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Page 2: Bermuda triangle

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Mystery of the Bermuda Triangle

Bermuda Triangle is sometimes also called Devil's Triangle is an area in the Atlantic ocean area of 1.5 million mil2 or 4 million km2 that form a line between the Bermuda triangle, the territory of the United Kingdom as a point on the north, Puerto Rico, the territory of the United States as point in the south and Miami, the state of Florida, the United States as a point on the west. Bermuda Triangle is very mysterious sea. Often there is the issue of the paranormal in the area that states the reason for the loss of ships passing events. There is also a saying that has become a natural phenomenon that should not be across the region.

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Various kinds of opinions about the Bermuda Triangle :

Christopher Columbus

At the time of Christopher Columbus' voyage, when

moving through the Bermuda Triangle area, said one of his crew

saw "a strange light berkemilau on the horizon". Some people say

they have observed something like a meteor. In his notes he

writes that the navigation equipment is not functioning properly

during their stay in the area.

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Methane gas and whirlpool

Another explanation of some of the events of the disappearance of planes and ships mysteriously is the presence of methane gas in these waters. This theory was first published in 1981 by the United States Geological Investigation. This theory was successfully tested in the laboratory and the results satisfy some people on a reasonable explanation about the mysterious disappearance of planes and ships that pass in the region.

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Sea earthquake and huge waves

This theory says friction and turbulence in the soil at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean produces powerful waves and ships immediately became lost control and headed straight for the sea with a strong base in just a few seconds. As for its relationship with the plane, then a strong shock wave and causes the loss of the balance of the aircraft and the lack of ability for pilots to control aircraft.

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Gravity (gravity field is reversed, the magnetic anomaly

gravity) and its relationship to what happens in the Bermuda

Triangle; real compasses and other electronic navigation

equipment in aircraft when flying over the Bermuda Triangle

will be shaken and moved not normal, so does the compass on

a ship , which show strong magnetism and gravity are curiously


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Base U.F.O.

U. S. Government and Independent Academic said the

Bermuda Triangle because it was the UFO Base group of

creatures of outer space / aliens are not disturbed by humans,

so that any vehicle that passes through the territory will be

exploited and abducted.

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Islamic opinion

In a hadist narrated from Abu Hurairah from the Nabi

Muhammad, said that the meeting between the hot and cold

temperatures (cool) is said to be a place like this ban because it

is the most favored by Devil. Because according to some

opinions some say that the Bermuda Triangle is the center

meeting between the flow of cold water with hot water flows,

so that it will result in a large whirlpool / terrible.

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Time tunnel (worm holes)

In history, people, ships, aircraft and many others are

missing under mysterious circumstances as we often hear in

the waters of the Bermuda Triangle, is actually entered into

this mysterious passage of time.

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Some ship and plane lost in the Bermuda Triangle

1. 1840 : HMS Rosalie2. 1872 : The Mary Celeste, one of the greatest mystery of the disappearance of some ships in the bermuda triangle3. 1909 : The Spray4. 1917 : SS Timandra5. 1918 : USS Cyclops (AC-4) disappeared in the stormy sea, but before leaving the control tower said that the sea was calm, no storm may occur, is very good for shipping6. 1926 : SS Suduffco missing in bad weather7. 1938 : HMS Anglo Australian disappeared. Though the report said the weather was very calm day.

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Some ship and plane lost in the Bermuda Triangle

8. 1945 : Flight 19 disappeared along with the team savior.9. 1952 : British York transport plane lost with 33 passengers10. 1962 : US Air Force KB-50, a tanker, vanishes11. 1970 : French ship goods, Milton Latrides vanished; sailed from New Orleans to Cape Town.12. 1972 : German Ship, Anita (20,000 tons), disappeared with 32 crew13. 1976 : SS Sylvia L. Ossa lost in the ocean 140 miles west of Bermuda.

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Some ship and plane lost in the Bermuda Triangle

14. 1978 : Douglas DC-3 Argosy Airlines Flight 902, disappeared after takeoff and lost radio contact15. 1980 : SS Poet; sailed to Egypt, disappeared in a storm16. 1995 : Ship Jamanic K (built 1943) reported missing after going through Cap Haitien17. 1997 : The sailor disappeared from the German cruise ship18. 1999 : Freighter Genesis missing after sailing from Port of Spain to St Vincent.Etc…

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Bermuda triangle or Devil Triangle is a place where more than 1000 ships and planes have disappeared in the triangle area over the past five centuries and continue to do so. . What is there in Bermuda Triangle, it is unknown to the smartest creature on the earth, human. Even though many ships and aircrafts sank into the ocean, none of them asked for help, they have radio communication with them, and they didn’t pass any information to anybody. They just disappeared.

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Many ships and aircraft lost in the waters surrounding the Bermuda Triangle due to bursts of methane gas in the waters of the Bermuda Triangle. This is reinforced by the evidence according to Bill Dillon of the U.S. Geological Survey. That the Bermuda Triangle area, but also in several other areas along the coast of the continent, there is a "Mine Methane". This gas can escape when suddenly the sea floor cracks. With incredible strength, stack gas was sprayed onto the surface while boiling water, forming compounds metanahidrat. So, in conclusion, scientifically Bermuda Triangle that had been considered as a frightening sea waters apparently are regular but marine waters due to human activities that destroy and exploit the natural wealth too much, causing these waters claimed many victims.

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THE END . . . . .
