Page 1: Bethany Home MESSENGER - Kearney Hub Kothe played a variety of Big Band songs for everyoneʼs enjoyment. Bethany Home pro-vides birthday cake and ice cream for the parties. The Birth-

Bethany Home

Volume LXXXI July, August, September 2013 NUMBER 3

For Friends of Bethany Home Minden, NE 68959 (308) 832-1594

Loving Care With The Spiritual Touch

Our July activities began with the July birthday party. Birth-day honorees were: Charlotte Thorpe 7/11, Andrea Barker7/12, Bonnie Lutkemeier 7/17, Wanda Bruggeman 7/19,Barb Nichol 7/23, Vergie Hansen 7/25, Frances Adam 7/27and Jeff Rupprecht 7/28. Paul Kothe played a variety of BigBand songs for everyoneʼs enjoyment. Bethany Home pro-vides birthday cake and ice cream for the parties. The Birth-day Volunteers are always here to help get the party set up,served and cleaned up. We appreciated their many years ofvolunteering.

Shirley Johnson entertained on Independence Day with herprogram of contemporary, gospel and country music. Resi-dents made 4th of July cupcakes that were served at the party.

The Tweeners Club got together for a pizza & soda lunch onJuly 16th. Residents 70 years old and under are invited toattend. They enjoyed eating their choice of pizza and catch-ing up on family and news.

There were over twenty residents who entered craft projectsin this yearʼs Kearney County Fair. We thank the KearneyCounty Board and 4-H Clubs for asking us to tour the Exhib-it Building. The donuts, rolls and beverages are always anadded treat. Residents were very happy with the ribbons andmoney they won. It is always a pleasure to get to see ourfriends at Long Term Care and Hinterlong.

Isaac continues to volunteer on Saturday afternoons. Isaacʼsbrother, Lucas has joined him to provide bingo on Saturdayafternoons. Minden High School offers a volunteer programcalled “CATS” (Adolescents to Serve.) If you are interestedcontact Minden High School office.



Activities4th of July • Fair • Summer

Labor Day • PartiesBirthdays • and more . . .

continued on next page


utumn greeted us with very pleasant weather. We hear of colder temperatures and snow coming in the Panhandle. We would like to wait awhile for

that “snow” word. We had a very nice summer spending somemornings in the Healthcare Courtyard, getting some sun andlooking at the flowers. The Activity Department keeps theflowers in the Courtyard looking nice. We planted more flow-ers this year and hope to do a little redesigning next year.Thanks to Ramona for volunteering her time picking updonated flowers and planting them one afternoon.

What’s InsideDirectors Ice Cream Social Spotlight on Staff Memorials

Resident of the Quarter Upcoming Events Summertime PartyKearney County Fair Out to Lunch Crafts Colorado Peaches


HALLOWEEN IS COMING!Bethany Home will welcome

Trick or Treaters Halloween - October 31st



6:00 - 8:00 p.m.DOORS WILL HAVE POSTER STATING:“Trick or Treaters Welcome”


Page 2: Bethany Home MESSENGER - Kearney Hub Kothe played a variety of Big Band songs for everyoneʼs enjoyment. Bethany Home pro-vides birthday cake and ice cream for the parties. The Birth-

We are in need of a bingo volunteer. The time is 9:45 to 11:00a.m., every other Monday. If interested contact: Carol Dolan at(308) 832-1594.

The Country Jammers entertained residents and guests on July24th, August 28th and September 28th. They perform instru-mental and vocal country music. They always draw a goodcrowd. For future performances see UpcomingEvents in thisMessenger.

Thanks toHank Adamʼsfamily for pro-viding birthdaycake for the res-idents, at anafternoon activ-ity in celebra-tion of Hankʼsbirthday.

The BethanyHome Bell Choirhas grown to six-teen members.We have addedthree new mem-bers this quarter.They are: CorellaSmith, Joy Terreland Myrene Wood-ward. Karma Sinsel leads the Choir using no music. We havea few minutes of Rhythm Band, playing our instruments tomostly 50ʼs music. Residents really get into the beat of themusic!

Lions Club members Lisa Clapper and Sally Jurgensmier helda bingo party on July 29th. We appreciate them taking theirtime to spend with us.

A Summertime Partywas held onJuly 30thwith resi-dents havinga very funtime. I havenever seen res-idents have asmuch fun asthey did play-ing BadmintonBalloon Ball.

Of course Karma and I got a realworkout retrieving the balloons. We had a room of 80 and 90

year olds and even a 100 year old having the time of their liveslaughing. Blowing bubbles was fun too! There were no resi-dents willing to try the Hula Hoop. Karma and I gave it a try -we were unsuccessful. I used to be a Hula Hoop champ, manyyears ago when I was a kid. What a fun time we had!

The August Birthday

Party honorees were: Mil-dred Kuebler 8/5, Elizabeth Ochsner 8/15, Barbara Artz andRhoda Kilgore 8/24. The Bethany Home Bell Choir performedseveral songs for everyoneʼs enjoyment.

Bethany Lutheran Church Vacation Bible School along withtheir teachers and Pastor Donald Hunzeker visited on August7th, with a program of music and songs. Pastor Hunzekerplayed guitar and lead the songs. The children made cute suncenterpieces for residents. It is always so nice to have childrenvisit.

Residents enjoyed all of the lce Cream Parlor activities thissummer. They got to eat banana splits and sundaes. We servedseveral flavors of ice cream bars and popsicles at several after-noon activities.

“Aw Schucks!” brought residents fond memories of sweetcorn. We cleaned sweet corn several times, reminiscing aboutgrowing, preparing and eating the corn. This activity bringsout several residents for a good time. We prepared two lugs offresh Colorado peaches for making pies. Thanks to MildredAdam for donating a lug of peaches. We froze some of themfor pies or cobbler later.

Bethany Home Activities continued from front page


Ice Cream SocialSeptember 5, 2013

foreground: Marilyn Soderquist,

Philip Anderbery and family,Rowena Chase and grand-daughter Lisa Chase

Melinda Fereeperforms

Patsy Cline songs

Hazel Gruber

and family Phylis Johnson

and family

Bob Tank dishes up ice cream

continued on page 4

Health Care Courtyard

Page 3: Bethany Home MESSENGER - Kearney Hub Kothe played a variety of Big Band songs for everyoneʼs enjoyment. Bethany Home pro-vides birthday cake and ice cream for the parties. The Birth-

Ice Cream TreatsAugust 27, 2013

BBBBeeeetttthhhhaaaannnnyyyy HHHHoooommmmeeee’’’’ssss MMMMaaaannnnaaaaggggeeeemmmmeeeennnntttt SSSSttttaaaaffffffffBob Tank.....................................................................Administrator

Rhonda Thorell...................................................Director of Nursing

Cassie Schmidt..................................Assistant Director of Nursing

Carol Dolan..........................................................Activities Director

Barb Detlefsen............................................Social Services Director

Diana Podewitz......................................................Dietary Manager

Wilma Talbert...................................................Laundry Supervisor

Dayle Dornhoff.........................................Housekeeping Supervisor

Julie Terrel, R.N..................................Assisted Living Coordinator

Jodi Swartz...........................Business Office Mgr/Medical Records

Lynn Tacha................................................Maintenance Supervisor

BBBBeeeetttthhhhaaaannnnyyyy HHHHoooommmmeeee BBBBooooaaaarrrrdddd ooooffff DDDDiiiirrrreeeeccccttttoooorrrrssssDelvin Schmidt...................................................................President

Neil Carlson................................................................Vice President

Joann Paulsen....................................................................Secretary

Arlen Osterbuhr.................................................................Treasurer

Rose Beaumont.....................................................................Member

Marllys Carlson....................................................................Member

Jill Fritson............................................................................Member

Rusty Rhynalds....................................................................Member

Doris Thompson...................................................................Member


Ashley HeinrichMy name is Ashley Heinrich, I am 26 years old. My

parents are Bill Heinrich of Wyoming and AmberGrams of Upland, Nebraska.

I was born in Campbell, Nebraska and lived thereuntil I was 12 years old and then I lived in Upland,Nebraska. I now live on a farm about 5 miles north ofMinden. I have one brother, Kyle Jordahle of Mindenand one sister, Christey Reimen of Blue Hill. And theyhave blessed me with 2 neices and 2 nephews.

I graduated from Minden High School in 2006. AfterI graduated I moved 7 miles north of Funk, Nebraskaand lived there for 3 years. I worked for a WesternArtist and at Movie Gallery until it was closed down.So I then decided to move back to Minden and workat Bethany Home.

My favorite things in life are my horses, chickensand ducks. On Mondays I look forward to going downand crafting with my mom. My ‘loves’ are Chevy pick-ups and John Deere.

I have now been at Bethany Home for over 5 years.I started out as an aide, then became the supper cookfor a couple years, then had the opportunity tobecome the morning cook and I took it. I enjoy cook-ing and working with everyone. They are my secondfamily.

Shirley & Carl Swanson

Page 4: Bethany Home MESSENGER - Kearney Hub Kothe played a variety of Big Band songs for everyoneʼs enjoyment. Bethany Home pro-vides birthday cake and ice cream for the parties. The Birth-

We made a few trips to Perkins Restaurant this past quarter.One trip we took “couples,” then a “friends” trip. One time themen went out for lunch and then it was the womenʼs turn to goout for lunch. They like Perkins because of the variety. Quitea few of them order breakfast. Karma always takes us on ascenic drive in the morning before we go to the restaurant.

Nadine Hopkins provided piano music for the Septemberbirthday party. Ths September birthday honorees were: Stan-ley Liebers 9/6, Marvin Favinger and Carl Lemmerman 9/7,Albert Berg 9/10, Delmar Place 9/13, Leona Frerichs and LeeJohnson 9/21, Barbara Bonham 9/27, Bonnie Greisen 9/29 andIllene Stratman 9/30.

Bethany Homeʼs Annual Ice Cream Social was held onSeptember 5th, with many residents and their families attend-ing. Melinda Feree performed Patsy Cline songs. Everyoneenjoyed her performance and look forward to the October -November birthday party on November 5th Melinda willentertain at the party.

September 8 - 14th was National Assisted Living Week. Thetheme this year was “Homemade Happiness”. Sunday, Grand-parents Day was celebrated with a coffee in the afternoon. On

Monday residents made 22 home-made peach and cherry pies! DebBishop performed on Tuesday.Everyone in attendance enjoyed thedelicious homemade pie. JaneKuehn showed her beautiful hand-made quilts on Wednesday. Resi-dents liked the fresh pastriesserved. The Department Heads gottogether to make homemade icecream on Thursday. Shirley John-

son performed with Country and50ʼs music. The homemade ice cream was served to all inattendance. On Friday, the Assisted Living Dining Room wasfilled with Polka and Big Band music by Paul Kothe. Every-one was having such a wonderful time, so Paul just kept onplaying his accordion. There was talk of having a SeniorsʼDance sometime this winter for residents, families and Thecommunityʼs senior residents. All in all, it was a very fun andappreciated week of “Homemade Happiness.”

We dusted the cobwebs off of The Horserace Games one after-noon. One of our games had disappeared but we found it.Quite a few residents showed up to bid on their horses. Some

Bethany Home Activities continued from page 2

Out to Lunch & Bus RidesLunch at Perkins Restaurant & Scenic Bus Rides

continued on page 5

Couples Out for LunchSeptember 18, 2013

Couples OutingJuly 30, 2013

Men’s ClubAugust 27, 2013

Women’s Club OutingAugust 20, 2013

Women’s Club OutingAugust 20, 2013

Out for LunchSeptember 17, 2013

Shirley Johnson enter-

tains 4th of July Party

Page 5: Bethany Home MESSENGER - Kearney Hub Kothe played a variety of Big Band songs for everyoneʼs enjoyment. Bethany Home pro-vides birthday cake and ice cream for the parties. The Birth-

residents showed quite a bit of enthusiasm, cheering on theirhorses. Candy was awarded to the winners. Many said they“had so much fun and want to do it again real soon!”

Bethany Home Memorial Service was held on September 26th,with Pastor Baron Cole giving the service.Carol Dolan and

K a r m aSinsel helped with the service. Each

family in attendance was given a glass angel as a remembranceof their loved one. Refreshments were served after the service.

Assisted Living residents get together every day to play cards inthe Assisted Living dining Room. Please stop by and have cof-fee with your friends or loved ones at Bethany Home.

Several churches provided parties for residents this last quarter.St John s̓ Altar Society was here on July 26th. Alex Raun per-formed several songs with Glen Haselbarth accompanying atthe piano. The women served ice cream floats to everyone inattendance. The women held another party on August 16th,playing bingo with residents. Delicious zucchini cake wasserved. Westminster Presbyterian Church women provided abingo party on August 2nd. Luscious Strawberry Shortcake wasserved to everyone at the party. St. Paul Lutheran Churchwomen held a party on August 23rd. Pastor Donald Becker helda program on trains and rail yards he and his wife, Sandy havevisited. Cinnamon and cheese breadsticks were served. Freder-icksburg Lutheran Church held a bingo party on September 6th.A delicious pudding dessert was served.

First Christian Church Women provided a party on September20th. Tammy Petersen played the piano and led everyone in aHymn Sing. Yummy cherry bars were served to all in atten-dance. We thank all of the churches for taking their time to holdthe Bethany Home parties. We appreciate your efforts.

Sunday Church Services are held in the Bethany Home Chapelat 8:30 a.m., on Sundays. Area church ministers hold the ser-vices. We encourage residentsʼ families to attend with them.Some churches provide communion for their members eachmonth. Please call before attending to confirm time of services.

Non-denominational communion service is held once a month.

Bible Studies are held by Pastors Nancy and Baron Cole onMondays at 3:15 p.m. Myrna and Myron Bauer hold Bible

lessons on Tuesday evenings at7:00 p.m.

The Activity Department keepsvery busy planning and provid-ing activities for residents.Residents are very involved inboth Healthcare and AssistedLiving. We provide lots ofindividual visits for theHealthcare residents whochoose not to attend many ofthe group activities.

There are many nice eventscoming up soon. You are

invited to attend the activities at Bethany Home.There are just a few for residents and their families only. See thisMessenger for all of the November and December dates andtimes. Please call to confirm dates and times. Activities are sub-ject to change.

Christmas is coming! The Activity Department can always usevolunteers to help us with holiday decorating. Please call me ifyou, your club or group are interested in helping decorate forholidays. A reminder to families and residents: do not hang orattach anything to the outside railings of Assisted Living apart-ments. We decorate with garland and bows to coordinate thehallways. Residents may decorate their porches and inner rail-ings, following fire code. Lynn Tank, Maintenance Supervisor,has a listing or regulations in this Messenger.

The Activity Depart-ment thanks everyonefor donating your timeand talents to BethanyHome. We are gratefulto have a loving, caringcommunity.

The next Bethany HomeMessenger will be sentafter the New Year2014. May you andyour family have ablessed Christmas and avery Happy New Year!

Bethany Home Activities continued from page 4




August 7, 2013

L-R: Mary Ellen Miller, MyreneWoodward, and Agnes Gipe enjoying

sunshine and flowers.

Page 6: Bethany Home MESSENGER - Kearney Hub Kothe played a variety of Big Band songs for everyoneʼs enjoyment. Bethany Home pro-vides birthday cake and ice cream for the parties. The Birth-

parties at BETHANY HOME

FredericksburgChurch Party

September 6, 2013

St. John’s AltarSociety Party

July 23, 2013

St. John’s Altar Society Party

August 16, 2013

St. Paul Lutheran Church PartyAugust 23, 2013

Westminster United Presbyterian Church PartyAugust 8, 2013

Pastor Becker givesprogram on trains

& rail yards

Alex Raunperforms

Tammi Petersen plays pianoand leads hymn sing

First Christian Church PartySeptember 20, 2013

Page 7: Bethany Home MESSENGER - Kearney Hub Kothe played a variety of Big Band songs for everyoneʼs enjoyment. Bethany Home pro-vides birthday cake and ice cream for the parties. The Birth-

Bethany Home’s Christmas

Family NightThursday, December 12th - 6:00 p.m.


Residents and their families and staff and their families are invited to attend.Bethany Home will provide the entire meal.

Notify or call Office with the exact total count of family members who will be in attendance by: MONDAY, DECEMBER 9th

NOTIFY OR CALL OFFICE (ONLY): (308) 832-1594

Roberta Larsen & Joy Terrell

Leona Frerichs & Illene Stratman

Bonnie Greisen & Rowena Chase

Naomi Boilesen, Nancy Werth, Shirley Norseen

Ann Stec, Beth Ochsner, Bev Carlson


Page 8: Bethany Home MESSENGER - Kearney Hub Kothe played a variety of Big Band songs for everyoneʼs enjoyment. Bethany Home pro-vides birthday cake and ice cream for the parties. The Birth-

Birthday PartiesJuly, August, September

September Birthday Party

September 3, 2013

Bethany Home Bell Choir performsat the August Birthday Party

August 6, 2013

Paul Kothe entertainsJuly 2nd

Nadine Hopkins performs

September 3rd

July Birthday PartyJuly 2, 2013

ANNUALChristmas Tree Walk

Come see the beautiful Christmas trees and decorations at Bethany Home

Sunday, December 8th 2:00 - 3:00 p.m.


Delicious refreshments will be served

Donna Davidson entertains at the piano

Page 9: Bethany Home MESSENGER - Kearney Hub Kothe played a variety of Big Band songs for everyoneʼs enjoyment. Bethany Home pro-vides birthday cake and ice cream for the parties. The Birth-



Rudolph Faber Shirley Christiansen

Barb Frerichs Richard & Sherryl Swartz Gerald & Carole Gilder Shirley Christiansen

Joe HitchcockGeorge Latter

Vearl Jensen Eugene & Marlys Lundeen

Dorothy A. Johnson Helen & Roberta Larsen

Ernest Johnson John J & Marllys Carlson

Erma McBride Dick & Donna Schwenka

Mary “Kay” Meisenbach Dick & Donna Schwenka Marc & Tammy FerberCarolyn Nichol Jay Nichol Todd & Jenny Nichol Doris Thompson Helen & Roberta Larsen Mike & Janet Cavanaugh Louise Schwartz John J & Marllys Carlson James & Jeanette Wilkinson Marilyn Kenton Dolores Jorgensen Marie Christensen Shirley Christiansen S.D. & Eunice Jackson Family & Friends Bruce & Charlene Villars Elaine Psota Romona Swanson Russell Olsen

Phyllis Petersen George Latter Russell Olsen

Madeline Ryan Ryan Family

Stanley Smith Shirley Christiansen

Matthew SorensenMaxine Christensen & Family Gilbert & V.J. Hubert

Doris Wilcox Delores Cavanaugh Shirley Christiansen


Gifts from Friends of Bethany HomeThird Quarter, 2013

Please visit our website at

Pass The ParcelDRAWS A LARGE CROWD July 30, 2013

Albert Berg unwrapped the bearLaurence Strine

picks cherries in July

Page 10: Bethany Home MESSENGER - Kearney Hub Kothe played a variety of Big Band songs for everyoneʼs enjoyment. Bethany Home pro-vides birthday cake and ice cream for the parties. The Birth-

2013 Memorial Christmas TreePlease remember your loved ones by participating in the20th Annual Bethany Home Memorial Christmas Tree.As a way to remember someone special in your life,Bethany Home Staff Fundraiser offers angel ornaments fora minimum donation of $5.00 for each ornament. The orna-ment(s) will be labeled and placed on the Memorial Tree inthe Healthcare Main Entrance Sitting Room during themonth of December. These ornaments can be given ʻInMemory ofʼ or ʻIn Honor ofʼ residents, residentʼs families,friends and their families, staff and their families. After theholiday season, the ornament(s) will be returned to the per-son the purchaser designates.Ornaments will be on display for viewing in the BethanyHome Healthcare Main Front Entrance Lobby November1st through November 30th. Ornaments can be purchasedfrom the Business Office.Everyone participating is invited to help in decorating theMemorial Tree on Monday, December 2nd at 2:00 p.m.Refreshments will be served following program and Treeornaments decoration.The profits will be used to purchase a useful and enjoyableitem(s) for the residents. Thanks to all of you who partici-pate in this project. What a lovely way to remember yourloved one.


June 8, 2013


TIPThe holiday season is coming up soon so itʼs time to remindall staff, residents and their families about safety for the sea-son. Bethany Home (via Fire Marshall) has a few policies con-cerning trees and lighting.1. No real trees or wreathes are permitted2. Artificial trees, wreathes or decorations must be listed as

fire retardant.3. Any lighting must be LJL listed and for indoor use only.4. We canʼt allow extension cords to be used.5. Bethany Home will provide fire code approved power

strips as long as supplies last.6. Power strips being used can not be over head, under rugs or

anywhere they can become a trip hazard.7. No candles please.8. No candle warmers, mug warmers, electric blankets or

space heaters are permitted.9. Itʼs okay to decorate the area outside your door but please

donʼt put any garland or any other type of decorations on the handrails.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation and letʼs all havea safe and Merry Christmas season.


Page 11: Bethany Home MESSENGER - Kearney Hub Kothe played a variety of Big Band songs for everyoneʼs enjoyment. Bethany Home pro-vides birthday cake and ice cream for the parties. The Birth-

BETHANY HOME Invites You to

Upcoming Events2:00 p.m. (UNLESS NOTED)

October 31 Halloween Party - 2:00 p.m. Refreshments - 2:15 p.m. Costume Contest Residents & their families & Staff & their families may enter.

November 5 October - November Birthday Party - Birthday Cake & Ice Cream November 7 Shirley Johnson Entertains - Vocal - Contemporary, Gospel, Country

November 11 Veterans Day Celebration - 2:00 p.m. - Honoring Bethany Home Veterans. Paul Kothe Entertains - Instrumental - Polka, Big Band

November 12 Deb Bishop Entertains - Vocal - Country Western, 50ʼs & moreNovember 25 Christmas decorating begins.November 27 “Country Jammers” Entertain - Vocal and Instrumental Country Western

December 2 Decorating Memory Tree - Healthcare Dining Room - Program finger foodsDecember 3 December Birthday Party - Birthday cake, ice cream, Bethany Home Bell Choir Entertains December 5 Shirley Johnson EntertainsDecember 8 Bethany Home Annual Christmas Tree Walk - Refreshments.

Donna Davidson at the pianoDecember 10 Deb Bishop EntertainsDecember 11 Holiday Reminisce with Jane KuehnDecember 12 Bethany Home Christmas Family Night - 6:00 p.m.

For residents & their families and staff and their families. Bethany Home will provide the ENTIRE meal and table service.

To better serve residents and their families: FAMILY MUST CONTACT OFFICE with total number (EXACTLY) of family members who will attend.

PLEASE CONTACT OFFICE ONLY: (308) 832-1594 by Monday, December 9OFFICE HOURS: 8:30 A.M. - 4:30 P.M. - MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY.

December 16 Paul Kothe EntertainsDecember 20 Resident Christmas Party - Finger foods, beverages, Santa Claus,

gifts for Residents from Bethany Home Staff & Caroling.December 24 Christmas Eve Candlelight Service - 2:00 p.m. Refreshments Following service December 31 New Year s̓ Party - 2:00 p.m. - Non alcohol beverages, finger food, party favors, music

Refreshments are always served before activity. Come join us for the fun! More events will be scheduled. Please call Activity Department if you plan on attending.

More events will be scheduled. Dates., times & events are subject to change.

Page 12: Bethany Home MESSENGER - Kearney Hub Kothe played a variety of Big Band songs for everyoneʼs enjoyment. Bethany Home pro-vides birthday cake and ice cream for the parties. The Birth-

Bonnie Greisen, Agnes Gipe, and

Orin Duchek play Beach Ball

Margaret Sigurdson and Art Chavezhave a fun time.

Josephine takes her turn at Ballon Ball

Forever Blowing Bubbles

Art Chavez and Jim Mote

“Beach Ball, Balloon Ball, and Blowing Bubbles”What A Fun Time!


Nancy Werth

Edna Carlson

Page 13: Bethany Home MESSENGER - Kearney Hub Kothe played a variety of Big Band songs for everyoneʼs enjoyment. Bethany Home pro-vides birthday cake and ice cream for the parties. The Birth-


I am Joy (Karr) Terrel. I was born March 14, 1935 in Grand Island,Nebraska to Lloyd and Bertha Karr of Doniphan, Nebraska. I am the oldestof 4. I have 2 brothers and one sister.

I attended Morton School, grades K-6 and graduated from Central CityHigh School in May 1953. That’s where I met my husband, Glenn and wewere married in June 1953.

We have 5 beautiful children, Ron, Randy, Melvin, Vicky, Susie. All aresuccessful in their fields of work.

I attended college at Fort Collins, Colorado and became a LPN in the 1960’s. We moved to Minden in 1992. I helped Vicky raise her 2 children which I enjoyed a lot.

We have 8 grandchildren & 11 great grandchildren. All of them are great. I enjoy playing bingo, embroidery, word fill in puzzles, reading and bell choir which I

started when I came to Bethany Home. My husband and I are happy here at BethanyHome. Our family agrees we are in a great place.

Joy (Karr) Terrrel

Aw Shucks!Residents Cleaning Corn

August 2013

Page 14: Bethany Home MESSENGER - Kearney Hub Kothe played a variety of Big Band songs for everyoneʼs enjoyment. Bethany Home pro-vides birthday cake and ice cream for the parties. The Birth-

Bethany Home, Inc.515 W 1st StreetMinden, NE 68959

Loving Care with the Spiritual Touch

Non-Profit OrganizationU.S. Postage

PAIDPermit #3

Minden, NE 68959


