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Page 1: Biology and Geology 4

Biology and Geology SE





4Biology and Geology 4 is a collective work, conceived, designed and created by the Secondary Education department at Santillana, under the supervision of Teresa Grence.

WRITERS Leonor Carrillo, Michele C. Guerrini, Antonio Delgado, Rebecca Hendry, Miguel Ángel Madrid, Claudia Mitchell, Heather Sutton, Alison Warner

EDITORS Belén Álvarez, Michele C. Guerrini, Beatriz G. Hipólito, Adela Martín, Daniel Masciarelli, Virginia R. Mitchell

CLIL CONSULTANTS Sebastián Bellón, Pablo Bustos, Christianne Ellison

EXECUTIVE EDITORS Begoña Barroso, Nuria Corredera, Sheila Tourle



Do not write in this book. Do all the activities in your notebook.

Page 2: Biology and Geology 4

GEOLOGY 1. The structure and dynamics of the Earth 6

1. The origin of the solar system and the Earth2. The internal structure of the Earth3. The geodynamic model4. The internal engine of the Earth5. Vertical movements of the lithosphere6. Horizontal movements of the lithosphere7. Plate tectonics

2. Tectonics and relief 24

1. Convergent boundaries2. Divergent boundaries and transform boundaries3. Intraplate phenomena: hotspots4. Interaction between internal and external dynamics. The rock cycle5. Folds6. Joints and faults7. Representation of relief. Topographic maps

3. History of the Earth 42

1. Historical ideas about the age of the Earth2. Actualism and uniformitarianism3. What do fossils tell us?4. Measuring geological time5. Relative geochronology6. Historical geology7. The Precambrian: the most distant past8. The Palaeozoic Era: diversity of life9. The Mesozoic Era: the age of reptiles

10. The Cenozoic Era: the age of mammals

BIOLOGY 4. Structure and dynamics of ecosystems 64

1. The structure of an ecosystem2. Abiotic factors and adaptations3. Tolerance limits and limiting factors4. Habitat and ecological niche5. Biotic relationships6. Populations in ecosystems7. Feeding relationships8. Trophic pyramids9. Energy and matter in ecosystems

10. Biogeochemical cycles in ecosystems11. The carbon cycle12. The nitrogen cycle13. The phosphorus and sulphur cycles14. The evolution of ecosystems

5. Human activity and the environment 88

1. Natural resources2. Human activities and their impacts on ecosystems3. Negative impacts on the atmosphere4. Negative impacts on the hydrosphere5. Negative impacts on soil6. Negative impacts on the biosphere7. Overpopulation and its consequences8. Sustainable development9. Waste

10. Waste management11. Recycling12. Renewable energy sources


Page 3: Biology and Geology 4

6. The cellular organization of living things 110

1. Cell theory2. Cell types and their evolution3. Eukaryotic cells4. The cell nucleus5. The cell cycle6. Chromosomes7. Cell division8. Meiosis

7. Heredity and genetics 128

1. Mendel and the study of heredity2. The birth of genetics3. Mendel's laws4. Problem-solving in genetics5. Incomplete dominance and codominance6. Chromosome theory of inheritance 7. Human genetics 8. Genetic sex determination9. Genetic disorders

10. Preventing and diagnosing genetic disorders

8. Genetic information and manipulation 150

1. DNA and nucleic acids2. DNA replication3. From DNA to proteins4. Expression of genetic information5. Mutations6. Biotechnology and genetic engineering7. Genetic engineering techniques8. Applications of biotechnology9. Cloning and stem cells

10. The Human Genome Project11. Bioethics

9. The origin and evolution of life 172

1. The origin of life2. The origin of biodiversity3. Lamarck and the inheritance of acquired characteristics4. Darwin and Wallace. Natural selection5. The genetic basis of variability 6. The most common evolutionary mechanisms7. Evidence for evolution8. Adaptation and speciation9. Current evolutionary models

10. Hominization11. Human evolution

Cooperative projects 196

Scientific glossary 202

Classroom language 208

Lab experiments 214

National Parks of Spain 228

Page 4: Biology and Geology 4


1 This book covers the curriculum in a clear, comprehensive and rigorous way.

3 The images will help you to understand the contents more easily.

You will be able to practice listening comprehension in some activities.


5 A series of final activities encourage and consolidate learning.

2 Each unit deals with one of the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals. This knowledge can be a tool to improve the world around us.

4 Specific activities are designed to work on 21st century competences:

Competence in Mathematics, Science and Technology

Linguistic competence

Learning to learn

Social and civic competence

Digital competence

Initiative and entrepreneurship

Structure and dynamics of ecosystems4


• The structure of an ecosystem.

• Abiotic factors and adaptations.

• Tolerance limits and limiting factors.

• Habitat and ecological niche.

• Biotic relationships.

• Populations in ecosystems.

• Feeding relationships.

• Trophic pyramids.

• Energy and matter in ecosystems.

• Biogeochemical cycles in ecosystems.

• The carbon cycle.

• The nitrogen cycle.

• The phosphorus and sulphur cycles.

• The evolution of ecosystems.


• Measure abiotic factors in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems.

• In which ecosystems can the lynx live?

• Why is the lynx in danger of extinction? Find information on the Internet.


What is camera trapping?Camera trapping is used for carrying out research into fauna and controlling the species. It involves taking photos with concealed or camouflaged equipment. No human beings are involved.

Scientists use camera trapping to monitor populations of animals such as the Iberian lynx, an endangered feline. A camouflaged camera is positioned on the ground, facing some bait. The bait, which contains lynx urine, attracts other lynxes. A pressure pad is connected to the trigger mechanism on the camera. It is placed below the camera stand. When a lynx smells the bait, it approaches and steps onto the pad. This activates the trigger mechanism: a photo is taken instantaneously.

OPINION. Why do you think techniques like camera trapping are necessary to protect endangered species?


• What is an ecosystem?

• What do you think habitat and ecological niche mean?

• Do you think ecosystems evolve? Why? / Why not?

• In your opinion, can a population grow indefinitely? Explain your answer.

Photos help scientists to calculate how many lynxes live in a given area. They are also used to identify individuals by examining the spots on each animal. Photos provide information on the sex and approximate age of the individuals, too.

Cameras can remain in position for weeks or months. They are checked periodically and the bait is replaced.


Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of ecosystems, and integrate ecosystems and biodiversity values into national and local planning.

64 65










15 A double-stranded DNA molecule contains 35 % guanine (G). What percent is cytosine (C), adenine (A) and thymine (T)?

16 Laboratory analysis provided this sequence of nucleotides:


a) What nucleic acid does it belong to?

b) According to the genetic code, could this sequence of nucleotides produce a protein? If so, how many amino acids would it have? What would they be?

17 State the sequence of amino acids that will be coded for by the following DNA fragment:


a) Could the sequence of amino acids stay the same if a mutation changed the base that is indicated? Explain why or why not.

b) What is the smallest number of nucleotides that would have to change for the protein obtained to differ from the normal sequence by one amino acid?

18 A person developed skin cancer due to prolonged exposure to UV rays on a tanning bed.

a) What caused the mutation?

b) Will this person's children inherit this mutation?

19 A group of scientists used genetic engineering to produce transgenic plants that glow in the dark. To do this, they inserted a gene from fireflies that produces luciferase, a protein.

a) Describe the steps taken to obtain the transgenic plants.

b) What use could these plants have?

20 Prepare a digital presentation on biotechnology and genetic engineering. Give examples for these areas:

a) Medicine and pharmacology.

b) Environmental biotechnology.

1 Write a brief summary of each of the headings in the unit.

2 Match the pairs. Then write sentences.

• thymine

• ribose

• uracil

• deoxyribose

• adenine

• nitrogenous base

• carbohydrate

• found in DNA

• found in RNA

• contains five carbon atoms

3 Look at the diagram and answer the questions.

a) What type of molecule is shown? How do you know?

b) What does each number represent?

c) How are the nitrogenous bases in both strands joined?

d) How would you describe the two strands?

4 Copy and complete the table in your notebook.

5 DNA replication is called a semi-conservative process. What does this mean? In what part of the cell does DNA replication occur? And at what moment of the cell cycle?

6 Look at the diagram. The numbers in the diagram below indicate the molecules, organelles and processes involved in the expression of genetic information. Write a label for each number.

7 What is a codon? How is it related to the genetic code?

8 Describe the function of transfer RNA (tRNA).

9 Draw and complete a concept map of the different types of mutations.

10 What is biotechnology? How is current biotechnology related to genetic engineering?

11 Define these terms. • vector • genetically modified organism • DNA ligase • bioremediation • restriction enzyme

12 Using recombinant DNA technology, what steps must be taken to make a bacterium produce growth hormone?

13 Some diseases are now being treated with gene therapy. Explain this technique.

14 Copy the diagram. Label the structures and components. Explain the two processes.

CRITICAL THINKING. How are we protected from genetic discrimination?

Universal Declaration on the Human Genome and Human Rights

A. Human dignity and the human genome

Article 1. The human genome underlies the fundamental unity of all members of the human family, as well as the recognition of their inherent dignity and diversity. In a symbolic sense, it is the heritage of humanity.

Article 2.

a) Everyone has a right to respect for their dignity and for their rights regardless of their genetic characteristics.

b) That dignity makes it imperative not to reduce individuals to their genetic characteristics and to respect their uniqueness and diversity.

Article 3. The human genome, which by its nature evolves, is subject to mutations. It contains potentialities that are expressed differently according to each individual's natural and social environment, including the individual's state of health, living conditions, nutrition and education.

Article 4. The human genome in its natural state shall not give rise to financial gains [...]

UNESCO. 11th November, 1997.

21 What is UNESCO?

22 Why did UNESCO make a declaration about the Human Genome Project?

23 Summarize each article in your own words.

24 Should discrimination for genetic reasons be allowed? Give examples to explain your opinion.

25 This UNESCO declaration has 25 articles. Choose one article that is not presented here and summarize it briefly.



3 4 5

6 7


Characteristics DNA RNA

Chemical composition


Nitrogenous bases



168 169

Genetic information and manipulation 8


The lithosphere consists of the crust and the uppermost part of the mantle. It is dragged along by the movement of the mantle underneath. As a result, it has been fractured into large blocks called lithospheric plates. These plates fit together like a jigsaw puzzle, and are subjected to two types of movement:

• Horizontal movements due to plate tectonics.• Vertical movements due to isostatic adjustment.

The geodynamic model of the internal structure of the Earth is based on:

• The physical state of the layers: plasticity, rigidity and density.

• The mechanical properties of the layers; that is, how they respond to changes in pressure and temperature.

According to the geodynamic model, the Earth is a heat engine. Within it, temperature changes cause atoms and molecules to be agitated. This agitation modifies the structure and composition of materials, generating movement and pressure. This pressure can be released slowly or quickly, transforming thermal energy into mechanical energy.

This model divides the Earth into layers. From the surface inwards, they are: the lithosphere, asthenosphere, mesosphere, D" layer and the core.

3The geodynamic model

• Understand the geodynamic model of the Earth.



The mesosphere is the lower mantle. It extends from a depth of 670 km to the D" layer. Although it is solid, the mesosphere is not static. It flows, but very slowly: a few centimetres per year. Cold lithospheric plates from the subduction zones can descend into it and mantle plumes from the D" layer underneath can reach it.

The core

In both the geochemical and the geodynamic models, the core consists of two parts: inner and outer. The heat in the solid inner core spreads to the liquid outer core. This generates convection currents that push heat out of the core into the D" layer, where it accumulates.

These convection currents also generate the Earth's magnetic field.

The magnetic field consists of invisible dynamic lines of force. These lines cross the Earth between two magnetic poles. Unlike the geographical poles, the magnetic poles are not fixed. The distance between them varies over time.

The D" layer

The D" layer is one of the most dynamic layers of the Earth. Heat from the outer core accumulates here, and hot magma escapes from this layer as mantle plumes. The plumes break through the lithosphere, creating hotspots: areas of intense volcanic activity, such as the Hawaiian Islands.

Asthenosphere or sublithospheric upper mantle

This layer lies between the lithosphere and the mesosphere. Scientists believe it coincides with the lower part of the upper mantle. It is a plastic malleable layer with a tendency to flow as the lithosphere moves.

Continental lithosphere

Isostatic adjustment 75–100 670 2 900 5 100 6 378


Sublithospheric upper mantle or asthenosphere

Lower mantle or mesosphere

Axis of rotation

Magnetic field

1 Look at the diagrams. Listen and choose the correct answer.



D" layer


AsthenosphereMantle plume

Eruption of the Kilauea volcano.

2 How is heat moved up from the core to the lithosphere?

3 Look for information about the asthenosphere and explain why its existence has been controversial in the history of geology.




12 13

The structure and dynamics of the Earth 1

6 Critical thinking. You will be able to practice critical analysis of scientific texts, a valuable tool in today's information society.

Page 5: Biology and Geology 4

7 Know how to. You will apply your knowledge and improve your scientific competence.

8 Cooperative project. These activities and tasks are designed to be done in groups or in pairs.

Great scientists. You will learn about the lives of great scientists and their contributions to science, as well as other interesting facts about them.

1 Agnodice


Agnodice was born in the 4th century BC into a wealthy Athenian family. She wanted to become a doctor, but women were not allowed to practise medicine at the time. In order to study Medicine, she cut her hair short, bandaged her breasts and dressed as a man.

She travelled to Egypt to take classes with Alexander the Great’s famous doctor at the School of Alexandria. She got the highest results in her exams and graduated in the discipline that we now call gynaecology.

She returned to Athens to work as a gynaecologist. Many women refused to be treated by a man, so Agnodice revealed her true identity so that they would let her help them. This was passed on from one woman to another and her number of patients increased. Male gynaecologists began losing patients. Driven by envy, they accused her of seducing married women.

Agnodice was taken to court, accused of raping two women. At the trial, she stripped in front of the jury to reveal her identity. The jury removed the rape charges, but charged her for practising gynaecology as a woman.

She was sentenced to death. However, her patients defended her and said they would not have children if Agnodice was not there to deliver them. The jury acquitted Agnodice and allowed her to continue working as a gynaecologist.

Scientific work

• Agnodice managed to save the lives of many women who refused to be treated by men during childbirth. As such, she is considered the first female doctor and gynaecologist.

• Agnodice fought to improve gender equality. She managed to change the law that prohibited women from practising medicine. One year after her acquittal, the law was modified to allow women to study and practise Medicine, although only to treat other women.

Interesting facts

• Hyginus, a first century Latin writer, wrote about Agnodice in his Fabulae 174. This suggests that she was really a mythical figure. Whether she actually existed or not, she is a role model for women in general, especially for those who work in medicine. For this reason, a medal that recalls her legacy is displayed at the Paris School of Medicine.

‘The wives of the leading men of Athens claimed: "You men are not spouses, but enemies, since you are condemning her who discovered health for us." Then the Athenians emended the law so that freeborn women could study Medicine.’

Fabulae, Hyginus, 1st century BC

School of Athens, Raphael


2 Alfred Nobel


Alfred Nobel was born in 1833 in Stockholm (Sweden). When he was nine years old, he moved to St Petersburg (Russia), where his father opened an arms factory. Alfred learned the basics of engineering from his father. Then he travelled to France to continue his technological studies. When Alfred returned to St Petersburg, the arms factory went bankrupt and his family returned to Sweden. In Sweden, Alfred set up a nitroglycerin factory. It was very successful thanks to the production of dynamite. Alfred expanded his business to other countries and made a huge fortune.

Alfred Nobel died in 1896. In his will he donated almost his entire fortune to create what is now known as the Nobel Prize.

Scientific work

• In 1864, Alfred Nobel’s brother was killed in a nitroglycerin explosion at one of his factories. As a result, Nobel worked to develop a safer explosive. He discovered that nitroglycerin could be mixed with a sand called diatomite to form a powder that could be transported without exploding. He shaped the new product into bars and created electric detonators. Nobel named the new product dynamite from the Greek word for power.

• Nobel created many other inventions. He patented an automatic brake and an anti-explosion boiler. He also invented a system for distilling oil and exploited Russian oilfields. He devised mechanisms to enable the refining of cast iron. One of Nobel’s last contributions was the creation of smokeless gunpowder.

• Nobel’s inventions were ground-breaking because they facilitated the work of mining, engineering and construction. However, these inventions were also used by the military industry. This made Nobel feel guilty for contributing to the destruction caused by war. This feeling and his concern for world peace led Alfred Nobel to donate his fortune to the creation of the Nobel Prize.

Interesting facts

• Alfred Nobel’s will states that: ‘All of my remaining realisable assets are to be disbursed as follows: the capital is to constitute a fund, the interest on which is to be distributed annually as prizes to those who, during the preceding year, have conferred the greatest benefit to humankind. […] It is my express wish that when awarding the prizes, no consideration be given to nationality, but that the prize be awarded to the worthiest person.’

• The Nobel Foundation is responsible for awarding these prizes, which are the most prestigious international prizes. They have been awarded since 1901.

‘Self-respect without the respect of others is like a jewel which will not stand the daylight.’

Alfred Nobel

Nobel Prize medal












The best of both

Biology and GeologyGreat scientists

Biology and Geology Great scientists 44

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KNOW HOW TO Scientific competence

Interpret karyotypes

Each eukaryotic species possesses a characteristic set of chromosomes. The chromosomes are of different shapes and sizes. When stained, they display different coloured bands.

The arrangement of homologous pairs of chromosomes by size and shape is called a karyotype. The karyotype is used to count the number of chromosomes and detect chromosome abnormalities.

Preparing a human karyotype involves many steps. First, images of the chromosomes to be studied are required.

1. Somatic cells are obtained, for example:

– Lymphocytes from the blood of an adult.

– Foetal cells from amniotic fluid.

2. The cells are cultured for several days. The culture medium contains substances to stimulate cell division.

3. A chemical is added to stop cell division in metaphase.

4. The chromosomes are isolated and stained. Most techniques used today produce different bands on the chromosomes. Each homologous pair of chromosomes can be compared band by band to detect structural changes.

5. The stained chromosomes are observed under a microscope fitted with a digital camera and photographs are taken.

Next, the chromosomes are arranged by size and centromere position, in descending order of size.

The procedure is as follows:

1. Enlarged photos are made and the chromosomes are cut out. The number of chromosomes is counted and recorded.

2. Similar chromosomes are identified. In the human karyotype, the chromosomes are classified into seven groups by shape and size.

By convention, the sex chromosomes are not placed in these groups. The X and Y chromosomes are placed separately at the end of the karyotype.

3. If there are more than 46 chromosomes, the extra one is identified and placed in its group. The syndrome produced by this abnormality is stated.

Group Chromosomes Shape and size

A 1, 2 and 3Large meta- and submetacentric

B 4 and 5 Large submetacentric

C 6–12 and X Medium submetacentric

D 13, 14 and 15 Medium acrocentric

E 16, 17 and 18Small meta- and submetacentric

F 19 and 20 Small metacentric

G 21, 22 and Y Small acrocentric

Laboratories describe the karyotype using universal nomenclature: the total number of chromosomes is indicated, followed by a comma and the sex genotype.

If there is one chromosome too many or too few, a + or – sign is added, then the number of the affected chromosome. For example:

• 46,XX: female.

• 47,XX,+21: female with three copies of chromosome 21.

• 46,XY: male.

• 47,XXY: person with three sex chromosomes.

17 Why should you use dividing cells to prepare a karyotype?

18 You have to differentiate one chromosome from another. What characteristics would you use? Why?

19 Look at the karyotype on the previous page.

a) Does it correspond to a man or a woman?

b) Are there any anomalies? Explain your answer.

20 Make an enlarged copy of this image. Then do the activities.

a) Make a karyotype. Group the chromosomes using their size and the bands on each arm.

b) How many autosomes does it have? And sex chromosomes? Write the karyotype using universal nomenclature.

c) Are there any anomalies? If so, describe them.

• Remember to differentiate between plant and animal cells.

• Share your slideshow with the class.


The cellular organization of living things 6

Stained human chromosomes. Karyotype of a human being.

A digital slide show on mitosis

Work in groups of four. Assign these tasks:

• Find a video on the Internet about cell reproduction that shows cells dividing. Edit it into five parts. Insert each part in a slide.

• Draw a simple diagram of each phase. Label the components, structures and organelles shown in the video. Scan the diagram and insert it into the slide.

• Write a brief explanation of each slide. Try to be precise and concise: do not overload each slide with too much information.

• If you wish, you can record an audio file for every slide to explain what happens in each phase.

126 127

9 At the end of the book you will find:

– Scientific glossary

– Lab experiments

– National Parks of Spain

1. The structure and dynamics of the Earth

geochemical model the internal structure of the Earth is based on the chemical composition of its internal layers.

geodynamic model the internal structure of the Earth is based on the physical state and mechanical properties of its layers.

geothermal gradient the increase in temperature towards the interior of the Earth.

hotspot area of intense volcanic activity where mantle plumes break through the lithosphere.

isostasy the equilibrium between the weight of parts of the Earth's crust and the upward force of the mantle.

isotopes atoms that have an equal number of protons and electrons, but a different number of neutrons. Due to this, their atomic masses are different.

planetesimal a small, solid body formed during planetesimal accretion. Combined with many others, and under gravitation, they formed the planets. Not used to refer to objects in the current solar system.

seismic discontinuity the boundary between two layers of materials that can be detected by reflection or refraction of seismic waves.

subsidence the slow sinking of an area of land.

2. Tectonics and relief

anticline a fold in which younger layers of rock surround the older ones.

diagenesis the process in which sediments are compacted. Compaction is caused by increased pressure and temperature.

fault a crack in the surface of the Earth. Displacement of the blocks or fault walls occurs.

fold an irreversible ductile deformation of rock.

joint a fracture in rocks where the fragments remain in their initial position.

magma rocky materials of any type that melt at a certain depth of the Earth.

metamorphism the process of transformation of sedimentary rocks. It occurs in deep layers of the Earth due to increased pressure and temperature.

orogen an extensive belt of rocks that form mountain ranges of volcanic or tectonic origin. Formed by volcanic activity or the folding or accumulation of materials.

overlying plate a continental or oceanic lithospheric plate that remains on the surface while another plate subducts.

rift a long, deep crack where the lithosphere is being pushed apart. It results from tensional stress in the crust of the Earth.

subducting plate an oceanic lithospheric plate that sinks sideways and downwards into the mantle, generating a subduction zone.

syncline a U-shaped fold in which older layers of rock surround younger ones.

weathering a set of processes caused by geological agents like wind and water that leads to the fragmentation of rocks.

3. History of the Earth

actualism a principle that says the geological processes observed today are the same as those that occurred in the past.

Scientific glossary


National Parks of Spain

Ordesa y Monte Perdido

Designation date: 16th August 1918Area: 15 608 hectaresAutonomous Community: Aragón

Valle de Ordesa was the first National Park of Spain. The park's most remarkable feature is the massif of Monte Perdido (3 355 m). From there, the valleys of Ordesa, Añisclo, Pineta and Escuaín branch off. There are constrasting landscapes, arid high-altitude areas and green valleys full of forests and meadows where water flows in abundance. The park is a Biosphere Reserve (1977), UNESCO World Heritage Site (1997) and a ZEPA zone (1988).Fauna: vertebrates include the bearded vulture, the chamois, the golden eagle, the griffon vulture, the Eurasian eagle-owl, the great spotted woodpecker, the peregrine falcon, etc.Flora: it is very diverse, with hollies, snowdrops, heather, blackthorns, gentians, violets, rowans, beech trees, etc.


Designation date: 22nd January 1954Area: 18 990 hectaresAutonomous Community: Canarias

Located on the island of Tenerife, this was the first and is the largest National Park in Canarias. The volcanic cones and lava flows form an extraordinary geological site of global importance. It contains a rich biodiversity, with 58 endemic plant species and a high number of invertebrate species. It was declared a World Heritage Site in 2007. Fauna: there are wild canaries, common kestrels, Eurasian blue tits, Tenerife blue chaffinches, rock doves, wall geckos, Canary big-eared bats, Tenerife speckled lizards, etc.Flora: endemic plants found here include the red bugloss, the Teide burnet, the Cañadas rockrose, and the Teide violet, which grows at high altitudes.


3 Study of a limiting factor of plants

A factor that can limit the growth or development of a living thing is called a limiting factor. For example, a limiting factor for a plant living in a very humid environment could be the lack of light or nutrients. On the other hand, for a plant living in a dry environment, water is likely to be a limiting factor.

There is an optimal value for every factor. This optimal value enables the living thing to perform its vital functions successfully. The tolerance limits are the lowest and highest values of a factor that a living thing can survive.

In this experiment you will study one of the limiting factors of plants: the salinity of water.


▶ Study how water salinity affects a plant's growth.

▶ Analyze data after representing it in a graph.

▶ Carry out experimental designs to study the different factors that influence the growth of plants.


– Seeds that germinate easily; for example chickpeas

– Five plastic bottles

– Five plastic cups

– Distilled water

– Sodium chloride (table salt)

– 250 mL graduated cylinder

– Digital scales

– Permanent marker

– Cotton

1 Prepare the bottles with water and salt

First, label the bottles from 1 to 5, and fill each one with 250 mL of distilled water.

Bottle 1 will have distilled water, with no salt.

Add 0.25 g of salt to bottle 2. This is approximately the salinity of fresh water.

Add 1 g of salt to bottle 3.

Add 4 g of salt to bottle 4. This is the salinity of brackish water.

Add 8 g of salt to bottle 5. This is the salinity of seawater.




Page 6: Biology and Geology 4

The structure and dynamics of the Earth1


• The origin of the solar system and the Earth.

• The internal structure of the Earth.

• The geodynamic model.

• The internal engine of the Earth.

• Vertical movements of the lithosphere.

• Horizontal movements of the lithosphere.

• Plate tectonics.


• Interpret remanent magnetism.

• Interpret bathymetric charts.

• Does the photo show oceanic crust or continental crust?

• Describe the types of rocks you can see in the foreground.

• Are there any indications of life on the island?


Surtsey is an open-air laboratory. Scientists use the island to study how living things colonize new environments.

For this reason, UNESCO declared the island a World Heritage Site in 2008.

The eruption began at a depth of more than 100 m below sea level. A volcanic cone formed, which took several months to reach the surface.

The island continued to grow for three and a half years. It reached a maximum surface area of almost 3 square kilometres (km2). Its maximum height was 150 m above sea level. However, the island was quickly eroded and is now smaller.

Respect the natural dynamics of our planet and adopt urgent measures to fight the effects of climate change.


Page 7: Biology and Geology 4


Is it possible to watch an island form?In mid-November 1963, a rarely witnessed event took place: a new land mass formed.

It occurred 32 km to the south of Iceland. On 14th November, the crew of a fishing boat saw something strange: bubbles and black smoke coming out of the sea. The fishermen notified the authorities. Soon after, groups of scientists travelled to the area to study the phenomenon first-hand.

A few days later, lava from an underwater volcano began to reach the surface. The lava quickly cooled, forming a new island, which was named Surtsey. The island continued to grow.

The volcanic eruption ended in July 1967.

GIVE YOUR OPINION. Why do you think a phenomenon such as this is so interesting to the scientific community?


• What are lithospheric or tectonic plates?

• In some places on the planet, there is a good deal of both volcanic and seismic activity. Is there a relation between these two types of phenomena?

• Do tectonic plates move? If so, explain briefly what it is that causes them to move.

Life forms on Surtsey are varied. More than thirty species of plants are well established. There is a stable colony of seagulls. Grey seals regularly use the island as a breeding ground. Furthermore, a large number of echinoderms and algae have been found in the water.


Page 8: Biology and Geology 4

Astronomers calculate that the solar system began to form about 5 billion (5 000 000 000) years ago. It began to form deep inside a nebula located at the end of one arm of our galaxy, the Milky Way. The nebula was a large cold cloud of cosmic dust and gases, mainly hydrogen and helium. The most widely accepted hypothesis about the formation of the solar system is planetesimal accretion.

1The origin of the solar system and the Earth

• Explain the origin of the solar system and the planets.

• Describe the systems of the Earth and their origin.


Over the course of 400–450 million years, the planets formed from the remains of the nebula:

• Four rocky planets: Mercury, Venus, the Earth and Mars.

• Four gas giants: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.

The Asteroid belt lies between the two groups of planets. Most meteorites that collide with the Moon, the Earth and other planets come from this belt.

Large quantities of solid particles began to revolve around the primitive Sun. These particles were primarily elements like iron and silicon.

Gravity caused a huge mass of hydrogen and helium to accumulate in the centre of the disc. The temperature of these gases increased until thermonuclear fusion reactions occurred, creating the Sun.

As the nebula rotated around its axis, it began to contract and flatten. It became disc-shaped.





MercuryThe Earth

Asteroid belt



These particles collided with each other due to the effects of gravity. The collision led to the formation of structures called planetesimals, which gradually increased in size.


Page 9: Biology and Geology 4

3 What caused the geosphere to be made up of layers? Briefly describe the process that took place: First, next, then, later, finally, etc.

4 Why are the planets closest to the Sun denser than those that are farther away?

5 Does the amount of water that makes up the hydrosphere remain constant, or does it tend to increase over time?


The Earth and its systems

The Earth can be divided into four systems or spheres: geosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere and biosphere. Although each system is separate, they all interact very closely with each other. Matter and energy are constantly being exchanged between the four systems.

• Geosphere. Scientists theorize that about 4.5 billion (4 500 000 000) years ago the Earth was a large ball of molten rock. The molten state was due to three processes that generated heat:

– The continuous impacts of planetesimals during accretion.

– The decay of radioactive isotopes such as potassium-40 and uranium-235.

– The differentiation of materials, due to gravity (gravitational differentiation), into three layers of increasing density:

Crust: a thin top layer formed of aluminium silicates.

Mantle: a layer of iron and magnesium silicates, floating on the core.

Core: a metallic centre formed of the heaviest elements, primarily iron.

• Atmosphere. During the gravitational differentiation process, large quantities of gas were emitted. The lighter gases, hydrogen and helium, escaped into space. Others, such as carbon dioxide and water vapour, were trapped in the crust. From there, they escaped through fissures. A primitive atmosphere was formed from intense volcanic activity.

• Hydrosphere. Later, the water in the atmosphere condensed. Heavy rainfall flooded the depressions on the solid surface, forming the hydrosphere.

• Biosphere. Life on the Earth was made possible by two factors:

– The distance between the Earth and the Sun.

– The physical and chemical conditions on the Earth, such as temperature and the presence of liquid water.

Biological activity on the Earth has influenced many processes, including:

– The oxygenation of the atmosphere.

– The formation of soil.

– The creation of thick bands of rock such as limestone. Limestone is formed by the accumulation of calcium carbonate from shells, corals and skeletons.

Atmosphere Geosphere

Hydrosphere Biosphere

1 Find examples of the exchange of matter and energy between these systems. Biosphere / geosphere; atmosphere / biosphere; hydrosphere / geosphere.

2 What does the eruption of the Eyjafjalla volcano in Iceland tell you about the process of degassing the Earth?



The structure and dynamics of the Earth 1

Page 10: Biology and Geology 4

• Explain how seismic waves are used to understand the interior of the Earth.

• Understand the geochemical model of the Earth.


Geologists study earthquakes to understand the interior of the Earth.

Earthquakes are violent shaking events caused by sudden movements of the crust. They occur when large masses of rock located at fault lines suddenly slip past one another, releasing energy.

The hypocentre is the point within the Earth where an earthquake originates. From here, oscillations (vibrations) travel through the inner layers of the Earth as seismic waves: P-waves and S-waves. These waves form spherical wavefronts.

The layers of the Earth vary in chemical composition and mechanical behaviour. As seismic waves travel through each layer, they can be reflected or refracted. This causes the waves to change speed or direction.

Seismologists analyze seismic waves to deduce the physical state of each layer: rigid, malleable or fluid. They also detect the depth of seismic discontinuities, which are boundaries between layers.

2 The internal structure of the Earth

The point on the surface that the waves reach first is called the epicentre. It is directly above the hypocentre. Surface waves spread from the epicentre, sometimes with catastrophic effects.

Fault scarp



Hypocentre Fault


Direction the wave travels in

S-waves shadow zone

S-wavesP-waves Hypocentre

Shadow zone: This is an area that does not receive certain waves.

Primary waves (P-waves)

• These are the fastest waves and therefore the first to reach the seismograph, a machine that records seismic waves.

• The particles oscillate in the same direction as the wave through compression and expansion.

• Waves can travel through solid and liquid materials. However, they travel through liquids more slowly.

Secondary waves (S-waves)

• These are slower, so they are detected by seismographs after the P-waves.

• The particles oscillate perpendicularly to the direction of the wave.

• They travel through solids, but not liquids.

Path of the S-waves and P-waves through the interior of the Earth:


Page 11: Biology and Geology 4

Geochemical model of the internal structure of the Earth

Seismologists have defined two models of the internal structure of the Earth: the geochemical model and the geodynamic model. Although both are based on the behaviour of P-waves and S-waves, there are important differences.

The geochemical model is based on the chemical composition of the internal layers of the Earth. It divides the Earth into three layers: crust, mantle and core. Within these layers are three seismic discontinuities, each one named after its discoverer.


2 Draw a graph in proportion showing the P- and S-waves travelling through the interior of an imaginary planet that has the following characteristics in its layers:

• 0 −700 km: solid layer with a progressively increasing density and rigidity.

• 700 −1 500 km: solid and homogenous layer.

• 1 500 −3 000 km: fluid layer.

Mantle. This layer is made up of igneous rocks rich in iron and magnesium silicates. One is peridotite, which consists primarily of the mineral olivine.

It is divided into the upper mantle and lower mantle, which are separated by the transition zone. Here, the physical properties of the rocks of the upper mantle are changed due to the increase in pressure and temperature, resulting in denser materials.

Core. This consists of almost pure iron mixed with a small percentage of iron sulphides and nickel.

It is divided into two parts, each in a different physical state: • The outer core is liquid. It has a

consistency similar to water. Violent convection currents here generate the Earth's magnetic field or magnetosphere.

• The inner core is solid.

Crust. This layer consists primarily of aluminium silicates. There are two types: continental crust and oceanic crust.

Upper mantle

35 480 1 000 2 000 4 000 6 000 6 378


Lower mantle Outer core




e sp





Inner core

Gutenberg discontinuity

Wiechert–Lehmann discontinuity

1 How does the graph help you to know there is a discontinuity?


2 900 5 100670









Mohorovicic discontinuity

ˇ ´


The structure and dynamics of the Earth 1

Page 12: Biology and Geology 4


The lithosphere consists of the crust and the uppermost part of the mantle. It is dragged along by the movement of the mantle underneath. As a result, it has been fractured into large blocks called lithospheric plates. These plates fit together like a jigsaw puzzle, and are subjected to two types of movement:

• Horizontal movements due to plate tectonics.• Vertical movements due to isostatic adjustment.

The geodynamic model of the internal structure of the Earth is based on:

• The physical state of the layers: plasticity, rigidity and density.

• The mechanical properties of the layers; that is, how they respond to changes in pressure and temperature.

According to the geodynamic model, the Earth is a heat engine. Within it, temperature changes cause atoms and molecules to be agitated. This agitation modifies the structure and composition of materials, generating movement and pressure. This pressure can be released slowly or quickly, transforming thermal energy into mechanical energy.

This model divides the Earth into layers. From the surface inwards, they are: the lithosphere, asthenosphere, mesosphere, D" layer and the core.

3The geodynamic model

• Understand the geodynamic model of the Earth.



The mesosphere is the lower mantle. It extends from a depth of 670 km to the D" layer. Although it is solid, the mesosphere is not static. It flows, but very slowly: a few centimetres per year. Cold lithospheric plates from the subduction zones can descend into it and mantle plumes from the D" layer underneath can reach it.

Asthenosphere or sublithospheric upper mantle

This layer lies between the lithosphere and the mesosphere. Scientists believe it coincides with the lower part of the upper mantle. It is a plastic malleable layer with a tendency to flow as the lithosphere moves.

Continental lithosphere

Isostatic adjustment 75–100 670

Sublithospheric upper mantle or asthenosphere

Lower mantle or mesosphere

1 Look at the diagrams. Listen and choose the correct answer.





Page 13: Biology and Geology 4

The core

In both the geochemical and the geodynamic models, the core consists of two parts: inner and outer. The heat in the solid inner core spreads to the liquid outer core. This generates convection currents that push heat out of the core into the D" layer, where it accumulates.

These convection currents also generate the Earth's magnetic field.

The magnetic field consists of invisible dynamic lines of force. These lines cross the Earth between two magnetic poles. Unlike the geographical poles, the magnetic poles are not fixed. The distance between them varies over time.

The D" layer

The D" layer is one of the most dynamic layers of the Earth. Heat from the outer core accumulates here, and hot magma escapes from this layer as mantle plumes. The plumes break through the lithosphere, creating hotspots: areas of intense volcanic activity, such as the Hawaiian Islands.

2 900 5 100 6 378Kilometres

Axis of rotation

Magnetic field


D" layer


AsthenosphereMantle plume

Eruption of the Kilauea volcano.

2 How is heat moved up from the core to the lithosphere?

3 Look for information about the asthenosphere and explain why its existence has been controversial in the history of geology.



The structure and dynamics of the Earth 1

Page 14: Biology and Geology 4

The internal dynamics of the Earth depend on two factors: internal energy in the form of heat, and the force of gravity.

The internal temperature of the Earth increases as the distance from the surface increases; that is, the greater the depth, the higher the temperature. This is called the geothermal gradient.

In the crust, the average geothermal gradient is 3 °C per 100 m. In volcanic areas, it can be as high as 10 °C per 100 m. In the deeper layers, these values change and the distribution of temperatures is estimated according to extrapolations based on lab experiments and on seismic data.

Heat flow in the geosphere

Heat travels from the hot interior of the Earth up to the surface. The amount of heat energy that reaches the surface is called the heat flow. This heat may be transmitted by conduction, but rocks have low conductivity. As a result, transmission takes place very slowly.

The real engines driving the internal dynamics of the Earth are convection currents. Hot materials, which are less dense and therefore lighter, ascend to the surface. As they cool, these materials become denser and sink again. This continuous flow is generated by high temperature variations between the lithosphere and the D" layer.

4The internal engine of the Earth

• Describe the mechanisms responsible for the internal dynamics of the Earth.

• Identify what causes the vertical movements of the crust.


1 Test a classmate on the graph above. What's the temperature at a depth of ...?

2 If the geothermal gradient were constant from the surface to the core, what would the temperature of the core be? Compare the value that you have calculated with that of the graph above. What do you think causes this difference?


3 Define convection current.

4 Is heat flow the same as geothermal gradient? Explain your answer.


Geothermal gradient: correlation

between depth and temperature.




D" layer


1 000

2 000

3 000

4 000

5 000

6 000

Depth (km)

0 3 000 6 000

Descending current

Convection currents in the core

Ascending current

In the mantle, hot magma plumes generate an ascending current.

Gravity acting on the lithospheric plates generates a descending current.

If the layers have different densities, like the metallic core and the rocky mantle, they cannot mix. As a result, independent convection currents are generated.



D" layer

Temperature (ºC)


Page 15: Biology and Geology 4

6 Image A represents a cross-section of a glacier tongue. Image B represents the same area years after the tongue has disappeared. Explain what happened.


The rigid lithosphere 'floats' on top of the asthenosphere. The state of gravitational equilibrium between the two layers is called isostasy.

This equilibrium is altered by dynamics of internal and external origin. Blocks or sections of the lithosphere move up or down to re-establish isostasy. This is similar to the vertical movements of boats being loaded and unloaded.

An increase in weight on top of the lithosphere can cause it to sink. This is called subsidence. Ice accumulation during glaciation or sediment accumulation in sedimentary basins can cause subsidence.

In contrast, both ice thaw and erosion reduce the weight on top of the blocks. This results in uplift, which means the lithosphere rises.

5Vertical movements of the lithosphere

The weight of the materials forming the

mountain causes the crust below to sink.

Erosion reduces the weight of the mountain.

Internal dynamics cause it to rise.






An ice cap once covered the Scandinavian Peninsula. It melted 10 000 years ago. Since then, the peninsula has risen. Uplift occurs at a rate of 1–10 mm/year depending on the area.

Can you think of a way to measure this yearly uplift? How would you do it?






Simply put, isostasy can be explained

using Archimedes' principle. In a group

of blocks submerged in a fluid, each one

will sink more or less according to its

volume and density.

5 What happens to the sediment produced by the erosion of the mountain?



The structure and dynamics of the Earth 1

Page 16: Biology and Geology 4

Until the beginning of the 20th century, most scientists believed that the continents had always been fixed in the same positions.

Wegener and the continental drift theory

Various theories about the horizontal movements of the continents were developed. However, the most complete and significant was proposed by Alfred Wegener in 1912: the theory of continental drift. It explained numerous phenomena observed in fields such as palaeontology, palaeoclimatology, petrology, geodesy and geography.

Wegener believed that the continents could move. He theorized that 300 million years ago they were joined together in a single supercontinent he called Pangea. Then the supercontinent gradually began to break up. The different parts moved horizontally across the seabed like icebergs in water. Eventually they formed the current continents.

Wegener presented considerable evidence to support his theory. However, he was unable to name a force strong enough to move the continents. He suggested that the rotation of the Earth could have been responsible.

Wegener's theory was not re-evaluated until the mid-20th century.

• Summarize the two main hypotheses regarding the movement of plates.

LEARNING OBJECTIVES 6Horizontal movements of the lithosphere

Palaeontological evidence

Fossils of very similar animals and plants were found on different continents. The only explanation was that those continents had been very close to each other in the past.

Palaeoclimatic evidence

Examples include traces of glaciation that occurred 300 million years ago.

The red arrows indicate the direction in which the ice eroded the land.

Geographical evidence

Several people realized that some continents, like Africa and South America, seemed to fit together. Benjamin Franklin in the 18th century and Alexander von Humboldt in the 19th century were among them.



Evidence of Wegener's continental drift theory

3 Role-play. Wegener supporters and fixism theory supporters. Use facts from the images: ... observed that ... demonstrated / suggested that ...


1 What was Pangea and what happened to it?

2 Find biogeographic and palaeomagnetic proof of continental drift. For example, research theropods. Make a map.



Page 17: Biology and Geology 4

Symmetrical bands of remanent magnetism in the rocks provide important evidence.

This symmetry shows that new lithosphere is created at mid-ocean ridges. The new

lithosphere is pushed to the sides as new material emerges from the mid-ocean ridge.

Seafloor spreading hypothesis

After the Second World War, an intense period of ocean exploration began. Sonar (SOund NAvigation and Ranging) technology made it possible to create detailed maps of the seabed. Researchers perfected new methods by studying radioactivity and the remanent magnetism of rocks. The development of computers also led to more efficient data processing.

Geological and geophysical discoveries relating to the seabed led to a new theory. The seafloor spreading hypothesis was proposed by Harry Hess in 1962.

According to Hess's theory, the seafloor is pushed to the sides at mid-ocean ridges and new oceanic crust is formed by volcanic activity and the gradual movement of the seabed away from the ridge.


Interpret remanent magnetism

Magnetite is a mineral that forms in lava. As it cools, magnetite crystals align with the Earth's magnetic field.

However, the polarity of the Earth reverses periodically due to the instability of the magnetic field. These reversals in polarity are recorded in rocks in a phenomenon called remanent magnetism. The last magnetic field reversal occurred about 780 000 years ago.

Magnetite crystals act like compasses. To show their orientation, geologists use red and blue like a compass needle. Red points towards the north magnetic pole at the time the crystals cooled.

Geologists use remanent magnetism to identify rocks that formed in periods when the Earth had the same or the opposite polarity.


8 What do the red and blue lines in images A and B indicate?

9 Samples A and B were found near an oceanic ridge. Which one is the most recent? How do you know?


Rocks with Earth's current magnetic polarity.

Rocks with a reversed magnetic polarity.

Mid-ocean ridge

4 Describe Hess's hypothesis. Hess argued that ...

5 Do all the rocks on the seafloor have the same magnetic polarity? Explain.

6 Look at the diagram. Which rocks are the oldest? And the youngest?

7 Make a dynamic paper model to show seafloor spreading. Get instructions on the Internet.



The structure and dynamics of the Earth 1

Page 18: Biology and Geology 4

Hess's seafloor spreading hypothesis led to a new theory: plate tectonics. It is a comprehensive theory of geological processes. The concept of plates was developed by Canadian geologist, John Tuzo Wilson, in 1965. It was based on his study of the global distribution of earthquakes and volcanoes. There are two main types of plates:

• Oceanic plates, which consist entirely of oceanic lithosphere.

• Mixed plates, which consist of a mixture of continental lithosphere and oceanic lithosphere.

Principles of plate tectonics

• The lithosphere is divided into plates. These plates are separated by unstable boundaries characterized by intense seismic and volcanic activity. All the plates fit together like pieces of a giant jigsaw puzzle.

• Oceanic lithosphere is thinner and denser than continental lithosphere. It is generated continuously at mid-ocean ridges. When oceanic lithosphere is generated, an equal amount is destroyed in oceanic trenches or subduction zones. As a result, the diameter of the Earth is always the same.

• Gravity and the internal heat of the Earth generate convection currents. These currents move the tectonic plates with respect to one another, changing the position of the continents.

• Tectonic plates interact. This interaction creates large relief features and related phenomena, such as earthquakes and tsunamis.

7Plate tectonics

• Explain the basic principles of plate tectonics.


• Maps of the seafloor show mid-ocean ridges, oceanic trenches and large underwater faults.

• Direct measurements have demonstrated that the plates are moving. They also indicate the direction of plate movement.

• Sediment deposits are thicker at continental margins, but almost non-existent at mid-ocean ridges.

• The newest crust is found at the centre of mid-ocean ridges. The age of the crust increases with distance from the ridge towards the continents. No rocks older than 185 million years old have been found on the seafloor.

0 km

50 km

100 km

Subduction zone

Subduction zone

Mid-ocean ridge





1 Why do you think sediment deposits are so thin at mid-ocean ridges?


Some evidence of plate tectonics

The joint activity of the trenches, ridges

and hotspots enables the Earth's size

to remain constant.



Page 19: Biology and Geology 4































Plate boundaryOceanic trenchOrigin and direction of plate movementPlate collision zone

3.0 Speed of plate movement (cm/year)Earthquake zoneMajor active volcano

Relative movements of plates

The place where two plates meet is called a boundary. Each type of plate boundary moves and interacts differently, and each creates specific geological structures. Various geological phenomena occur at these boundaries. For example, lithosphere can be created, destroyed or conserved. Other intense phenomena, such as earthquakes, volcanic activity and subsidence also occur.

The type of boundary depends on the relative movements of the plates and how they interact with each other. There are three types:


3 What relationship is there between convection currents in the mantle and lithospheric plates? What role do trenches and oceanic ridges play in the theory of plate tectonics?

4 Complete the table with examples of each type of boundary.

5 Are there any plates that are made up entirely of continental crust? In which type of plates can we find them?

6 Complete the sentences.

• According to the theory of plate tectonics, ... • The boundaries of a tectonic plate can be ...

2 Make a tectonic plates list. Indicate which are oceanic and which are mixed.

Boundary type Events Geological structures generated

ConvergentPlates collide. Orogens / orogenic belts: mountain ranges, etc.

Oceanic lithosphere is destroyed. Subduction zones

Divergent Oceanic lithosphere is created. Mid-ocean ridges

Transform Plates slide past each other. Transform faults


Movement, direction and boundaries of tectonic plates.


Page 20: Biology and Geology 4


1 Copy and complete the key concepts.

• The hypothesis of planetesimal accretion is the .

• The main differences between P–waves and S–waves are .

• The geochemical model states that the Earth .

• The geodynamic model states that the Earth .

• Convection currents are .

• Isostasy is .

• Continental drift and seafloor expansion are .

• The principles of plate tectonics say that .

• Plate boundaries can be .

2 Define geothermal gradient.

3 Compare the layers of the Earth with respect to temperature and depth. Use forms of hot and dense. For example: The inner core is hotter and denser than the outer core.

4 Look at the diagrams on pages 11,12 and 13. What differences do you see between the geochemical and the geodynamic models?

5 Make large copies of these diagrams. Then follow the instructions below.

a) Label each diagram with the name of the model that it represents. Label the parts of the structure of the Earth in each one.

b) Label the discontinuities and the depth at which each is located.

6 This graph compares P- and S-waves in the geosphere. Copy the graph and include the following labels:

a) The Mohorovicic, Gutenberg and Wiechert–Lehmann discontinuities.

b) The crust, the mantle and the inner and outer cores.

7 Copy and complete the table about the structure of the Earth according to the geodynamic model.

8 Describe Wegener's theory of continental drift and Hess's theory of seafloor spreading. Use words like: argued / demonstrated / proposed / hypothesized that ... Relate their theories to the plate tectonics theory.

9 What evidence was Wegener missing to prove his theory of continental drift? What subsequent discoveries proved his theory?

10 How do bands of magnetic polarity prove Hess's theory?

11 Copy and complete the table in your notebook.

12 Make a three-slide presentation about a hotspot. Work in a group. Include this information: location of the hotspot, name of the tectonic plate it is on; speed, name and ages of islands, etc.

670 2 900 5 100












d (k




ˇ ´

Boundary type Events Examples


Oceanic lithosphere is


Layer Thickness Composition / phenomena



Page 21: Biology and Geology 4

13 These graphs show the geothermal gradient of two different planets. Which planet would be the best for exploiting geothermal energy? Which of these could be Earth? Why?

15 Make the model below in order to carry out this experiment. Put two identical pieces of cork, A and B, in water. Put some sand on piece A. Then use a spoon or scoop to remove sand from piece A and place it on piece B. Observe what happens and answer these questions:

a) What happens to piece A as you remove weight?

b) What happens to piece B as you add weight?

c) Which geological processes are being shown?

d) Which areas of the surface of the Earth does each piece of cork represent? Hint: think about erosion and sedimentation.

e) Summarize your work. Use words like observe, hypothesize, demonstrate, although, in contrast.

CRITICAL THINKING. Is presenting clear evidence important in proving a scientific theory?

The Pacific 'Ring of Fire'

The 'Ring of Fire' is an area of intense seismic and volcanic activity. It is located around the edges of the Pacific Ocean. The intense activity is due to the movement of tectonic plates.

The eastern section is the result of subduction. The Nazca and Cocos Plates are sliding under the South American Plate. Subduction also occurs where the Pacific Plate collides with the North American, Philippine and Indo-Australian Plates.

This enormous, complex system is an important piece of evidence confirming the theory of plate tectonics.

16 Which geological phenomena related to plate boundaries are mentioned in the text?

17 Is the Pacific Ocean getting bigger?

18 Volcanoes are not located randomly across the surface of the Earth. Why not?

19 Explain how the 'Ring of Fire' can be used as proof of plate tectonics.

1 000 2 000 3 000 4 000 5 000 6 000 7 000 8 000


d (k



1 000 2 000 3 000 4 000 5 000 6 000

5 000

4 000

3 000

2 000

1 000Tem











Planet A

Planet B















Ring of FireTectonic plateboundaryEarthquakeVolcano


14 This graph shows P- and S-waves on an imaginary planet. Find and label the discontinuities. Then examine each layer. Describe the most important characteristics of each one.


The structure and dynamics of the Earth 1

Page 22: Biology and Geology 4

KNOW HOW TO Scientific competence

Interpret bathymetric charts

In the 1940s, researchers developed sonar (SOund NAvigation and Ranging). This technology made it possible to map the seafloor.

Sonar has provided important information about how the continents formed. It has helped geologists to develop the theory of plate tectonics.

Using the data collected, bathymetric charts can be drawn. These charts are similar to topographic maps: they use a range of colours to show different depths.

GPS technology and modern computer systems can create very precise 3-D digital bathymetric charts. These charts are accurate to about 1 cm.

Sonar is based on radar: it emits acoustic signals. When the signals hit an object, such as a rock on the seafloor, they bounce back to the emitter.

Operators know the speed at which sound travels through water. So they record the time it takes for sound waves to return to the emitter. This enables them to calculate the distance from the emitter to a given point or object.

2 800

2 600

2 400

2 200

2 000

1 800

1 600

1 400

1 200

1 000

Isobaths every 50 m





1 000 500 0 2500 21 000 21 500 22 000 22 500


Page 23: Biology and Geology 4

20 Use the bathymetric chart below to do the activities.

a) Use the scale to put in order points A, B, C, D and E from shallowest to deepest.

b) Is there any land emerging from the water? How can you tell?

c) Where is the steepest slope located?

21 Use the drawing below to make a bathymetric chart. To represent depth, create a colour scale.

22 Do research on sonar. Create a timeline using the most significant events in the history of its development.

A video on tectonic plates

Use a mobile phone camera to create a 1–2 minute video on tectonic plates.

You can use card or modelling clay to make the model.

Work in a group of four or five. Assign roles to each member. Coordinate your contributions. Agree on distribution techniques.

• Writers do research on the content that will be explained in the video. They write the script.

• Producers ensure that all material (mobile phone, card, etc.) is in place when filming begins.

• Image, sound and special effects technicians are in charge of lighting, recording of voice(s) for narration, music, etc.

• Directors coordinate everything else. They choose camera angles, decide how much time each scene lasts and do the final edit.

• Distributors present the video. They use distribution techniques to make the video available to the class and other audiences.


The structure and dynamics of the Earth 1
























Page 24: Biology and Geology 4


• Lab experiments

• National Parks of Spain

Page 25: Biology and Geology 4



Lab experiments

Laboratory equipment

Safety rules

1. Mantle plume formation

2. Make models of faults and folds

3. Study of a limiting factor of plants

4. Building a thermal collector

5. Extracting your DNA

6. Making fossil replicas

National Parks of Spain

• Introduction

• Ordesa y Monte Perdido - Teide

• Caldera de Taburiente - Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici

• Doñana - Tablas de Daimiel

• Timanfaya - Garajonay

• Archipiélago de Cabrera - Picos de Europa

• Cabañeros - Sierra Nevada

• Marítimo-Terrestre de las Islas Atlánticas de Galicia - Monfragüe

• Sierra de Guadarrama

Page 26: Biology and Geology 4

Laboratory equipment

glass slides

glass coverslips

stereoscopic microscope

watch glasses

Bunsen burner optical microscope

test tubes

filter paper

digital scale

graduated cylinder








Page 27: Biology and Geology 4

Safety rules

Safety labels on

chemical products

Environmentally hazardous

Oxidizer Explosive

Flammable Corrosive

Highly toxic Harmful or irritant

It is important to follow some basic safety rules when you do experiments in the laboratory:

• Before you start an experiment, read the instructions carefully and check you have everything you are going to need. Don't start working until you understand exactly what you have to do.

• Work carefully. Don't play with the equipment or chemical products. Don't run or push anyone.

• Keep your workspace clean and tidy. Clear away any books, clothes or bags.

• Stereoscopic and optical microscopes are fragile, so handle them with care and don't force any parts. If something doesn't work correctly, ask for help.

• Hold glass coverslips and glass slides at the edges or use tweezers to avoid getting grease on them and contaminating them.

• Solid waste such as used containers, paper filters or broken glass should be put in the appropriate bins.

• Never heat a completely sealed container. To heat a test tube, hold it with tweezers, never with your hands. Always point the mouth of a test tube away from yourself and other students.

• Chemical products can be dangerous. Before using them, read the safety labels carefully to understand the risks and the precautions you need to take.

• Never pour a liquid quickly into a test tube. Pour it slowly down the wall of the tube. Put test tube stoppers you aren't using on the table facing upwards. Replace them as soon as you finish using the test tubes.

• Carry bottles containing reagents by holding the base, never the lid.

• Never transfer products to other bottles that are not labelled correctly.

• Handle corrosive products with care to avoid contact with your skin or clothes.

• Never use the same dropper for different reagents as this can cause contamination or provoke dangerous reactions.

• Never tip leftover liquids down the sink without checking with your teacher first. Some products can be harmful to the environment and must be processed in a special way.

• At the end of an experiment, each group is responsible for clearing up, cleaning and tidying their desks. Always wash your hands after using chemical products and before leaving the laboratory.

• Always clean the equipment thoroughly after use and wipe up any spillages immediately. Turn off taps and switch off Bunsen burners.


Page 28: Biology and Geology 4

1 Mantle plume formation

Convection currents in the mantle are similar to those that can form inside a liquid that is heated from below. However, the high degree of viscosity of the mantle means that these rising currents, the mantle plumes, take millions of years to cross the mantle and reach the base of the lithosphere.

When the mantle plumes reach the surface, they create an area of intense volcanic activity, called a hotspot. Hotspots in the oceanic lithosphere form volcanic archipelagos, such as the Azores.

In this experiment, you are going to make a model of convection currents and mantle plumes.


▶ Create a model in the lab that simulates the formation of a mantle plume.

▶ Observe convection currents.

▶ Assess the usefulness of models to understand geological processes.


– Two glasses

– Plastic tray

– Two semirigid plastic sheets

– Water

– Ice

– Salt

– Tempera or red watercolour paint

– Bunsen burner

– Pencil shavings


1 Preparation

Boil some water and add a touch of red paint to give it colour.

Separately, prepare water with ice and add two spoonfuls of salt. Now you have boiling hot, red-coloured water and very cold salt water.

Make two holes in one of the plastic sheets.

Crush the pencil shavings.


Page 29: Biology and Geology 4

2 Construct the mantle plumes model

Place a glass on the plastic tray and fill it all the way up with the hot, red-coloured water. Put the plastic sheet with two holes on top of the glass.

Fill the other glass all the way up with cold salt water. Add some of the finely crushed pencil shavings to help you to observe the movement of the water.

Place the other plastic sheet over the glass with cold salt water, making sure there is no air between the surface of the water and the sheet.

3 Make the model work

Carefully turn over the glass with cold water and place it on top of the other glass, so that the two plastic sheets are lined up.

Hold the sheet with the holes in it and carefully remove the other one. Now the two glasses are separated only by the sheet with holes.

Results and conclusions

1 Describe what happened in the model.

2 Interpret the results by comparing them to the movements in a real mantle plume.

3 Why do we put salt in the cold water? Why do we use hot water in one glass, and cold water in the other?

4 In the top glass, apart from the column-shaped ascending flow you observe, there is also a descending flow that is less defined and more chaotic. Answer the following questions:

a) Does a similar phenomenon occur in the Earth's crust?

b) What can we compare the ascending current of hot water to?

c) And the descending flow?

5 Observe the pencil shavings. You can see that the ascending flow changes when it reaches the top, scattering the pencil shavings in all directions. These shavings generally float. What does the movement of shavings simulate?

6 In this experiment, there is a transformation from thermal energy to mechanical energy. What does this tell us?

What role does gravity play in this transformation?

7 Look for information about the current location of the main hotspots on Earth. Locate them on a relief map of the ocean floor.

Do you think their location changes over time? Why?The Islas Canarias may have originated from a hotspot.

