
PowerPoint Presentation

Powerful Presentations

The Art of Creating and Running Successful Webinars

Maria Henneberry / @MariaHenneberryandSheila Scarborough / @SheilaS

What's in this for you?

Deliver better client training

Have another option as a speaker

Create better webinar visuals

Learn to tailor your speaking style to online training

What do people hate about webinars?

Poll: webinar turn-offs

Presenters who read directly from slides.

When the presenter has no energy. If you're not enthusiastic, what keeps me from flipping over to Facebook?

Poll: webinar turn-offs

I don't like the hollow/echo sounds. Hated when speaker disciplined a kid.

Missing out on the 'non-verbal' is the biggest difference: a wink, smile, smirk, hand gestures, etc.

Webinar malfunctions: no fun.

More webinar annoyances

Too much self-promotion

No-DUH content

Marketing materials don't match actual webinar content Deliver what you promised!

How to build memorable webinar content

Webinars are different!

Disembodied voice + slides = potential for deadly boredom

They have the option to wander and you'll never know

"Have a narrative, not a presentation that looks like you shook off a bookshelf and then dumped it into slides." Chris Brogan

1) The point you want to make

2) Story/example to illustrate

3) .and don't try to make too many points!

Even more painful than usual!

Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah makes my eyes bleed blah

Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah OMG shoot me now blah

Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah who cares blah

Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah where's the bathroom blah

Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah zonk blah blah blahMore blah blah blah to support blah blah blah

Still more microscopic and unreadable blah blah blah

10 20 30

slides minutes font size

----> This is 32 font size
