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Bible vs. Science

Lissette Aponte

Science 112

Science Definition:

It is knowledge obtain by a collection of studies to go to a conclusion.

In another words…a question after another.

2. The world’s most translated book.

3 Truth facts about Bible…

3. Christians is the largest “religion” in the world and keeps growing fast.

1. It is the world’s all time best seller book.

Science knowledge has

helped our society in many ways, but is true that science does

not knows all.The Bible gives us the Truth in many

ways and the answer to all.

Facts about Scientists and Doctors about God and the Bible.

Facts about Scientists and Doctors about God and the Bible. Cont.

Facts about Scientists and Doctors about God and the Bible. Cont.

Videos Links:

Conclusion :

“Keep discovering, keep reading, the more you discover the more questions you will have, because when medicine is “good” there also exists the “GOODNESS” of God.”

Lissette Aponte