
Beat The Rush

News Review Please give us your copy

on Mondays or ac lease by noon on Tuesdays. We are crying nol co get swamped Tuesday nighls.

Volume 61 •. NUJ!Iber SO 15 Cr=:ent Rd., Suite 100, Greenbel~ MD 20170.1887 Thondoy. November 5, 1998

Greeabelt Election Retaras (UIIDJ/klill lf.,tiU)

co-a ally Greet~ belt SHL E. Total Ceater Ele-a.ry Elemeatary Rooeevelt 21-3 21-6 11-1 11-13

~l!t:DUir.a..l. GI!I:[DQ[ Glendeninafl'ownsend (D) 1020 831 539 1,472 3,862

Sauerbrey/Bennett (R) 403 457 73 440 1,373

Comptroller Schaefer (D) 934 763 502 1,411 3.610

Epstein (R) 384 432 70 411 1.297

AltslDit:X Gca&ul Curran (D) 968 796 490 1,413 3,667

Rappaport (R) 314 362 48 373 1,097

llS ScUIII Milkulski (D) 1,147 956 537 1,581 4,221

Pierpont (R) 235 296 48 283 862

CilDIIUI • 5111 Dlalrid Hoyer (D) 1.112 928 520 1,521 4.081

Ostrom(R) 271 322 59 337 989

SJaii:Se.aiA[ Green (D) 1,080 941 519 1.469 4,009

Dda:a&a • ;IJDI Dialrk:& (J lSI Its als:,l£d) Conroy (D) 1,051 860 483 1,357 3,751

Hubbard (D) 957 809 373 1.354 3,493

Pitkin (D) 1,046 908 483 1,382 3.819

Braswell (R) 230 262 56 399 947

Tucker (R) 260 316 62 299 937

Cauab: EaHIIlbt Curry(D) 911 721 536 1.420 3,588

C5llllb: {;ggadl Scott (R) 557 615 106 621 1,899

5Jlcdll Black (D) 749 623 484 1,233 3,089

Griffith (R) 384 . 427 53 393 1.257

Baal II. ldll£alkta Calvo 618 602 120 462 1.802

Henderson 344 345 280 785 1,754

GrHDbelt Thmout (UnofficU.I RerMIIr) Community Greenbelt SHL E. Total Center Elementary Elementary ROOHvelt ll-3 11-6 21-8 ll-13

Illlal 'Voting Registered Turnout

American legion Honors Veterans

1.447 2.437 59.38

American Legion Post #I 136, Au•iliary Unit. and SAC Squad­ron with the members of Soal Chapter f25 of the Disabled American Veterans will hold the annual observance of Veterans Day {Armistice Day) on NoVem­ber II at 10 a.m. at the Grcenbeh memorial on Centerway. 1bc ser­vice will include a color guard, patriotic music, and an cloquenl address. Everyone is invited to t{Je service and to lhe post for light refreshments after the ser­vice. In 'case of inclement weather, all activities will be held. at the post home.

1.319' 2,151 61.32

Pen:enl ofVotea Cut

73.8 26.2

73.6 26.4

77.0 .23.0

K:l.O 17.0

80 5 19.5




71.1 28.9

50.7 49.3

J•alor Mloo Greet~bell, J-lcto T-, leadl doe lint and rec011d 1.-n 011 doe YIMIIII CeDter's Hallow- Pa ....

......... IAIPC-

53% Greenbelt Taraoat Supports the Democrats

. Slightly more than half of all Greenbelt registered voters turned out at the General Elec­tion held on November 3. a much beuer showing than the dismal 19.9% turnout in the September IS Primary Election. For the most pan, Greeenbelters strongly supported candidates of the Democratic· Pany.

Governor William Donald Schaefer also jot strona Greenbelt support, but slightly trailed Glendening and the other stalewide orfice cand,idates in pcrcen&age of votes cut

Leading the parly ticket in contested elections was Sena­tor Barbara Mikulski who gar­nered- 8 J'J of the votes cast Governor Parris Glendening, who had hctn expected to be 1n a close race statewide, handily defeated Ellen Sauerhrey, gaining 74% of the vote. His slrong showing m Greenbelt. Pnnce George's and Montgomery County, and Bal­timore City save the Governor a suffic1ent lead to he re­elected statewide.

Stille D<lepta Other D~tmocrats strongly

supponed in Greenbelt and re­elected to office were Congress­man Steny Hoyer and Attorney General Joseph Curran. Fonner

The three incumbent Demo· crat 23rd ·District Delcaales, Mary Conroy, James Hubbard and Joan Pitkin handily beat 1hcir two Republican opponents, with Pilkin leadina the field in Greenbelt.

There were three unopposed races in wh1ch incumbents were re-elecled. Stale Senator Leo Green received 4,009 votes, County Eucutive Wayne Curry received 3.588 volel and the lone Republican. Audrey Scon, rc­cei ved 1,899 Votes from Grcenbeltcrs.

BoerdofEdacatloo In the Board of Education

race fur the hx:al s.chool diStrict, Cheye Calvo edged oul Jamci Henderson in Greenbelt with 50.7% or the votes. However. Greenbelt volon. were edged out in the distnct as Henderson won by 500 votes.

City Spoason .. "Wizard" To B.lp Save Theater

by Betsy Ulwwlld It was an evening of taking

care of housekeeping ta~ks at the regular Grunbclt City Counc1l meeting on Monday, Octuhc:r 26 Among other thing~ the coundl encouraged citi1.cns to g<, tu the local theater to keep it open. en­cuuraged a blind 5ludent to lobhy for safe cro~sing of Grecnhclt Road, and approved funds to

renovate an area around a prumi· ncntly placed bus stop.

Council had heard and was concerned that the movie thealer in the RooM:velt Center Mall was scheduled In close The theater will not close in the near luturc. as planned. "We are doing what we can to keep the theater ahve," said Mayor Judith Davis, and nuw the citizens have to do their

This weekend thcrt will ~ a film fest put on hy lhe G"'enbelt Rec· reation Department. featuring the film The: Wizard of Ol.

•:RHS C.-lal John Pak, a student at Eleanor

Roosevelt High School, who ill hhnd, requeslcd a traff1c contrnl dev1ce at the intersection of Frankrort Dnvc and Greenbelt Road. He tnld of a recent lOCI­

dent JR which he and his grand­mother cro~scd Grccnhclt Road near thai intc~tion and the car!l pas!lcd clnse hy lhem. He tnld council that the while ~.:anc law say!l he ha!!. the right uf way. hut unfortunately driven do not ... cern to he aware of that law

Counc1lmemher!l were sympa­thetic tu his problem and told


Old Greenbelt FOlD l'est KickS Off This Weekend

byAIIo~Roos The Old Greenhel1 Thealer

will kick off a pronlollonal film fesuval on Friday. November 6. slarnng a -re:make of '"The Wll· ard of 07.," in an effort to keep the hisloric landmark from cl')!l· ing.

On Friday and Saturday. movie gocrs Will have an oppor· lunity to draw cuupon~ from a bowl for pru.cs such as S2 nff a future visil or a comphmenlary popcorn, soda. or "W1zard of Q-L" poster.

lbcy wUI also have· a chance to support lhe struggling cinema by vislting lhe Friends of Greenbell Theatre table this weekend .

Children I 2 and under who wear a co!'ltume to ·the special !!.howmg on SaumJay. Nov. 7, at 2:45p.m. will get in for Sl 00

"We are hoping in~hviduals will come forward to volunteer," sa1d Sarah Schaffer, who is a rec­reatton coordinator al the Grc:enhch Cummunaty Center and spoke,man for the Save the Grecnbeh Theater campaign. The theater, With its un1quc 40-foot screen (the largest 1n Prince George's County) first opened 1n 193ft s~..-tlaffer saJd deLails are being worked out r01 mov1e gocn. to make donations and p:~-sibly get discount tickets. ·

At a Septembc~iai=~


letlers to the Editor I to the Editor I Every now and then the

New~ Review receaves a let­ter to the editor whach the author, for one reason or an· other, has neglected to s1gn. Some of the"' letters present \lahd poinb of vaew. wonh di!M.:USSing I~ the publi~ fo­rum which this new.,paper pro\lldes to the community UnroriUnately, we cannot publish such letters uniC)'i we know who wrote them. We may, if requested. with· hold the name of sumcone who wants to r~sene hll> anonymity. but we mu~t know 1~ author in order to honor ~och a request.

h as amponant aho that we have the author's addn:~~ and phone number so we tan contact him/her.

h's obvious from reading the Roosevelt Center merchants' rc· cent lcucr to the New11. Rc ... iew that the suuation is dtsastrous. Smcc tht: Greenbelt pollee fon."C is an outstanding one, this dl!!.al~· ter can only he caused hy an understaffing. My uwn experi­ence hacks this up. Smce I moved to a GHI house on Laurel Hill m l987, I can count OFI un~

hand the number uf times. I've seen a Greenhch police car on routine patrol on laurel Hill Rood.

Now one solution seems ob\11· ous. Some resident5 at the Parkside de\lclopmcnl are saymg they hu"w"e routine patruls by the Greenbelt police department even though they on: 001 in Gftenbelt.

10e solullon: F1nd out if th1s 1s true and, if ll is, re-as.s1gn those patrols to Roosevelt Mall or Laurel Hill or o.1ther parts uf Greenbelt. And let's realiu that the pollee for..:e is too under­staffed to stretch lt5elf w Parks1de

That's why I'm aga1nst the Park~ide annnauun: 1ltc: C1t)' 1s aJ~ady O'lerstrctchcd and fa1hng l<l pn:scrve what it has.

Doa Comis

Questions lor Council WJ.on, on September 28, 19'1M,

M!!.. Dav1,, Mr. Putens. and Mr. Whtte voted hl annex Parksidc. they went a_@:ainst the adv1ce of Greenhcll's L'lty s.taff Mr. Rob­erts and Mr. Turnhull 'W'Oied against the anneution.

I hnpc that d'le News. Review will mterview Ms. Da'W'is, Mr. Putens and Mr. Wh1te to gi"e them the npponunaty to respond to the concerns e11.presscd hy our city's experts.

ln an undated memorandum to our city manager. Ken Hall. 1n

h1!. rmnion as superintendent of operation!>, wrote. "I am con­cerned that rad1o contact L:ould not he mamtamcd wllh 1.:11y umt~ when m ParkMdc Development ·· (Jue!>tlon:o.. How m1ght th1~ po!>· ~ihle dlllK:ulty he handled"! What would 11 cost?

1l1e News Review might al>iu ask the Council member~ who voted" to annex Parkside what they would say to the board!!. of director; of Wind>ior Green Home Owncn Association, the Grcenhnar Community A!!.:-.nL·ta· uon, and the Hunung Ridge Con­dominium Association Tho:-.e hoard~ !!.CRt letters to our ctl) council in support of "the City !!.tal"f (lOSifiUn a~alft!!.t ;mne~~:at10n "

Robert J. lewis

Legal Tender Permat me to U!a.C lhe medaum

of ynur w10cly rea..J newspaper to expre~s my concern over thl: way some people tn nur society treat our coin!!. a.' 1f n·, no longer lc· gal tender

It'!> now a ~o:ummon !!.lg_ht tu !>CC penple either dehbenucly ur carcle!!.sly drnpping coins, ;o.ud1 a ... d1me!., mckels and pcnn1c~. all o"w"er places hke @!'rocery store!-., restaurants, and Metro station:-..

People should realiLc th.J.t there are less fortunate cuuntnc~ m the th1rd world where d1mc' and mckels are h1g 111oney whl:n ~.:onvcned to the1r ~.:urrc:ncy. For example. one dame LS worth 100 limes 11!!. "alue tn most countne~ In AfnL:a. AS a maltcr nf laL·t. a dime ;. enouBit to food en adult fnr a day an most parts of Afnc.1

I 1mplure the go..,emmcnl nl the Umted States tn educate the.• masses un the 1mportan..:e ot treating our coin:!> with respcL·t It's very ~ for all ul U!!. m thi!!. S<k.'tety to take 1nto con!!.ldcr­atmn the fact that those coms arc \'Cry .,-aluahle to u~

Blo~J. Col•

Nolo Crime We would like to comment on

the letter from the businesses uf Rno~"w"eh Center. While we ap­preciate the concern of the pru­prietors, we are m1ddle a,ged adult!!. who l"re~uenl the Ccnta whtl have ne\ler e~~:pcrienccd an~ prohlcms or any fear. We hJ\C e~pe..:1ally cnJnye~ the t1mc' when there I~ a miX of people uf vanous ages Silting on the henL:he!!. or at the table!! (wht~..h

happcas at cenam times) hut 11\ also fun to watch the kid!!. and think of our lost y~.

On May 21. 1997, in a memt)­randum to our city mana~er. Celia G. Wib~.>n. planning and ~ummunlly development dm:·ctur wrote, "I believe that annexation to th1s community has far greater bene tit fur Parks1de tban fur the. cny as a whole... Quc!!.tlon: Huw will anne~atioo benefit Gn:enheh as mu~h a!> 1t will benefit Park!! Ide·!

If the young people arc L'Om mitting crirftes, and none wc.·rc mentioned in the letter. then that must be stopped. Hov.ner. hanging out 1s not a crime 111 1JUr

society. nor should It he Man~ of U!!. adults spent man~ happ~ houf!!. hanging (1UI

II ttl~: owners uf the husmc-;,t·~ and the Center w1sh to mamLam ..1

health) welcom1ng almtlsphere. the hcst method IS '0 Jl<>!!.ltiVcl) attr:A:t people uf all ages. 11~<.:!\C busmesscs are of great value lo us and we would support and would urge the City of Gr~Xnhclt to support any 1maginaU\"C mtlta­tives on their pan.

On June 9. 199K. 10 a memo­randum to our c1ty manager, Ken Hall, acung director of the De­partment of Public Works. wrote, "II has been our uperience thai specs on secondary roads in P. G. County do not meet our dty spc~..::.." Questions: How much would il cost to bring Parksidc streets up 1o city spcciftearions? Why should Greenbelt assume that hunlen'?

One thing that would mak.e "' btg difference right in the middle of the Roose"w"eh Ceru:r would he a real donut shop or a cafe •.-11th outdoor seating, oae wh1d h

open late - like GeftCfOUs Joe·~.

only with sweet~ and coffee (and t:'W't::n cappuccioo' Note how well Starbuck's is dtung in the Greenway Shopping Center).

Anotber thing that would help '-"OUid he I.:On\'ChiOO of the the· :Hre .-nw a dinner theatre. Th1~ ""a' prnpo.;ed. hut never ap­pru\o·cd. Since what we have nnw i'n'l opttmall). maybe we !!.hould go hack and .1ppruve it.

We don't km,w why the tc:le· phunes were taken out. hut that at.:t made 11 le~\ convement for U!!. to t;IJ at the Rou!!.evelt Center. Huw can .:utllng off commum~..·a· twn make people feel more ,c. '-·ure an Stlling around 10 the cvenmg"!

We worry ahout our children not havmg healthy acu v1t1es and gcttmg: mw truuhh: The hc!.t way l<J pre"w"ent th1:-. is to jom them. Make the atmosphere at the Center one thai welcomes ev­eryone. not one that dnves one generation awa} to make to(Jm lor another G1\le u.; older folks 'omelhmg to d<• there that will dr:1w u' there. and we'll he happy to hang out wtth the kids!

Avi~ and Marshall Cohen

Green Ridge Thanks We would like to thank the

management staff at Green Ridge House fur the wonderful Hallow­een party.

The table!!. were beautifully decorated in fc~li'le Halloween tumh. dc~.:orations and candles. We had mu..;1c and a costume ~.:on test

Now we get lo the food that they prepared themsel"w"cs Bat ,andwtche~. mummy hutdugs. rurx:orn hand~. spider cup.:akes and a great cole slaw made by Tommy. He assured me that he really did make 11 because h1s. wtfc docs not 'ook. The chairs an the Commwuty Room were full. plus some fulks standing.

Ann, Salva, Fran, Tommy a~d Many. our hats are off to you all and since you did such a great JOh. can we do this every month? Tw11..'e a year? Oh well, if we have to waat until next year it will he worth 11. A great time wa.' had hy.all. Thank you. staff.

flr'\t pri1.e was won hy our PWn Ruth Burtun. Second pri1.e wa~ "'nn hy Hvel Parent. Th1rd pn1.e wa..; won hy Teme Long.

It was hard p1L:king the wm­ners. a!!. everyone including the management staff looked great anJ were all winners.

Hazel Paftnt

Praise Due I have a L·at and have just

L·hu.n~cd her eamc to "Mudd." She It; nm'" "'in the doghou!!.e." Wh) am I telling ytlu thi!!.'.) Be· ~.:au ... e [ want 10 compliment Cirecnhdt Pollee Ocpanmcnt di~­patL·her Cmdy

My cat u'ually comes ilhout the twentieth time I walk around our L:Our1 and eommon areas call­mg her name. Monday, Octohcr 26 was different. I spent aboul two hours lnokmg under cars. m hushes and up trees. No cat. Even my nct,hhors j'oined the hunt. I wa' getting desperate. I went to the pohce Stillion to re­port a mt!!.Siftg cat, hoping if she had already hcen turned in I ~ould bail her out before the pound arnved.

·. Thunday, NovemberS, 1998

The Old Curmudgeon oooooooo

'f[J \ ..

·---"Maybe the Wizard can san the Guenbelt Theatre ... !"

D1~patcher Cmdy was so help­ful and cann,g, asktng for a dc­.;crlpllon, g1vmg me the phone number tu the pollnd, and wish­mg me (and the cat once [ found her) good lud. Dispatchers have a d1rficult and very stressful job. I want to thank Ch1ef CraJ.e and Cindy again for another fine JOb done by the Grecnhclt Police De­partment.

How did this end? Well. the cat eventually turned up J sllll dun 't know where she was.

Su• Krofchik

De/end What? Sint·e Mr. Whttc's rca~on for

voting for the anne~~:allon was to "defend our southern houndJry." I called the Riverdale town admm­IStrator to find out if they were planning to go to war with us or something. I found out thai they patrol hoth !!.ide!!. of Good Luck Road up to the nonh curh. I don't sec anythtng wrong with !hat. Beyond the curb IS our

green helt. which is our natural hordcr We agreed that "good fcn.:~..·s make good neighhors," su our towns can be separated by the green belt .. which I pro­claimed as a blessing to all of our towns. I don't see what Mr White wants to defend us against, c~cept for mudslides.

Doug Love

New Deal Cafe

fri~Sat ~ B~pon l·llpnt m No, ....

Frldloy, Nowmber 6 R8chlll& Jacltl --muotc

tntemational folk music updated Seturday, November 7 SIM Brown "oello out"

an all time BEST BUY

Sunday Brunch 10 Ia 3 Dooaliooslor-Eo!owogod G=~,.,

Q~ News Review

AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER 15 Creocent Road, Suite 100, Greenbelt, Maryland 20770-1887

(301) 474-4131 Allred M SkOimk. President. 1959·1977

fla•ne Skoln1k. PresiOent 1977·1985

PresiOenl Emeflll.iS. 1985·

Edilor. ~ary Lou W•lloam$0n. (301) 441·2662 Asst Edllor Ba.rbara l1kOWSk1, (301) <47<4·8483

News Editor Elame Skolmk. (301} 982·97~

STAFF Hopi A0111bach. laid\ Batra. Suz..anne Batra. Vir9'fol8 Beau~. Laura Beckert. Jan Btemer. Shlroo Clau&er. Joe Croued. Pat oa...,s. Thelma deMOia, Lorra•ne Ooan. 8111 Donltlue, EMen FaiT'hlm.Tm FaiTII. ThomasF1stt>edc. Calheme Francoeur, Cl"ldyFrerv:l. Klllti6Mn Gallagher. Bob Galber. AI Getl}er. BeiTIIna G.e5e. James GteSe. LJs.a Goldman. Jucty~etn. Patty HeM. J Henson. Solange He&s.LUC!Me HoweN, Elizabeth Jay, [)enOIS JMrtt\11 Kaufman. J~ Kendef. Suzanne Kroich*.. Meta L.ageiWitlft. Sana. Llnoe. e.tsvl*owskl. JaCJoa Matagne. Pal McCoy. Emma Mendoza. PrlsalaMizanl. ~ Allee MurTiy, NICk Mydra. Judy Nelson. Ang.e Noyes. Diane Oberg. Ullle O'Dea, 1.J Parker. I.Jnd;a Paul. Eileen PB(eriOil. CarOlyn Prtee Carol Ready. Jane R•s~r. Altona Bell Ross LJndt S.vage. F;uah Shekh.ant. Sardra Surtle• Smith. Palty Snell. Karen gp.rtlas. JusM Steele. OorothySuctJer.Aberta T()fnplun&. Joanne TliCker, Wendy Turrt:Jt;l. V1lw1

Bill Whelan. Ooto"'Y White. Julte Wtn!e~ Art a WOOddell, Vtrg11-.a Zanner. Keith Zevallos and Prospero Zevallos

BI..SNESS MANAGER ...,. tt.lrord; CON of ~ Clrculadon: 1M Tuckman (311) 41f.6124; lptngNit Lib Cftul8don: ~ Fd, (301) <141-1120.

EIOARO OF DIRECTORS ,_w.., pt'llll6cln;~a.uctwnp.wtce ~ 06.-0berg, trMS\nf'; Eleen Fernham, MCt'ltr(; Md ...... Ukowekl. •

DEADliNES Dlspq,y Adl--10 p.m Monday. lefters. ertldet lind other 101-10 p m TUd:itly Maler*llor publicatiOn may be mailed to llddfeU llbc:MI, MpoMed., our bOx tn !he Co-op grocery lien (by 7 p m Tundlly) or broughl: 10 cur olfa in the Comfi"KJ/"IIty Centef'15C181Canl~duringoMcato.n Mall~.

OFFICE HOURS llandly 2 · 4 p m. 8 • 10 p.m.; 8·10 p.m. Greercet! Communt1y Cen~er 111 15 Ctneent Rd.

Thunday, Nonmber 5, 19911

At the Ubrary Wednesday, November 11

Libraries closed. CbildRn's Progranu

Thursday, 'lovember 12, 10:30 a.m. Drop-m Storytime for ages 3·5.

11:15 a.m. Tickly Toddle Storytime for two-year~olds and parent or caregiver.

Fall Colors Walk At Greenbelt Park

Discover the beautiful chang­mg colors of fall at Greenbelt Park. Join a Park Ranger on a walk on the Azalea Trail through Greenhcll Park un Saturday, No­vember 7, at 2 p.m. Meet at the Sweetgum picnic area. For infor­macion, call ;\OI-344-W44.

Bio Aerobics 1bc City of Greenhclt is spon­

soring B1o Aerobics dance fitness classes fur adults and ccens. Winter session begins Tuesday, November 17. Classes will he held at tbe Greenbelt Youth Cen· tcr.

For registration information and a free brochure, call ~01-262·5175.

Home and Garden Club to Meet

The Greenbelt Home & Gar· den Club will hold its next meet­ing Tuesday, November 10, at Greenbelt Elementary School at 7 p.m. The featured speaker will he Senora Simpson from the Landscape Dc!iign Critics Coun· cil. and her topic will be ··solu· tions for Shady Gardens." Club members may bring guests.

Galden Age Club· by Dolol'<l Capotooto

The next meeting of the Golden Age Club will he held on Wednesday, November II, at II a.m. m the Multi-purpose Room of the Greenbelt Community Center. There will he a speaker.

Be sure to sign the list for the Novemher birthday party sched­uled for Wednesday, Nu\lemhcr I M. Hopefully there will be a halanced Thanksgiving meal, so see Solange Hess, the pany coor­dinator, to help.

On Tue5day, No"w"ember 17, there will be a trip to Wilmington, DE to see the Trea~ sures of Nicholas and Alexandra. Sec a member of the Travel Comminee at the meeting to sign up. The Panama Canal Cruise is still on for February, 1999.

Nick Pergola announced that St. Hugh's Knights of Columhus will sponsor a senior dance party nn Saturday November 21. in St. Hugh's Grenoble Hall. Who wants to lead the line dancmg'!

Sehne Bonebrake is still on the sick list. Pearl Keeney is now at home. Goldenagers wish them both well.

Condolences go to the family of Joe McNeal, Greenbelt Com­munity Center superv1snr. on the death of hi~ mother-in-law.

Hope every member got oUr to vote and hundlcd up well. The weathermen and women say lhat Decemher te"mperatures will he normal fur a while. Brrrr!

Identify Trees At Greenbelt Park

Learn how to identify trees of Greenbelt Parle Join a park rang<r oo a walk ode!itifying tr= tlrough­out Grttnbdt Part oo Sarurday, No­vember 14, a1 10 am. Meet al the Ranger Stalion. For ioformarjoo odl 301·344-3944.

Hard of Hearing Self·Help Group Residents are

urged to join tbe Prince George's County Group, Self-tlelp for Hard of Hearing People, at their next meeting, Thursday, Novem­ber 12, 2-4 p.m., at the Gr<enbelt Community Cei1ter, 15 Crescent Road. 1be presenter i's Charlotte Doy, Drake Hearing Aid Center.

Members wtll share their ex­perience with hearing aids and other assisted listening devaees which enhance understandmg of speech,

Annual Meeting Set For Consumer Co-op

The Greenbelt Consumer· Co­operative will hold its annual meeting on Saturday. N(wemher 7, at 10:15 a.m. in the Commu- · nity Center multipurpose room (above: the Co-op Nursery School). Coffee and rolls will be served at 9:45.

According to the bylaws, 25 members constitute a quorum. In the absence of a quorum,· those present can schedule another meeting, which can proceed even in the absence of a quorum.

The agenda includes reports by the manager, the treasurer and the chairperson, plus board mem· ber elections.

Terms expire for two hoard members - Tom Lammons and Joe Timer. Both are seekmg re­election. lbe other board mem­bers are Dorrie Bates, Paul Rail, Mike Burchick, leta Mach and Jim C8ssels.

Total sales during the 1998 fiscal year (August 19'17 through July 1998) totaled $7,842,048, compared with $7,703,571 the pre"w"ious fiscal year. Operating income was $121.520, compared with $113,924 lhc previous year.

The conperati ve contrihuted $25,631 of the im:omc to an em­ployee bonus, $65,KH9 tu the members' patrunage refund and $30,000 to the employee retire­ment plan.

llle patronage refund will be paid as 30% added to a member's capital and 70% in a cash voucher, mailed to the member the first week in ~em­ber. However, if the cash voucher is less than one dollar, it will be added to the member's capital. 11le refund amounts to 1.1% of each member's recorded purchases - the same percent as last year.

Refreshnlents will be. served and there will be door prizes.

For addiuonal inronnation call 301·474·0522.

more infonnation.

The Greenbelt Photo meets the second Tuesday of month at 7:30 p.m. Greenbelt Community Th1s month's meeting is ber I 0. Dave Smith

tions on all upc:cu of photo proceuing. is a full-service custom Photography enthusiasts skill le'lels are welcome. more information call 30 I 6576.

CARES Storts

dealing with conflict building self·estcem, assertiveness and · · · is confidential

Anyone who ested in this group attend

an open orientation scssio~which will be held on Mooday, ovem· ber 16 at 7:30 p.m. This ·enta­tion will be held in the fi t floor conference room of the Municipal Building. For more infowation, contact Heather or L slie at Greenbelt CARES, 301·3 5·6660.




Fri, (5:00 0$3.00) 7:30. 9:40

Sat. (2:45. 5:00 0 $3.00)

7:30. 9:40

Sun. (2.45, 5:00 0 $3.00) 7:30

Mon. (All seats $3.00) 7:30

Tues. ·Thurs. 7:30

The Greenbelt Arts Center (GAC) will present Flowen; for Algernon beginning Friday.

Algernon is a ~ab mouse who is. subjected tp e~~:perimental medical procedu~s which greatly increase the mouse's mental abili­ties. The play is chiefly con­cerned with Charlie Gordun (played by Chuck Dluhy), o rc· tarded 32 year old man who very much wants to become smart. Followmg in Algernon's foot­steps, Charlie IS gi"w"en the same expenmental medical procedures. How he deals with the afteref­fects of his operation, with his pasl. his prtsent and his future, and hOw those around h1m react co his changed status, provides the structure of the play.

This intense and moving drama was wrillen by David Rogers, hased on a novella by Daniel Keyes. Under director Norma R .. Ozur and producer Sherry Mtuvine. the production poses u many questions as it an­swers. Audiences will find them­selves thinking: "What if...T' and ··11 could happen - one day ... "

Flowen for Algernon will run weekends on Friday and Saturday evenings al 8 p.m. November 6 through 21. with one matii\CC on Suoday. November IS at 2:30

'p.m. For reservations or informa­tion, please call GAC at 30 1·441· 8770.

My Sister's Sister Coming lo Greenbelt

The playwright and Obie award-winning actress Julie Portman will be featured in a pro­diO.'Iioo of My SiSler's Sister at the Greenbcll Cpmmunity Center. At a matinee on Sunday, Novemher 15. at 3 p.m., three county organi-7..ations will co-sponsor th1s cnti­cally acclaimed drama.

Music for the play wa.~ com­posed and will be performed by Paul Reisler, a nationally recog­nized ditect.or of the mLlSic group Trapezoid, who has record«! more than 20 albums.

1ickc:ts are available a1 the dool' or reservations may be made by calling the Mental Health Ass<K:~a' lion of Prince George's County al 301·699·2737.

Holiday Entertaining Tips Presentation

People are invited to a free public service proaram entitled Holiday Entertaini"ll. This lively presentation will· offer time and money-saving tips to help wilh holiday entenaining plans-. Find out how to take some of the stress out of holiday hosting.

This program will be pre­sented by staff from the Univer­sity of Maryland Cooperative Ex· tensum Ser'lice and is· sponwred by the C'o·op Supermarket/Phar. macy. Cumrhmentary snacks and light refre.~hments· will be served Tha:o. prcsentatwn w1ll take place on Thursday, No"w"em­ber 12, 7 • H:JO p.m. m the ><· nior conference room at the Community Center.

~nish Caurse 11le Mowatt Memorial Unircd

odist Church will be offering a s1x-week SpaniSh course from Nlovcmber 14 • Decemher 19. The Spanish class will convene or Saturday morPings fr?m. 10 a.m.-12:30 p.m. All are mvued to join the Spanish class and im­prove their language skills.

Greenbelt CARES During September CARES av·

eraged 15 families weekly for formal counsclins; services. On a"w"erage, 48 individuals. received weekly counseling, of whom 12 were youlh.<i. Fifty-four students participated in w~ekly tutoring sessions.

On October 20 Crisis lnterven-1inn Counselors Heather Hartman q.nd Leslie Simms attended a class about how to help clients manage the· anger and grief as­pecu of post-llaumatic llteu dis~ order following a cri~is.

Tammy Mountua.,tlc continues to collahorate with the guidance counselors in co-lcadmg decision­making groups fur fifth graders at Spnnghlll l..,.akc Elementary Sch<MJI. On Octohcr 27 tbe deci· Slon-making gruup was observed hy Diagnostic Wir,g Coordinator Chris Wichtendahl. Mounlcaatte will also facilitate a school suc­Ce'\s group for first grade boys that began the first week of No­vember. 'The group will run for e1ght weeks and cover topics such as anger management, orga­nizatwnal skill\, and appropriate way~ to interact with other stu­dents.

City of GrHallelt £ v.-..... D•r Holld•r . ·

S.rvlco Scllodulo



The GREENBELT CONNECTION will not run and thent wiR be no refuMirKYCIIng collection. RefuM/Nc:yc:llng routn normally collectld on

WEDNESDAYS will be collectld on THURSDAY. R~cllng routn nonnally collectld on

TltURSDAY will be collectld on FRIDAY.



For man; iaformaliaG J the Dep8runent of Public Walk at 301-474-8000, the o..e+tt Conncc:bon at 301-474-3100 or

visit Greeabcll Cilylink at bllp:/

Giant Food Begins Food Driw Season

As the lempenlllra and leaves begin to drop, the demands on local social service agencies to care for the needs of homeless and hungry people take a sharp ri5e. Thank!. 10 local food banks, lhcre l.'i somewhere for them to !Urn These food hanks 'iUpply milhons of pound'i ot foud annu­ally lo help their member agen­~,.·,es help the hungry

In p;u1nersh1p wuh other hu!.l­

nesscs, Giani Food t:-,. ht:gmnmg a :-.enes of food dnvcs to help fill food hanks fnr the wmrer The lir!ll drive hcj!:an Novcmhcr I m Gtant's Washington area store..,. Food Dnve 9. wh1ch is a partner­ship with· W•USA TV9 m W:bh· inghm, encourages people to brmg nun-pcnshablc .food dona­tum!> to their local G1ant storc!l or. beginning November 8, to make a cash contnbullon lo the food bank to help them pur<ba>c load. The load drive benefu, the Wa!Jhmgton area's Cap1tal Area Food Bank.

Fur further tnformation ~.:all 301-341-4710.

Air Force Band At U. ol Maryland

A free concert hy The Aim1en of Note, the preJf'ier JU:t: en­semble uf the United States A1r Force. will he held Wednesday. November II at 8 p.m. at the University of Maryland Corifer­eoce Center, University Boule­vard and Adelphi Road, m Col­lege Park. For more mformahon call 703-693-650 I or the cuncen hne at 202-767-~h~H

Paint 8.-.ncb Unitarian Unlvenallst Chun:b

l21iPowdn"h4.111 a-t. &clt•vdkiAdelptll ncn-9n '66(,)

Wt'lc£.JMI's't'C*to•Ofl,~n, nur1uriltg cMUrUUU'I)• - ......

t:JIA 11:15~.

''n..dt ., .... Dnir Joha8~• lntcnm ~hnauer

.. ·+· You'ro Welcome " .... .,l Hero

St. George's Episcopal Chun:b ........, .........

"'""'ol._ ....... _(..,%4) llld-D*-)Iat!aodlol -lll(..,t9l),-lllio

301·262·3215 - ... -Sundoy Servict!ll 9•Fall-(-.....,!b ..

"""""'-iol"'-! ... - ...... tt_,.._

Baha'i Faith --...... -... ~-.-.................. ..... -~~. .... --.. ........ _ ................ .. C..,.,Lft. ___ ... _ .. _.._.__.,.. ............ --...... _ ...... ... 'l.'iocMWriilp

Gnottloolr Bolla'i c-.ty P.O.IIOII:145

G-.,MD:11771 JtJ.J45..1ttl .ltl-ut-3161 'Wita.a1"--la.-y ..... 12n1D'tcnWUST1120• .. AMIIIII

........,....,,...,.,, .. ---.. ...,_~-

Cindy Sltiftkt W•ten, ri&ht, sporls a new t~c shirt from her son Keaaetll.

A Benefit Dance For a· Cancer Patient

A dance will he held IU hcn­efit cancer patient Cindy Sh1f0et Wat<" at the Rlvenlole PilLa Puh on Saturday, No\1. 7 from 9 p.m • I a.m. The band "Show Down," friends of Cindy'.,, arc playing al the Pub, wh11.:h 1\

owned by friends of Cindy -hoth are donauon:li. Gue!tb arc asked to make a ~.:onlribUtum

Cindy, who h'les w1dt her ~•s­ter Marilyn Nonnan at 14 Court Laurel Hill, is fighting an 1nupcr· able hram tumor. Afler battlm~ through three seb of chemu. she reached the SIOO,OOO limn her msurartt.:e will pay for her treat­ment. Thus far, nothing ha~ al· f'ected the tumor.

For th1s fourth and mmot po~ . erful "ICE" chemo at NIH shc must prepay each of four treat-

mcnts. On Nov. 2 she had her thud, now Cmdy's .. ·ollectmg do­nations to help pay for the la~t

one, s.c:hcduled for December. Cindy has l1ved 10 Greenbelt

for the past 25 years. She eel· chr,ued her 41st twthday No\1. 2. Her parents. Betty and Arthur Cnu~m. hved 11 Boxwood unlll two years ago. Son Kenneth Sh1fnct. age 12. ltves with her. He attends Greenbell Middle S~.:hl)\.)1. Cindy has heen staying w1th her hrother. Eddie Cousin c.tch Umc she ha~ a treatment so he can help look after her and 'he won't be alone

For those: unahh.: to attend the dance. contnhutums may he ~en! to Cmdy al 14- V Laurel Hill Road. Grccnhdt. MD 20770.

~ 7

~ wiJic QoJJ. ~! Localed atlhe 'omer of Crescenl and Greenhill Roads

_,.. _..,.- tSund.,l 8:31 A 11100 All

:::.. -=.:,.o~.:r.:.~ (Sund.,i = = ,._ -..) 7100 Pll

For transpol!afion or mom information call 47 4-4212 or contac1 us on ltle Internet at ··

lle.wiNJJ 8 . e/uvicl,

WheR." !here is welcome r the stranger and communily wilb others who and juSiice.

Harvest Bazaar At Holy Redeemer

Holy Rtdcemer Ouch. .. 4<J02 Berwyn R<Bl in College PaR. will hold a Harve~t Bazaar on Friday. November 13 and Sarunlay, Novem­ber 14.

On Fnday. th:re will l>c an Irish dim<r at 5 p.m. anoJ La' Vcg., night until II p.m.

Qn SalwUa). t!•."rc Will i>c a yard and hall sale at K a.m .. bal.aar and lundl bcgmnm~ .11 ll.xJtl. and a Ta..,.tc of Italy dmncr a1 ·L\0 p.m. An auc­tion will l>c l>cld at H:)O p.m .. fol· kl'MXI by r.dlb ol mun(.-y, Rcd.Jun ... Ono~e::. and Capital"> Lickets. anc.J a handmade quilt at II p.m.

There ..-.: fees fur lunch and the dinnen.. Fur more information call Pam Hunter. )01-474-9576.

Greenbriar Sponsors Conned Food Drive

Greenbriar and Glen Oak.~ resi­dents are encouraged to donate canned goods and ho•cd load it<mS to the Canned Food Dnve. 1l1e load will be used to help provide Thanksgivmg dinner for needy fami­lies in Greenbelt and other areas of Princ..-e George's County. Donatims can be dropped ofT in the Game Room ac Greenhnar's Community Bwlding between now and Novem­ber 20. For more information call Tina a1 301-441-1096.

Painting Exhibit At Montpelier

·-colors of the Duke," an c~h 1 bition of paindngs by Annapoll~ based artist Esther Levy, 14'111 lx· featured in the MonlpcliL'r An~ Cenler's Main Gallery. A ren·r· tion to honor the anist, 'o\hl.:h thr

public IS welcome to attend. v.111 he held on Friday, Novcmhcr 1 ,

from 7 · 9 p.m Usmg color and l:'alhgr.tph~ ;h

vehicles and jazz as her m~p11 .1 tum, Levy creates lushl)-t:ol(lh'd large format abstrat..'"t painttnc'' These works explore the c~w~-~· of jazz, r.apping into thc deer I\'\·

ervoir uf feeling tha' lies .u th~ heart of the music. Althuuyh Jazz provides the impetus fur th•: work, Levy pushes the pamltfH!\ hcyond the music mto a my~tt';l· ous and primal world evoked h' color and shape. '

Catholic Community of Greenbelt


Munldpol Building Sundays 10 A.M.

I' FRITH MINISTRIES ~ •o Ridge Rd., Greeabelt (301) .Wl-•935 Saturday 6:30 - 9:00 P.M.: Prayer Meeting Sunday 4:00- 7:00P.M.: Worship Service TOPIC:Jehovah-Nissi (The Lord Our Banner)

You ARE WELCOME Pastor Francis Gyemfi

Tune In to our radio broadcast at 2:45 pm on l_ Sundays WFRN 1 221 RM · _j

MASS SCHEDULE: Sunuy 8, 9:30, 11 a.m., 12:30 p.m.

Saturday 5 p.m. Dally Ma ... ~: 7:~0 a.m. Monday-Friday, 9 a.m. Monday~Saturda)

Sacrament of Reconci!iation: Saturday 3:45-4:45 p.m

Rev. Thomas F. Crowley. Pastor In Rc~•den~.:e: Rev. Walter J. Tappe

ST. HUGH'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 135 Crescent Road, Greenbelt, Md.

Berwyn Presbyterian Church 6301 Greenbelt Road

Sunday School VVorship Service

9:30a.m. 11:00a.m.

All are Welcome Interim Pastor Rev. Jo Serchak 301- 474-7573

I .. -------·--·--,----1 t HOLY CROSS LUTHERAN CHURCH ~ Fnsndly P«JP1e WOIShlpprng God and SBrvrng their commurnty





11905 GrMnbett Roed, ~MD 20770 Fu 301·220-01194


Rev. ....... K llorU, 1W1or {»1) :N6-6fff

Young voter receives lnatrnrtlon berore enterlnl tbe bootb at Eleuor ROOHvell Hl1b Srbool. ....... .,......,.. ..... _

Noontime Yoten in line at the Community Center.

Halloween Poll

"I Don't Know" Beats Glendening by 1 Vote! by Poua Lo ..

La.'il year, Halloween fell on a Friday, and I didn't want to do anything to celebrate 1t other than hand out Bible tracts. This year, however, as soon as the sun set, I wa.~ oul scaring the kids in the most effective way possible.

I would give them a choice of candy, then ask them, "II you could vote ne'x.t Tuesday, who would you vote forT' Some of them were so taken ahack by the question that they nearly forgot their candy. Many were helped by parents from the street. who also gut to vote. Quite often, the oldest would vote for someone, and everyone else with him/her would e.:ho the chuice .

Here, then, were the voles cast between 6 and 9 p.m .• in de­scending order:

Don't Know, 25: Glendening, 24; Sauerhrey, 9; Nobody, 7: Doug Love ("You'"), 6 (a true honor); The Witch, 4 (Some of these may have been for Sauerbrey, Mikulski, or Audrey Scott. Or did they see my mom through the door'!); "My Mom," 2; Rodney (Rob·

ens), 2: I Give Up, 2: Not Bill ClirMon, 2; Bill Clinton':-. Head, I (May have been for Mrs. Clinton); Mrs. Clinton, I; Abraham Lincoln. I; and I wouldn't (vote), I (Disappomt· ment of the night).

I promised them thai next year they can vOle: for City Council.

The Petition 1ea11111e learsl The annexation referendum petition deadline is almost here! Please tum 1n your &tgnecl petitions or handbills by tbit Suf'tdly Noywmbtr Itt! so they can be counted toward the total. Drop off, mail, 0< call lOt' pickup: Sylvia Lewia, 2-C Gardonway. G-. MD 20no. (301)474-3635 a Ycni Siegel (301)47+-4863

·~- * * {;;../ * * * * ..:=:::::-. IIIE VtJ'EIS TIE CIIICEI tlae P & G Old GreeaNit Deater

123 Centlrwly 301 ... 74-9744 Don't mlaa your chance to - the Full· Technlcolor ,.., .. ,_II,.,.. •• of thla lrlmMy clault: on G,..,belt'a 40-foot .-n In DoiiJy aound .

Slaed .. l·l8t. ~ SpeeW ,....,.... • s.m.r.lq, N..,_.ber 7 IJI2:45p ... c..,.__,.. a ewe- ..WIJef .. ,.,. ••·•· c.~~ ............ , •• t ...... ,............, ....._ ... ..._..,.,_

Thlala the flrlt In a sertn of evanll ac:hadulad In an effort to SAVE THE GREENBELT THEATER. The GrMnbelt theater Ia one

of thearu'a 1at wide "'"" lhHt8rs and 1 comeratone of the community. For nten Information ... .

oz ccoatlDoocltrumP.Io n meeting. Paul Sanche1, theater owner, said he would close its dbors in December if business did not improve·. Last month, he sent a lener w council slat­ing that he had rece1ved his tax statement from 1997 showing that he continue:~ to lose money on the: opcrathln. In that leuer, he, then. muvt'd his closing date to the: end of October. The city's !tpunsorship of the film festival extends the lheatcr's J.tay in Roosevelt Ccn­ler for al least six \more months, Sanchez said. ;

The first leg or the fitln les· ti'lal will run every day Of the week for two weeks at SS for evening shows and $3 for mati· nees and for University of Maryland students. The festival will pick up steam again (_)n December 18 for six days with lhe restored versiOn of "The King and I" nnd ''The Sof!nd of Mu•ic." I

After April. the plan:-. drc: un­certain, said Sanche/, adding: "It's' all up in the air," he said. "A lot uf it depends un iif the town can help me increase the

attendance to cut losses. If it won·t. I'll ha\le to close it."

In addition to temporarily underwriting the film restival. the city also mstalled on Mon­day new redwood s1gns for Roosevelt Center. At lhe Sep­tember council meellng. Sanchel had complained lhat customt:rs had difficulty ·in lo­caling the theater. The sign'­now stand at the corner of ·soulhway and Crescent and across from the Mobil station. pointing the way to 1he lheater and the other businesses in Roosevelt Center.

The city is wnrking with concerned cUilens to save the historic Greenbelt Theater. The theater has been a fixture in Roosevelt Center stnce Greenheh was founded and has played an integral role in tbe life or Greenbelt residents and Greenhell's neighbors. In re­cenl years, the thealer has not been ahlc to make a profit due to stagnant ticket sales and ris-



Nomnb<r 9 1998-8:00 P.M.


I. CalltoOnkr

RoiiC•ll '

MrctitJtlon and ~cdgr of AUrjtian(.·e to the Flail

·l. < :onsrnl Age~ ·Approval of Staff RC'cornmcndationa

(Tlw conunt agenda (.'Onst#J of thou lt'ms which bat,. tUtwtslu (")p/Rcftlb#6UIIIbnrl, mbjttcttosucbl'ftJUions as nury H nu~dl ~ 1M Counca prior to upproval)

S. Approval o( Aw:nda and Addition.•


6. Prncnlalion.'l

. AmC'rica Recydc=llny Prodanutkm ·Carol Vitak, Prince C.reorgc'!f Educational foundatkm • ~Ml Prcscnti6on to Mayor Pro-Tem While:

7. Petition.\ and A!C'quc=5t5

(hrilions r«r•ved at tbe mHttng wiU not be tKtld upon by the City Council"' this muttnx unlrss the sklnd~ng ruWs arr WtJII1Cfd by tiN Council)

8 Mlnmcs o( MceCin~tS

9. Administr.alive Rrporu

• I 0 CommJurr Report~


J I A Rrsolul~n for I he Negoliatcd Pufl'h:..o,e uf Pt:-nc:mal Com­p~en In the= Anancc OC'panmrnr from (,;.ucway . 2nd RndinJl "'Adojxion

12 A kcsolution 1~ ~ ... tabl~h Zonhlg "'rs · I~~ Rcadin~ ·

I'< CYri\ER Bl1SINE.~S

13 U5Cd Oil FiltC'r Rcqchng Ptotu'Am

14. N"'tionaJ Carnj>aiJl.O. Motion DeteclOr for Police <:.US

1'5. Rnllion to job Description· Police: Lieutenant

16. Additiorul funding for RetirclhC'nt Sludy Committee


N<JI'E: 'fhi.sjs a pre~ aMCnda,sub;ccc to chaftlc. Rqtulat c::oun. cU mcctinp arr open lo rhc publk: and aU lntcrcSIC'd ciliuM arc invilcd to artcnd. For iti/ormation, plcur call 301-474-~70. U lpC· accomrnodalions arc rt"qul~d to make- this mcctln& acccseiblc to any disallled penon, pi<..., call 30147~ or 301474-2046 (f00) to rcqucsr such accommodation bc=forc 10:00 am on the= day of the rnc-C'1ing.

Check out thC' Grt'C'nbch Citylink WC'b&itr at www

L>avid E Mur .. n Cil)' Clcll<

Breit Weeks Is out walkla1 with his areyhouads Mox, ~Die and Claro. Each dot hal a leulo thllt _tc ... t .. color of lois or her collar a ad oa cold or rainy days eacb sports a matchiq M, blue or arun coat.

• phto by Tnau Mo~c

Those Greyhouads Seea Arouad Town •••

by Teaaa Morse Suppose you are a grey­

hound. (No. not the enormous, ei&ht-wheelcd. &mokc-belchins cruiser of the back roads of Middle America, but the dog.) What do you think is the ques­tion mosl frequently asked about you? Answer: "Is that a Dalmatian?"

A frequent qucsl~on Brcu Weeks hears from his Greenbelt neiahbors during daily walks with three Greyhounds, is whether the two block and while colored Greyhounds arc, in fact, Dalmallans. Children often assume that after viewing the 101 Dalmatians movie. Weeks is one of several Grccnbehcrs who have opened their homc5, and hearts, to ani­mals who may hne otherwise been killed after thear careen as racing dogs ended.

People also wonder how the dogs manage in these small homes. Contrary to the impres·

_ sion many. people have, Grey­hounds make good family pets as they" re good-natured around children. loyal lo their owners, and have, as Weeks likes to de­scrihe, an on/off button. "1ltey love to walk and run outdoors, but immedialely· 1urn into couch potaloes when they"rc inside the house." Two of 11¥: Weeks dogs demon!itrated this trait to this report~r as each took up their l'e!.pccti ve positions at op­posite ends of the sofa.

Considering these dogs arc bred and groomed for the busi­ness of racing, they adapt re­markahly wdl to Greenbelt life. They spent the1r formauve years in t·ratc:"i. and were re­leased only for ra..:mg and ext'r­..:tse. Yet. the dogs' sociahlt'

nature and intelligence enable them to adjwt to a sub­urban lifestyle. The suburban "newness" includes children, other family peu, and even stairs - modern trappin&s we take for granted.

Outside, the leashed dogs travel well together - walking in unison rather than pulling in opposin& directions. These dogs actually prefer aroups. This tendency to stay close to one another, and to their owner. prompts Weeks to nickname them the "Velcro Dogs ...

Wanla11oSqlllrnlo People know Greyhounds a~

racing dogs, but they were originally bred for hunting Weeks' two pel ferrets (who es­tablished a place in the house­hold prior to the dogs' arr1val) ap·pear to have a suicidal-like tendency to test thetr housemate5' hunting instincl. The ferrets (cute and cuddly -contrary to some public opm­ion) enJOY nipping al the•r heck The reponer didn't no· lice any overt hosttluy on the Greyhounds' part, but learned that, JUSI recently, an un.&Spect­ing Greenbelt squirrel Plet an untimely death at the hands (or paws) of the dog5.

Dog owners need to consider keeping these dogs leashed or within a fenced yard. The dogs' speed (up to 45 MPH) t·an be detrimental to th~1r

safely 1f they spot a wayward squirrel. Additionally, the dogs easily be..:omc lost as they de­pend more upon thctr saght than upon the !>..:ent of thc1r lcrntorv (All· GHr houses look alike' 1 -

Plaaned Although Wtt"ks ~xpccted 111

someda) own a lar8e dog. bt~

Dance Concert WiD Feature Signing

The Public Playhouse in Cheverly will host performances by the Vttal Sign Dan<:e Com­pany (mtegrating dance, musi..:, poetry. theatre. and sagn lan­guage' with special gue:»ts, the Nalaonal Deaf Daat:e Theatre oo November 6 and 7 at 8 p.m These perfonnance\ are intended for hearing and Jcaf aud1enccs ahke.

Free parking i'i available. 'There 1s a fee. Children three and under arc free. For informa­tion. call 301-277-1710 or 301-277-0312 (TOO).

being the owner of three Grey­hounds somewhat surprised Weeks' fam1ly, and, possibly, Weeks himself. Max, the first dog, was, as they say, planned. After resear<:hmg large breeds, and meeting other Greenbelt Greyhound owners Sue Madi­son and Kris White, Weeks adopted his first Greyhound. Max is a friendly, outgoing 70- , lb. gazelle-like creature. Withm months. Week., rcaltzed that Max was lonely and a..:qu1rcd Allte - Mu's 60 lb. female playmate. Clara, the th1rd, (and poss1hly not la1o.t '" 1h1s !ierie~) was, a!! they ... a)'. unplanned. Weeb. wa~ a"kcd to fo!>ter Clara for JUS! a "couple of wed .. -.·- hut !\he f"1t 1n well wtlh the other\ anJ Weeks knew, -.-.·•thin day!'~, lhdl 'ihc wa1o. a lL•cpcr

Sc~·eral Grccnhclt Greyhound t~wncr~ sug~cst that adop11ng rnure lhan one dog helps !!lave ufl 1he dog's loneliness (they were ra•sed in litll:r!-1).

About thJS t1me. Weeks traded tn his sporty Saturn for a mm1van.

Food expc.n.u:s increased as well. The dogs consume 40 lhs of choice dog food every three weeks, as well as vita· mms and other sundries. And, anyone considering adopting this breed also needs to find a veterinary practice familiar with the dogs· special needs and al­lergies to cenain substances.

Ia Public The Brett's Greyhounds ap­

peared in public in the Labor Day Parade and lhe Maryland Renatssance Festinl on Oct. 3. Recently Brett and his dogs were among the more than 500 Greyhound owners and their dogs headed for Dewey Beach, Delaware for the Greyhounds Reach the Beach event.

When you sec them out walking, it's okay to stop and ~.:hat. just don't call them Dal­matian!> - they don't like that

Can Dogs The dogs' adoptive owners

ftnd themselves in illustrious ~.:ompany. The Greyhound is the oldes1 dog breed tn recorded htstory. Traced-back to early cave drawings, the Greyhound ll> menttoned ia the Bible !Proverbs 30:29-31 ). Non­Grecnhclt owners included Cusler. Frederick lhe Great, and, possibly, Cleopatra.

If you're considering adopt­mg a Greyhound. Sue Madison can he reached at 301-474-421'15. Also. there are a number

·of Weh 'iite:.. that offer detailed 1nforma11on on lhe care and ncl!'d:.. l)f Greyhounds. A Jo­e ..til y b..t:..ed ont: t":

http //w\low adupt-a­grnh~~und 11rg

COUNCIL (CoatiaMd from paae I)

Pak that council has worked for years to get a traffic light. over· pass, or lower the spc'd limi-1. but Greenbelt .Road is under the JUrisdiction of the Slate Htghway Administration. Cnuncilmemhcr~

suggested he wrne local elected officials and contat:l hx:al groups to help lohhy for h•s ..:ause.

Bus Stop The bus !!lop ncar the intersec­

tion of Crcscen1 Road and Gardenway (on the s1de towards the gas station) will be tmproved and a new sidewalk and cross­walk will connect 11 lo the exist­ing inner walkway system. The project was approved hy council and is cslimated lo cost hetween S2.000 a,d 52.500. Currently a dirt path leads to th1s bus stop. It is used by lhe riders of the three bus routes that go through the core of the city and is the end of the line for one roulc.

MlocellODOOOS Longtime Grunbcll Recreation

Department empioyee Janet Goldberg was prescnled an award from the Red Cros~ for all her work organizing hluod dnves for years Last year 115 umts of

Thunda7, !ljo..,m .. r 5, 1998

blood were collected tn Greenbelt. So far this year 170 units have been collected with another blood drive planned Red Cross representative Dou!! Hemming explained that 200 untts save the lives of bOO

people. A t:heck for $600 was pn:

sent_ed to the city's Emergenl·~ Rehcf Fund. The money "';1\

raised from a silenl auctwn at Greenbriar.

Funding of 5225,000 was ap­proved to purchase computer equipment for the new finance computer system.

The Heiress Debuts In Greenbelt Center

1lle movie of the month w1ll be shown Monday, Novemher 1.J

at 1 p.m. in lhe senior classroum of the Community Center.

The Heiress stars Olivia de Havilland, and Montgomery Clil1 as a sly, duhing fortune hun1er and Ralph Richardson as her cruel, ramrod father in tum-of-the centul)' New York.

'The film was adapted from 1h: Henry James novel Wa!!htngton Square.

, ~

-~~ ffi • ill l'ltOMI: 301-345-4591 • FAX: 301-474-!501 • !lOUIS: •r t-IO•F,s t-Il 11qjjjij

Gilbey's Peachtree Vodka Schnapps

'9" 1.75L ..... 1.75L Seagram's "7" Tanqueray

Whiskey Gin

'II" 1.75L '24"1.75L Chivas Regal Bombay

Scotch Sapphire Gin

'2289 750ML '1489 750ML Kendall Jackson. Columbia Crest

"VR" Chardonnay Chardonnay

'1189 750ML '7" 750ML

Columbia Crest Merlot '13" 750ML I ICI IIC"'i

Klllians Irish Red Beer 12 oz 12 pk Btls

12 case ~1189

Miller Ute 30 Pack 12 oz Cans


Thunday, Nowm .. r S, 1998

"Music Man" at Goddard Is Classy Entertainment

by Allorlo Bell Roas The Goddard Space Flight

Center's Music and Drama C(ub (MADD) played "The Music Man," to a full house that included Elmo. Raggedy Ann and Andy. a big black cal, clowns, and to other theater gocrs on Halloween night. And the show, diret:ted hy Greenbelt Arts Center director Mary Lou Fisher, was definitely a treat.

In Meredith Willson's musi­cal. traveling salesman Harold Hill (Randy Barth) arrives in River City, Iowa. to sell band instruments to its youngsters the Fourth of July weekend of 1912. Marian Paron (Erica Drelek), the town'!\ l1hrarian and piano teacher i!\ leery of the smooth talking Hill, su 1s Mayor Shinn (Gene Smith).

On Saturday night, this sus­picion created a tension that tent to some rich acung. Barth handled the role of Hilt skill­fully. He was flamhoyant, flat­tering, and fun -* all the char­acleristics needed l<l carry off such a mammoth role. Drczek's acting demonstrated

nice -touch. The stage layout was ideal for those seated adja· cent to it, but for those near the wall~ it was difficult to sec 1hc full stage. Somelimes, it also was hard lo hear singers who were performing around the stage.

The set was plain and simple. The stage ctew rotated the panels with tittle fuss, which made for quick scene changes. On one rare occasion, a panel got stuck, and the audi­ence cheered when the crew freed it. Besides the set, the fine acting was packaged well in period appropriate costumes. The men also wore straw hats, and the women donned white gloves. The delicate lace blou~ and jacket Drezek wore near the end of the performance was particularly striking.

Now, this is family entertain­ment with class. There's still time to enjoy this dinner theater at 6:30 p.m. on Novemher 12 and 19. Tickets must be pur­cha!>ed 1n advance at 30 I· 6.57-4220. and it is ·a treat worth consumin~ well after

great depth. The audience Halloween. watched as she tran!\formcd from a shrewd "old maid" to a compassionate woman m love by play's end. Sm11h wa'i ..:un­sistently humuruu~ as he ..:on* tinued lo misstate word!\ in an mfectious way. M:-.. Paroo':-. brother, Winthrop. played hy eight-year-old Lu("a:o. Crowley was e"'cellent a1o. wa!-1 his brother, Jesse. in "Bye Bye Bm.he." Lucas carried off the part of a Hsping child v~ry con­vmcingly and wilh conf1dence.

The Greenbelt Grab B

Author, composer. and ar­ranger Willson was a native of Iowa, who grew up in the pe­riod for which he wrote. He left for New York w ~tudy mu­sic. While there, he also com­posed music and Jed an' orches­tra on the radio. It wok him e1ght. years, 30 draftJ.., and 40 soilgs to wnle "The Music Man." The effort wa1o. worth­while. The Broadway show's big hit was the march, "Seventy-Si"' Tromhones," in which Hill extolled the virtues of having a school band. Beautiful singing accompanied this grand music. The show's choir was composed of young children, even an infant, through to very mature adults. A nice blend of voices belted out "Iowa Slubborn," among other pieces. sang me­lodiously in "Goodnight, My Someone." The barbershop quanet that was supposed to be the school board commented on the play's action. These guys (Steve Bilanow, Jesse Holt, Patrick. Kennedy. and Ian Richardson) really could harmo-nize, cspe~iatly when singing "Good Nisht, Ladies."

by Punchln' Judy Have you ever noticed, when

you're in Greenbelt. you're not in Kansa.\ any more'! Well. OK. so you might not have hccn 10 Kan­sas to hegin with. hut you prob­ably hadn't been in Oz eilhcr.

'There arc more similanties he­tween Greenbelt and Kansas and Oz than you might dream of. The 1o.tory of Ol wa."i a dream. af­ter all, or wa.'i it'! There is some­thing dreamlike about Greenbelt sometimes. A little boy of my acquaintance used to mispro· nounce it Drcambclt That was in the days bc.fore the Parkway and the Beltway, wllen visitors planned. to spend the day, and sometimes the n1ght. when mak­ing the journey into our city. Too bad we didn't have a yellow brick road!

Toto wouldn't have been al· towed here then. Possibly it was a wicked witch that decreed that there he no four-legged pets. And there really are witches here. I am sure of it because last Sat· urday I handed out candy to sev­eral.

You need go no fa her than Bellsv1lle to see your wn per­sonal Kansas at the A riculture Department. You do 't ev'en have to leave Grecnbe t to the Wizard. You'll fin h1m at NASA - after all wh1 did you

think make. s all lhnse~<.·c.kels whiz around·~ We don't really have ions and

tigers and bears, oh my Would you settle for deer, c have enough of those. (1 pn 1se not to get into Bambi. chat's a differ­ent movie)

. We also have lots f little people. mostly at Gree hell El­ementary Scho(ll. Don' 1ell me we don't have charact rs wilh unexpected hcans of go • unbe­lievable courage, and u uspectcd brain power. 'Then. the is Aunt Em, and of course Y- Well, don't expe<:t me to d all the work. Go find y matchmates or better sti , go sec the movie yourself, i( -will be playing right in qur ry own thca1er in the Center

K11'bella-'1 ..... ,. Jilltlln ~

Sunday, No_,ber IS" 3:00p.m.

At !be Grealbell CcmlmUDity Ceota' IS Cracmt Rood. Grealbel~ MD

Fealuring Jde ...,._ A New Ycrt Ollie A word WiDa«

"A mDMioiU QCITtJS wllo lliiU IM aUtiiCt

wirh lwr po.rsioiiiiU swryuUU.,. • WulliDIUII Poat

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Spoasored by 3 PriDce <Jarae'• COUDty c ......... ;ay Orpaizltloa• ....._lllr_ .......... _....IHNIIII._.._......

()n 4lUI' o.on ....

The dancing was delightful, too. Mrs. Shinn (Stacie Hering) and her ladies debuted as Grecian urns. lbeir "JQov~ ing" performance elicited lauah­ter fro,m the audience. The choreoaraphy was cute in 1be Sadder but Wiser Girl" where Hill's sidekick, Marcellus (Steve Yednock) pretended to be a woman. Dreu:k and Borth also kicked up their heels to the song, "Shipoopi."

The cut used the s1aac with a runway to their advantage by enterina:. exiting. and inler11Cting with the audience, which was a

Tbc Collqe cCHealtb aDd Humall Pafllfllllll Uoivcnil)' cC Maryland II Colleae I'IR

CddnliDK its '5(/' AIIDMIWY

Gardeners Needed The National Arboretum 1n

Washington. OC ~~ seeking \ltll­unteer gardener!>o tl> help the hm­ticultural staff matntain the Arboretum's AJ.alea collection. On the job naming teac~e~ proper gardening techniques m­duding planting, pruning, mulch­ing and weeding. Volunteers also assist with plant propagation and inventory. For more Information. call Mary Ann Jarvis at 202-245-4565.

1hc Umvcrsity nf Marylaml's Cui­lege Park campu1o.. 'There ~!I u ~· with a discount for sen1or cll1-u:ns. Call the Morylond Handel Festival Box Office at 301-405-5568.

-------------- . . ---

All Sale Prices Effective Monday. Nov. 91h

thru Sunday. Nov. 15th

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AnJou Pean

·----·r. Light Beer 6pk.

12 oz. cans

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r;;:i:::.:-;:=.:=.----~ IIBIIBIOII.Y"-ce<ll' I I PILLSBURY ·s~ I I MOIST SUPIIE- 7 ~ I I CAD MIX I I AsscM'RD VA111111U • 18114 oz. I

.I --~·~~~~.=.IIMI~- I L- .:-:.ytR..:c.::::':.~=-:.- .J ~~·==-~=-==-----~ 1- CkYifiR!IIRti»Cf I I WiSHIIONI! .. I I SAlAD I I DnSSING I I AsscM'RD VMm~D A oz. I I ·-~·~~~~::.-.c.- I L- .=:..,...::'::':.~=:..- ..1

..... I. Tbanday, Noftlllber S, 1998

7SOO block of Mandan Road. Oct. 28. 11 am .. a maintenance room in an apartment building was entered and a key was stolen.

........ WiD lledace Crime aa4.,.,... lieutenant Governor Kathleen includtng tntens1ve supcrv1sto~,

P< >LI CF BL< rrt LH. Kennedy Townsend designed day reporting: ~urfe_ws: electrom~ Break the Cycle. the largest anti- monitori~g, s1tl1~g '"· J~.,

61 00 block of Breezewood Drive. Oct. 28. 5:36 p.m .. home electroniL: equipment, sporh L:ards. and credit cards were re· ported stolen from a restdence. The method of entry is un·

drug antl-cnme program in the ~ommumtr se.rvt~e. Jat~ ume. or country. The program is a1med mc~er~10n m a_ maxa_mum se-

Based on Information Released by the Greenbelt at 1 S.OOO offenders in s,:ven cunty pnson for m-pauenl drug

Police Department Maryland cuunt1e~. including treatment. Prince George\ County. 1bc: Maryland General.~sem-

Slro•1·Armed Robbery Greenway Shoppin~ Center,

Oct. 24, 6:4S p.m., a man was approaching the driver's s1dc \Jf hts vehicle when he was slruck tn the bock of the head by an­other man. The blow knocked him to the a:round. and the as­sailant leaned over h1m and de­manded hi!> muncy. The \ll~llm pulled out a Jar~c lo4.:king-bladc utility kn1fc whu:h he had on h1s hell. and the would-be rob­her fled on tout towards Hanover Parkway. The, suspc~.:t IS descnhcd a:-. a hlad. male with a hght ..:umplcxmn and m h1s LWCOIICS, 5'~". 200 Jh~. {stocky huald), wtlh black ha1r and wear1ng: a black Ja~o:kct. hluc JCans. and white sneakers.

plaint of people smoking man­juana mstde of a veh1cle 1~ the parkang lot. When the off1-1:er approached the vetlicle. he oh­served two people ms1de and detected the odor of man Juana emanating from 1L Invesllga­tion revealed p•raphernal1a commonly used for inge-;tlng manjuana inside of the vchtcle. Both occupants, a J9.year-old male resident and a 23-ycar-old male nonresidenl, were charged on Citation and released

known. Break the Cycle is an a~~res· ~ly has approved $2.9 .;;~~o~:~

sJve reg1men of drug testing, sup~ the: program, Greenbelt Community Ceni.Cr,

Oct. 28. 8: IS p.m .. a cash box contaming clUih and checks was reported stolen from the gymna­~tum while an aerobics das~ was 1n sc~ston The robbers. two 15-year-old male resldents. were ~.:aught un vtdeotape and tdcntif1ed by the officer who re­sponded, who recognized them They were charged on citatwn wtth theft and n:ieased to thctr parent!'! Mnst of the ~.:urrency

wa ... recovered

sanctwns and trca. tment focusmg begm. October 23. on cnminal offenders, who a~-count for an esumated 50% of the nation's cocaine and herom consumptwn. Offenders who vinlate rules or test positive for drugs face a range of sanctions

Assault Frankfurt On'llc at Morns.on

Dnvc. Ckt. 2~. 3.26 p.m .. a 14-ycar-old Ekannr Roosevelt H1gh ~hnol ~tudcnt repurted that whale he was walk1ng home. someone approa~.:hed him from bchmd and ~truck him m the head. The victim d1d not sec his as~atlant. ~o he ~:ould not prov1de .1 Jcsa1ptmn. The v1c11m d1d 0111 n.:4u1rc mcd1cal treatment


Baralary aDII Theft TGI Fr1day's in the ~400

blo'-'k of Cap1tol Dnve. 0\.·t. 23. 11:02 a.m .. twtl credit ~ards were reported stolen from a purse that was· hangmg on the ha~:k of a chaa.

6200 hlo<k of Sprtnghtll Drtve. Oct. 24. 4:23 p m , a daycarc center wa:-. reporh:J hroken into a second tlml' 1n

less than a week. Item!! were reported stolen from tn!'!1Jc the bu1ld1ng. and the ex.tenur of the building was vandahtcd

?KOO block nf Han<Jver Park· way. O.:t. 24( 5·14 p.m .. J ... tor­age hm wa~ reported hmkcn mtn and two b1cycle ... wen~ ... tolcn a green Huffy mounlaln h1kc and a blue Trek mountain h1ke

Vebid~ Crim~s

Beltway Pla1~ Mall. Oct. H a I 5-ycar-old male nonresident was arrested ftw JUmpmg up and down (JR a vdude. causmg damage to

the pamt. "Inc JUVenile wa~ rc· leased pcndtng actiOn hy the Ju­vemle Ju .... tlce Sy~tem

5KOO hlock of Cherrywood Terrace. Od 27. a !!.ilver two· door 19M7 Volk ... wagen GTI with Texas tag!! -~~ ~ RMB wa. ... stulen.

6000 hlo'k of Sprtnghtll Dnve. Oct 27. a black l'J':JM Su~:uk1 GSXR 750 motorcycll' with Mar;lanJ tag 270Dtl wa.., stolen

Hotline on Drugs The Grccnheh Police De­

partment needs the help of re..,•dents. Any citi1.en with mformat10n ahuut poss1hlc drug activity in the city is encouraged to call the Greenbelt Narcou~.:~ Hot lme at 301·507-6522. Callers may rcmam anonymow.

Vandali~ms to. theft~ from. and attempted theft:-. from ve­hicle~ were reported tn the fol· low1ng arc<~~: ~WOO blo~k o~ Mandan Road, 9100 blud ul Edmonston Court. 6200 block of BrecLCwood Drive. SMOO hlod of Cherrywuod Terrace. 9 ~:ourt uf Southway. and 60 bind of Ridge Road.

Eleanor Roosevelt H1gh S~:hool. Oct. 22. 12: IS p.m., school off1c1ab took .twu trcs­pas~n. one a 21- yeilr-old male nunresuJcnt and the uthcr a 17-ycar-old nunres1dcnt. to the of· f1cc. lnvesllgatioo by a School R.:source Officer. revealed that they were in possession of sus· pee ted manjuana _and. of su~­pected cra~.:k cocame 1n sufr1· dent quantity to indi<.:ate distri· bullon. Both were charged wuh poues~1un of controlled danger­ous substance~ (CDS) and pm­session of CDS w1th intent to distribute. The adult appeared before a distnct court commis­sioner and was held on bond. and the juvenile was ~leased to a relative.

7500 hlm:k. "f Mandan Road. Oct 26. 1:~1.1 ..1 m . a ~torage shed WJ'i reported hro· ken 1nto by culling 1he lah:h for the lock. A snnwhlower and acct)'lene tanks were re­moved from the shed Al:-.o taken were a welder and ~a..; cans from outside the shed.


Greenway Shopping Center, Oct. 26, 7:15 p.m., an officer responded to a citizen's com-

6100 blo<k of Sprtn~htll Terrace, Oct. 26,. 6: II p m .. a resident reported that when she rccc1ved her credit card hill. there were unauthont.ed pur· chases made out of the ctty. The victim st11l has the credit ~ard and has no tdea huw the credit card accouat number was obtained by the unauthunteJ purchaser.

Cr~scent Road. Oct. 2 7. 6:05 p.·m., a silver and blue boy's 10-specd bicydc wa!l re­poned stolen.

~~~~~£:~~ 1_ .. _ -l-.1 1 w. Why Alplece Lost Teeth? u.1. I

jotnl. D•maae to rema1nlnH I I When - ... loot. they should

I be promptly roplac<d. ,... m uccpcions to tbi& rule such u

I "wildom -. • ""' ,... Nle opplia I.O-..uyoli--.For­l(lllllple._.i.t~~e .....

---lit<ly I Perhapl molt serious or all are I ~.If- ... dq>rivcd of the suppon aDd restraint of I ltdjM:all -. llley wl -· up. 1 0< sllift. bt oddidcia. wheft .-h I cloa't_.,....,...._llley ... y

pow OUI 100 f•. c:.Wn1 I whole I oewtdofpnlltlcllll. I

11-Ut ..-. Oapl ldl by

-...- .... -..., •• lite l..aa u litely ID loc* cawed ill_. 1 ~· o.op- _,- form

I• 1M ~ cor.n of lbe moudl. Prepucd u public service to 1 •••c• oflea leads to IJI ~ beacr daUI health. From I ~- _.-.. yooo loot the offiee of: Walt<r M. Miller. I aldar. evca IDOI"e imponut are D.D.S .• Nol"1a. R. Ressln, D.D.S., I I_.~ Milai .. - 621S Ckeeabdt 114. Colle&< Put. I

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..... II

Diabete• Health Fair on Sanday Laag Auoc. lloDon -8eD. Green The American lung Associa­

tion of Maryland and Doctors Community Hosp.tal will distrih· ute free Nicotrol patch kits to qualified smokers at the "livmg with Diabetes" health fair on Sunday. Novemher B. 1-6 p.m. at Martin's Crosswinds in Greenbelt. reslde•l Susan Hartwick with Cah·erl Che•ney of the Washington Wizards.

Resident Honored For Charity Work

Susan Hartwick. long time resident of Grcenhc:lt, was hon· ored at the "Thank Yuu Cel­ebration with Calvert Cheaney" on 'sept. 28 at That's Amore Re~taurant In Washington, D.C. Accompanying her was nine­year-old Jc!>.se Dav1s, grandson ol Grecnhclters Mr. and Mrs. WJIIacc Tayman uf Boxwood.

· Each kit contains a six-week supply of Nu.:otrol pall.:hes. a Freedom from Smoktng manual and a palch disposal boule. The manual provides in(onnation on preparing to quit, handling stress and other concerns, what to do if one has a setback, and other helpful tips on the smoking ces­sation process. Information on local behavior modification pro­grams is also available.

Research shows that nicotine replacement products combined with a comprehensive behavior change program can significantly increase a smoker's chances of quitting successfully. For those with on-line access, such a pro­gram 1s available at 1l1e Freedom from Smoking on-line program provides one-on-one help as well as chat rooms in which tu seeR. help or provide support to others who are.,.quitting.

Doctors Community Hospital and the American lung Associa­tion of Maryland distributed more than 100 kits in the hospital's lohhy on Cktoher 19.

Persuns~o have d1abetes or are at high ri. of developing the discast shuu nul smoke. Dia­hctes can _c< prum1sc circulation and smok1 '-·an also reduce the si1:c of hlo vessels. D1ahetes is the leading cause of rion­lraum;uic' amputalion which re­sults from decreased circula· tion, particuHnly in the legs and feet.

People with Type: II diahetes tend to have high blood pressure. Smoking can increase blood pres­sure. High blood sugar and high blood pressure also can damage the kidneys. Diabetes is a lead­ing cause of kidne)' failure and smoking creales an incrc~ ri~k factor for kidney damage.

The Nicotrol Patch kit ur Nicotrol Inhaler/Nasal Spray m­fonnation will be available or. a first-come first-served basis only. For more information, call Doctor's Community Hospital in Lanham at 301-SS2-8109 or the


Calvert Cheaney, of the Washmgtun W1tards, sponsors the Calven Cheaney Baskethall Shoot-nut each year to benefit Ea~olcr Seals. As the second pla~:e winner of the top ten co­ordinators honored; Susan raised $2.027 and was the re­cipient of • trophy which she presented to St. Bernard's Catholic School in Riverdale.

Call ( 30 1 ) 4 7 4-5900 for more infCII1TI81ie•n. . Longtll' tenna ....-.

112can-a-c.n. , Amdlt ____ ilftw-la"-WWt - .

We promise comfortable ... afi

Our family has been serving your communily lor 61 years and we just keep growing.

Our main concern is lo give you safe and complete qualily care which is why we've Ioken hundreds of haurs of continuing education. We utilize slole-of-the-art equip· menl and slerilization Jachniques lo create beautiful, healthy teeth for a lifetime.

DlmNCTIQMI MD AWARDS: DR. CLAYTOtl I. MCCARL IR. Fellow in International College of Denlisls. Fellow in American College of Dentisls. Refired Nqy 1996 Dll. CUUON I. MCCARL ,JR.

·Fellow in Academy of General Dentislry. DR • .JAY IICCAIIL Denial implant Symposium al Boslon Universily. Fellow in Academy of General Denlislry. Dll. DAVID ,J. MCCAIIL Ouinlessence Award for Excellence in Clinical Reslorative Dentislry.

All four 0111. are ranked as Clinical Field Instructors lor 1991-92 by the Uruwrsity ol Maryland Dental School

Maryl•nd State Senator Leo Green is ttU year's recipient of the State American Lung Association branch's Maryland Distinguished Public Service Award.

This award is presented to a public official at any level of government who has been instru­mcn!al in promoting measures that further the public policy aims of the American Lung Associa­tion of Maryland.

.Senator G~n was l'e4;ogni:r..ed for his strong cootmltmcnt to ~ tecting the lung health of Mary-

Dr. Guy Feldman, podiatric physician and surgeon, announces the opening of his Greenbelt of­

., flee at 8824 Cunnmgham Drive, Suite B. in. Berwyn Heights. As a podiatrist, he treats problems with the feet and ankles. He ha~ a special interest m sports medi­cine and pediatncs as well as foot and ankle surgery.

landers. Green i~ one ol the Lung Association's greatesl advo­cates in the Maryland senate. He has been an ally on many lung health issues. He recently led the debate in suppon of a bill to speed up Maryland's trial against tobacco companies that will m­crease the state's chances for a victOC)' in its Medicaid lawsutt._

Green was honored for his contributions in the fight againsl I ung disease at the lung Association's annual meeting, held at the U.S. Naval Academy.

Dr. Feldman, who grew up in Rockville, is a graduate of the University of Maryland, College Park and the Pennsylvania Col­lege of Podiatric Medicine. He served a two-surgery residency in foot and ankle surgery.

The phone number for the lo­<al office is JOI-34S-IIOO. Moot insurances arc accepted.

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.l I


a"--n··~· ad 'l'rellq Lad LoCIIIR VB by Larry Nod minule. In the womens·scction

lan Clements (34) and Sue Paui Schull (39) Ashburn, VA Treacy ( 35) led a field of 16 won by over a minute and a Grecnbeltcrs and former half 1n I :03:06 over Patty Grecnhelten in the annual das- Turney ( .l2) Stiver Spnng 1n lance race a~ part of the Labor I :04.4X Well known runner Day Feslaval Scpcember b. Bca Mane Allen Ul) Columbia Wha1 was to be a 15 kilometer wa~ th1rd m I :07·4M. (9.3 male) race was lengthened In The younge~l runner wa~ 10 miles by an official's crrur. Oan1cl Caywood ( 12) 78th m

Treacy placed c1ghlh 10 a I :25.27. The oldest wa~ AI field ol 44 women m one hour Guuag: n~o,. last. m 147th plac~ 19 m1nutes and 12 ~ccond~. 10 2 4Y:~6. Ted Poulo!), 1n R1ta Noel (:\6) famshcd Jlth 1n thHd pla~.:e. ~~ bclte'\lcd to he I :21:29 N1ne Greenbclters the one who has run moTe Jl~-werc among the 147 male ftn· tan~.:c ra~.:es than anyoae 1n ..1

1shers: Clement~ was nmth 1n year. Of all the runner~ 1:02:00, Tom Noel (37) 10 :nth prc~ent, Greenhelt's Jnc place 1n I: I I 2-9. John Noel Broden d. won an award for (39) 3Mth 1n I·JI .. W. George runnmg m the mu!>l Labor Day Farr1s ( 4K) 49th in I: 16: ~6. ra~.:e~ ( 22 ). Thomas. Gorman Robert (/rumhtnc (15) lord 1n (41) Lmlcstown. PA won the 1.26: I~- Colin Thump!>on (::!5) wheckha1r race o'\ler a steep 1n 97th in J __ , I :!H. Jue ~o:uurse m 57:33. Broder11.:k. (60) 134th in I :34:07. Leonard Walla..:e n6J 142nd 1n 1:52:36, Donald Comi> <4~) 143rd <n 1:52:37, and M1ke Mullaney 1461 145th n 1:55 52

Former Greenbclters were: Bill Noel 143) Mt. A<ry. 42nd tn I:I.;,:H,, Harry Noel (411 Marlelon NJ, 5gth in I IK:30. · nd Bill Bishop 164) Laurel. JJOih tn I :14.-H,, 'anJ D1~o:k Good lbKi Amdent, MD l.lOth In 1·46.1~.

The wmner of th1~ I 0 mile ace wa., an Ens:Ji,hman. Larry

Mathew' (.H) Lundon. whtl led all the way and won by over 2 112 mmutes in ~4:B on a par­ticularly hot day. Anthony Basile (40) Columbia was sec-

nd· 1n 57:04, leading Ted Poulos (36) Mclean VA by a

Passageways Studios Hold Open House

The arttsts or Passageway~ S1ud1us announ..:e theu Fall Open Stud1os Sunday afternoon, Novemhcr 8. from 2 to 5 p m. The studws arc located al 600 I 66th Avenue. East Pmes Center. Rtvcrdalc

Pas\ag-eways '" an eleven artish ~.:ooperattve who~e mem­bers arc drawn frum :pr1ncc George·,, Howard. and Munt· gomcry t·ounlles. Thctr work mdudcs pnntmakmg. painting, sculpture, tapestry and miXed media. The pubhc 1s invited In

meet the artists 1n the.r studios. Light refreshments will he served.


...WUSIINGII Woodl:.ind H1ll~ - ~inR~ family, spacaous. solidly consr:ructC'd • BR, 2 BA h~. walk 10 ev:rythinR an town Buy new. move 'PflnR 99t call Lone for dcui.L,.. Low pnce $1 c;o.'

LAKE FRONTII N.w .... ..,...,.l...up lot in •ubdi-ri1ion, ovrr 1/2 .ac.r~! PlU&l...g,r aaraF· Ran oppomaniry fot- l.....aknKk Drive, caw:om. stick-br.Uk home. 4 BR. 3 BA rambkr, d..r'ishc baacmenr w/peat room wictli firrpbcc, Loe of windows, glistening hardwoods. Call Loric for a •how appointrncnt. 301~261~0500 x.266.


Dtm Qfdrorfs


Workshops will be held at the Greenbelt Community Center Dance Studio

Wednesday NOVEMBER 18

7-10 PM

Wednesday NOVEMBER 25

7-10 PM

$5.00 per workshop

For molT! information please contact the Community Center Office at 307· 397-22o8

_, ..... Thunclay, November 5, 1998

13 Greenbelters Finish Marathon

GeDer QaaHfiH For 5eld.- Olympics Harvey Geller. a long time race walk. losing by 4 seconds.

The Marine Corps Marathon held un Sunday, <Xtuher 25 had I X,(XJO enLrants n!fl~tered to ..:um­pletc the 26.2 mile ..:our'>c :\ml)ng them were I' Grr:cnbelters that fml\hed the r:u:e The;, With their re­~pc..:llve placement po}Oit1on\ and 11mes arc listed hclow: Stuart Venzke. 2.501. 3:55 32: Frank Wh111ing10n, -L~50. 4: 14:0X:

resident of Greenbelt. has ql13h- as both walkers broke the prcvi­lied in s1x event\ m the 75 to 79 ous record for that age group by year age group. of the National more than 35 second!>. He also Senior Olymp1..:' It wtll he held ~arne in second m hoth the 50 at D1SRt') World 1n Orbndo, yard and 100 yard hreast stroke

Nonnand Bemter . .5.051. 4:20:37: Man Smuheman. 5.255. 4:12:2X. Samar Sali-Harh, Y.OI3. 4:57:CH: Alex.ander RoHer. 10.42l. 5.1401. Marvm Ktng, H>,641. 5 17:02: Leonard Wallace. 10.666. 5:17: 17: Thoma\ Farrington. 10.7H3. 5:19: 16; Albert Greene. 11.118, 5:24:03: Sara Sp<Vey. 11.404, S·29: 12: Robyn Connor, 13.036, 6:26 4~: and Roclanqe Wilson, 13,125, 6:34:50

Congratulat1o1S tp everyone lor finashing the grudmg race.

Flonda. In o~.:toher I'JlJ9. T(l qualify he had to pla..:c either tir\t or sc..:ond 1n thc!>.c events tn

the M:uyhmd Senwr Olympt..:~. which ended In early o~tohcr at Towwn State Umver\lly. f

Geller won hoth the 5K and I OK bicydc rao,;e despite the ~ad that he hll a pnl hole anJ had llats m both of h1~ tire\. Geller placed second m the 150:) meter

The Twelfth Annual Winter Festival of Lights event 1s sched­uled to stan November 27, and wtll continue through January 3, from 5 unt1~ 9:~0 p.m., at Watkins Rcg10nal Park. Upper Marlboro.

Anyon<: who would l1ke to

swimming rill.:es. Geller has been ~.:ompcting m

the Senior Olymp1..:s. both on the state and national level sin..:c IIJ82. He has set age group records in both iace walking and ..:ycling at the state level and ha.' won a number of medals m these events at the nationals, wh1..:h have been held· every two years since 1987.

help support this event as a vol~ unleer. and collccl food for the needy at lhe Festival, please con­tact the Foundation's office at 301~464~6706. For directions and general infonnation, call the festival event line at 301-699~ 2545.


In-person rt'g_l!'ltration, first~co~. first~s~rv~d basis. All classes hav~ a limit on enrollllll!nt. Early registr...U:ton improvt!s your chanc~s of g~ttmg the das~ you want!! All regislranls must sign up :tllhc Greonbell Aquatic & Fitness Conter for aquatic and fitnoss classes.

CLASS FEES: All class fees are notod in the course list. A IO<k discount will be givon to all senior citizens. 60 years old and over, for non~ senior clao;ses.

REFUNDS: The Greenbelt Aquatic & Fitness Center reserves the righlto cancel classes due lo insufficient registrants or causes beyond its control. Refunds will be made if classes are canceled by the Center. Other refunds will be made according to Jhe provisions in the City of Greenbelt Resolution No. 65, which also requires lhal refund requests, for valid reasons, are to be submitted immediately in writing lo the GAfC.

CITY RESIDENCY: Greenbelt residents are those who pay taxes lo the City of Greenbelt AND are eligible to vote in City elections. That is a.o; it should be, as our residents pay taxes to suppon the Recreation Centers and the Aquatic & fitness Center in our conununity. However. JUSI because someone has a Greenbelt address does not necessarily mean they pay taxes to the City of Greenbeh and an: able lo vote in City elections. We wantlo be fair to the people whose tall money suppons our programs. If you an: not sure lhat you have a Greenbelt address, are able lo vote in City elections, and pay City taxes, call 301-397-2204.

All registrants registering as resident non-passholders must show proof 10 receive Greenbelt resident status. Ac:cepe.ble Proof: Vlllld llunse or current lase.

MAINSTREAMING: Anyone who is physically, mentally, and/or emotionally challenged is encouraged to participate in any of the Aquatic & fitness Center's programs. If you need any special assi•lance, please call 301-397-2208 or TrY 301-474-1811 and a<k for Karen Haseley.

GAFC Class & Regiatration Dates

FaU Mini-Session: November 23. 1998 - December 18, 1998 Passholder.; & Residents register: Monday. November 9 & Tuesday, November 10

Non-Residents register: Wednesday. November .II - friday, November 13

Aogistef <n person lithe GAFC between 6:00am and 10:00pm tor all dales noted above. CIUs rates do not include uoe ollrtness wing or pool, before or after class limes.

Claaaes haw been prorated for November 26th & 27th.

'""""'' DayfTinw: '''" Ra· NonRe~-

Land Aerobic• Claues (16 years+) Holden. Non Pan NonPau Holdrn Holden

Rise & Shine M!WIF 6:30am- 7·15am $28 $32 $37 Step I M!WIF 6:30pm· 7:15pm 28 32 37 Step Circuit TfTH 7:30am·M·l5am 22 27 31 Tighlen .l Tone M!WIF 9:00om-9'45am 28 32 37 Tighlen & Tone TfTH 6:30pm·}: l5pm 22 27 >I

Water Aerobic• Claues (16 years+)

Aquaclze MIWIF 8:00am-8:45am $28 "$32 $37 AquacllC MIWIF I 0:00am- I 0:45am 28 32 37 Aquac1tc MIW 7:00pm· 7:45pm 25 30 35 Aqua&:ize TfTH 6:00pm-6:45pm 22 27 31 Aquacue (drop-in) F 6:00pm-6:45pm 2 5 5 Anhritis Aquatic!> MIWIF 2:00pm-2:45pm 28 32 37 Deep Water Aemhics MIW 7:00pm-7:45pm 25 30 35 Deep Water Aerobio,;s TfTH 6:00pm-6:45pm 22 27 31 Deep Water AJthrilis MIWIF 3:00pm-N5pm 28 32 37 Semon.:ire TfTH l0:00am-IU:45am 21 2S 29 Water Intern I Training MIW 6:00pm-6:45pm 25 30 35 Wa~er Walking TfTH 8:ooPm-8:45pm 22 27 31

Kindergarten costumers are led by Little Miss Green bell, Jesska Hall.

BaDoweea Coet11111e Coateet IUld Parade Colorfully ~ostumed fairy

princesses, ghouls, and charac­ters of all kinds paraded out of the Youth Center on Fnday. Oc­tober 30. They marched up and down the service road and returned to the gymnasium for a special Halloween magic ~how. The finale to the event, of course, was the naming of the costume contest winners. The task for the judges was formtdablc, but after careful consJdcrallon, they were able to ~clc..:t a few participants as pri1.c winners. Miss Greenbelt, Junior Miss Greenbelt. Little Mi~~ Greenbelt, and Betty Lehman volunteered their time :o help with the event.

The prize winners were: -Ages 0 · 2: Jonathan Plane

- Pillsbury Doughboy. Marayna Sm1th - Baby Dalmatian, James Coleman ~ Green Dragon, and

Dylan Heo1 proudly displays his Red Power R•111er costume.

Kids Ha~nt Li~ry by Eclword Jones

ThcrC: were ahuut 20 or 30 kJds ages 3-5 at the Greenbelt Li­hrary on October 29 at 10:15 a.m. All the kids were wearing different costumes. I saw prin~

..:e~ses. construction wnrkers. and ~upcrheroes, and the list goes on. There was. of course. a photogra~ pher there capturing this whole memorable occaston on film.

Soon a bell was ringing. That bell was telling everyhody that it was storytime.

Suddenly. I heard a child an­nounce in his most grown-up voice, "I am not a baby!" OK.

There was a Halloween story bemg enthusiastically read; the children were tnraptured. The first Halloween story was swiftly

Kelley Jo Wallace - Tigger. Ages 3 and 4: Casey Gales

- Humpty Dumpty, Megan Clarke ~ Mulan, Billy Scoll ~

Dalmatian. and Taylor Hunt ~

Telelubby. Kindergarten: Nicholas

Hardy - King Tul, Mikhail lriarte ~ Captain Hook, Megan Joha~a - Cheerleader. and Dina Sherif - Princess.

First and second grade: Colin Gates ~ Elvi~. Erin Donn - Madeline, and Angel Plane -Fair Prim.:css. ·

Third and fourth grade: Michael White • Dragon, Taylor Gates Cruella Deville, Melanie Coppola • The Bnr· rower, and Laura Jayic - Ma1d.

Fifth and sixth grade: Catherine Reinking · Cat in the Hal, Jasmine Sherif · Pnncess. and Ashleigh Coppola · Hal­loween Spirit.

'JWins, lao and Patrick Gleuoa go door to door 'in Greenbelt looking tor tre-ats.

followed hy three or lour that the children could interact with. l1le children weren't the only people who liked to he a part of a story. It seemed that there were a few adult~ who were enjoying the story a:-. much as the ..:hildren. There was a story about five pumpkins. One or the pumpkins was acting obnoxious and kept falling off of lite board it was on, which made the story even better, and lhc children laughed

Nut, because the kids were too young to go out 31 night trick or treating. they walked around the library and saw different li­brarians, who gave them candy.

Yes. this proves my point that Halloween IS a great time to be a kid. For a kid, lite Grccnbcll li­brary is lite perfect place.

I I 'I •'

ilmila.t .......

Tr,ck-or-trater trata u• to aD adon~ble esprn~loa.

llalloweeD Tour: Aaother Gnat Job by Jerry Healey

Once again the night of ghosts and strange 'beings has graced us and it was time to put our efforts together and ..:reate a trail. enjoyable for all ages and a linle spooky for our older groups. We were two nights away from this annual spectacular affair, as we all met al a well-decorated yard in Greenbelt. There were SO uncarved pumpkins awaitihg uur skillful hands to turn them inw wonders of the season. The local Boy Scouts and par· eniS with the "Committee to Save the Green Belt" began cu cumplete thls mission.

The following Saturday some S..:nut~. along With my­self. met at lhc trail at Nunhway Wouds to plan th1s special event. As the work be­gan, many more showed up to help, and within 8 or 10 hours we were ready lo begin.

As the sun sank into dark­ness. the cars full of viititor!> and brave souls gathered the

· nerve to walk along the trail. They were ~reeted by a story­teller and a hot cup of c1der or hot chocolate. '

As they proceeded 111 the he· ginning of our trail, thCy were stopped and asked to please he patient by two well-drc\~ed pi­rate~. In a few moment!> all

were met by a aentle and graceful &host, who took them through the start of a memo~ rahle evening. As they walked, lhey were entertained by a dancer and drummer. a ghoul sitting on a couch telling them which way to go, and ended up al a door. Our ghost knocked on the door and asked to be guided into the spooky section.

Another guide ,took us past ghosts, ghouls, vampires, a wolfman and a mad jester, where we ended up at a dark tunnel. A~ we proceeded through this, we ended up in a quaint little cemetery, wh1ch was a little too quiet As we walked the trail, aware of the darkne!>s around us, we saw a light at the end uf the trail. This was a spectal creal for our younger groups, where they were given a baa and tb.rec. spots to trick or treat after be~ ing wished a happy and safe Halloween by a magic wizard.

I would like to take this time to thank everyone who helped this year - from carv­ing pumpkins to working the

· trail, telling storie!!o and the wonderful hoi treats. I hope yuu will do this each year and gel more people mvolved. for to do th1s event takes a lot of planning, time and most of all patience · huh Paul? Thanks!

Turner, tile "DH• of Malic," IIHS a YOIIBI Ro- . maa 10ldler to ...tot bl• wllb •· dlsoppearla1 Irick.



J.A.M. Resume Servu:es. ProCessiOn· als, student:\, cntry·le\'cl, rruhtary. ec..:

GUITAR Lessons - Scales, chords. theory, rcadmg Full·tlmr in&troctor 301-937-8370

HOME MOVIES Slides, Picture' t,.....fcm:d 10 VHS. Tape Repo>r. HLM Production1. Inc. 301-474--674i.

To schedule an appoanlmcnt, call Kathy Kirby. 301-51:1-9107.

HANDYMAN - Painlinl, yard and houocdcaruna. John, 301-474-348'1

CASH FOR YOUR VALUABLES! Jewelry, daamonds, Wlllehea. cameras. tools, guns. We buy. sell and k>an any­thmg o( value. We pawn wtos. A-I PAWNBROKERS 301-l-4~58

F- Auuta~W Shlu'1 A,__, YOUR ll'atSC»tAL LAWYI:It


A =~~c.-. c ....... ClouJoo State & f..,_. Courts


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'll)M McANDREW - GRI!ENBELT WINDOWS.!< PAINTING- Rcplace­mentwmdow5 and doon andvinyl skJ­in&. Phone JOI/474-9434, MHIC 26087 .

WISUil COIS1IICTIOI All brand• &. uyl~• at REASONABLE Prien. Call for Appoml_,.l An.,-. If oo aaswer, plcaK call back. I'm out 1ellina to your

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Ther~peutic Massase

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M.lsup TM<r~piStl MWJ Proktsraw/ EJ#wt~e~ns

• Wi~xing

Make-up Design ---·:w.-. Wool-lion-..... •l'ri-lot_.,.. l4l CENTE.WAY • Cia£ENBELT, MD 20770 • 301-345-1&49

Dr. Gary Feldm-" ~~ ... -SurPon

IN OfFICE TREATMENT Of: • Heel painnleel spurs • Spans .-.faqd loot and anlde po-oblems • Corm, calfusa and woru • funcus nails. tnctucMnc new t:r"Qan.-.t • Anlde .,...,. • 11un1ons and hamm• roes • Dtabetic foot are

lll4~DrM.....,.,Ho!P 301-345-1100

r "' StiR of Muylaod Vehicle Emissions Inspection Program

c.dfW ................ IF~

Greenbelt Auto & Truck Repair Inc. Ftlciliry #5459

159 Centetw8y Road .._________ a.-.belt, ....,._ 20770 ~

-- 301·982·2582 ~-_ ... _ A.S.E. J.iicliiii'DIIIr Mater Certlfted Technlclllfl•

A complete service facility equipped to perform all service requirements that your manufacturer recommends to comply with Preventive Maintenance service schedules & extended warranty programs! Also, routine repairs that keep your vehicles operating safely ~ reliably. .. ..

Tbunclay, November 5, 1998

TAXES - We ~lvc tax problems. Call Moryada!> AJowclal~ tax ~r1{u.:c. 301-474-9427.'

DECKS POWER-WASHED AND CLASSIFIED SEALED. Smalldcds$95 Largcrcl- STATE MOVER-MOVING? Wanna evar:ed decks. S I 55. 101-213-3273. move a couch. room. office, apartment,

PIANO LESSONS_ Spcmlizln&'" houoc, call301-345-8323. Good Rales

begmners. Kad!. Adulls.lndmdualized JUMP START your business on the lenons. 301-345-4132 lnt.emet. Ph leave menage, 301-982-

LIGHT MOVING. hauling, 'leaf raking :17:.:

24::.:;,· --------­

&odd Jobs. Ca!IQu>ncy.3111-l45-1007 CALDWELL'S APPLIANCE SER-

1 WILL PAINT intcnor or extenor of ~~~;_·3~~-~~;~pa•red. Call afler

your home. I have twenty yean eApen-ence Low rate11 Call Rohert. 301-474- CLASSES 1n stage l1ght1ng or sound by 1K4Y professional. Call301-474-0501.

Niii' r.-.11 · HrJ l, :11" ,;~ n«lb

<.UMom rnalk drcut" 8nd.;al(.oeJWn5

8ndnma~eh • Chous Spcn~l Onk~ • Ahcrahoru.


HI Uo'H Sthooltl!' ~


~~JOChcrrywood Llnc" •F <.irrcnbtii,Md 20':"70

lnternt'ed tn creanng a Grttn~ htlt surron grour1 Thas mom needs help~ Em:ul me With y\'IUT tho1ught~ and \ugg~uons Leonard@Gr«nhelr.cum.

74- I

POSITION VACANCY Youth & Family Cou- (112 lime) - $15.11/hr. MSW preferred wtbeckground in cognitivelbehavioral family systems & min. of 2 yrs. experience in tamlly counseling. EOE. Apply. City of G-- P...,.,.., 25 c-.1 Rd., Greenbell, MD 20770 or C811301-474-18721or raquftcl ~-

~wu.,. llnct.llld""' __ ... _

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Gehring Construction Co., Inc.

MHIC #7540

HOME REMODEliNG SPECIAliST I 11. 1\ ...... 1,,,_. 1:' I• I

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1\ I' • \ I • :.o111.,,1 •·

BRICK - BLOCK- CONCRETE Free Estimates I Town References

"S.r•'in& G .... nlwlt For 30 Y~an"

. Calll>i<k Grhrin~ 301/441-1246 8303 58th Ave. • Be n He' ts, MD

RATES CLASSIFIED: $2.50 minimum

for ten worth. 151 each additional word. No chatJe ror listing item5 that are found. Submit ad with payment totheNewsRninrofficeby IOp.m. Thcsday, or to the News llnirw drop be" in lhc G=nbcll Co-op grocery ~ before 7 p.m. Tuesday. or mail to IS Crescent Road, Su11c I 00. Gn:enbcll, Maryland 2f1170.

BOXED: $6.25 column im:h. Minimum I lflancho($9.38). Dead­line 10 p m. Monday.

lndudc: name. phone no. and ad­dres!> w1th ad copy. Ads not l:Onsu..l­ered accepted unttl published.

LEAf RAKING - Yards machtne cleaned. 20% offbefnreThank~givmg. JOI-474-407S

ASSISTED LIVING- J & J Home lil: group home "t Berwyn He1~h1s pro­vides 24 hr. elderly care m a pnvate home selling. Nutriuou!. homemade meals, medicalaon superv•~1on. a~\1~­tancc With daily rout1ncs, housekeep­mg. etc .. at a reasonable fee. For more mformation, plea!i.C call 301-474-5692 or 301-924-9017.

EXPERIENCED TEACHER offm dalloseS in En&lish for foreigners. Rea­sonable. 301-474-0501.

support lor hurting people. QueslioninK pcnonal siJ!11ificll"""? Come and meet with other Christians who combine prayer, ocriptun!, praise and moJ,.I•II011.W,... Thundays -7:00 Ill 8:30PM at Glftllbeh Church c.u

TRAIN PRINTING QuiUt Olh#l Prllllillf


.-­---- ... -~ ---,_ ........

W.U. or Bille 18 NASA 5 Bd, 2 Ba.llen FF/CAC

Jlcvel splil $149,900

BoxwoOd $163,008 4 8d, 2 112 Baths

In-law ape

u-,--c-10 $35.000

lmma.;ulil< - Scparale laundry room - no steps - great for elderly


301--982-7148 AMociote Broker

Tbunday, Nonmbcr 5, 1998

A NEW LEATHER COUCH for sale. · D VEKTISING -~:;;,·~K-~ $_500.Ca-11 Kath-y 301-

f'loae 15


YARD SALE - MULTIFAMILY. Thank you Sl. Jude for pnyen an­Clothes. books, toys. small appliances. swered.


ARE YOU SICK AND TIRED of he· lng sick and tired? Help yourself lo better health. 30day money-back guar­

de. 8800 6_3rd A~e. Berwyn Heights. r~~ciilil;li ---....::=...:...==-----1 YARD SALE- LQI.s or stuff, fumi· LICENSED DAY CARE - .ture.aood ladles clothes, stzcs 6·8. 9(j

THINKING OF SELLING your GHI home? Anend a seller11 mformatlon mectmg sponsored by the Marketing Comm111ee. Tue~day. No11emhcr I Oat H p.m. 1n the OHI Board Roum. Hamihon Place. Refre~hmcnl~ ~rved


19~H S-10 BLAZER- 20. 4WD auto­matiC. 4.JV6. A/C. PIS. PIW, PIL. up· per & lower center console:~ w/CB uml, Jlarm ~ystcm. tow packatitc. A:tkmg SS,J!X>'OBO. JOI-474-K04K.

HONDA CIVIC 1'19) 5-,pced, 6HK m1le~. Sb.OOOJnr ~st oflcr. 301-474-2161.


WOODWIND PLAYER for vancty band. JOI-474-0501

SITTER NEEDED for par1-t1mc and weekends. Call Kalhy 301-486-1 K22

Holbert's Home Imp •

ZEUS EUCTRIC f.u11hlln Qualit-y Wnrk

Dun.- w/ Pricl.-! ~u jHII Inn ~mo~~1J.

.·tl,L work don~ by .'M.uler f:U.ctricion

ln,.ur .... t l..ic•. lfll42 Pr. c ..... l0t-h22-h'l99 t 301-907-1025


+portraits +portfolios + advertising

+ commercial photognpby

J.Henson photographer


antee. All natural herbal vuamins and HELEN: TRAINED wy protem based products at wh-ole· sale price!l~ From your free ~amplcs caii_,QJ-345-7632. cncer.

1061. ELLIPTICAL AEROBIC,EXERCISE MACHINE. No imp.act. tutal hody workout \upper & luwc:r). Sl20.00 Call: 301-474-3673.

STEEL BUILDINGS. Faclory ha> cancelled orders that must go Immedi­ately. Willin~ to cut pr~ee~ dra~11cally. 20x24. 25 ... 26, 30x40. 40li.6S. Ideal _garage$/workshops. Call ASAP. 1-H00-341-7007.

Open Aoor Plan - $64,900. Freshly painted. New Spacious home with 2 story addition, 3 bedrooms

den, dining room, modem kitchen, washer/dryer. Low fee- $267/month. Ask for

Barllara Zietz 301-441-9511 Long & Foster, College Park

Traditional Monuments Cremation Funerals Servi~e

Donald V. Borgwardt Funeral Home, P.A.

Family owned and operated

4400 Powder Mill Rd. BeltsviUe, Md. 20705·2751 (301) 937-1?07

Pre-Need Counseling By Appolnlmenl

ANNUA~ fALL BAZAAR $1000 Raffle • Cralt5 • White Elephant Table

Plants • Bak.e Sale • Food.

And Morelli

ST. IIUGH'S CHURCH, GRENOBLE HALL • Sat _November 14, 1998 · 10:00 a.m. -3:00p.m.


Research Rd, No-v. 7, 9 to I.


CINDY 5HIFFLE1' W ln'ERS Sat., No¥. '7·9 pm-1 am

~We&..,{ RMrdolcPizzaPub

6158 Kcn1lwonh Ave. Doaallono• $5 at door



MIKE M.OONAGU ++1·9637

Do you need help with -bouse claruna? Let us help. We are a husband and wife team wortina in your area for over 1wel~e yean wllh excellent Greenbelt refermccs.

We provide wed<ly, bi-~y and. a sprin& type cleanina. · Al10 availlble are w1ndow cleanina: lnd interior palnling.


insured, n..1'Utable company.

Call John or 1iunmy

for Free estimates at 262-5151

RUMMAGE SALE sun., Nov .. 8. 9 am - 5 pm Mon .. Nov., 9. 9 am • 5 pm

MISHKAN TORAH Ridge Road I Westway, GreenbeH


NEW-TO·YOU SHOPPING GREAT VALUES -HAVE RJN Due ro me expected crowd. $lro/lerstcorrloges not permitted.

ilril Old Greenbelt Citgo 4ffl!l ~ Dave Meadows ¥ ... · Seroice Manager .

I Maryland State Inspections I Oil Changes, Batteries 301-474-0046

20 Southway Greenbelt, MD 20770 '

' I Brakes, Shocks, Tires Exhausts & Tune-Ups MD State Lottery·

2A 'Houri for Gal and Snackl • ·-===· FIND OUT


1 Expansive wtth 2-story addiUon backs to woods! 5 BR. 4 1/2 BA. hu~c Uvf,nJ( room. home •IO::O&IU.


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We promise a fast and plea~anl purchase er:>ery

ti~e you ~isir.

j ofnce option. Refinished wood Doors. Jots of wtndows and skyiiJ!ht. 2 decks. balcony. pallo. Spaclousl $189.900.

' OPEN HOUSE Sunday. November B. 1-5 p.m. for i Information or to arranp;e a prtvat~ showing. call IEDEif 1 KUO at 301-277-5236. or at Welchut Realtors. 301-681-

0400x 119.

Fnink Jofinson. is And·welllWl, StiU offering

in-home service (or carry--lu) stereos, TV's, VCR'e

anti inomtors. Sam.e Old rmmea& aad~.

Days.~ __ , ••• 1

With Coldwell Banker Stevens You • Nalional SUpport .;di Local Own<rship'

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t IiI \I J! I I I f \\ I' ' lt i) t I II' \I ~ I ~ I' I \1 I '

· To "Parlner" wilh a comp~~~y thai's the/tllt#l-grrllllltlf rfllll estats comptmy in !he enlire Washingtoo metropolitan -.

can Adele Lewis 301-474-5700


I'Ntiftl ....... CnidivitJ All4 eompetitW. Ia Putle•r...a• by s-dt' s.illl .....a a S2S awanl for its bood> r.te. 'Ibis ,..... finl1llloe ..._.

w;..,... ~ boocbl. man:h- with the tndemarlt ~r mar- in the 11110 <*JCIY - Ooorp m. -. ,_., ..S performcn. • quoe. Tho Gnlmbdt Alllocialion c-D's cor. clooianod • a I<Jid>. the Greenbelt Labor Day Festival for the VIIUOI Arts ,... the fourth- ing tribute 10 the lllle Louis art and pbolo show winnen wen: prize ribbon winner, spelling its Goldslloin. long-lime 5I* ~ announced iD -tier issues of the name ;, point jeUina out from a ttoller and pemmiol ~lpoal iD

SL H•1h's K•IIJI!a otC .. aehu man:b to willtllinl prize in the .,.,. ... _

News Review, as were the w;..,... tube • the top o( the booth the Gowlbell Labor Day ., of competilioM ap<JI1S<lR>d by the !'Indo A..- Friends of the Onlellbelt Ill-Greenbelt Recrealion Deportment. Awards for the 1998 parade hod a viatase auto win second But!IIIIIY other cunpelitiono in the were given in many categories. prizle. ond- Gnlm t..dlclp-Feslival also inspim! the besleffCIU Tbe noat sponsored by the ing took thild pUce· of many orpaiz.llions ond indivd>- Greenbelt Boy Scouts and Cub What is a porade wilhout per-als. Scoots was selected as the best fcnnel5? This ,.-·s·J*Wie bad

C-..1 Boodl w- no.. Tho second prize was given some of the best. Tho Soulhwat Tho carnival booths hod hard 10 the Greenbelt Homes Inc. flail, Vqinia Cklam won tint ploce iD

competition !his year for the beSI and the third prize went to St. the perforrnins/drilVdoolce "*PY· booth--with m•y carrying out a Hugh's Knights of Columbus. lbey travelled owz 300 miles to

theme in a very cn:ative 111111ner. Mill)' community groups also por- .,.uc;.- ond their aowd-ploaing Greenbelt HORD Inc. with its au- ticipated in the parade. Greenbelt performances all alons the porade tumn tntn1 ond n:stful !dling won Dog Tr.tirung was named the best, route also brought them a n:peat ftrSI prize and a cash awll'll of $7S. followed by the Gn:enbelt Bahai reoognition as the Best in Plnde. Second prize and a SSO awll'll watt community, and third prize was Tho Greenbelt - Fm: De-to Cub Seoul Pack 202 fer its n:n- taken by the Greenbelt Boys and ponm:nt won ftnt place in the fiR: dJtion of a video game theme. Tho Girls Club. truck category, followed by Berwyn tltild-prizo: winnor was the Gn:enbelt Unique and special autos are Heights and 8130Chville units. Foundation for the Arts, which gar· always popular entries in the pa-

Happy -eben otaroups wblcll won prizes for dillon or a video p-), Elloo Petenooo, who their booths at tile Labor Day Festival are repraoaled tbe GreoaiMit Arts FouDCIMioa. 3,. Mlcloael Tripe, Cubasulor Michael Kelley oad prize winner aDd Barban Sl-, rupraoat­bb soa ADdrow, Billy Foorter aud T. J. Sluoa In& lho Greenbelt Auoclatioa for tbo Vbaal (Cub Pack ZOZ won -oDd prize for their ron· Arb, 4* place wlnaon.- ....... loy .....,..,. Znalloo

,..,..os""-""'osiO%' w1.... .-y N6t;onw;de• in......d

dro- in 'fOI' ~has 0 cloon d.Mng ....,..! (oa:idont and ......... freol fa,. .. '"""""~ period. Call "' Ieday fa,. ,... inlonnation aloliw ..................... ...,. on auiO tnwrance


B 1Coloy CDrrigan

B'I51E~Rd. ~


l);m v-..........,.. __ .......,._

Gr«~~belt Mrutidpfiiii'Nblic kceu TV Cllllltllel ~ltl Sdletblle

MUNICIPAL ACCESS-301-474-1006 M011dlly, Navmtber 9111 I:(J()p.m.

City Council Meeting "Live"

Tuesdlly 1111d Tllu,.,.,, NUt!etffbn /0 & 11 6:00 "How tD Reduce, Reuse and Recycle" 6:.10 p.m. ''Greenbelt Recreation Ha11owelll Ewnts'' 7:30p.m. "Roplay of Council Meeting of 11/9/98"


For information on tho Public A.ccea Schedule please see Channel 8-10.

EN)Oyt ---Food+ Fun ~·Fellowship ..... , --


4902 Berwyn Road

Frldlly, Nov. I J, 5 p.m. Irish Dinner $6.50 'Til I I polL Las Vegas Night

Saturct.y, Nov. 14 8 a.rri. Yard & Hall Sale Noon -Bazaar & Lunch

4:JO p.m. Taste of ICaly Dinner $6/adulls. $311dd5; .f2Mamlly of 5

·=-~ . I I p.m. Jl.tfles.- ~. ()rlolei, ~ capitals ~,Ma~made QUilt '
