Page 1: Beefmaster Nuusbrief Junie 2010 1 · driving. We had a meeting with Paul, Manny, Tony, Gideon, Johnny, and André at the Manjoh Ranch offices where we helped the Beefmaster Alliance

Beefmaster Nuusbrief Junie 2010 1

Page 2: Beefmaster Nuusbrief Junie 2010 1 · driving. We had a meeting with Paul, Manny, Tony, Gideon, Johnny, and André at the Manjoh Ranch offices where we helped the Beefmaster Alliance

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Page 3: Beefmaster Nuusbrief Junie 2010 1 · driving. We had a meeting with Paul, Manny, Tony, Gideon, Johnny, and André at the Manjoh Ranch offices where we helped the Beefmaster Alliance

Beefmaster Beestelersgenootskap van SA/Beefmaster Cattle Breeders’ Society of SAPosbus/PO Box 1977 • Parys 9585Hoek van Buiten & Waterstraat • Parys 9585Tel: 086 111 3144 • [email protected]

Menings wat in die Nuusbrief uitgespreek word, is nie noodwendig die sienswyse van die Beefmaster Telersgenoootskap nie. Die Genootskap aanvaar nie verantwoordelikheid vir enige aansprake wat in advertensies gemaak word nie.

Opinions expressed in the Newsletter, are not necessarily the view of the Beefmaster Breeders' Society. The Society does not accept any of the claims made in advertisements.

© Kopiereg Beefmaster Genootskap

Alle regte voorbehou. Geen gedeelte van hierdie publikasie mag sonder skriftelike verlof van die outeursreghouer gereproduseer of in enige vorm of langs enige elektroniese of meganiese weg weergegee word nie, hetsy deur fotokopiëring, plaat- of bandopname, mikroverfilming of enige ander stelsel van inligtings-berging.

© Copyright Beefmaster Society

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, including electronic, mechanical, photographic, magnetic or other means, without prior permission of the copyright holder.

Produksie van Joernaal:Charmainé Alberts Ontwerp & BemarkingsdiensteTel/Fax: 051 821 1783 • Fax: 086 580 9189E-pos: [email protected] Posbus 328 • Brandfort 9400Ontwerp deur: Caria Vermaak & Arleen Wiese












4 x4 IFC

Fouché Beefmasters 6

Petana & Oktavia 9

Four Lakes 10

Trigon Beefmastergroep 10

Nasionale Veiling 13

Nic Trailers 14

Bos Blanco Beefmasters 16

Louca Beefmasters 19

Ottershaw Beefmasters 24

Westminster Estate Beefmasters 25

Beefmaster Alliance 27

Veldbulklub 28

Quardsen 31

Jumbo Beefmasters 37

WO Beefmasters 37

Sandspruit Beefmasters 38 & 39

Pretorius Stoet Boerdery 41

André Kock & Seuns BK 42

Boschveld Beefmasters 45

Elmic Beefmasters 47

Noordwes Beefmasters 48

Tri-Masters 51

Human Beefmaster IBC & OBC

Voorwoord 4South Africa: The land of greatcattle and greater people 5Beefmaster Raad|Council 12Wonderheuwel Groendag 15Vryburgskou 15Profiel: Bos Blanco 17Vrystaat nuus 20SA Beefmaster cattle impress USA experts 26Junie 2010 Veldbul nuus 29Profile: Peter Muir 30Beefmaster STATS 32Aldam Vleisbeesskool 34Wetenskaplike geformuleerde winterlekketot voordeel van die boer 35Farmer’s Weekly Koei 36Biltongfees 36Profiel: Ivukile Beefmasters 40Sistematiese visuele evaluasie van ‘n dier 43Nampo 2010 44Profiel: Agen Landgoed 46Noordwes Beefmaster doen dit weer 49East Cape Club 50Profile: Ken Brown 51Ledelys|Memberslist 52

Page 4: Beefmaster Nuusbrief Junie 2010 1 · driving. We had a meeting with Paul, Manny, Tony, Gideon, Johnny, and André at the Manjoh Ranch offices where we helped the Beefmaster Alliance

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In Genesis 47.2 lees ons “Josef het vyf van sy broers saam gevat en hulle aan Farao voorgestel hy het hulle gevra; wat is julle nering. Hulle antwoord: Ons is kleinveeboere, ons en ons voorvaders.

Abel was al ‘n veeboer, Abraham, Isak en Jakob was ook veeboere.

Koning Dawid was ‘n skaapwagter van beroep.

Veeboere was deur die eeue heen nog altyd daar, en is nie ‘n beroep wat in die toekoms sommer sal verdwyn nie. Watter beter beroep kan daar wees as juis ‘n veeboer wie se toekoms gewaarborg is.

Vleisbeeste is ‘n baie goeie belegging wat wins, sowel as kapitaalgroei verseker.

Die beesboer moet toesien dat teelmateriaal verbeter, en dat hy ‘n goeie produk teen ‘n wins kan lewer.

Die Beefmastertelersgenootskap se doel is juis, om te verseker dat telers diere teel wat vir die boer meer geld in die sak bring, teen laer kostes.

Die verwerking van prestasietoetsing deur die LNR en re-kordhouding wat deur SA Stamboek vir ons gedoen word, dien as hulpmiddels vir die seleksie van die mees produk-tiewe diere om te gebruik vir optimale wins.

Op die Beefmasterveilings word die produk van jare se tel-ing en rekordhouding aangebied.

Koop beeste wat kan produseer en geld maak.

Geniet ook om met hul te boer, dit is lekker, soos wat ek dit geniet as my kleinkinders saam met oupa na die beeste kyk en “boer”.

Vir ‘n uiters suksesvolle toer baie dankie aan die Noordwes klub en telers.

Ons is baie trots op ons 2010 Beefmaster Joernaal.

Onthou die Beefmaster Algemene Jaarvergadering en Beefmaster Nasionale Veiling 13 & 14 Julie 2010 te Parys.

Laastens aan al die telers wat regmaak vir hul produksieveilings, sterkte en mag 2010 ‘n rekord-jaar vir elkeen wees!

Page 5: Beefmaster Nuusbrief Junie 2010 1 · driving. We had a meeting with Paul, Manny, Tony, Gideon, Johnny, and André at the Manjoh Ranch offices where we helped the Beefmaster Alliance

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We then traveled with Tony (he is quite a good driver and tour guide) to the Northwest region of South Africa to the Bosbok Park Holiday Resort where we stayed for three nights. This was the hub for the Beefmaster Cattle Breeders’ Society of South African Cattle Tour. We were met by Tour Coordinator Hans Coetzee from Excel Beefmasters for dinner and drinks at the Cowboy Bar (appropriate for a couple Texas Cowmen). Bosbok was really not the resort we had in mind.

Gary complained that it was infested with Lions as I must have swallowed one early in the night and didn’t spit it out until 5:00 a.m. (Gary suggested that I snored quite loud through the night). Needless to say Gary didn’t sleep much the fi rst night at Bosbok. I thought I slept pretty well as I was still pretty exhausted from the long fl ight.

We started the next day with a hardy breakfast before loading a bus for the day’s ranch tours.

We made stops at Stonefi elds Beefmaster owned by Carel and Sharlene Snyman, Excel Beefmaster owned by Hans Coetzee, Hybrid Beefmaster owned by Pieter van Deventer, Prohen Beefmaster owned by Johan and Annalene Venter, Kilian Beefmaster owned by Marlize and Heinrich Kilian, Rosmaster Poenskop Beefmaster owned by Pieter Rossouw and Oktavia Beefmaster owned by Jan and Tilda Schoeman. We were treated with great hospitality, great food and really good cattle everywhere we stopped. I was really surprised at the extreme docility and overall great quality of the cattle presented to the group. I commend each of the breeders for adhering to the Six Essentials for the goodness of the cattle. We could learn a few lessons from you in the United States. We concluded the evening with a great meal at Bosbok’s and retreated to our rooms for a good nights rest.

Paul Yiannakus, Manny da Costa, Johnny da Costa, Tony da Costa, Andre da Costa and Gideon Brits are owners of the Beefmaster Alliance, LLC group. The fi rst day after our arrival was spent going through really good cattle at the Beefmaster Alliance Manjoh Ranch in Nigel, South Africa. Tony da Costa and Gideon Brits met us at the Manjoh Ranches 20,000 plus head feedyard where Gary, Tony, Gideon, and I proceeded to evaluate groups of Beefmaster yearling sale bulls, mature sale bulls, open heifers, bred heifers, early maturing Taurus cows, late maturing Taurus cows, early maturing Indicus cows and late maturing Indicus cows. We saw several really good Frenzel 313 sired calves and a few good Lasater 4248 sired calves. There was an abundance of green grass at the ranch going into winter.

South AfricaGary Frenzel and Tommy Perkins

boarded the plane in Atlanta,

Georgia for our 17 hour fl ight

to Johannesburg, South Africa on

April 18, 2010. We were guests of the

Beefmaster Alliance, LLC group and the

Beefmaster Cattle Breeders’ Society of

South Africa. It was a terribly long fl ight

but it was comforting to know that beef

is in a good place with the airlines. They

served an option of beef or chicken

– beef was the fi rst to go. That is good

news for the beef industry but not such

good news for Gary or me. We were at

the back of the plane (thanks to Gary’s

good planning) and all of the beef had

been selected ahead of us so we had

to settle with eating chicken.

The land of great cattle and greater people

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Manny da Costa shuttled us back to Nigel after giving us a great tour through a wildlife game reserve. We were up close and personal with giraffe, springbok, wildebeest, zebra, and even lions. Granted we didn’t roll the window down to far, near the lion but we were within one meter of touching them. Manny proved to be a very good tour guide (even through the rain and cold) but his driving would rival the best NASCAR driver in America. Not only does he drive fast (180 Kilometers per hour at times) but also quite defensively. Manny doesn’t leave home without his Garmin and he carries on quite the conversation with her as he is driving.

We had a meeting with Paul, Manny, Tony, Gideon, Johnny, and André at the Manjoh Ranch offices where we helped the Beefmaster Alliance group complete their new promotional brochure. Gary really got into the project and offered a lot of advice to them. It was a very wet, rainy and cold day but we were able to meet up with Jan and G.W. van Heerden at their ranch.

We saw a really good set of upgrading females with nice Frenzel 313 and Lasater 4248 calves at side. We then went to see a great set of purebred replacement heifers. The Van Heerden’s have a really uniform set of red females. Their cattle were more than docile as they were walked a great distance to an open range veld (pasture) area that had no fencing. Not one cow tried to break away from the group as six of us walked in and out of them.

We then traveled to Johannesburg to stay with Paul and his wife Mary and their eldest daughter Tia for a few days. Paul made me stay in the “servants” quarters (it was nicer than my home so I sure didn’t complain). Mary is quite a talented lady as she has volunteered to make a handmade blanket with complete embroidery (tedious hand needlework) for auction on behalf of B.E.E.F. at the 2010 BBU Convention in Las Vegas. You are going to be amazed by the quality of her work. I should also note that Paul informed me that my business card was not professional enough for my position and suggested I get it upgraded. Thanks Paul I was

The next morning came early for me as thousands of ants had taken hostage of me and my bed. I was awakened about 2:30 a.m. to an arm, neck and bed full of pesky, biting ants. I was somewhat calm and didn’t awaken Gary even though I took pictures of the ants for evidence.

Gary had obviously eaten the same Lions (and a Python or two) that I did the night before. Boy can he snore with the best of them. I woke Gary at 6:00 a.m. to tell him of my nightmare. He laughed for ten solid minutes. What are friends for? The day went quite well as we again loaded the bus for another day of ranch visits. We visited Fouche Beefmaster owned by Tom and Japie Fouche, Jamos Beefmaster owned by Hugo Theron, Tait Beefmasters owned by John Tait and Petana Beefmaster owned by Peet Koekemoer, Peet Jnr and Connie Van Vuuren. Like day one of the tour, we saw a large number of really outstanding cattle. The South African breeders are so conscientious of the importance of data collection for the betterment of the breed. Almost 100% of the registered animals have at least two weigh data points (e.g. 205 days and 18 month).

I should also mention the great business children that the Fouche’s are raising. We were able to buy home grown Virgin Olive Oil, books and hand decorated silverware from their son and daughter. I would also be remiss if I didn’t mention John Taits lovely wife for hosting us in their beautiful home for lunch. The evening concluded with a great steak, cool drinks (Coca Cola Light for me), diamond shopping (we couldn’t afford any of them but they were quite beautiful) and a short meeting at the Petana Beefmaster Ranch. Peet and his gang know how to throw a great party. We then made it back to Bosbok to our rooms. Gary gave me a lot of grief knowing that the Bosbok staff had come in and killed thousands of ants and cleaned our room up quite nicely. I am glad to say that I was the cause of thousands of ants being laid to rest. I was able to get a great nights rest even over Gary’s loud “roaring” snores.

The next day we traveled in everyone’s personal vehicles (SUV’s, cars or “Buckies”) to the last three stops on the tour. Stops included Janzel Beefmaster owned by Jan du Toit, Jalouma Beefmasters owned by Jan, Lou and Marius de Kock. Again you treated us with some outstanding Beefmaster cattle. Hans, Helga and the entire Society is to be commended for putting together such a thorough and high quality tour.

We really enjoyed your kindness, hospitality, food, drinks and most of all your outstanding Beefmaster cattle.

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The U.S. has really made great strides in cleaning up the underlines of our cattle. We still have progress to make but we will get there. The afternoon was spent shopping with Mary and Tia for some traditional, hand made African artifacts in an open market. Gary is quite a “businessman” when it comes to arriving at the final prices for African merchandise.

The next day we traveled to Manjoh Ranch in Nigel to participate in the Beefmaster Alliance Field Day. They had about sixty head of cattle on display and there were five different presentations given. Dr. Webb from Petoria University gave a presentation on the role of fertility in Beefmaster cattle. Another gentleman spoke on the demographics and meat consumption patterns in South Africa. I then gave a presentation on my view of the SA Beefmaster cattle that we had seen the past 9 days along with an introduction into heterosis and how outcrossing with American BM can give them an extra punch of heterosis. Gary then followed with a presentation on the six essentials. Tony actually prepared a PowerPoint presentation for Gary but I had to fend for myself. A great Portuguese style skewered beef on a buttered bun lunch was served to our delight. It was an excellent educational event with many in attendance. We spent the night with Manny and Lyndsey as I prepared for an interview on television the next morning. The last day began with Manny giving us a quick tour of the wildlife at Manjoh Ranch. We saw Eland, Zebra, Blesbok, Black Wildebeest, Fallow Deer, Gemsbok, Springbok, Waterbuck and others. We looked at a set of half

listening. Paul shared a story with Gary and gave him a task to come up with the “moral” of the story.

Unfortunately Gary didn’t remember enough of the story to come with its moral.

The next day we traveled to the Beefmaster Alliances ranch in Moloto, South Africa where we saw some outstanding Lasater 4248 calves on some really good purebred cows. These cows are probably the oldest set of American Beefmaster genetics in South Africa. I would like to have all of them in the U.S. producing calves for our database. It was a rainy, cool day again in SA. We were also educated on the basics of Cycad plants (rare indigenous African plant) breeding. What an unusually interesting and beautiful plant. We then looked at a set of really nice Beefmaster heifers. We were also lucky enough to drive upon a very large 58 inch or so Kudu buck. He was pretty awesome. Boy what I would have given for a gun and enough money to harvest such a beast. We then traveled to Paul’s restaurant for a great meal, a tour of the Cycad breeding and retail facility and some planning details for the Beefmaster Symposium to be held in Springfield, Missouri in July.

Day nine was spent at Paul’s office in Johannesburg. I had to prepare a PowerPoint presentation for the next days Beefmaster Alliance Field Day and Gary hand wrote notes for his presentation as well. We were able to look at bounded Beefmaster Cowman magazines from as far back as 1979.

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cattle and submit, on average, over 96% of the weaning and 18 month weights of all purebred cattle in the Society. The U.S. breeders are passionate about their cattle as well but don’t fully understand the importance and value of submitting data on 100% of the calves produced. I would like to THANK the Beefmaster Cattle Breeders’ Society of South Africa and the Beefmaster Alliance, LLC for the great opportunity. I look forward to future visits to the great country of South Africa.

Belgian Blue, half Beefmaster calves alongside some purebred Beefmaster calves. This is their second year of the project and the data shows that the Beefmaster calves outperform the F1 Beefmaster X Belgian Blue crosses. Manny had to rush me to Johannesburg so that I could do an interview with the National Agriculture Television Show. I was interviewed about the U.S. beef industry, the SA BM cattle and the role of American Beefmasters play in the South Africa purebred industry. Gary stayed back at the ranch and evaluated a set of yearling BM bulls with Tony and Gideon. We all met at lunch and discussed our final thoughts before traveling to the airport for our departure home. This was our last opportunity to visit with Johnny. Manny, Tony and Gideon transported us to Johannesburg where we were met by Paul, Mary and Tia. Our final thoughts and goodbyes were shared over drinks and a birthday cake celebrating Manny and Tia’s birthdays.

It was a very educational trip. I was pleasantly surprised by the great quality of the South African Beefmaster cattle. They are really wide based, heavy muscled, clean underlined, and extremely docile cattle. The South African Beefmaster breeders have concentrated on a solid color (most were red or dun) and have a great understanding of the importance of a set of scales.

They are all very passionate about their Beefmaster

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Beefmaster RAAD Beefmaster COUNCIL

Piet HumanPresident

Dagbestuur082 417 8981

Manny da CostaNasionale advertensie

Nampo082 524 8639

Connie J van VuurenNuusbrief en Kalender

082 373 4833

Lelsie BerghLNR Verteenwoordiger

082 373 4833

Francois ScheepersVise-President


082 824 6487

Arthur GilbertSA Stamboek en LNR

082 578 0801

Charles CampherVeilingsdatums, Boeredae

en Natal083 631 3790

Hans CoetzeeFinansies

Dagbestuur083 259 2503

Pieter v DeventerWebmeester en Finansies

018 632 6061

Dennis StaalGeko-opteer

Nampo, Keuring en Kursusse082 828 1082

Helga PrinslooKantoor

Dagbestuur083 417 7047

Cloete OdendaalNasionale borge

082 348 9555

Lydia van der WaltBeefmaster Admin

SA Stamboek051 410 0900

Kerneel J v RensburgKantoor

Dagbestuur083 417 7047

Pierre HartFarmer’s Weekly en

Oos-Kaap083 652 5190

Herman LabuscaghneBestuurder Registrasies

SA Stamboek051 410 0900

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Die groendag is goed ondersteun deur talle boere en borge van die omliggende distrik.

Die Beefmaster Beestelersgenootskap is ook genooi om deel uit te maak van die geleentheid, die kantoor het promosie materiaal uitgestal en mnr Maartin Louw van Marwimlu Beef-master het diere uitgestal.

Nog ‘n Beefmasterteler is met ‘n spreekbeurt vereer - Tony da Costa, in sy hoedanigheid as Jongboer van die Jaar 2009 is gevra om die boere toe te spreek. Tony se toespraak was kort maar kragtig en hy het ‘n baie positiewe bydrae tot die geleentheid gemaak.

Die Vryburgskou het plaasgevind van 5 tot 7 Mei. Dis alom bekend as die Beesskou van die jaar en hierdie jaar het die skou gespog met ‘n rekord aantal inskrywings van diere. Daar was ‘n totaal van 1 307 bees ingeskrywings. Die Beefmaster ras het oudergewoonte ook weer uitgestal en hulle plek volgestaan.

Petana Beefmaster is hierdie jaar die geleentheid gegun om hulle diere uit te stal. Die uitstalling het bestaan uit ‘n bul, 2 verse, en twee koeie met kalwers.

Die uitstalling is goed ontvang deur die publiek en daar was baie belangstelling en navrae.

Die Petana span wil graag die Genootskap bedank vir die geleentheid asook die ondersteuning en hulp van Oom Jan Schoeman, Frieda de Jager, Oom Piet Rossouw en Deon Markham. Dit word opreg waardeer.




24 Maart 2010 - Te Plaas Turffontein Vredefort distrik

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BOS BLANCO is deel van die BW Staal boerdery. Dit is `n familie boerdery in die Kroonstad omgewing. Gedurende die laat tagtigs het ek en my broer Burnie saam met my pa begin boer. Op daardie stadium het die boerdery grotendeels uit `n saaiboerdery bestaan.

My pa het met `n Brahman en Simmentaler stoet sowel as kruis kudde geboer. Ons twee seuns het op hoërskool reeds meer belangstelling in die veeboerdery as die saaiery getoon en het nie `n bulveiling gemis nie. As jong seuns het ons die voor-reg gehad om op die Pretoria en Randse skou bulle te gaan uitsoek en koop. Een van ons het na die voorkant en die ander een na die agterkant van die bulle gekyk. As altwee tevrede was met wat hy sien het ons die bul uitgehaal en volgens ons ander kriteria geklas. Manlikheid - goeie koppe, bespiering en sterk been met `n goed gevormde testis was vir ons belangrik. Bulle moes goed gebalanseerd wees, d.w.s `n goeie balans van al die eienskappe. Dit is dan vandag nog dieselfde eienskappe wat vir ons van belang is. Bulle met dowwe koppe en te fyn been vir die spier/vleis wat hy dra sal nooit gebruik word nie.

Die Simbra-tipe beeste was baie goeie moederlyne, maar was vir ons toestande effe groot en laat ryp. Hulle het dikwels te moeilik deur die strawwe winters gegaan en dan gesukkel om herbeset te raak. Ons het besef ons moet die koeie se rame effe kleiner maak en meer aanpasbaar. Ons het toe begin om van die vroegryp rasse nl. Sussex, Hereford en Angus bulle te gebruik. Ons het slegs die vroegryp tipes binne daardie groepe gebruik, anders sou ons doel, om `n vroëer ryp bees wat meer aanpasbaar en vrubaarder is te teel, nie slaag nie. Dit het ons koeie se rame kleiner gemaak wat `n positiewe invloed op die aanpasbaarheid en vrugbaarheid van die kudde gehad het.

Ons het ook Saler (rooi dubbeldoel) beeste vanaf Frankryk ingevoer wat ook ‘n groot inpak op ons beeste gehad het. Dit was die beeste met die gemaklikste kalwing en baie hoë melkproduksie wat ons ooit teegekom het.`n Paar ander rasse is probeer, maar ons was nie tevrede nie en hulle is uitgefas-seer. Ons het dus geëindig met `n driehoek kruis tussen `n Indi-cus

(Brahman), Dubbeldoel (Simmentaler/Saler) en `n Vroegryp ras. In die vroeë negentigs het ons kennis gemaak met die Beefmaster wat die-

selfde basis van teling nl; `n Driehoekskruis: Indicus (Brahman), Dubbeldoel (Shorthorn) en Vroegryp (Hereford) gehad het.

Ons was dadelik geïntresseerd in die Beefmaster en het van ons koeie as basis diere laat keur en by die Beefmastergenootskap aangesluit. Semen is van Amerika

ingevoer en ons het intensief begin KI. Ons het plaaslik ook bulle aangekoop, maar was teleurgesteld met die kalwers. Ons het ̀ n paar bulle uit die KI kalwers teruggehou

en beter plaaslike bulle gekoop wat ons dan op die Beefmaster pad gesit het. Die an-der rasse se bulle is uitgefasseer en sedert 1994 is net Beefmaster bulle op al ons koeie,

insluitend kommersiëel, gebruik. Die kudde se aanpasbaarheid het baie verander en so ook die kalfpersentasie. Sedert ons oorgegaan het na Beefmasters het ons konsepsie syfers

met enkele uitsonderings nooit weer onder 85% gedaal nie en was meestal oor die 90%. Die kudde loop dwarsdeur die jaar slegs op natuurlike weiding. Aanpasbaarheid van die koei kudde

is dus van kardinale belang. Die konsepsie syfer oor al die stoet en kommersiëele Beefmaster verse vir die 2010 seisoen is 94%.

BOS BLANCO Beefmasters streef daarna om die genetiese erfdwang van die kudde beter en sterker te maak met elke generasie, daarom ons leuse - “the proof is in the offspring”. Ons teelbeleid is me-

dium raam beeste met goeie uiers en goeie melkeienskappe wat ons glo vasgelê is vanuit die Simmental-ers en Salers. Goeie temperament is vir ons belangrik, beeste moet maklik hanteerbaar, maar tog wakker

wees. Goeie bouvorm nl. spier en been verhouding en goeie balans, met sterk manlike eienskappe by bulle

Bos BlancoPROFIEL:

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ker aanpassingsvermoë onder moei-like omstandighede. Dubbelbespiering kan so maklik insluip en dit het ‘n klomp negatiewe eienskappe tot gevolg en is ‘n diskwalifikasie.

BOS BLANCO hou twee veilings jaarliks en dan word daar ook bulle sowel as vroulike diere jaarliks op die Nasionale veiling aangebied. Die vroulike dier veil-ing is in Februarie en die bulveiling die 2de Woensdag van Augustus (11 Aug. 2010).

BOS BLANCO het saam met die Beef-masterkudde ook `n wit en rooi Brah-man stoet. Die Brahmane word meer-endeels deur Burnie hanteer. Ek en Danie Rohlandt hanteer die Beefmaster kudde en teling bly vir ons `n uitdaging omdat ons altyd streef na beter. Ons KI bykans 500 vroulike diere jaarliks in `n

poging om van die beste genetika te bekom en te vermeerder.

BOS BLANCO, is trots om `n paar van die volgende mylpale uit te lig:

• In 2008 is sewe bulle deur die genootskap vir KI aan-beveel uit ± 90 kuddes. Vier van die bulle is deur Bos Blanco geteel.

• Die 2de duurste bul in SA verkoop nl. BOS 3044 vir R100,000 wat ook dan nou ‘n Taurus KI bul is.

• Die duurste koei en kalf verkoop vir R38,000.• Die duurste dragtige vers verkoop vir R24,000.• Die duurste semen verkoop vir R850 per strooi.• Die duurste gemiddelde vir vroulike diere op die Na-

sionale veiling sedert 2000.• Die afgelope ‘09 bulseisoen 10 kuddevaars aan

mede stoet telers verkoop.

Dit het ons bereik deur, genade, harde werk en die feit dat die Beefmaster bo ons eie persoonlike voorkeure gestaan het.

Dank aan al my medetelers, kliënte en vriende vir hul betrokkenheid by die uitstekende ras en dankie aan die doeltreffendste ras-kantoor.

Dit is ̀ n voorreg om Beefmasters te kan teel en besoek-ers is altyd welkom.

en vroulikheid by koeie is vir ons belangrik. Strukturele korrekte diere is hoog op ons prioriteitslys, want dis is maklik identi-fiseerbare eienskappe en kan maklik met streng seleksie hokgeslaan word. Vrugbaarheid is die eienskap waarom die hele spil draai en is van kardinale belang. Seleksie druk is vir ons die heel belangrikste meganisme waarmee die beste vordering gemaak kan word.

Geen bees word bo `n ander bevoordeel nie en almal, veral die jong beeste, (bulletjies en verse) wat die toekoms van die kudde is word onder natuurlike toestande getoets. Geen meel en gepamperlang word geduld nie. Die wat nie na speen die mas kan opkom nie sal hulle self uitsorteer onder die groepsdruk. Die verse wat swaar genoeg is met paartyd word op 14 maande gedek en die res sal op 2 jaar gedek word. Geen vers word gehelp met byvoeding om die verlangde massa kunsmatig te bereik nie. Ons glo nie daaraan om vroegrypheid of bul gereedheid met ekstra voeding te vervals of aan te blaas nie. Die som is kortom, die vers wat vroeg in die seisoen gebore is en uit `n koei met goeie melkeienskappe kom, sal die verlangde massa bereik. Dit is selde dat `n 1ste of 2de kalf koei se vers dit sal haal.

Al die bogenoemde eienskappe dra vir ons baie meer gewig as kleur. Dit sal die laaste eienskap wees waar-voor ons sal selekteer. Kleur het slegs `n rand/sent waarde met verkope en kan geensins die bees ver-beter nie. Inteendeel, die onoordeelkundige seleksie vir kleur het al baie skade onder baie rasse gemaak. Om nie deurdag te wees met seleksie vir kleur nie, kan ons die bees se tipe heeltemal verander, want die rasse waaruit die Beefmaster geteel is het juis die kleur in die Beefmaster tot gevolg. Onoordeelkundige of oorhaastige seleksie teen kleur is dan indirekte seleksie teen daardie rasse. Dit is dan ook waarom Tom Lasater geen waarde aan kleur geheg het nie en sy beeste na 80 jaar steeds gerespekteer word.

Nog `n eienskap waarvoor ons baie versigtig selekteer is bespiering. Ons glo bulle moet baie vleis dra en nie noodwendig baie spier nie, in die geval, die harde tipe bespiering. Die “Rambo” tipe bespiering het baie meer energie nodig om vet aan te sit en het dus swak-

Wenner van die MolatekVleisbeesboer van die Jaar 2009

Page 19: Beefmaster Nuusbrief Junie 2010 1 · driving. We had a meeting with Paul, Manny, Tony, Gideon, Johnny, and André at the Manjoh Ranch offices where we helped the Beefmaster Alliance

Beefmaster Nuusbrief Junie 2010 19

Page 20: Beefmaster Nuusbrief Junie 2010 1 · driving. We had a meeting with Paul, Manny, Tony, Gideon, Johnny, and André at the Manjoh Ranch offices where we helped the Beefmaster Alliance

Beefmaster Nuusbrief Junie 201020