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Biomaterials: Polylactic Acid and 3D Printing Processesfor Orthosis and Prosthesis


1Transilvania University of Brasov, Faculty of Medicine, 56 Nicolae Balcescu Str., 500019, Brasov, Romania2Transilvania University of Brasov, Faculty of Product Design and Environment, 1 Universitatii Str., 500068, Brasov, Romania

Since the development of 3D printing, over the past decades, the domain of application has evolvedsignificantly! Concerning the orthosis and prosthesis manufacturing, the 3D printing offers many possibilitiesfor developing new medical devices for people with disabilities. Our paper wish to synthetize the main 3Dprinting methods and the biomaterial properties which can be used in orthosis and prosthesis manufacturing,like polylactic acid or acrylonitrile butadiene styrene. Fused Deposition Modeling and Stereo lithography aremost used for medical devices manufacturing and usually using polylactic acid, considering the propertiesof this polymer and de organic componence.

Keywords: biomaterials, 3D printing, medical rehabilitation, polylactic acid

Since the development of 3D printing, over the pastdecades, the domain of application has evolvedsignificantly! In medicine, and especially concerningprosthesis and orthosis devices manufacturing, the designand the cost of these outfits represent important elementsin the development of the industry, leading in turn theincrease of quality of life of patients with disabilities andlow social status. Besides 3D printing aspect of thesedevices really matter and the quality of material they aremade of, especially their use involving prolonged contactwith the human body. We approach the use of polylacticacid(PLA) which is biodegradable and has similarcharacteristics to polypropylene (PP), polyethylene (PE)or polystyrene (PS). The mechanical properties of PLA mayvary from stiff, high- strength materials to soft, elasticmaterials, determined by different parameters such aspolymer structure, molecular weight, material formulation(blends, plasticizers, composites) and orientation. It alsoknown originally as a brittle material, with lower impactstrength and elongation break, similar to polymer-polystyrene [1]. PLA is a versatile polymer made fromrenewable agricultural raw materials, which are fermentedto lactic acid [2].

3D Printing of BiomaterialsThree-dimensional printing(3D) is layered

manufacturing, rapid prototyping or solid free formfabrication, represents the direct fabrication of parts, layer-by-layer, guided by digital information from a computer-aided design file, without any part-specific tooling [3]. Butthis is only one type of 3D printing process, that is wellknown, in the next table, we will summarize the main 3Dprinting process used worldwide.

There are existing many forms of 3D printing, but theprinting process, the finish of the prototypes, the materialsused and the cost of the manufacturing depends on manyvariables, from the printed pieces size, the properties ofthe materials used and providing equipment manufacturer.Through this article we wish to synthesize the mainmethods of 3D printing and biomaterials properties thatare used in making medical devices, but especially in termsof manufacturing orthoses and prostheses used by peoplewith disabilities and used in physiotherapy or medicalrehabilitation.


* Phone: (+40)268412185

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Biomaterials used in orthosis and prosthesis 3Dprinting

Biomaterials as organic polymer composite have someadvantages for medical applications advocated byresearchers: 1) are mostly more compliant with biologicaltissue than metal and ceramics; 2)have strengths of thesame order of magnitude with hard tissue; 3)thecomposition of polymers and other materials used forobtaining the composite material is closer to themechanical and biological properties to those of biologicalhard tissue; 4)design variability [17]. The polymers are easyto process into the desired structures, having a low riskconcerning toxicity, the autoimmune response and theinfection, being suitable for biomedical sciences [18]. Thelength of polymer chains and the molecular weight areresponsible with degradation process, the higher molecularweight leads to slower degradation due to lengthy polymerchains[19].

Polylactic acid (PLA)In biomedical applications concerning orthosis and

prosthesis, this polylactic acid polymer is the mostcommonly used, so it has been massively modified byincorporating different organic and inorganic components.Polylactic acid is a versatile polymer made from renewableagricultural raw materials, which are fermented to lacticacid. The lactic acid is then via a cyclic dilactone, lactide,ring opening polymerized to the wanted polylactic acid[20]. PLA has a slow degradation rate and it providesopportunity for the production of long-term orthopedicimplants. Different configuration polymers from PLA aregiven by the crystallinity (α , β, and γ forms), withdifferent melting points, from 185,175 and 235 °C.Because the PL A has a hydrophobic nature, i tsdegradation in the body decrease the PH of surroundingtissue, therefore, it is being changed into polymers witha more hydrophilic nature, which degrades into less acidproducts:

PLA combined with Bioactive Glasses (BG-40%),Carbonated apatite (30%), HA(50%), Calciumphosphate(50%) and Hallosyte nanotube(10%) offersbioactivity and neutralize the acidic degradation

PLA combined with Polyurethane (PU-50%), Poly (ε-caprolactone) (PCL) (50%), PEG (20%), offersmechanical performance [18].

Lactic acid has a chiral character and are severaldifferent forms of polylactide: poly-L-lactide (PLLA) isthe product resulting from polymerization of L, L-lactide(also known as L-lactide). PLL A has, a meltingtemperature 173–178°C [21]. Polymer molecular weightand stereochemistry, in the case of the chiral lactidemonomer, have been shown to dramatically affect thephysical properties of the polymer and crystallinity andthermal properties may also be controlled by polymerblending [22].

The melting temperature of PLLA may be raised by40–50°C and its heat deflection temperature can beraised from approximately 60°C to up to 190°C byphysically blending the polymer with PDLA (poly-D-lactide) [23].

Orthosis manufacturingVarious rapid prototyping(RP) and new additive

manufacturing(AM) has developed during the lastdecade and gained the attention of scientists andmanufacturers. In medical area, the orthosis are usedfor many purposes, depending on the patientimpairment, it might be used as braces for periphericalnerves dysfunctions with muscle altered function, touse a low power setting, to allow patient to use his ownmuscle power muscle with rehabilitation device [24],for improve gait performance for persons with impairedlower limb function [25] or with the purpose to optimizethe support of a limb [26], used in rheumatology,traumatology or other articulations inflammator yprocesses.

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The manufacturing process follows the next steps:1)it is scanned the body part for which the customorthosis need to be realized, with dynamically scanningand different posit ions, using usually computertomography, magnetic resonance imaging and laserscanning [26, 27]; 2) the analyze of the plurality of scansto identify the body part with the unnatural position ormotion impairment (the custom orthosis supposepreventing the excessive movement of at least onelocation of the body part and to enable the naturalmovement for the healthy body parts) [26]; 3) creatingan digital negative model and 4)using a computer aideddesign software is created the orthosis shape; 5) withdifferent types of 3D printing devices and processes,the personalized orthosis is created in short time[28].

Mario C. et al test three types of materials using SLS 3Dprinting and the results shown that the best mechanicaldamping characteristics is registered by Rilsan™ D80(best)(polyamides), followed by DuraForm™ PA andDuraForm™ GF (worst) [25]. But the thermoset materialsused in orthosis manufacturing, which uses resin, matrixand promoter, are lightweight and stronger. The thermosetssuppose combing the thermoplastic materials (alsobiomaterials like PLA) and make fiber -reinforcedmaterials, using nylon, carbon and glass fiber [29]. Increating a hand orthosis, Gabriele B., argue for a good designand production of orthosis using the 3D printing process,by offering a high degree of comfort and tolerability andgives the opportunity to the clinicians to indicate pressurezones and to create fully personalized orthosis, enablingthe therapeutic indications in medical rehabilitation [30].

Scott T., 2013 studied the medical effectiveness on 3Dorthosis printing, using PLA, for a ankle-foot orthosis usedto correct the prone foot. The results emerged from theresearch reveals that foot type orthosis has a significantrole in the muscle activity of biceps femurs, vastus lateralisand vastus lateralis. Personalized orthosis has been shownto affect pressure distribution in a number of patients,although even if the changes in pressure were small and itis not known if it has clinical relevance. The orthosismanufacturing using 3D printing process and the materialtypes need further investigations [31].

Some of the obstacles claimed by the researchers refersto the CAD software which is not yet sufficiently developedfor using the process in a clinical setting, being necessaryto accomplish many steps and measurement in 3D orthosisprinting [28].

ConclusionsAccording to Hospital for Special Surgery from the United

States, Medical Rehabilitation or Physiatry, is a specializedmedical area addressed to the patients who have beendisabled as a result of a disease, condition, disorder or injury.The physiatrists are focusing on personalized method of

Fig. 1. 3D printingprocess

treatment to improve their patient’s quality of life, treat awide scope of cases, from brain and spinal cord injuries tostroke and burn victims. The physiatrists direct amultidisciplinary team of professionals, like physicaltherapists, occupational therapists, recreational therapists,rehabilitation nurses, psychologists, social workers andcollaborate with the specialized clinicians like neurologist,podiatrist, rheumatologist and other specialized doctors[32]. Training in health promotion is not well developedaround the world and many professionals have poorknowledge especially in the newest well-being standards[33]. So, the rehabilitation addressability is on a large scaleand the medical professionals from this area need todevelop and build solid and functional team works, withthe purpose to improve the patient’s quality of life orconditions, as it was stated, the treatment must bepersonalized. With the use of 3D printing devices andprocesses, in the orthosis manufacturing procedures, thephysical medicine or rehabilitation area has the opportunityto improve the medical services and actions and alsodevelop new prototypes or functional devices to improvethe patient’s conditions. But we see mandatory thecollaborating of physical medicine rehabilitationspecialists, design engineers, materials or biomaterialsengineers and also computing software technologyspecialists for creating functional and easily manufacturingmedical devices (orthosis) for an improved process ofrehabilitation and science development.

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