Page 1: Bitlles catalanes / Catalan bowling

Bitlles catalanes

Catalan bowling

We will explain you one of the traditional sports that we practise in

“Catalonia” (Spain): The “bitlles catalanes”. (Catalan bowling)

It consists in throwing a skittle against some bigger skittles placed some

meters far, this skittle has to knock the rest of the bigger skittles down

except one.

Each player has three turns of one throw each. The skittles are placed in

two lines and separated among them. The shot distance is of 11'5 metres

for men and 9'5 metres for women.

The purpose of the game is to knock 5 from 6 skittles in a shot. This

popular sport is a street game for everybody that forms part of our


Nowadays, Cervera, our city, has 5 skittles clubs .

Alba Pérez García 2-B
