Page 1: Biological properties of water

SEMINAR Topic : Biological Properties of Water Presented by:

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INTRODUCTIONWater is essential for life-Without water there is no life.-Water is used for several human

activities.-All life on earth survives with water.-Uses: Industrial works, agricultural

works, domestic, etc.

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-It refers to a variety of living organisms that can be found in water. These include microscopic viruses, bacteria, protozoan as well as phytoplankton, zooplankton, insects, etc.

Bacteria Zooplankton Protozoa

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-Water is most available compound on earth.

It is a very simple compound with a set of complex of properties and formula is H2O.

-It has enormous ability to absorb and

transmit energy due to its heat capacity.

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Dissolved Oxygen(DO):-It’s related to the solubility of air in water

at 00C.-Solubility of oxygen in water decreases

with high temperatures.-Important property for aquatic organisms. -Surface water bodies should have enough

DO.-If DO depletes, it will be difficult to many

aquatic organisms for their survival.

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Biochemical Oxygen Demand(BOD):--It is a measure of the biodegradable material.

-It is determined by incubating a water sample and measuring the decrease in dissolved oxygen as bacteria decompose these materials.

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Chemical Oxygen Demand(COD):-Is determined by chemical oxidation

of water with dichromate.

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BIOLOGICAL FACTORS:- -The effectiveness of micro organisms to abstract

elements such Cu, Fe, Mn, Ca, and Si from lake, sea water is well known.

-Bacteria even derive energy for life processes from the oxidation of Fe and Mn.

-Sulphate reducing bacteria utilise the oxygen from sulphate ions to oxidise hydrocarbons in this process, hydrogen sulphide is given off as a by product.

Fig: Sulphate reducing bacteria

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-Live bacteria have recovered from the depth of more than 400 feet in oil wells and can be introduced by drilling operations.

- Russian hydrogeochemical research has emphasized the importance of bacteria in the modification of chemical characteristic of ground water.

- The depth of at which bacteria action can

thrive is though to be controlled by temperature and permeability of the media.

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-Ph and types of nutrients available will control the kind of biological activity which is possible at a given place in the surface.

IMPURE WATER CONTENTS: Causes mainly in two reasons :- 1. CHEMICALLY e.g. Mg, Pb, Zn ,Cd

etc. 2. BIOLOGICALLY e.g. E-

coli ,salmonella etc.

Fig: E-coli Fig: Salmonella

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-Emplace a special status in pollution studies as it is a direct measurement of pollution on human health.

-It is routinely conducted to ensure the safety of potable water , monitor the water quality for recreational, industrial and agricultural uses and prospective water resources for drinking purposes.

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-Micro organisms are not regarded as important components of the ground water environment and their influence cannot be dismissed, if we understand the cause and effects of Redox processes.

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-Micro organisms are important in the ground water zone. Includes bacteria and other types are algae, fungi, protozoan etc can be important in other aqueous environments.

-Enzymes have the power to increase the rate of redox reactions by decreasing the activation energies of the reaction.

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ALGAE CONTROL:- The maintenance and prevention of algal growth is important. There are two groups of algae: 1.Free floating types i.e. green and mustard varieties.

Fig: Free Floating Algae

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2. Black algae i.e. dark blue green algae.

The growth of both types can prevented by using Algaecides.

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BIOLOGICAL CONTAMINANT:- A description of the factor, along with

information on where it comes from and its potential human health impacts is given in the table below:-

Potential contamination

Contamination source Human effects

Blue Green algae

Naturally occurring but generally compete well in low light condition; warm

temperature and high nutrient concentrations. Presence of gas vacuoles.

Diarrhea, VomitingNausea.


Cryptosporidium is a microscopic water born

parasite, it can be spread by person to person contact,

handling of fecal materials

Watery diarrhea , abdominal

cramps, nausea,

weight loss, low grade


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Fecal coliform bacteria

Human sewageAnimal wasteSeptic systems

Coliform bacteria may include diarrhea, cramps, nausea

Other bacteria

Human sewage Animal waste Septic systems

In house hold cause staining unpleasant and taste. Pathogenic bacteria may cause gastrointestinal illness .

viruses Septic tanks human sewageAnimal waste

Hepatitis, Fever, nausea

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CONCLUSION:-The biological characteristics of a water body refer to variety of living organisms that can be found in water.

-Water has an enormous ability to absorb and transmit energy. It reacts with more substances than any other compound.

-Bacteria play an important role in the chemical environment of ground water.

-The presence of microbial organisms like fungi, sea weeds which causes the bacterial and biological characteristics of ground water.

-In India most of the infections diseases are water-borne diseases.

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Reference-Stanley N.Davis and Roger J.M. DeWiest,

Hydrogeology, John Wiley & Sons, Inc 1996 pp 71-95

-C.W.Fetter - Applied hydrology second edition, merrill publishing company 1988 (page no: 325-340)

-David Keith Todd, Groundwater Hydrology, second edition, John Wiley & sons, 1995

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