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BFI statistical yearbook

This screen shot on the right shows the age distribution of admissions between 203 and 2013. This chart shows that ages 15-24 watch more films than other age groups and the chart shows that the distribution administrations for this age are slightly higher.

The next table shows the popularity of films released in the year 2013 by the age group 15- 24. As you can see the top two films are both comedy films, which could show that this age group prefers the comedy film genre.The next age group has a more varied number of films and its genre preference. (They have less of a genre preference). The next age group is 35-44 years old and there film genre preference is cartoon and children’s films as they are the most vied by this age. This is probably because this is the normal age for this age of people to have children who they take to watch these films.Age 45-54 people have a varied film preference and don’t have a particular film genre, however they appear to watch series films like action and thriller films etc. rather than comedy and other genres.

Page 2: Bfi statistical yearbook

The gender of the audiences are not one sided anymore. As many men watch films as women do. There are now films that are specifically marketed for women and vise verse for men.
