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    May 1991

    Topics: Bride of Christ,Calvary

    Volum e 6 The Tears of Calvary

    by Ernest An gley

    Whe reby are given u nto us exceed ing great and precious

    promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the

    divine n ature , having escaped the corrup tion that is in

    the world through lust (II Peter 1:4). If we could not be

    partakers of His divine nature, we could not be expected to walk

    and talk like Jesus. But Jesus brought divine blood; and that

    divine blood is imparted into us when we receive salvation. That

    divine blood is the reason we can be like Himand we must be

    like Himthe reason the enemy cannot overcome us any more

    than the enemy was able to overcome Jesus. Because of His

    blood, we can become partakers of His nature.

    The Glorious Church is a partaker of the divine nature of Jesus

    night and day, a Jesus-overcomer. She is just like Him. The Early Church members of the Glorious

    Church were like Him so much that when they spoke, it was the same as Jesus speaking. When

    they commanded it was the same as though the Master were still commanding on the shores of

    Galilee. The sick were healed just as they were when He was on Earth.

    To the Glorious Church of yesterday and today, the partakers of His divine nature, Jesus said,He

    that believeth on me , the wo rks that I do shall he do also; and greater w orks thanthese shall he do; because I go unto my Father. And w hatsoever ye shall ask in my

    name , that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son . If ye shall ask any

    thing in my name, I will do it. If ye love me, keep m y commandm ents. And I will pray

    the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he m ay abide with you for

    ever; B ut the Com forter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my

    name , he shall teach you all things, and b ring all things to your reme mbran ce,

    whatsoever I have said un to you (John 14:12-16, 26).

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    Why did Jesus perform signs, wonders and miracles? Not one was for Himself. He did His works

    for us. The Bible tells us that we should follow in His steps, that we would do greater works.

    Whosoe ver w ill come after me, let him de ny himself, and take u p his cross, and follow

    me (Mark 8:34). It's wonderful that we have the same calling from Jesus that He gave to the

    Twelve: Follow thou m e. We don't follow the opinions of others; we don't follow personalities.

    We follow Jesus. We are disciples of Him, the Glorious Church.

    In the seventeenth chapter of John, we read a wonderful prayer of Jesus. Here we can tune in on

    Jesus talking to the Father. He spoke in a simple way; no doubt entered in, no fear. Jesus prayed,

    knowing the Father always heard Him. What confidence! Jesus, speaking to the Father said,I

    have glorified thee on the earth: I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do

    (John 17:4).

    Oh Father, I cry today for the Glorious Church, that at the end of this last hour she will be able to

    say what Jesus said: "We have finished the work you gave us, oh Father!" I pray that each

    member of the Glorious Church will be able to say that he or she has finished His work.

    Just as the Father gave the Son work, Jesus has given the Glorious Church work. Our work is

    mapped out for us. Jesus had the Holy Spirit to help Him accomplish that work, and we have the

    same Holy Spirit to help us accomplish His work that He has planned for us to do.

    The prayer of Jesus continues: I have manifested thy name un to the men w hich thou

    gavest me out of the world: thine they we re, and thou gavest them m e; and they have

    kept thy word (verse 6). When you keep the Word of God, you live absolutely free from all sin.Sin is transgression against God and His Word.

    For I have given u nto them the w ords which thou gavest me; and they have received

    them, and have kn own surely that I came ou t from thee, and they have believed that

    thou didst send m e (verse 8). Jesus gave the disciples exactly what the Father gave Him; and

    the Glorious Church today is given exactly what Jesus gives through the Holy Spirit, all of His

    truths. The Lord reminded His disciples that the Spirit of Truth, the Holy Spirit would bring all

    things to their remembrance.

    And now I am no more in the w orld, but these are in the world, and I come to thee.Holy Father, keep through thine own name those w hom thou hast given me, that they

    may be one, as we are. I have given them thy word; and the world hath hated them,

    becau se they are not of the world, even as I am not of the world (verses 11,14). Even as

    Jesus is not of the world, His disciples of yesterday and today are not of the world. Just as pure,

    holy, separated unto God as Jesus is the Glorious Church. Sons and daughters of God through the

    blood of Calvary, the Glorious Church is a new creation.

    I pray not that thou shou ldest take them out of the w orld, but that thou shouldest

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    keep them from the evil (verse 15). Keeping us from evil is keeping us from all sin. Any sin is

    evil or it wouldn't be sin.

    They are not of the world, even as I am n ot of the world (verse 16). Oh Glorious Church,

    shout the praises of God! Delight in the fact that you are pure, clean, holy, no more a part of the

    world than the Master was!

    As thou hast sent me into the w orld, even so have I also sent them into the wo rld(verse 18). Just as the Father sent the Son, the Lord is sending you. He is saying to you today,Go

    ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creatu re. He that believeth and is

    baptized shall be saved; bu t he that believeth not shall be damn ed. (Mark 16:15,16). Go

    into all nations, teaching what Jesus has taught you.

    Jesus makes it clear that He was not only praying for the disciples of His day, but for us as well

    when He says, Neither pray I for these alone, bu t for them also w hich shall believe on

    me throu gh their word; That they all may be one ; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in

    thee, that they also may be one in us: that the w orld may believe that thou hast sentme (John 17:20,21). How could you have any sin in you and still be one with Jesus, the Father and

    the Holy Ghost? Impossible. If we are one with the Son, one with the Father, one with the Holy

    Ghost, we are part of the Godhead.

    Signs, wonders, miracles and all the works of Jesus performed through believers convince sincere

    doubters of His divinity. Unfortunately, some doubters are not sincere; they don't want to believe,

    doubting because they would rather doubt. No miracle, regardless of what God does, will turn

    dishonest doubters to God; they have given themselves over to demonic powers, and they love the

    power of the devil, hating the power of God. They don't want anything to do with God, nor do they

    want to live according to the Word of God. Because they choose not to be rid of their sins, they cry

    out against the truth in the Word. When someone knocks a "home run" for Jesus, they call it a

    "foul ball." We are not moved by their unbelief, but go right on proclaimingthus saith the Lord.

    On the day of Judgment, they will meet their words of doubt and blasphemyunable to use the

    excuse of never hearing the truthand be damned forever. Being one with the Father, Son and

    Holy Ghost means dedication, separation, holy, righteous Jesus-living.

    And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them ; that they may be one , even as

    we are one (verse 22). The same glory, the same power the Father gave Jesus, He has given us.

    He has equipped us to be the same kind of witness with all the signs and wonders He gave to Jesuswhen He was here on Earth. I can hear the Master cry:Oh Father, I came down, a lowly birth so I

    could become related to the human race. I was a brother to human beings on planet Earth. The

    only difference, I had divine blood in me. Through your great plan, Father, I went to Calvary to

    shed that divine blood. Now these others are partakers; now they can be one. I bestow upon them

    them the same kind of glory, the same kind of power that you bestowed upon me. The glory

    which thou gavest me I have given them that they may be one even as we are one. I in them,

    and thou in m e, that they may be made pe rfect in one ; and that the world may know

    that thou hast sent me, and hast loved them , as thou hast loved m e (verse 23). That we

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    may be perfect in one. There is no perfection in even a speck of sin. Jesus loves those who are in

    Him the way the Father loved Him. Jesus said the Glorious Church would be loved by the Father

    with the same kind of love, in the same way the Father loved Jesus when He was here on Earth.

    And I have de clared un to them thy name, an d will declare it: that the love wherew ith

    thou hast loved me m ay be in them, and I in them (verse 26). There is no chance that God

    will overlook one speck of sin in such a relationship. This is Divinity; this is man becoming

    associated one hundred percent with Divinity, man living totally in the holiness and righteousness

    of God. There is no excuse for sin; the Lord said we are without excuse.

    Because the Bride of Christ cries with all the love He brought, all the faith He used, with all the

    hope He served, with all the peace He gave, multitudes are being delivered and will be delivered in

    this last hour. She cries with the whole heart of Calvary, the whole heart of Christ. No wonder theGlorious Church is favored and loved by the Father; for when He looks, He sees faithful sons and

    daughters! At one time He saw just His Son, the only Begotten. God gave that only Begotten on

    Calvary so there could be many sons and daughters. You can't be a son or daughter of God and still

    have even a little sin in your life. Your heart could not be like Hisand you must have a heart like


    Shortly, the Glorious Church will be in heaven; holy feet will walk down the avenue of Glory.

    Blessed be the name of the Lord! Soon the Glorious Church will be standing before the Throne of

    God, clean as heaven itself, pure as God. Yes, it's wonderful to look upon the Glorious Church, to

    see the purity, the love of Jesusall of Him.

    Blessed are the pu re in heart: for they shall see God (Matthew 5:8). The pure in heart

    make up the Glorious Church. She has accepted all of the Sermon on the Mount, and she lives

    according to everything Jesus said in it.

    For I say unto you, That except you r righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of

    the scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in n o case en ter into the kingdom of heave n

    (Matthew 5:20). The Glorious Church unquestioningly accepts the fact that each member must be

    free from all sin.

    Be ye therefore, perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect (Matthew

    5:48). We must be like the Father, perfect in love, in serving Him, perfect in staying out of sin.

    Divine blood is our protection; divine blood is our keeper. Divine blood makes holy living

    possibleHis life imparted into us replacing the fallen nature we were born with. What can wash

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    away our sins? Nothing but the blood of Jesus. What can give us power over all sin? Nothing but

    the blood of Jesus. Thank God for the blood!

    Since God cannot look upon sin of any kind, the fallen nature that has been in man's bloodline since

    the fall in Eden had to be changed. That change could be made only when Jesus imparted His

    sinless blood into the life stream of man. JesusDivinitybecame related to the human race in

    order to replace that fallen nature with His sinless blood, making those born new in His blood

    acceptable to the Father. When He now looks at the born-new Christians, He no longer sees the

    fallen nature they were born with, but He sees Christ. Christ has been imparted into accepting


    The way the devil fears and flees the blood of Jesus should tell you of its power. Submit

    yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he w ill flee from you (James 4:7). You

    can only resist the devil through the power in the blood of the Son of God as you submit yourself to

    God. If you do not use the blood, you have no victory, no power over Lucifer. Your victory is all in

    the divine nature of God. The devil cannot defeat the divine nature of God that flows in the lives, in

    the spirits of those who belong to the Glorious Church, the Bride of Christ.

    No man can serve two m asters: for either he will hate the one , and love the other; or

    else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye can not serve God and mamm on

    (Matthew 6:24). You cannot serve sin and righteousness both. If you commit one sin, you're

    bound to the devil; for sin is of the devil. God has no part in sin whatsoever. God cannot endorse

    one particle of sin. Not one sin will ever enter heaven; that's the reason it was necessary for Jesus

    to come with His divine blood to impart His life into whosoever-will.

    God tried using the blood of animals, using sacrifices; but that wouldn't work. Sacrificial offerings

    didn't keep man out of sin; they only made it evident that on his own, man could not live holy. Man

    needed something more than the sacrifices and the Day of Atonement of the Old Testament times.

    Only the Atonement of the blood of Jesus come down from heaven is sufficient to keep you out of

    sin if you want to stay out. The blood of Jesus flowing in your spirit will cause you to hate sin, to

    hate the devil and his demons that are destroying mankind. No matter how much the flesh cries

    for sin, you have victory over it through the blood of Jesusif you want victory. The flesh is

    brought under subjection to all the desires of Divinity, to all the commands of the Lord through the

    power in the blood of Jesus.

    Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and b road is the w ay, that leadeth to

    destruction, and m any there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and

    narrow is the w ay, which leadeth u nto life, and few there be that find it (Matthew

    7:13,14). This tells you that man must be free from sin, for no sin can enter heaven. If sin could

    enter heaven, the gate would not be strait.

    The Glorious Church has far less members than the world church today. Why? Because strait is

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    the gate and narrow is the way that leads to heaven. No sin can walk that road and get through the

    narrow gate.

    Not everyone that saith unto m e, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven;

    bu t he that doe th the w ill of my Father which is in heaven (Matthew 7:21). These are the

    words of Jesus. He that doeth the will of the Father will enter heaven. To say that people can sin

    and still be Children of God is saying it is the will of God for people to sin: an out-and-out untruth.

    Jesus said those who do the will of the Father are the ones who will enter heaven. Comparatively

    speaking, few will be saved. But if a few can make it, we all can make it. If one human being can

    live free from all sin, it is possible for all to live free from all sin. Those who commit sin are not

    glorious before God, not part of the Glorious Church.

    The Lord said, Therefore whosoeve r heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them , I

    will liken him u nto a w ise man , which bu ilt his house u pon a rock: And the rain

    descend ed, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat up on that house; and

    it fell not: for it was foun ded u pon a rock(Matthew 7:24,25). If we can't do the sayings of

    Jesus, that means He brought an impossible salvation, an impossible way of life. Why would He

    come to Earth, die on the cross to bring impossibilities? Why did He suffer like He did, why did He

    give Himself into the hands of audacious men to be spat upon, beaten, mocked, crowned with

    thorns and finally murdered? His sacrifice of divine blood that atoned for the sins of man was the

    only way mankind could be redeemed. Jesus did it all because He loves fallen humanity and

    wanted them to have a way of escape from the penalty of sin. Anyone who sins has fallen from

    grace because in grace is no sin. If you are established upon the Rock, you won't fall. If everyone

    sinned, no house would be built upon a rock.

    The rains, floods, windsthe sin, the persecutions, the trialswill not defeat the Glorious Church

    founded upon the Rock. When Jesus said, Upon this rock I will build my chu rch; and the

    gates of hell shall not pre vail against it (Matthew 16:18), He was not speaking of Peter as

    some believe, but of Himself, the Rock Jesus. The Rock is divine. Peter was not divine until he

    received the divine nature. He cursed and denied that he even knew Jesusbefore that divine

    nature took him over. The Church is built upon Jesus Christ. For other foun dation can no

    man lay than that is laid, which is Jesu s Christ (I Corinthians 3:11).

    If ye keep my comman dmen ts, ye shall abide in my love; even as I have kept m y

    Father's comman dmen ts, and abide in his love (John 15:10). Jesus was without sin, no guile

    was found in His mouth, the Bible clearly tells us. The Glorious Church is abiding in His love,

    living in the love of Jesus. To live in the love of Jesus is to live in the love of Divinity. The love of

    Divinity has no place for sin whatsoever. Divinity and sin do not mix. Jesus said,If ye keep my

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    commandmentsif you keep what He taught you just as He kept what the Father taught Him,

    you will abide in His love. The Father did not allow His Son Jesus any excuse for sin; He did not

    expect Him to sin like the first Adam. Had God expected Jesus to sin, He surely would not have

    sent Him to Earth. Just one sin in the Garden of Eden cost man and woman everything. Had Jesus

    committed one sin, the world would still be lost.

    We are to be like Jesus, keeping all that He taught; and then we can use all that He brought. Jesus

    is the Christ of the Glorious Church, the Lamb of Calvary. The Glorious Church does not doubt

    Him. She believes everything He said, everything He promised. Clothed in His righteousness, she

    abides in His love at all times.

    When you abide in His love, there is no place for hate or jealousy. Of course there are some church

    members who display jealousy, arrogance; but they are not members of the Glorious Church.

    Deceived, others excuse their transgressions by comparing themselves favorably to religious people

    who are not really in the body of Christ. Compare yourself to no one but Jesus; He is the only

    standard with the true tears of Calvary.

    The Glorious Churcheach memberis in total obedience to the Lord at this very hour. If you are

    not in total obedience, separated from all the world, from everything ungodly, then you are not a

    member of the Glorious Church. You have blemishes, wrinklesand beyond that, if you are

    committing just one sin, you are unholy. God is not going to change His Bible to call sin holy. In

    great dedication, the Glorious Church is obeying Jesus the way the disciples obeyed Him after the


    In the twenty-first chapter of John we read that the disciples had fished all the night long but

    caught nothing. Then in the morning Jesus stood on the shore, calling out to them,Cast the ne t

    on the right side of the ship, and ye shall find. They cast therefore, and now they were

    not able to draw it for the m ultitude of fishes (John 21:6). As the disciples did exactly what

    Jesus instructed, the Glorious Church will do exactly whatever the Lord says, no matter how

    discouraged they might be, no matter how long they have toiled. Come and dine, Jesus invited in

    verse 12. The disciples didn't argue; they dined.

    You may have worked the night through without results; perhaps it seems as though the sun will

    never shine again. But as a member of the Glorious Church you will hear the voice of the Lord

    coming to you out of the darkness, and you will respond to it because you abide in His love. When

    He tells you to cast the net on the right side, you obey; for you are bone of His bone, flesh of Hisflesh, life of His life, blood of His blood. Divine, obedient blood flows in you now as a Child of the

    Living God, as a member of the Glorious Church.

    Divine blood covers the whole Earth. It's for all nations, plenty to wash every man, woman, girl and

    boy on planet Earth this very moment. There is no scarcity of the blood. People don't realize what

    was being shed on Calvary that dark day.

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    The Bride is not rebellious against her Groom; she has yielded to everything He taught and

    brought. She is glorious. No more sin, she is like Him, obedient to the instruction:Ye should

    follow his steps: Who did no sin, ne ither was guile found in His mouth (I Peter 2:21,22).

    The Glorious Church with the priceless tears of Calvary is following the steps of Jesus. Just like her

    Master, she is free from sin. The Glorious Church is holy, pure, ready to be used by the Father as

    the Father used the Son when He was here on Earth.

    When the Glorious Church cries the tears of Calvary, the footprints of Jesus appear before the eyes

    of the heathen, and they see Him as the living Christ who came to planet Earth. They see His walk

    in the Glorious Church, His life; and through that Church they feel His great love.

    In John 21:19, Jesus had two words for His disciples: Follow m e. How could you follow Jesus

    and not be like Him? Your feet will never fit in the footprints of Jesus unless your steps are holy.

    Jesus took holy steps the length any partaker of His divine nature can take, those having Divinity

    within. His divine nature keeps men, women, boys and girls in step with Him.

    Walk in His steps. No matter what the devil might do, no matter how many people he fills with

    doubt who come against us, no matter the false doctrines in the land: none of it could ever cover up

    the footprints of Jesus. Whosoever-will can walk in His steps through the flood of Calvary's blood.

    The Glorious Church is following Jesus in His love, His faith, peace, goodness, longsuffering,

    gentleness, humility. They are following Him in the same self-control that Jesus displayed here on

    Earth. The Glorious Church carries the message of repentance that Jesus preached, of the

    sanctification He prayed to be in the disciples.

    The Glorious Churchbaptized in the Holy Ghost that Jesus asked the Father to sendis filled andthrilled with the greatness of heaven just like the Master was.

    Jesus brought a part of heaven with Him when He came, a part of heaven. Daily as He reached to

    the Father He was handed more of heaven. He had knowledge from the Father, knowledge of the

    will of the Father. Jesus as a man used no more power to reach all the way to the throne of God

    and receive from Him than is available for us to use.

    The Early Church disciples found that they had the same reach as Jesus had. They learned they

    could pull down heaven upon people, upon the sick and afflicted, and they were healed; they

    pulled down heaven for the devil possessed, and they were set free. We, too, can reach all the wayto the throne because we reach in the name of Jesus. God's blessings at times may seem far away;

    but remember, we can reach whatever is needed through the name Jesus because we are partakers

    of Divinity.

    Although we have that same reach, we must be aware of what we have. Don't look at human hands;

    look beyond and see Divinity. We can call heaven anytime, the number is J-E-S-U-S. The Glorious

    Church has received power just like the Jesus received power, the same power.

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    In Acts 1:9 we find Jesus rising from the Earth, being translated into heaven. And the Glorious

    Church who has received the Holy Ghost is gong to be translated. From the power of the Holy

    Ghost, the Glorious Church gains her greatness. Oh glory be to God! We're separated from the

    world, free of all sin, getting ready to take our flight just like Jesus prepared to take His flight. The

    Glorious Church is standing up with the message of Jesus for the whole world, and souls are

    coming in by the thousands. Signs and wonders appear. The Glorious Church is fasting just like

    Jesus, praying like He did; and her prayers are going through to heaven just like His because she

    prays in His name. Like Jesus, the Glorious Church can say, Father, you alw ays hear me . Just

    as the Father always heard Jesus when He was here on Earth, He always hears the Glorious

    Church. She is just like Him; He made her that way.

    The Glorious Church is a sinless, fasting, praying, Word of God Churcha New Testament Church.

    Blood-washed, blood-bought and filled with heaven's power and glory is the Glorious Church. The

    Word is in her mind, in her soul, her body, paramount to her. She lives for the Word, and shewould die for it if necessary. The Word is her life. She breathes through it, lives through it,

    receives health and strength through it; all of her needs are supplied. The Glorious Church has all

    the power necessary to trample devils under foot through the Word, the Word, thus saith the Lord!

    She doesn't cryThus saith man; she cries what Thus saith the Lord. Oh blessed be the name of the


    The Glorious Church speaks His name, and hell trembles just like it trembled when the Lord was

    here. It's spoken in the same power, the same loveHis; the same faithHis; the same grace, the

    same favor, the same righteousness, holiness, and purity. We don't have to worry about results.

    W ho shall separa te us from the love of Christ? shall tribu lation, or distress, or

    persecu tion, or famine, or n akedne ss, or peril, or sword? Nay, in all these things we

    are more than conqu erors through him that loved us. For I am persuad ed, that

    neither death, n or life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powe rs, nor things present,

    nor things to come, Nor Height, nor dep th, nor any other creatu re, shall be ab le to

    separate u s from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord (Romans 8:35,

    37-39). We're more than conquerorsJesus was, and He made us the same. To be more than a

    conqueror means you conquer all the devils that come your way and have plenty of power left.

    Jesus had more than enough power to conquer all the devils that came His way, and He gave us

    that same power.

    Let not your heart be troub led, neither let it be afraid (John 14:27), Jesus tells us. The

    Glorious Church is going forth in shining armor, clothed in the greatness He wore. Jesus brought

    to Earth what was needed for human beings. Jesus came on a mission to help mankind, to save,

    deliver and heal. He remained here long enough to demonstrate the fact that His power would

    work for those who trusted Him

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    Peter seeing Jesus walking the waters said, Lord, if it be thou, bid me com e un to thee on the

    water. And he said, Come. And when Pe ter was come down out of the ship, he walked

    on the w ater, to go to Jesus (Matthew 14:28,29). Peter walked the waters, and when he began

    to sink it wasn't the Lord's fault. Peter didn't keep his eyes on Jesus, didn't keep His voice inside.

    Doubt gave the devil a chance.

    The Glorious Church must not give the devil a chance to drown out the voice of the Master. If His

    voice becomes faint, another voice can influence youthe wrong voice. When Peter believed the

    voice of Jesus, he had faith to walk on the water; when doubt entered, he sank.

    We can walk the spiritual waters of this hour, the waters of life. Get off the boat and start walking.

    Just as Jesus cried for the Father, we cry for Jesus. We're as close to heaven as Jesus when He was

    here on Earth. He made that connection for us.

    If you're a member of the Glorious Church, the grumbling, the complaining is gone, all the unholyliving. Your eyes are bright and shining like His. You have victory over the world through Jesus.

    The Glorious Church cherishes all of His teachings, knowing that every one of them will work. So

    many church members believe only a portion of the Word of God. Some can't get past the book of

    Genesis without a doubting spirit, stumbling over, for instance, how the animals got into the ark.

    God said they entered the ark two by two, and that's enough for me. Over a year later, they came

    back out. Instead of doubting the Word of God, we should be thinking how we can get human

    beings into the ark of Jesus in this last and final hour.

    Bu t the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in m y name,

    he shall teach you all things, and b ring all things to your reme mbran ce, w hatsoever I

    have said unto you (John 14:26). We have great things brought to our remembrance: The nine

    fruits of the Spirit, the nine gifts of the Spirit working in the body of the Glorious Church are

    wonders indeed! The Glorious Church is a peculiar treasure to God, peculiar to the world; the

    divine breath of the Almighty rests upon her. The divine life of the Almighty is within her. Oh

    praise the name of the Lord!.

    The Bride, the Glorious Church, appearing in the most unusual places in Old Testament types and

    shadows should tell you that she is greatly loved by God, that He will never leave nor forsake her.

    She is going through much persecution, heartache and despair; the Lord said it would be like this:

    In the w orld ye shall have tribu lation: bu t be of good cheer; I have overcom e the

    world (John 16:33). Jesus will deliver you out of tribulation. Carry His bright shining promises

    with you just as the Christ of God carried God's promises with Him.

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    A type and shadow of the Church shows up in three people fleeing the destruction of Sodom and

    Gomorrah. A fourth one started with them, but had to be left behind, for she loved the things of the

    world more than the deliverance of God.

    We see the Church again as a fair maiden going to the well to draw water; the servant of Abraham,representing the Holy Spirit, is waiting, telling the Lord to send the right one for the groom. And

    there she comes, Rebekah, the bride. The servant had put out a fleece, and that fleece was


    When Rebekah went with the servant to the land of her groom's people, she left her father's house,

    separated completely from her family. As soon as Isaac, the groom, saw her, he loved her. And

    Jesus loves you, oh Glorious Church.

    The Glorious Church has now emerged from all the types and shadows of the Old Testament.

    Coming forth a living, visible BrideSpirit-filled, Spirit-led and Spirit-fedshe is humble and lowlylike the Master Himself, yet walking in the sweet dignity, love, greatness and majesty of her

    soon-coming Lord. She is humble in His presence, but she has the dignity, the majesty of Him.

    Remember, she is visible; she has emerged from the types and shadows of a young maiden going to

    the well, meeting the servant of Abraham. The Holy Spirit takes the truths of Christ and reveals

    them to the Glorious Church.

    The Glorious Church is on Earth right now, and the Holy Spirit, the Christ-revealing Guide, softly

    whispers in her ear:As he is, so are w e in this wor ld (I John 4:17). Beloved, now are w e

    the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear w hat we shall be: bu t we kn ow that, when

    he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is(I John 3:2). The

    Glorious Church is just like Jesus, I see her walking and I can't really separate her from the Master

    in love, in peace, in wisdom, in knowledge. She is the apple of God's eye, so special to Him. Those

    eyes that clouded with disappointment at the fall of the first man, the first woman, are now aglow

    with pride.

    With great anticipation God waits for the moment the Bride will come home to the heavenly Eden,rejoicing because Satan cannot deceive her: Satan brings his deceit, but the Bride yields to the Holy

    Spirit; and the Holy Spirit uncovers the devil to the Glorious Church at every turn, uncovers the

    evil of him. The Bride does not linger around the tree of forbidden fruit. Why should she? She is

    tuned in to heaven, the sweetness. Daily the Master is saying to her: Come and dine!

    The Glorious Church is on planet Earth today. Behold her no longer in types and shadows, no

    longer like a mist of the past. She is living reality. The world hates her, and heaven adores her.

    One of these days she will have finished her work, and her feet will leave the ground just like Jesus'

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    did. Translated, the Bride will be caught up to meet the Lord in the air.

    Get ready for God to move for you, for Him to help you. Pray this prayer with me now:Oh God, I

    want to be just like Jesus. I wa nt to speak like Him, to live like Him. I wa nt to walk in His steps,

    to follow Him all the way, pleasing Him daily. I delight in Him, and I want Him to delight in me.I will do His will. I will help bring in the harvest because He has willed me to do it. I will carry

    with me the tears of Calva ry, the tears of Calva ry. I will answer His call to come up higher. I will

    be ready. I will be ready.

    Because we have the tears of Calvary, His power will flow to us. Yes, the Glorious Church possesses

    the priceless gift, the tears of Calvary. Her glory in this the final walk is bringing in the harvest.

    You can be healed of any manner of sickness, any manner of disease because in the tears of Calvary

    is all the healing you need.

    With the tears of Calvary I come now for the unhealed. The Lord has healed many, manymultitudes by this simple act of faith: believing His promises of healing. W ith his stripes we a re

    healed (Isaiah 53:5). I am not your healer; Jesus is the healer. I am a believer that He heals. Get

    ready for your healing by the hand of God.

    Lord: I bring the sick and afflicted to you. Give sight to that blind one. Heal that little retarded

    child today. Heal that crippled one. Make that Daddy well so he can work and bring home a

    paycheck once more for his family. Oh Lord, heal all in need of healing today, whatever their

    need. Heal! in the name of Jesus. And from His gift of miracles, His gifts of healing it comes: the

    healing power flows, and miracles and healings take place. The Spirit of God floods lives untilthere is no room for doubt and fear. If you are believing, you are receiving from the Lord.Yea, saith

    the Lord: I am moving with my people with all my love, with all of my faith, with all of my

    strength. I say to my people: Take my courage. Take my Word. Carry it to the ends of the Earth

    and proclaim that your Lord cometh. Declare that I have sent you with my message and that I

    speak the truth of my Lord. Redemption draweth nigh. "You can come to Jesus now! Come to

    Jesus!" your message will be. Be not afraid to declare all of my message of salvation.

    Fear not to declare my baptism in the Holy Ghost. Fear not to declare my power over all demonic

    spirits and over all sicknesses and diseases. Be bold in my love. Be bold in my faith. Walk in my

    truth, and use all of my promises: they're yours to use. No power will defeat you. No power will

    defeat you. I am our refuge. I am your greatness. I am your strength. Behold the hands of your

    God working for you. Bring in the harvest. Bring in the harvest. Bring in the harvest before it

    goes to waste! saith the Lord to this His people.

    BEHOLD THE GLORIOUS CHURCH, All rights reserved. Copyright 1991 Ernest Angley.

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    its entirety.

    1999-2010. Ernest Angley Ministries. All Rights Reserved.

    d, the Glorious Church! - Ernest Angley Ministries