Pipeline) or the Assemble stage (Send Pipeline).

    Using these pipeline components in BizTalk, you can integrate external applications

    with your InfoImage workflow domains.

    Sample BizTalk project files are provided so that you may customize them to meet

    your requirements.

    For information about error messages, refer to the BizTalk Integration section in the

    Troubleshooting Guide.

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    Custom Pipeline Components

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    Adding Custom Pipeline Component

    In a Visual Studio.NET BizTalk project, add the custom Pipeline components to the

    Pipeline component toolbar by doing the following:

    1. Click Add/Remove Toolbox Itemsfrom the Tools menu or right-click the top of

    the Pipeline Component toolbar and select Add/Remove Items.

    2. Select the Unisys Send Workitem or the Unisys Retrieve Workitem Pipeline

    component on the Pipeline Components tab.

    Drag and drop the custom Pipeline components onto the Pipeline.

    The Unisys Send Workitem and Unisys Retrieve Workitemcustom Pipeline

    component are deployed in the\Program Files\Microsoft BizTalk Server

    2006\Pipeline Components directory.

    To enable encryption, set the EncryptionLevel to "1" in the Pipeline Component

    Propertiesunder Properties for the Unisys Send Workitem and/or Unisys Retrieve

    Workitemcustom Pipeline component. By default, encryption is disabled and the

    EncryptionLevel is set to "0".

    Refer to 'Credential Encryption' for more information on how to encrypt/decrypt


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    Custom Pipeline Components

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    XML Schema

    BizTalk Server relies heavily on Extensible Markup Language (XML) Schema files.

    Schemas describe the format of the document and the data being processed between

    the two systems. Both incoming and outgoing messages are defined using XMLSchema Definitions (XSDs).

    All the schema files (XSD) are installed under the

    \UeWI\Samples\IIFBizTalkSamples\IIFBizTalk\IIFBizTalk\directory. There are

    specific incoming and outgoing XSD files for each custom pipeline components.

    Note: The schemas are available only when Samples is selected during custominstallation.

    Send Workitem Schema

    Schema Type Schema File Name

    Incoming Message Schema InputWISend.xsd

    Outgoing Message Schema OutputWISend.xsd

    Retrieve Workitem Schema

    Schema Type Schema File Name

    Incoming Message Schema InputWIRetrieve.xsd

    Outgoing Message Schema OutputWIRetrieve.xsd

    Input Specifications

    Page Markups

    The following table lists the value to be provided in the input XML file for patterntype

    in page markups.

    PatternType Value

    Diagonal Cross diagcross

    Backward Diagonal bdiagonal

    Forward Diagonal fdiagonal

    Empty Nodes

    While creating/retrieving workitem, the input xml file should not include empty nodes

    (node without data). For example: .

    Repeating Form Field

    While creating a workitem, if the same form fields are repeated then the latest form

    field input is considered.

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    Custom Pipeline Components

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    Using Schemas in Orchestration

    Before referencing the schema assembly in the Orchestration Designer, you must add

    a reference.

    Adding a Reference

    You must define the messages that are being sent and received. All the messages

    must adhere to the pre-defined input or output schema. In Visual Studio .Net

    2005/2008, in the Orchestration, add a reference to the provided BizTalk Integration


    While creating variables for the message instances, add the message instance variable

    in the Orchestration View.

    Adding Message Instance Variable

    You must create message variables for each message instance, and associate each

    variable with a schema.

    Credential Encryption

    During installation, the obfuscate.dll is delivered at\UeWI\Common\ directory. Third

    party integration can use the two exposed functions, Obfuscate and Elucidate for

    encrypting and decrypting passwords (i.e. credentials) respectively.

    Following is the code snippet for encrypting and decrypting password.


    Function Declaration

    Function Call


    Function Declaration

    Function Call

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    Custom Pipeline Components

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    Introducing Workitem to InfoImage WorkflowDomain

    External applications can use the Unisys Send Workitem pipeline component - placed

    in either the Send or Receive Pipelines - to create and send workitems to default

    workstep in an InfoImage workflow domain.


    BizTalk Server Engine


    BizTalk Server Engine

    To create and send workitems to an InfoImage workflow domain, the following


    The external application must send the create workitem message to BizTalk.

    The incoming message to BizTalk, in XML format, should adhere to the


    Note: For Import, Page and Notes, specify Import, Page, or Notes number alongwith the actual data. If the number provided is in shuffled order, randomnumber, or repetitive number, then the numbers will be sorted and considered.For example, if the number is provided as i) 1,3,2 or ii) 1,3,5, or iii) 1,2,2, thenumbering is sorted and considered as 1,2,3.

    BizTalk communicates with Client Automation Layer (CAL) to create a workitem.

    The workitem is successfully created, saved and sent to the default workstep in

    the InfoImage workflow domain.

    Note: If Fields/Imports/Notes/Pages fails to get created due to errors in the

    workitem inputs, then the created workitem will be available in ClientList but

    not sent to workflow.

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    Custom Pipeline Components

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    The outgoing message to BizTalk should adhere to the OutputWISend.xsd.

    Note: All the schema files (XSD) are installed under the

    \UeWI\Samples\IIFBizTalkSamples\IIFBizTalk\IIFBizTalk\ directory. The

    schemas are available only when Samples is selected during custominstallation.

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    Custom Pipeline Components

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    Retrieving Workitem from InfoImage Workflow


    External applications can use the Unisys Retrieve Workitem pipeline componentplaced in either Send or Receive Pipeline to retrieve the workitem from the InfoImage

    workflow domain.



    BizTalk Server Engine



    BizTalk Server Engine

    To retrieve workitems from the InfoImage workflow domain, the following happens:

    1. The external application must send the retrieve workitem message to BizTalk.

    The incoming message to BizTalk, in XML format, should adhere to the

    InputWIRetrieve.xsd. The incoming message contains the WorkItem ID and details

    of the workitem (such as pages, notes, imports and fields) that need to be


    2. BizTalk communicates to CAL to retrieve a workitem from the InfoImage

    workflow domain.

    The outgoing message from BizTalk should adhere to the OutputWIRetrieve.xsd.

    This information is populated in the custom "Receive Pipeline." The output XML is

    passed to the Orchestration for further processing by the customers, as per their

    business needs.

    3. The workitem is successfully retrieved and sent to the external application.

    Note: All the schema files (XSD) files are installed under the \Program

    Files\UeWI directory. The schemas are available only when Samples is

    selected during custom installation.

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    Section 3

    Base64 Encoding

    This section provides information on Base64 encoding.

    Base64 Encoding

    Base64 encoding is the scheme used to transmit binary data. It is a method of

    encoding arbitrary binary data as ASCII text. Base64 processes data as 24-bit groups

    and maps data to four encoded characters. Each 6 bits of the 24-bit group is used asan index into a mapping table (base64 alphabet) to obtain a character for the encoded


    If the workitem is an image document that includes pages or imports, then all the

    pages and imports embedded into the custom application should follow base64-

    encoding algorithm. The XML schema has standardized base64 as an XML datatype.

    Pages and imports should follow the base64 encoding for integration with external

    applications, except InfoPath 2003/2007 that does Base64 encoding/decoding. Pages

    and imports should be embedded as base64 encoded data. The custom applications

    need to decode the encoded data.


    In Microsoft Office InfoPath 2003/2007, the File Attachment control enables you

    to insert files that are base64 encoded. This base64 data is then stored with the

    XML data in the InfoPath form.

    While using the File adapter, you must ensure that the pages and imports that are

    adhering to the base64 encoding are embedded into the custom application.

    When the external application generates the messages, it should encode pages and

    imports as per the Base64 format.

    The Base64 standard to be followed is briefly described below.

    In the base64-encoded data, prior to the file content, there is a header that includesinformation about the file being attached.

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    Base64 Encoding

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    The header structure consists of the following:

    BYTE[4]: Signature:

    (decimal) 199 73 70 65

    (hexadecimal) C7 49 46 41

    (ASCII C notation) \307 I F A

    The first byte is chosen as a non-ASCII value to reduce the probability that a text

    file may be misrecognized as a file attachment. The rest identifies the file as a File


    DWORD: Size of the header

    DWORD: IP Version

    DWORD: dwReserved

    DWORD: File size

    DWORD: Size of file name buffer

    File name buffer: variable size

    After building the header structure described above, the header and file data are

    concatenated and base64 encoded.

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    Base64 Encoding

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    Code Snippet for Encoding

    Following is the code snippet to be used for encoding.

    byte[] fileBuffer = null;String encodedData = String.Empty;using(FileStream fs = newFileStream(filePath +fileName,FileMode.Open)){fileBuffer = newbyte[fs.Length];fs.Read(fileBuffer,0,(int)fs.Length);fs.Flush() ;fs.Close() ;}byte[] nameBuffer = newbyte[fileName.Length*2];byte[] fileContent = newbyte[fileBuffer.Length+nameBuffer.Length+24];byte[] filesize = BitConverter.GetBytes((uint)fileBuffer.Length);

    byte[] fileNameLength =BitConverter.GetBytes((uint)nameBuffer.Length/2);

    //The first 24bytesshould contain the details of the file name//and file size, out of which the first 16 should be constants//as given below.At position 20 there should be DWORD//containing the length of the filename buffer. Filename is//stored as Unicode, the length is multiplied by 2. The file//name starts from position 24.

    fileContent[0] = 199 ;

    fileContent[1] = 73 ;fileContent[2] = 70 ;fileContent[3] = 65 ;fileContent[4] = 20 ;fileContent[5] = 0 ;fileContent[6] = 0 ;fileContent[7] = 0 ;fileContent[8] = 1 ;fileContent[9] = 0 ;fileContent[10] = 0 ;fileContent[11] = 0 ;fileContent[12] = 0 ;fileContent[13] = 0 ;

    fileContent[14] = 0 ;fileContent[15] = 0 ;fileContent[16] = filesize[0] ;fileContent[17] = filesize[1] ;fileContent[18] = filesize[2] ;fileContent[19] = filesize[3] ;fileContent[20] = fileNameLength[0] ;fileContent[21] = fileNameLength[1] ;fileContent[22] = fileNameLength[2] ;

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    Base64 Encoding

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    fileContent[23] = fileNameLength[3] ;UnicodeEncoding.Unicode.GetBytes(name+"\0",0,fileName.Length+1,fileContent,24);

    for(inti = 0; i < fileBuffer.Length; i++ )

    { fileContent[24+nameBuffer.Length+i] = fileBuffer[i];}

    //Convert a subset of an array of 8-bits unsigned integers in to//equivalent String representation consisting of base 64 digits.encodedData = Convert.ToBase64String(fileContent);

    Code Snippet for Decoding

    Following is the code snippet to be used for decoding.

    //Prior to the filecontent, there is a header in the Base64-//string, including the original filename, length of the file,//etc. At position 20 there is a DWORD containing the length of//the filename buffer. Since the filename is stored as Unicode,//the length is multiplied by 2. At position 24 in the header the//filename starts.//The Encoded data is decoded into a byte array.

    byte[] decodeByte = Convert.FromBase64String(encodedData);intnamebufferlen = decodeByte[20]*2;byte[] filenameBuffer = newbyte[namebufferlen];

    //The byte from where only the decoded data is present is//retrieved in the filenameBuffer.

    for(intindex = 0; index< filenameBuffer.Length ;index++){filenameBuffer[index] = decodeByte[24+index];}byte[] filecontent = newbyte[decodeByte.Length-(24+namebufferlen)];for(intindex = 0; index < filecontent.Length; index++){filecontent[index] = decodeByte[24+namebufferlen + index];}

    //The actual file content is saved into a file using filestream.

    using(FileStream fs = newFileStream(fileName,FileMode.Create)){fs.Write(filecontent,0,filecontent.Length);fs.Flush();fs.Close();}

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    Appendix A

    Using the Samples

    This section provides the information about the following:

    Before You Begin


    Using the File Adapter

    InfoPath Integration

    Using the Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) Adapter

    Before You Begin

    Before you start using the samples, do the following:

    Create Strong Name Key (SNK)

    Reference the SNK

    Deploy the solution

    Configure Receive Port

    Configure Send Port

    Start Orchestration

    Add User Groups to ASPNET

    Set up the Internet Information Service (IIS) Manager

    Modify the Public Key Token

    Creating Strong Name Key

    To create the strong name key (SNK) file, do the following:

    1. From the Start menu Programs, select Microsoft Visual Studio .Net, then selectVisual Studio .Net Tools and then select Visual Studio .Net Command Prompt.

    2. Type the command and press Enter. For

    example, sn k "D:\Samples\IIF.snk"

    The key pair is written to the provided path.

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    Using the Samples

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    Referencing the SNK File Name and Path

    To reference the SNK file name and path


    In Visual Studio .Net, open the IIFBizTalk.sln from the\UeWI\Samples\IIFBizTalkSamples\iifbiztalk directory.

    2. From the Project menu, click IIFBizTalk Properties.

    3. In the dialog box, click Assemblyunder Common Properties.

    4. Provide the created SNK file name and path against the Assembly Key Filefield

    and click OK.

    5. From the Build menu, click Build Solution.

    Deploying the Solution

    To deploy the solution, do the following:

    1. In Visual Studio .Net, open the IIFBizTalk.sln from the

    \UeWI\Samples\IIFBizTalkSamples\IIFBizTalk directory.

    2. From the Project menu, click Properties. Under Configuration Properties, select

    Deployment and then select the server where the orchestration needs to be


    3. From the Build menu, click Deploy Solution.

    Configuring Receive Port

    To configure the receive port, do the following:

    Using File Adapter

    1. From the View menu, click BizTalk Explorer

    2. In the BizTalk Explorer, expand the server node where the solution was deployed.

    3. To retrieve workitem, expand the Receive Port node and then expand the


    4. Expand the Receive Locations node. Right-click the Location and click Edit.

    5. In the Receive Location Properties dialog box, select FILE as the 'Transport Type'

    and for 'Address URI', click and type the path for the 'Receive folder'. Verify if

    the File Mash has *.xml as value. Click Applyand then OK.


    Right-click the Location and click Enable.7. To send workitem, expand the Receive Port node and then expand the

    SendWorkitemFile. Repeat the above step 4 to 6.

    Using SOAP Adapter

    1. In the BizTalk Explorer, expand the server node where the solution was deployed.

    2. Right-click the RetrieveWorkitemSoap and click Enableto enable the location.

    3. Right-click the SendWorkitemSoap and click Enableto enable the location.

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    Using the Samples

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    Configuring Send Port

    To configure the send port, do the following


    In the BizTalk Explorer, expand the server node where the solution was deployed.2. Expand Send Portsnode, right-click the RetrieveWorkitemFileand click Edit.

    3. In the Configurations dialog box,

    a. Expand the Transportnode and click Primary. Make sure the Transport

    Type is FILE. For Address URI, click and type the path and File name with

    file type in the Destination folder. For example, %MessageID%.xml. By default,

    Create New is selected for Copy Mode. But if you are changing the file name,

    then select Overwrite for Copy Mode.

    b. Expand the Sendnode and click General. Select the

    Microsoft.BizTalk.Default.Pipeline.PassThroughTrasmit. from the drop-down

    menu for the Send Pipeline.

    c. Expand the Filters & Mapsnode and click Filter. Select

    BTS.ReceivePortNamefrom the drop-down menu for the Property. Select

    == for Operator and paste the Receive Port name for Value. To copy the

    Receive Port Name, right-click the Receive Port and click Edit.

    4. Click Applyand then click OK.

    5. Right-click the Send Port and click Enlistand then click Start.

    6. Expand Send Portnode, right-click the SendWorkitemFileand click Edit.

    Repeat the above steps 3 through 5.

    Note: There is no need to configure send ports when using SOAP adapter.

    Starting Orchestration

    To start the orchestration, do the following:

    1. In the BizTalk Explorer, expand the server node where the solution was deployed.

    2. Expand the Orchestration node.

    3. Select individual orchestration, right-click and click Enlist.

    4. Right-click again and click Start.

    Repeat this step for all orchestrations.

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    Using the Samples

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    Adding User Groups to ASPNET

    To add the user groups to ASPNET do the following:

    1. Right-click My Computericon on the desktop and select Manage.

    2. In Computer Management, expand the System Toolsnode, and then expand the

    Local Users and Groupsnode.

    3. Click the Usersnode, then right-click the ASPNETand select Propertiesto

    provide details for the ASP .Net Machine account.

    4. In the ASPNET Properties dialog box, select the Member Oftab, and click Addto

    add a new user group.

    5. Type "BizTalk Application Users" as the object name and click OK.

    6. Again click Addto add another user group.

    7. Type "BizTalk Isolated Host Users" as the object name and click OK.

    8. Click OK.

    Setting up the Internet Information Service (IIS) Manager

    If you use the IIFBizTalk samples, a virtual directory needs to be created.

    To set up the IIS Manager, do the following:

    Using the IIS Manager, create a Virtual Directory under the Default Web Site with

    the name as 'IIFBizTalk_Proxy' and point it to

    \UeWI\Samples\IIFBizTalkSamples\webservice\IIFBizTalk_Proxy directory. It

    requires only the 'read' and 'Run Script' option.

    Modifying the Public Key Token

    To modify the Public Key Token in the sample IIFBizTalk_Proxy solution file, do the


    1. In Visual Studio .Net, open the IIFBizTalk_Proxy.slnfrom the

    \UeWI\Samples\IIFBizTalkSamples\webservice\IIFBizTalk_Proxy directory.

    2. In Solution Explorer, click the

    IIFBizTalk_RetrieveWorkitem_RetrieveWorkitemPort.asmx.cs under


    3. Click the linkclick here to switch to code view.

    4. In Windows Explorer, browse either to WINDOWS\assembly or WINNT\assembly.

    Select the IIFBizTalkassembly, then right-click and then select Propertiesto

    view the version and public key token. Copy these details.

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    Using the Samples

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    5. In the code view in Visual Studio .Net, do the following:

    a. Find ""and replace the existing valuewith the Public Key

    Token value from the created SNK file.

    b. Find and replace the existing valuewith the Version number fromthe created SNK file.

    6. In Solution Explorer, click the

    IIFBizTalk_SendWorkitem_SendWorkitemPort.asmx.cs under


    Repeat the steps 3 through 5.

    7. From the Build menu, click Build Solution.

    8. In IIS Manager, expand the Application Pools node, click DefaultAppPool and

    then right-click Properties.

    9. In the Identity tab, provide the security account details, Username and

    Password, and then click OK.

    10. In IIS Manager, expand the Websites node, under the IIFBizTalk_Proxy, then right-

    click the .asmx files (for Retrieve and Send Workitem) and click Browse.

    Verify if the link is functional. It should open a browser window with "InfoPath

    BizTalk Integration Web Service"in title.

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    Using the Samples

    A6 8206 3595-000


    BizTalk Server messages are received and sent via Adapters. BizTalk Server 2004/2006

    includes various transport adapters such as File, HTTP, SMTP, SOAP, BizTalk Message

    Queuing, FTP, SQL, and EDI adapters, as well as the Adapter Framework.

    The adapters for BizTalk implements a series of messaging patterns such as Request-

    Reply, Publish-Subscribe, Correlation Identifier, etc.

    The Sample BizTalk Project files provide connectivity through two adapters:

    File Adapter

    SOAP adapter

    Using the File Adapter

    Use of the File adapter allows the messages to be read and written to the files in the

    Windows file system. You must ensure that all the attachments (such as pages,

    imports, etc) with a workitem are Base64 encoded.

    To use File adapter for BizTalk to access the InfoImage workflow domain

    When a message arrives at the Input port, RetrieveWorkiteminputor

    SendWorkiteminput, the File Adapter picks the message and transfers to

    Receive Pipeline.

    The Retrieve or Send Workitemcustom pipeline component,

    Validates the incoming message with respect to a predefined schema

    (InputWIRetrieve.xsd or InputWISend.xsd) Uses CAL to connect to domain and retrieve or send the details

    Constructs an XML with output details

    The output is sent to the defined output port.

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    InfoPath Integration

    The use of InfoPath as an intermediary between the InfoImage workflow domain and

    BizTalk Server makes it possible to streamline and automate business processes.

    BizTalk uses XML as a universal data encoding standard and it is based on publish andsubscribe pattern, where an incoming document source can provide data to any

    number of parties.

    Data can be sent from InfoPath through XML Web Services to BizTalk. Using the

    schema-based Web Services, you can connect the InfoPath forms to the InfoImage

    workflow domain.

    You can design forms that receive data from a Web service, submit data to a Web

    service, or both. If you are designing a form that does both, you can specify different

    Web services for receiving and submitting data.

    Designing a Form

    You can use the provided sample InfoPath forms or design a new form in Microsoft


    For example to retrieve data from a Web service, use the data source wizard and

    create a new form based on an existing Web service.

    To connect the form to the Web service, do the following:

    1. From the Filemenu, click Design a Form.

    2. In the Design a Formtask pane, click New from Data Connection.

    3. In the Data Connection Wizard, click Web service, and then click Next.

    4. On the next page of the wizard, click Receive data, and then click Next.

    5. On the next page of the wizard, type the location of the Web service, and then

    click Next.

    Note: Do not deploy forms that use a localhost address for the Web service.

    6. On the next page of the wizard, specify the Web service operation that you want

    to submit your form data to.

    7. Click Next.

    8. On the next page of the wizard, type a name for the data connection, and then

    click Finish.

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    Using the Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) Adapter

    The Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) adapter enables sending and receiving

    messages by using SOAP over HTTP.

    To use SOAP adapter for InfoPath to send/receive data from InfoImage through

    BizTalk, do the following:

    1. Create a custom Send / Receive Pipeline and place the custom pipeline

    components, Send Workitem or Retrieve Workitem.

    2. Create and configure port types to use the custom pipeline.

    3. Build and deploy the Pipeline.

    4. Publish the BizTalk Orchestration as Web service.

    5. Design the InfoPath form as per the Published SOAP Request and Response

    Schema or use the provided sample form.

    6. Fill the InfoPath form and submit the details.

    The custom Pipeline component deployed in Receive Pipeline retrieves the result.

    SOAP response sent to InfoPath from Web service and query results are displayed

    in InfoPath.

    The following illustration depicts the process.



    Web ServiceBizTalk

    Server 2004

    SOAP Request /SOAP Response



    Web ServiceBizTalk

    Server 2004

    SOAP Request /SOAP Response

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    Using the Samples

    8206 3595-000 A9

    The following illustration is an example to create and send workitem, using InfoPath

    form, into the InfoImage workflow domain.

    SendWorkitem details View

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    Using the Samples

    8206 3595-000 A11

    The following illustration is an example to retrieve information of the workitem using

    InfoPath form from the InfoImage workflow domain.

    Query details View

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    8206 3595-000 Glossary1




    Application Programming Interface

    A documented method by which one program can request services from another.

    Any language and format used by one program to help it communicate with

    another program.

    The APIs enable programmers to repackage, recombine, or integrate parts of an

    imaging system application with other applications, and to customize the userinterface.



    A Microsoft product for business-process automation and application-integration both

    within and between businesses. BizTalk is an industry initiative to promote Extensible

    Markup Language (XML) as the common data exchange language for e-commerce and

    application integration on the Internet.

    BizTalk Server interacts with the back-end and legacy systems to automate

    transactions between the business partners, and to automate the day-to-day

    business workflow.

    BizTalk Server 2004/2006 is a powerful process-centric integration platform, as itoffers Web services support, business rules, workflow, business activity

    monitoring and is built on .Net Framework.

    BizTalk Server Schema

    An XML Schema Definition (XSD) language -based description of the structure of one

    or more BizTalk Server instance messages.

    BizTalk Server Schema File (.xsd)

    A file containing the persisted form of a BizTalk schema.



    The Client API OLE Automation Layer (CAL) provides an object-oriented programming

    interface to the underlying system. The CAL interface is built on the Client Engine, but

    it exposes the Client Engine API at a higher level as a set of interrelated OLE

    Automation objects.

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    Glossary2 8206 3595-000


    File adapter

    An adapter that can read messages from the file system and submit them to the

    server, as well as write messages from the server to a file on the file system.


    Global Assembly Cache (GAC)

    It stores assemblies that are shared across all applications on a computer.



    An executable business process in BizTalk. Orchestration is the process of outliningand implementing a workflow.

    Orchestration Designer

    A Microsoft Visio-based BizTalk Orchestration Designer is a graphical user-interface

    tool used to design and implement business processes.

    Orchestration File (*.odx)

    All orchestrations created in BizTalk Orchestration Designer have an .odx file


    Orchestration Instance

    A running instance of a specific executable business process in BizTalk.



    A software infrastructure in BizTalk that defines and links one or more processing

    stages, running them in prescribed order to complete a specific task. Pipelines divide

    processing into stages, abstractions that describe a category of work. They also

    determine the sequence in which each category of work is performed. The BizTalk

    Pipeline enables to customize the processing of XML documents received or sent via

    the various BizTalk adapters.

    Pipeline File (*.btp)All pipelines created with BizTalk Pipeline Designer has a .btp extension.

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    8206 3595-000 Glossary3


    Pipeline Component

    A component created to integrate applications with BizTalk Server. A COM or .NET-

    based component that can be placed into a pipeline to perform some processingaction on the messages going through that pipeline. Custom Pipeline components

    extend the behavior of Pipelines to include processing data of virtually any format.

    Receive Pipeline

    A pipeline in BizTalk that is executed on messages after they have been received by

    an adapter and before they are published into the Message Box database.

    Receive Port

    A logical grouping of similar receive locations in BizTalk.

    SSend Pipeline

    A pipeline that is executed on messages before they are sent out of the BizTalk


    Send Port

    The location to which messages are sent or from which messages are received, and

    the technology that is used to implement the communication action in BizTalk. The

    location is uniquely identified by the name of the port.


    Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) is one of the adapters supplied by BizTalk

    Server 2004. SOAP adapter that implements the SOAP protocol to interact with line-of-business applications, publishes orchestrations as Web services, and consumes

    external Web services.


    Web Services

    A unit of application logic providing data and services to other applications.

    Applications access XML Web services using standard Web protocols and data

    formats such as HTTP, XML, and SOAP, independent of how each XML Web service is



    A collection of all the ways in which workitems can move through an organization, the

    processing and routing of work from workstep to workstep under program control.

    Workflow Domain

    A logical group of InfoImage components that generally form a departmental

    processing unit within an enterprise, runs a route specific to the processing unit, and

    communicates with a single Workflow Domain Controller. Formerly called an

    InfoImage Domain.

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    A container that holds objects or other workitems. You can index, store, and retrieve a

    workitem. Workitems include folders and documents. Every workitem is associated

    with a data form that holds index data, has a name and a unique internal ID recognized.



    Extensible Markup Language, a pared-down version of SGML, designed especially for

    Web documents, and used by designers to create customized tags that enable the

    definition, transmission, validation, and interpretation of data between applications and

    between organizations.

    XML Schema (.XSD)

    (1) An XML schema is a specification that defines the structure of an XML document,

    including element names and data types, the form definition and means of data

    validation in a form.

    (2) A BizTalk Server schema file.


    (1) A World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) standard defining stylesheets for (and in)


    (2) Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL) is an XML vocabulary that defines the format

    of the data in the resulting document. It is used to transform XML data by means of a

    style sheet that defines presentation rules.
