Page 1: BEFORE THE POSTAL RATE COMMISSION WASHINGTON DC … · Direct to New Hebron, Mississippi 39140. That didn’t work either. It is clear to me that the mail doesn’t care what color


WASHINGTON DC 20266-0001




Page 2: BEFORE THE POSTAL RATE COMMISSION WASHINGTON DC … · Direct to New Hebron, Mississippi 39140. That didn’t work either. It is clear to me that the mail doesn’t care what color























My name is Patsy Speights. I am appearing on behalf of the National

Newspaper Association, of which my newspaper is a member.

I am editor and general manager of the Prentiss Headlight, a weekly

newspaper located in Prentiss, Mississippi. The purpose of my testirnony is to

demonstrate to the Postal Rate Commission the hardships placed upion a small

newspaper when mail delivery fails. I will cite two illustrative examples and will also

provide some information about subscribers’ complaints.

Prentiss is in south central Mississippi, approximately 120 miles north of the

Gulf of Mexico and 60 miles south of Jackson, the Mississippi state c:apital.

The Headlight is. published on Wednesdays. The newspaper is the primary

source of local information for readers in a 30 square mile area. Most of my readers

are engaged in manufacturing .and industrial jobs.

The Headlight is owned by Prenfiss Publishers, Inc., a subsidiary of the Daily

Leader in Brookhaven, MS. The Jacobs family, who own and operate the Leader and

the Headlight, are active community leaders and vigorous defenders of the

importance of community journalism. I have placed a copy of a recent issue of the

newspaper on file as NNA Library Reference #3.

Besides me, the Headlight staff consists of one full-time person and six part-

time persons. My responsibilities cover the full gamut of activities needed to produce

a weekly newspaper for a small community. I write the news stories sell and

compose the ads, take pictures, paginate and pasteup copy, haul the pages to the

Page 3: BEFORE THE POSTAL RATE COMMISSION WASHINGTON DC … · Direct to New Hebron, Mississippi 39140. That didn’t work either. It is clear to me that the mail doesn’t care what color























printer, sort the mailed copies, bundle them, prepare mailbags and deliver the mail to

the post office. In addition, I manage our corporate finances, represent the Headlight

in our small town, supervise our small staff and provide an attentive ear to residents

who drop by to visit about local concerns.

Our total paid circulation as of Nov. 5, 1997, was 2,665, of which 1,102 are

entered at the Prentiss delivery office, ZIP Code 39474. Of that total, 312 pieces are

entered at the DDU level, 294 pieces at the all-others level and the rest are mailed

out of the trade area. The balance of our paid circulation is delivered by our own


Our newspaper performs a number of worksharing functions to comply with

regulations, save money and improve our delivery. We have a soffware package

that breaks out the ADC, 315 digit, basic, DDU and in-county levels and prints our

mailing statements (3541 R).

The weekly report from our software yields information in a format to ’

correspond to bag labels--which themselves create a new difficulty for us because it

often takes 4-6 weeks to receive new labels from USPS. In that case, I hand address

the label. This has been a problem at times when the postmaster was unsure of the

proper sorting for the most direct destination.

We have chronic and persistent problems in achieving consistent mail service

for our readers, particularly in mail destined for addresses outside our county. My

appearance before the Rate Commission is to demonstrate the lengfhs to which we

must go to see that our mail reaches our readers.

Page 4: BEFORE THE POSTAL RATE COMMISSION WASHINGTON DC … · Direct to New Hebron, Mississippi 39140. That didn’t work either. It is clear to me that the mail doesn’t care what color
























In a normal week, we deliver the newspaper mail to Prenfiss by 2 p.m. on

Wednesdays. We load the bundles ourselves onto flat carts, with the DDU copies on

one cart, the copies for Carson (MS) office 39427 on another cart and Bassfield (MS)

39421 on a third and the rest of the mail on yet another flat cat?. We (drop the mail on

a dock and push it ourselves info the appropriate rooms in the post office. A contract

driver picks up the carts destined for other offices and delivers them ‘to those offices.

Last year, at the height of the Christmas shopping season, we had a lesson in

how fallible the system is.

We dropped ourpapers on the dock as usual. The contract dlriver picked them


But he failed to drop at Bassfield or Carson.

The people in the Bassfield and C&son post offices know that my papers

should be in their offices by Thursday morning. But during this week, on December

I?, 1996, a Bassfield Post Office employee phoned to say my papecs did not arrive.

Shortly after that I got a similar call from Carson. I began to worry about my

Christmas edition. I knew the carts had been picked up from Prentiss, but where

were they?

Finally, the mystery was solved. The Bassfield employee called to say she had

seen the driver’s truck parked in back of her office and it appeared the driver had

simply neglected to unload them. My papers were still on the truck.

In order to get my papers delivered, I had to locate that truck myself. I got

permission to take the Bassfield postmaster to open the door of the ‘contract carrier’s

truck, which was parked outside the Bassfield office, so I could retrieve my own mail.

Page 5: BEFORE THE POSTAL RATE COMMISSION WASHINGTON DC … · Direct to New Hebron, Mississippi 39140. That didn’t work either. It is clear to me that the mail doesn’t care what color
























I found it all on the carrier’s truck and wound up dropping it all off myself at the

necessary stops along the usual routes. No one offered a rebate on my postage. And

my rural readers missed their paper for an additional day--at a very time of the

year. Needless to say, my advertisers were not very happy with me.

This unusual drop shipping exercise was a one-time occurrence, but service

problems in general are far from unusual.

One of our most important towns is New Hebron, Mississippi, 39140. I have 41

subscribers there. Most of them live within our county. They expect next-day delivery,

same as our other area-subscribers do. But New Hebron post office is in the next

county, so these subscriber copies are technically regular rate mail.

I used to drop my mail for’New Hebron at Prentiss just as I do the mail for

Bassfield and Carson. Bit after reclassification, delivery complaints began to soar,

The postmaster suggested we change from brown bags to green ones and we did, \.

but delivery did not improve. Then he suggested orange bags and w’s switched, but

delivery did not improve. Finally we were told to put our papers in a box with a green

lid. The postmaster hand-taped a message to the lid: Expedite. Do Not Open. Deliver

Direct to New Hebron, Mississippi 39140. That didn’t work either. It is clear to me that

the mail doesn’t care what color it travels in: the problem is where it has to go to get

to New Hebron.

Before reclassification, the New Hebron mail left Prentiss ancl went to

Hattiesburg about 40 miles away. After reclassification, the route changed from

Prentiss to Hattiesburg to Gulfport, down to New Orleans and then back again after it

is sorted in the New Orleans ADC. Those newspapers travel further in a week than I

Page 6: BEFORE THE POSTAL RATE COMMISSION WASHINGTON DC … · Direct to New Hebron, Mississippi 39140. That didn’t work either. It is clear to me that the mail doesn’t care what color
























do in some years. And the ironic thing is that New Hebron is only 16 miles from

Prentiss. In fact, I have subscribers less than five miles from my door who are served

by Rf. 1 New Hebron. They just happen to be served by a post office in another

county, so their newspapers have to go around Carter’s barn to get to them.

Eventually, the situation became intolerable. Now, every Wednesday I drive 16

miles to New Hebron and back again and I enter those copies through exceptional

dispatch directly at New Hebron. Because of the rural roads, it takes, about 45

minutes to get the mail delivered to the New Hebron post office and make it back to

my home 19 miles away. This is at the end of a long 12 hour day. But the Postal

Service offers no discount for this extra effort or cost under the present rules. My only

satisfaction is that~my New Hebron readers now receive their paper on time.

My specific problem with the Bassfield mail may have been an unusual one,

although delayed delivery is certainly not atypical. But the New Hebron situation is

one that I believe many small town publishers face. With the new rules for sacking

and packaging for Periodicals, our newspapers have traveled widely--but our service

has declined.

The final concern I would like to raise with the Commission is about my

various readers scattered around the country.

It may seem to some business people thaf~these out-of-town readers are not

very important. They don’t shop in our stores. They don’t attend civic events listed in

the paper. They may not visit my office with news very often. But they are important

to our mandate as a local newspaper. Sometimes they are senior citizens with

seasonal homes, or college students whom we certainly do wish to encourage as


Page 7: BEFORE THE POSTAL RATE COMMISSION WASHINGTON DC … · Direct to New Hebron, Mississippi 39140. That didn’t work either. It is clear to me that the mail doesn’t care what color
























future readers. Sometimes they are former residents, or people on temporary posts

who will return to Prenfiss. In every case, they are people who provide some small

revenue stream for our little paper by paying for an annual subscription at $26 a year.

When we lose them, we lose more than money. We lose loyalty and ;a part of our

franchise. And our out-of-town readers lose a service that helps them stay connected

to a place and to people who are important to them.

Delivery to these people has long been a problem for some reason. But the

complaints I’ve received in recent years clearly are on the increase. To test the depth

of the problem, I put a flyer into every mailed newspaper in June 4, 1997. I asked

subscribers to tell me when they received that edition. I am attaching their responses

to my testimony as my Exhibit 1.

Among the things I learned from my readers was that it actually took 14 days

for the Headlight to reach Kettering, Ohio, and nine days to get to Richmond, CA. I

learned I had 67 people who were owed an apology for poor service. I consider those

readers to be readers at risk. I am frustrated that I can do so little to satisfy these


My newspaper spends approximately $56,000 a year with USPS for delivery of

our newspaper and our weekly shopper. To the Postal Service’s $52 billion

enterprise, that isn’t much. But to our newspaper it is a lot. But if is wasted money if

the newspaper is not delivered on time. With our small market, every reader is an

important part of the business.

The amount of home delivery that we handle with our own ca!rriers came about

as a direct result of rising postal rates. At one time, virtually all of our 2,665 copies

Page 8: BEFORE THE POSTAL RATE COMMISSION WASHINGTON DC … · Direct to New Hebron, Mississippi 39140. That didn’t work either. It is clear to me that the mail doesn’t care what color
























would have been mail-delivered. But carrier delivery isn’t possible for us for copies

that are delivered just outside the in-town area. We must rely upon the Postal Service

as our circulation manager. And we certainly cannot hand-carry a copy to Kettering,

Ohio, although I sometimes wonder if we couldn’t get it there faster if we did.

The Postal Service has been an important business partner to us. Our

relafionship with our local postmaster is excellent and I feel the Postal Service as an

institution is a vital part of our American democracy. It does feel to me as if the Postal

Service has gotten too grand for us in recent years--so busy with its major accounts

and its new machines that it has forgotten our little newspapers. But our forebears

were the publishers who helped this system of universal delivery come into being and

I believe that universal delivery should remain the Postal Service’s primary concern.

I am willing to do my part to sort the mail and~prepare it according to all of the ‘.

rules, even as the rules have become increasingly complex. But when I am doing the

work for the post office, I believe I should be compensated for that work. I am paying

the Postal Service the same rate for my newspapers delivered to New Hebron as I

am for newspapers delivered to Haffiesburg, but to reach New Hebron I am buying

gas, depreciating my car and spending my own time. Those contributions are

significant to me and to my business. They should be recognized by the Postal


Therefore, I request that the Postal Rate Commission consider recommending

a discount for these short-haul newpapers that are entered through exceptional

dispatch. Furthermore, I hope the Commission will fake into account the difficulties

plaguing Periodicals mail delivery around the country when it deterrnines our rates.

Page 9: BEFORE THE POSTAL RATE COMMISSION WASHINGTON DC … · Direct to New Hebron, Mississippi 39140. That didn’t work either. It is clear to me that the mail doesn’t care what color

Even with the moderate increases proposed in this case, small newspaper publishers

are overpaying when they receive no value because angry subscribers drop the

paper. The value of this service has declined for us in recent years and I request that

the Commission acknowledge this problem in its recommendations to the USPS

Board of Governors. I request a moderation of our rates because of these problems.

I believe strong encouragement from the Commission will help the Postal Service

maintain its determination to address these problems and help us to satisfy our




Page 10: BEFORE THE POSTAL RATE COMMISSION WASHINGTON DC … · Direct to New Hebron, Mississippi 39140. That didn’t work either. It is clear to me that the mail doesn’t care what color


I, Patsy Speighfs, declare under penalty of perjury that the foretaoing testimony is true and correct, to the best of my knowledge, information and belief.


Page 11: BEFORE THE POSTAL RATE COMMISSION WASHINGTON DC … · Direct to New Hebron, Mississippi 39140. That didn’t work either. It is clear to me that the mail doesn’t care what color


I hereby certify that I have on this day served the foregoing document upon all participants of record in this proceeding in accordance with Section 12 of the Commission’s Rules of Practice.

National Newspaper Association Suite 550 1525 Wilson Boulevard Arlington, VA 22209

Dated: P-3,-77-

Page 12: BEFORE THE POSTAL RATE COMMISSION WASHINGTON DC … · Direct to New Hebron, Mississippi 39140. That didn’t work either. It is clear to me that the mail doesn’t care what color




Prentiss Headlight, Prentiss MS Subscriber Complaints

Pages l-24

Page 13: BEFORE THE POSTAL RATE COMMISSION WASHINGTON DC … · Direct to New Hebron, Mississippi 39140. That didn’t work either. It is clear to me that the mail doesn’t care what color

When, are

YOU, receiving~ your Pfentiss


Page 1

Page 14: BEFORE THE POSTAL RATE COMMISSION WASHINGTON DC … · Direct to New Hebron, Mississippi 39140. That didn’t work either. It is clear to me that the mail doesn’t care what color

n ‘HOW many days usually pass between the receive the edltlon? 0,vo & &.,o tip,> -$

Name: ad h-4/

Add,‘.ss: it,3’j CRJSS

my: rndcs

Please return thls poll to:

OR pax to (60,)

our malt subs&&s sometimes tell us tryt”g to find a sofutlo” to the problem so you or the results and discuss them with the

, 0” what date dld this edition (June 4) arrlV’Z?

__~. --

our mall sobscribers som&& ielc& of poor ‘vr erratic’delivery of their newspaper. We are twl”g to find 8 solution to the problem so you get your’Pr~~tl~s Headligh!:e?~f!,rne~ W+l gath-, vill gath-

B, the results and discuss the”, with the Postal Set-k.. ~“..,. olI!~,,,.~i *Pi. ~,. ,I..

Page 2

Page 15: BEFORE THE POSTAL RATE COMMISSION WASHINGTON DC … · Direct to New Hebron, Mississippi 39140. That didn’t work either. It is clear to me that the mail doesn’t care what color

Our msil subscribers sometimes tell Us Of poor F’~vpV$!~ d trying to ““d s soluu~n to the problem so YOU ge er the rwdte and discuss them with the Postal S~[~;~~~;

‘~ ?’ lr 0” Whst date dld thls edltion (June 4) arrive7 ‘;

. “ow many bsys usually pass between the ~“~ll~etlo” ds

receive the edltlo”? g-,2 .i,~ ,~

p,ease return this poll to: The Pre”tk PO. BOX 12,

~, ,:/ Our mall subscribers sometimes tell ue of poor or erratic delivery of their newspaper. \Ne are, ttylng to find s solution to the problem so you g$Vour pre?tiss Headlight.on time,.,.We’w!!l,gath- er the results end discuss them with the Postal SewIce: L ,,.~~.~,_.‘.,j.,i.,. ~~~~,.i~ ;, ; .~

~, .~~ ,,b . . On what date dld this ;dltlon (June 4) arrive?

0~;; :: , ,;J ,,~,:~“,; ~: ~’

., ation date and~the date’you~

Please return this poll to: The Prentiss Headlight P.O. Box 1257 -

.~~ ~----.. -- ,_” =-. ,““, r, er the results s”d disks them With the postal s&,ice.

Page 16: BEFORE THE POSTAL RATE COMMISSION WASHINGTON DC … · Direct to New Hebron, Mississippi 39140. That didn’t work either. It is clear to me that the mail doesn’t care what color

p,eaBe ,eturn th,s po,, to: The PrentlSS Head11 p.0. BOX ,257. Pre

Please return this Poll to: The Prentlss Headlight IP

tell “5 of poor or eqlc delivery of their newspaper.‘~~ are. ” .e p;oblem so you get your ,?entl?s

the,,, with the Postal se?+ ‘, Headlight~on t,ke. ,we ‘!jl!,g:t!‘- i ,,,:

d ‘: ~,I” .“” ‘:’ :’ .“.“:’

A On what date did this editlon (June 4) aVfVe? R/I / /J 7 .,


. HOW “,a”~ &,ys “s

receive the edition?

Name: c 12ovF?

Page 4

Page 17: BEFORE THE POSTAL RATE COMMISSION WASHINGTON DC … · Direct to New Hebron, Mississippi 39140. That didn’t work either. It is clear to me that the mail doesn’t care what color

our msll subscribers sometimes tell US of poor or erratic delivery of their newSpSp*r. W* er* trying to fjnd 6 solution to the problem er the rssuffs sod dkuss them with the

..qn what date did this editlon (June 4) arrive? ,.

please ret”,,, t,,,s p,,,, to: The Pr p..J. ,267. pre

trylog to fl@ S solution to the problem so you get yOUrpr*ntf*S Hepdl!@t *?:!!?*. y@” gath;~ *, the rssul~s and djscy them with the postaj seWlCf. \ .: :: ‘I ??f :“‘~’ :,,,

‘1 ~’

m on ,-,hst date did this edition (June 4) arrive? -1 -7 7 --

0’3 Fax to (601) 79

. . ~___..~_~~~~ our msff subscribers sometimes tell us of poor or katic dellvery’of,their n?VSp?!. WCS!? .?‘Z.:.;;, tryfog to ffnd s sofotlon to the problem so you get your PrentlSS H,eSd!lght On !fW. w! !/ll get!‘. ‘T,:; er the rssulls and discuss them with the Postal SeWiCe. ‘;,~~‘~:~‘~\;

~~ ,~ m On what dste did this edition (June 4) arrive7 Jme -, ,,..


: p,e,,se ‘et”,” ,h,s p,,,, to: The

Page 5

Page 18: BEFORE THE POSTAL RATE COMMISSION WASHINGTON DC … · Direct to New Hebron, Mississippi 39140. That didn’t work either. It is clear to me that the mail doesn’t care what color

-.I L


-‘Our me,, subscribers sometimeS tell us of poor,or,errkic dellvq of their newspaper. We are bylog to find 8 sofutlon to the problem so you gel your,Prent!s: Headligh~,,on ~~m~,N~:wi!t gath- ~# er the results snd dlscus~ them with the Postal SeyF’ ,,:~;, ,, ~‘, i, .“I~ ,, ,~

n On what dete did this edition (June 4) arrh?

recslve the~edltlon?

Please return thls poll to:

trying to find a solution to the problem so you get, y?ur;Prentles,He?dlfgh!.oT tl$Y:~~* will gath-;:,, ertbs results end dlscuss them with the Postal SeWiCe:

-,j: :~-“,a”~, ,,, I ,f~ ,. ~, ., ,,

. On whet date dld thls edition (June 4) errive?,

. HOW many days ”

Page 6

Page 19: BEFORE THE POSTAL RATE COMMISSION WASHINGTON DC … · Direct to New Hebron, Mississippi 39140. That didn’t work either. It is clear to me that the mail doesn’t care what color

,Our meit subscribers sometimes tell us of poor or erratic delivery of their newspaper. We”are trylog to find s solution to the problem so you get your Prentlss Headllght ?i+rn,~.@ ~111 oath- er’the resufts and discuss them with the Postal SetVICe.

m On whet date did this editlon (June 4) BrriYe?.

Please return this poll to: The Prentlss Head11 - ____ _~~

,~,’ - /7

our mslf subscrfbsrs sometimes tell us of poor trying to fhd s sofutlon to the problem so you sr tf,e results sod dlscuss them with the Postal

m Do what date dld thls edition (June 4) arrive? ’ 4 I, ‘i ~., ~, ,I~ ,,

. How many days usually pass between t

reizelve theedltlon? < @ /G’ u*n We and the d=t* YOU

Name: u /

Address: _ //


Plesss retum tbls polf to:

OR Fax to (601) 792&z


n How many days usually pass betw

receive the edltlon? %d

Please return this poll to: The Prentlss Head1 p.0. Box 1257 a Pr

Page 7

Page 20: BEFORE THE POSTAL RATE COMMISSION WASHINGTON DC … · Direct to New Hebron, Mississippi 39140. That didn’t work either. It is clear to me that the mail doesn’t care what color

Our mail subscribers sometimes tell us of poor or erratio delivery of their newspaper. We are, trying to find s solution to the problem so you get your Prentlss Headlight on time.~We will !?tk eMhe results sod dlscuss them with the Postal S$r~~,c+;;,;~~;, ,‘: ;,. ,:I ;;;.: :~~~~~~~;~~,~,;~~~~,ll:‘::~-;i-:~~-,”;~”:”.:

,:, ,:. _ n .On what date did thls editlon (June 4) arrive?

n HOW many days usually pass between the publication date and the date you: ,.I: ‘,,~ ,~. :, ‘. receive the edltion? .4 k/p E K ,,, ., : ,. .~ _ .j

Our mall subscrlbers sometlmes tell us of poor or erratic’delivery~of their newspsper.yle are, :~ trying to find s solution tp the problem so you get your Prentlss Headlight on ~lm~~~~e~wil II Qath- er the results and dlscuss them with the Postal Se~l.ce. ~1~ .,-, : ‘.: ;~ ‘;;,‘:

- i’ .‘.:~ 1’~“. ~‘,.

n Cm what date dld thls edition (June 4) arrive? %L/ k,L-uU. /oi’,y

n HOW many bays usually ass betwee !the publicklon’daie &the d+ yii~::j~~

-- 7 / .4 .“/ 6I __’ ,‘,,, ,“;L

receive the edition?

a On whet date dld thls edition (June 4) srrlVe? ,, .“,. >~~

,,,“,,~ i,~ ,,;, n How many days usuall pas

Pfssss return this poll to:

Page 8

Page 21: BEFORE THE POSTAL RATE COMMISSION WASHINGTON DC … · Direct to New Hebron, Mississippi 39140. That didn’t work either. It is clear to me that the mail doesn’t care what color

Our mall subscribers somellmes tell us of poor or erratic~delivery of their newspaper. ye ale bylng to ftnd a solution to the problem so you gel your Prentiss Headllght 0” tlme.,We will g+th- &the results and discuss them with the Postal Se

m On what date dld thls editlon (June 4) arrive?

. HOW many days us” racelve the edItIon?,,


/\ddrsss:, a o +

pleass retur” thls poll

‘ On what date did thls edition (June 4) arrive?,

, How many days usually recelvs the edltlon?

Page 9

Page 22: BEFORE THE POSTAL RATE COMMISSION WASHINGTON DC … · Direct to New Hebron, Mississippi 39140. That didn’t work either. It is clear to me that the mail doesn’t care what color

Our msll subscrlbers sometimes tell us of poor ?r +tic c@livery of thqlr newsp?per. we ale tP/lng to tlnd s solution to the problem so you get$?+Prentlss Headlight 0” tl~e’.,~~:;$~ ?a!“,” ’ er the rssufts and dfscuss’thsm wfth the postal ~srvlce::;- :_:, .,~ .,,, _~;,,~ ~‘,.,, ~;j~,’ k~<~~::;~~?~~ ,,:,,T,i ~,.,a; .,_.~ ~A

I ., ,~,, ,,‘, n On what dsts did thls edltlon (June 4) arrive? L-7


Our mail subscribers sqmetlmes tell us of poor or err~tic’d&&y trying to find s solution to the problem so you get~~our’Prehtl& H sr the results snd discuss them wlth the Postal Ser$ice:

_~.:-,‘;‘i;:, ~‘,, 1. ,‘I,, bf~t@lr ,neivspapt!r::.We’~re ‘:’ eadllght on time: We^ivill’gath-

,, ‘)~, Our mall subscrlbers sometimes tell us of poor or e&c $slive~ry~of the!, ?swspap~r. we are:’ trying to tlnd s sotutlon to the problem so you g&t ywr’Prentiss Headlight ?n tl,ye. We will,gath- er the re+s and discuss them with the Postal S~~lce~

, On Whst date did thls editlon (June 4) arrive? ~: -,9; ‘, (:, ::, :,,;:#<,,:;,;:f,

,, .,, ,,.,.,

recelvs the edition?

Name: &d &J Q/?Bt'G

Page 10

Page 23: BEFORE THE POSTAL RATE COMMISSION WASHINGTON DC … · Direct to New Hebron, Mississippi 39140. That didn’t work either. It is clear to me that the mail doesn’t care what color

Our me11 subscrlbem so~e*lmes tell US of poor or erratic delivery of their newSpSper. \nl= Sre tlylng to fled S sotutlon to the problem so you gel your pr&* Headlight o;~tfm*: we~~kttl g”” er the ,esults sod discuss them wlth the POStSt S=WiCS., ,., ‘~ .“:; ;; ~~,~-

,On ,,.bst dete did this edition (June 4) Srrtve?’ ‘% 7 ?7 -

, H,,,” ,“a,,~ days “s”al,y

receive the edition?

Name: ,

Addreps: 26 3 Ta

plesse ret,,“, this p

your -


our mall SubscrIbers sometlmes tell us of poor Or.WStlC trylog to nod S solution to the problem So you gel er the resultS end discuss them with the Postal se

n On what date did this edftlon (June 4) arrtVe7 ~,

Page 11

Page 24: BEFORE THE POSTAL RATE COMMISSION WASHINGTON DC … · Direct to New Hebron, Mississippi 39140. That didn’t work either. It is clear to me that the mail doesn’t care what color

our msll s”bScr)bers Sometimes tell us of poor or erratic delivery Of their neWSPSper. we i*w tying to fled S so~“tlo~ to the problem so you get your PrentlSS Headllg?, on tin% We Will wth- Sr the results and discuss them with the Posts, Ser$?: ‘; I

(,. . On whst date did this edition (June 4) Srri”e’l

. How many days Us recelvs the edltlon?

Na,“e: &k&i! 0.

. On WhSt date dld this edition (J”n* 4, arr’ve?

, How many days usually p,qss between the p”blicStl*” date and the y ‘*”

,ecelve the edition? * EJ E \A/r ’ ’ . -

Name: M, 12. .! ukn/

Address: 9819 FQ”‘~

City: J-jjJcMR

p,ease ~tBIum thls po,l to:

0~ Fax to (601) 792-4222 :

~c .------------- -

O”r ,“ell s”bscr~berS somettmes te,~ “S of poor,or erratic delivery of their n*WWP*r. %+,Sr* ~’ t,,,lng to fb,d S So~uflon to the problem So you get your Prentlss,H*Sd,kN o”,,tlm?.,,~c w’tt gath- er the tes”t,s Sod d,sc”sS them with the pO*tS~ %vlW

,, ~,.

I on whet date did this edition (June 4) arrive’) ‘$- 4-77

, HOW ma,,y dsys usoally pass ~~WII the ~“bllcS+ .$a,* and ,he date you’ : ,‘,~~

.,,., receive the editlo”?

Page 12

Page 25: BEFORE THE POSTAL RATE COMMISSION WASHINGTON DC … · Direct to New Hebron, Mississippi 39140. That didn’t work either. It is clear to me that the mail doesn’t care what color

YOU ‘,: rkeiving

Our melt subscribers sometimes tell us of poor or erratic delivery of their newsp?pk We’are.” ‘_‘: :: trying to tlnd a sot+lon to the problem so you ge er the results end diqcuss them with the Postal 5

. On what date did this editlon (June 4) arrive?

Page 13

Page 26: BEFORE THE POSTAL RATE COMMISSION WASHINGTON DC … · Direct to New Hebron, Mississippi 39140. That didn’t work either. It is clear to me that the mail doesn’t care what color

__....___________......---- .._.___._...... _ . . ., _ . ,& ___...___________._.......... ----- ‘-,~ - .L--,- - ~,--.. .___ _

our mall subscribers **metlmes tell us o! poor’or erratic delivery o! t,-yfog to fbjd a sotutlon to the problem so you get er ths results and dlscuss them wlth the Postal Se

m 0” what date did this edition (June 4) &rlVe?

. tqow “any days osoalty pass between the publlcatlDn~d?te,and th~,d,~~‘9*~ ,:

receive the edltlon? -3 ,’ ~‘~ “: :~ “~,’ .“:

please ,et,,,o this potl to:

P,esss return ,hls poll to: The prentlss Hea

Page 14

Page 27: BEFORE THE POSTAL RATE COMMISSION WASHINGTON DC … · Direct to New Hebron, Mississippi 39140. That didn’t work either. It is clear to me that the mail doesn’t care what color

o”r ma,, subscribers s~metlmes tell us of poor or erralic delivery of their newspaper. We a,re ,,y,ng ‘0 ,,n,l a sc#,“t,o” to the problem so you er the results and dlsc”ss them with the PO+

. On what date did this edition (June 4) arrive?

m HOW many days “s”a,,y pas,= between the~ubllcatlon date and the: dat::you, __‘~ ,,~’ : : ,, receive the edltlon? 372 4 2 ,, : ::,.;,::‘,,,: or: ,~ ~~,.~ pi ,,,~,.,,. ,,:

Our mall subscribers sometlmes tell us of poor or erratic de)b’$ry’of their newspaper. We are trying to find a solution to the problem so you get your Prent/ss Headlight on tl,me.~W~~,$l gath- er the results and discuss them with the Postal S&?J.

. On what date did this edition (June 4) arrive?


. On ,.&at date did this edltion (June 4) arrive?


~. . How many days “s”d,y he p”b”=*o” da’@ a”djhe receive the edition? 2i-


Page 15

Page 28: BEFORE THE POSTAL RATE COMMISSION WASHINGTON DC … · Direct to New Hebron, Mississippi 39140. That didn’t work either. It is clear to me that the mail doesn’t care what color

tryl”g to find a solullon to the problems* you getyour Pre-“-- u^-*“^h’ ,: ,i, ~, er the results and discuss them with the POStai +“lcy

. f,n ,.,bat date did this edidon (June 4) arrive? ,$‘k I,-% &A. 0%~ &, ‘+” 6 :

. “0~ m,,ny daya “suai,y pass between the pub’icat’on da andjhl

receive the edltioIl? M AJ-3 4 -- -I~ -* . .


Please ret”m this pot, to: P.O. Box 1257 ’

Page 16

Page 29: BEFORE THE POSTAL RATE COMMISSION WASHINGTON DC … · Direct to New Hebron, Mississippi 39140. That didn’t work either. It is clear to me that the mail doesn’t care what color

Our melt subscribers sometimes tell us of poor or erratic d&wy of their newspaper. ‘We are

n On what date dld this edition (June 4) arrive?

receive the adltlon?

.’ Our mall su&ribera sometimee tell us of pooror.erratic delii&$f th.&n&&per. ‘We are’ :‘~~~ i’ bying to flnd e solution to the problem so y-au get’your Prentiss Headlig~t’~~;t~m~~~:will~g~th- i er tt$fesultq and discuss them with the Postal Sewl!x% ,“, .~., .

Page 17

Page 30: BEFORE THE POSTAL RATE COMMISSION WASHINGTON DC … · Direct to New Hebron, Mississippi 39140. That didn’t work either. It is clear to me that the mail doesn’t care what color

our “el, e”bsCr,bers s0metimes tell US of poor or.erratic delivery of their newspaper. W* are tv,eg to f,“d e soi”tion to the problem so you get your ?!r~ntlss Headlight On tiW..We ‘Vlll, g*th-, er the results and discuss them with the Postal ser$“:z’-i’L,, ,; :

,:;, ~,,:~~ ,.,, ,~‘:-:~y”‘:‘. .y; ;;,, ~, ~~ :, Ir.~;.:i ,.

m On whet date did this edition (June 4) arrive? : ‘c ::,.

. HQW “any days "s"a,,y

receive the edltion?

our “eii e”beCribers SOmetimee te,i US of poor or erratic delivery of their newspaper: We ere tryjng b find (I solution to the problem so you get your Prentlss ,,, ‘he res”,‘e and dlscuss them with the Post*, SeW,C*.

. On what date did this editlOn (June 4) err’ve?

, How many dsys usually pass be the p”blication d&e and the de@$you~

Page 18

Page 31: BEFORE THE POSTAL RATE COMMISSION WASHINGTON DC … · Direct to New Hebron, Mississippi 39140. That didn’t work either. It is clear to me that the mail doesn’t care what color

Our mail subscribers sometimes tell us of poor or erratic~delivery of their newspaper. We are trying to find a solution to the problem so you get your Prentiss Headlight oiytime. We will gath- et the resutts and discuss the,” with the Postal S$;i$c~::~ ~, ,~ :“:: ;?*%:;:‘~I:~, ~,, ~qql’:, :.,. i ~: ‘, ,:

. On what date did this edition (June 4) arrive? I


receh’e the edltlon?



Our mall subscribers sometimes tell us of poor or erratlc,d~livery of their y+&~apk We are trying to fln,d a solution to the problem so you get your Prentiss ~eadllg&on,Qme. JV$?rill g?th-

. On what date did this editlon (June 4) arrive? n- -7


, How many days us”= receive the edItIon


Page 19

Page 32: BEFORE THE POSTAL RATE COMMISSION WASHINGTON DC … · Direct to New Hebron, Mississippi 39140. That didn’t work either. It is clear to me that the mail doesn’t care what color

n On what date dld thls ed

. Ho,., many days usually

receive the edItIon

please ret”,,, t,,,s +,ll to:

~~~ .-__ Our mall subscrlbers sometimes tell us of poor or erratic delivery of:their newspaper. We are trying to find a solution to the problem so you get,your Prentlss Headlight on time. We will gath- er the results and discuss them with the Postal Sefylce.,. _.’

. On what date did this edition (June 4) arrive?,

page 20

Page 33: BEFORE THE POSTAL RATE COMMISSION WASHINGTON DC … · Direct to New Hebron, Mississippi 39140. That didn’t work either. It is clear to me that the mail doesn’t care what color

Our mat1 SubscrtberS Somanes tell US of poor or erratic delivery of their newspaper. We Sre twlng to find e Sotwan to the problem so you get your Prentks Heedllght on tlme.‘We will geth- &the result$ and discuss t

please ret”,” t,,ls poll to: The P,



Our mall subScriber sometimes tell us of’poor’or erratic delivery of their newspapel: We are ‘: trying to finkI e solution to the problem So you get your er the results and discuss them with the Postal E+?vlce.

Pren~l~S He+~“:oI) tlrne.VVe~will,gath~;;;

n On whet date did thls edition (June 4) arrive7

he publication date and tlqe~date YOU’

plea+* return this Doll h.

Page 21

Page 34: BEFORE THE POSTAL RATE COMMISSION WASHINGTON DC … · Direct to New Hebron, Mississippi 39140. That didn’t work either. It is clear to me that the mail doesn’t care what color

t,,,,ng ,o find a solution to the problem *o YOU er the ,esutts end discuss them wlth the postal S*wl’?,

n On what date dld this edltlon (Ju

i ,.,,,“, ",a"~ days “8”

receive the edition7

Neme:,h, %k! /^J:

cKy: If-fi /z&V%-.

Please retum is poft to: The prentiss Headli p.0. Sax ,257. pre

I How many days “,“a,ly poss bohvcen the

receive the edlt

Name: -.-a--...

Pleare return thls poll to: P.O. BOX 1257 l F

OR Fax to (6011


Page 22

Page 35: BEFORE THE POSTAL RATE COMMISSION WASHINGTON DC … · Direct to New Hebron, Mississippi 39140. That didn’t work either. It is clear to me that the mail doesn’t care what color

Our ma11 subscr~bem sometlm.SS tell US Of poor Or erratic delivery of tn*lr ilrwTrr-.~ trying to Rod S sotutton to the problem So YOU get.your PrentisS H*Sdllght ‘3 t!?..)$ Wil! e?h- er’the resultS end dIpcuSS them with the Postal

‘ On what date dld this

t,.y,ng to find S sotot,on fo the problem er the reSufts end dlScuSS them with the

m 0” what date did this edition (June 4) arrive7 .,,,_ ‘.:

. How many days “*“= n dateandthedateyou, ~‘~~~““~“‘;‘~? “:---::,;

receive the edition?

our mall SubscrIbers sometbnes tell us of poCNor,erratlo delivery of their newspaper. We Sre trying to flnd S solution to the problem so you get’your Prentlss Head~!g~t on t@?. j’$ v$gath- er the results and discuss them with the Postal Seyl~.

m On whet date did this edition (June 4) arrive? ‘!D - - - 97 ,i ~, ,.

‘Y.:- ^ ,.-::;:. .,

receive the edition7

Please return this poll to: The Prentise Heedll p.0. Box 1257 B Pre

Page 23

Page 36: BEFORE THE POSTAL RATE COMMISSION WASHINGTON DC … · Direct to New Hebron, Mississippi 39140. That didn’t work either. It is clear to me that the mail doesn’t care what color

n on what date did this edition (June 4) a&e7 ,&,L&‘&- de


~,~.---~~ ,... ~.~ ~- ,~.. .-.--~.- 7~ mall subscribers eometlmes tell us of poor or erWlc delivery of their newspaper: We are ” ~’

tlylng to find a solution to the problem so you get’ydtir PrentlSs HeadUght On t@., y,w!ii gath; ~, er the results end discuss them with the Postal SeI’ViCe.

n On what date did this edition (June 4) arriVe7

piease ret,,m this po,, to:

OR Fax to (601) 792-4222


- &~~~~~ubscr~bers *mvdnes tell US of Poor or erratic dellverl of their n*wep;lp*r. W* am t,y,ng to find e soiution to the problem SO you get your Prentlss Headlight on t,m*. we,w,ii yth- er the results and d,scuss them with the Postal SeWice.

. On what date did this edition (June 4) =rr,“*7 b-h- 97 :;: ~..

m How many days osue,ly pass between the publication date and: the date YOU

receive the edition? &!&UT fl/w$l~ .i(L5ruG p*y .’

~. ~:; ~~~~~, Name: Y?h.+. &u: ‘: .;. ,“-: ;~<:q ,(

Address: &I Ai+4 J+d 4 --

Piease return this po,i to:

OR Fex to (601) 7924222

Page 24