
Beyond offsetting:

Ambitious SBL as a national contribution to

combat climate change

Malin Ahlberg

„Designated Focal Point/Designated National Authority“

German Emissions Trading Authority

BMU Side-Event: “Building blocks for NAMA development”

02 June 2011, Barcelona

Background: Definition of SBL

CMP6 definition: baseline established for a Party or a group of

Parties to facilitate the calculation of emission reduction and

removals and/or the determination of additionality for clean

development mechanism project activities, while providing

assistance for assuring environmental integrity.

Types of standards

- With a standardized approach a baseline scenario could be established,

baseline emissions and/or the additionality could be determined.

- Different types of standards are possible:

- Emissions intensity benchmarks (t CO2 / t product)

- Technology /practice standards

- Default values

- Positive Lists

Standardized baselines may:

- Improve efficiency by reducing transaction costs, complexity and uncertainty for

project participants;

- Enhance transparency and objectivity and thus reduce inconsistency of decisions

on project registration;

- Facilitate access to the CDM;

- Reduce the overall transaction costs - especially if high numbers of projects are

developed using the same standardized approach;

- Promote the scaling-up of mitigation actions while ensuring environmental


Furthermore, standardized baselines may:

... go beyond offsetting if the baseline is sufficiently ambitious.

- Emissions reductions below the defined baseline could be accounted for a

national appropriate mitigation action by the host country.

- CMP 6: “Decides that the application of the SBs shall be at the discretion

of the host countries DNA.”

- As far as the baseline is consistent with the past EB decisions the host

country may use the CDM as a policy instrument in order to promote the

implementation of climate protection projects.

Advantages of ambitious baselines

- SBL can allow host countries to better align the use of carbon financing with

wider public policy goals (e.g. energy policy).

- The development of SBL by the DNA could have a steering function, and

support the development of CDM projects in certain sectors.

- SBL will reduce the supply of CERs but at the same time it may increase the

number of projects and thus the price won’t necessarily be influenced.

- SBL is beneficial for PD since it reduces project implementation risks and

transaction costs.

I. Example: Default grid emission factor

- An advanced developed country could define an ambitious benchmark for

the grid emission factor (and define a technology positive list for additional

project activities.)

- Once such a standard for the baseline and additionality is approved by the

EB, PDs have a higher ex-ante certainty, the CDM procedures are more

streamlined (validation, LoA issuance etc.) and thus the transaction costs

decrease significantly.

- The financial flows from developed countries to developing countries could

be increased and moreover the host country can account for a certain

amount of emissions reductions to its national goal (no zero-sum game).

II. Example: Default grid emission factor

- Ambitious baseline is not appropriate for LDCs where a high degree of

suppressed demand exist.

- With SBL obstacle of lack of data for calculating the grid emissions factor can

be overcome by using benchmarks (eg. most efficient gas power generation).

- In low-income countries such a benchmark should reflect suppressed

demand (e.g. by defining the electricity demand per capita).

- Level of stringency: With a high level of stringency non-additional projects will

be weeded out, but fewer projects will be able to beat the performance


Which sectors should be prioritized?

Defining priority areas for the development of standardised baselines:

Definition of the system boundaries: Sector or single activity, country wide

or regional (comparability).

Identification of key performance indicators (t CO2e per product, heat or


Data avalability

- Inhomogeneous sectors are more feasible for not credited NAMA where a

higher degree of uncertainty is acceptable (no offsetting in Annex I countries).

Examples for possible sectors/project types

In general it is highly dependent on the regional circumstances:

- Household consumption of heating and lightning

- Off-grid energy supply

- Certain transport project with clear system boundaries

- Agriculture


- Efforts to reduce GHG emissions by developed countries alone will not be

sufficient to reach 2°C objective. Also substantially enhanced NAMAs by

other Parties are required.

- This implies that commitments by developed countries need to be completed

by (advanced) developing countries.

- Additional international financing (to supported NAMAs) is needed to allow

developing countries to go beyond their own action and to promote the

transition towards a low-carbon economy.

Ambitious SBL can path the way to the new market-based mechanism.

Thank you for your attention

Malin Ahlberg

E-Mail: [email protected]

