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Edulingo Sprachreisen

Edulingo Sprachreisen Lydia Kreyer, Germany

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[email protected] oder Fax: +49 (0)881 927 96 561

Edulingo Sprachreisen Lydia Kreyer, Admiral-Hipper-Str. 21, 82362 Weilheim

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Legal Guardian Consent Form ref # __________________

Einverständniserklärung des/der Erziehungsberechtigten

We ask you to complete this form, after reading each question carefully. Please write clearly in BLOCK LETTERS:

Wir bitten Sie, dieses Formular auszufüllen, nachdem Sie jede Frage sorgfältig gelesen haben. Bitte schreiben Sie deutlich in


Student Name: Vorname

Student Surname: Nachname

Address: Adresse


City + Post Code: Stadt + Postleitzahl

Mob: (00 __) Handynummer

Country: Land

Nationality: Staatsangehörigkeit

Date of birth: Geburtsdatum

Mother Tongue: Muttersprache

Age: Alter

Arrival date: Departure date: Ankunftsdatum Abreisedatum


By signing this form I am declaring that I am entitled to give the consents granted herein and also make the declarations in this form. I also

declare that I have taken out an international travel and health insurance policy that also covers the child in case of illness or accident.

Mit Unterzeichnung dieses Formulars erkläre ich, dass ich berechtigt bin, die hierin erwähnten Einwilligungen zu machen und die Angaben in

diesem Formular zu tätigen. Ich erkläre ferner, dass ich eine internationale Reise- und Krankenversicherung abgeschlossen habe, die auch das

Kind im Fall von Krankheit oder Unfall schützt.

Below are general questions that will provide information to help us deal with situations if necessary. Circle the correct answer:

Im Folgenden sind allgemeine Fragen, die uns Informationen zur Verfügung stellen werden, um uns zu helfen, wenn nötig, mit verschiedenen

Situationen umzugehen. Kreis die korrekte Antwort:

I as legal guardian confirm that the child is allowed to go out in small groups unaccompanied by a team leader during free time: YES / NO

Ich als Erziehungsberechtigte(r) bestätige, dass das Kind während der freien Zeit in kleinen Gruppen, die nicht von einem Teamleiter begleitet

werden, ausgehen darf.

Has the child ever suffered from a serious illness, or s/he is susceptible to any allergy or condition or takes regular medication? YES / NO

Hat das Kind jemals an einer schweren Krankheit gelitten, oder leidet er/sie an irgendwelchen Allergien oder sonstigen Krankheiten oder nimmt

er/sie regelmäßig Medikamente?

Can BELS authorise any urgent medical treatment in your absence? YES / NO

Kann BELS dringende medizinische Behandlung in Ihrer Abwesenheit genehmigen?

In the event of a cold, minor injury or illness can BELS give/administer the following medicine to your child:

Für den Fall einer Erkältung, leichten Verletzungen oder Krankheit kann BELS Ihrem Kind die folgende Medizin geben/verabreichen:

Paracetamol: YES / NO Aspirin: YES / NO Ibuprofen: YES / NO Antiseptic: YES / NO

Are there any activities the child may not be fit to attend, for example swimming, paintball games, sports etc. YES / NO

Gibt es irgendwelche Aktivitäten, an denen das Kind aufgrund gesundheitlicher Beschränkungen nicht teilnehmen darf, zum Beispiel Schwimmen,

Paintball-Spiele, Sport, usw.

If so, please give more information: .

Wenn ja, bitte weitere Informationen angeben.

Please provide information of any medical condition(s) the child might be suffering from prior to departure:


Bitte machen Sie Angaben im Hinblick auf den Gesundheitszustand des Kindes vor dem Reisebeginn.

Please provide/specify any dietary requirements: .

Bitte teilen Sie uns mit /spezifizieren Sie, ob spezielle Ernährungsanforderungen bestehen.

I, the legal guardian of the above mentioned child, agree that in case of illness, the child will/can be attended by a doctor, hospitalised or operated on in case of an emergency. The school undertakes to inform the legal guardian of any emergency on the phone numbers supplied below. Ich, der gesetzliche Vormund des oben genannten Kindes, stimme zu, dass das Kind im Krankheitsfall von einem Arzt behandelt werden, ins Krankenhaus gebracht oder im Notfall operiert werden darf. Die Schule verpflichtet sich, die gesetzlichen Vertreter bei jeglichen Notfällen telefonisch, über die unten genannten Telefonnummern, zu informieren.

I have also checked whether it is required to book a UM (unaccompanied minor) service with the airline. It is compulsory with some airlines for children under 12 years old and some airlines under 14 years old. Please be informed if this is not done the child may lose the flight.

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Ich habe auch überprüft, ob es erforderlich ist, einen UM (unbegleitete Minderjährige)-Service bei der Fluggesellschaft zu buchen. Es ist bei einigen Fluggesellschaften für Kinder unter 12 Jahren und einigen Fluggesellschaften unter 14 Jahren verpflichtend. Bitte beachten Sie, dass der Flug storniert werden kann, falls dies nicht erfolgt ist.

With our signatures, my child and I consent to abide by the programme rules, in particular the curfew times set by the school team. We agree that bedrooms must be kept tidy and floors left free from any personal items and that beds must be made every morning. Smoking, alcohol, drugs, indecent clothing, changing of rooms and classrooms are strictly forbidden. We are also aware that no special permissions, contrary to the above will be given. Mit unseren Unterschriften, stimmen mein Kind und ich zu, uns an die Regeln des Programms zu halten, insbesondere an die Sperrstunden, die von dem Schulteam bestimmt werden. Wir stimmen zu, dass die Schlafzimmer ordentlich und die Böden frei von persönlichen Gegenständen gehalten werden müssen und, dass die Betten jeden Morgen gemacht werden müssen. Rauchen, Alkohol, Drogen, unanständige Kleidung, Veränderung an den Räumen und Klassenzimmern sind strengstens untersagt. Wir wissen auch, dass keine gesonderten Ausnahmen zu dem oben genannten, gegeben werden.

I understand that students will be unsupervised whilst for example, awaiting transport or walking to school/host family home. Ich verstehe, dass die SchülerInnen unbeaufsichtigt sein werden, wenn sie beispielsweise auf Verkehrsmittel warten oder zu Fuß zur Schule/ Gastfamilie nach Hause gehen.

I also confirm that if the child does not comply with the programme rules, or with any other rules that may be set by the school from time to time, s/he will be expelled from the programme and requested to be sent home at guardian’s expense. This means that the child will not be allowed to mix with our students, and hence change of accommodation will be requested until repatriation. BELS responsibility towards the child will end 12 hours after an incident has been reported. No refunds shall be due in the case of a student’s expulsion. Ich bestätige ebenfalls, dass, wenn das Kind die Regeln des Programms oder andere Regeln, die von der Schule von Zeit zu Zeit festgelegt werden können, nicht befolgt, er/sie aus dem Programm ausgestoßen werden und auf Kosten des/der Erziehungsberechtigten nach Hause geschickt werden kann. Dies bedeutet, dass das Kind nicht die Erlaubnis bekommen wird, sich unter unsere Schüler zu mischen und somit eine Änderung der Unterkunft bis die Sache mit dem Rücktransport geklärt ist, angefordert werden muss. BELS Verantwortung gegenüber dem Kind endet 12 Stunden nach der Meldung eines Zwischenfalls. Es wird keine Rückerstattung im Falle eines Ausschlusses des Schülers/der Schülerin fällig.

I also accept to hand over the sum of €50 as caution money for any damages that may be caused – via the child, on the first day of school. This is refundable in full if no claims are made before departure. Ich akzeptiere auch die Summe von 50 € als Kaution für etwaige Schäden, die durch das Kind, am ersten Schultag verursacht werden können. Diese wird in vollem Umfang zurückerstattet, wenn keine Ansprüche vor Abflug vorgenommen werden.

From time to time the school takes photos/video of students taking part in activities. We also take photos for our school album and put them on the web for students to download. Part of the class work is to ask students to write personal comments about our programme. We sometimes also use these in the media. I, the legal guardian give consent for such photos/videos/comments to be used for the purposes specified above only. Von Zeit zu Zeit macht die Schule Fotos/Videos von den SchülerInnen, die an Aktivitäten teilnehmen. Wir machen auch Fotos für unser Schulalbum und stellen sie im Netz für die SchülerInnen zum Download bereit. Ein Teil der Klassenarbeit ist es, die SchülerInnen aufzufordern, persönliche Kommentare zu unserem Programm zu schreiben. Manchmal nutzen wir diese auch in den Medien. Ich, der/die Erziehungsberechtigte gebe Zustimmung für die ausschließliche Benutzung solcher Fotos/Videos/Kommentare für die oben genannten Zwecke.

I confirm that as the legal guardian of the child, together with my child, have read and understood all questions, statements and programme conditions outlined in this document and that all the information supplied is correct and complete. Ich bestätige, dass Ich, als Erziehungsberechtigte/r des Kindes, zusammen mit meinem Kind, alle Fragen, Erklärungen und Programmbedingungen in diesem Dokument gelesen und verstanden habe und dass alle abgegebenen Informationen richtig und vollständig sind.

Guardian/Emergency contact full name: Signature:

Vollständiger Name des Vormunds /des Notfallkontakts Unterschrift

E-mail: Home (Haustel) Tel. No: (00 )

Work (Arbeit) Tel. No: (00 ___) Mobile (Handy) No.: (00 )

Child’s full name: Signature:

Voller Name des Kindes Unterschrift

Thanks for having taken the time to complete this form, we will do out very best to ensure your child’s safety and wellbeing at all times.

Vielen Dank für die Zeit, die Sie sich genommen haben um dieses Formular auszufüllen, wir werden alles daran setzen Ihrem Kind jegliche

Sicherheit und Wohlergehen jederzeit zu gewährleisten.

The BELS team

Das BELS Team

This form must be received by the school 10 days prior to the child’s arrival in Malta, failure to supply the consent form will prevent the child from

participating in the extracurricular activities and the school will not be responsible in any manner for the child. It is advised that a copy of this document

is also presented on arrival. This document is the only valid document as a consent form for BELS.

Die Schule muss dieses Formular 10 Tage vor Ankunft des Kindes in Malta erhalten haben. Wird die Einverständniserklärung nicht abgegeben, führt dies

dazu, dass das Kind von der Teilnahme an den außerschulischen Aktivitäten ausgeschlossen wird und die Schule in keinster Weise für das Kind

verantwortlich ist. Es wird auch empfohlen, dass eine Kopie dieses Dokuments bei der Ankunft vorgelegt wird. Dieses Dokument ist das einzig gültige

Dokument als Einverständniserklärung für BELS.

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AM Activity09:00 – 12:30hrs 12:30 – 14:00hrs 14:00 – 17:45hrs 18:00– 20:00hrs PM Activity

20:00 – 23:00hrs


New students - Valletta tour

& Malta 5D show

All other students – Free


Residence fullbuffet lunch(hot & cold)& swimming/refreshment


Afternoon rocky beach experience



*Exc. Mondaywhen

students willgo straight toa beachside


Welcome presentation &

orientation walk

Monday Splash & Fun Water Park Lesson times:

Departure to school


Lessons14:30hrs – 16:00hrs

Break16:00hrs – 16:15hrs

Lessons16:15hrs – 17:45hrs

Return toaccommodation


*Exc. Monday when students will

go straight to a beachside BBQ

BBQ dinner by the sea & night


Tuesday St. Julian’s tour, shopping & swim Free evening

WednesdayWar Museum

visit – Fort Rinella

International student party

Thursday Free morning Golden Bay by night


Comino island & cavesvisit by

power boat

Sports evening& farewell night

Saturday Free morningIn-house activities& chill out by the


Buġibba photo hunt


Booking of the Language Learning Holiday

Please use the BELS enrolment form to book your language holiday. Your booking with the school is binding as soon as you receive written confirmation. As a rule, you will receive confirmation of your booking within the next working day.


Classes are held from Monday to Friday. BELS reserves the right to introduce a double banking timetable & to use classrooms in alternative premises of the same standard. Note: In cases where there are from one to three students in a class, lessons will be reduced. The improved teacher attention and increased quality time will enable us to offer a more personalised course focused on 60 – 65% of the ordinary num-ber of lessons. One may note that students will be receiving more teacher contact time, leading to better quality tuition at no extra cost.

Pre-Arrival Test

Students are expected to sit for our online placement test. If not, they will miss two lessons on the first day to sit the test.

Public Holidays

Group lessons which fall on a public holiday will not be made up. When there are 2 public holidays that fall within the same week, only 1 day will be made up. A complimentary activity will run for all group students. Individual lessons will be made up.


Holiday breaks for Academic Year Programme students (20 weeks+): Students can have a maximum of 4 weeks holiday. Students must give a 2 week period of notice. Students returning from their holiday should not expect to return to the same class, teacher or accommo-dation. No credit will be given for accommodation during holiday breaks. Students requiring a visa for study must ensure that their visa is issued for the correct dates to include any holiday breaks.


Our accommodation will be calculated on a weekly basis (8 days/ 7 nights). Students who arrive and/or depart later will be charged for an additional night or nights. No discounts will be given for bookings of less than seven nights’ stay.


The arrival transfer is a compulsory service, which needs to be booked by all BELS adult students in all types of accommodation. Flight details including: arrival & departure dates, airline flight numbers and times of arrival and departure must be advised 10 days prior to arrival in order for BELS to provide airport transfers. No refunds will be granted on transfers if flight details are not sent to BELS at least 10 days prior to arrival, or in the case of incorrect information. Airport transfer fees include a maximum of 1 hour waiting time: In the event of arrival delays exceeding 1 hour, students will be charged an additional fee at the school.


You may cancel your language holiday at any time without having to provide reasons for your decision, however you are asked to please submit your cancellation in writing. If you cancel your language holiday up to 3 weeks before the trip, a processing fee amounting to 25% of the invoiced value will be charged (i.e. a non-refundable deposit). If cancellation is received less than 3 weeks before the trip, a process-ing fee amounting to 50% of the invoiced value will be charged (including the non-refundable deposit). If cancellation is received 1 week before the start date or should a student fail to start his/her language holiday on the scheduled date, the total amount of fees due, will be claimed. Booked services that are not made use of will not be refundable or transferable. BELS Juniors – Early departure due to home sickness is not refundable.

Payment Terms

Bookings received directly from students are subject to a 25% non-refundable deposit or full payment for those students requiring a VISA acceptance letter. The outstanding balance will become due three weeks before student’s arrival. Payments can be effected either by bank transfer or by credit card using our online portal Flywire. Bank account details may be found on client invoice. When paying by bank trans-fer the client’s name and booking number must be quoted. When a customer defaults on any payment, the school is entitled to rescind the contract and claim compensation for failure to fulfil obligations. Payments must reach BELS in full and free from local or overseas bank charges. Any short payments will be claimed from the students upon arrival.


BELS will not be held liable for loss, damage or injury to persons or property. For any legal issues, the legal representative of BELS Ltd. is Mrs. Rebecca Bonnici.


All considerable claims against BELS must be made in writing whilst the students are in-house. Complaints are not accepted from students after completion of their language holiday.

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The information contained in this price list is binding for the school as it constitutes the basis of the travel contract.


BELS believes that all statements made in its promotional materials are factual and correct. Every reasonable effort has been made to ensure such accuracy. BELS is not responsible for any changes that become known after promotional material is produced (up-to-date information can be found on our website BELS will advise you of any material changes which become known to it prior to the start date.


Acquiring a travel, health and cancellation insurance policy is highly recommended. If requested, BELS offers this service to all its clients, at an additional charge, as listed on page 2 of this price list.

General Passport & Visa Requirements

Students who are not residents of the EU community, need to apply for a visa to enter the Maltese Islands. BELS will help with the procure-ment of same by means of a visa acceptance letter. Visa acceptance letters will only be issued after receipt of full payment of the student’s gross invoice. In the case when a visa is denied, BELS will refund the client the full gross amount of his/her visa less €100 (Registration Fee) & bank charges. BELS will also assist students with the procurement of a student temporary residence permit for long stays of more than 90 days.

Photography & Filming

BELS may take promotional photographs and video footage of students. If students do not wish to participate, BELS will respect their wishes if BELS has been notified.

Force Majeure

BELS will not be responsible for any failure to comply with any of its obligations (and, therefore, shall not be required to provide any com-pensation) if the failure is instigated by any cause beyond BELS’s reasonable control; nor shall BELS be responsible for any costs incurred by or on behalf of the student as a result of any such cause. Such causes shall include but shall not be limited to war, threat of war, riot, civil strife, industrial dispute, terrorist activity, natural or nuclear disaster, unusually adverse weather conditions and infectious diseases.


BELS reserves the right to expel students who commit a criminal offence, are found to have provided false information on his/her applica-tion or do not attend lessons on a regular basis. The same right may be exercised in the case of students whose actions are deemed dis-orderly, aggressive or threatening. Moreover, students who are reported to be drinking alcohol or are drunk on school premises or behave and/ or act in any way which could bring BELS into any dispute will also be expelled. Students who are expelled will not be entitled/will lose all rights to a refund for their outstanding course, accommodation and activities that they will consequentially miss. Please note that in such cases that the Immigration Department and all other significant authorities will be informed of the expulsion.

Leisure Programme (BELS Juniors only)

BELS reserves the right to make changes to the leisure programme due to weather conditions or any other reasons beyond our control. Specific Teen Rules (BELS Juniors only)

Parents and students have to sign and accept the BELS Juniors rules. These include but are not limited to the following points: Students attending our Camp Programme must respect curfew times. Illegal substances, cigarettes and alcohol are not permitted during the pro-gramme. Students who fail to comply with the programme rules will be sent home at their parents’/ guardians’ expense. Students who arrive in Malta without the consent form signed by their parent/ guardian will not be allowed to participate in the BELS Juniors programme. When signing the consent form the parent/guardian also confirms that if the child does not comply with the programme rules, or with any other rules that may be set by the school from time to time, s/he will be expelled from the programme and be sent home at the guardian’s expense. This means that the child will not be allowed to mix with our students, and hence change of accommodation will be requested until repatriation. BELS responsibility towards the child will end twelve hours after an incident has been reported. No refunds will be given in the case of a student’s expulsion.

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