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Page 1: Better tillage methods
Page 2: Better tillage methods

Better tillage methodsThe main operations of the Rexius roller are crushing clodsand levelling ploughed land. By equipping the Rexius rollerwith Crosskill rings and the Crossboard you are in commandof a superior soil preparation system of the highest calibreavailable. Even on the toughest soils the Rexius roller stillcreates an excellent tilth as a part of various tillage combina-tions. In these extreme conditions it is highly recommendedto use the stabilising rod for producing the best level finishpossible. The heavy duty Crossboard levelling board can belocked together with stabilising rod and can be equippedwith Single-Knife.

Levelling efficiencyThe Rexius rollers and tool-bars have been developed withthe Rapid tillage concept in mind and versatility availablewith this range will virtually suit all of your requirements.Hook your Rexius Roller behind your cultivator and youhave a valuable tillage train.

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Roll after spring sowingRolling in the spring after drillingwith the Rexius roller equippedwith Crosskill rings ensures stonesare pushed down into the soil, andthat optimal conditions are createdfor germination around the seed.The surface is also left in a porousstate, which prevents silting-upafter heavy rain.

Roll autumn-sown crops inspring The unique design of the Crosskillrings helps to break up cappedautumn drilled soils in the spring,and exposes delicate root systemsto the air to stimulate growth.Stones are also pushed beneath thesoil surface.

Large stone traysWith two stone trays on each side,rolling can be accompanied by effi-cient stone lifting. The stone traysare very roomy since each can holdmore than 1000 litres. This allowsthe driver to concentrate on thetask of rolling rather on constantlyreversing out to the edge of thefield to empty the stone trays. Asmall detail that further increasescapacity on busy days. When thestone trays eventually fill up, theentire roller is simply tipped backin a suitable spot and the trays areemptied. All this is done hydrauli-cally from the tractor cab.

Hang the roller on behindA following Crosskill roller combi-nes efficient tillage with uniformsoil firming and few passes, equallyrelevant in both spring andautumn. Thanks to the Crosskillrings, the roller has a unique abilityto keep clean even when the soil isrelatively wet, as is often the caseimmediately after cultivator, stubb-ble cultivator or disc tillage. Thismakes the roller a versatile multi-tasker.

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Unfolding to working mode

and back to transport mode

1. The central section is lowered and the transport locks released 2. The tractor is reversed

3. After a few metres, the roller is unfolded and lowered forward 4. Ready for work

8. The roller is automatically lock-ed and is ready for transport

7. Drive the tractor forwards 6.Tilt the roller 90° backwards 5. Stop the tractor

Folding or unfolding– both are easy

The change between trans-port and field work is stri-kingly simple and can beeffected without the driverhaving to leave the tractorcab. The transport locks onthe rollers are automaticallyengaged and released duringfolding and unfolding.

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Rexius Packer broadens the horizon A Rexius Packer after a Cultus stubble cultivator or an NZ-culti-vator crushes clods and firms the soil efficiently. In stubble tilla-ge, this soil firming produces optimal conditions for the germi-nation of weeds and volunteer plants. In a second pass with astubble implement, these are effectively eliminated. On ploug-hed soil, Rexius Packer crushes clods and levels the surface sothat the best possible conditions are created for the new crop.Attached by its long towbar, the Rexius Packer follows smoothly behind the toolbar during work and transport.Thanks to Väderstad’s patented folding system, the RexiusPacker has a transport width of only 3 m. Rexius Packer is available in 5.0 and 6.0 m widths.

Attached by its long towbar, the Rexius Packer followssmoothly behind the toolbar during work and transport.

Thanks to Väderstad’s patented folding system, theRexius Packer has a transport width of only 3 m.

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Rollex rollers are among the vanguard inVäderstad’s comprehensive range of soil tillage and drilling equipment

The first Väderstad rollers were manufactured back in 1977and the Rollex range saw the light of day in 1986.

Simple and ingeniousSince 1977 there has been a continuous stream of improve-ments. The construction of the Rollex rollers has been refi-ned over the years and is now both simple and ingenious atthe same time. Rollex rollers are of the highest quality. Therubber mounted bearings give the rollers a gentle andsmooth ride while increasing the lifetime compared torollers that do not have this rubber based suspensionsystem.

Even rolling performanceThe loading is uniform on each section of the roller, whichproduces a rolling effect that is even across the entireworking width. The Rollex roller provides the foundation onwhich to build the harvest!

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Broad area of useThe Rexius roller is a heavy and universal roller with abroad area of use. The roller can be used with theequipment Crossboard levelling board both in springand autumn for preparing a seedbed or as an ordinaryroller after spring drilling. Hook your roller behind thecultivator, disc implement or the stubble cultivator -there are a lot of combination possibilities.

Economical and biological advantagesThe Rexius roller is complimentary to most otherimplements. This provides a greater level of intensityand productivity with every pass across the field creat-ing extensive savings of time and costly energy whilealso reducing traffic.The reduction of passes from thetime of combining through to establishing a new crop isbiologically and economically advantageous. Not onlyis the cost of tillage reduced but also the time require-ment. The soil is therefore less compacted and bothspring and autumn sowing can often take place earlier.This will also result in increased permeability of waterdue to greater pores, which are invaluable in earlydroughts.

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Page 10: Better tillage methods

The Rexius 1230 is a large roller ideal for farmers whoplace high demands on capacity and work rate, butwho are not prepared to compromise on the quality oftheir rolling. The large roller is heavy and does a firstclass job even at high rolling speeds. Thanks to theunique rubber suspension in which every rollersection is mounted, the roller has a ‘floating’ ride andunique stability and durability. The rubber suspensionabsorbs and ‘swallows’ impacts and vibrations thatwould otherwise be transmitted through the bearingsand cause unnecessary wear, with breakages andstoppages as a result.

The importance of rolling for many farmers is well docu-mented through years of experience. Rolling is effectivein giving uniform emergence after spring drilling, firming

in winter crops in the spring, producing good soil/rootcontact and pressing down stones that can otherwisecause problems for the combine during harvesting.Rolling direct after ploughing is another task for a power-ful roller that can save many later passes with other tillage implements. With the new working width of over12 metres, the Rexius 1230 fits in perfectly on farmswhere 12 or 24 metre tramlines are being used in fieldoperations.

The Rexius 1230 is constructed on the same principles asthe other members of the Rexius range. This means avery robust and powerful construction with strong jointsand framework. The weight is over 450 kg per metreworking width, compared with 400 kg/m for previousRexius rollers.

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Contouring The roller sections are freely jointed relative to eachother and the construction allows large ruts in the field

to be dealt with while still maintaining the good contou-ring ability. The weight of the roller also contributes tothe excellent contouring at high driving speeds.

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Rain between drilling and emergence can completelycompromise crop emergence if a crust forms. In thatevent, a rapid and determined response is needed toprotect emergence and ensure crop survival. Twotrials at Brunnby Research Farm in Sweden in 2003showed the importance of always breaking up a crust.

The spring began well at Brunnby and the barley onboth fields was drilled on 23 and 25 of April. The foun-dations were laid for a good harvest. Then came therain and within the space of 10 days over 50 mm of rainhad fallen.

Two types of crust On soils with a silt component, a crust always developsas a predictable reaction to rain after drilling.Everyone knows that. But few actually know how muchyield loss this crust causes, since it is difficult to getreliable measurements. Therefore during an advisoryfield visit at the beginning of May, the idea arose ofmeasuring the impeding effects of such a crust. Twotrials were laid out on different soils. One of these wasa heavy clay with 3.4% humus. On this, the crust thatdeveloped was brittle and crisp. ‘You could see footprints when someone walked on thesoil’, explains Henrik Lillje, crop production advisor fora Swedish agricultural advice service and the initiatorof the trials. The other soil was a poor medium clay with only 1.9%humus but with a large silt fraction. ‘Here the entire seedbed became a compact crust’ saysHenrik Lillje.

Four treatments Four treatments were applied in addition to the untrea-ted plot. A Rexius roller with Crosskill rings was usedwith and without the crust-breaking Double-Knifeattachments mounted on the levelling board. In addi-tion, an ordinary NZ cultivator and a converted Wibergcultivator with three rows of following harrow tineswere tested. All treatments were carried out on 15 Mayand their effects were soon apparent.

‘The trapped seedlings began to grow again when weaerated the soil with some form of treatment’, reportsHenrik Lillje. And when the time came to harvest thebarley, the summer recovery was apparent in thecombine bins in the plots where the crust had beenbroken. In the trial with the brittle crust, all treatmentsproduced a 14 - 15% yield increase. ‘The yield outcome was better than we expected. Theresults show that one should always take action assoon as crusting is suspected’, advises Henrik Lillje.

Crop failure prevented In the trial with the hard crust, the improvement washuge and the yield increased from the crop failure levelto almost a normal level in some of the plots. The con-clusion is that it is better to do something than to waitand do nothing at all. ‘The essential thing is to improve gas exchange for theseedlings trapped under the crust’, explains HenrikLillje. The best results were obtained with the crust breakingDouble-Knife tool, which had to face this stiff challengein only its first year on the market. ‘The crust-breaker knife is an excellent crust-breakingtool. The advantage with Double-Knife is that it ispossible to apply hard cultivation without ripping upthe soil because the movement is directed frontwards-backwards’ comments Henrik Lillje.

Rexius surprising The NZ cultivator was poorly set up and should havegone deeper, so it did not do itself justice. However, theexcellent abilities of the Rexius roller emerged evenwithout the crust-breaking Double-Knife on the level-ling board. ‘One pass with the Rexius roller only made faint trackson the surface but more than doubled the yield!’The best advice for growers is to always react in someway and to never delay. ‘Always break up a crust – hit it hard with whatever isavailable on the farm’, concludes Henrik Lillje.

Crop production advisor Henrik Lillje in a trial on hard crusts atBrunnby Research Farm outside Västerås, Sweden, at the boun-dary between an untreated plot and a plot where the crust wasbroken using a Rexius roller with Double-Knife attachment.

Protect emergence

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5000Brittle crust – surprisingly large end result


Yield, kg/ha


3924 kg/ha

Rexius roller withCrosskill rings


4471 kg/ha

Wiberg cultivator, 3rows of following

harrow tines


4455 kg/ha

Rexius roller with thecrust-breakingDouble-Knife


4501 kg/ha

e – break soil crusts











5000Hard crust – from crop failure to normal harvest with Double-Knife Yield, kg/ha


1354 kg/ha



2931 kg/ha

Rexius rollerwith Crosskill



3644 kg/ha

Wiberg cultivator,3 rows of following

harrow tines


4605 kg/ha

Rexius roller withthe crust-break-ing Double-Knife


3705 kg/ha

NZ cultivator

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Rubber suspensionThe rubber suspension is a uniqueconstruction from Väderstad thatgives the roller unbeatable durabi-lity through the ability of therubber to absorb vibrations andimpacts. The rubber suspension isvery hard-wearing and maintenan-ce free.

Multiple sealed bearingsThe bearings are designed andmanufactured for long life undertough conditions. The bearings aremounted in a rubber-sprungbearings chamber. The bearingshave multiple seals and can be lubri-cated, for long life in dusty anddemanding environments. The rolleraxle, which is 55 mm in diameter, ismanufactured from microalloyedsteel of high quality.

Hard metal bushes injointsAll wing joints are equipped withhard metal bushes and hardenedjoint bolts. The whole joint can alsobe lubricated for an unrivalledlength of life. The joint is also wide,with large joint surfaces to reducethe load on the materials.

Robust frame The basic frame is constructedaround heavy rectangular profilesteel with dimensions 200x100x6mm and with a high steel quality.The rigidity is impressive andimparts great stability to theconstruction. The entire frame isall-welded to avoid having loosebolt connections exposed to thewear that can occur during highspeed work.

200 mm

100 mm 6 mm

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BioDrillWith BioDrill on a Väderstad roller,grass leys, catch crops and othersmall-seeded crops can be drilled.This saves passes, time and money.The seeds are metered out by thetried and tested Fenix system withgreat precision. The seed nozzlesare placed in front of the roller unitand give uniform broadcasting. Theseeds are buried by the roller in theupper 2 centimetres, where theconditions for germination arebest.

Automatic locking deviceThe locks open automatically when thecentral section of the roller is lowered.During transport, when the centralsection is raised, the locks engage andprevent accidental unfolding of theroller during reversing.

Rigid stabiliser The powerful Crossboard levellingboard has a heavy stabiliser bar ofvery high spring steel quality with abreaking point of over 1100 N/mm2and provides a very thoroughlevelling effect on even the heaviestand most difficult clay soils.

Single-Knife or Double-KnifeTo further enhance the cultivatingand crushing effect of theCrossboard, it can be fitted withsharp, hardened steel blades calledSingle-Knife. The crust breakingDouble-Knife blades break throughthe surface pans that readily deve-lop on silty soils after heavy rain.The most efficient crust-breakeravailable for a very light surface‘cracking’ is a pass with only theCrosskill rings working.

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Technical data:

*Wheels mounted on bogie. **RS-1230 is only supplied with Cambridge rings. ***Cannot be fitted with Crossboard

All draught recommendations are based on the power output of the tractor. Local conditions, for example sloping fields, can increase the draught considerably.

Key to symbols: One double-acting takeoff








Cambridge rings The conventional Cambridge rings are best utilisedwhen the Rexius roller is mostly working as a tradition-al roller e.g. after drilling or when pressing downstones.

Crosskill ringsCrosskill rings have become very common because theydo not only have the same properties as the Cambridgerings, but they also possess a range of additional andunique characteristics such as: They leave a loose andcrusting-resistant soil surface, they crush clods efficient-ly, they are less likely to become clogged by wet soil andthey ‘swallow’ light soils much better without leaving apuffy seedbed.

Heavy Duty ringsDuring autumn conditions a heavy duty ring is moresuitable on heavy soils or when a high degree of conso-lidation is required. Heavy duty rings are widely usedthroughout the continental Europe.

Steel ring for Rexius PackerThe hardened steel ring on the Rexius Packer efficientlyfirms the heaviest soils. On ploughed soil, clods are crushed with impressive power and a levelled seedbed isproduced. The ring has particularly good abilities in wetconditions thanks to efficient scrapers. The steel ringsare tightly screwed together on the axles and each ringacts as an effective disc spring, which makes any subse-quent adjustment unnecessary.

∅∅ 55 mm

∅∅ 55 mm

∅∅ 60 mm

Model/ Transp. No. of Wt kg Wt kg HP Wheel Wheel Hydraulicworking width sections Crossk./Camb. Heavy Duty with dim dim outletwidth, cm m incl Crossb. incl Crossb. Crossb Cam/CK Heavy Duty excl CB incl CB

RS 650 2,5 3 3700 4700 70 - 120 400×15,5” 400×15,5”

RS 820 2,5 5 4700 6100 90 - 150 400×15,5" 400×15,5"x4*

RS 940 2,5 5 5100 6800 100 - 170 400×15,5" 400×15,5"x4*

RS 1020 2,5 5 5400 7100 110 - 190 400×15,5"x4 400×15,5"x4*

RS 1230** 2,5 5 5560*** _ 100 - 140 400×15,5”x4 _

RX 620 2,8 3 2800 _ 70 - 110 10.0/75-15,3" _

Wt kg, excl. CB Wheel Hydraulic outlet

RSP 500 *** 2,5 3 3100 _ – 11,5x15,5" _

RSP 650 2,5 3 4100 _ – 400x15,5" _






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The manufacturer retains the right to alter any specifications and design without notice. Patented and patents pending.
