



(From The George Williams Hooper Foundation for Medical Research, University of- California Medical School, San Francisco, and the

School o+f Medicine and Dentistry, The University of Rochester, Rochester, N. Y.)

(Received for publication, February 18, 1924.)

Where are bile salts produced in the body? Is this production limited to the liver or does this organ merely excrete these interest- ing substances? It is generally accepted that bile salts are formed in the liver alone, but what is the evidence on which we base this assumption? For many years it was assumed that bile pigments were formed in the liver and could not be formed elsewhere. It is becoming increasingly evident that bile pigments are formed largely outside of the liver and eliminated through the liver. Evidence for this was brought by Whipple and Hooper (9), using a head and thorax circulation. Recent experiments by Mann, Bollman, and Magath (6), using complete liver extirpation, sugar infusion, and experiments lasting 12 to 18 hours, confirm and extend these observations that bile pigments are formed rapidly and in abundance in the circulation outside of the liver. Can we imagine that bile salts in like fashion may be ,formed outside of the liver and merely eliminated by it? The evidence, though incomplete, is all in favor of the accepted view that bile salts are formed by the hepatic epithelium. We refer for a discussion of these points to papers by Foster, Hooper, and Whipple (3) and to a recent review of this whole subject (8).

The Eck fistula liver is functionally subnormal and this liver excretes much less bile salt than does a normal liver (4). This is good evidence that bile acids are formed by the activity of the hepat.ic epithelium. Our experiments, tabulated below, give more


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Bile Salt Metabolism. I

support to the accepted view that the liver cell produces all the bile acids in the body. We observe that very small doses of chloroform by mouth may often reduce the content of bile salts in fistula bile almost to zero. Chloroform is a drug which acts specifically upon the liver epithelial cell which obviously is ex- quisitely sensitive to this poison. We are familiar with the liver necrosis so readily produced by chloroform, but this observed change in the bile salts can be produced by a small dose of chloro- form quite incapable of causing any recognizable structural change in the liver epithelium (fat or necrosis). It is hard to escape the conviction that this specific poison given in small doses produces the remarkable change in bile salt output by a specific action upon the liver cell. This is more evidence that the hepatic epithelial cell is concerned in the reaction,-that it does produce the bile salt. There is no evidence in our experiments for any obstruction to the flow through the bile passages. It might be argued that the chloroform causes a temporary paralysis of the liver epithelium which acts only to eliminate (not to produce) the bile salts. If this were true we should expect an increased out- put of bile salts after this inhibition is removed, assuming a possible heaping up of bile salts in the body fluids and tissues, like the familiar reaction of urea in the body following kidney injury and recovery. At present there is no evidence to favor this hypo- thetical possibility of bile salt formation in body cells outside of the liver, but this point can be conclusively proved only by liver extirpation experiments similar to those of Mann, Bollman, and Magath (6) dealing with bile pigment production.


The technique of the bile fistula operation, the routine care of these bile fistula dogs, and the method for the quantitative analysis of bile pigments have been described in detail by Hooper and Whipple (5). The method for quantitative analysis of the bile salt or bile acid (taurocholic acid) in dog bile has been described elsewhere (2). The daily routine is important for the continuance of health and activity of these dogs. The dogs are permitted to exercise about 30 minutes in the yard. They are then set up with the binder and collection tube for 30 minutes to permit of free drainage and escape of any excess of night bile. The dogs are then

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F. S. Smyth and G. H. Whipple 625

brought into the laboratory at about 10.30 a.m. and set up for the standard 6 hour collection. All collection periods are 6 hours unless otherwise stated. Dogs are fed 2 hours after the set up unless note is made to the contrary. After the collection is com- pleted the binders are removed, the dogs are allowed to exercise in the yard, are then put in cages, and are.given the night feeding.

The carbohydrate diet used in these experiments is made up of boiled potatoes 610 gm., boiled or steamed rice 520 gm., and skim milk 500 cc. About 100 or more calories per kilo of body weight were given per day. The morning and evening feedings were of approximately equal amounts. The chloroform was given by stomach tube in a starch emulsion or by inhalation using an open cone. Light surgical anesthesia was maintained and never pushed to deep narcosis. Phosphorus dissolved in olive oil was given by hypodermic into the muscles and subcutaneous tissues.


The tables given in this paper furnish certain data on chloroform and phosphorus experiments. Many other experiments have been performed, but it is not necessary to publish them all as the examples given are characteristic of the group and the reaction is surprisingly uniform.

Table I gives two experiments on different animals in which a small dose of chloroform by mouth caused a striking decrease in the daily output of bile acid. We note a decrease in volume and pigment excretion and a marked decrease in taurocholic acid. In spite of no clinical abnormality the liver is temporarily disturbed to such a degree that its bile salt output falls to 10 per cent of normal in the second experiment and almost to zero in the first. Within 3 to 4 days we expect a return to normal. During all this time there is no clinical evidence of abnormality,-no loss of appetite, activity, or general condition. This is in striking con- trast to experiments given below where we note less disturbance in bile acid secretion with severe or even fatal intoxication (phos- phorus and proteose poisoning).

Table II gives two experiments with chloroform anesthesia- light surgical anesthesia lasting 1 hour and 3 hour, respectively. The first experiment shows a slight decrease in bile salt excretion

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626 Bile Salt Metabolism. I

on the day of chloroform administration but a considerable fall on the next day. The concentration per 1 cc. falls from 0.309 to 0.058 mg. On the following day the level of excretion is prac- tically back to normal. The second experiment on the same dog 1 month later shows a slight reaction to chloroform anesthesia of only + hour duration. .This experiment, too, illustrates a frequent observation that the 1st day’s collection is abnormally high. This is to be explained in part as follows: This collection is made


Chloroform by Mouth. Inhibition of Bile Salt Excretion.






Amino nitrogen. Tsuro

v’01- oholic nne. In 1

cc. In6 acidir

bile. hrs. 6 hrs.

Bili- rubin in 6 hrs.

ee. / ng. / mi7. 1 m7.

May 2 “ 3 “ 4

65 0.22814.82 540 49 0.155 7.59 279 35 0.126 4.41 162

8 Tr. Tr. Tr. 19 0.028 0.53 20


83.4 87.5 68.5

“ 5 “ 6

5.2 12.1

21-45 “ 23 29 0.299 8.70 319 20.9 “ 24 30 0.142 4.26 156 39.8

“ 25 “ 26 “ 27

“ 28

14 0.042 0.59 22 18 0.097 1.74 64 22 0.127 2.79 102

13 IO.‘Llll 5.481 201

4.6 12.7



17.0 Carbohydrate diet. 16.8 16.5 Chloroform (1.5 cc.) in

starch 2 hrs. after collection began.

16:5 16.8 No clinical abnormali-


12.5 Carbohydrate diet. 12.3 Chloroform (2 cc.) in

starch 2 hrs. after collection began.

12.0 12.0 12.0 No clinical abnormali-

ties, 3 hr. collection.

on Monday, the preceding day is always one of a liberal mixed diet. These bile fistula dogs are usually very fond of meat and this is abundant in the usual Sunday feeding. This abundant meat feeding is known to cause a high bile acid output. A change to a carbohydrate diet reduces this level to the expected carbohydrate level almost within 24 hours. It is to be noted that the first experiment was started with a 3 day fasting period which would make the liver more vulnerable to the chloroform injury.

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F. S. Smyth and G. H. Whipple



Chloroform Anesthesia. Bile Salt Secretion Diminished.

Feb. 17 “ 18

“ 19 ‘( 20 “ 21

Mar. 31 kpr. 1

28 0.058 1.62 60 40 0.212 8.48 313 46 0.29113.38 492

__ ~

47 0.34216.0 587 30 0.41212.36 453 31.3

Lc 2 26 0.156 4.05 145 41.6 “ 3 52 0.158 8.20 302 45.2 “ 4 45 0.210 9.45 347 30.6 “ 5 36 0.45116.23 595 62.6


Mar. 24 “ 25

“ 26 “ 27 “ 28

“ 29

- Amino

nitrogen. VOl %iY xne. In 1

rc. In6 acidi!

hrs. 6 hrs bile.

-- ~ ~ cc. 9n.g. ?n*. nag.

33 0.46415.31 563 20 0.309 6.18 223


T u

Bili- rubin in 6 hrs.


39.1 34.8

12.2 29.2 60.0


27.8 Fast began Feb. 15. 27.3 Chloroform anesthesia

(1 hr.) before col- lection.

26.4 Carbohydrate diet. 27.0 27.3

28.5 Carbohydrate diet. 28.4 Chloroform anesthesia

(f hr.) after collec- tion.

24.6 25.1 25.1 25.0 3 hr. collection.


Chloroform Anesthesia.

Amino nitrogen. Tauro- Bili-

J01- cholic rubin c; Irnt?. In 1

cc. In 6 acidin Remarks.

bils. hrs. 6 hrs.

in6 $j hrs.

E -- cc. nzg. mg. mo. mo. lbs.

41 0.187 7.68 282 23.7 23.0 Carbohydrate diet. 20 0.368 7.36 270 17.4 22.9 Chloroform anesthesia

(2 hr.) after collec- tion.

25 0.171 4.27 157 19.4 23.0 23 0.156 3.59 132 16.0 23.3 50 0.028 1.40 51 9.6 22.9 No clinical abnormali-

ties. 21 0.128 5.36 196 27.8 22.8 3 hr. collection.

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628 Bile Salt Metabolism. I

Table III gives an interesting example of a reaction to chloro- form anesthesia. The reaction on the 2 days following the anes- thesia is quite moderate but definite. On the 3rd day we note a low bile acid output (about 15 per cent of normal) and a slight increase in total volume, making a great decrease in the concen- tration of bile acid per 1 cc. The bile pigments run a somewhat similar course, but the changes are much less marked. There was


Chloroform Anesthesia and Chloroform by Mouth.



Apr. 6 “ 7

“ 8

‘I 9

May 31 June 1

“ 2

“ 3

lol- Kne.


17 30


10 -

32 21

28 -

I -


lz -


0.. 0.




Amino nitrogen. T?UUW

chohc 11 c.

In B scidiz hrs. 6 hrs.

11% --~ Ig. nag. T7.

326 5.54 203 183 5.49 202

169 4.05 149

‘r. Tr. Tr. -__~

226 7.23 265 264 5.55 200


126 3.52 129

sili- rubin

in 6 hrs.


15.5 20.2



13.9 26.0



12.5 Carbohydrate. 12.5 Chloroform anesthesia

(a hr.) before col- lection.

13.0 No clinical abnormali- ties.

13.0 3 hr. collection.

12.3 Carbohydrate diet. 12.0 Chloroform (2.5 cc.)

by mouth 3 hrs. after collection began.

11.5 Part of collection lost in manipulation. Pigment estimated in 1 cc.


Dog killed. Autopsy negative for chloroform injury. See below.

no evidence of clinical abnormality at any time. This curious, delayed reaction is not common in this type of chloroform injury or disturbance.

Table IV gives an interesting contrast in the effect of chloroform by mouth and by anesthesia. Both experiments were done under uniform conditions on the same bile fistula dog with about 8 weeks intervening. This dog was surprisingly sensitive to chloro- form anesthesia and a hour gives a very striking change in bile

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F. S. Smyth and G. H. Whipple

salt output. On the 2nd day the taurotiholic acid falls practically to zero, while the total volume and bile pigment output remain almost unchanged. No clinical disturbance accompanied either of these experiments. When the chloroform is given by mouth we observe a similar reaction, but the fall in bile acid output comes the day after the chloroform by mouth, contrasting with a similar reaction on the 2nd day following chloroform anesthesia. This dog was killed with ether and autopsied carefully to make sure that no liver lesion could be disclosed which might explain these remarkable reactions. The autopsy protocol shows no histo- logical basis for the reaction.

flutopsy.-Dog 21-45. Tan, mongrel female. (See Table IV.)

Dog killed by anesthesia 48 hours after administration of chloroform by mouth. The dog is in fair condition, but appears unusually thin on account of the loss of subcutaneous fat. Autopsy done at once. Thorax, heart, and lungs normal. Spleen very small, quite firm; cuts with difficulty.

Liver normal in size but is unusually dark yellowish green in color. The lobulation is easily made out. No evidence of necrosis. The bile ducts are slightly distended with bile. The gall bladder is well attached to t.he abdominal wall at the site of the operative fistula. The cystic and common ducts are slightly dilated. At the site of the operative excision the ligated common duct is about 0.8 cm. in diameter and presents a blind sac to the probe. About 3 cm. nearer the duodenum the continuance of the former duct may be made out shortly before it enters the papilla of Vater. The stomach, intestines, and other viscera are negative.

The bones are compared with those of a normal young dog killed at t,his time, sick with distemper. Ribs (Dog 21-45) show definite thinning of the trabeculz and shaft and the marrow is bright red. No spontaneous frac- tures. Femora (Dog 21-45) are thinned-shaft is about two-thirds as thick as normal control. Marrow is brick-red and cellular.

Microscopical sections made from all organs are of no significance for these experiments except ‘chose of the liver. Sections taken from different lobes of the liver show no necrosis and no fatty change in the liver cells. The marginal or portal hepatic epithelium is rich in glycogen and the central cells show a, slight atrophy and pigmentation with fine yellow granules.

Table V shows the effects of two doses of phosphorus given subcutaneously. The first dose caused no change in volume output of bile, but there was an increase in the bile salt secretion. This may be a stimulus due to a small dose of this liver poison, but the mixed diet is a factor to be considered. This diet of

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630 Bile Salt Metabolism. I

hospital table scraps was of variable make-up and often contained large amounts of meat. On such days the output of bile acids invariable increased. This experiment was done before this source of error was appreciated.

The second dose of phosphorus was not expected to be lethal, but there may have been a slight summation due to the dose of the preceding week. We note a gradual falling off in bile salt values especially marked in the 2 days before death. Even in this fatal


Phosphorus Poisoning--Small and Large Doses.

Bile fistula and splenectomy.

Dog NO.



Mar. 26 “ 27

Amino nitrogen.

V0l- %I% ume. In 1

2,” acid ir

cc. 6 hrs. bile. ’

~- cc. ml. ma. ma.

83 01174 14.5 532 66 0.240 15.9 582

Veight Remarks.


28.5 28.5

Mixed diet. 10 mg. phosphorus in 2 cc.

olive oil, intramuscu- larly.

“’ 28 “ 29 “ 30 “ 31

70 0.291 20.4 749 72 0.229 16.5 604 87 0.248 21.6 793 70 0.557 39.01,432

63 0.539 34.01,248 47 0.436 20.5 753

29.0 28.0 29.3 29.0

Apr. 2 “ 3

29.0 28.0

Mixed diet. 20 mg. phosphorus in 4 cc.

olive oil, intramuscu- larly.

(‘ 4 41 0.595 24.4 896 27.5 “ 5 23 0.760 17.5 643 27.5 “ 6 40 0.227 9.1 334 27.3 LL 7 38 0.200 7.6 279 27.0

“ 8 Found dead in cage and autopsied immediately.


case the influence on the bile salt secretion is slight as compared with the non-lethal chloroform influence. There was also a fall in bile volume secretion. The autopsy showed a definite liver pathology which appeared scarcely sufficient to cause death to a normal dog. This is in marked contrast to the absence of any histological findings in the chloroform dogs. Note the fall in the weight curve which is a good index of the clinical injury in this fatal phosphorus case.

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F. S. Smyth and G. H. Whipple 63s

Autopsy.-Dog 16-41. (See Table V.)

Thorax negative. Spleen absent., no accessory nodules. Marrow is deep red and cellular. Pancreas normal. Stomach and intestinal mucosa slightly engorged. Moderate cystitis of urinary bladder. Left kidney shows two pelvic stones. Parenchyma of kidneys normal.

Liver. Color normal, lobules conspicuous, no hemorrhages. Centers of lobules are pigmented, the edges are swollen and grey, but not necrotic. Bile ducts clean and slightly thickened. Common duct torn away from duodenum and fixed in old adhesions below liver; no bile in duodenum.

Microscopical sections. We are not concerned with the findings other than in liver sections. The liver sections were taken from different lobes. There are scattered liver necroses involving clusters of 2 to 4 liver cells. There is a healing reaction about such foci. There are numerous poly- morphonuclear cells and phagocytes in all parts of the liver lobule. There, is considerable fatty change involving the liver cells. Many liver cells, appear quite normal and the liver does not seem to be fatally injured. This injury must have been minimal for the fatal outcome and perhaps, would have been tolerated by a healthy, normal dog.

Table VI gives the results of two experiments with large doses of phosphorus given in oil hypodermically The first experiment shows little change in bile salt output until the 3rd day after the injection when we note a fall t,o about 25 per cent of normal. There is a notable decrease in bi+e volume and throughout the experiment the concentration of bile salt per 1 cc. is high. If anything is to be said about the bile pigments it is to the effect that there may have been slight stimulus on the 2 days after the injection. Recovery was rapid after the end of the experiment. This dog was a “partial bile fistula” in which there was a small opening from the common duct into the duodenum, permitting bile to flow in small amounts into the duodenum during non- collection periods. This type of dog remains in perfect condition and is a valuable control on the “complete bile fistula dog” in which all bile is excluded from the duodenum.

The second experiment deals with a still larger dose of phos- phorus which was expected to be lethal. As a matter of fact the dog was recovering when killed to examine the liver which showed evidence of only moderate injury. The initial reaction to this large dose of phosphorus (April 15) was most interesting, the bile salt content falling to a mere trace as in the chloroform experi- ments. There was a considerable recovery on the next 2 days,

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cc. mQ. mg. mg. w7. lbs.

18-30 Apr. 4 34 0.38413.05 479 22.2 31.0 Carbohydrate diet. “ 5 12 1.46017.52 643 37.6 29.0 “ 6 12 0.789 9.46 347 36.6 28.5 20 phosphorus mg.

at 11.00 a.m. in middle of collec- tion period.

“ 7 12 0.691 8.29 305 70.0 28.5 “ 8 9 1.110 9.99 367 62.6 28.0 “ 9 4 0.640 2.56 94 38.3 28.0 Recovery rapid.

CornpIe; bile fistula. - L Apr. 13 68 0.18212.37 454 35.5 Carbohydrate diet.

“ 14 50 0.070 3.50 129 35.0

“ 15(a) 6.20.070 3.43 126 34.5 2 hr. collection fol- lowed by 35 mg. phosphorus, in- tramuscularly.

“ 15(b) 40 Tr. Tr. Tr. 6 hr. collection after injection.

“ 16 44 0.042 1.84 68 34.01

“ 17 40 0.042 1.68 62 33.0

“ 18 35 0.028 0.98 36 33.0

Dog not much intoxicated, ready to eat, lively. Killed with ether. -

632 Bile Salt Metabolism. I

but with a very low reading of bile salt on the day the dog was killed. This is the only experiment which gives us positive data on this initial reaction to phosphorus. The other injections were


Phosphorus Poisoning-Large Dose.

%t : Date.

Amino nitrogen. Tauro- Bili-

Vol- “me. In 1 acidin cholic rubin in 6 2 .

cc. In6 hrs. 6 hrs. hrs. j

bile. B

Partial bile fistula.


usually given in smaller doses during or after a collection. Clini- cally and histologically the recovery from a phosphorus injury of the liver is rapid.

Table VII gives the data for two experiments with medium sized doses of phosphorus. The first experiment shows a fall in

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F. S. Smyth and G. H. Whipple 633

bile acid output on the day after the injection, but no change in volume and slight change in pigment. The second experiment with a slightly larger dose per kilo shows practically no change in the bile salt output. We are dealing here with one-half to two- thirds of a lethal dose of phosphorus which causes very little disturbance of the biliary secretion. A similar dose of chloroform would invariably cause a profound disturbance in the elimination of bile salts.


Phosphorus Poisoning.



Feb. 8 “ 9 “ 10

“ 11 “ 12

Apr. 4 “ 5 “ 6

18 0.099 1.79 66 22 0.244 8.05 266

18 0.184 3.31 122 37 0.170 6.29 231 17 0.241 4.09 150

5.8 20.0 12.2

“ 7 30 0.155 4.65 170 18.6 “ 8 20 0.225 4.50 166 10.9 “ 9 9 0.199 3.58 122 22.3



Amino nitrogen. Tallr0

VOI- cholic une. In 1

cc. In 6 acidil

bile. hrs. Cl hrs. -__ ~- cc. mg. mg. mg.

30 0.296 8.88 326 21 0.155 3.24 119

Bili- rubin in 6 hrs.


17.6 14.8

11.1 20.4


17.0 Carbohydrate diet. 16.0 16.0 8 phosphorus mg.

after collection, in- tramuscularly.

15.5 15.5 4 hr. collection.

18.0 Carbohydrate diet. 16.5 16.5 12 phosphorus mg. in

middle of collection period.

16.5 16.3 16.3 3 hr. collection.

Table VIII gives us two more experiments with phosphorus given hypodermically. The first experiment deals with a dose of phosphorus about one-half lethal in amount. The most notable depression of bile salt excretion is on the day following the injection, but there are low values all through the after injection period. The pigment value and total volume are little influenced except total volume on the day after injection.

The second experiment may give some evidence for a stimulation of liver secretion of bile salt. The 2 days following the injection

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634 Bile Salt ,Metabolism. I

show high values considerably above the control level. On mixed diet, however, one cannot be sure that the change is due to phos- phorus-compare Table V. This dose of phosphorus was about one-third lethal and caused no untoward result.


Phosphorus Poisoning.

Dog. NO.




Mar. 31 Apr. 1

Amino nitrogen. Tauro

,‘01- cholic une. In 1

cc. In6 aeidir

bile. hrs. ’ hrs.

cc. mQ. mQ. mg.

32 0.156 5.00 184 39 0.057 2.22 82

id 2 “ 3 (( 4 “ 5

Mar. 26 “ 27

I1 0.100 1.10 40 36 0.072 2.60 95 32 0.084 2.69 99 11 0.113 2.48 91 ---__

80 0.170 13.6 499 62 0.224 13.9 510

“ 28 54 0.306 16.6 610 “ 29 82 0.207 16.9 621 “ 30 39 0.220 8.6 316 “ 31 58 0.175, 10.2 375



Bili- rubin in G hrs.


16.0 16.6

11.5 15.7 16.7


23.5 Carbohydrate diet. 23.3 14 phosphorus be- eg.

fore collection; in- tramuscularly.

23.0 22.8 22.5 22.5 3 hr. collection.

22.0 Mixed diet. 22.5 7.5 phosphorus mg. in

1.5 cc. olive oil, in- tramuscularly.

23.0 23.2 24.0 23.3


Both chloroform and phosphorus are familiar liver poisons. The pathological effect of these poisons upon bile fistula dogs is very different. We note that a very small dose of chloroform by stomach or a short chloroform anesthesia may reduce the bile salt concentration of the bile to 10 per cent of normal or even less. A very small dose of phosphorus may have no effect or we may even suspect a stimulating act,ion. Only when the dose of phos- phorus is one-half or three-fourths of lethal do we note changes in the bile salt output. Even in lethal phosphorus poisoning we rarely observe the unusually low values for bile salt in the bile noted with mild chloroform injury.

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F. S. Smyth and G. H. Whipple 635

How may WC explain this remarkable difference? WC know that these two poisons act very differently when we give amounts sufficient to cause recognizable liver cell injury. Chlofororm causes a uniform, extensive, coagulative, hyaline necrosis with destruction of both nucleus and protoplasm of the cell. Phos- phorus in lethal doses causes little hyaline necrosis, occasional clusters of cells appearing as hyaline masses, but extensive injury to the protoplasm of the liver cell which is full of fat droplets. In our experiments with phosphorus poisoning we can recognize some histological changes in the liver cell when we record definite fall in concentration of the bile salts. But in our chloroform experiments we cannot find any histological changes in the liver lobule referable to chloroform where we have observed these remarkable changes in bile salt concentration.

We must recall that in every chloroform experiment but one the dogs were on a liberal carbohydrate diet. This diet in itself will give protection against mild chloroform poisoning, and practically guarantee against liver injury recognizable by present histological methods (7, 1). Yet we must admit that the evidence for liver injury by the physiological test is conclusive.

It is believed by many that phosphorus acts chiefly upon cell protoplasm, and chloroform by contrast, chiefly upon the cell nucleus. It is, therefore, a possibility that the nucleus controls the bile salt metabolism of the liver cell and is much more sensitive to chloroform than to phosphorus. This observation illustrates again the important fact that function may be seriously disturbed in a gland cell without any lesions demonstrable by modern technique,-the functional test is better than the histological.

We are familiar with the fact that certain drugs may be stimu- lating in.small doses and very toxic or lethal in large doses. We hoped to demonstrate a stimulating action by small doses of chloroform and phosphorus. It is probable that a dose of exactly the right amount might act as a stimulus to the formation of bile salts. All the doses of chloroform tried were depressant, but we are not convinced that a suitable dose might not give an ovcr- production of bile salts. We have two suggestive experiments with phosphorus, indicating a possible stimulus (Tables V and VIII). Both these experiments, unfortunately, were not on a uni- form standard diet and it is possible that the increase observed was due to increase in proteins in the mixed diet.

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636 Bile Salt Metabolism. I


Chloroform in remarkably small doses, incapable of causing recognizable histological liver injury or clinical reaction, can effect a profound decrease in bile salt concentration in fistula bile.

This action of these small doses of chloroform-a poison specific for the hepatic epithelium-gives more evidence that the bile salts are produced by the liver cell and not elsewhere in the body.

As chloroform acts strongly upon the cell nucleus it is suggested that the bile salt activity of the liver cell may be largely under the control of its nucleus.

Phosphorus in small doses may have no effect on the bile salt output or it may even have a stimulating influence. In large doses phosphorus does have a depressant effect upon bile salt output in fistula bile.

The bile volume may be slightly or not at all disturbed by small or moderate doses of these liver poisons.

The bile pigment at times shows a decrease or again is un- influenced during these same periods.


1. Davis, N, C., and Whipple, G. H., Arch. Int. Med., 1919, xxiii, 612. 2. Foster, M. G., and Hooper, C. W., J. Sol. Chem., 1919, xxxviii, 355. 3. Foster, M. G., Hooper, C. W., and Whipple, G. H., J. Biol. Chem.,

1919, xxxviii, 421. 4. Foster, M. G., Hooper, C. W., and Whipple, G. H., J. Biol. Chem.,

1919, xxxviii, 393. 5. Hooper, C. W., and Whipple, G. H., Am. J. Physiol., 1916, xl, 332. 6. Mann, F.C., Bollman, J. L., and Magath, T. B., Am. J. Physiol., 1924,

lxviii, 114. 7. Opie, E. L., and Alford, L. B., J. Ezp. Med., 1915, xxi, 1. 8. Whipple, G. II., Physiol. Rev., 1922, ii, 440. 9. Whipple. Cr. H., and Hooper, C. W., J. Exp. Med., 1913, xvii, 612.

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1924, 59:623-636.J. Biol. Chem.

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